#since like. one is a terrapin. one is a snake.
seagullcharmer · 6 months
gosh. drawing my botw lorule au again. i love my versions of these characters so much
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jeannereames · 9 days
Hello Dr. Reames! Thank you so much for all the great answers here on tumblr! If you don’t mind sharing, could you tell us what other historical periods/figures you like, outside your area of specialty? Those that you don’t work with, but like to read about
There are several other ancient figures who intrigue me, but those are still in my wheelhouse. Ergo, I’ll focus on a couple of people/eras that are not in the ancient (Eurasian) world.
First, and this is a personal (family) interest: Mihshihkinaáhkwa, or Little Turtle. His name actually means ‘Painted Terrapin’ but apparently the French can’t handle complexity. He’s the best American Indian general you’ve never heard of before.
He was war chief (eteesiah) and civil chief (akima) of the Myaamia (Miami) Indians, architect of St. Clair’s Defeat/Battle of the Wabashiki, the biggest loss (proportionally) the US army ever suffered (anywhere). Later, he agreed to peace with the US, as he didn’t think the nation could continue to block American expansion west. Americans were a bit like Rome: just kept coming back, even if you beat them the first time.
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Later, he refused to support Tecumseh’s war, in part because of the Treaty of Greenville, but he didn’t trust their British allies or Tecumseh’s brother, The Prophet—but also (quite possibly) for ego reasons. He wasn’t in charge. Ha. It’s an interesting “What if?” to me—what if the Great Lakes tribes had all united to form a blockade, instead of breaking down into old factions? My mother’s family (Brouillettes and Richardvilles) are related (collaterally) to Mihshihkinaáhkwa via his sister.
I’m also fascinated by two ancient American groups. One is Teotihuacan (same area the Aztecs and Toltecs would control later). The other is Cohokia, on the Illinois side of the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers, where St. Louis is today (on the Missouri side). Cahokia is absolutely fascinating. I teach both these cultures (along with the Maya, Snake Town and the SW cultures) in World History, so I know a little about them. I’ve been to Cahokia several times (it’s North America’s “Rome,” in terms of size and scope of trade control), and when it collapsed, at least some of the people in the area stayed and united with the Myaamia and Illiniwek peoples arriving later from the Ohio River Valley area. One of the tribes of the Illiniwek was, in fact, called the Cahokia. (Illiniwek are cousins to the Myaamia. Illinois is derived from Illiniwe.)
I also enjoy the history of some cities, such as New Orleans, Savannah—and Omaha, for that matter. When I moved here, I had no idea what an interesting history this place had.
Last, one of my very first attempts to write historical fiction, back when I was in high school and editor of the literary magazine there, involved the Marquis de Lafayette. It was a very cheesy, quasi-self-insert about a girl who wanted to fight in the Revolution, so disguised herself as a boy. She wound up an attaché to Lafayette. I don’t even remember now how it ended (probably in a love story), but I’d researched him for a school project, then wrote the story. It won first prize! But you have to understand the competition—a bunch of other high school kids. LOL
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I haven’t studied Lafayette since, but admit I got a kick out of it when he popped up in the musical, Hamilton.
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mcdowellpierce · 1 year
Phinda. 4:48a.
I don’t have much time, but I’d love to share some of what I’ve done the last few days.
I believe I left off with &Beyond. Well today, I sit at an &Beyond location — Phinda Game Reserve — which is located in eastern South Africa. More on that momentarily.
Two days ago we went to Soweto. It was the type of experience that I had hoped for. Something true as opposed to the luxury malls and hotel. Soweto has approximately 3 million people. It’s a suburb of Johannesburg. It stands for “southwestern township.” As you pass the “welcome to Soweto” sign by vehicle, you begin to snake through streets and, generally, descend deeper into the valley. One side of the street tends to be where the “haves” — 4 room house, higher fences, barbed wire, electric fences — live while the other is where the “have nots” — 3 rooms, more run down, etc. — call home. As you descend deeper into the belly of Soweto, the homes get worse. We saw several stray dogs that looked okay — don’t worry Al! — but not in ideal shape. We eventually progressed into an “unincorporated” part of Soweto. Those who live there — ~46,000 — are considered squatters, but most of their families have lived there since 1901. This area is extreme poverty. No running water. Literally 20 families share a single portapotty. We toured one home, which consisted of 3 rooms that are shared by 26 family members. I am not exaggerating. The home’s roof was tin, its floors dirt. As we carved through the village’s alleyways, we stumbled upon thick, uneven rocks and putrid trash that were floating atop a light stream of running water. The water smelled of human waste.
I am sorry to be graphic, but it is important. It was the experience that I had been waiting for, because it’s a real experience of South Africa. I can think of no better way to complement my current time in the 5-star luxury lodge of Phinda than to spend time in the deepest slums of Soweto.
What have I done to deserve such fortune? So much of my current station is due to where I was born and from whom I was born from. Yes, I believe that I have worked hard, but the ingredient that’s played the featured role is luck. Had I been born in Soweto, for example, no hard work would have gotten me remotely to this point in life. Ruminating on these facts only help so much, though. I’m a big disciple of Stoicism, which one of its primary tenets is that there are things that one can control and others that one cannot. The things that I can — effort, mindset, education, discipline, generosity — are where I should dedicate my time and focus. The others — luck, macro events, etc. — I should not, because I can’t control them.
Phinda. It is magical. Perhaps the best way to summarize it to the audience I have is that it’s an oasis that would receive a hearty stamp of approval from mom. Yea, this even remains true despite the fact that it’s in the middle of the bush, surrounded by all the iconic African predators.
We’ve seen lions, elephants, cheetah, giraffes, wildebeests, warthogs (and 3 piglets), white rhino (which is exceedingly rare in Africa), African buffalo, terrapin, tortoise, zebras, impalas, nyalas, the little bird that’s always with Poomba and Timon, a jackal, and as of last night, a hippo, crocodile and leopard! We await the hyena, wild dog, and the honey badger, with others I’m sure, too. To find the honey badger would be like finding the rarest Pokémon.
I could go on about the service at the lodge, and please let me know if you’d me to write about it, but I will hold off on that for another time. Think upon arrive, a hot, damp lemongrass towel to refresh your face. Flavored, homemade pineapple syrups combined with sparkling waters to quench your thirst. Homemade shortbreads and cookies with coffee, tea and hot chocolate — all consumed not just anywhere, but in the middle of the bush, halfway through our early morning safari and late night rides. The latter pit stop of which is known as a “sundowner.” At night, I walk back to my room, which I cannot do unattended because of the danger. During the day, when I walk to my cavitation, I see nyala awaiting my arrival, literally 8 feet from my door.
It’s a perfect experience that makes me think of family again and again. I hope that we can share something like this in the near future.
Taking a brief step back, I want to try to give some big picture thoughts.
If one can afford an experience such as this — and it’s far from cheap — then I can’t think of anything much better. It’s an education that cannot be duplicated, so long as it is accompanied with a real-world experience of the local community, too. No trip should be exclusively this, because it distorts the reality of the struggle that so many in this country face. Nathi — the taxi driver who picked me up when arriving into the country — would not be able to do this, despite working his tail off and possessing such a powerfully positive mindset. I owe it to myself and to others to ensure that I don’t lose track of this appreciation and channel it towards something true and good.
As mentioned, this also makes me think of family. I know that I’m in the right head space when my mind continues to return to you guys while I’m here. I want to share the experience with you all rather than keep it to myself. Hopefully it does not come off as gloating or inconsiderate. Moving forward, get ready for an annoying Pierce who will be peppering you at holidays, angling for a family trip abroad such as this.
Regarding affordability, as mentioned it’s far from cheap. Truly far. However, it’s a reminder to me to say no to certain things in life — including multiple other trips — so that I can use a high concentration of funds on something like this. “This” is luxury, combined with education, nature, while also ensuring I see the other side of luxury — the reality of places like Soweto. It also channels my mind and gives me purpose to work harder to earn more money so that I can tether that towards something like this — especially in teaching lessons to my children. Finally, it’s money spent towards something good. The money that’s poured into this place directly benefits wildlife conservation, the people who live in the villages around us, etc. It’s a more virtuous form of tourism.
I’ll end with the following: Poaching v Pineapples. What does greater damage to African animals?
Poaching has led to animal extinction in places throughout Africa. Pineapple farms decimate entire ecosystems. Poaching may remove the black rhino in Phinda, but pineapple farms wipe out all flora and fauna in pursuit of the mass production of pineapple. That means no lions, elephants, leopards, etc. It also means fewer insects, flowers, trees. A poacher can be dealt with, pineapple farms cannot beyond ensuring that don’t exist. Of course, I’m not iconoclast against pineapple — it’s a a good thing! It’s just being mindful of the ecosystems that it is wiping out. In places such as this, no pineapple is worth what it’s replacing. What’s the pineapple farm equivalent in SD and MN?
Thinking of you guys!
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Oh yay! I love it when you post things you write.
1. Hugging them from behind, laying their head on the other's shoulder
9. Leaning into them
With Raphael please. ❤️
Yeah, I felt like it's been such a long time ever since I posted some writing stuff, so here we aaaaaaaaaaaaare. I really want to get back into it. Thanks for the prompts 💜 !!! -> Prompts list, for those interested <-
Irritation grew as a small plate slipped from your grip and ungraciously flopped into the sink's soapy water - sending a considerable amount of large droplets on yourself. A deep sigh escaped your lips, could this day be even worse than the shitstorm it already has been? From work getting on your nerves lately, to delayed subway trains, and the landlord forgetting once again to schedule for someone to come repair the faulty drying machine in your apartment, fate and luck seemed to enjoy giving you the middle finger lately....
It was already late in the evening, you hadn't had anything to eat yet, and the dishes had been piling up long enough. Frankly, you just wanted to drop everything and call it a night, yet your focus remained on a fork as you scrubbed it continuously, grumbling and cursing in your head. All that annoyance made you miss the window opening in your living room nearby, a figure coming in. The faint mumbling escaping you piqued the newcomer's interest, a faint smile on his lips as he approached you calmly.
"I don't think that fork needs one of its prongs removed," said Raph with faint amusement as he was now standing behind you, arms gently snaking around your waist.
That caught you by surprise, your body jolting and dropping once more the item in your hands to produce a renewed splash on your clothes.
"God fuckin' dammit," you said through gritted teeth, regaining your composure by holding the sink's rim.
That brought a warm laugh out of the terrapin at first, but it soon fainted as he noticed your annoyed demeanor. Feeling the tension in your body, a soft rumble rose in his chest as he held you a little closer, lowering his head against yours and nuzzling your hair patiently. Slowly you could feel your bad mood drain out of your mind, a renewed sigh leaving you once more - this time from comfort. Closing your eyes, you allowed yourself to lean against the large terrapin, basking in his warmth and the feel of his large hands against your form.
"Hell of a day?" he asked softly.
"You have no idea..."
"I feel ya..." He paused, allowing himself to give a kiss at your temple. "Wanna talk about it?"
You smiled, slightly shaking your head.
"Now that you're here, I feel so much better already. I don't want to dwell into all that shit once again."
He gave one last squeeze around you before letting you go. Grabbing a kitchen towel nearby, he stationned himself to your side, eyeing the scene.
"Although, don't mind me as I'll be keepin' an eye on you for now. Wouldn't want you scrubbing any dishes out of existence or to soak yourself even more." He did lean a bit more towards you as he added: "Unless that's your plan and you have to remove everything you're wearin'...."
You flicked some water in his direction, both laughing. As you returned to your task, aided by Raph, you were somehow amazed to notice how fast he had been able to shift your mood. Even if you had first wanted to ditch the dishes for the night, with your boyfriend now hanging around it made the task so much easier and bearable. You were grateful for his presence and all issues felt so distant by now.... Some more soapy water splashed in your general direction - intentionally - a not-so-innocent "oops" leaving you. Now you just wanted to have some fun.
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rjzimmerman · 3 years
Here are some of them. Click/tap the caption to learn about the others.
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Asiatic clams. Image credit: Ron Ramtang/Shutterstock. In North America, there have been Asiatic clams for a long time but they were introduced to the Everglades in 1961. Native to Eastern Asia, these clams reproduce rapidly and do not need high qualities of water to thrive. It is possible that Asian workers introduced them as a source of food. Due to their high rate of reproduction, they displace native creatures, starving them of food and places to nest. The clams, whether alive or dead, also flourish around pipes, canals locks, and other places that may be problematic. However, they have become important in cleaning the water and a major source of food for ducks.
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Native to Africa, Nile monitors have made an establishment in an area around Cape Coral, Florida, after they were introduced to the region through importation as pets. Introduced in the period around 1990, these reptiles are excellent swimmers and climbers who eat eggs. Because of this, they have affected egg-laying animals and birds like owls, and turtles. These opportunistic predators also prey on fish, other reptiles, small mammals, and other small prey. Native egg-laying species threatened by this monitor include diamondback terrapins and brown pelicans.
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The Monk Parakeet is a small bird that is native to South America, especially in Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil. Introduced to the Everglades in the late 1960s as pets, the birds are deemed to be pests who are detrimental to agriculture. Their classification as being invasive is based on their ability to populate rapidly and occupy large areas. In Florida, they are estimated to number up to half a million. In urban areas, they are known to make their nests in inconvenient places, like power lines.
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Wild boars in the Everglades. Image credit: Travel Bug/Shutterstock. These insatiable opportunists, which are native to Europe and Africa, were introduced to Florida back in the 16th century as a food source. Primarily, they require significant portions of vegetation for food and occasionally prey on smaller animals. Wild boars are known to be carriers of 45 communicable diseases or parasites, like the eastern equine encephalitis. One example of an affected native animal is the critically endangered Florida panther, which has been affected by trichinosis spread by the boars. However, the same affected panthers and other animals have come to depend on the boars for food.
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A burmese python in the Florida Everglades. Image credit: Heiko Kiera/Shutterstock. This python is native to Southeast Asia and was introduced in Florida in 1979 through pet trade. This voracious snake has rapidly depleted local animal populations since its introduction and constantly battles with alligators. They prey on 41 rare species and 39 endangered ones. The park authorities are constantly removing them from the ecosystem.
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rabbitcruiser · 4 years
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Turtle Adoption Day
Turtle Adoption Day is a “day of action for the protection of endangered reptiles.” Specifically, the day supports the welfare of turtles. It appears to have been created by a woman named Christine Shaw, who made a blog post on November 25, 2011, on the website of Found Animals, an animal welfare organization that works to find new homes for distressed and abandoned animals. The day was first observed two days later.
Having a turtle as a pet is a large undertaking and can be a lot of work. Turtles have a long lifespan, meaning having one as a pet is a long-term commitment. This may not be ideal for many prospective owners. Turtles also need specialized—and many times expensive—care when it comes to their food, water supply, and cages, which also may not make them ideal pets for many. Additionally, turtles are often carriers of salmonella. Generally, conservation organizations take the view that turtles belong in the wild, not in homes as pets.
Still, many people do get turtles as pets, and Turtle Adoption Day is about reacting positively to some negative decisions others have made in this regard. Some people who get turtles as pets treat them like throw-away pets: they purchase baby turtles, view them as mini-turtles, and give them away or release them into the wild when they grow. When turtles are released into the wild, their chances of survival are slim. Additionally, many turtles are endangered species and are hunted by humans and have threatened habitats. Turtles released in the wild can also become invasive species. They can multiply, and may then damage flora and fauna. But, some turtle owners take them to animal shelters when they get bigger and they don’t know how to care for them, instead of releasing them into the wild. It is these turtles that Turtle Adoption Day works to protect.
Turtles live in almost all climates around the world, and are found on every continent except Antarctica. Most species are found in southeastern North America and South Asia. Only five species can be found in Europe. Turtles are part of the order of Testudines, an order that also includes tortoises and terrapins. Testudines are split into two suborders: Cryptodira and Pleurodira. Most turtles are Cryptodira. The main difference between the two is that Cryptodira retract their heads straight back into their shells, while Pleurodira fold their necks to the side when they retract their heads. However, sea turtles, which are Cryptodira, are unable to retract their heads into their shells. Turtles are then split into 13 families and 75 genera, and there are over 300 species in total.
Turtles spend most of their time in the water. Freshwater turtles live in ponds and lakes, coming on land to bask in the sun. Sea turtles spend most of their time in the ocean, coming onshore to lay eggs on the sand. Most of these webbed-feet reptiles have hard shells that protect them from predators. The top part of their shell is called a carapace and the bottom is called a plastron. The carapace is made up of about 60 bones, and is covered with plates made of keratin called scutes. Besides hard-shelled turtles, there are are also soft-shelled turtles and leatherbacks, which have a thick skin covering their carapace.
Turtles are not very social animals. They are most active during the day, when they spend their time searching for food. Most are omnivores, eating animals such as fish, insects, mollusks, crayfish, snakes, frogs, worms, clams, and other turtles, as well as grasses, algae, and other plants. Their diet varies depending on their species, with some subsisting on a mostly vegetarian diet.
Like birds, turtles have beaks and no teeth. They also are egg-laying animals. After digging a nest on land in sand or dirt, they lay their eggs and leave; they don’t nurture their young once they are born. Turtles lay between 20 and 200 eggs at a time, depending on their species. Most of their eggs are eaten by carnivores before they hatch, and many are eaten after they are hatched, as the baby turtles do not yet have fully-developed shells to protect themselves.
Turtles vary in size, but some may grow very large. The largest freshwater turtle in North America is the alligator snapping turtle, which can grow up to 2.5 feet in length and weigh up to 200 pounds. The largest sea turtle is the leatherback turtle, which can grow to about 4.5 to 5.25 feet in length and weigh between 600 and 1500 pounds. The largest soft-shelled turtle is the Yangtze giant softshell turtle, which can grow up to 3.6 feet across and weigh as much as 309 pounds.
Many species of turtles are threatened, endangered, or critically endangered. Additionally, many turtles who were once pets have ended up in shelters because their owners weren’t able to properly care for them. This makes it even more necessary that there is a day dedicated to caring for and protecting turtles. Today, on Turtle Adoption Day, we do our part to protect turtles by adopting those without homes.
Turtle Adoption Day, also known as Turtle Sponsorship Day, is being observed today! It has been observed annually on November 27th since 2011.
The most appropriate way to observe the day is to adopt a turtle that was once someone’s pet. Turtles can be adopted through Found Animals or Petfinder, or through a reptile rescue organization. They can also be found in local listings such as Craigslist, as well as at local animal shelters. By giving them a new and proper home, you can help preserve one turtle’s life, and help protect turtles in general, many species of which face endangerment. If you can’t provide a home for a turtle, you could donate to a reptile rescue organization.
Before you adopt a turtle, it is imperative that you are prepared to do so. You must make sure you know what type of environment turtles need in order to live in captivity, and you must have a large enough habitat for your new turtle to live. For example, turtles need at least ten gallons of water per one inch of shell, and for each additional turtle, you need another ten to twenty gallons of water. They need a dry basking area where they can crawl around and dry off, they need access to lamps that give off heat and UVA and UVB rays, they need a submersible heater to keep water at a warm enough temperature, and they need a water conditioning solution and a filter. When adopting a turtle you must also remember that having one as a pet is a long-term commitment, they can be a lot of work, they can take up a lot of your time, and they can be expensive.
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rottmntquotes · 5 years
My RotTMNT Headcanons:
-Raph, Donnie, and Leo have the ability to ground Mikey when Splinter isn't home and/or when the brothers are out and Splinter doesn't know what's going on.
-Donnie forces Leo to do both of their assigned chores. "For science," of course.
-Mikey intentionally screams in his brothers' ears when he wants attention.
-Raph eats like a pig.
-Donnie, Leo, and Mikey pretend to be runway models and wear as many layers of clothing as possible on weekends.
-Donnie once went through a vegan phase.
-Mikey curses like a sailor.
-(Ironically) Raph is the reason Mikey curses like a sailor.
-Leo is the diva of the family and likes to be pampered.
-Mikey says the word "Baby" a lot due to his almost equal diva level.
-Mikey ain't straight.
-Donnie ain't straight.
-Leo is bi.
-Raph wants to be a teddy bear.
-April lives close to her father, and we will meet him sometime in the near future.
-Dale is the Casey Jones of the RotTMNT universe.
-Donnie allows Mikey to help with (non- lethal) science experiments.
-Leo is actually almost as smart as Donnie.
-Raph has a hidden collection of teddy bears.
-Donnie, Leo, and Mikey all have tails, whilst Raph's disappeared after the mutation.
-Mikey's tail wags when he's excited.
-When they're shedding their scutes, the brothers give each other as much space as needed.
-Leo once (accidentally) infested the lair with snake mites.
-The brothers had long claws when they were younger, but Splinter got them clipped.
-Mikey bites his brothers when he's upset.
-Because Box Turtles have an excellent sense of smell, Mikey has the uncanny ability to sniff his way out of certain situations.
-Since Red-Eared Sliders are perhaps the fastest aquatic terrapins, Leo beats his brothers' asses when they race in the water.
-Donnie and Raph sing Mikey lullabies at night.
-Leo (secretly) checks on his brothers at night to see how they're doing.
-Mikey is as much of an insomniac as Donnie, due to his large amount of energy.
-Donnie has to give Mikey medicine to get the kid to sleep.
-Leo is low-key ready to square up with anyone Mikey seems to have a crush on.
-All of the brothers growl and/or hiss when stressed.
-Splinter once accidentally shut one of the brothers in the freezer as a baby.
-Mikey is a flirt.
-Donnie and Leo have actually beat up one of Mikey's love interests.
-Huginn and Muninn will end up betraying Draxum.
-The Foot Clan is terrible on purpose.
-Big Mama and Bullhop will end up being the power couple of the show.
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bluesakurablossom · 5 years
Birthday Surprise NSFW (Leo x Reader)
A special request sent in for @ninjamal birthday! Hope you love it! 🎈🎁🛍🍰🎂
Today was the day. Today was your day. Your birthday to be precise. You had been looking forward to it since the first day of the month. What could be better than being in a room with all of your friends and family with a your favorite cake drizzled in icing, decorative presents just waiting for you to open them up and laughter and smiles? You were with your family and closest friends in your home, it was sure was a big party going on, but you loved it. Being in your home with everyone you cared so deeply made your heart swell. After you took another slice of your cake before serving it up with a nice scoop of your favorite ice cream on the side, you had gotten a text message on your phone on the counter. You picked it up to see who it was and as soon as you saw the contact you couldn’t help but feel a warm blush come to your cheeks and a smile spread across your lips. 
“My angel, when you are able to sneak away when you can, please meet at Central Park, I have a little surprise for you <3″ - L :)
You considered yourself to be one of the luckiest girls in the world after meeting Leo, something about him just drew you in and after getting to know him better, I think you knew that love was starting to blossom for the blue masked terrapin.He was always there for you no matter what could be going on, you were his everything and the reason why his heart beats everyday....because it was for you. You couldn’t be happier than having him as a boyfriend, you didn’t care that he was a mutant or a ninja, you loved him just for who he was and not what he wasn’t. The peaceful romantic dates, the snuggly private cuddle sessions, and the making out. Oh the making out was one of your both favorite things to do when you had the alone time in his room or at your place. The way that his lips connect with yours it would feel like fireworks were exploding every time they would come apart and reconnect. It sure would get steamy at times, but you both were a bit shy on wanting to go further wanting to wait for when the right moment would come along. 
After the party would end you gave everyone a hug goodbye and said goodnight to your parents walking to your bedroom door, making sure it was locked. You made sure your nice blue dress was smoothed out and your blue flats didn’t have any spilled cake on them before you gave yourself a few spritz of perfume on your neck and applied lip gloss on your lips before climbing out your window and climbing down the fire escape. You made your way over to the park and was looking around searching for Leo. “Leonardo?”, you called out softly “Leonardo?”
You gasped softly and saw him appear from behind some hedges and smiled turning around to see your handsome turtle boyfriend. “Glad you can come out here”, he said 
“Wouldn’t miss it for anything”, you said, as you walked up to him
You gave each other a loving peck before he pinned a blue lily behind your ear kissing your temple. “Happy Birthday love”, he said, with a loving smile “Here come with me”
He took your hand and lead you to where it was a more secluded part of the park where you two would come to sometimes to meditate and just get away from everything. Soon as you made it to your destination you saw there was glowing fire flies flying around casting an intimate glow on a blue blanket that was spread out on the grass with a basket with a bottle of wine inside and small plates of your favorite meal with a few candles spread along side the blanket. “Baby, you didn’t have to do this for me”, you said, taking in the scenery with a small gasp covering your mouth
“I know its not much, but I wanted to do something special”, he said, looking away with a coy smile
You brought him back to you and kissed him for a few moments. “Its more than perfect, thank you”, you said, making the terrapin blush red in the cheeks
After enjoying a quiet evening of eating and talking about how the party went, you were pretty satisfied. But Leo surprised you again with a small little tiramisu cake with a candle sticking out of it. You had grown to love tiramisu so much after Donnie got you addicted to it like he was. “Leo”, you said, letting your hand touch your heart that was beating hard
He smiled. “But before we do this, I have a little something for you”, he said, as he revealed a small gift wrapped box from behind his shell, holding it out to you
“Leo you know you don’t have to get me anything”, you said, as you untied the bow and slipped the top off
You gasped looking at what was inside, a beautiful silver open heart necklace with a crystal blue diamond that matched closely to his eyes. “Leonardo, I don’t know what to say”, you said, stammering from becoming over emotional at the thought he went out of his way to get you something that special. It was the most beautiful necklace you had ever seen in your life. Leo took the necklace from you and turned you around gently before draping the necklace around our neck clipping it together. “Don’t say anything”, he said, putting his hands on your shoulders turning your back around and kissing you softly
This was the most special gift you had ever received and you were never going to take this off. You would wear it every day to feel Leo was with you wherever you went. Leo took a match lighting up the candle on the cake before holding the plate up to you. “Make a wish”, he said
You thought about it for a moment, you were so happy right now that only one thing could make this night so much better. You closed your eyes for a moment before opening them and blowing out the candle. “What did you wish for?”, he asked, curiously
“Can’t tell silly”, you giggled “But I will give you a hint”
You crawled to him as you brought him into a loving kiss. He moaned softly melting into it as his arms snaked around your body as his giant hands ran over the soft material of your dress. The moon seemed to have cast its glow on you both like your own personal spotlight as the kiss continued to become more heated and passionate by the second. It soon started becoming faster till you pulled away from him briefly. “Leo, do you want-”, you asked, trying to catch your breath
“More than anything”, he said, stroking your cheeks
You smiled happily. This was it. You both were going to take it to the next level. He gave you a loving kiss before moving it quickly down to your neck making you gasp in delight as his hot lips touched your skin. You gripped his shoulders tightly to where your fingers were digging into his flesh as he slid down one of your dress straps before pressing his lips to your shoulder giving it a gentle kiss. Your creamy skin against his lips only made him crave more, he was hungry. He was hungry for you. He pushed down the other strap kissing his way along collarbone before kissing the other one, as each kiss touches you it feels like heat was melting you and you were becoming weak under his spell of lust. He pushed you back softly till you were laying down on the blanket and he began to take your dress pulling it down to where it was revealing your matching lingerie underneath, tossing the dress aside. He climbed over you again licking his lower lip hungrily as he took a hold of your wrist before placing them above your head as he lets one of his hands push down a bra cup revealing a perked nipple as he licked the tip of it making you shudder and moan and he does the same to other barely letting his tongue come along the bud. 
He unclasped the front of your bra letting your breasts bounce out as he grabbed a hold of one kissing along the skin before licking over where he touched sending a chill down your spine forcing your back to arch. But his other hand kept you down on your waist where it was dangerously close to your heated sex. He suckled the nipple licking the taste it had to offer him before releasing it with a pop and moving to the other breast, giving it the same treatment giving the other nipple a loud pop before licking in between in the valley of your breasts looking at you with triumph. “Stay still...I want you to enjoy every second of this”, he said, giving your forehead a kiss
He moved back down kissing along down your neck, down your breasts, giving your belly a few kisses and licks which made you giggle and moan swaying side to side from the deep pleasure. His hands firmly held you still as he licked around your navel before going towards your panties. He pushed your legs open and soon as you felt his mouth go inside your inner thighs, it only ignited the fire that was growing in your belly. You wanted him so badly. You didn’t think that your first time was going to be this magical, he was a natural. 
He lets his fingers curl into the material before pulling it completely off you. You were now completely naked and you didn’t even feel scared. He was treating your body like it was a treasure and it would only be a matter of time before you two would become one. He took a sniff of your aching dripping sex before licking up what has been dying for his touch. You gasped as ecstasy was being driven throughout your body, your blood rushed through your veins and goosebumps formed along your skin. He held your legs firmly open to let him have to best access to you as he only allowed his tongue to slip deeper inside of you making your orgasm build bigger and bigger. He got every spot and it was so hard to stay still and not moan and groan, your hands grasping and balling up the blanket in your fists. You were so close but he only stopped right before you were about to release you collapsed on the blanket about to tell him off for stopping, but your eyes widen as you saw him undoing his pants in front of you making the breath in your throat become stuck as you didn’t blink once. Soon as the material slid down you saw how big he was and man was he big, you wondered would you be able to handle him all. But you wanted this so much. He climbed back over you as he brought you into a loving kiss as his fingers combed through your hair. “Are you sure you want this?”, he asked
“Please....please don’t stop”, you whispered “I want you so badly”
“I’ll be ever so careful, let me know if I am hurting you”, he said, softly. He grabbed his huge erection teasing it some at your wet entrance as you shook slightly at the new weird feeling till you felt him push inside of you. Instead of feeling pain you instantly felt pleasure as he pushed in deeper getting in a slow rhythm. “How’s that?”, he asked
“So goood”, you said, looking at him with awe
He smiled as he let his arms go around you bringing you into another passionate kiss as he continued to thrust himself into you. With your legs going around his waist. The only sounds of the night were just the moans escaping from yours and his lips, the sound of passion and love making at work. He was starting to pick up his pace faster and harder as the building up your orgasm was starting to come back into play as you held on to him tighter, as his hips smacked against your skin making noises. “Leo I am going to cum”, you said, looking at him desperate
“I am ready for you baby, cum for me”, he said, as he started to move faster and harder
He gave a few more thrusts as you began to moan and yell out, feeling yourself build up like the first time but ten times more pleasuring till you finally released letting out a delightful scream. He gave a few more thrusts in till he finally came to a stop. He hovered over you smiling down at you. There you were laying beautifully underneath him, your hair slightly messy and your body was covered in sweat. He nuzzled his forehead against yours and his nose gave yours an eskimo kiss before his lips gently moved with yours. “I love you, I love you so much Y/N this is something I will never forget because its with the woman I love”, he said 
You smiled and looked up at this beautiful man you called your boyfriend. This man you had just made love with. Whom you gave your heart and soul. You giggled and blushed caressing his cheek. “I love you more Leo...I will always love you”, you said “By the way that was my wish, that we finally went all the way”
“And it couldn’t have been a better wish”, he said, as you two kissed softly once more and relaxed as the night sky continued to glow on this beautiful intimate moment you both shared. He was yours forever and you were his till the very end. This couldn’t have been a better birthday. The best one so far. 
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030303ly1999 · 5 years
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twilightpony4 · 6 years
Ola Americano... Turtle?: 21. Cerberus
“Cerberus? That looks nothing like an aardvark!” Mikey cringed as it stood before them. Donatello rolled his eyes. “Not Cerebus the comic, ‘Cerberus’: a three headed dog from Greek mythology.” “History lesson: over!” Raphael shoved in between them. He unsheathed on of his sais and used it as a finger. “Time to make that thing history.” He pointed. Chapelin unveiled an unmarked can. Finger on the trigger, he smiled as he began to press down the top. He reached for the side of his hip and hand a tab of duct tape. He pointed the red air away from his body as he taped the trigger down. Then, he chucked it down at the mutants below. They were on the defense, moving away from whatever it was. They moved away from it, but the constant spray travelled in all directions as it came into contact with scales and shell.
“What the shell was that?” Raphael coughed, trying to keep himself from breathing it in. After observing the chemical’s properties upon touching them and how the color came out red, Donatello had a hunch and took a swift breath. He took a second to soak it in and assess the situation. “It’s not poisonous.” With that, everyone took a breath. Leonardo pulled out both of his katanas. “Just a distraction.” He claimed. However, as they contemplated on what happened, the Mouser roared and charged at the family.
“Split up!” He ordered as it came barreling in. Every single head lurched at someone, wishing to take a bite from them. From its first calm demeanor, they couldn’t see something as fast and responsive as this thing. “We need to hit in on all sides.” That’s just what they did. Each mutant looked for a way in by bashing its side or getting a lucky hit on the head. “How do you hit something that won’t dent?” Mona asked in shock after repeated offenses with the ball end of her naga surujin did nothing to its body. Instead, a head targeted her. When it lunged, Mona was quick to roll underneath it and come out on the other side. “Dig deep, my ninja family.” He spoke low after he had to retreat from trying to get between the bases of a pair on the necks. Leo caught himself on a single knee, leaning forward to catch his breath. “The trick to inspire is without sounding like a fortune cookie.” Raphael quoted as he was dancing with the left head. “Okay, chief?” Alas as he fought it, it lunged, causing him to double back. Mikey came in time before it could strike again. He ran in front of it and gave it a rather pathetic tap on its nose with his nunchuk ( and also telling it ‘no’) like a dog) and pulled Raphael to safety with Venus’ help.
Leonardo kneeled there for a second. His eye caught his tallest brother who was failing to tap it with his bo staff. When he failed, the purple banded terrapin retreated to Leonardo’s side. “Can you shut it down, Donnie?” He asked of him. Donatello looked up to the rafters to see Chapelin smile down. When his eyes met the turtle’s, the smile faded and he took a step back. “You insult me.” He smirked. “But I need a distraction.” “Just thinking of a strategy.” Leonardo smiled under his uncertainness. But, his brother needed a distraction. Leo got up and began to charge the creature back. Donatello went to work and ran away from the scene. “Look at him run.” Chapelin laughed. “He’s the smart one!” Man, did they all want to sucker punch him after belching that out. However, they were a little busy trying to keep alive.
They’ve fought people, they’ve fought people in armor, they’ve fought magic, but fighting a machine… this was a first. How do you eat something up that barely dents and will break bone if kicked? Venus was the first to ask the obvious question after many failed attempts to at least slow it down with her might had no effect on it. “How do you fight that?” She shrieked as it chased her. Leonardo, on the other side, rushed it and gave its side a slash . Only one katana made contact. The contact gave him an uncomfortable jolt, but it brought him hope. Before it turned around to see where the assault came from, he noticed a white cut on its hide. “Slice and dice.” He did it again when the nearest head came about. He repeated the procedure again, this time it only scraped the top of its ‘muzzle’. “Oh, you guys have fun while I fan it to death.” Venus was able to get rid of the snide remark as she continued dodging the creature by jumping behind poles and inanimate machines. Each time it went for her, she jumped in which it would only harm what she was just on. Mona came around, swinging her naga surujin and releasing it. The ball smacked the head away, in which Venus was able to make her escape. “Set the toaster up for Raph and I to hack it.” Leo furtherly explained. “Yes! Stabbing!” Raphael pumped his elbow and fist in excitement. “I never get to do that!”  Running behind him, Mona remarked: “Then today’s a really good day for you.” She smiled before going back out there. “Focus on the heads!” It was Donatello. During the time, he made his way up to the rafters where Dr. Chapelin was. Mikey was a little nervous about the questionable tactic. “If we cut off one of its heads, will it grow back?” He called up. The mouser was charging the herd of the family, in which he had to dodge. “No, that’s a Hydra.” Donnie called back. That’s all he needed to hear to set it off.
Mona spun the ball end over her head. With each swing it gained tremendous momentum. When it felt right, she threw it, letting it wrap around its left neck. The machine was strong, immediately jerking her forward. There was no balance to gain by standing still and pulling back, so the lizard girl went for it by charging it. Eventually, the machine’s neck rose, causing her to rise and swing with it. Since it would try to take a bite out of a fighting mutant, her toes would drag along the ground as she tried to escape its gaping maw. With sharp observance, she noticed the neck’s flexibility. Although robust, it could not bend in sharp positions but in fixed, rounded positions. The girl took a gamble and shuffled to stay directly beneath its neck. The specific head could no longer sense her for she was out of its range, but it wasn’t to say that the other heads may catch a glimpse of her. “Help me hold it down!” She shouted to whomever could be useful as she tried to pull the neck still. Her efforts were meager. Michelangelo had been trying to time the machine while trying to keep out of its sights. When the time was right, he made a bold decision to slide underneath it. Leg first, he slid to the next base and stopped just before he could go past the mutant girl. By her feet, he used his strength and weight to contain the machine. “We got him! We got him!” Mikey hollered joyfully as they wrangled the beast. With that code, it gave Raphael his time for his early Christmas present. Currently being chased by the middle head, he had to devise a plan to ditch it and get the contained one without it getting him or his siblings down below. While pondering that thought, he was caught off guard. The right head wound up to the side when he was not paying attention. “Raph, look out!” Leo shouted. Too late. Wound up, the head swung hard at the terrapin, taking his body with it as it pushed him aside like a rag doll and flying. He hit the floor hard and rolled for some time. During the action, the left head lifted to get out of the range of motion, thus picking up the two mutants trying to hold it down. They watched as their brother flew just underneath their dangling legs. Up in the air, Mona pulled herself until her legs were wrapped around the wide tubing. She reached down to grab one of Michelangelo’s hands and strained to pull him up until he was hugging the machine. “I’d kill for a knife right now.” Mona expressed as she stared at the mechanic. Michelangelo then began to swing his legs back and forth. Gaining momentum, he swung them up to straddle the neck of it just under Mona Lisa, Then, he used a single arm to reach the back underneath his sweatshirt around his waist. He grunted and strained until he pulled out two pieces of silver. With an extended hand, he asked: “Would a shuriken do instead?” Mona smiled and took one. Both began vigorously by using its sharp edge to saw into the metal. It would take a while, but at least they were able to do something. In the meanwhile, Raphael was ready to lay some hate. He was up on his knees. His legs were shocked, but he was too far gone to notice. With an animalistic glare, he wiped the good sized cut on his arm, smearing the blood with it. “You’re mine.” He muttered before getting up. In a flash, he charged it. Both sais were concealed in his grips until he flipped them into a position to do some real damage. The Mouser was mainly focused on Leonardo and Venus who were dancing with it and finding ways to get in it. The red banded turtle kept quiet until he leaped up. His back arched back with his arms up high. With brute strength, he gave it his all when the tips of his sais sank into the hot metal. The other heads were too busy with the blue bands and the offended head’s optics did not pick up on the turtle who sat just above the sensitive area. Angry, he stabbed it over and over, making sure it was in places to get the head cut off from the neck but as well as leaving random spots just for the fun of it. Mona and Michelangelo’s efforts were meager, but no one seemed to care as the job was getting done. “Help!” Raph called to the two. He sat on the head, putting his foot at the edge of the neck and pushed off with his leg. Mona and Mikey snaked up until they could get a comfortable grip around the overheating and sparking contraption. The three made a group effort to pry the head off with slow success. Pulling and pulling, they gave one last heave until the last of the wires snapped from its core. The ones on the neck were hanging upside down like monkeys as they no longer had a grip on the now falling head. A shower of sparks began to flow from the cut, in which the two began to retreat and jump off. The head took Raphael with him. It did indeed land in him, but it was not heavy for the most part. With a smile, he pushed it off of him and smirked at it.
“A little help, please!” It was Leonardo. He was working on the far right head. With katanas drawn he was looking for a way on the inside to destroy it. Meanwhile, Venus was standing just behind him. With her arms and hands out towards the beat, Leonardo acted as a protector as she stood there, eyes closed. From her hands came the usual blue glow. What came off where two blue rays that shot at the machine’s body. With each blast, and invisible force pushed her back. She strained to keep herself up. “It’s too strong!” She cried. Her magic was not working. Shurikens, she can stop, but this, nope. After the call, Raphael jumped in with Leo. The middle head saw the large red banded turtle slip underneath it. The beast roared, catching Raph’s attention. Then, it came at him, jaw fully unhinged. Jumping over him, Leonardo got in the way with both of his katanas in an ‘x’ formation before him. The action stopped the mouser from biting, but with the swords caught on the surface of its jaw, the mouser continued to push. Its forced sent Leonardo back and knocking Raphael out of the way. The leader struggled to keep up his strength as the machine knocked him down and kept pushing him back. Mona and Mikey hung on for dear life as it made the leader slide against the floor. The wall and his shell brought a shock to his back. He gasped as the machine kept putting pressure on him. Leo was trying to hard to fight back that his arms gave out to its power. Now its sharp teeth were inches away from his head. However, he could not see the next thing coming. The right head came it and pushed him from the wall, hitting him from the side. As his body flew, the head caught him by the straps of him back. Like a dog, it swung him around and shook his body cold. Raph picked himself up in horror as he could only watch Leo become a rag doll to the machine. He wanted to do something about it, but was then busy fighting with the middle head.
Mona struggled to wind up her naga surujin as the machine moved them about. Due to the struggle of holding on, she knew they had to be more secured. It was hard to keep her arm in the correct position to swing the ball around. Each time the machine rose, she had to duck down so she wouldn’t get clocked by her own weapon. Her arm followed when the chain was let go. The ball wound against  the base of the neck of the middle head. Michelangelo took hold of her arm and climbed up the chain with her. However, one of them lost their footing, soon causing the two of them to hang on for dear life on the chain as they were swinging back and forth along its flat back.
While Leonardo struggled to keep alive as the machine shook him, it took a quick turn for the worst. Using its own momentum as it rolled its head around, when the peak of its nose got to the top, the mouser let him go. Leonardo was airborne. He had absolutely no control as he tried to gain anything to help him. Unfortunately, below him was the gaping mouth of the mouser. “Leo!” The others saw another blue turtle jump in the Mouser’s open mouth. This, however, did not stop the flying turtle to land in the mouser’s mouth as planned. Careful positioning caused the machine to bite into two shells rather than touch a carapace. With the strong bone structure and the loss of force due to its widely opened mouth, the jagged jaws did not pierce into their shells. Rather, the pressure was on for the two stuck in the middle. The intense pressure limited their breathing as it tried to smash them in its mouth. “Hi.” He spoke in a hushed & hoarse tone as he was being pushed against her. “Hi.” She returned in an equal manner; both acting oblivious to their current situation of being in something’s jaw. Being on top, Venus tried to create some relief. She  pressed her hands on his shoulders and pushed herself up. Only minimal results returned, but Venus continued to push until a real solution would submerge. There was virtually no maneuvering room inside the mouth, making it hard to reposition his sword with a single hand. Then, he began to press down into the floor of its mouth. He could not stab it, but slowly he cut into its palette. Slowly, he whittled away at its jaw hinge. Finally, the hinge popped at the mercy of his katana and the corner of the bottom of its jaw hung. Along with it, the two turtles were halfway upside down. Because the other side of the jaw was holding nothing but smooth shell surface, they began to slip out of its mouth. With quick thinking, Venus purposely slid off. She grabbed a hold of his hand in which he swung her up and around to get on top of the head. Venus took a hold of one of his katanas. Although it was heavier than she would have imagined and was unfamiliar with how to carry it, she did her best. Wielding it over her head, she stabbed down at its neck. Machines could feel no pain, but the reaction of a roar came about. Opening its mouth, Leonardo took no time to climb out of the mouth and climb to the top with the female turtle. He gave her a quick smirk for her job well done before he used his remaining sword to stab into the side of the head and pull down. Then, he took the one Venus stabbed in and made it cut in the other direction. The action took the mouser’s head clean off. Due to its spark-flying neck, both turtles jumped down and out of the way. Leonardo put his foot on the fallen head and pulled out both of his weapons.
Raphael did his little signature yell. Both sais drawn, he held them up high until they pierced the metal. The head moved around, but Raphael use his weight to hold it and himself down. To keep it from opening its mouth, Donnie came out of nowhere with his unsheathed bo staff that pierced the side of its jaw to keep it from opening. Furthering the precaution, Mona’s naga surujin wrapped around its nose. Using Mona and the taut chain as a ladder, Venus and Michelangelo both jumped on the head. All the force brought it down to where it was an inch from touching the ground. Soon, Leonardo came in by stabbing it right at the base of the head and neck. With full force and both katanas, he evenly sliced the last head off.
“That will be enough from you.” Leonardo remarked as he pointed the tip of the blade from the last head. The main machine still moved and sputtered sparks. Without its heads, the sensors could not tell the main frame what to do, in which the body was an utter wreck. Due to the danger of getting electrocuted or burned, they left it to Donatello to shut it all down. Now, their job was to keep out of the machine’s way. To check on his progress and to confront Chapelin, the group climbed back up to the broken rafters. Upon getting there, they saw only Donatello. In his hands was a controller, in which he navigated to control the machine. He then sighed for he had figured out how to shut down the discording body. The machine was done, but Chapelin was not present. They all trotted towards him. They caught his eye in which he turned with a worried expression. “He’s gone?” Venus asked as she saw the frayed group of thick cable wires at the base of a pole. “No he isn’t.”
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rabbitcruiser · 5 years
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Turtle Adoption Day
Turtle Adoption Day is a "day of action for the protection of endangered reptiles." Specifically, the day supports the welfare of turtles. It appears to have been created by a woman named Christine Shaw, who made a blog post on November 25, 2011, on the website of Found Animals, an animal welfare organization that works to find new homes for distressed and abandoned animals. The day was first observed two days later.
Having a turtle as a pet is a large undertaking and can be a lot of work. Turtles have a long lifespan, meaning having one as a pet is a long-term commitment. This may not be ideal for many prospective owners. Turtles also need specialized—and many times expensive—care when it comes to their food, water supply, and cages, which also may not make them ideal pets for many. Additionally, turtles are often carriers of salmonella. Generally, conservation organizations take the view that turtles belong in the wild, not in homes as pets.
Still, many people do get turtles as pets, and Turtle Adoption Day is about reacting positively to some negative decisions others have made in this regard. Some people who get turtles as pets treat them like throw-away pets: they purchase baby turtles, view them as mini-turtles, and give them away or release them into the wild when they grow. When turtles are released into the wild, their chances of survival are slim. Additionally, many turtles are endangered species and are hunted by humans and have threatened habitats. Turtles released in the wild can also become invasive species. They can multiply, and may then damage flora and fauna. But, some turtle owners take them to animal shelters when they get bigger and they don't know how to care for them, instead of releasing them into the wild. It is these turtles that Turtle Adoption Day works to protect.
Turtles live in almost all climates around the world, and are found on every continent except Antarctica. Most species are found in southeastern North America and South Asia. Only five species can be found in Europe. Turtles are part of the order of Testudines, an order that also includes tortoises and terrapins. Testudines are split into two suborders: Cryptodira and Pleurodira. Most turtles are Cryptodira. The main difference between the two is that Cryptodira retract their heads straight back into their shells, while Pleurodira fold their necks to the side when they retract their heads. However, sea turtles, which are Cryptodira, are unable to retract their heads into their shells. Turtles are then split into 13 families and 75 genera, and there are over 300 species in total.
Turtles spend most of their time in the water. Freshwater turtles live in ponds and lakes, coming on land to bask in the sun. Sea turtles spend most of their time in the ocean, coming onshore to lay eggs on the sand. Most of these webbed-feet reptiles have hard shells that protect them from predators. The top part of their shell is called a carapace and the bottom is called a plastron. The carapace is made up of about 60 bones, and is covered with plates made of keratin called scutes. Besides hard-shelled turtles, there are are also soft-shelled turtles and leatherbacks, which have a thick skin covering their carapace.
Turtles are not very social animals. They are most active during the day, when they spend their time searching for food. Most are omnivores, eating animals such as fish, insects, mollusks, crayfish, snakes, frogs, worms, clams, and other turtles, as well as grasses, algae, and other plants. Their diet varies depending on their species, with some subsisting on a mostly vegetarian diet.
Like birds, turtles have beaks and no teeth. They also are egg-laying animals. After digging a nest on land in sand or dirt, they lay their eggs and leave; they don't nurture their young once they are born. Turtles lay between 20 and 200 eggs at a time, depending on their species. Most of their eggs are eaten by carnivores before they hatch, and many are eaten after they are hatched, as the baby turtles do not yet have fully-developed shells to protect themselves.
Turtles vary in size, but some may grow very large. The largest freshwater turtle in North America is the alligator snapping turtle, which can grow up to 2.5 feet in length and weigh up to 200 pounds. The largest sea turtle is the leatherback turtle, which can grow to about 4.5 to 5.25 feet in length and weigh between 600 and 1500 pounds. The largest soft-shelled turtle is the Yangtze giant softshell turtle, which can grow up to 3.6 feet across and weigh as much as 309 pounds.
Many species of turtles are threatened, endangered, or critically endangered. Additionally, many turtles who were once pets have ended up in shelters because their owners weren't able to properly care for them. This makes it even more necessary that there is a day dedicated to caring for and protecting turtles. Today, on Turtle Adoption Day, we do our part to protect turtles by adopting those without homes.
Turtle Adoption Day, also known as Turtle Sponsorship Day, is being observed today! It has been observed annually on November 27th since 2011.
The most appropriate way to observe the day is to adopt a turtle that was once someone's pet. Turtles can be adopted through Found Animals or Petfinder, or through a reptile rescue organization. They can also be found in local listings such as Craigslist, as well as at local animal shelters. By giving them a new and proper home, you can help preserve one turtle's life, and help protect turtles in general, many species of which face endangerment. If you can't provide a home for a turtle, you could donate to a reptile rescue organization.
Before you adopt a turtle, it is imperative that you are prepared to do so. You must make sure you know what type of environment turtles need in order to live in captivity, and you must have a large enough habitat for your new turtle to live. For example, turtles need at least ten gallons of water per one inch of shell, and for each additional turtle, you need another ten to twenty gallons of water. They need a dry basking area where they can crawl around and dry off, they need access to lamps that give off heat and UVA and UVB rays, they need a submersible heater to keep water at a warm enough temperature, and they need a water conditioning solution and a filter. When adopting a turtle you must also remember that having one as a pet is a long-term commitment, they can be a lot of work, they can take up a lot of your time, and they can be expensive.
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