#so many cop shows so many cop shows ughhhhh
notasapleasure · 1 year
Vera S08.E01 (2018)
Naz Ahmed, I hope you have more to do than Dr Chandra did, this is probably the last of today's Joplin-watch and I'm getting towards the end of the list of things that are easy to find on terrestrial TV :')
Rooting for him not being the guy they found in the abattoir incinerator :')
Vera herself is a sweet wee Geordie granny detective who sounds permanently exhausted and I love her already.
PHEW not him in the incinerator. I was preparing myself for flashbacks only. :') Instead it was a severe case of retirony on a policeman's last day before retirement. And given he was executed with a bullet to the back of the head, everyone is remarkably chill! No hysterical yelling for Vera and her north-eastern colleagues.
Ah ha! Again, a half hour wait and he is revealed to be a lorry driver who maybe delivered the body to the abattoir. He's not a fan of coppers.
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He's not happy! And I note he's not bothering with a Geordie accent now he's surrounded by Geordies. According to his boss he's a decent guy anyway.
Oh dear, he's served time in Durham for violent affray...
It's not looking good, babe! But it'd be too simple if you did it...
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Here comes his mysteriously expensive lawyer and off goes Naz.
OH I knew the daughter of the dead copper was familiar! Constance from BBC Musketeers! <3
An hour and a half episode and we've basically had two scenes. I cherish Brasso even more than ever now - the roles Joplin got over ten years ago were so much more fun and varied than the more recent stuff :(
And I also like Vera a lot less now - she's tough, sure, but she's such a fucking cop. Standard procedural fare tbh - everyone is horrible and I don't care who did it or why. How do people watch this stuff week in and week out and root for any of them?
Dead? Presumably not
Evil? This was always a flippant question, but the show is not interested in exploring much of an answer beyond ‘probably, yes’, given that he’s repeatedly defined only by his past offense and conviction. Which makes me inclined to say - inherently? No. But what is there to go on, after all
Affects the plot? Not as such.
Another disappointing 1/5. Thank goodness for Hustle earlier today, everything else has been something of a bust.
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zevranunderstander · 2 years
my honest to god opinion is if you liked atla but you have to mention how much you hated korra all the time, you're really boring and annoying because yeah, korra made some choices i also didn't like, but as a overall product its a really fucking good tv show and you can all shut up
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loslotharios · 3 years
Duuuuuude newest episode of tbl... that was something, huh?
I literally have so many thoughts and cant express any of them... but I'm gonna try
First of all, I JUST KNOW Dembe was annoyed asf by Red and Elizabeth having a whole ass back and forth while Townsend and his people were outside the bar. He's just like "THEY ARE COMING. THEY ARE RIGHT THERE. I CAN SEE THEM. YOU GUYS WHAT DO WE DO." and they're just like "you hear something?"
Dembe holding the gun to the cop while being like "sorry sorry I'm so sorry" the whole time? *chef's kiss* amazing. I wanna marry him.
Also I love Elizabeth. Totally love her don't get me wrong, but oh my god was she entirely too much this episode. Like just why??? Ma'am just stop. Please.
I can see how she'd think her plan would work, but like she was literally in the car with Red while he was being tracked... I dont think she thought that one through tbh.
Though Red locking her in a horse stable did have me rooting for her just a little bit. Like sir the audacity is astounding.
Speaking of that scene, I know Aram is literally the most pure and kind character in the show. But the way they filmed his conversation with Keen (like the lighting and shadows) made him look so evil and I loved it. It made me think.
Ressler and his lung infection 😔 get well soon bestie ily. Park being at his side was cute. It is kind of weird how him being on the brink of death seems almost like an afterthought. I feel like they could be making a bigger deal of it. I dont know maybe they will in these last episodes or next season.
Harold was just radiating stress this entire episode lmao. Also i once again won in the Red/Cooper department. Cooper really said "My husband is in danger? ALERT EVERYONE"
The ending was great loved it. I'm literally freaking out I'm so excited for the next episode. I just know its gonna be so cool ughhhhh.
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Star Trek Kelly Severide x reader
written by @anotheronechicagobog​
Requested by @raveenasblog​
Warnings: swearing, mature themes, mature language, reader is sister of Sheldon Jin from S1 of CPD, Star Trek references (another series I unfortunately don’t own)
A/N: Sorry that this took me so long, I hope you like it!
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You worked at Chicago Central University as a biomedical engineering researcher. It was a hard job with long hours but you loved it, you couldn’t picture yourself doing something else. You were working on artificial organs, eyes specifically. After ten straight hours of work, you headed down to the microbiology department to get your friend and roommate Veronica (who said she’d come in later when you left at your usual 3:30 am because she wasn’t feeling well), drag her away from her desk, and go get lunch. You arrived on the floor, using your high clearance ID badge to enter the hallway. Everything looked normal, all except for Dr. Seldon. He looked even more jumpy and paranoid than usual. “Dr. Seldon?” He almost gave himself whiplash with how fast he turned around. “Y/N- Dr. Jin- Hi, uh, what are you doing here?”
“I’m... Looking for Veronica Song... Are you alright?”
“Uh, yes, yes, I’m fine. Veronica’s not here today, and- I just think that you should get back to your own floor.” He was jittery, eyes jumping from place to place, unable to remain still, looking at his watch every few seconds. “I have to go.” And before you could get another word out, he was gone. You nodded to yourself, shrugging off his behaviour, having heard stories about how paranoid the man could be. You were making your way back to the elevator, finding it odd that Seldon had left using the stairs considering everyone knew that the stairs from the basement labs to the first floor were an architectural nightmare. Again, you shrugged it off, he was probably abiding by some new internet conspiracy theory. The elevator was almost to the eighth floor when there was a loud, suction like pop. The elevator abruptly stopped, causing you to crash on the floor, the red emergency lights turned on. Getting onto your sore knees and wiping the blood from the side of your head, you dazily wobbled over to the emergency call button. “911, what is your emergency?”
“I’m at CCU in the biology building, stuck in an elevator, in between the basement labs and first floor... I hit my head... An- and it’s getting really hot in here. I- I can hear crackling, I think- fire? I think there’s a fire-”
“Yes, it’s just been reported by multiple people that there is a fire in the Zurich building on the CCU campus, hazmat situation. Just remain calm- Ms...?”
“Dr. Y/N Jin.”
“Alright just hold tight and stay on the line, every firefighter company within a 20-kilometre radius has been sent to this call.”
You felt like you were in an oven. Your lab coat and sweater had been shed, one dumped on the floor, the other used to stop the bleeding on your throbbing head. You had left yourself in only your lanyard, a thin flowery skirt, and a tank top that were both soaking up your sweat, but the elevator was getting so hot and so constricted that you were considering just shedding everything in an effort to cool down, if just for a moment. It was getting so difficult to breathe, smoke had taken up residence in the top of the elevator, and your dry throat was making it immensely more painful when you coughed, which was frequent.
“Fire department! You okay in there?”
You couldn’t speak, you were too tired, too weak to do so. So you mustered up enough energy to bang on the door. Only once, though, because the metal had heated up the metal door and burned your hand. There was the scraping of tools against the doors before a creaking sound took their place. Then as the gap went from nonexistent to halfway open you were met with the forms of two firefighters, faces and bodies obstructed by their equipment. You didn’t have to speak, before you could blink you had been pulled out of the elevator and into a firefighter’s arms... And a hallway filled with green fire. “Hi.”
“Try not to talk, okay?”
“Capp, have you found a way to break the glass to the lab?”
“No lieutenant! The glass is too thick!”
“The gas canisters,” you pointed to the massive metal cylinders that were stored across from the centrifuge lab, or glass lab as your heroes kept referring to it as, “coul- *cough* use as a batter- *cough cough cough* battering ram-” You were cut off by your own lungs and an incredibly painful coughing spree. “That could work. Hey, stand over here, Cruz, Capp, help me grab one of these.” 
“You got it Severide!” The other two firefighters set down their tools and helped their lieutenant hold a gas canister horizontally before swinging in back and forward again, into the glass. It took what felt like too long for the glass to crack, and longer for it to shatter, providing an exit for your trapped colleagues. The ceiling above the firefighter who’d held you was guiding the trapped victims out of the room when you noticed that the ceiling above him was doing two things ceilings weren’t supposed to do; making unpleasant noises, and moving. You didn’t think, just acted. You moved away from the wall that lieutenant Severide had directed you to stand by and shoved him and the last victim out of the way. The burning chunk came down just behind you and singed your hair and the back of your skirt. Severide jumped into action, using a chemical fire extinguisher to put the fire out. “Okay; everyone out now.” Severide picked up your exhausted form and hauled ass out of the building with everyone else following his lead.
You couldn’t really remember much after being sprayed with a fire extinguisher, there were groggy flashes of being dragged through the decontamination tent by paramedics and people in blue suits, the ambulance ride with what you were 90% sure was an actual angel treating you, and doctors in PPE fluttering around you, poking and prodding and scanning you. 
You came to in a hospital room that reeked of sanitization products, it seared your nostrils and quickly you felt another coughing fit coming on. There was a plastic lining around your mouth and nose, it was annoying, you tried to remove it but you couldn’t even lift your arm. “Hey, hey, hey, don’t move, okay? You’re at the hospital and you’re not stable, you need to remain calm and still”
‘Not stable’? C’mon, lady, give me some details, please!
“You were in a building with a chemical fire, and your roommate was just connected to multiple cases of necrotizing fasciitis, we’re testing your cultures now, but we won’t know for a while, okay? A doctor will be here to talk to you in a minute, okay?”
You’d been in the hospital for two weeks and were currently arguing with your insurance company, who were trying to get out of paying your hospital bill. You hung up, frustrated.
“Hey, is this a good time?”
“As long as you brought food.”
“Ha, always. You okay?”
“Yeah, my insurance company are just being- ughhhhh.”
“Ah, got it.” Kelly set out the food on the table tray in front of you, smirking at your excitement of non-hospital food. “You know, you don’t have to keep coming to see me.”
“Maybe I don’t have to, but I want to.”
“But I haven’t exactly been entertaining, this is the first time I’ve had enough energy to sit up. Remember? April had to spoon-feed me the food you brought me. I’ve been sleeping constantly and have literally fallen asleep while talking to you before. I’ve been awake for two hours and it is the longest I have been awake since the fire.”
“Hey, it’s not every day I get saved by a civilian, what can I say? You’ve piqued my interest.” 
“Alright, well, if you’re gonna stay, you’re watching Star Trek with me.”
“Ugh, well when you put it that way-”
“Hey! Sit back down, I thought that I’d ‘piqued your interest’.”
“Yeah, but not enough to watch Star Trek. That’s a bit... Nerdy for me.”
“Oh come on! Pass me my laptop and sit down, we are going to watch Star Trek starting with The Original Series.”
“... How many Star Treks are there?”
“Not enough.”
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You were finishing up the first season with Kelly lying beside you in the hospital bed completely enthralled in the show when Doris walked in. “A sergeant Hank Voight is here to see you Y/N, I just figured I’d give you guys a heads up.” You nodded and closed your laptop, but Kelly didn’t have time to put his shoes back on or get out of your bed before Hank entered the room. He raised his eyebrow and stared down Kelly who, for his part, didn’t react like most did. He sat up at a normal speed and gave the older man a nod. “Hank, it’s good to see you.”
“You too, kid. How’re you holding up?”
“Good, good, especially with Kelly bringing me milkshakes.”
“Huh. Have the docs cleared you for all that junk?”
“Yes.” Kelly snorted at your response and rolled his eyes. “Just barely. And I think half the reason they approved it was cause you were a total pain in the ass about the glorious wonder that is hospital food. Uh, how do you and Voight know each other?”
“Oh, my older brother Sheldon used to work with him, I told you about him”
“Right, right, crazy smart, computer cop, and too loyal to your dad.”
“Yeah. After Sheldon died, Hank came to me and my mom, gave us cash to pay off my dad’s debts, told him to either be grateful and cut the crap or fucking run, and he checks up on me every so often. Like, uh, when I turned eighteen I applied to the academy and not only did Hank find out, but he came to my apartment and practically begged me not to go.”
“Hold up, I’m sorry, Sargent Hank ‘I can kill you thirteen different ways with a pencil eraser’ Voight begged?”
“As close to begging as I’ll ever get. Now, how do you two know each other?”
“He got me out of the elevator in the lab fire, then I saved his life a few minutes later.”
“Ha, sounds about right.”
Matt Casey knocked on the door of the squad lieutenant, suspicious when his best friend jumped out of his skin, ripped his earbuds out of his ears, slammed his laptop shut, tossed it far away from him on the bed, and tried (while failing spectacularly) to look calm. “What’s up Casey?”
“... What the fuck was that?” Casey was laughing, excited that Severide was finally embarrassed about something. He jumped on the bed between Kelly and his laptop. “What are you embarrassed about?”  Severide jumped into action, trying to maneuver around Casey to grab his laptop but it was too late. “Let me see! Let me see! Let me- OH MY GOD!” Casey had opened up the laptop before he could be stopped and he found a Next Generation episode halfway finished!  “You’re watching Star Trek?! Oh my god Sylvie get-”
Kelly slammed the device shut again and covered Matt’s mouth with his hand. “Seriously man, shut up.” Severide got up and closed his door and lowered all the blinds. He turned to face his friend slowly and sighed. “Remember that girl from the BRT fire?”
“The one who saved you? Yeah, I remember her. I take it from your tone that you’ve been keeping up with her.”
“Yeah, I have. I’d been going to visit her every chance I got, and she was asleep most of the time I was there, cause you know, lung damage from the chemical fire, damage from the infection, had to have major surgery while her body was going through immense physical trauma, but when she was awake for longer than twenty minutes she’d insist on watching Star Trek, there’s multiple shows and movies, she loves them all, and she kind of got me hooked.”
“You are whipped. I am actually appreciating and savouring this moment so much right now.”
“Okay, okay. Can I at least tell Sylvie?”
“No, you cannot tell your crush about this.”
“Hey! She’s- I do- Shut up, Kelly.”
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While Matt did keep Kelly’s secret, you didn’t. You showed up in your favourite Voyager t-shirt from Etsy with a homemade chocolate cake in your hands. “Excuse me, I’m looking for Kelly Severide?”
“Sure, and you are?”
“Dr. Y/N Jin, I pushed him-”
“Out of the way at the lab fire, yeah I remember you. I’m Joe Cruz, I was there too, though you probably didn’t notice with him carrying you around.”
“Actually with all the gear you guys had on, I wouldn’t have been able to pick you out of a line-up. He just came to visit me a lot when I was in the hospital.”
“Oh, he did? Is that what the cakes for? A thank you?”
“No, it’s his birthday today, and because he’s on shift I didn’t know if he’d get a cake or anything. So I made his favourite and ordered a bunch of pizzas to be delivered here.”
“... You know his favourite cake flavour?”
“Yeah, it came up last week when we were watching this episode of Star Trek The Next Generation where this character keeps having-”
“Hold up, Lieutenant Kelly Severide watched Star Trek willingly?”
“Well, he didn’t at first, but now I think he’s a bigger fan than me... What?”
“Oh mi dulce Dios this is the best day of my LIFE! The common room is this way, follow meeeee!”
“... Why do I feel like I said something I wasn’t supposed to?”
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“Attention firehouse 51; I have just been informed by a reliable source that our very own squad lieutenant Kelly Severide is a trekkie! And for those of you who don’t know what that means, KELLY SEVERIDE LIKES STAR TREK!” Suddenly the common room erupted, everyone laughing and howling, except for you, Kelly, and Matt. You’d spent much of your life having your interests mocked, all for various reasons. Too girly, too boyish, too nerdy, and you were having none of it. It took you ages to feel confident about your interests, so you knew exactly how devastated and embarrassed he felt. His neck and face were turning pink, he was lowering his head, his eyes were closed forcefully, and you could see him try to steady his breath. “Shut up.” The laughter lessened a bit and some people turned to you in confusion. “Are you guys deaf? I said shut up!” The room suddenly turned silent and cold, the members of 51 you hadn’t met yet looking at you in alarm. “Do you have any idea how rude and disrespectful all of you are being right now? You don’t get made fun of for obsessing over sports, why act this why for people who like sci-fi stuff? Kelly’s told me that you guys rib each other but this is a bit much. Did any of you stop to think that maybe you shouldn’t be behaving like elementary school bullies on his birthday?” At their awkward silence you scoffed. “You know what? I put effort into today, I made a cake from scratch, I ordered a ton of pizzas that I made sure had all of your favourite toppings because I know how close you are to him and I wanted all of you to like me. But you know what? Screw all of you. None of you get a single piece of cake or pizza unless you individually apologize to Kelly.” You huffed angrily, stomped over to the small circular table he was sitting at with a smirking Casey. “Happy birthday, Kelly... Sorry I made a scene.”
“Thanks, Y/N. This is turning out to be a great, dare I say badass birthday.” Your smile imitated his, large and beaming. “So,” Matt Casey drawled with an amused but impressed look on his face, “I get to have cake right?”
“Of course, how could I deny chocolatey goodness to my favourite firefighter?”
“Hey! I thought I was your favourite firefighter!” Kelly mockingly pouted, enticing laughter out of you. Your phone pinged and you smiled wider. “Pizza’s here.” You point at Matt and speak to Kelly, “watch him.”
“Of course, I’d never let anyone else get the first slice of my cake.”
“... Matt watch Kelly.” You turned on your heel and left to get the pizzas, brushing passed moping firefighters, ignoring the offended noises Kelly was spewing out.
You came back with six extra large pizzas to a line of bashful looking firefighters apologizing to Kelly. “You guys really will do anything for food, huh?” 
You’d only managed to get one slice of pizza and a tiny piece of cake once the ravenous wolves had apologized. You and Kelly had laughed it off though, finding their overexaggerated moans and gestures of how good the food was amusing. “Alright, one last thing.”
“What? No, come on Y/N you already made me a cake and got pizza for the house, you’ve done more than enough.”
“So you don’t want the envelope?”
“Well, if it’s just an envelope, that means it’s just a card, so sure.” You handed him the envelope you’d covered in ridiculous doodles of ladybugs, proud of your work, and knowing that Kelly was getting an awesome birthday. He opened the card after shaking is head at the ladybugs on the envelope and his mouth dropped when he saw the two tickets fall out. “Y/N! I told you, you didn’t have to get me anything!”
“How much money did you spend on food for me when you were visiting me in the hospital?”
“Okay, fair enough, but you really didn’t have to do all this.”
“Kelly, it really wasn’t that much. A cake, pizza, and baseball tickets that Matt pitched in for, really isn’t something to freak out over, okay?”
“Alright, well, thank you, Y/N. I appreciate everything that you’ve done so much and I’m grateful that I have you in my life.” Your heart fluttered and warmed, cherishing the moment you were sharing with the man who was quickly becoming irreplaceable to you. “Hello? I helped too!” Sylvie elbowed him in the ribs, “you ruined the moment, Matt.” She turned to you, still holding hands with Kelly on top of the table. “We’ll leave you two be, have fun.” She gave an uncharacteristic wink and started shooing people away. “Normally I’d be embarrassed, but this means that I do get more time with my favourite person AKA you, and since it’s my birthday, I would like to watch some Star Trek. C’mon, my quarters are this way.”
Hours later, after shift was over and all normal people were asleep Kelly Severide finally arrived home... To  what looked like the entire twenty-first police district along with the intelligence unit and Sergeant Trudy ‘I’m an army all on my own’ Platt crammed in his living room under dim, ominous lighting. “So, I take it you’re all here to threaten me because I’m dating Y/N? Yep, alright, let’s do this then.”
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canaryatlaw · 3 years
okay, today was long and exhausting but not exactly bad, so I’ll take it. Got up same as always and immediately submitted some of the paperwork we finished yesterday, then called the court about it because it was a sensitive situation (the client was stuck in the house with the guy and their kids) and we needed the court’s cooperation to make it work and fortunately they were actually cooperative, which is not something I can say happens very often so I was happy about that at least. We had to wait like an hour after getting sent up to the virtual courtroom to actually get in front of a judge, because apparently there was an influx of Spanish speaking cases, and they always want to do those in one big chunk while they have the interpreter present, but we made it inside and we were in front of one of the new judges that I like a lot, he was the one I had to very gently correct about part of the statute we operate under and he was very chill about it so that was appreciated. he handled things well, took testimony on areas of concern and granted the order, and from there it was going to be a question of getting the guy out of the house, which involved the client calling the cops and telling them about the order of protection, so it was a very precarious situation and I asked her to keep me updated so we could make sure she was safe. the rest of the day was busy, we had a ton of cases when we had like none yesterday, but we were able to get a lot of work done, so I was happy with that. I ended up working pretty much up until 7 on things, and I still really have more things to do but that was enough for tonight, for the most part. The Resident was on at 7, and based on the preview I was like, not at all happy with how the episode was going to go, because of course the female lead character who’s recently become pregnant gets attacked for some reason and they’re able to save her but they end up losing the baby because nobody gets to keep their babies on tv when the opportunity for angst of losing one is just too great for writers to pass up. ugh. through the end of the episode they had it looking like they were both going to be okay so I had a glimmer of hope for a second, but then when the trailer for next week played it was pretty damn clear it was going to happen then, so looks like they are gonna go the predictable route and it’s just such a big ughhhhh for me right now because usually the plots on this show are like perfect and so well done, and I’m just so done with this stupid trope that happens way too often. sigh. anyway. when that was over I watched the new episode of Black Lightning that I missed last night (I forgot it premiered this week, I’ll have to figure out what I want to watch on Mondays if I’m going to have competing shows, maybe one of the 9-1-1′s and BL, we’ll see) and it was pretty sad ngl haha but I do love Jefferson being a boss and just kicking ass all around, and of course my girls Grace and Anissa being absolutely amazing and I’m so mad they’re cancelling the show and I’m never going to get my Ryan and Anissa amazing lesbian superhero crossover that I CLEARLY deserve, and that’s really just unfair to the world to deprive them of that content (I do realize I haven’t at all commented about Legends getting renewed for another season before this season even starts airing, I have complicated feelings about it, because as much as I love the characters sometimes it’s just time to let a show die, and I don’t want the later seasons to be poor quality when the show has clearly peaked and is now going downhill, but I guess we’ll see what happens). Sometime during this I got the text that the client from earlier is safe with the kids and the dude was kicked out of the house by the cops, so that was a massive relief to hear, because there were so many ways that could’ve gone sideways. I’m going to make sure we can represent her for the case going forward (and probably ask that it be assigned to me, if it isn’t already, lol). but yeah, when BL was done I watched a few episodes of Scrubs (just started season 4) and then over to Jimmy Kimmel for a few minutes before showering and starting to get ready for bed and now I am here and my eyelids are getting heavy fast, so I’ll end this post here. Goodnight peeps. Sleep well.
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I was unaware you live in New York. Would you mind me asking what it's like there? As someone who's only been once and doesn't really know anyone there, it's always been a curiosity of mine. No pressure if you aren't up for talking about it. Hope the transition of your roommate moving on goes smoothly. And I hope you yourself are okay.
Hey anon! Oh man, where to start…..as a transplant, my perspective will be different from a native, who would grow almost blind to the daily negative aspects of this place. (in the past, I have literally been told by natives that I’d ‘learn to just ignore all the homeless people’. I’ve been told that multiple times by multiple people. It doesn’t get any easier, though)The Negatives:
-It’s pretty filthy.-The trains run 24h but what good is that when after midnight it’s a train an hour that goes one stop before suddenly declaring it’s the last stop and everybody has to get off? ughhhhh-The homeless population is out of control. I was told by native new yorkers that this is because of cuts in the past few years to hospitals and rehab/mental health facilities and it shows- most of the homeless are literally out of their minds and it’s incredibly sad. -If someone doesn’t ask you for money on any given day, it’s because you never left your house.-Rats. A city-wide pastime to observe, especially while waiting for the train.-The cops are premadonnas. I’ve never seen such a self-important group of police officers in my life. This also extends to other emergency services personnel as well. I’ve seen police turn on their sirens when someone wasn’t moving fast enough at an intersection for them. I’ve seen fire engines blare their emergency sirens just so they can reach their lunch spot faster. I’ve seen ambulances blare their sirens to leave starbucks faster and no, there was no emergency because they casually, half dressed, piled back in their truck- they just didn’t want traffic in front of them. It is, in a word, ridiculous and an embarrassment. -You regularly hear the phrase “Greatest City on Earth” or some variation thereof and I can’t help but wonder if it’s just one giant sarcastic in-joke to say that. I have been assured, however, that it is not. -They recently jacked up the subway pass prices. Now, from my experience in other countries, the NYC subway system is the cheapest there is, but considering how gross, filthy, smelly, BROKEN, and never EVER on time it is with zero hope of fixing this literally antique toy train system we ride every day, there is no reason to raise the prices. None. -The rent is too damn high.-Food prices are too damn high.-Starbucks is literally the cheapest ice coffee in town barring food truck ice coffees. Even cheaper than Dunkin Donuts. That should speak volumes about the prices around here.-Sirens. All the time. -Other things I probably can’t think of or have blocked out right now. The Positives:
-People are way nicer and helpful than reputed to be. Even on the train, commuters are happy to help you find your way in the repetitive rat maze that is the subway system.-Nearly all the clothing brands you love are here. -SO many cool old brownstones. As someone from the south where the aesthetic is wide houses with beautiful columns out front, I still stare up in wonder at them, especially in ultra fancy neighborhoods where the brownstones are crazy decorative- one near me even has like turret towers on it full of stained glass. Just beautiful.-The Metropolitan Museum of Art is INSANE. They have a whole house that they brought into the museum. They have an entire Ptolemaic temple they brought inside the museum. I still haven’t seen everything in the damn thing and I’m a member. -There are a lot of museums and I still need to see all of them. -You will get in shape from walking so much. NYC is a city with an all-around more fit population due to all the walking which is nice. -The bridges here are pretty cool-There is a cable tram that goes over the east river you can ride with your regular metro card. It only goes to Roosevelt Island but that’s still pretty cool.-Central Park sucks but Prospect Park is 1000% better and more awesome- the only bit of genuine-looking woods in the city I think. Designed by the same guy as Central Park, he considered Prospect Park an improvement of his past design of Central and it certainly is that. -It’s not hard to leave the city if you really want to. I think if you had the cash to spare, you could easily rent a car and go upstate where there are actual woods and nicer things to look at. Or out to Long Island if you don’t want to stray that far- a nice compromise. -Amtrak can take you to any major city in the Northeast including DC without need for a car.-I can do the work I love here. -You are going to know at least one person who does a show somewhere, giving you an excuse to look cool and say at least a couple times that you can’t do X because your friend is doing a show that night. -The people out here are ALWAYS doing something interesting. ALWAYS. -If you are dogged and persistent, you can do exactly what you want to do in life out here. But you MUST be DOGGED AND PERSISTENT. -There is full-blown winter and snow out here, which I love. -I have to mention the people again- I’ve met some cool people out here, ESPECIALLY once I quit my shitty job. Man have the people around me drastically improved in so, so many ways….Aaaaand that’s my list! xD I did not include food in either list. The reason is this: NYC is so over-saturated with food places, between restaurants and food trucks, that the overall quality of food in this city is really low. Like really, really low. Because there are SO many places doing the same thing, no one bothers competing- they just churn out knowing no matter what they’ll generally get business from all the masses of people floating through. Food that isn’t crap costs exponentially more. I can get a box of excellent lebanese food back home for $6 that’ll last me for two days. If I were to get that same quality of food- falafels that don’t fucking suck and taste like cardboard- I’d have to put out $14. So food is a real gray area for me here, because it’s SO hard to find quality food that actually tastes good and that is still cheap. Really, really hard. It’s a constant search. Anyway, hope this was interesting/helpful! Again, this is just from my perspective- others’ perspectives will be different from mine and that’s ok. I’m not claiming at all that anything in my list is gospel. It’s just my observations as someone from a different region of the country and also someone who’s lived overseas for several years/visited other countries and has somewhat set preferences for things. I mean…when you go from living in a country with spotless train stations with impeccable timetables, it’s hard to adjust to the gross russian-roulette that is the MTA, etc. Ok I’m done. x.xPS: Everyone in this city is terrified of raccoons, and as a southerner, I can’t roll my eyes and/or laugh harder. The other day there was an article about a squirrel attacking people in a park and it was city-wide news to watch out for this one uber squirrel. I mean…..it’s really amazing. xD
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