#shouldve kept my fucken guard up
roley-poley-foley · 9 months
just gonna say something some people aren't ready to hear: I'm not some fucking professional artist, I do that shit to have fun and unwind. I've got a lot to learn and I KNOW that, that's why sometimes I'll try new things and they won't work and I'll have the AUDACITY to think it's worth posting anyway. I WILL wake up the morning after, look at it with fresh eyes and see that it doesn't look as good as it did when I was drawing it and I'll LEARN and hopefully do it better next time. I actually don't need anyone to helpfully let me know that my art that I didn't work hard enough on because I was exhausted after a shitty day at work looks cursed, okay?
I'm not gonna pretend it's some kind of like. privilege to be allowed to see my art, like the fan community here would be worse off if I kept my sketches to myself. but I certainly don't owe anyone good art. block me if it's so hideous that you feel overwhelmed with the need to tell everyone.
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