#sikk texts
heippalappu · 9 months
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first attack from this year, featuring kurarahnai's Comfflora, a poison/fairy pokemon oc and a gnome character of mine who delights in this for-once peaceful sleep
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oldcoinsbuyer · 1 year
Purane Sikke Kharidne Wale Ka Mobile Number
Purane Sikke Kharidne Wale Ka Mobile Number: If you are looking for Old Coins Buyer or Seller (Rupees) then know that we buy and sell all types of Used Coins and Notes. Whatsapp phone number for old coins buyer You can contact us anytime you want. 7301000283 and 7301000283 are historical phone numbers for coin buyers and sellers. Sell your old coins for cash now by contacting us. Remember that we sell antique coins online, and old coins can be purchased from our online shop at affordable prices. Call or text our old coin market cellphone number (+91-7301000283) or WhatsApp us if you want to sell old coins (7301000283) You can take a picture of your old money and send it to us on WhatsApp on the given number so that we can provide you its exact price and more details.
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miaolivijabindner · 1 year
Il existe une théorie qui circule de temps à autre selon laquelle il n'est pas nécessaire de quitter son domicile et de voyager pour découvrir la vérité sur le monde. Si vous restez suffisamment longtemps au même endroit, vous apprendrez quelque chose sur tout. L’individu traverse de nombreuses transformations qui contribuent à redéfinir ses intérêts selon les expériences qu’il traverse. Kent Iwemyr — né en 1944 à Hallstahammar en Suède — exprime ses transformations personnelles sous une forme picturale influencée directement ou non par son expérience propre. Ce faisant, sous quel prétexte admettre aveuglément à ces histoires racontées une totale véracité sur l'intériorité du peintre ?
Le peintre revient à l’imagerie coloré de son enfance et propose de raconter l’histoire de personnes qui lui ont été proches à travers ses tableaux. Il expose régulièrement en Suède et à l’étranger, d’où ma rencontre avec son œuvre au Kunsthal Århus ce dernier jeudi. Le projet de l’exposition intitulée Minimalism-Maximalism-Mechanissmmm met en scène une série de formats artistiques dans le cadre d’une enquête sur la manière dont les artistes traitent différents matériaux pour raconter des histoires sur leur environnement.
Au cours de ma visite, j’ai été confronté aux peintures de l’artiste suédois, proposant une esthétique qui était au début très équivoque à mes yeux. Plusieurs images colorées se suivaient ; leur matérialité m’a rendue curieuse. Je me suis approchée des œuvres pour les comprendre davantage. Sikke en overraskelse ! / Quelle est ma surprise !
Kent Iwemyr raconte en fait une série de moments ayant influencé directement ou indirectement la forme picturale de son œuvre. Ces histoires narratives sont vécues à travers la toile. Ce sont de courts épisodes de vie détournées en divertissement. Son œuvre est composée : l’image s’accompagne de quelques lignes de texte. Deux éléments qui, conjointement, permettent la perception de l’œuvre dans sa totalité : le spectateur traverse deux stades de compréhension. La lecture de l’image favorise l’inventivité du spectateur, libre de raconter sa propre histoire à partir des éléments qu’il perçoit. Le texte, quant à lui, précise le contexte de la scène représentée. Alors, il ne s’agit plus pour le spectateur d’inventer, mais de se référer à la possible vérité du propos de Kent Iwemyr.
Dès lors, combiner ces textes et ces images permet une double réception ; la relation entre les deux, qu’elle soit de l’ordre du contrepoint ou de la complémentarité permet une tension source de questionnement. En effet, cela oblige à réfléchir ces priorités informationnelles en corrélation avec des éléments visuels présents sur le tableau permettant des phénomènes de circulation entre l’image et le texte.
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Kent Iwemyr, Sommaren med Albert, 2020. Acrylique sur toile 116 x130 cm
L’artiste sort de la logique de la simple illustration pour donner une place majeure à l’histoire racontée et à l’acte de réception de l’œuvre. De toute évidence, la relation entre le visuel et le texte est ce qui permet l’attractivité de ces œuvres. L’effet produit engage une réflexion à propos de la diversité des messages perçus à travers un élément visuel ; avec une image, nous pouvons inventer mille histoires. Entre autre, l’artiste peut-il accorder tout le monde sur une lecture unique de sa peinture  ? L’intention de Kent Iwemyr n’est sans doute pas de cet ordre. Je crois davantage qu’il se concentre sur la manière dont sa peinture elle-même se présente au public qui l’expérimente. Ces connexions abstraites et significatives entre l’image picturale et l’élément textuel visent à créer une relation de complémentarité entre l’œuvre d’art et l’individu qui la perçoit. Ce faisant, ces récits douteux reflètent davantage la force créative que peut produire l’image implicite, que la vérité du propos qui l'accompagne.
Cela va de même pour n'importe qui souhaiterait inventer une histoire. Qu'il en soit prévenu, penser sa forme et anticiper sa réception lui demandera souvent un effort. Mais cela en vaut la peine. Parce que si vous décidez de rester au même endroit, votre histoire voyagera et sera réinventée par le monde.
C'est alors que la théorie qui circule prendra tout son sens.
Mia Olivija Bindner
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sikkfashion · 2 years
$300 each purchase through link, cashapp or crypto only
for blue: text “blue is sikk”
for black: text “black is sikk”
We will send a link for you to purchase.
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texth1ghr · 5 years
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Haon having a crush on foreign reader
[repost from @h1ghrscenarios because I posted on the wrong blog]
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ace-angel-judas · 4 years
But look, so many of Sikk's songs could be about Lyla. Like Addict, Skip and Kiss, Shut Down the Party...
Skip and Kiss would definitely be Lyla and Minsik, even the whole music video represents their relationship. 
Addict and Shut Down The Party are more from Minsik’s side, having to do with how he feels for her. Addict is like when they don’t have schedules so he doesn’t see her and they only text but he misses her and then Shut Down the Party is just, Sikk is a party boy but Lyla isn’t. 
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niemalswillkommen · 4 years
Ob du versagst oder nicht, liegt bei dir
Ein Leben ohne Hingabe ist kein Leben
Was ist, wenn ich das nicht kann?
Lebe immer für den Augenblick
Wenn es dir gelingt, das letzte bisschen Leben
Aus jeder Minute herauszupressen
Ist es nicht möglich, an Versagen zu fürchten
Dann liegt es also an mir
Ja, die Zukunft wird sich von selbst erkennen
Es gibt kein' Ort, an dem ich nicht danach gesucht hab
Auf den höchsten Dächern und in den Schächten der U-Bahn'
Auf den Straßen, Großstadt-Boulevards und dunklen Ecken
Vorstädten, wo man Fremde sofort testet, Nordwesten
Südosten, doch die Spur verläuft im Sand
All die Scherben, die ich fand, passten einfach nicht zusammen
Oder ich sah's nicht, was falsch und wahr ist
Das Leben ist der beste Lehrer, ich wie immer der, der nachsitzt
Und während ich so meine Texte in die Bank ritz'
Versink' ich in Gedanken, jenseits des Verstandes
Und mir geht ein Licht auf, die Welt da draußen existiert nicht
Alles was ich brauche steckt in mir drin
Suchen und denken sind verschwendete Kraft
Alles kommt von allein, wenn ich mich blind lenken lass'
Und wenn du dich erkennst, dann erkennst du auch, dass
Mein Kung-Fu besser ist als deins, also lerne
Was willst du tun gegen mein Kung-Fu?
Was willst du tun gegen mein Kung-Fu?
Der Lotus blüht und ich atme mein Qi
Nur hier und jetzt, keine Leiden, kein Ziel
Was willst du tun gegen mein Kung-Fu?
Was willst du tun gegen mein Kung-Fu?
Der Lotus blüht und ich atme mein Qi
Nur hier und jetzt, keine Leiden, kein Ziel
Ich lass los und alles kommt zu mir zurück
Denn alles was ihr macht ist nicht Sen, ich bleibe sitzen
Wie damals in der Schule, nur der Clou
Tief in sich zu ruhen ist das Geheimnis meiner Crew
Es liegt an meinem Qi, es verleiht mir Energie
Ich komm fly oder deep, aber nur auf Sikks Beats
Nenn's Magie oder wie immer du willst, aber Fakt ist
Keiner von euch knackt es, G-N-doppel-K, wir bleiben Macht, Bitch
Ich fahr' Nachtschicht mit Nachtsichtgerät
Bin bereit wenn das Universum nackt vor mir steht
Und mich holt Den Fährmann bezahle ich mit Flows
Und das Passwort für die Tore ist das elfte Gebot
Es ist so, wie es ist und ich bin der, der ich bin
Fick Geld, fick Besitz, das macht alles keinen Sinn
Ich will nur, dass ihr wisst, dass ihr nix wisst
Und, dass mein Kung-Fu besser ist, als dein's und so sing ich
Was willst du tun gegen mein Kung-Fu?
Was willst du tun gegen mein Kung-Fu?
Der Lotus blüht und ich atme mein Qi
Nur hier und jetzt, keine Leiden, kein Ziel
Was willst du tun gegen mein Kung-Fu?
Was willst du tun gegen mein Kung-Fu?
Der Lotus blüht und ich atme mein Qi
Nur hier und jetzt, keine Leiden, kein Ziel
Mein Kung Fu, Mei-Mei-Mein Kung Fu (Fu, Fu, Fu, Fu)
Kappa Alpha Ruzo, SZA, G-N-doppel K, ya
Das ist mein Kung Fu, ah
Mei-Mein Kung Fu (Fu, Fu, Fu, Fu)
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whipscenarios · 6 years
Rumors (f) - Christian Yu
- 772 words; fluffy
- Requested:   Hey~ my I request for a Christian Yu imagine. Where the reader is also a well know artist(part of a girl group or solo), and she’s been in a relationship with him for 2 years without the public knowing. So they go to Hawaii with the dpr team and other friends(like sikk jaypark..). Photos of them being all cuddly and kissing get released online adding fire to the long rumors of them being a couple, since yn’s debut. at the end both companies tell the truth and their friends end up teasing them.
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It was a pity that you were dating and no one could know. Christian and you had been dating for 2 and a half years and never really got to post a picture together. This was because you were a singer, and, unlike the khh/krnb labels, yours was strict and didn’t want you to ruin your “idol reputation. Chris never liked this idea, his biggest dream was post the pictures he has of you and let everyone know how much he loved you. But since you two started dating rumors were spread, and you never got to tell the truth, and this was the main reason why you had big fights.
You had won two tickets to go with Chris to Jay’s concert in Hawaii since you two were big friends because you trained with him on JYP, besides the age gap. Christian was free and so were you so you two did go.
Hawaii was incredible. It was the perfect scenario for spending a week vacation with your boyfriend. The concert was a hit, you’ve always been a Jay fan, and had been to every concert jay’s done so far, so this was just another concert you’d go.
After the concert, Jay prepared an after party, and you two went. You put an amazing dress, Chris was stunning, and everything was perfect.  The club jay had rented was amazing, the music was pretty much what you liked, so dancing wasn’t difficult. You’ve always liked to have Christian surrender by you, the fact that you were a lap dance professional, as he likes to call you, just made everything even hotter, and brought a sexy atmosphere to the club.
Yes, you two drank a little, but it was only a few shots, so there weren’t any issues on that, you thought. The morning after the party, Chris had gone to buy some morning food while you stayed at the hotel, pretty tired because of the party, and while scrolling through timeline, you saw a post:
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Fuck, someone had taken a picture of you two yesterday and you didn’t notice. This was your end, your manager would be furious, the agency would complain and your idol reputation was gone. Calling your manager, you explained everything before he asked, saying that it was an accident. He told you to calm down, that those pictures were normal, since there were some fans on the club and people these days don’t really like keeping secrets, of course he was angry, but in 2 years of dating you just slipped now and he was considering the fact that one time people would have to know about this relationship, that’s when you came back to your senses and decided to assume the whole thing. You prepared a big text, resuming the reasons why you couldn’t spread the notice, and how much you loved chris, but you were afraid of Barom’s response so you waited him to tell him and then post it.
“Babe?” he softly said, smiling after seeing you and instantly changing his expressions to a confused one, because he saw how you were, “What happened?” he said letting everything on the table and running to you, “chris, we’ve been caught! Someone took a picture of us kissing and spread it on internet! I’ve talked with my manager and he suggested opening up this story but I’m afraid people will talk bullshit about our relationship” you said crying, you were desperate and stressed. “Y/N, everything will be ok! This is better for us, look, now we can do whatever we want to, we can have public dates, post the pictures we want, make couple lives, this kind of stuff!” he said, “There’s no need of worrying. If it was at least something bad, I would understand why you’re crying but jesus this is all about good stuff!” he said, making me feel more relieved. “Let’s post something together, at the same time, and see how’s everyone going to react ok ? I’ll ask my mates to comment good stuff, and you do it as well. Of course there’ll be some shocking comments because perhaps the rumors no one really believe we’re dating” he planned. And quickly you two planned everything, this was going to be a hit.
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The response was good. People were commenting and our name even trended! “See Y/N, there was no need to worry! People love us and now we can be free.” Christian said, kissing you gently, “Can we eat now?” he played, bringing the food, “Let’s eat, together” you said, kissing his cheek.
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oldcoinsbuyer · 1 year
Purane Sikke Kharidne Wale Ka Whatsapp Number
Purane Sikke Kharidne Wale Ka Whatsapp Number: If you are looking for Old Coins Buyer or Seller (Rupees) then know that we buy and sell all types of Used Coins and Notes. Whatsapp phone number for old coins buyer You can contact us anytime you want. 7301000283 and 7301000283 are historical phone numbers for coin buyers and sellers. Sell your old coins for cash now by contacting us. Remember that we sell antique coins online, and old coins can be purchased from our online shop at affordable prices. Call or text our old coin market cellphone number (+91-7301000283) or WhatsApp us if you want to sell old coins (7301000283) You can take a picture of your old money and send it to us on WhatsApp on the given number so that we can provide you its exact price and more details.
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yourbitchboobs · 4 years
Lately I feel so alone.
Don’t even know why I have a phone.
Nobody hits me up and I’m stuck,Never had Someone that I could call my own.
It’s lonely walking down this road.
Fake Friends that I didn’t have to know.
The same ones that fuck me over and whenever i need them and I turn over they just turn ghost.
I feel like I’m in an all time low.
My ex is happy and I can’t seem to cope.
He’s ignoring every text message I wrote.
My anxiety is high,my medication is low.
I am so stressed and I hate being home.
I sit and overthink everything alone.
I wish I had somebody to hold,damn😫
I‘m sick and tired of putting up a front,like I’m happy but really I am in a slump.
I try to stay strong,screaming idgaf.
But if anybody will give it then I’m the one.
-sikk world
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platinuminsider · 4 years
I just added this listing on Poshmark: Dolls Kill Current Mood Freak Show Graphic Tee.
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responsivesites · 4 years
New Post has been published on Website Design Naples Florida Webmaster
New Post has been published on https://vinbo.com/wordpress-5-4-adderley/
WordPress 5.4 “Adderley”
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Here it is! Named “Adderley” in honor of Nat Adderley, the latest and greatest version of WordPress is available for download or update in your dashboard.
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Say hello to more and better.
More ways to make your pages come alive. With easier ways to get it all done and looking better than ever—and boosts in speed you can feel.
Welcome to WordPress 5.4
Every major release adds more to the block editor.
More ways to make posts and pages come alive with your best images. More ways to bring your visitors in, and keep them engaged, with the richness of embedded media from the web’s top services.
More ways to make your vision real, and put blocks in the perfect place—even if a particular kind of block is new to you. More efficient processes.
And more speed everywhere, so as you build sections or galleries, or just type in a line of prose, you can feel how much faster your work flows.
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Two new blocks. And better blocks overall.
Two brand-new blocks: Social Icons and Buttons make adding interactive features fast and easy.
New ways with color: Gradients in the Buttons and Cover block, toolbar access to color options in Rich Text blocks, and for the first time, color options in the Group and Columns blocks.
Guess a whole lot less! Version 5.4 streamlines the whole process for placing and replacing multimedia in every block. Now it works the same way in almost every block!
And if you’ve ever thought your image in the Media+Text block should link to something else—perhaps a picture of a brochure should download that brochure as a document? Well, now it can.
Cleaner UI, clearer navigation—and easier tabbing!
Clearer block navigation with block breadcrumbs. And easier selection once you get there.
For when you need to navigate with the keyboard, better tabbing and focus. Plus, you can tab over to the sidebar of nearly any block.
Speed! 14% faster loading of the editor, 51% faster time-to-type!
Tips are gone. In their place, a Welcome Guide window you can bring up when you need it—and only when you need it—again and again.
Know at a glance whether you’re in a block’s Edit or Navigation mode. Or, if you have restricted vision, your screen reader will tell you which mode you’re in.
Of course, if you want to work with the very latest tools and features, install the Gutenberg plugin. You’ll get to be the first to use new and exciting features in the block editor before anyone else has seen them!
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Your fundamental right: privacy
5.4 helps with a variety of privacy issues around the world. So when users and stakeholders ask about regulatory compliance, or how your team handles user data, the answers should be a lot easier to get right.
Take a look:
Now personal data exports include users session information and users location data from the community events widget. Plus, a table of contents!
See progress as you process export and erasure requests through the privacy tools.
Plus, little enhancements throughout give the privacy tools a little cleaner look. Your eyes will thank you!
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Just for developers
Add custom fields to menu items—natively
Two new actions let you add custom fields to menu items—without a plugin and without writing custom walkers.
On the Menus admin screen, wp_nav_menu_item_custom_fields fires just before the move buttons of a nav menu item in the menu editor.
In the Customizer, wp_nav_menu_item_custom_fields_customize_template fires at the end of the menu-items form-fields template.
Check your code and see where these new actions can replace your custom code, and if you’re concerned about duplication, add a check for the WordPress version.
Blocks! Simpler styling, new APIs and embeds
Radically simpler block styling. Negative margins and default padding are gone! Now you can style blocks the way you need them. And, a refactor got rid of four redundant wrapper divs.
If you build plugins, now you can register collections of your blocks by namespace across categories—a great way to get more brand visibility.
Let users do more with two new APIs: block variations and gradients.
In embeds, now the block editor supports TikTok—and CollegeHumor is gone.
There’s lots more for developers to love in WordPress 5.4. To discover more and learn how to make these changes shine on your sites, themes, plugins and more, check the WordPress 5.4 Field Guide.
The Squad
This release was led by Matt Mullenweg, Francesca Marano, and David Baumwald. They were enthusiastically supported by a release squad:
Editor Tech: Jorge Filipe Costa (@jorgefelipecosta)
Editor Design: Mark Uraine (@mapk)
Core Tech: Sergey Biryukov (@sergeybiryukov)
Design: Tammie Lister (@karmatosed)
Docs Coordinator: JB Audras (@audrasjb)
Docs & Comms Wrangler: Mary Baum (@marybaum)
The squad was joined throughout the release cycle by 552 generous volunteer contributors who collectively worked on 361 tickets on Trac and 1226 pull requests on GitHub.
Put on a Nat Adderley playlist, click that update button (or download it directly), and check the profiles of the fine folks that helped:
0v3rth3d4wn, 123host, 1naveengiri, Aaron Jorbin, Abhijit Rakas, abrightclearweb, acosmin, Adam Silverstein, adamboro, Addie, adnan.limdi, Aezaz Shaikh, Aftab Ali Muni, Aki Björklund, Akib, Akira Tachibana, akshayar, Alain Schlesser, Albert Juhé Lluveras, Alex Concha, Alex Mills, AlexHolsgrove, alexischenal, alextran, alishankhan, allancole, Allen Snook, alpipego, Amir Seljubac, Amit Dudhat, Amol Vhankalas, Amr Gawish, Amy Kamala, Anantajit JG, Anders Norén, Andrés, Andrea Fercia, Andrea Tarantini, andreaitm, Andrei Draganescu, Andrew Dixon, Andrew Duthie, Andrew Nacin, Andrew Ozz, Andrew Serong, Andrew Wilder, Andrey Savchenko, Andy Fragen, Andy Meerwaldt, Andy Peatling, Angelika Reisiger, Ankit Panchal, Anthony Burchell, Anthony Ledesma, apedog, Apermo, apieschel, Aravind Ajith, archon810, arenddeboer, Ari Stathopoulos, Arslan Ahmed, ashokrd2013, Ataur R, Ate Up With Motor, autotutorial, Ayesh Karunaratne, BackuPs, bahia0019, Bappi, Bart Czyz, ben.greeley, benedictsinger, Benjamin Intal, bibliofille, bilgilabs, Birgir Erlendsson, Birgit Pauli-Haack, BMO, Boga86, Boone Gorges, Brad Markle, Brandon Kraft, Brent Swisher, Cameron Voell, Carolina Nymark, ceyhun0, Chetan Prajapati, Chetan Satasiya, Chintesh Prajapati, Chip Snyder, Chris Klosowski, Chris Trynkiewicz (Sukces Strony), Chris Van Patten, Christian Sabo, Christiana Mohr, clayisland, Copons, Corey McKrill, crdunst, Csaba (LittleBigThings), Dademaru, Damián Suárez, Daniel Bachhuber, Daniel James, Daniel Llewellyn, Daniel Richards, Daniele Scasciafratte, daniloercoli, Darren Ethier (nerrad), darrenlambert, Dave Mackey, Dave Smith, daveslaughter, DaveWP196, David Artiss, David Binovec, David Herrera, David Ryan, David Shanske, David Stone, Debabrata Karfa, dekervit, Delowar Hossain, Denis Yanchevskiy, Dhaval kasavala, dhurlburtusa, Dilip Bheda, dingo-d, Dion Hulse, dipeshkakadiya, djp424, dominic_ks, Dominik Schilling, Dotan Cohen, dphiffer, dragosh635, Drew Jaynes, eclev91, ecotechie, eden159, Edi Amin, edmundcwm, Eduardo Toledo, Ella van Durpe, Ellen Bauer, Emil E, Enrique Piqueras, Enrique Sánchez, equin0x80, erikkroes, Estela Rueda, Fabian, Fabian Kägy, Fahim Murshed, Faisal Alvi, Felipe Elia, Felipe Santos, Felix Arntz, Fernando Souza, fervillz, fgiannar, flaviozavan, Florian TIAR, Fotis Pastrakis, Frank Martin, Gal Baras, Garrett Hyder, Gary Jones, Gary Pendergast, Gaurang Dabhi, George Stephanis, geriux, Girish Panchal, Gleb Kemarsky, Glenn, Goto Hayato, grafruessel, Greg Rickaby, Grzegorz Ziółkowski, Grzegorz.Janoszka, Gustavo Bordoni, gwwar, hamedmoodi, hAmpzter, happiryu, Hareesh Pillai, Harry Milatz, Haz, helgatheviking, Henry Holtgeerts, Himani Lotia, Hubert Kubiak, i3anaan, Ian Belanger, Ian Dunn, ianatkins, ianmjones, IdeaBox Creations, Ihtisham Zahoor, intimez, Ipstenu (Mika Epstein), Isabel Brison, ispreview, Jake Spurlock, Jakub Binda, James Huff, James Koster, James Nylen, jameslnewell, Janki Moradiya, Jarret, Jasper van der Meer, jaydeep23290, jdy68, Jean-Baptiste Audras, Jean-David Daviet, Jeff Bowen, Jeff Ong, Jeff Paul, Jeffrey Carandang, jeichorn, Jenil Kanani, Jenny Wong, jepperask, Jer Clarke, Jeremy Felt, Jeremy Herve, Jeroen Rotty, Jerry Jones, Jessica Lyschik, Jip Moors, Joe Dolson, Joe Hoyle, Joe McGill, Joen Asmussen, John Blackbourn, John James Jacoby, John Watkins, Jon, Jon Quach, Jon Surrell, Jonathan Desrosiers, Jonathan Goldford, Jonny Harris, Jono Alderson, Joonas Vanhatapio, Joost de Valk, Jorge Bernal, Jorge Costa, Josepha Haden, JoshuaWold, Joy, jqz, jsnajdr, Juanfra Aldasoro, Julian Weiland, julian.kimmig, Juliette Reinders Folmer, Julio Potier, Junko Nukaga, jurgen, justdaiv, Justin Ahinon, K. Adam White, kaggdesign, KalpShit Akabari, Kantari Samy, Kaspars, Kelly Dwan, Kennith Nichol, Kevin Hagerty, Kharis Sulistiyono, Khushbu Modi, killerbishop, kinjaldalwadi, kitchin, Kite, Kjell Reigstad, kkarpieszuk, Knut Sparhell, KokkieH, Konstantin Obenland, Konstantinos Xenos, Krystyna, kubiq, kuflievskiy, Kukhyeon Heo, kyliesabra, Laken Hafner, leandroalonso, leogermani, lgrev01, linuxologos, lisota, Lorenzo Fracassi, luisherranz, luisrivera, lukaswaudentio, Lukasz Jasinski, Luke Cavanagh, Lydia Wodarek, M A Vinoth Kumar, maciejmackowiak, Mahesh Waghmare, Manzoor Wani, marcelo2605, Marcio Zebedeu, MarcoZ, Marcus Kazmierczak, Marek Dědič, Marius Jensen, Marius84, Mark Jaquith, Mark Marzeotti, Mark Uraine, Martin Stehle, Marty Helmick, Mary Baum, Mat Gargano, Mat Lipe, Mathieu Viet, Matias Ventura, Matt Keys, Matt van Andel, mattchowning, Matthew Kevins, mattnyeus, maxme, mayanksonawat, mbrailer, Mehidi Hassan, Mel Choyce-Dwan, mensmaximus, Michael Arestad, Michael Ecklund, Michael Panaga, Michelle Schulp, miette49, Miguel Fonseca, Miguel Torres, mihdan, Miina Sikk, Mikael Korpela, Mike Auteri, Mike Hansen, Mike Schinkel [WPLib Box project lead], Mike Schroder, mikejdent, Mikko Saari, Milan Patel, Milan Petrovic, mimi, mircoraffinetti, mjnewman, mlbrgl, Morgan Estes, Morteza Geransayeh, mppfeiffer, mryoga, Muhammad Usama Masood, mujuonly, Mukesh Panchal, Nadir Seghir, nagoke, Nahid Ferdous Mohit, Nate Finch, Nazmul Ahsan, nekomajin, NextScripts, Nick Daugherty, Nick Halsey, Nicklas Sundberg, Nicky Lim, nicolad, Nicolas Juen, nicole2292, Niels Lange, nikhilgupte, nilamacharya, noahtallen, noyle, nsubugak, oakesjosh, oldenburg, Omar Alshaker, Otto Kekäläinen, Ov3rfly, Paal Joachim Romdahl, page-carbajal, pagewidth, Paragon Initiative Enterprises, Pascal Birchler, Pascal Casier, Paul Bearne, Paul Biron, Paul Kevin, Paul Schreiber, pcarvalho, Pedro Mendonça, perrywagle, Peter Wilson, Philip Jackson, Pierre Gordon, Pierre Lannoy, pikamander2, Prashant Singh, Pratik Jain, Presskopp, Priyanka Behera, Raam Dev, Rachel Cherry, Rachel Peter, ragnarokatz, Rami Yushuvaev, raoulunger, razamalik, Remco Tolsma, rephotsirch, rheinardkorf, Riad Benguella, Ricard Torres, Rich Tabor, rimadoshi, Rinku Y, Rob Cutmore, rob006, Robert Anderson, Roi Conde, Roland Murg, Rostislav Wolný, Roy Tanck, Russell Heimlich, Ryan, Ryan Fredlund, Ryan McCue, Ryan Welcher, Ryo, Sébastien SERRE, sablednah, Sampat Viral, Samuel Wood (Otto), SamuelFernandez, Sander, santilinwp, Sathiyamoorthy V, Schuhwerk, Scott Reilly, Scott Taylor, scruffian, scvleon, Sebastian Pisula, Sergey Biryukov, Sergio de Falco, sergiomdgomes, sgastard, sgoen, Shaharia Azam, Shannon Smith, shariqkhan2012, Shawntelle Coker, sheparddw, Shital Marakana, Shizumi Yoshiaki, simonjanin, sinatrateam, sirreal, skorasaurus, smerriman, socalchristina, Soren Wrede, spenserhale, sproutchris, squarecandy, starvoters1, SteelWagstaff, steevithak, Stefano Minoia, Stefanos Togoulidis, steffanhalv, Stephen Bernhardt, Stephen Edgar, Steve Dufresne, Steve Grunwell, stevenlinx, Stiofan, straightvisions GmbH, stroona.com, Subrata Mal, Subrata Sarkar, Sultan Nasir Uddin, swapnild, Sybre Waaijer, Sérgio Estêvão, Takayuki Miyauchi, Takeshi Furusato, Tammie Lister, Tanvirul Haque, TBschen, tdlewis77, Tellyworth, Thamaraiselvam, thefarlilacfield, ThemeZee, Tim Havinga, Tim Hengeveld, timon33, Timothée Brosille, Timothy Jacobs, Tkama, tmanoilov, tmatsuur, tobifjellner (Tor-Bjorn Fjellner), Tom Greer, Tom J Nowell, tommix, Toni Viemerö, Toro_Unit (Hiroshi Urabe), torres126, Torsten Landsiedel, Towhidul Islam, tristangemus, tristanleboss, tsuyoring, Tung Du, Udit Desai, Ulrich, upadalavipul, Utsav tilava, Vaishali Panchal, Valentin Bora, Varun Shanbhag, Veminom, Vinita Tandulkar, virgodesign, Vlad. S., vortfu, waleedt93, WebMan Design | Oliver Juhas, websupporter, Weston Ruter, William Earnhardt, William Patton, wpgurudev, WPMarmite, wptoolsdev, xedinunknown-1, yale01, Yannicki, Yordan Soares, Yui, zachflauaus, Zack Tollman, Zebulan Stanphill, Zee, and zsusag.
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Original source: https://wordpress.org/news/2020/03/adderley/
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spaghettiletty · 7 years
tag meme
i was tagged by @chasingbutterfliesintoeternity  thanks bud! :))
Rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people.
1. drink: choccy milk. yeah the boys
2. phone call: erm to my mum
3. text message: mum again lol
4. song you listened to: a funky remix of some pop song i've forgotten
5. time you cried: uhhh it was on the bus. i was sick and my eyes decided it was time to cry and i just didn't fight it
6. dated someone twice: no sir
7. kissed someone and regretted it: yeah cause i'm a sHIT KISSER I'M SO SORRY YOU GUYS
8. been cheated on: technically no but essentially yes
9. lost someone special: yah my cat smuss. he was my soul mate.
10. been depressed: i've had bouts of depression like anyone else, but i don't have the mental illness? these questions are a little unclear lol
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no. and if i ever do, i'll commit seppuku.
12. pinkkk because it is BEAUTIFUL! and i'm femme to a fault
13. red bc my name means red. i'm obligated to
14. honestly?? yellow. and this is a recent development! i have a lot of bunches of daffodils and wattle in my room atm and it's a really lovely colour.
15. made new friends: yeah a few at work. at school nahhhhh
16. fallen out of love: i'd have to fall in love first
17. laughed until you cried: look probably
18. found out someone was talking about you: if someone isn't, they should be
19. met someone who changed you: nope. i'm exactly the same person as i was 10 years ago. haven't changed my whole life.
20. found out who your friends are: i don't know how to answer this?
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: yes and i'M SORRY
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: literally all of 'em
23. do you have any pets: YEAH! three puppers, the fattest bengal in the world, a zillion chickens and some murderous geese
24. do you want to change your name: i wish i was called ronin. but i don't mind my name. couldn't be bothered changing it.
25. what did you do for your last birthday: i played an 80 yr old in a play and i worked for 5 hours
26. what time did you wake up: 6:00 AM!
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: getting stepped on by my fatass cat
28. name something you can’t wait for: HOLIDAYS HOLY SHIT
29. when was the last time you saw your mum: i am in the room with her like right now
31. what are you listening to right now: better homes and gardens lmaooo
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah and i hate his fuckin guts.
33. something that is getting on your nerves: everything??
34. most visited website: my school website and goooogle! betcha thought i'd say tumblr.
35: hair colour: it is brown/dyed blonde
36. long or short hair: shorttt
37. do you have a crush on someone: the forces of evil have no time for romance!
38. what do you like about yourself: simultaneously everything and nothing
39. want any piercings: yah more in my ears
40. blood type: red
41. nickname(s): scoot, lettuce, scar, scolly
42. relationship status: i'm married to naruto
43. zodiac: i'm a leo, star of the show
44. pronouns: she/her
45. favourite tv show: naruto
46. tattoos: i would absolutely get full-body yakuza style tattoos with a geisha and koi and blossoms if i wasn't such a baby. i might get like the signatures of my parents and brother one day. but i am weak
47. right or left handed: i'm a leftie
48. surgery: idek what a surgery is
49. piercing: got one in my lobes
50. sport: i take boxing lessons and lift weights. does that count?
51. vacation: what about it?
52. pair of trainers: ??????? i have sikk orange ones that remind me of naruto?
53. eating: yams
54. drinking: choccy milk
55. I’m about to: unpack my bag
56. waiting for: a sign
57. want: school to be over
58. get married: yeah if it ever becomes legal here
59. career: i am gonna be the next hokage prime minister
60. hugs or kisses: uhhhhhm don't touch me? hugs i guess
61. lips or eyes: eyes
62. shorter or taller: taller people have more fun! i wish i was tall
63. older or younger: eternal and forever
64. nice arms or nice stomach: as long as you're a nice person i couldn't care less about your arms or stomach
65. hook up or relationship: depends whatcha after
66. troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker! i love to disobey the law
67. kissed a stranger: would have if my new british friend hadn't gotten jealous and stopped me
68. drank hard liquor: i've never even touched the devil's drink
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: i don't own any
70. turned someone down: hell yeah i'm a heartbreaker
71. sex on the first date: no sir
72. broken someone’s heart: ask them idk
73. had your heart broken: hearts are muscles not bones. can't break em, just bruise em
74. been arrested: no lol
75. cried when someone died: yes
76. fallen for a friend: i am in love with all my friends
77. yourself: mm? depends.
78. miracles: i want to
79. love at first sight: no way
80. santa claus: don't you dare. he's REAL
81. kiss on the first date: kiss whenever ya want
82. angels: if it's supernatural or magical, i believe in it. protect me gabriel ❤️
83. current best friends name(s): jess & soph & rheen & ruby & lil
84. eye colour: mine are brown and have random streaks of blue
85. favorite movie: anything with keanu reeves in it
hm hm i don’t have 20 people to tag. so i’ll go for @cat-fur-everywhere @i-am-wesley @rosevanillatea annnnnd the sns discord squad, and anyone who wants to do it. 
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crying-axolotl · 7 years
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fixed, and its not 3 am this time ;v;
tagged by @narika-a i always do these. fyi, all these pictures from my “reactions” folder,,,,
1.GoToe: i didn’t care what u say hes my ult. no questions, ilhsm i just can’t.
2.bbomb- block b: i love and h8 him. It’s like looking into a mirror. (ALSO WHY DOES HE LOOK SO DISAPPOINTED??? DID SOME1 REJECT HIS CHILIDOG OR WHATEVER THAT IS??? IM FEEL BAD FOR LAUGHING)
3.Ravi- vixx: OKAY HAVE U SEEN HIM W HIS PUPPY IM SO SOFT and when fans complained about his BOMB mv, he took it down, edited it, and reloaded. he’s a fuxking doll. ilh.
4.Heojun- MadTown: @ the world, omgt for heojun.
5.S.Coups- seventeen: tbh, love at first sight. He has them melancholy eyes that i am a sucker for.😢😍
6.hyungwon- monsta x: tbh ever since i saw monsta x ive always been like, oh yeah the guy w the luxurious lips. and bc of that he became a fav.
7.Sik-k - yelows mob: I h8 him. i love him. hes literally 5 yrs old. hes literally like a soft jay park and it gives me conflicting feelings. like i wanna think he a fuckboi but i listen to the music and all i wanna do is sleep and cuddle and love and omg i love sikk sm.
8.Rapmonster- BTS: tbh i rlly like him hobbi,v,and jin, but i relate to him the most and i aspire to be like him especially bc im about to be incharge of a dance team in a month. he maek mee cri.
9.Dahyun twice: tbh i just rlly like her lil dance and i couldn’t stop laughing at the bunny part in tt. I dont even stan twice tbh.
10. I have no idea who this is, where this is from, but i feel a spiritual connection. (i dont think this pic is working anyway)
added note: i have mad respect for ppl who add pictures in a text post, i wanted to do that but i looked it up and that’s so much work. i put a lot of effort into this and its still sloppy af but ehhh. oh well. im not tying to impress.
every time i tag ppl they dont do it so i gave up. if u wanna do it, do it and tag me.
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Mardin’de engelli öğrenciler, Engelliler Haftası etkinlikleri kapsamında Mardin Müzesi’ni gezdi.
Mardin Otizm, Engelsiz Yaşam ve Aile Eğitimi Derneği, Güllüce İlköğretim Okulu ve Özel Öz Açan Çiçekler Özel Eğitim ve Rehabilitasyon Merkezi öğrencileri, Mardin müzesini gezdi. Öğrenciler, ebru ve sikke basım atölyelerinde dokunarak eğitim gördü.
Mardin Müzesi Müdürü Nihat Erdoğan, 10-16 Mayıs arasında kutlanan Engelliler Haftası kapsamında engelli ve otizmli öğrencileri müzelerinde misafir ettiklerini söyledi. Erdoğan, “Müzede Mardin’de ortaya çıkan tarihi eserleri gezen öğrenciler ebru ve sanatı ve sikke basım atölyesinde eğitim gördü. Müze eğitimcilerimiz eşliğinde müzemizi gezen çocuklar, kültür varlıklarını ve bölgemizin somut olmayan kültürel miras öğelerini tanıma, koruma ve yaşatma farkında lığı kazanacakları eğitim atölyelerine katıldılar. Ebru ve sikke basım atölyelerinde, yaparak ve dokunarak öğrenmenin ve engelsiz bir gün geçirmenin mutluluğuyla müzemizden ayrıldılar” dedi. #gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Engelli öğrenciler Mardin Müzesi’ni gezdi Mardin’de engelli öğrenciler, Engelliler Haftası etkinlikleri kapsamında Mardin Müzesi’ni gezdi. Mardin Otizm, Engelsiz Yaşam ve Aile Eğitimi Derneği, Güllüce İlköğretim Okulu ve Özel Öz Açan Çiçekler Özel Eğitim ve Rehabilitasyon Merkezi öğrencileri, Mardin müzesini gezdi.
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