#sladedick x daughter!reader
geowrites03 · 2 years
Dick Grayson x daughter!reader
Good!Slade Wilson x daughter!reader
Summary: Experiment 005; a perfect mix of meta-human soldier Slade Wilson aka Deathstroke and ex trapeze artist now vigilante Dick Grayson aka Nightwing.
a/n: Slade is a vigilante in this and he will also wear a domino mask instead of his usual helmet.
Also I wrote this in a pov i don’t usually write in so i’m sorry if it’s weird or somehow doesn’t make sense.
Before you were in your fathers’ care there were horrible, excruciating tests run on you. They were testing your strength, speed, agility, and stamina. If any of the tests proved that you weren’t improving, you would be punished and then forced to work on what you were lacking until you eventually passed out.
Some of the punishments included being whipped on the back, being burnt either by fire, heated metal rods or even boiling water, and sometimes you would even be cut on the arms or legs. If you were lucky they just wouldn’t have fed you that night and the next day.
That’s why you were more than thrilled to be found by your fathers while they were on a mission. They took you under their wings and treated you basically like royalty. When they first saw you in your room and saw how timid you were to see somebody that didn’t have intensions of harming you, they were furious. How on Earth could anybody possibly do this to a 9 year old!?
They both saw themselves in you and realised right away that you were made up of their dna. Dick instantly saw how one of your eyes was a bright blue and a perfect copy of his own whilst the other was e/c with little specs of the easily recognisable blue. Slade took notice of your h/c hair with a white/silver streak exactly the same colour as his own hair.
After 4 years the harsh memories mellowed down a bit. They still come back in waves every once in a while. There’s nothing in particular that causes the flashbacks either, it’s just like the universe is against you and wants you to relive your worst moments of life.
Though none of the flashbacks can compare to this. One of the head scientists that would run your tests and sometimes dish out the crueller punishments, was in your house. Both of your dads are currently out on patrol and you tried to call or get ahold of them but it was useless.
You’re sitting in your closet hugging your knees to your chest and trying to conceal your breathing so it’s more quiet. You wipe some of your tears with one hand, as somebody else’s cold hand wipes the rest of the tears. You stifle a gasp as you turn to see her sick sadistic smile.
“Hello dear, are you ready to come home?” She asks in a fake soft tone while trying to grab hold of you. She manages to get one of your wrists in her tight grasp, but with your enhanced strength you were able to pull it back.
“I’m not going anywhere with you. This is my home.” You slipped past her and ran into the kitchen. That was a bad idea, she ran after you and very quickly had you cornered.
“Oh no. No no no,” she paused and took out a syringe and chuckled when you gasped, “You don’t have a choice, darling.” She injected whatever was in that syringe into your neck and threw you over her shoulder.
When Slade and Dick arrived home they could instantly tell something was wrong. They went to check in your room first, but you weren’t in there, they were instantly on edge. They checked the house top to bottom, and you were definitely gone.
They did however, find a note that was supposed to mimic your handwriting, explaining how you ‘ran away’. They knew right of the bat that this was not the case and checked the cameras that were in the kitchen and living room.
They remembered the scientist from when they saved you from the labs, ‘Docter’ Gritts. The sick woman who dared to call herself a doctor after all the sick things she did to you.
After calling Bruce and your aunts and uncles to help them, everyone was on there way to the heavily secured lab. Dick was upset and Slade was furious. Slade was furious that this sick woman was able to get her filthy hands on his daughter. And Dick was upset at the fact that this woman could’ve done anything to his babybird by now.
“Awe, how naive do you have to be?” She looked you dead in your teary eyes and tightened her grip on your neck. “They’re not coming for you! Nobody is. They wanted you out of their lives already, that’s why I took you back. They were so ungrateful to have you. They abuse your abilities by not letting you use them to their full extent!”
The words started processing in your head, for some odd reason they were making sense. All of her false words bubbling deep inside you. She soon released your neck from her grip and watched you fell to the ground. She gave you a few good kicks to the stomach and laughed leaving the room while you sobbed on the floor.
You struggled to sit up and rest your back against the wall. You tried to fully stand up but your wrists were chained to the ground. It was still a struggle to breathe and you could feel the bruises forming on your neck. Then eventually you passed out.
Everyone eventually arrived at the lab and put a plan together. Robin would take out the guards in the front entrance and left exit, while Red Hood took the ones at the right exit and the back door. Red Robin would get into the mainframe and find out what level you were on and what room you were in.
However they had no idea what was going on inside. So nobody could properly what to plan once they were inside. To add onto the confusion you weren’t in the mainframe so they don’t know where in the building you are. The only thing they have came up with so far is to split up and spread out to cover more ground.
Everybody took different floors. Batman with floor 5, Spoiler with floor 4, Orphan with floor 3, Red Hood with floor 2, Red Robin with floor 1, Robin with ground floor, Deathstroke with basement level 1, and Nightwing with basement level 2. Everyone agreed that it was more likely that ‘Dr’ Gritts would be keeping you in one of the basement levels so they let your dads cover them.
You heard fighting outside your door in the halls and was relieved to know that somebody did come looking for you. The pain of Dr Gritts choking and hard kicks went away while you were knocked out so you tried to gather enough strength to try to break the fairly flimsy chains.
You finally got out of the chains when the door opened. You were hoping and honestly expecting it to be either of you dads, but it wasn’t. Instead you were met with Red Robin.
“Uncle Tim!” You ran over and gave him a hug which he quickly reciprocated unnoticeably wincing when his arms touched your back. You were happy to be finally found, but you needed to know where your dads are. “Where are my dads?”
“Don’t worry they’re alright. They’re down in the basements since we thought Dr Gritts would be keeping you down there.” He unwrapped his arms from around you taking out his comm. “Hey guys, I found y/n, we’re coming down to the ground floor.”
When you two made it downstairs the first thing you take notice of is the orange and black domino mask worn by your father.
“Father!” You ran up and gave him a hug but winced when he hugged you back.
“Bubba, are you okay?” He pulled back a bit to look into your teary eyes, unlike when Dr Gritts would look into your eyes, this was comforting and not a harsh glare delivered by somebody who only wants to cause you pain. You lightly shook your head and mumbled a small ‘no’. “Let me see”
You quietly turned around so he could lift up the back of your shirt and examine the new lashes and cuts. He let you turn back around so he could wrap you in a softer hug avoiding the sore spots on your back.
“Babybird.” You heard your other dad call out to you as he came up beside you and your father softly wrapping the two of in a loving hug.
They are your family. They are your home.
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