#snorpy is my favorite along with triffany
nightgeist · 2 years
Hey guys! I mentioned I was cosplaying Snorpy for halloween and that i would show you guys. It took a while since i decided to go trick or treating with my boyfriend (i may be 20 but I want to trick or treat XD), but here it is! Also my first face reveal lol
The pictures aren't great since i was in a hurry to get to his house, and i apologize for the face reveal lol, but I hope you guys like it :) it was really fun to be him for the night
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bugsnaxaudio · 1 year
since you compiled all their hello messages, what about all their goodbye messages? Chandlo's "peace!" Is my favorite, but I'm sure theres ones I havent heard before!
(Tumblr wasn’t working when I was trying to add an image to the audio, so let’s pretend that there’s a nice little picture there, m’kay?)
To be honest, while extracting the audio, I wasn’t expecting there to be so many varied lines. Maybe next time, I should engage in more small talk with the Snaxburg residents.
Audio descriptions will be under the read-more for brevity’s sake. Lines that are repeated will not be put in twice.
Filbo: Have a good one! Goodbye! Till next time! Bye! Later! I’ll see ya!
Wambus: So long. So long, stranger. Get along now. Get along now, stranger. Adios. Adios, amigo. Bye-bye. Goodbye, stranger. We’ll see ya later. You take care now.
Beffica: Bye-bye! See ya! Later! Bye! Peace out! Mm… don’t miss me too much. Okay, bye!
Gramble: Bye now. So long! Take care! Bye! See you later! Bye-bye! See ya!
Wiggle: Ta-ta! Farewell! Aloha! Ciao, darling! Catch you on the flipside! Bye! Toodles!
Triffany: Talk to ya later! Have a good’n! Buh-bye now! Take care! Bye! See ya later!
Cromdo: Have a nice day. Ciao. Bye! Buh-bye. Smell ya later! Yeah, take care.
Chandlo: Peace! Catch ya later! Later, bro! Check ya later, dawg! Chandlo OUT! Catch ya on the flip-flop, bro!
Snorpy: Cheers! Be well. Good day to you. Ta-ta! Goodbye now. Farewell. See you around.
Floofty: That is all. Good riddance. Where was I…? Farewell. Back to work. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t. Now that that’s over… That is all. Shoo. Away with you. Try not to do anything too stupid.
Shelda: Go in peace. Farewell! Walk in the light! So long! Be happy, be healthy! See you soon! As I sometimes like to say, “Like a farmer to a potato, plant you now and dig you late-o!” Don’t let the Bugsnax bite!
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its-sheepe · 2 years
Bugsnax: The Deveoloper Edition
Hello, you don’t know me, but you can call me Sheepe. I used to love the hit vidoe game Bugsnax for The ps5 and pc, I consumed all of its merchandise and lore, making fanficton and even art! But it all changed when I discovered…somting…evil…
It was an average day for me, I was riding my bicicley down the street when I happined upon a garage sale. To my luck, I found a copy of Bugsnax for the pc! I was overjoyed, because I hadn’t played the game myself, just watch videos. The old woman running the sale looked terrified when she saw I had the case in my small, quivering hands and said “take it, it’s free”. I happily ran home and slapped the disc into my computer, putting on my bugsnax t-shirt, Gramble beanie, and hugging my Filbo plushie as I got ready to play.
When the game loaded on my computer, the icon looked…off. Filbo looked, demonic. With bleeding eyes and hyperrealistic teeth. All the snax around him were dead, and he was holding a knife. The text for the game was red with a black outline. I recovered a screenshot of the icon, see below.
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I clicked on the game and the game loaded, with no title screen or anything, just a loading screen. Sprout was dead in the center of the screen, and I cried a little because I love Sprout! Imagine how Gramble would be if he saw his beloved Strabby dead!
The game loaded, showing me a save file. There was generic text apovr it saying: Bugsnax, Developer Editoon. I got excited, have I found a rare deliper only edition of Bugsnax?! I opened the save and bounced in my chair, squeezing my Bunger stress toy.
When it finally loaded after what felt like hours, I was in Snaxburg. But it was…wrong. There were no grumpuses to be seen! I decided to head into Wambus and Triffany’s hut, two of my favorite characters. Big mistake.
Wambus was dead on the bed and Triffany was impaled by Cactriffy! I vomited instantly, seeing the hyperrealistic blood all over. Who could’ve done such a thing?!
Suddenly my character began to move on their own, into the Frosted Peaks. Along the way, I saw that Chandlo and Snorpy had drowned in their hot tub!!! I cried again knowing the sweet lovers were dead.
In the frosted peaks, I saw something so horrible, so grizzly, I can’t even begin to describe it. Everyone was dead in the center on the big cave, even Lizbert and Eggabell!!! Blood was everywhere, and I vomited so hard my Gramble beanie flew off my head.
Suddenly, the evil Filbo from the Bugsnax icon appeared. He said to me in a creeey, whispery voice “hey buddy, glad you could make it to the party! good thing you brought balloons!” “Balloons?” I though to myself. Suddenly my snaktraps opened, and load of snax started flying out, but they were all DEAD! Filbo controlled them to make them fly around the room using his evil powers.
“Filbo, why are you doing this!!!” I screamed, running at him in game. Filbo paused my game using debug powers and said “look behind you Sheepe!”
I gasped and turned around in my chair. My Filbo plushie now looked like the evil Filbo in the game, and it had a knife! I kicked it as hard as I could and threw it into my dishwasher, hoping it would drown like he had droen Snorply and Chandlor.
I ejected the disk and theew it out my window, into the street where a big moving truck sucked it up into its grill. And that’s why I warn you today.
If you ever come across a disk that says Bugsnax: Devoloper’s Edition, DO NOT PLAY IT. Destroy it, burn it, eat it like a bugsnak if you have to, but just don’t play it! Evil Filbo will come for you, like he’s coming for me…I can hear him outside my room right now…
“hey buddy, I have a party gift for you!”
(Sorry for making you suffer reading this, it’s just this community needs a good proper bad creepypasta lmao)
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irlkaiman · 3 years
I’m going to make some really dumb bugsnax gamer head canons because its 3:30 am and I have nothing else to do. Heads up there’s gonna be typos and a thousand run-on sentences, also this is my first time text posting on tumblr so I have no idea how to do this.
Okay filbo is super easy, he plays a ton of video games but sucks at literally every single one. He’s a super good sport, though losing so much does discourage him on occasion. He never fails to get the gang together for a night of Mario Kart or Jackbox. He’s overall just the chillest dude to play with and you should definitely let him win once or twice he’ll get so happy it’s gonna be rad.
Favorite genre is definitely in person party games.
Oh fuck Beffica, other than being the queen of blackmail, a stoner, and the coolest person alive she doesn’t really have much on her plate after snaxtooth. With her new free time, she’s become a gaming god. She picks the cute character in a fighting game, and demolishes everyone with it, kirby sucks, but not HER kirby. Fear Beffica. She also plays all those mobile games you see in the ads in her spare time. She’s a very poor loser, not that she ever loses, always claims she just wasn’t trying.
Favorite genre is probably party fighters like smash.
Snorpy is undoubtedly a PC dude, he and chandlo built a really neat gaming setup and he’s super proud of it. He shys away from most online games and focuses on story based rpgs and such, he’s a HUGE fan of indie games, and definitely loves anything inspired by Earthbound. He’s the guy who builds a super computer to emulate snes games and he’s living the life. He’s definitely got entire folders full of text documents with random game theories, that are totally correct but everyones to much of a coward to admit it.
Favorite genre is RPGS
Chandlo definitely played Pokémon as a kid and just slowly fell out of video games as he grew older, spending most of his time on the grind bro. But he’s a super supportive partner, and is getting back into video games with Snorpy’s help. He really likes games you can pick up and play for short periods of time or play on the go. He loves Pokémon go, helps get his steps in (and it’s an excuse to get Snorpy outside), he plays a lot of what snorpy plays, and really wants to play 2 player coop games with him. Video games for Chandlo are a means to bond with Snorpy, and he just enjoys playing them with the person he loves most no matter the context. He definitely plays a Paladin like character and keeps snorpy’s mage character alive.
Favorite genre is coop bonding games
Everyone’s favorite gay uncle is definitely not a “gamer” but he owns a Wii from way before snaxtooth, and oh boy does he use it in private. After work he would play just dance, rock band, and guitar hero for hours. After snaxtooth he’s started getting back into it again, he’s really really good at it, and he’s definitely been caught playing it by Beffica and she will never let him live it down. He probably only plays these games with wiggle, as she’s like an icon to him. Other than that he doesn’t really touch video games.
Favorite genre is like active rhythm games.
This little man plays nintendogs, Petz, and nothing else. He cried when his Pokémon fainted, he was overwhelmed by the amount of micromanaging in the sims, and he got uncomfortable when he had a hunger bar in Minecraft. Gramble is not suited for gaming and he is content having the most well trained nintendog in the world.
Favorite genre is pet sims.
Wiggle hates video games, she played rock band and got a bad singing score, and never turned back. She does not have time for no critics, Grumpus or Videogame. However she does play candy crush, she clears the board in a rhythm the candy crushing sound effects moving the beat along.
Favorite genre is wine mom puzzle apps.
You wouldn’t think she played video games, but she is a god at the ISpy games. ISpy spooky mansion is her shit, and her keen eye makes her great at it. She rushes through the games at a crazy pace, but since it’s Wii shovel ware she has an endless supply so don’t worry. Wambus sits on the couch and watches and always gets surprised on how she’s finding any of this, he doesn’t get it but she loves having him around while she plays
Favorite genre is item finding games.
He played farmville once and got confused why his cows were hot pink. He’s not a gamer and never will be one he’s a country boy at heart
I’ll do the MC, Floofty, The lesbians, and Shelda tomorrow it is time for chase to sleep.
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