#smiley reece
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pernillecfcw · 2 years
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Happy birthday Reece 🎉💙
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fentybucky · 2 years
they’re buzzing 🥹💙
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sirbogarde · 2 years
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A Field in England (2013) dir. Ben Wheatley
I think I have worked out what God is punishing us for. Everything.
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oneeighth · 1 year
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My two boyfriends.
And yes, they do alchemy.
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genevieveetguy · 2 years
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It does not surprise me that the Devil is an Irishman, though I thought perhaps a little taller.
A Field in England, Ben Wheatley (2013)
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dilfmikelarteta · 2 years
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Have some happy, smiley Reece on your dash :)
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brinleyrecce · 4 months
Breanna Ruggiero ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Brinley Reece
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Former cheerleader, now up-and-coming WWE NXT Superstar, Breanna feels she has it made. She's strong, smart, sweet, and bubbly - maybe too bubbly. Refuses to see the worst in people and that leads her in the worst type of situations. But never one to hold grudges, she remains her smiley, happy-go-lucky self.
possible connections:
best friends
roommate (preferably someone in nxt, could be super fun!)
someone who isn't afraid to be completely real with her
past failed 'situationship'
all types of connections are welcomed for her! ships are chemistry-based only! brinley is 23 years old, bisexual, and single!
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babygirlbenji · 2 years
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I posted 4,521 times in 2022
That's 2,750 more posts than 2021!
2,792 posts created (62%)
1,729 posts reblogged (38%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 536 of my posts in 2022
#f1 - 34 posts
#football - 30 posts
#chelsea fc - 23 posts
#premier league - 23 posts
#england football - 21 posts
#formula 1 - 18 posts
#mason mount - 16 posts
#formula one - 15 posts
#adventures of cat and tara - 14 posts
#f1 2022 - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 102 characters
#how are the fia expecting drivers to perfectly obey track limits when they’re going at 200kph ????????
My Top Posts in 2022:
We Miss You - Mason Mount (ft Ben Chilwell)
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A/N: she is here, part two to you'll always be in my heart!! this is kinda sucky and lowkey a filler but i'm SUPER excited to write the next part, i still haven't decided if it's going to be a trilogy or a four parter ANYHOO let's get into it
You had been at Liverpool for a little over six months. It had taken you longer than you expected to settle in, especially with your London accent, but you were enjoying life in Liverpool.
The meeting you were in was dragging on far longer than you wanted it to. You’d said your piece about wanting to get footage and videos of the players for their annual surprise visit to the local school, and since then, you’d zoned out for the majority of the meeting, daydreaming about dinner and watching the new true crime series that had been released on Netflix a few days before.
‘Chelsea squad will be arriving on Friday evening, match will be at 3:30pm,’ Jürgen’s statement made your head snap up so hard you almost cricked your neck.
‘Chelsea? I thought we were playing Brighton?’ Klopp exchanged half-amused, half-concerned glances with the coach.
‘No, Y/N, Brighton is next week. Remember?’ You glanced around the room; every pair of eyes was on you. You settled back in your chair, having moved to the edge of your seat in surprise, clearing your throat.
‘Oh, yes, I remember now. Sorry.’ The meeting went back to the topic of Chelsea, talking about tactics and potential lineups.
Without even realising, your mind went back to Stamford Bridge. Summer days spent laughing with Ben and Reece, winter evenings spent sipping hot chocolate in your office talking with Mason while you edited photos and stitched videos together, autumn afternoons spent gazing at the bronzing trees on bus rides to and from away games, your head on Mason’s shoulder as you drifted to sleep…
You realised then how much your heart ached for them. For Chelsea, for your hometown… for Mason.
Unfortunately (or fortunately), you didn’t have much time to ruminate on days gone by, as the meeting adjourned and people started gathering their things, going back to their offices or training grounds.
Walking out into the corridor, you started thinking up excuses that were plausible enough to miss Saturday’s game. You hadn’t seen Mason since your ‘conversation’ at the Bridge, you hadn’t even spoken to him. Ben, Reece and Jorgi had reached out a few times, and you were glad to have stayed in contact with them. As if by magic, your phone pinged with a message.
Chilly: Fancy a drink after the match on Saturday? Picked up a slight injury so can’t play. Looking forward to hopefully seeing you xx
You bit your lip, considering your options. Ben was always fun to hang out with, he was one of your best friends. If you went, you’d have a chance to catch up with someone you’d known for ages and show him the sights of Liverpool. On the other hand, if you did go, he’d probably ask questions about Mason, and you didn’t want to be the one to end up sobbing on his shoulder.
Throwing caution to the wind, you replied:
Sure. I’ll send you my address. Hope injury isn’t too bad xx
He simply sent back a smiley face emoji, making you smile slightly, before pocketing your phone and continuing on your way to your office, sighing as you sat back down in your chair.
The day of the match came far too fast for your liking, and you soon found yourself at Anfield, watching the boys warm up. You took photos of them training, videos of them larking about and having fun, trying to laugh along with them, but your nerves were too great to truly enjoy it like you normally did.
You stood on the sidelines, geared up in the bright red Liverpool staff kit, sorting through photos on your camera and deleting bad ones to save space on your memory card. It was then that you realised you hadn’t brought a back up memory card.
‘Boss, I’m just going to head back to my office, I don’t have a back up memory card. I’ll be back ASAP.’ Klopp nodded distractedly, allowing you to sprint into the building, up the stairs and towards your office. Wrenching the door open and flying in to retrieve your memory card box, you closed the door behind you and ran back down the hallway towards the pitch.
As you hurried towards the pitch, you looked down at the memory card to make sure it was a big enough size to accommodate 90 minutes worth of photos. Before you could read it, however, you collided with a firm chest.
‘Oof!’ The sound came out of your mouth automatically, and you looked up to see… ‘Mason!’ you squeaked. His face mirrored your shocked emotions, almost like he wasn’t expecting to see you here.
‘Y/N…’ his voice was quiet, almost pained. Looking into his eyes, you could see he was replaying the last time you spoke.
‘Go, just go.’
The last words he said to you. Not even a goodbye.
‘I, er… what are you doing here?’ he asked. You quirked an eyebrow.
‘Well, I work here,’ you replied coolly. He grimaced at his stupid question.
‘Right, yeah… sorry.’ The awkward pause that followed was almost as painful as the time you last saw each other. ‘So, how’ve you been?’
‘I gotta go, Klopp must be wondering where I am.’ You spoke at the same time, making it even more awkward.
See the full post
275 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
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‘gIrLs WaTcH f1 FoR pReTtY dRiVeRs’ bestie have you SEEN these cars??
336 notes - Posted February 23, 2022
Questions & Surprises - Mason Mount
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a/n: so i wrote this in lit about an hour on the plane at 36,000ft so if it's rubbish let's blame that x sorry it's so short also stay tuned to the end for the surprise x
What struck Mason from the moment he met you was your confidence. He’ll admit that he was a bit cocky, and assumed that you’d be scared to talk to him, Ben and Reece when your mutual friend introduced you to them, but he was surprised (in a good way) when you immediately struck up a conversation with them. Your conversations spread all the way from football, in which you had a small amount of knowledge, to travel to discussing what you did for your job. 
Your answer was ‘content creation’, and Mason was even more intrigued. So, you spent the rest of the night talking him through everything about being a YouTuber, from planning and scheduling content to analytics (which was your personal favourite thing about being a YouTuber; you loved statistics and demographics). 
As your relationship with Mason grew, so did your following and subscriber count as people figured out who you were and your relationship with him. Your GRWM videos started to include ‘GRWM for match days’ and travel vlogs. Your view counts skyrocketed, with your most popular video being the Champions League win, titled ‘THEY WON!!!😭💙’. The fans absolutely loved your relationship with Mason, seeing how happy you made him and how you supported him. Even when your videos weren’t entirely related to football match days, you still incorporated Mason into the process, and you loved seeing how into it he got. One of his favourite things was to watch you edit, muttering to yourself about ‘how do I go about moving that’ and ‘now I need to detach that audio’, and occasionally muttering swearwords to yourself when you fucked up. 
Your favourite videos to film were Q&A’s and would you rather with Mason. It offered fans a rare glimpse of life into their favourite couple, and it was what you were filming today. 
You and Mason had sat down on the sofa with the camera stood opposite you, house slowly starting to be decorated for Christmas.
‘Ready?’ You asked, about to hit record. 
‘Course babe, I’m always ready!’ His response made you snicker, and you started to record. 
‘What’s up, guys, it’s me Y/N!’ You started with your signature introduction. ‘And I’m here today with my boyfriend, Mason!’ He laughed as you started to cheer quietly. You made a mental note to add a crowd applause sound effect in while you were editing. 
‘Hi guys,’ he said, almost shyly. 
‘Today we are going to be answering some questions you guys asked us over on my Instagram. What do you reckon they’re going to ask us, Mase?’ Mason’s heart fluttered at the nickname you had for him, then he started to laugh. 
‘“When are you getting married?!”’ You both started laughing at that; it was definitely the most asked question, seeing as you guys had been dating for nearly four years. His own family had started asking the same question. Little did they know that Mason had a sneaky plan up his sleeve. 
‘Okay, okay, let’s get into it!’ You pulled out your phone to read the questions. ‘First question: “Mason, what was your first impression of Y/N?”’ Mason cocked his head to think about the question for a moment. 
‘I think what really struck me was your confidence, like a lot of people are very shy when they meet me, not to sound big-headed or anything. But you were so confident and walked right up to us and struck up a conversation, it was really refreshing. And obviously you’re very beautiful.’ You smiled shyly. 
‘Aww, babe, isn’t he a cutie?’ He returned your smile, and the fans would soon see how much adoration he had for you just in that smile. ‘Next question, “Y/N, what’s your dream company to collab with?”. Hmmm, there are so many, and so many amazing brands that I’ve already had the privilege of working with, but I’m gonna have to say National Geographic. I’ve been a Nat Geo fan ever since I can remember, when other kids my age were watching Thomas the Tank Engine, I was watching dinosaur documentaries or scaring myself with documentaries about airplanes crashing.’ You turned to look at Mason, whose face was a mixture of amusement and concern. 
‘You’re weird.’ You shrugged.
‘Indeed, but look where it got me!’ The fans loved these kinds of exchanges between the two of you; full of banter yet also full of love and mutual respect. Yours was a relationship many can only dream of. You made sure you reminded yourself every day of how lucky you were to have a man like him. 
The questions continued for another ten or fifteen minutes, and then you started to close it down.
‘Alright guys, unfortunately that’s all we have time for today! We…’ 
‘Actually, Y/N,’ Mason interrupted you, making you look over at him in confusion. ‘I have one question myself.’ He dug around in his pockets, and your eyes filled with tears when he pulled out a little red box. ‘Will you marry me?’ You looked at him, bewildered and delighted all at once, before looking over at the camera.
‘This isn’t staged, I promise you, are you being serious?’ He nodded, grinning. 
‘Course I’m serious, darlin’! You’re the love of my life and I can’t imagine spending my life without anyone else. So, will you marry me?’ He opened the box, and you saw the prettiest ring you’d ever seen in your entire life. You nodded fiercely, tears spilling over your cheeks as you pulled him in for a hug. 
‘Yes, yes, of course I will!’ You choked out a sob, pulling back from the hug to let him slide the ring onto your finger. It sparkled in the reflection of your studio lights, making you sob again. ‘Oh god, Mase it’s beautiful,’ you mumbled through the tears. 
‘I love you, darling.’ You brought your hands up to his face and gently held it as you kissed him happily, smiling into the kiss. Before it got too heated, you remembered you were on camera, so you pulled apart. Vaguely aware your mascara was probably running down your cheeks, you threw your arm around Mason’s neck. 
‘Okay, now that we’re definitely finished, thanks everyone for watching, I hope you enjoyed this video, see you next time! We’re engaged!’ You showed the camera your ring, before pressing the record button again to stop the recording. You looked over at Mason, who had an incomprehensible expression on his face. ‘How long have you been planning that?’ He shrugged.
‘Since June’s Q&A.’ Your jaw dropped.
‘You’ve been planning it for five months?!’ He grinned. 
‘Wanted to make sure you weren’t expecting it.’ 
‘Well you definitely succeeded in that.’ 
See the full post
346 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
people on twt saying ‘hIs CaReEr Is OvEr BeCaUsE oF hEr’ no. his career is over because of HIS actions and his actions alone. abuse is abuse, doesn’t matter who you are, what your job is or how much you earn.
410 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hottest D.I.L.F - Pierre Gasly
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A/N cat finally published a fic after seven months, who cheered !! anyway this is my first pierre fic and i'm lowkey proud of it ??? sry there's not rly much 'dad!pierre' but maybe it could b a series?? if u know what i mean?? anyway let's get into it!!
It really was not very often that Pierre was home. With his hectic schedule, he was away for days, sometimes even weeks. It was very hard for you, especially when you first got together just over five years ago, but even harder now that you had an 18 month old daughter to think about. 
However, there was no doubting Pierre’s devotion to you and little Amélie. Any chance he got to take his girls to a race and show his baby off to his fellow drivers, he took it with both hands. Amélie had come to be a regular in the paddock, and all the drivers loved meeting and interacting with the little girl. 
When Pierre was home, though, it was like everything that had happened in your lives before you met had led to this exact moment. The laughs you shared, the stories you told, the love you had for both each other and the little human you created… it was like something out of a fairytale. Many happy evenings were shared on the balcony in your home near Nice, Amélie fast asleep in her cot with you and Pierre sharing a glass of wine (for him) and a soft drink (for you, as you were still breastfeeding) only a few metres away. 
One such day, during the summer F1 break, your work day had been… less than ideal. You worked at a high-end restaurant as an events co-ordinator, and your customers were infamous for being very difficult and demanding. You’d spent the first half of the day trying to persuade one client to not use one caterer (who was notorious for either poor food quality or just not turning up at all), and the other half of the day trying to persuade a colleague that a collaboration between the two of you would be highly beneficial. Much to your chagrin, neither venture had gone in your favour. 
Fumbling with the keys to your home, you unlocked the door and kicked your heels off, dumping your bag on the small dresser by the front door. You made a mental note to yourself to check your files at the weekend. 
The house was eerily quiet. Normally, when Pierre was home and looking after Amélie, your home would be vibrant with the giggles of a daughter laughing at her father doing some weird shit, or her bouncing away in her bouncer while he played F1 2022 (while stealing glances every few seconds to make sure she was okay). 
Today, though, the halls were silent. No baby giggles, no goofy dad jokes, and definitely no sounds of pixelated Formula 1 cars. 
‘Hello?’ you whispered. You made your way through the hall, before coming across the sweetest scene you had ever witnessed.
Pierre and Amélie were stretched out on the floor, on her baby mat and below her mobiles (of F1 cars, of course), both fast asleep. She was on her back, arms lazily flopped on the floor above her head, while her father was on his side; he probably fell asleep like that to make sure that she fell asleep before he did, as he hated sleeping on his side. 
You whipped your phone out and took a picture of the scene in front of you, before quietly stepping forward and gently knocking Pierre’s foot with your own. 
‘Oi.’ Another nudge with your foot, slightly harder than the last time. ‘Don’t make me mimic Daniel and yell your name obnoxiously loudly.’ The Frenchman finally stirred, looking around blearily to see who had dared wake him from his slumber. You did feel a bit bad, as the season was a few days away from getting underway again, but you wanted to spend some time with your husband before your daughter woke up from her sort-of-planned nap. 
‘Bonjour, amour,’ he mumbled as he got up to wrap his arms around you. ‘Good day?’ You shrugged, relishing his embrace. Your head instinctively rested on his chest and you let out a contented sigh. 
‘Typical rude customers, typical crusty old boss. What else is new?’ Pierre chuckled. He broke apart from the embrace slightly to cup your face with his hands. 
‘Quit. I’ll support you.’ You made a face. 
‘I’m grateful for the offer but you know I like being independent.’ 
‘Go part time at least.’ It was indeed tempting, and you had thought about reducing your hours, but that was a conversation and a decision for another day. Right now, you had a husband to catch up with and dinner to make together. You stood up on your tiptoes to give him a gentle kiss. 
‘I’ll think about it. What do you want for dinner? We’ve got some lasagne leftovers, or I can do a pasta bake with something, or we could order in, or…’ Your sentence was interrupted by your daughter stirring on her floor mat, obviously recognising her mother’s voice. ‘There’s my little star, how are you, Ammy?’ 
As Pierre watched you pick up your baby and hold her close to your chest, his heart swelled with love for his girls. He had known since the moment he met you that you were the one for him, but there were several moments that stuck out to him in which he knew that he was going to spend the rest of your lives together, and one of those moments was six months before he proposed to you, when you had just given birth to Ammy. 
‘Je t’aime, amour,’ he whispered to you. Your eyes met and you shared a sweet smile, before your attention returned to Amélie, who had started fussing. 
‘Bonjour, my little petal, how are you?’ You gently lifted her out of her bouncer and into her chest. She giggled at the attention from her mother, playing with your hair with her tiny fists. ‘Ow, ow, darling, that hurts.’ Though your words could have come across as scolding, your gentle laughs as she figured out the texture and waved your hair around negated the slight pain as she pulled the strands from your scalp. 
Pierre watched, completely transfixed by his two favourite girls. He’d always wanted kids, especially a daughter, but this was a million times better than what he had ever imagined. 
After you had had dinner on the sofa watching a new season of Below Deck, you tucked Amélie into her cot and put her little nightlight on. You said your usual goodnights to her, as you gently kissed her soft baby hair on the top of her head. She smelled of her baby lotion, of vanilla and fresh laundry. It was one of your favourite smells. 
‘Goodnight, my angel, mama and papa love you so much. Sleep tight.’ You closed the door as quietly as you could. 
‘Amour, where are you?’ Pierre’s voice chimed in from your master bedroom. 
‘Just coming, darling, I’m just down the hall,’ your voice softly echoed down the hall. Pierre was always the protective type, especially when you joined him in the paddock, but since you had Amélie, his protectiveness had grown tenfold. If you were just at home, though, it was probably just him being a clingy bastard (not that you really minded). 
You joined him in the huge four-poster bed, snuggling into his side. It was moments like this you missed the most; just you and him, alone from the world and having some time to yourselves. You loved Amélie, of course you did, but every couple needs time just for each other. 
‘Would you prefer it if I was here more?’ Pierre’s question made you sit up and look at him, bemused.
‘What do you mean, babe?’ He shrugged.
See the full post
895 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Backstage hijinks at The Unfriend, via theunfriendplay instagram stories
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pernillecfcw · 2 years
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Happy Birthday Raheem 💙🎉
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Smiley Reece
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afieldinengland · 2 years
Have you seen the Burke and hare comedy movie with Simon Pegg? Reece Shearsmith and Michael Smiley are also in it but it’s been a while since I watched it.
i haven’t, friend!! i’ve heard of it, though, thank you for reminding me of its existence— i might have to give it a watch at some point, it does sound up my alley :)
0 notes
blacmagazine · 2 years
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BLAC sat down with Reec Swiney (@reecswiney) to learn more about “REEC Radio,” PAY, and the work he does to provide spaces for other creatives to pursue their passions. Reec Swiney is a popular radio host in Atlanta who used his charismatic interviewing style to create a successful career for himself in publishing, acting, entertainment and entrepreneurship. Reec is the former voice of Atlanta’s midday radio show, “Hot” on WHTA 107.9 FM, and the host of the new hit digital podcast “REEC Radio.” He is a popular host for events in Atlanta and nationwide, including various Red Bull and Showtime Boxing. He first made his acting debut on FOX’s hit series, “STAR,” and also appeared on “Rickey Smiley For Real,” “TV One,” and CNN where his program “Clippers and Cops” was featured. Reec is currently a part of Rodney Perry’s “IMPROV Comedy Show.” Read the interview LINK IN BIO #BLACAtlanta #Atlanta #REECradio IG @ReecRadio (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfbfC0hu4E8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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