#show you what love's all about; lucifer x penemue x leander
formorethananame · 6 months
"silly holiday, isn't it?" penemue holds out an angel-shaped gingerbread cookie. the wings, he's already broken off an eaten. irony, or some such. "the only good part is the food. i could eat these all day."
Lucifer looks up and snorts.
Penemue has defiled an angel-shaped cookie, one that has a distinctly unpleasant smell. It's so human, the innocent, friendly shape. The image that invites comfort and grace.
The pathetic creatures could never handle the true image of an angel. It would melt their little brains to useless liquid.
Lucifer eyes the cookie Penemue is steadily devouring. "It stinks." But he doesn't bother taking it from his lover. If it makes him happy, then who is he to deny him? "Everything humans do is silly. Stupid. And pathetic."
It's a secret to no one how much Lucifer loathed these walking parasites roaming the earth. His brothers are far more accepting of the culture humans had created than he was, and apparently, so is his lover.
With a sigh, Lucifer brushes a crumb away from Penemue's mouth with his thumb. "Rinse your mouth out before you kiss me next. Ginger is foul."
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formorethananame · 7 months
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one look at you and i can't disguise; i've got hungry eyes.
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