#sigh sorry to anyone who saw multiple posts -- sent it to the wrong blog
berrydoodleoo · 3 years
Pre/post timeskip Noctis
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I've been curious about younger/older Noct for a while. They look really different in a lot of the images from the game and within the game itself, despite similar animations/voicing/gear, so I decided to pull them into Blender to see how different they really are.
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There are definitely some changes to the mesh around the jaw, nose, and eyes, plus more subtle changes to the skin textures. I don't think the shift is just supposed to reflect aging -- the devs refer to older Noct as 'Punished Noctis', so I suspect the changes are also supposed to reflect the effects of suffering. I think post-skip Noct is also supposed to be noticeably haggard and underweight, or maybe that's just from seeing him beside his younger baby face.
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I also tried switching the old/young textures on their respective meshes to see how they change. It’s not a huge difference, but there’s definitely something going on there. Maybe baby Noct is wearing some concealer lol? His eyebrows are definitely more unkempt.
And now for something self-indulgent -- I’ve toyed with the idea of an AU in which there’s an extra Warrior of Light (from Eorzea, lol) around to help out pre-timeskip, which means that Luna (and Ravus) live and Noct isn’t in the crystal for so long. So here’s a render of mid-twenties Noct, combining elements of his younger and older faces:
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Am I going to make any other content for this AU? Who knows! I have some images for my WoL and World of Ruin Luna, but I guess we’ll see if I ever get around to sharing them.
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abcreid · 4 years
Wrong  Choice Ruins Everything (2)
Spencer Reid x Reader
Hey guys this is me posting a new story since June last year. I’m sorry for whoever wait for me to update something and sorry for the bad english. i might forgot some vocabs and ending up using the common word over and over. but i hope you enjoy! Inspires from Season 15 Episode 06 - Date Night.
Contains of Spoiler if you haven’t watch the episode.
Part 1
“Hey what’s up?” That was the first question he askes when he picked up his call. Emily perhaps. “All right i’ll be right in.” “Uh-huh. All right. Understood.”
He hung up the call, turn back facing you eating the pancake you made in the tiny kitchen in your and Spencer’s apartment. Judging by his face, something wrong happened at BAU. “What happen? New case?”
“Yup.” He took his coat and kissed my forehead. “I gotta go.” Then he kissed your big tummy. Well actually he tried to kissed you and his soon to be daughter. You’re 8 months pregnant and you took your sabbatical because you weren’t in shape to be a field agent anf lately you felt more tired than you ever be. And now you just sitting silently at home waiting for your husband to come home.
“Call me when you get there. Say hi for everyone okay?” Spencer smiled and closed the door behind him. You sighed. You really missed being at BAU but your body couldn’t take any fatigue or you fainted.
Meanwhile at BAU, Spencer walked in hurry to brief room and met Rossi and Emily. “Catch me up.”
“Early this morning, Garcia got an email from an anonymous server.” She pointing remote to the monitor and the picture of a woman between an old man and a young girl. “She’s not obscuring her face, telling us she’s got nothing to hide.”
“Any ideas on the victims or unsub?” Spencer asked.
“No, Only the unsub's demand. That we release Catherine Adams in 24 hours.” Emily handed him files of Cat Adams. “I'm having her transferred here for questioning, but we have no illusions. This is just a game to her. We know that. “ She hesitated. “The question is, do we want to play it or not?”
Right now, Spencer was speechless. He thought his life would be happy without anyone’s shadow.
The rest of the team gathered in front of the glass door to see Cat Adams being escourted to the interrogation room.
“She's a contract killer?” Simmons asked. Garcia nodded. “Yeah. But she’s much, much more than that, too.” ”She's a black widow. She preys on men she can seduce. She thrives on psychological seduction.” JJ added.
Tara explained more to Simmons. “She's one of the most dangerous criminals we've ever arrested, and she is obsessed with Reid. He's the only man to ever outsmart her.”
“Oh, and don’t forget the part that she’s YN cousin.” The way Garcia said it made Simmons gaped in disbelief. “Long short story Cat went missing for 10 years accorded to YN then Spencer tried to outsmart Cat and she got arrested, she met YN outside the restaurant. Bla bla bla she hated YN so bad and vice versa. OH and you remembered when Reid got arrested in Mexico when you were still in IRT? It was all Cat’s game to destroy YN and Spencer. I feel bad to YN. She’s very strong.”
“Did she knew about this?” Luke asked. Everyone just shrugged. “I can’t imagine being pregnant and this thing came up from nowhere. I hope she already knew it.”
at the same time, Spencer lean against the wall in the interrogating room facing the only Cat Adams, who tried to ruin his life multiple times.
Cat started to smirked. “Classic negotiating technique. First one who speaks loses, right?”
“You arranged the kidnapping of two people and you did it the same way you did it before, through a partner on the outside. But her demand, "release Cat Adams," that will never happen. So, tell me what you want right now, before I send you back to prison.” Spencer started to outraged.
“Calm down, Spencie. I would like to go on a date with you. I want to look pretty and i want to have fun.”
“The only date that I'll be there for is the one where they stick a needle in your vein.”
Then Cat laughed. “I hear a wedding bells right know. Did you hear it too?” Her eyes spotted a gold ring in his finger. “Is that a ring from 4 years ago? When you said you wanted me to kill your pregnant wife, do you still mean it until today?”
“How did you... don’t you ever dare to touch YN.” He yelled and slammed the door. He ran to the conference room and the theam already there to discuss about the case. “It has something to do with YN. I don’t want to burden her with all of this.”
An hour later YN was picked up by JJ and Simmons. They didn’t tell her the reason because they didn’t want to frightened her.
“YN,” Spencer greeted her at the elevator when it reached level 6. “I’m sorry to involved you but this is important.” He lead you to the conference room and you could see a familiar picture at the monitor. “Do you recognice those people on that picture?”
You frowned. Not because you angry or something, but you confused. “Yeah, that’s... uh... George on the left and i think she’s her daughter Millie. And i had no idea who’s the girl between them.” You can read Spencer’s face that he need more explication. “They’re Catherine’s relatives from his dad. Wait, is this something to do with her? What happened? Did she tried to hurt them?
You started to panicked and Spencer hugged you. “Don’t worry honey, everything is controlled.”
“Do you know her?” Garcia came from nowhere and gave you a flyer.
“That was Susan, her mom. What the hell?” You pulled out from his hug and smelled something suspicious. “Tell me what is going on or i will walked by myself to where Catherine is.”
Spencer explained everything he could while Garcia held youd shoulders. You breathed heavily and tried to processed everthing Spencer said. JJ offered you mineral water and you drank it.
“I let you twice near that hit woman, Spencer. That Mexico event was really hit me hard.” Your tears start to fall from your eyes. “I want to see her now.”
“YN, YN please listen to me,” Garcia interupped you. “You are 8 months pregnant and it much bigger than watermelon sweety. You have to rest and you can’t be stressfull and i don’t want something happen to my beautiful god daughter.”
Emily finally let you to see Cat.
You opened the door and saw her smirked.
“That belly is very big, YN.” Her glare really want to make you puke. “So you are the pregnant wife Spencie told me 4 years ago at Harry & Glenn’s Grill and Bar.”
“What are you up to? You really sacrificed your family for your own sake. Sound really desperate at the end of your life.” You pull the chair and sit. “You were manipulative, right at 14 years ago, you convinced me to steal money from your dad and i did it. You were vengeful to your ex’s new girlfriend and you almost killed her. Just like what you did to Spencer in Mexico. We were months away of getting married and somehow you at the prison knew shit and tried to tear us apart by made Spencer went to jail, then made someone kidnapped my mother in law. And now, you really want to take away my husband, don’t you? Why you didn’t try harder... like kidnapped me, tortured me, or even killed me?”
She silenced for a while. “I would never do that to you. I didn’t want to hurt Spencer either.” “You should tell Garcia to check her email.”
You went out and watched the video that sent to Garcia’s mail. 
“We have fewer than 12 hours left. I don't think she'll fire blanks again.” Emily worried. “If we give Cat what she wants, we can profile what she says on the date.” She looked at you begging. “She always trips up. She always reveals her Achilles heel. And she always does it with Spencer. Please YN, this is the only way.”
She held your husband’s arm and walked confidently to the lift. But before they reach the elevator, they stopped right in front of you who stood alone while holding your belly. Cat signed him and he took of the ring off his finger and handed it to you.
“Don’t wait up.” Then they entered the elevator leaving you crying.
tags:  @chocok22 , @cynbx, @literallyprentissstwin, @literallyreid, @princessjellyfishbitch, @eideticreid, @saltedfire, @everyday-imfangirling, @stories-you-wont-hear, @dontshootmespence, @pandedios-carli @spencerreiddaily @spencerreidreads @spence-imagines @reid-effect @lil-loki @bloodylollipopkid @starsshines-blog @photogrxphinggg @queenofthehobos @twosaylorghosts @yukitsubute @thatwrestlingfan91 @qu3n-elizab3th @romee125 @scatchia@nomajdetective @arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77 @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo @supernatural-dolan
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