wordstome · 6 months
hi yeah i've been lurking around a bit lately, your writing is ✨chef's kiss✨ (sorry it took a bit, the list might be long 😅)
so moOOoOore deployed!könig headcanons (the setting is still ❄️austrian winter boogaloo❄️)
1. he'll have you meet his mother (definitely a mama's boy) - she has probably knit him the uptenth wool jumper cause it's not easy to find them in his size - she'll also probably tell you slightly embarassing stories of him when he was younger (he'll turn beetroot-red) that you'll end up teasing him about later (affectionately) -she'll also probably bring you food at the most inopportune moments
2. you'll be waken up literally at dawn because you can hear him chop wood outside (big man swinging big axe, mind go brrr) for the fireplace; you'll ask him why does he have to do it at the brink of dawn, he'll claim it's cause it's good for the body (psps it's cause so he can wake up earlier than you and light up the fireplace and surprise you with breakfast, most likely Keiserschmarrn, if you don't know what it is google it it's sooo good)
3. speaking of fireplace...one night he'll snatch you up after you've just gotten out of the shower, lays you on the covers he placed down in front of it and go at it for a few rounds? and then you'll both snuggle up to each other and fall asleep there (if he senses that you're getting cold he'll lift you up, trying not to wake you, and move you to the bed)
4. if he's been a while since he was deployed last he'll definitely be CLINGY™, comes handy when it's winter since he's a portable heater lmao
5. he'll probably drag you out of the house to go hiking, yeah it's snowing, no there's no discussing it, there's no bad weather only bad clothes
6. might get a bit too much in the christmas spirit and have a bit too much Glühwein (mulled wine) and get handsy and slur his words and maybe maybe he gets a bit whiny
7. but also CHILL NIGHTS IN FRONT OF THE FIREPLACE just talking about anything, he'll tell you "stories" about stuff that has happened during his last missions
8. (but it can be applied any time he's deployed) he'll fix the broken stuff around the house, actual handyman, you don't even have to ask him he'll just do it cause he's probably a bit of a control freak and everything has to be working perfectly ok this has been going long enough 😅😅now i'll retreat back into my hole in the ground and maybe come back once i get more lmao ✨
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I CAN'T STOP IMAGINING HIS MOM COMING IN LIKE THE ONE FROM MEAN GIRLS WHILE YOU'RE HAVING SEX LIKE "hello darlings I brought you snacks do you need anything? water? condoms?" God I think König would just pass away probably
Dude, Austrian desserts are on xgames mode. I've always wanted to try a sachertorte, and now I have a second dessert to try 👀 And he would wake you up by chopping wood...I can't even be mad at him because I'd just sit and watch him swinging an axe and getting unbearably turned on sldfjskdfjlsd
All of these are canon to me now. Like this is EXACTLY how I imagine him. And all the cozy little domestic ones.....uwhhghghggh I'm obsessed. thank you, THANK YOU for this treat 😭😭😭 god his accent getting thicker and thicker. .. ... .talk dirty to me
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rbf451 · 3 years
from twitter: @slayedpoet
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wordstome · 6 months
Austrian boogaloo pt 3 summer edition:
going hiking with könig and ofc he'll bring you through a path only he knows cause
a. peace and quiet
b. oh would you look at this little clearing in the woods (untouched by human life) perfect for a picnic and other activities if you're not too tired from the 2hrs walk up to it
(the brainrot is too real I'm so sorry 🙃)
This is canon though. I know in my heart and soul this man would love to fuck you in the woods. He would absolutely do a 2hr hike and still have enough stamina to pound you stupid against a tree. God, what a man.
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wordstome · 6 months
hi again☺️, it's deployed!könig anon from yesterday coming off-anon cause i've personally opened the pandora box now and i have more headcanons (is it okay if i send a somewhat lenghty message with more? 👉👈)
OF COURSE!!! Also, HELLOOOO it’s nice to meet you!! I think I’ve seen you in the notes of a few of my fics
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