#smeyer wants him to be morose and introspective and pessimistic in an artful way
sorry i'm. just walked breaking dawn part 2 and i think this might be the funniest fucking movie i've ever seen. like yeah dw there's love and sex and stuff. and body horror. and underage relationships. like what a movie.
stephanie meyer is so goofy honestly. and so is this movie. there's even a whole sequence like 'omg guys we need action for the ppl who don't want the vampire melodrama!!' as if i would have watched this far if i didn't.
anyway. love your beloved media so good. i'm sorry i can't take it too seriously but i think that's such a huge point of it <33 genuinely one of my favorite movies to watch while i'm sad.
no no please don't apologize that is exactly how you should be viewing this it truly is ridiculous. out of the core 4 books breaking dawn is my favorite because it's just like WHAT is happening here
and oh my gosh that "omg we need action!" sequence is a whole thing. I wasn't alive to experience it fresh in theaters, but the stories I've heard about the way people screamed...oh if only I could've been there. I probably would've gotten miffed at the inaccuracy to the storyline before I got upset about Carlisle, but still.
you're so right the only reason I got this far was because I've become obsessed with this silly idiot dramatic vampires, I don't need a dramatic movie fight. I need to watch Jacob and Rosalie be petty and Charlie grumble about everything in the whole wide world
It's been too long since I watched the movies, I should watch them all. cannot take them serious. I cringe so hard watching them but it's so fun. I own at least two of them on dvd, I just need to collect the others now to indulge fully
so glad you watched and thought of me, at least enough to share this. i am the twilight mutual </3
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