#shosuke icons
bl-bam-beyond · 2 years
A shout out to one of my favorite stories from Yoko Kamio (MANGA/ANIME)
Several countries have brought there own version of this story. I'm sure fans have their favorites. But I have an appreciation for all these actors and their version of DOMYOUJI TSUKUBA. So here they are..
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Number 1: Made into a movie in Japan in 1995, this version isn't as popular. It did not follow the full story of the trials and tribulations gone through by Domyoji & Makino. But it had its own charm. Domyoji Tsukuba was played by SHOSUKE TANIHARA
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Number 2: The first series in live action went to Taiwan. In 2001 it went from Hana Yori Dango to Meteor Garden. It was followed by a sequel Meteor Garden 2 after Meteor Rain. Domyouji Tsukuba name was changed to Daoming Si and Taiwanese dynamo JERRY YAN step into this iconic role.
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Number 3: Japan decided to step back into the game with a series version that blew the 1995 movie out of the water. Back to the original name HANA YORI DANGO (aka BOYS OVER FLOWERS) it was 2005. A sequel in 2007 called HANA YORI DANGO RETURNS and a final movie in 2008. Domyouji Tsukuba was played by multi-talented JUN MATSUMOTO.
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Number 4: Then it was SOUTH KOREA next. BOYS OVER FLOWERS came out in 2009. Domyouji Tsukuba became GU JUN-PYO. And was played by popular South Korean actor LEE MIN-HO.
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Number 5: Another Remake with a much milder story but still damn good IMO. Once again the name changed to Meteor Garden as China did a remake of the Taiwanese version. And of course Domyouji Tsukuba became Daoming Si again. And newbie actor DYLAN WANG took on the role. And he was A M A Z I N G!!
In conclusion this is an iconic story and will probably will continue to be remade with a new name for Domyouji and his lady love Makino and the rest of the F4. But no matter what I will always have an appreciation for the characters. I may not like every version but I won't slam it. I just won't watch it.
For fans who choose to diminish these men and their outstanding performance by saying BEST ADAPTATION YET for their favorite is ridiculous. One is not better than the other. They are all BEST ADAPTATIONS. Each actor brought their best. And should be applauded. Each version should appreciated.
So to all the men here that played DOMYOUJI or DAOMING SI or GU JUN-PYO. YOU DID MARVELOUSLY ALL OF YOU.
@pose4photoml I posted this a long time ago. Just tagging you to check it out.
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venille · 2 years
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komi shousuke manga icons
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matching icon for the middle picture
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