#siri how do you tag 'au where everything is the same but one character is even more obviously gay than usual' on ao3
joeal-kaysani · 5 years
@gay-halforc and i have been talking about a “flint but with prince john’s personality au” (based on this post) for like two hours and we can’t decide which one’s worse: 
james adopting that persona to become flint, or 
james having been that way all along
so either
he was just the normal james mcgraw in the london era
the tragedy of what happened to thomas drives him to become flint, but a far more openly gay version just to spite alfred
miranda and gates are the only two people that understand it’s an act
eleanor gets a glimpse of the real james during the oar and shovel speech but it’s fleeting and she still thinks he’s annoying
“I WILL DELIVER THEM, HAL” “I AM YOUR KING” except it’s 24/7 and cranked up to full volume
as well as his ongoing feud with charles, he also has beef with jack because he believes he stole his shtick
for the first two episodes we believe he’s actually this flamboyant hilarious asshole and it isn’t until he collapses at miranda’s house that we realize it isn’t real and start to see behind the mask
and the rumor that miranda’s a witch stems from the fact that no one believes he actually has a wife/girlfriend/female significant other
then he meets silver and they connect because they both recognize that the other is performing, but neither of them trust the other because of it
so when he tells silver “in my head, you’re not welcome” he truly means it because he realizes that silver’s getting too close and seeing past his act
but silver realizes immediately that he’s gay (of course) so there’s an awkward “god, i hate this asshole but he’s so cute” tension between them immediately that’s even worse than in canon
the combination of losing miranda and finding out that silver sacrificed his leg to save the crew (something he thought a pirate wouldn’t be capable of due to selfishness) shake him up so badly that he slips even further into the role in his mental breakdown, to the point where silver in private is like “dude, this is just an act, relax”
but there’s no one left alive that remembers who he actually is and without them the lines become so blurred nearly loses himself completely 
the coming out scene over the campfire scene is hilarious but so much worse at the same time because james still acts like it’s a secret that he had a male lover and silver’s like “...... yeah” but then he shows real emotion and vulnerability for the first time and he doesn’t know how to handle it
he grows so tired of the charade that he gladly gives up that persona when he’s reunited with thomas after watching silver essentially become him and then replace him
silver!! breaks down the legend!! that is captain flint!! just to end up becoming him, not realizing that its it’s own curse and that someone will inevitably replace him too until it’s too late
thomas is the only person left who remembers james mcgraw and he helps him come back from being flint (like in canon) because in the immortal words of toby stephens, “he became himself with thomas hamilton”
basically all about eve but with fucking pirates because hell yeah
in retrospect this is very similar to the actual plot but flint shouts “DO YOU LOVE ME?” every time they take a prize
james mcgraw was just Like That all along
like silver, he uses deceit and manipulation to rise from a carpenter’s son to a navy lieutenant
he and thomas instantly butt heads when they meet because james is such an asshole
“you’re more literate than any three boys i knew at eton” “shows what they teach you at eton lmao”
“he’s the absolute worst, miranda. the most obnoxious man i’ve ever met. god he’s so pretty i hate him. i can’t believe i’m going to have an affair with him.” “you don’t have to.” “no i’m gonna.”
within thirty seconds of meeting him, alfred knows james is gay and is furious with thomas like, “are you serious? HIM?”
he decides very quickly after being thrown out of his house that he’s going to destroy james whether he’s having an affair with his son or not because between the pardons act, the affair AND just being a general asshole, he’s really toasting alfred’s waffles
he decides to have james hospitalized instead but james thinks it’s hilarious
“you think no one’s ever tried that before?”
everyone in the navy thinks he’s crazy but he’s so effective despite his personality that they ignore it and the plan fails
so alfred decides to do something he knows will work and hurt james even more: have thomas committed in his place
and for the first time, we see genuine heartbreak and agony in james’ face
while their relationship had started as hate ***/reluctant but successful political partners, he realizes only after alfred has him committed that he was truly in love with thomas
which makes alfred’s murder both satisfying and terrifying as he drops the act for a second time just to go straight-up ax murderer on him
losing thomas basically destroys his empathy and compassion and his worse characteristics take over and become the Captain Flint persona
silver thinks it’s an act and tries to get closer to him to find out the truth but then realizes that he really is that overdramatic and annoying like “oh my god you actually live like this?”
the parallels between thomas and silver’s “he’s insufferable, i love him” are crystal clear and intentional
once again, miranda (and gates to a lesser extent) knew his tragic backstory and that parts of him were exaggerated to create this pirate character, but losing both of them just makes him far worse
"it's time for a dramatic haircut to prove that i'm reached a turning point in my life" "please shut up and give me the scissors"
in the end, when they’re reunited at the plantation, thomas realizes that beneath his cold exterior he really had cared all along, waited a decade for him and tried to start a war in his name
enemies to lovers to friends flintham au
they’re gay in love and live happily ever after in either version the end
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hazzabeeforlou · 5 years
Oh my gosh so my lovely friends @halosboat @helloamhere and @haztobegood all tagged me in this so I’m going to answer a few from each of them I hope that’s okay!!
1. Do you prefer to write in past or present tense?
I mostly use past tense. Present squeaks me out a bit, not sure why, perhaps my anxiety can’t deal with things happening in the moment! I have an irrational fear of the word ‘was,’ though, which is eliminated in present by ‘is’ so, one would think I’d like present more but I *don’t*
2. Is there any story you want to write but feel like you won’t manage?
My story The Garden is going to be... hard. It’s a soulmate fic set in three time periods, a Biblical AU following the reincarnation of lovers David+Johnathan but in the middle ages, Jesus+Judas in the 1960s, and Adam+Eve in the present day, all obviously portrayed by Harry and Louis. It stems from the evangelical idea that Adam, David, and Jesus were the three ‘Christs,’ or rather that Adam and David were imperfect Saviors. Anyways. I want it to explore divinity and fate and religion and politics and loss and violence and love, and the blurring between good and evil and if there even is a distinction, and it’s so clear in my mind that I can almost taste it, but because of that I’m very daunted by the prospect. It would also be very LONG. And idk who would read a biblical gay love story AU so... I’ve even considered just doing a novel, not a fan fic *shrugs*
3. Which one of your fics do you think deserves more love? 
OH BOY. Well I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. My RUDOLPH THE RED NOSED REINDEER AU. Like. Harry is a shapeshifting reindeer. He pulls Santa’s sleigh. He love Christmas more than anything in this whole damn world. Louis is one of Santa’s elves and Harry’s best friend and he wants nothing more than to run away and explore the world. There’s all the mutual idiotic oblivious pining. There’s Christmas shit. SO much Christmas shit. There’s smut. There’s magic. Peppermint dildos. Need I say more?
4. Are the fictional characters you like to read/write similar to the people you like in real life?
I unfortunately read about the people in my real life quite enough in the news *trump voters cough cough* so no, I try to fill my fictional life with witches and warlocks and fairies and intellectuals and scientists and the occasional damsel wandering the moors. As for the characters I write, I have noticed that I tend to make them all very emotionally prone, which I think is more a reflection of myself than the people I’m around. I honestly base most of my characters, or at least their inner issues, on myself, not in an egotistical way, but in an ‘I know myself better than anyone else in my life’ way. Now. Do I like myself? Haha. Um. Ya there’s a reason I solve my self-based character’s problems in fics, I usually need to learn those lessons in my real life.  
5. What is your biggest fear about your writing?
My biggest fear has always been failure. As a musician, I’m constantly fearing my art. It’s my profession, and it has to be perfect, and it’s a constant strain. So when it comes to writing, I just don’t let myself care. That’s not to say I don’t edit obsessively and let my perfectionist side play, but because writing is for fun, I don’t fear failing at it. So what if no one reads a story I wrote? I wrote it for me. I wanted to read that story, so I did, and if people hate it, so what. If writing ever became my profession I would likely attach my self worth to it like I do with music, and that’s part of the reason I shy away from that path... I want writing to always be my safe place. Now mechanically, I admit freely that I am the world’s WORST speller. Above that, I also am slightly dyslexic when it comes to right/left, music staff lines, and some words, so I’ll often use the wrong word that sounds the same, you know. Believe it or not my vocab score on the GRE was fucking PERFECT. I just can’t remember how to spell anything, I will legit SPEAK the word I want into Siri and hope she can save my ass. The spelling rules of English are my worse enemy. 
6. What is the least “you” story that you like, what was something you really thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving?
This is so hard because I’m super picky and usually don’t have the patience to wait out things that initially fail to grab my interest. Perhaps... dare I say, the Great British Baking show? I eat none of the things they make. I usually don’t like reality tv or competition shows, they’re too anxiety inducing. But I LOVE this show. I will binge watch it while curled up in bed drinking tea. I now know what a proving drawer is. 
7. How do you think about places, locations, settings for your fics?
Usually my plots come ready-made with places. The two are pretty inseparable. I knew PITS would happen in a place like my hometown, that was integral to the story. I knew Until You Remember would be a coastal British village like I’d seen on BBC shows. I knew Flawless would be in NYC, and same with Reindeer Games (apart from the North Pole of course). For Kiss the Girl I did debate between Miami and St. Pete, but having been to both I just... Miami is so wild. I needed a slow, tired place that felt old and forgotten. I guess the real answer to this question is that I set fics mostly in places where I’ve spent time in real life! 
8. Give me an example of a scene or plot point in a fic of yours that changed a lot from what you thought it would be
I struggled a lot with the end of Flawless. I’d written this fic and posed all these problems and questions about the nature of love and passion and art and they were all questions I’d been dealing with in my real life and hence I just didn’t have the answers. So I sat on the fic for a while and spent lots of time just thinking, thinking while I put makeup on in the morning, during rehearsal, as I drove places, etc. I remember when the answer “art never needs to be flawless to merit love/people don’t need to be flawless to merit love” hit me, I was sitting on the bathroom counter flossing my teeth or something, and I just jumped up and ran to my notebook. Because that’s a super obvious answer, isn’t it? But I hadn’t been able to find it amidst all the clutter of my questions. 
9. Do you consider tags necessary for fics or are they just spoiling the content?
100% necessary. I was super conscious of this for PITS, as the last thing I ever wanted to do was trigger people trying to avoid trauma. Also, as someone who will actively stop movies or shows if I don’t know the ending is happy, I always am clear about that as well. Spoilers and proper tagging aren’t mutually exclusive, in my opinion. 
10. Is there any author that inspired you to start writing?
Well... I’ve been writing stories since I was very little, so I’m sure many of my influences have been subconscious ones. However! When Christopher Paolini wrote Eragon, I remember thinking ‘hey if one homeschooled weirdo can do it so can I!” 
11. Was there a fic that made you cry?
Pretty sure everything soft and magical that Phoenix @alienfuckeronmain has ever written has made me cry. Including her recent girl direction fic that I had the absolute honor of cheerleading for. I think about that underpass scene all the goddamn time. Um... Nina @pattern-pals wrote this STUNNING girl direction serpent fic that left me a fucking mess, like it was HOLY and I wanted to run to the nearest cathedral and jump in a vat of holy water and scream into stained glass windows, that type of holy. I *sobbed* myself to sleep reading the end of the world fic (I forget the name, I’ll never read it again, it hurt too badly) you know the classic one. God. Ya. Um, but in the GOOD tears category I absolutely bawled at @crinkle-eyed-boo ‘s While You Were Sleeping AU, and I am usually not a rom com sappy type of person but it hit ALL the right notes and I loved it so fucking much. 
1. If you could crawl inside one of your stories and live, which one would it be and why?
2. Is there any imagery you return to again and again?
3. Do descriptions of characters’ clothing factor into your fics a lot, why or why not?
4. Which of your fics would you want adapted to the big screen and why?
5. Are there any place you won’t go with your writing that other’s might think is an usual trigger, i.e. how Indiana Jones hates snakes?
6. Which composer would score your favorite fic and why?
7. Have you ever fallen in love with one of your characters or written a character as a wish-fulfillment perfect partner for yourself? 
8. How do you write accents/dialect differences in your fics? 
9. Do you ever find yourself re-using words/sentences for kissing or smut? How do you avoid repetition? 
10. Which fic author has most touched your soul?
11. If you had to pick only one fic to read over and over again for the rest of your life, what would it be? 
@always-aqua @metal-eye @newleafover @lesbianiconharrystyles @pattern-pals @alienfuckeronmain I’m not sure if you’ve all been tagged yet but I think pretty much EVERYONE else has been, however if you haven’t been consider this your tag and please @ me!!! 
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scuzmunkie · 6 years
Love is Blind: Chapter 1
A/N:  Ok my lovelies, here’s chapter 1. Again, this is my first time posting on tumblr so be gentle with me.... I bruise easily lol. This is a slightly AU, Seth, Dean, Roman and Renee still end up with the WWE. I’ve tried doing as much research as possible when it comes to the blind community. Also the ‘Amanda’ character is supposed to be Amanda Palmer. If you haven’t heard of her you should check her out!! I tell you this because it pertains to the story. I’ll try my hardest to do weekly updates!! Please let me know if there are any mistakes!! I tried tagging everyone who asked!! If I missed you please lmk asap!! Enjoy!!
Seth Rollins x Blind OC
Word Count: 3000+
Warnings: Swearing, a small altercation, talk of parents fighting, talk of a parent leaving. 
Summary: Seth was Lily’s world, she was foolish enough to think that she was his. That is until he leaves her behind in pursuit of his dreams. What happens when fate throws them together again years after the heartache and tears? How can Lily see past the pain of the past when she can’t see at all?
“Are you sure you really wanna go to school here?!” Amanda asked as she helped Lily unpack the last of her boxes.
Lily couldn’t help but laugh at the whine in Amanda’s voice. “I’m very sure, not only does it have one of the best music programs but I also have a full ride scholarship so.... yeah Ms. Palmer, I’m staying.”
Amanda and Lily had been thick as thieves since the first grade when Amanda poured her chocolate milk on a second grader who had been picking on Lily.
“What about the area? It’s totally foreign to you! How will you learn it with out me?!”
“I’ll take daily walks, plus I have Siri.” She said holding up her iPhone.
“Ok... what about your classes?! Who will show you around?!”
“Nice try, the dean has already assigned someone to show me around. Next?”
Amanda was stumped, she wracked her brain for any and every excuse to keep her best friend from staying.
“Well.... what about me?! What the hell am I supposed to do without you?! Ya selfish piece of crap!!” She asked in desperation, hoping that good ol’ guilt would keep Lily by her side.
Giving Amanda a reassuring smile, she held out her hand. Amanda took the outstretched limb and was engulfed into a tight hug.
“I’ll miss you too, Mandy. Truth is, you’re going to do great things with your life!! I mean, you and Brian are gonna go far!! I can see it now, ‘The Dresden Dolls are the first music group to win 20 Grammies in one night!’ You’re gonna be famous!” Lily proclaimed as she held Amanda. Her smile faltered when she heard the unmistakable sound of sniffing.
“Oh Manda-Bear, please don’t cry! I’m only a call away!”
“I know but it’s not the same... I know that it seems like I take care of you a lot but in reality you’ve always had my back! How will I survive without my Lily-Pad?”
By now both girls were blubbering messes when Lily’s phone went off. She quickly cleared her throat and answered.
“Hello?” She asked, proud that her voice didn’t break.
“Hi, Lily Adams?”
“Speaking, may I ask who’s calling?”
“Of course! I’m Renee Young, I’ve been assigned to be your campus guide for the next few days.” Lily let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. She was relieved that the voice on the other end sounded cheerful and sincere.
“Oh yes, hi! Thank you for taking the time to help me out. I promise I’m a fast learner so you won’t have to worry about spending too much time with me!”
Amanda reached over and gave Lily a firm pinch on her arm.
“Are you ok?!” Renee asked, slightly worried.
The red head scowled at her friend, well tried to at least. “I’m fine, just stubbed my toe.” She quickly answered while flipping Amanda the bird.  
“Stop thinking you’re a burden!” Amanda whisper yelled.
“Oh sorry about that. Ok, Dean Anderson already gave me your address so I’ll swing by your place tomorrow morning around 9am to pick you up and start the tour! I’ll take you to where all your classes will be, the best hangouts and show you all the sights- er, sorry I mean, um”
“That sounds great! I’m so excited, thank you so much!” Lily answered trying to reassure Renee that there was no harm done.
“Ok, I’ll call you tomorrow before I pick you up! See you, I mean, talk to you then! Bye!!”
Lily laughed, she could’ve sworn she heard Renee cuss before hanging up.
“Let me guess, she said something she felt was totally insensitive and started freaking out?” Amanda piped in once Lily set her phone down. She could hear the sarcasm dripping from her friends mouth.
“Be nice, it’s not everyday people meet someone like me. She was just trying to be polite. Now, what are the chances of you helping me decorate?”
“Hmm... buy me pizza and a beer and I’ll be your very own Martha Stewart!”
About two pizzas and four and a half beers later Lily and Amanda had almost everything put in its place, there was just one last detail.
“Do you remember when you got that?” Amanda asked as she watched Lily open the last box and gently run her fingers over the old keyboard.
“Of course, it’s one of my favorite memories. I scraped and saved for months only to have you surprise me by buying it for my birthday.” She smiled at the memory as she pulled it out while Amanda assembled the stand and small bench that came with it.
“It’s gonna be weird not having you play for me on stage anymore.” Amanda said with a sigh. Lily hugged her for the hundredth time that night.
“I know but you’re just as good at playing the piano as I am if not better. Plus people totally dig an artist who can sing and play at the same time!! I mean, Elton John does it and the audience eats that shit up!”
“I do like Sir Elton.” Amanda said earning a giggle from Lily.
They settled on Lily’s bed and spent the remainder of the night talking until sleep inevitably took them both.
“Well, I guess this is it.” Amanda said trying hard not to cry.
“Oh my gosh, I’m not dying, we’ll see each other again!!”
The two girls held each other for what felt like an eternity.
“Ugh, ok, I’ve got a flight to catch and you’ve got a campus tour in an hour!! Scoot that cute tush back to your room. I’ve already laid out an outfit for you, complete with your favorite pair of aviators and I placed your cane right next to your clothes!”
“You spoil me too much. Thank you so much tho! I love you so m-much. Damn it!! I almost made it through th-that with out crying.” Lily said as she felt the dam begin to break. She felt Amanda run her thumbs on her cheeks wiping the tears away.
“I love you too, baby cakes.” Amanda began to walk away but turned abruptly and cupped Lily’s cheeks and whispered “Remember, you’re not just a blind girl, you’re an amazing badass who doesn’t take shit from anyone! Say it!”
“I’m a badass.” Lily mumbled.
“I’m a badass!”
“Come again?”
“I’M A BADASS!!!” She yelled out, praying that her neighbors didn’t hear her.
“Hell yeah you are!”
With that Amanda kissed her on the forehead and went on her way. Lily counted the steps as she heard her best friend walk out of her new home. Before she could become a sobbing mess she heard her phone ringing.
“Hi Lily, it’s Renee, just calling to let you know that I’ll be there in about 45 minutes.”
“Perfect, thank you again!!”
“No problem!! Bye!”
Grateful for the distraction, Lily sprang into action, quickly throwing on her clothes and aviators. With one hand she ran her fingers through her hair while the other felt around for her cane. Just as she straightened it out she heard a knock at the door.
“Coming!” She shouted as she felt for her phone and purse. “Ok Lily, you can do this, twenty one steps from your room to the door.”
Opening the front door to her apartment she was greeted with a soft sent of a sweet floral perfume.
“Hi!! I’m Renee!” She said eagerly stretching her hand out, rolling her eyes when she realized that Lily couldn’t see her gesture and gently took her hand giving it a friendly shake.
“Nice to finally meet you!” Lily said with an excited smile.
“Same here, shall we?”
By the end of the tour Renee and Lily had talked a lot and formed a friendship in no time. Renee transferred here from Canada and was majoring in journalism. She was currently in a relationship with one of the students on the wrestling team named Dean Ambrose. They walked arm in arm towards the final stop of the day.
“And this is where you’ll most likely be spending a lot of your time.” Renee said as she led Lily to the music department. There she showed her all of the practice rooms, the majority of them equipped with pianos.
“I can’t thank you enough for showing me around! I’ve had so much fun!” Lily said giving Renee’s arm a gentle squeeze.
“Oh, it’s no problem at all! I had fun to-HEY!” Lily gasped as she felt Renee’s arm being pulled from her grasp.
“Well, well, well,” said a deep, raspy voice “what do we have here?” Lily began to panic, it was bad enough that she couldn’t see what was happening, but she hated feeling useless! She frantically reached into her purse and pulled out her cane. She had put it in there once Renee took her arm. Before she could start swinging aimlessly, she heard Renee giggling.
“Damn it Dean! You scared the hell outta me!”
“I’m sorry doll, but you know I can’t resist sweeping you off your feet.” He chuckled.
Calming her breathing and lowering her cane, Lily began to notice the details about Dean. He smelt like leather and cigarettes with a subtle hint of soap, telling her nose that he had just recently showered. She was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of them kissing. She scrunched her nose and giggled before she could stifle it.
Renee quickly pulled away from Dean.
“Sorry, Lily, this is my boyfriend Dean, Dean meet Lily! She’s starting here this semester!”
Dean looked Lily over, taking notice of her sunglasses and cane. Putting two and two together he reached for her hand, giving it a quick shake. Lily smiled, shaking his hand back as she felt the calluses on his hand.
“Welcome darlin’. “
“Thanks, nice to meet you. Renee told me you’re a wrestler?”
“Yes ma’am, you a fan?” He asked while Renee gently elbowed him.
“Ouch, what was that for?” He asked totally, missing Renee’s hand signals trying to quiet him.
‘She can’t see, why would she be a fan of wrestling?’ She mouthed.
Lily, sensing the awkwardness, spoke up in hopes of easing the tension.
“I am actually.”
If she wasn’t blind, she’d see both their heads snap in her direction, mouths agape. After a few seconds, Dean finally broke the silence.
“I don’t mean to sound like a dick, but how exactly? I mean it’s kind of a watching sport.”
“Well, believe it or not, each move has a distinct sound. My mom and I used to watch wrestling on tv together. My best friend Amanda and I also frequented the local indie circuit back home. She’d give me a play by play but most of the time I knew what was happening.”
“Well, hell darlin’, you should come check us out sometime!!” Dean bellowed as he wrapped his arm around Lily’s shoulders.
“Oh my gosh, that would be so fun!” Renee said, her voice laced with excitement, “You’d have so much fun!”
Just as she was about to answer, Lily’s stomach let out a growl that could put King-Kong to shame. She felt a blush slowly creep up her neck and spread to her face.
“Damn Renee, I think someone’s hungry.”
It was only then that both girls realized they hadn’t stopped for lunch and it was as nearly 6pm.
“Ok, I think now would be the best time to show you the cafeteria.” Renee said with a laugh.
“That’d be awesome.” Lily said just as her stomach decided to make itself heard again. Assuming Renee would want to hold Dean’s hand, Lily opted to use her cane instead of relying on Renee’s arm.
As the three of them made their way to the cafeteria, Lily heard a new set of footsteps accompanied with a scent of smooth cologne.
“Thanks for leaving without me, Uce.” said an unbelievably deep voice.
“Sorry Ro, I was helping the little lady escort Lily here to the cafeteria. Lily, this is Roman, he sounds like a bear but deep down he’s a gentle giant.”
Lily turned in the direction of Roman’s voice, hoping to shake his hand, but was stopped short when she felt her cane snag something... or rather someone.
“What the fu-“ this person said followed by a thud. Lily couldn’t help but flinch and cringe a bit knowing that she was the cause of someone getting hurt.
“I am so sorry!” She said quickly trying to feel for whoever she almost took out. Her hands landed on a well toned bicep as well as an intoxicating scent of aftershave and sweat. Before she could help whoever it was up she felt them shake off her hands and heard an irritated growl.
“Get the hell off me!” He said angrily.
Lily felt her eyes water. ‘Way to go Lily, making a great first impression...’ she mentally scolded herself.
“Easy Seth, it was an accident man.” Roman said as he reached down to help his friend up, trying his best to keep his temper in check when Seth slapped his hand away.
“Right.”  He said as he dusted himself off, turning towards Lily as he spoke.
“Why don’t you watch where you’re going next time?” He seethed. Dean, Roman and Renee all tensed at his poor choice of words. It wasn’t his fault tho, he hadn’t known that Lily was blind.
“Believe me, I wish I could.” She said with a sad smile.
Sensing that Seth was about to say something hurtful, Dean quickly got his attention, unceremoniously placed his hands over his eyes while shaking his head ‘no’ trying his hardest to signal to his friend that Lily couldn’t see. Of course Seth, being the hot head that he was, just shook his head muttering a ‘whatever’ and walked away.
Lily bit her bottom lip, in a desperate attempt to stop it from quivering, when she felt a large hand on her shoulder.
“Don’t worry about him baby girl,” Roman said gently “he’s just pissed off because coach gave him a hard time today.”
Renee rolled her eyes saying “Please, he’s always in a bad mood. Are you ok Lily?” She asked, coming to Lily’s side and hugging her.
Not trusting her voice, she simply nodded and allowed Roman to lead her into the cafeteria.
Having lost her appetite she just moved her food around with her fork.
As she sat with her new three friends, they took the opportunity to study her, she wasn’t that tall, maybe 5’3”, deep red hair and ivory skin. She was a petite little thing. Roman, having enough of this awkward silence, spoke up. “So Lily, tell us about yourself.”
“Oh, well, I graduated from high school about two years ago and took time off to play for my friend Amanda. She’s a singer trying to get her music career started. Have you ever heard of the Dresden Dolls?” She asked. It was a long shot but you never know.
“No.” Both Dean and Roman answered in almost perfect unison.
“I have!” Renee almost yelled “Do they sing Coin Operated Boy?!”
Lily almost choked on her soda. She couldn’t believe that someone knew of them!
“Yes!! I played the piano on that track! What a small world!”
“That’s awesome!” Renee exclaimed, “where did you learn to play?”
“I started when I was about 6, my mom said I needed a distraction after my- I mean...” Lily cleared her throat and started chugging her drink.
Dean, having no tact at all, took it upon himself to ask what no one else would.
“After What darlin’?”
Lily sighed, it was going to come out any way, might as well be now.
“After my dad left us. He didn’t like the fact that he was trapped with a ‘defective’ daughter so he took off with his 21 year old secretary, but not before having a huge screaming match with my mom. That’s one of the downsides of being blind, your other senses are heightened so I heard every word.”
A bastard tear fell down her cheek as she recalled the painful memory. She reached up to wipe it away but was beaten by Roman’s thumb.
“It’s his loss baby girl. He’s a fool for leaving you and your mom.”
“Thanks, um so. What about you guys?” She asked, changing the subject, “what do you guys look like?”
She learned that Dean was 6’4”, Caucasian, blue eyes, well built, with dirty blonde hair, Renee was just a few inches taller than Lily, hazel eyes, fair skinned as well with light blonde hair and Roman was 6’3”, Samoan, tan skin, brown eyes, long dark brown hair, and (according to Dean) was built like an Adonis.
“Wow, you all sound like you could be models!”
“Well, darlin’, when you’re rockin’ next to nothin’ when wrestling, you gotta look good.” Dean said as Roman laughed in agreement.
“You should come to one of our shows! It’d be fun!” Dean said, scooping the last of his chowder into his mouth.
“Maybe one day!” Lily said yawning. “Renee, I’m so sorry but would you mind taking me back to my place? I’m still a little jet lagged.”
“Of course!”
Roman helped Lily outta her seat and the four of them left. They said their goodbyes and Lily made her way up to her apartment.
“Alexa, play messages.” Lily called out as she threw her keys and purse on the table.
“You have one new message from Manda-Bear:
‘Hey Lily-Pad, just wanted to let you know that I made it back safely and I miss you already. You had better call me when you wake up and tell me all about your day or so help me I’ll jump back on a plane and come kick your adorable ass!! I love you... call me!!’
Lily smiled and made a mental note to call Amanda in the morning. She couldn’t help but feel completely alone at the moment. Not to mention she couldn’t believe that she hadn’t even been on campus for a full 24 hours and already she made a fool of herself. One thing was for sure, she was going to do her best to steer clear of this Seth guy.
“Alexa, what time is it?”
“It is 11:42pm”
Groaning she did the only thing that calmed her down when she was antsy. Sitting at the her keyboard she began playing the Moonlight Sanata. After 15 minutes of playing she was interrupted by someone pounding on her front door. She quickly ran to her door, not before grabbing her pocket knife, and swung open the door, stiffening when she was met with the same scent she smelt when she tripped Seth.
“Oh shit...” Seth mumbled under his breath.
“Can I help you?” Lily asked with a sigh.
“Yeah, I’m trying to sleep so could you keep the damn noise down?!” He said annoyed realizing that they were neighbors.
“I’m so sorry, I’ll do....” before she could finish she couldn’t help but hear Amanda’s words from earlier ‘you’re an amazing badass who doesn’t take shit from anyone’.
“Hello?!” He said, snapping his fingers in front of her face, a mistake on his part. With lightning speed, Lily grabbed his wrist and threw it back at him.
“Look,” She said pointing a finger at him, “I’m sorry about earlier and I’m sorry about the noise but you have no right to act like a prick! Now,” she took a deep breath, calming down “come in for a drink and we can start over.” Giving him her friendliest smile she moved out of the way to let him in.
A very stunned Seth stood there looking at her.  No one, let alone a woman, had ever spoken to him like that. It didn’t sit well with him. Not one bit.
“No thanks, I’ve got an early class.” And with that he retreated back to his apartment.
Embarrassed, she shut her door and went beck to her room. She wanted to be mad, she really did but being blind had its advantages. She depended greatly on her hearing when having conversations to pick up on social cues. She sensed something deeper in Seth’s voice, something he tried desperately to hide: insecurity. To everyone else he portrayed himself as a cocky athlete who was God’s gift to women, but Lily could hear past that. As she laid down she couldn’t help but feel an infatuation with him. She knew what it was like to pretend to be strong on the outside while vulnerable on the inside. Smiling to herself she decided that instead of avoiding him, she’d make it her goal to befriend him and lift him up. She closed her eyes and welcomed a dreamless sleep, excited for the new day.
@haven-raven012591 @wrestlingfae @calwitch @neversatisfiedgirl @lost-in-the-stories
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rvbficwars · 7 years
Angst War Masterpost
Submissions listed under the cut!
Art Submissions:
Removing Bullets: Wash gets shot and Tucker has to remove the bullets on-site
Guess That First Date Isn’t Happening: Tucker has to choose between saving Caboose or saving Wash
The Crash of Merope:
Too Late: draw the team/characters of my choice finding wash and caro too late. and then i accidentally posted it early and deleted it and accidentally deleted the original request with it wh oo ps haha
Felix Haunts Tucker: Felix’s ghost haunts Tucker.
Grif Leaving Home: Grif and Kai’s last night together
One Saved, One Lost: Reds and Blue are too late to save Wash
Remote Control:
After Charon:
Betrayed: Warned by Santa that Locus is about to betray him, Felix strikes First.
That’s Not Simmons:  Grif sees his friends again - but why do they have blue visors?
Search and Receive: Season 8 - Grif falls off the cliff with the Meta, but the Reds and Blues won’t leave without finding his body
Simmons in a Closet: Spoilers for RVB ep 10. Simmons has a hard time with closets.
Reverse Transistor AU: A character is immortal, it’s less pleasant than it sounds
Cyborg Vision: Being a cyborg has its drawbacks
Supposed to Be: After Felix dies, things start adding up to Locus. Mostly how relationships are supposed to work and how theirs did.
Over:  how about Felix deciding the only way to get past his “fear” is killing Locus?
Kids of Yesterday: Some Jensen angst for @kansasjustgotgayer. Warning for a bit of blood.
A Reflection: Anon prompted “Nightmares” and I knew I had to attempt something I’ve been wanting to do since I began watching this show.
Grif Alone:
Donut’s Nightmares: Donut has nightmares about being shot
Hello Gene:
Fic Submissions:
A Letter to Sunday Drive: Felix is supposed to have nice parents according to Miles. How do they take to their son's actions when everything comes to light?
Beach of Melancholy Thoughts: Grif sees Simmons again – and discovers it isn’t the real Simmons.
Line of Sight: agent illinois is actually camped out in a sniper’s nest when wash and carolina find his place. he knows he’s being hunted, and he intends to strike first. 
Please (Don’t Leave Me): CT tries to convince south to defect with her, and fails.
Cascade: the moment PFL-era tex discovers what she is 
An Eye Opening Experience: Locus goes back in time to the start of the Chorus trilogy
Poor Mary is A-Weeping: Carwash siblings in their current predicament?
Freckles: oh, for rvb angst war, maybe something with Freckles and Caboose angst?
Phantom Pains: What happened to Siris?
That’s What I Am To You: Caboose has never seen this many empty tables at a party.
Wait: It takes Felix twelve seconds to hit the ground.
Unwelcome: Felix knows that, if Siris knew they were leaving on this job, he’d never let them go. So Felix and Locus don’t say goodbye. They leave for Chorus, and they know they’ll never see Siris again.
Shatter: how about epsilon fragmenting inside of tuckers mind and seeing tuckers memories vanish and not being able to stop it????
Through the Fallout: After a nightmare, Wash shoots Donut again. This time, forgiveness might not come so easily.
when it’s burning low: “You have to let go” - Tuckington
Crumble: Franklin Delano Donut is not afraid of Frank Dufresne. But should he be?
Acceptance: For the Angst War: Grif dies during N+1, after falling off the cliff at Sidewinder. Simmons deals with the aftermath.
Double: something where simmons meets fake grif? (or, a bonus if its actually the real grif ;0)  
Care: grimmons where one of them takes a bullet/other attack for the other person, maybe?
I Lose Everyone and Now I Lose Myself: The Director didn’t lose it just because of Alison. He lost Carolina’s older sibling too.
Last Words: Warned by Santa that Locus is about to betray him, Felix strikes first. 
lay this body down: Lavernius Tucker knows who he is, and what he’s doing. He knows why the Reds and Blues are taking these missions; he knows why they have to work with Charon. Lavernius Tucker knows who he is. (Doesn’t he?)
Exposure Therapy: DID!Church, with a focus on Theta, as requested by anon for the angst war. child abuse, psychiatric abuse, and very blatant manipulation of a damaged kid
Asset Retrieval: Instead of imploding by itself, PFL survives until Chairman Hargrove’s investigation brings all its secrets to light. Hargrove offers some of the Freelancers a deal; in return for getting them out of prison, they’ll do whatever dirty work he needs doing, no questions asked.
York and Tex Look for the D: Something’s gone wrong with the implant. York can’t hear Delta talk anymore.
Past is Past: The Reds and Blues had returned to Blood Gulch after Chorus as originally planned, Donut and Kaikaina reminice on past events with Carolina, horrifying and upsetting her.
Paralysis: After Temple leaves, Wash and Carolina attempt to remain calm.
The Malfunction: Simmons never meant for anyone to get hurt. Running away was supposed to avoid that.
Walnuts: Caboose genuinely doesn't seem to understand that Epsilon is gone. Tucker and Wash discuss whether they need to have a talk with him.
The One Day Regret: Grif changes his mind and comes back, but he’s too late and Simmons is already dead
Felix’s Last Thoughts: felix's thoughts as he falls to his death
Rookie: You’re so tired. You’ve never been able to tell what’s real.
This is What Family Means: Kai helps Grif build a new life after the Reds and Blues depart on a new mission. When the others finally return, the reunions aren’t what any of them expect. Written for RvB Angst War, @rvbficwars, 6/9-6/16/2017.
Just Broken Pieces: AU where North sides with Locus and Felix, South fights for the People of Chorus
Magic in the Marks: Each day, he reminds himself that his sister is the most important person in the world. No matter what, she’s all that matters. Written for the RvB Angst War. Dark fic.
Code: Alpha Church meeting the fragments for the first time… right before he’s killed by the EMP.
Can You Repair a Broken Heart: character of your choice becomes fed up (sorta the same way Grif did this season) and leaves the group behind.
Old Habits Die Hard: For the angst war how about North calming South down after her finds her pacing the halls having a panic attack because of a nightmare?
I think you’re my best friend: Caboose breaks his leg in the middle of a fight, and Tucker gets hurt trying to drag him out. Carolina and Epsilon find them once the battle is over. Happy or sad ending, you decide. *finger guns*
Alone: After Chorus, Wash decides to go home to find his family, only to discover there’s nothing left. 
Simmons Has Nightmares: Simmons has nightmares
A Story, A Love Story: Set after 15x06. Caboose and Simmons can’t sleep, so Caboose begs Simmons to tell him a story.
Grief and Closure and How To Drink Your Way Through Both: After CT’s death, her friends drink and share their memories of her.
Negative Category: Tex spends a late night watching York and Carolina train and muses on their relationship and her own.
What if this is it?: During season 10, Tucker takes a quiet moment to call Junior, but it doesn’t go as well as he hopes.
This Pale Shade of Blue: he Reds and Blues do find Church. But there’s one problem for Carolina. It’s Alpha, not Epsilon. And he doesn’t know her.
My Mind Repeats the Scene: "Caboose! No!"
Protect and Defend: “I will always be there for you.” “We lost my brother! Not just an agent! Not a state name on your leaderboard! My brother! My brother is dead!”
Gene and Simmons: Here’s where I’ll be posting all my entries for the angst war.  I only received two prompts, but I’ll be writing more than just those.  Thanks to @riathedreamer and @secretlystephaniebrown for sending me prompts!  All fic warnings should be listed in the tags.  If anything is improperly tagged, feel free to let me know.
The Triplets: The Triplets learn that Wash is dead
The Fire and the Flames: Agents Maine and South Dakota are sent on a mission. They have a simple set of instructions. If they fail to accomplish their mission, South could completely fall off the leaderboard. She is willing to do anything to stop that from happening.
numbers are a pain: “You’re welcome, Agent Carolina,” he says, because that’s what you’re supposed to say, and his body remembers that, his mouth moving to say you’re welcome as soon as his ears hears the thank you, no thought needed. “It was fun!” he adds himself after a moment of thinking, because it was, he got to do something he’s good at and doesn’t have to think about that reminded him of his sisters, so he could just sit there and braid and brush and think about his sisters while Agent Carolina slowly relaxed when he didn’t rip her scalp off or set her hair on fire or something.
Unlocking the Truth:  Tucker dies on the staff of Charon. Wash gets his sword. And the fate of those who carry it.
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Grif comes back, only to discover that Simmons has started dating his doppleganger.
Theft: grif siblings shitty abusive childhood, especially their early childhood. Maybe including grif protecting Kai from one of their mom’s shitty boyfriends or something?
Digging Like You Can Bury: red team dies and grif’s the only survivor
South vs North: Angst War: AU where South isn’t recruited to Project Freelancer, but her brother is. Instead, she joins the Insurrection, fighting against North.
Promises Promises: North Survives the Meta taking Theta
I Know You Can Hear Me: Simmons returns to the moon to find it empty
Identity Crisis: hi! from the discord chat for the angst war: simmons keeping mistaken for jene (gene?) and even sarge and grif (if he comes back) just mistake the two soldiers, making simmons go crazy because they know him from years but this guy can easily take his place without nobody noticing. i hope u like this : ) 
Memory: Chex role reversal: Tex is the AI that came from the director, Church is the echo
Grif: Grimmons, maybe Simmons's thoughts when he thinks Grif is dead after the Meta pulls him off the cliff? (Or you could go darker, up to you haha).
Separation: after locking Wash and Carolina in their armor, Temple plays on Caboose’s abandonment issues, telling him they left him without saying goodbye. By @anneapocalypse Thanks Anne! Hope you enjoy this. :’D
What five things Wash would want for his team and one thing he would:
Time’s Up: Hey!! I have a prompt for the rvb angst war: Temple fails in killing Wash and Carolina, but when they go search for the reds and blues, they find out they’re already dead, and Temple kills Tucker last so Wash can watch it (Tuckington *•*).
Please Don’t Go: The stupid part is, Tucker’s angry at the helmet. He couldn’t leave it behind, Goddammit, he just couldn’t. Abandoning it felt like abandoning some small part of Washington. And the thought makes Tucker’s stomach churn.
Old Yeller Lived Here: the AU where Wash is still adopted by the Reds & Blues, but they’re mercenaries who work for Hargrove ;)
Cold Comfort: Tucker and Carolina find more than they bargained for when they explore the Staff of Charon.
Mod Submissions:
You Suck: Simmon is still new to being a vampire and loses control. Set in my Vampire AU, though not in that canon.
I Don’t Want to Set the World On Fire: The Institute catches up with Simmons.
Echoes and Other Ghosts: Tucker has to choose between believing Wash or believing Temple. He chooses Temple. (Or wash if you'd rather have fun~)
Zeus: If Hawley had managed to kill Locus is ch 19, what would she have done to Carolina?
Grif driving: Simmons is hurt.
Your Fault: Carolina went with York and Tex
Claustrophobia: Wash and Carolina are paralyzed in a room with the bodies of their dead friends.
The Battle is Won: maine recovering/remembering himself only after killing washington
Revenge is a Dish: wesome, can you do a short where Temple and the Blues and Reds kill the Reds and Blues. But Dylan and Jax make it to the Freelancers and they plot revenge?
All In the Phrase: The Counsellor secretly brainwashed control phrases into all the Freelancer Agents. When he allies with Felix and Locus, he tells them the phrases to use on Wash and Carolina.
Time’s a Funny Thing: Grif and Simmons drift apart and years later, before he knows it, Simmons gets a wedding invitation in the mail. Could be "Took a Wrong Turn at Normal"-verse except they never patched things up. :D
Loves Me Not: schrodinger’s relationship. you don’t know if you’re boyfriends until he’s gone. grimmons.
Boxed: Felix and Locus put Wash in a box, then die before they tell anyone where it is.
Back to the Start: Tucker finds the murder fridge before they find wash and Carolina. Maybe he realizes. Maybe he doesn’t
Deprivation: Wash is kidnapped after season 11, and Tucker is told he's dead. Things go downhill from there.
Breaks Your Little Heart in TwoYork’s terminally ill from having Delta plugged in nonstop for [X] number of years. Set after “How to Heal a Broken Heart”. (bonus for “-But I just got you back!”)
Start the Clock: Tex trying to rescue Wash and Carolina from the murder fridge! And I was like “what, Tex in 15? this is the dream scenario.” Then I figured out how to make it angsty anyways
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