#sneecember asks
softsnzstuff · 2 years
2,4,15,30 (sorry that’s so many!!) for doctor Eddie and nurse Steve from those holiday asks?
2. Are they allergic or sensitive to any holiday scents, such as peppermint or pine?
I think more of the cooking/baking spices would get to them tbh. Peppermint hot chocolate is their favorite! And Steve always insists on a real pine tree every year.
4. Do they have a favorite covering/soft thing to cuddle with when they’re sick?
Eddie likes to cuddle Steve! But Yeah, Eddie has a big blanket he loves. It’s Sherpa on one side and black and grey plaid pattern on the other side! Steve has a big fluffy hoodie he likes and also some thick socks!
15. How hard is it for them to hide how bad they feel? Would they even try to hide it at all?
Steve wouldn’t really hide it. He gets sick so often it’s really just pointless for him to try. Eddie *might* try to hide it but he wouldn’t be very good at it. I imagine he’d be too sassy or sneezy or in a mood. Someone would know.
30. What is their favorite comfort activity? What helps them get their mind off of illness/bad allergies?
Especially around the holidays, it’s being around loved ones (family and friends). If they’re too sick to be around other people, doing holiday movie nights at home - blanket forts, hot chocolate, cookie making, blankets, Love Actually, etc.
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groundcontrol21 · 1 year
For the sneecember prompts-Dec 16th for Jonathan and Sarah?
You're not the only one who had this request; @perfectpaperbluebirds asked for it too! Hopefully both of you enjoy! Happy December 16th!!
(For context, this is practically how Sarah and Jonathan meet)
“Is the conversation really so boring for you, Lindsay?”
The man in question startled awake, snapping upright from his doze so quickly his knee cracked against the wooden coffee table, rattling it slightly. “Apologies,” he said quickly, rubbing hastily at his eye. “My apologies. Walton’s speech, of course, is as riveting as ever.”
It was clear the others in attendance picked up on the same subtle note of wry sarcasm as Sarah had, for a smattering of laughter rippled through the company seated at the table, before Walton returned to his belabored point with a thin-lipped scowl. Sarah could not say she blamed Lindsay; the day’s article in The Spectator which they were all gathered round to discuss was truly fascinating, but Walton’s round-about loquaciousness could make even the most compelling topic as dull as an unsharpened blade.
Even as much as she did not begrudge Lindsay the soporific prowess of Walton’s discourse, she could not help the little stinging nettle of bitterness which settled within her when she remembered Lindsay had similarly drifted off while she was offering her observations earlier. Though she liked the man, it was less the fact that he in particular had nodded off while she was speaking which bothered her, but rather the fact that any one of these fellows had. Sarah had just started coming to these coffeehouse sessions, all-but dragged there initially by the over-excited Kitty, but she quickly found herself craving the approval of the group more than she cared to admit. She liked, nay, she loved it here, where the men cast aside title and rank and the women spoke just as surely at their turns as they did, and Sarah desperately, desperately hoped that she fit. 
When at last the discussions had concluded for the day, Sarah was stopped before she departed by Lindsay himself, sounding a good deal more awake than he had at any point earlier. 
“Ms. Talbot!” he called to her. “I would like to apologize if I was a bit… inattentive while you were speaking today. I assure you it was no statement on the quality of your observations, which were astute as always.”
Sarah felt her cheeks color a tad and she smiled at the unexpected sincerity of the compliment. “Oh, it’s quite alright. I–”
Lindsay cut her off with a powerful sneeze, barely reigned under control with his handkerchief. “heh’TSCHOOO!” He wiped his nose with a neat pinch and then tucked the handkerchief back in his breast pocket. “Apologies, I’m afraid that’s the reason why.” He sniffled, his nose already turning pink, and somehow managed to make it all sound contrite. “I appear to be coming down with something and it’s making me exhausted.”
Sarah’s heart fell a bit at the admission, and fell still further as she took in the slight pallor of his cheeks, the darkness beneath his eyes, all these subtle signs of incipient illness which she was just noticing. “You certainly look it.”
As soon as the words left her lips, Sarah clasped her hand over her mouth with a strangled little gasp, but Lindsay forestalled the development of her panic with an appeasing hand, outstretched. “Peace, peace!” he said with a warm little chuckle. “I know what you meant. And it’s quite nice, sometimes, to know your appearance matches how wretched you feel on the inside.” He winked. “Gets you a bit of sympathy.”
“And it’s quite the worst when it is the other way around!” Sarah exclaimed, nodding. “Many times I am in such pain and I appear healthy, but I get no sympathy from anyone.”
Instantly, Sarah felt supremely foolish for having been so quick to share information which, by all rights, was the interest of no one else but her, the doctor, and the chambermaid. She opened her mouth to apologize, shame pooling hotly in the pit of her stomach, when Lindsay surprised her again by speaking softly, the corners of his lips pulling down into a unfeigned frown. 
“Well, for that I’m truly sorry,” he said, and he genuinely sounded it. He held Sarah’s gaze intently for a moment more, before his eyelids fluttered and he groped madly to retrieve his handkerchief again. “Heh’RSHHH’uhh! Heh’KSHHH!” The first he missed slightly, but the second he was able to capture primly in his handkerchief. He cleared his throat. “Oh, excuse me.”
“You’re here apologizing to me,” Sarah said with a little smile, feeling bold enough to tease the man a bit, “and yet did you not fall asleep while Walton was speaking as well as me? I haven’t seen you apologize to him.”
Lindsay made a dismissive noise and gave his handkerchief a wave before tucking it away. “It’ll be good for his ego, I think. Make him reconsider that what he says in a thousand words most men can say in five.”
Sarah laughed. “I’m very glad that you and I are of the same mind in that.”
Lindsay grinned and nodded. “Or women,” he added, voice taking on a serious note. “I daresay you and Ms. Longfellow reliably have the best contributions. Concise, and yet full of things to consider.”
“Thank you.” Sarah felt herself blush floridly this time, and she cursed the knowledge that this was the truth of what she had been so desiring from these meetings: to hear that her contributions were not only acknowledged but appreciated. A bit shyly, she added, “I’ve very much enjoyed coming to these past few meetings.”
“And I hope you continue to come,” Jonathan replied before turning to the side to release a sneeze.  “Ihhh’TSCHHH! Oh…” He pressed his handkerchief to his mouth as he gave a few ticklish, rasping coughs. “Though I can’t say whether I’ll see you at the next one.” He sniffled morosely. “I have a bad feeling, what with how quickly this is coming on, I’ll be laid up in bed for at least a week.”
Sarah made a sympathetic sound in the back of her throat. “Well, then, you shouldn’t stay here any longer!”
Lindsay nodded, his eyes going hazy. “Hhh’RSHHHH’hhh! Snf!” When he spoke again, his voice already carried a tinge of gathering congestion. “Always a pleasure, Ms. Talbot.” He gave a slight, courteous bow in her direction, before smiling a bit cheekily and adding, “And if I return from my sickbed and find you absent from these meetings, I will be very disappointed.”
Sarah gave her own smile in reply. “I’ll be here,” she said emphatically. “That I can promise.”“Well then, I hope I see you again sooner rather than l-later. Hehhh’TSHHH!” Lindsay cleared his throat draggingly, with a wince. “For both our sakes.”
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