#since tumblr support doesn't wanna respond to me i'll do blurbs until my tagging issue is fixed
kpoptionate · 5 years
[14:43] you don’t even bother trying to hide a smile as chenle stands nervously in front of you in the schoolyard, looking down at his feet with a single rose in his hands. collecting himself, he looks up at you, struggling to keep eye contact. your smile gets bigger as you notice the bright red painted across his cheeks, and you cock your head to the side to indicate you’re waiting for his question.
“i w—i was wondering if maybe you wanted to go on a date with me,,,?” he watches you eagerly, but his nervousness hikes as you don’t respond. “i mean, i-it’s totally okay if you don’t ! i-i just wanted to—”
chenle freezes as you giggle and take the rose from his hands, bringing it up to your nose with a sweet smile on your lips. he relaxes and allows his grin to grow upon hearing you quietly, but loud enough for him to hear, say, “i’d absolutely love to, chenle.”
running a hand through his hair, he lets out a nervous but victorious laugh, throwing his fists in the air and screaming “they said yes !” he turns to the side and sticks his tongue out at someone, and only then do you notice jisung and jaemin hiding in the bushes, giving their friend happy thumbs up.
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