#sketchbookofshadows lore
sketchbook-of-shadows · 2 months
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Nina the Killer but she's a 2014 scene kid on Tumblr (WIP)
Taglist💜💜; @rottent33th @slaasherslut @dootys
heeeyy aha ahaha uhm so umm please ignore how messy this sketch is because it has been quite awkward drawing with finger dressings on my 3rd and 4th fingers on my right hand because uhh.. guys I'm not the brightest and I accidentally cut the very tips of those fingers off the other day because I'm stupid and had access to a mandolin (mandoline?) slicer so aha ahaha. Picture (not of my hand !!!) for reference because it wasn't too much but I was told there were exposed nerve endings and it does sting quite a bit so I'm staying dosed up (within the recommended dosage per 24hrs) on solpadeine these last couple days
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Blue lines are where the cut happened btw but I'm basing this off of my memory I'm not peeking under my dressings just yet lol so it might not be the most accurate but yeah those bad boys were cut clean off and my sister just.. left them in the sink.. teehee :3 I did jokingly give out to her for disrespecting my fingertips and leaving them in the sink like that lmfao
Guys please be careful with those slicers respect the blade and don't be stupid thinking you can just slice the onion on it with your bare hand, use the equipment they provide you or use a cutting glove or just use a knife the old fashioned way😭
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