#shopkeep Pos
vintagegeekculture · 2 years
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One of the most recognizable landmarks in Los Angeles is Grauman’s Chinese Theater. Inside, there are some beautiful Chinese-style murals. 
These were painted in the 1930s by someone filmgoers might find familiar: none other than actor Keye Luke, Number One Son, Blind Master Po from Kung Fu, and the old shopkeeper from Gremlins, who was an artist and painter long before he became an actor. 
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He regularly gifted his co-workers paintings as a gift. 
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As an artist in Los Angeles, he also painted movie posters, including this famous poster for King Kong: 
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drivethru-guy · 10 days
Wow, your job sure looks exhausting! I can relate. I work as a cashier at my own store.
…Well, I mean, I don’t deal with as many strange people as you do, but I know how retail is.
ENPHOSOO /pos /ooc
Yeah.. it can be.. a bit overwhelming I must say.
He chuckled nervously before eventually returning to his neutral expression.
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thepringlesofblood · 2 years
god i love rereading Graceling. The rest of the series (I haven’t read winterkeep no spoilers) is great too but there’s just something so endlessly rereadable about the first book. I’ve read it so many times that I can drop in wherever and just pick up. it helps that Katsa is very autistic, and so am I. Her POV is just *chef kiss* in a way Fire’s and Bitterblue’s aren’t (though I love them very much in their own ways!)
I intended this to be a “Katsa is autistic and here’s why” post but it turns out I can’t stop gushing about Kristen Cashore even on my own damn post.
Anyway. Katsa is autistic and here’s why:
The whole scene at the beginning where she gets overwhelmed at the fancy dinner bc of the loudness of Randa’s voice and the bright lights and the pins in her hair and the shoes that pinch her feet - it’s textbook sensory overload. She goes to the archery range to self-soothe by doing something repetitive she knows how to do really well - shooting. In total darkness. She removes the easiest stressors to get rid of - the hairpins, the shoes, the earrings, the bright lights - to recharge. it’s honestly so relatable to me as an autistic person who gets overwhelmed by noise easily. Honestly the whole time she’s at Randa’s court it focuses on what she’s wearing
so much of it makes her uncomfortable. Part of this is Gender Feels of course, but part of it is definitely sensory - she talks about a dress with sleeves she wants to tear off, and when she finally gets to cut her hair she notes “how odd it is to turn her head and not feel the heavy snarl of hair following behind” (I’m paraphrasing, but I’ve read this book enough times to be fairly sure of the wording).
The missing of social cues others consider obvious. It takes both Po and Raffin telling her that Giddon wants to marry her before she realizes it, and when he finally asks her, she refers back to her conversation with Raffin and mimics what he says - another big autistic mood. When they’re in the council room and Giddon is mad about the cut on her face and Po apologizes to him, she is furious about how there’s some understanding between the two of them that she can’t see- tbh one of my favorite scenes in the book. Her bluntness and straightforwardness. She doesn’t talk in metaphor or beat around the bush - she says what she means. this comes across most clearly to me when she goes to seek shelter with Bitterblue with the shopkeeper loyal to the Council. There’s none of that dance of small talk or fake politeness that often happens when meeting new people - she shows up and says “we need this this and this. this is what’s going on. here’s how much we know. what have you heard about this?” it’s not impolite, she thanks them for their help, it’s just clear cut. Her difficulty labeling and understanding her own feelings. This is called alexithymia, and it’s common among many flavors of neurodivergence. It’s most obvious when she and Po are working out their relationship - she isn’t sure what she wants, and she isn’t sure what she’s feeling or why she’s feeling this way. It’s hard for her to put her emotions into words - which is part of why she and Po work so well as a couple: she doesn’t have to explain herself to him.
I’m sure there’s other things I’m forgetting, but this is what I have for now. You could probably make an argument about plans and rigidity and getting upset when things don’t go to plan (case in point: Po giving her his ring) but I’m not able to articulate it atm. I love Katsa and Graceling and more people should read it. <3
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zzoupz · 1 year
oc questions !!! feel free to answer all or none :))
1. tell me about your favorite! (/pos)
2. tell me about your least favorite! (/pos) (stinky awful garbage man *gender neutral)
3. anything living in your head rent free? story concept, single scene without context, oc concept you wont get around to making?
4. tell me about your favorite relationship (friendship included!) between ocs!
5. do you have a favorite oc name? what is it and how'd you get it?
6. anything driving you truly batshit? going insane over them?
7. tell me something sad about an oc!
8. tell me something sweet about an oc!
9. any ""retired"" ocs you still think about?
10. pick a favorite character n tell me three songs you think theyd like!
hihi! sorry this is a bit late I want to get back on my pc for this
1. oh damn I have multiple favorites! I think ones that I enjoy the most (at the moment) are them
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(yellow: Lee Harrison | blue: Bryan Dickinson)
they are basically a (in the 2000s) newbie punk band formed by two friends who are like brothers to each other. they bonded over both having not so great families (not like tragic-backstory awful but yknow. the average traditional family)
yeah I still can't figure out what their band name would be. yeah since 2020. sorry. such is life.
while they're not the ones I've wrote the most about, as in not much at all, I just really like them :)
2. Bartholomew. I used to like him then I realize how generic he is so I hate him now (/j) (yeah I actually do want to post about him less though)
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3. been thinking about the dynamic normal human x immortal who finds them in every life. so simple and common but I go insane over it every time. I think it would be fun
4. ohohohoho man ok here are some in no particular orders
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Time & Denial core, Denial/Dan (black hair, also the last image) is by @/ akamavarii
they were basically our coresonas, but they've became their own characters at this point so I think it counts
friends who commits OSHA violations together!!!
they share 1 brain cell and takes turns over it like an Xbox (quote from ami himself)
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Iandithas & Lumeous (if you noticed one of the name changed its bc I did)
a bard & a wizard duo who are retired and are now a shopkeeper & a chemist
its funny I care about them this much bc Lumeous was supposed to be a dad and a side character to my other oc and Iandithas was a doodle of a random guy and now they mean the world to me
there have been like 5 people who pointed out that they look like a couple and you're right and I fucking hate that you're right. and they were roommates etc
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Overseer / Conqueror
this one is new very obviously but I've been thinking about them for a LONG while.
friends to lovers to enemies heehoo heehoo heehoo heehoo heeh
can you tell I like it when queer relationships
5. Fakzky HAS to have my favorite origin. fun fact there's a bot on facebook that would combine the names of their followers (only if they request, don't worry) and it was my source of inspo for my fantroll names in 2020, Fakz is the only one I took completely from it and the post is still there!
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6. the 35 awesome and cool animatics that exists in MY mind
7. oh man I don't wanna say something sad :( mostly bc I'm bad at it and it would sound cringe :(
8. I have a plague doc oc and she has 3 pet rats ^_^ they're all named after murderers from the bible but yeah whatever
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(Dias Cain Jael in that order btw)
9. hmmm them I think. I make stuff about them way less nowadays but still draw them time to time. Cath is from 2018 and funnily is originally a fusion of two characters. and Danya is from early 2021 when I was just trying stuff out. I made them friends just cuz I think they look like they would do drugs together
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10. I have no idea man I created them not know them (I am so so bad at this)
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Echoes and Experiments Chapter 11
Mieko's birthday flew by, and the woman was right back at working again. Albedo was worried about her, but he also didn't stop her from doing what she felt was necessary. It was becoming harder and harder for her to pay shop rent, and she was fighting hard every day to make it work. Albedo didn't want to take that from her. But some days, he felt like he had to distract her, force her to sit and rest. It didn't usually work for long, but Albedo would exploit the fact that she listened to his requests and would turn up the charm to get her to agree. “You're terrible.” She would tell him while smiling. “But I'll rest, just for you.” However, her sleep schedule was deteriorating quickly. And one day, after one of the sleepless nights, someone came by to visit.
“Miiieeee!” A brunette with blue eyes ran into the workshop, nearly knocking Albedo down in the process before clinging to Mieko. The woman gave an exasperated sigh before petting the girl's head.
“Natalie. What are you doing here?”
“Let's go out, Mie!”
“Out where?”
“To fight some monsters!” Albedo was surprised that someone was asking his workaholic partner to hunt monsters, he was sure everyone else in Mondstat thought Mieko was just a shopkeep, save for the Knights of Favonious vision holders and Koyuki's family. Who was this girl?
“Introduce yourself to Albedo first, then. I'll go and change so we can go.” She sighed, getting up from her chair before heading to change out of her workshop outfit. Albedo quirked an eyebrow at the brunette, who turned to him with a big grin on her face.
“Ohh, so you're the one Diluc told me about!” She smiled. “I'm Natalie, I've known Mie and Diluc since I was little.” She grinned. “So, so. You're her partner? Her boyfriend???” she questioned, inquiring about how Albedo treated Mieko and stopping when the woman returned. “So, let's go!”
“Go where?” Mieko asked, seeming exasparated but not willing to let this girl go anywhere herself, much like how Jean treated Klee.
“I got a commission, so let's go to Brightcrown Canyon!”
“Goodness, you picked the most infested place.” Mieko grumbled. “Did you introduce yourself?”
“I did, I did!”
“She did, Mie. Are you sure you're alright to go fight monsters in your condition?” Albedo asked her, knowing her stress was high and her sleep had been limited.
“I can't exactly turn Natalie down. Diluc will throw a fit.” She replied simply, smiling. “Want to join us?” She asked.
“I haven't been there in a while. I will accompany you, to sketch the scenery.” He said, smiling at her.
“Very well.” She nodded. “Then let's go.”
Upon arriving, Natalie went right to work and Mieko just hung back and let her hunt down her monsters by herself. “She was always clumsy when she was little, and I think it got worse when she got her vision.” Mieko explained. “Diluc has always worried that she might impale herself on her sword if she isn't careful, so I got used to escorting her around on missions since her return from Liyue, and she got used to coming to ask me so Diluc wouldn't scold her.”
“You must see her like a sister, the way you worry about her.” Albedo pointed out.
“I do, I do.” She nodded. “If Yuki had grown up… I think she and Natalie would've been good friends.” She smiled a little sadly. Albedo understood now why she was so willing to stop everything she was doing for Natalie's request. He took her hand and squeezed it, making Mieko turn to him.
“I'm glad, that you have something other than work to do.”
“Ah, have I been overdoing it?”
“I think you have. You clearly need a break from the shop.”
“Hm… Very well. I'm sorry, if I've been causing you to worry.” Mieko squeezed his hand back.
“You can make it up to me later.”
“Hey. C'mon you two, over here!” Natalie waved from the top of the cliff. “I think I found a good one!”
“A good one, huh?” Mieko sighed. She began walking up the hill with Albedo. “Probably a big camp of Hilichurls…” as they arrived at the top, Natalie pointed at the camp, telling Mieko that they could attack from up here when Mieko froze, whipping around and blocking an attack from hitting Natalie, eyes wide. “Oh no…” A Pyro and Electro Abyss Mage appeared in front of them. “Of all the rotten timing…”
“We need to take care of the Electro first, the Pyro can wait.” Albedo told her, the woman nodding. They fought as well as they could against the two enemies, but something was still bothering Mieko about this. It didn't feel right. As Albedo was thrown back and away from her, something caught his attention. “Mie, move!” She managed to side step a stray bolt of electro coming at her, glaring at the appearance of a tall being cloaked in purple.
“Another being of the Abyss…?”
“What a fascinating little specimen you are.” It cooed, staring right at Mieko. It clearly held some interest, but why? “You fight so hard… Why don't you just go to sleep?” it asked. Natalie was occupied with the Pyro Abyss Mage, and Albedo with the electro one.
“You're not convincing me any more than a burglar breaking into my house telling me to sleep.” She stated.
“How dreadful.” The Abyss Lector laughed. “If you sleep long enough, you can go and see your best friend again. Wouldn't that be nice? Her name is Yuki, isn't it?” He asked, Albedo's eyes going wide when he heard the being say Yuki's name.
“Mie, don't listen to him!” the intrusive thought of losing her to the Abyss terrified him, a feeling that he was very unused to. But she simply stood there, listening to the Abyss Lector talk.
“What do you say, hmm?” The Abyss being asked after offering her the “sweetest dream” of being able to spend her days happily with her dearly departed friend.
“What do I say?” Mieko laughed, confusing the Lector. She looked up at it with a dark look on her face, her eyes strangely sharp and dangerous. “You don't think I hold onto Yuki's memory because I would give anything to see her, do you?” She slashed the Lector across the face, causing it to stumble. “How dare you say my dear sister's name, trying to bait me.” She slammed the broad side of her weapon into the Lector's head, then stabbed her polearm through the Lector's robe. “Natalie. I believe Diluc will forgive us in this circumstance. Go ahead and do it.” She activated her skill, causing dark, dangerous rainclouds to form above the beings of the abyss. Mieko took a few steps back from the Lector and walked over to Albedo as he flung the Electro Abyss mage towards the other enemy. Natalie grinned when she realized what Mieko meant and flung the Pyro Abyss mage, causing it to barrel into the other two. It began to rain heavily around the place Mieko's weapon was plunged into the ground, the circle of rain ending just short of Mieko, Albedo, and Natalie.
“Alright!” The brunette exclaimed, raising her hand to the sky. “Time for a Snow Day!”
“A… Snow Day?” Albedo asked, confused as Mieko took his hand. The sky grew darker and the air chilled. Little white things began to fall from the rainclouds at frightening speed. “Are those…?”
“Snowmen.” Mieko smiled. “Natalie is one dangerous kid, when it comes down to it. But combined with my powers?” She chuckled. “It's much worse.” the snowmen rained down on the Abyss Mages and the Lector, pummeling them. When it was over, the Lector stood up, ripping his robe from the weapon. The mages were long gone.
“You think that was enough to stop me?!”
“No.” Mieko replied. “But this next one certainly might be.” She smiled, a flash of orangey red slammed into the Lector. When the dust settled, there stood the red haired young master of the Dawn Winery. “Great shot, Diluc~”
“Mie.” He sighed. “You can't always count on me to show up…”
“But I can when Natalie is involved.” she smiled, the red haired man clearing his throat.
“Heyyy, Diluc you melted my snowmen!” Natalie exclaimed, hands on her hips and a pout adoring her young face. Diluc paused as he turned to the brunette, sighing as she pouted at him more.
“Is that what you imagine Yuki would have been like?” Albedo asked, Mieko nodding while holding his hand. “I see… What an interesting personality.” He replied.
“Mie?” Albedo walked into the kitchen to see Mieko sitting on the kitchen counter again, staring down into her cup of tea. “Is something wrong? It's well after 1am.”
“No… I just can't sleep again.” She stated softly. “I'm alright…”
“You hardly seem alright.” He stood in front of her, placing his hand on her thigh. “This is the 4th day in a row you couldn't sleep, isn't it?”
“I'm really okay, Albedo.” She shook her head, placing her cup down. “Don't worry, I just-”
“Don't say another word.” Albedo's finger came to rest on her lips. “Come along. Bed time.” he helped her down off the counter and took her to her room. “I'll make you another potion, if it will help.” he said as he sat down with her.
“I took the one you left for me… It didn't do anything.” She replied, leaning on his shoulder. “You help me sleep far more than any potion… But even now, it's hard to rest, for some reason.”
“Then, let me stay with you until you manage to fall asleep.” he said, reaching to play with her hair. She was clearly exhausted, and Albedo was getting concerned again. “Since you won't sleep yet… Windblume is coming up, isn't it?”
“Yes. I'm hoping that perhaps I'll make some good sales.” She replied. “Windblume is a big event… I can only hope it will be lucrative.”
“I see… I… Wish you the best of luck with that.”
“Hmm… You sound disappointed.” She looked up at him from his shoulder, smiling. “Were you perhaps… Hoping to go together?”
“I was.” He admitted, staring back at her before kissing her forehead. “But if you'll be busy, I don't want to bother you.”
“It isn't a bother.” She replied. “I will spend some time with you for at least 1 day.” She added.
“That would be lovely… Thank you darling. Now, try and sleep.” He had her lay down and pet her head, sitting at her side until she fell asleep finally. He sighed, staring down at her. “Mie… You keep pushing yourself so hard… Why won't you take a break?” He pondered, smiling a bit as she grumbled in her sleep. He sighed, staring at her for a while before laying down at her side, gently playing with her hair. “One day, perhaps, I will understand that behavior of yours, darling.”
Mieko was practically running herself into the ground, and Albedo could see how tired she was. But she pushed through until the week before Windblume, and now he finally had her to himself for a short while. He took her to Dragonspine and kept her with him, the isolation from her shop finally allowing her to decompress a little. He knew her living above her workspace made it hard on her, because work was always on her mind. But this felt different. He took a deep breath as she laid there on his cot, continuing to work on his experiments with a potion brewing on the side for her. The urge to protect her only grew stronger with every passing day, every incident of her not feeling well or pushing herself. Albedo put a hand to his chest, taking a deep breath.
“Mie… What is it about you that makes me feel like this?” he asked, glancing back at her as she rested. He was becoming fearful for her health, for her state of being. “These feelings have grown so deep, Mieko… Can you explain them to me, one day?” He asked as she stirred, smiling as she sat up.
“Did you say something, Albedo?” She asked, rubbing her eyes.
“Just musing to myself, my dear. Did you sleep well?”
“Mmm, for the short while I was asleep, I think so.” She yawned. “It's almost dinner time, isn't it?”
“That it is.” he nodded. “Are you craving anything in particular?” He asked, putting down his work.
“Honestly…? I'm not all that hungry. I'm hoping the smell of good food will work my appetite up.” She admitted, tying her hair back up with the hair clip and ribbon Albedo had given her. “Did you want me to make Sunshine Sprat?”
“I don't mind cooking.”
“I mind, you've been babying me since I got here.” She said, eyeing him from her seat.
“Perceptive as ever, darling.” He chuckled. “I'm concerned for your health. Your lack of sleep worries me. It's been getting worse.”
“I… I know.” She sighed, looking up at him as he walked over to her. She pulled him gently by the hand to sit in her lap and leaned her forehead against his shoulder. “Since that fight with the Abyss Lector, I've been sleeping less and less.” She nuzzled him as he moved to wrap his arms around her. “It's bothering me… The way it called me a specimen… And the way it talked like it knew me and my past…” she clung to his shirt, releasing a held breath as Albedo rubbed her back. “It doesn't feel right, Albedo.”
“What does it feel like, Mie?” he asked. “Can you verbalize the feeling at all? Explain to me the closest thing it reminds you of?”
“I can't tell…” she shook her head. “It just feels bad…” she said softly. “I… I just feel strange… It feels kind of like when…” she paused. “Oh… It's… Similar to the day before Yuki died…” she said softly. “That's the closest thing I have to compare to…” she added to Albedo.
“I see… Well, I'll do my best to stay at your side, so you don't have to worry.”
“I… Alright…” she nodded, not denying his assistance and company. “I don’t know what the feeling is linked to, but hopefully it at least settles my nerves.” she smiled a little, hugging him back. “For now…” she kissed him. “I think having you right here is helping more than anything else…”
“Then, let's enjoy a light dinner and the evening air.” Albedo smiled back at her. “Then you can take what you need from me, my Mie.”
Mieko always had trouble falling asleep, but somehow the way Albedo would slide his hand into her shirt and gently rub the small of her back was so soothing to her. She felt so safe when he wrapped his arms around her that it usually lulled her right to sleep. She would nuzzle into his shoulder or the crook of his neck, depending on how he was holding her. Albedo would plant soft kisses to her forehead or the top of her head, and hold her tight. "Goodnight, Mie, darling." He would whisper as she began to fade. Mieko knew that now, there was no one else for her. Albedo was her one and only, as long as he wanted her. But even then, a little voice inside her head told her that wouldn't be enough. That not even Albedo could save her from what was coming, even though she had no idea what that thing was. She sighed, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.
“Yuki! Yuki!!!” Mieko sighed, opening her eyes. Again with the nightmare about Yuki dying. This happened often enough, but recently it had been getting louder, more painful. She watched as her younger self cried over losing her sister, her best friend. But then something changed. Mieko looked up to see Yuki's parents and brother staring at her. She steeled her nerves as they opened their mouths to speak.
“You're the reason Yuki died.”
“That's a lie.” Mieko muttered.
“You killed our daughter!”
“A lie.” She repeated.
“That damn vision of yours, why didn't you die instead?!” Mieko shook her head, shaking a little.
“I don't know.” She replied honestly. “It was my fault…”
“It wasn't.” Mieko paused, turning to hear a very familiar voice. “Big Sis, cmon, don't cry.” She couldn't see who was talking, but she felt a hand on hers. “I'd never blame you, Mie.”
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firemanshug · 1 year
Hi there! I have a few questions based on the iceberg you made.
The Bombman copyright thing
Iceman's Appearance, (And the push for shipping in the franchise because I never understood why certain "decisions" were made.)
Who is W waltz?
Thank you in advance.
Bombman's copyright issue
It's speculated that the actual reason for Bomb's lack of game appearances (he is the MM1 RM that appears the least in the games) has to do with Bombman's japanese name being Bomberman. Seems silly, right? But given how both him and a certain other videogame character have similar names and cherry bomb handling, it does line up as to why Bomb rarely shows up game wise outside of MM1 remakes/ports.
Iceman's appearance
If you ever notice how Ice is drawn early on, you'll notice he had a face resembling the likes of Heat, Spark and so on. However, by the SNES to PS era, there was a push, partially by superfans like Ariga, to draw him with a more generic anime-face. This mind you, coincides with Battle and Chase putting Ice/Roll as a ship, possibly as a VA joke since the two characters are voiced by the same person. So the whole idea is that to try and make the ship more """""""""palatable""""""""" they tried to anime-ize Iceman in the east more. The one instance where the west rules.
W. Waltz
Oh boy. THIS is a doozy. So, W. Waltz started life as a character meant to be as an evil Roll counterpart like Bass is to Rock. In fact, some say the idea behind her was thrown around in MM7 then discarded. However, she was later made for the very ill fated Dreamwave Megaman comic. But here is a detail: W. Waltz was made by Hideaki Ishikawa, who is a massive lo l1 con. And he made hen//tai of the character, granted with some different details, with Roll back in the day.
Now Capcom is VERY well known for NOT wanting anything to do with the character - Ishikawa tried to submit her for MM10 as both a playable and a shopkeeper and she was rejected, and Ian Flynn tried to add her to the Archie Comics only to be met with a resounding NO.
Some theorize that it is due to the character having such po//rn deeply entrenched to her name, even though I think it's not a good sole reason since characters like Roll have an entire ocean of r34 and it didn't affect their usage at all. I think it was partially because Ishikawa may own more rights to the character (which means using her is going through papers just for an appearance as opposed to let's say, Madame Y), and partially because of the association with an artist that can't stop thinking of little girls and boys in such situations.
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rifts-of-identity · 11 months
The Necromancer Maiden || Diary Entry
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Entry One || The Curious Case of The Release Essences
The manor told me that I must keep a journal. So… A journal I shall keep.
I… am unsure what to write about, but today I was informed of something… interesting. The release essences. Every survivor and every hunter gets a release essence.
They asked me to… think of a theme, a storyline, a limited s tier for myself, and two a tier skins for anyone of my choosing. Alongside those, they also said I cannot include anyone from my group, since all of us will be getting our release s tiers one after another.
As far as I am aware, █████ ████████ will be having his release essence first, and the second essence will belong to someone with the title… "The Mechanical Designer" I believe. And then, my essence will fall third in line. And then, next season will be the "Grand Chessmaster", the "Mountain Climber" and then the "Graphic Designer." And then the third season will have the "Obstacle Runner", the "Memory Devourer", and the "Bounty Hunter".
So I decided to investigate on it a bit, and wrote down everything I was able to figure out from my exploration. Of course… no one will be reading this. I hope so, at least.
I asked █████ first, since his essence is coming in two days. His essence is titled Hotline 2047. He told me that the storyline follows a little girl who bought a cursed video game cartridge from a mysterious shopkeeper, one that hosts the soul of a murdered 37-year-old man. His essence includes… his s-tier is based on the murdered man, and is called the "Gamebreaking Glitch", an a-tier costume based on the little girl for a survivor with the last name Shy-Loh, and it was called the "Gracefield", and then a second a-tier based on the little girl's second companion for another survivor named Memory, and it was called "Amusia". Then, there was a shop S-tier titled the "Harlequinnic Puppeteer"… and I think he said it was for a hunter, an actor? Something about the stars… Alongside these four skins, there are also 2 accessories, a general accessory, which is a train station's world warp ticket, and a matching a-tier accessory for the shop s-tier. I also heard that the b tiers will be modeled after the enemies in the train station… which is interesting.
Next… the second essence will belong to someone with the title… "The Mechanical Designer" I believe. Her essence is part one of two, the second part of this essence belongs to the "Bounty Hunter", I believe. I haven't been able to find this essence holder… but I heard that the limited-release s-tier is going to be called "SYSTEM ERROR", at least if the information the Bounty Hunter gave me is true. It's supposed to be neon-themed, taking place in an area known as the Neonized during its… "theatre arc" as it was put to me. The first a-tier is called "The Knowledge Seeker" while the second a-tier is called the "Ice Rescue", with the a-tier skins named Elliott Theodreth and Ana Sinclair respectively. The second a-tier, I hear it belongs to someone with a book-related title... I can't remember her name right now though...
And then, my essence will fall third in line. My essence... I'm not too sure what I want to do for it... I was thinking of a... a scary story theme. But... I'm not too sure... and I have no idea where to even start... I feel so lost... awawawa o^o
And then, the beginning of the next season will be the "Grand Chessmaster". Haoyu said her essence is still in debate, but she was thinking about a shrine maiden theming to it. Her s-tier would be called "Guuji" which means Head Priest I believe. The two a-tiers would be two important shrine maidens at the shrine. The s-tier would also be... I think she referred to it as a "kitsune." It's interesting, and the concept sketches she showed me... they were soo cute!
The "Mountain Climber"'s essence is one that interested me a lot. Titled "Mechanical Decay", the S tier is that of a young mechanic named Zachary, who lives in a decaying post-apocalyptic setting... and instead of ice encasing ciphers, there would be chains over each cipher instead. And instead of an icicle, his weapon would be a bent, rusted pipe. The first a-tier would be named "Old Timer" and it's a father who lost his daughter to the Mechanical Decay... his name is Rory. And then the second a-tier would be named "Azure Sea", a girl who comes from the crystal sea... whose name is Azure. It's all very so interesting to hear and to think about.
The "Graphic Designer"'s essence… is a very interesting one, in my opinion. It's fairytale-themed, a combination of different fairytales from around the world combined into one thrilling horror-themed adventure. It's an interesting take on fairytale-typical events… I like it. The limited-release S-Tier will be named "Fae's Invitation", who's one of the three protagonists. The first a-tier belongs to someone she referred to as the "Specialist" and the a-tier will be named "Tower's Flower". The second a-tier also belongs to someone she referred to as the "Specialist"… could it be two different people? I wonder… the a-tier will be named the "Loyal Companion". The b-tiers will all be different fairytale characters… but I did hear no princes will be included in the line-up! How… interesting. She even offered me one of the b tiers… since I'll be open for essence line-ups by then.
The "Obstacle Runner"... well, she has so many ideas, uhm... too many ideas. I can see why they put her towards the bottom of the list... if I'm being honest. I love her, I do but she's... she's trying her hardest.
The "Memory Devourer"... I'm too scared to approach it. Because he can sense fear. If I call him by that name... then I admit it. I admit the one I love is lost. And I don't want that. I... guess I'll learn when his essence comes out.
And the "Bounty Hunter"… it's been confirmed she will have an essence that continues off the essence storyline of the "Mechanical Designer"'s essence. I haven't been able to meet this Bounty Hunter… but she did leave me a note talking about it! I… wonder how she knew? Her limited-release s-tier will be called "Silent Mockery"… I hope that name isn't too on the nose. That's all I really know about it for now. I wrote a letter back... I hope she responds.
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callmebliss · 2 years
New cup, new drink, same old face
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Went to visit, in Georgia, a friend I’ve known online for a decade but had never met in person. Through a divorce, a marriage, a birth, a death, countless changes in their life, and finally I got to go visit them.
It was easier than I thought to slip into their household for a few days, in part because somehow our friendship was older than their marriage (which I hadn’t really given thought to until their spouse pointed it out) and in part because my friend took care to make sure I was aware of triggers and boundaries before I even headed their way.
Normally I sleep very badly my first night anywhere, but there I slept easy. We embarked in various configurations on several adventures, one of which was visiting an antiques/vintage/rummage shop not far from his house. I happened upon a knife that drew me in like a magnet, in a locked glass case. I went and spoke to the shopkeep, and we discovered the lock was broken. As luck would have it, the owner of that section was nearby and, by hook and by crook (literally - she bent and twisted a wire coat hanger and used it to tug and tease the knife toward the small opening she could manage in the case doors until she was able to twitch it out with her fingers) it was freed from its little glass prison. I bought it, and thanks to TSA restrictions it will hopefully show up in my PO Box in the next week.
In the same shop, I found several gifts to bring home for folks, as well as a silver spoon from an exhibition that had taken place in Atlanta in…some year, I forget. I don’t think it was 1996. I also found a little spoon that had, nestled in the bowl, an enameled design of strawberries.
The teacup I happened upon in another shop. I quite love strawberries, in part due to Strawberry Shortcake (80’s OG, not reboot) and in part due to the berries themselves. I collect teacups and somehow didn’t have a strawberry one yet. I buried it in the center of my suitcase for the trip home.
After I returned home I drank a bit too much and had a rather horrid meltdown. Poor SALM handled my nonsense beautifully.
He is having a difficult day himself today, and I asked if he would do better with company or solitude. He chose the latter. I offered him food, which he graciously declined. I let him know if he changed his mind on either, I’d be in the living room.
I made cucumbers and cream cheese on toast. It is too hot to cook. I cleaned out the pitcher and ground fresh coffee and set up the cold brew for overnight in the fridge.
I will retire there shortly to watch more Outlander (no spoilers please, as I am only in S1, but happy to discuss it here or on Discord) and work on Thing 22 of my 22 Things project. But, as it is hot as balls and hydration is important, I put into my cup some seltzer and a couple spoons of a rose syrup I picked up recently and had yet to try. It is perfect! Cold, rosy, only a little sweet but not cloying. It feels and tastes special.
Good evething.
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peony-pearl · 2 years
Clay in the Kiln - Chapter 14
Chapter 13
The sun was bright and beaming through the curtains of cotton-like clouds as Seung helped Haruka out of the carriage that had brought them into the cultural heart of Ba Sing Se in the Middle Ring.
The town was bustling as usual, and Haruka listened to Seung greet those that passed them as her focus remained only on the music store ahead. She wanted so bad to just run in, but his hand had a firm grip on her arm as it was intertwined with his.
"Do you know what you want?" He asked nonchalantly.
"I have a few ideas. I've always had interest in the Pipa."
"Isn't that a lute? Won't that give your fingers callouses?" Seung asked. Haruka's mouth bobbed for answers.
"What else have you thought of?"
Haruka thought about her conversation with Iroh, and she smiled. "The Tsungi Horn is-"
"Absolutely not. There's no elegance to that thing."
Oh, okay.
"... The flute is nice."
Seung went silent as they entered. Haruka was trying so hard to find a moment to wriggle out of his grip, but it wasn't working. She saw all of the children so happy and eager to strum, or play, or drum, and she grinned as they laughed and carried on and made their own little tunes.
"So loud," Seung hissed to himself. Haruka slowed down as a handsome pipa caught her attention, but she almost lost her footing as Seung continued to walk without her realizing it, and they bypassed so many beautiful instruments until she realized they were in front of a small selection of flutes.
"Go ahead," he said, finally smiling for her. Haruka stared; first at the flutes, then at him. She hesitantly picked one up, holding the lovely, intricately made piece of metal. She held it to her lips, and blew into the mouthpiece. Seung instantly cringed. He grabbed it from her, nearly knocking her chin with it.
"On second thought," he said, "let's look around."
Holding in her frustrated sigh, Haruka pressed her lips together as he yanked her around. She looked up as he scowled at the sounds.
"What's wrong?" She asked. "I'd figure this is easier to listen to than the battlefield."
"I'd prefer that over this caterwauling."
"... We don't have to do this, Seung."
"No, no. I promised we would."
Haruka bit her lip, but soon her eye caught a koto, and she lit up.
"Seung, wait," she said, approaching the stringed instrument. Seung looked at it skeptically.
"Another stringed one? I told you I don't want-"
"A lot of young women play this. It's beautiful. You mostly play it with fingerpicks on one hand; the other hand helps with vibrato to flourish the notes. You do use bare fingers for some music pieces, but the picks do most of the work."
Seung crossed his arms, watching her gush over the stringed plank. She put on the fingerpicks and strummed a few strings, smiling as she did. She looked up at him, her jade eyes full of delight.
But Seung was silent as he looked at it. His shoulders raised as he looked defeated.
"Is there something you already know how to play?"
Haruka was taken aback.
"Well... no. I thought that was kind of the point of this. I'd pick something and I'd learn it."
Seung rubbed his face, very obviously regretting this outing. Haruka was dangerously close to letting her anger consume her.
But no; keep calm.
Keep calm, Haruka.
Play the game.
She took off the fingerpicks and put on the most saccharine smile she could muster.
"I have an idea," she said, brightening up her tone. "We can ask the shopkeeper. You go and tell him what the requirements are, and he can give his input."
She smoothed her hand up and down his arm. Seung's expression slowly melted from cold and frustrated to mellow and calm. He patted her hand gently, squeezing it.
"Good idea," he said.
But a thundering at the doorway caught their attention.
"Seung! We found you!"
Seung turned to find several uniformed men bringing silence in their wake; he became rigid and confused at the sudden intrusion.
"Who... what's going on?" He asked, and the soldiers approached him, speaking as quietly as possible.
"Captain, we've been sent from the general. We need to speak with you."
Their worried tones brought fear to Seung's face, and he looked at Haruka.
Dread welled in her chest.
"Wait here," Seung told her, and he walked outside with the soldiers. Haruka looked outside, watching them round the corner towards the alleyway. She rushed back towards the wall along the alley, and she earthbent some of the bricks enough to make a vent so she could hear them.
"Captain, there's new reports that there are spies in the city."
"Spies?!" Seung hissed.
"The Dai Li have witnessed efforts to keep potential recruits from joining the army. We can't find any profiles on these people."
Haruka was stunned; spies? Iroh never mentioned sending anyone into the city.
"Captain; the general has requested your early return for briefing.”
"I've been ready to return for days,” Seung said. “Let me go in and break the news to Haruka."
He was leaving.
He was leaving!
Haruka listened to them exit the alley and she shifted the bricks back into formation before she hurried back to the koto display.
Seung reentered the building and Haruka turned to see him. She rushed over, putting on her best concerned face.
"Is everything alright?"
Seung hesitated, but he straightened up to tower over her. "I have to leave early."
"Early? Right now?"
"Right now," he said. He took her hand and pulled her out of the shop. Just as they exited, a carriage clattered up to the shop as one of the soldiers approached Seung.
"We called a ride for Lady Haruka."
"To Where?" Haruka asked. Seung tightly clasped her hands.
"You need to go home. Things... things aren't safe. You need to go home and stay there."
Haruka played dumb. She nodded, remaining wide eyed. Seung leaned over to kiss her, his lips forceful on hers, but she didn't flinch.
"Be safe. I love you," he said. Haruka touched his face.
"I love you too."
Seung kissed her forehead before he turned with the other soldiers.
Haruka looked up at the carriage driver.
He winked at her. He looked familiar.
Confused, Haruka heard the carriage door open from the inside, where she could see the arm of another guard, and she remembered she was going home.
Upon entering the cabin and feeling the initial jerk of the start of the trip, she sighed, not paying much attention to the guard.
"... He's finally out of your hair; for now at least."
A chill ran down Haruka's spine, and she looked to face the soldier.
That beard... the golden eyes. He was wearing spectacles to throw off telltale signs of his facial structure.
Chuckling, Iroh pulled off the hat of the uniform, revealing his pinned-up charcoal hair. He set the hat down next to him and smiled at Haruka.
"Well now, you look nice-"
Haruka grabbed his uniform.
"Haruka! Please," Iroh laughed. He took her hands gently; she remembered how much she missed their warmth. "Don't ruin this outfit; it took days to acquire."
"Iroh, I'm serious, how did you get in here?"
"Help on the inside," he grinned. Haruka blinked.
"So... the reports about the spies are true?"
"Were true. One of them became suspect a week ago and returned to stay secret. I've made the decision to pull the others until further notice. That's why I'm here, to find them."
"Why aren't you out in the field?"
"Because Jae skewered me."
Haruka watched Iroh gently peel away several layers of clothing to reveal bandages around his ribs. Her mouth dropped, and she looked up at him in shock.
"It took me a couple of days to get back on my feet. I'd still be confined to my cot if Lu Ten had his way. He's leading while I'm inside the city. He..."
Iroh's voice trailed off as he noticed Haruka's face staring at him.
"What? Is everything-"
He wasn't expecting a flurry of silk in colors of mint and copper to blind him as she threw her arms around his neck. She awkwardly hunched over in the carriage, hugging him as her brain short circuited with too many emotions.
She was free of Seung.
She was back in Iroh's presence.
He was alive.
Her breathing became sharp and ragged as the emotions of the past two and a half weeks boiled over, and she fell to her knees, still holding tight to him.
"Haruka," he said, softer than anything she'd heard from him. "Haruka, what's wrong?"
He slipped from the seat down to the floor, where Haruka then wrapped her arms around his robust torso. Her face buried into the nook of his shoulder as she cried harder than she could ever remember.
"I just... I missed you. I missed you so much. You and Lu Ten and the soldiers. I'm so tired; I'm so... so tired."
Iroh listened to her; his ribs were sore as she held on tight, but he didn't protest her need to have him close. He simply pulled her into his own embrace.
"I can't... I don't know how much longer I can keep doing it," she shuddered, resting her head on his chest. “I can’t keep pretending.” She felt him pet her hair as they sat on the floor of the carriage, which may not have been the most comfortable, but they didn't budge.
"You won't have to do it much longer. I promise," Iroh whispered as her crying began to wind down. She felt one of his thumbs brush her cheek as he wiped away a tear.
Thankful to see him, she touched his hand, closing her eyes as she felt safe again.
"Thank you for finding me. You don't know what this means to me."
Upon apologizing for her outburst, and helping Iroh back into the carriage bench, the ride continued. Haruka smoothed out her outfit and her hair as she still had to make herself presentable upon returning home.
"So... you're inside Ba Sing Se. How does it feel?"
Iroh smiled, sitting back. "It's beautiful. It's just a shame I can't spend more time in it."
"You're inside, though. Isn't this what you wanted?"
"Yes; and no," Iroh answered. "The victory must come with the destruction of the wall. I am one Firebender inside of a city that is not mine, save for the soldier driving us. I am trapped within walls that are not mine. Even if I managed to get my soldiers inside the city somehow, it wouldn't matter. We would be trapped within confines that aren't ours to control. The wall must come down; both physically and metaphorically."
Haruka nodded. "So... the answer is politics."
"Precisely," Iroh grinned.
"Well, I can't help you there," Haruka smiled. "I'm just a girl."
With a hearty laugh, Iroh shook his head. "Oh, I think you know more than you believe."
There was something that washed over Haruka; something that made her feel like she was glowing.
Iroh was about to cross his legs until he remembered his injury, so he settled for awkwardly nestling into the corner of the carriage, folding his hands in his lap. "I've wondered what you would like for your future. Your assistance is worth some kind of reward. Once Lu Ten has made residence in the palace, perhaps we can settle an advisory position for you."
Haruka laughed softly. "With all due respect, I'm not a strategist. I'm not even a fighter. Everything I do is all off the cuff. I run off of instinct."
"Understandable," Iroh agreed. "Perhaps a governing position?"
Haruka blushed. "I'm... I'm not... your highness, the only reward I can ask for is what we've already discussed. My freedom will mean more to me than anything else. I don't need gold, I don't need riches. Just... the ability to seek the things I love and to live my life without feeling like a marionette."
"Then you shall have it," Iroh ensured. Haruka felt a weight lift off of her; she breathed easy at the thought of never having to answer to anyone again. But she looked at Iroh curiously.
"What will you do once Lu Ten settles here?"
"I'll return to the Fire Nation, where my throne eventually awaits. Then, when my time comes to step down, Lu Ten will return, and the palace here will either go to his children, or to my nephew or niece, depending on who he chooses."
Haruka nodded slowly, taking in the information. She eyed him, giving a wry smile.
"Then maybe I need to begin preparations to move."
"Oh?" Iroh asked. "And why is that?"
Haruka's smile widened. "I've already thrived with you at the helm of this fight. You've given me hope, Iroh. I'll follow that. I'll follow you. To whichever end of the world you go, Iroh; you have my loyalty."
The carriage stopped; Haruka gripped the bench in sudden dread that they were about to go their separate ways, but Iroh simply sat up straight. He paid little heed to the pause of their ride, and he took her hand, prompting her to return her attention to him.
"Wherever I go, Haruka; if you follow me, I will be happy to see you," he said softly, kissing her knuckles.
Haruka swallowed, feeling his lips grace her skin.
"I am at your call, your highness. Whatever you need of me, I will answer."
Iroh’s eyes flared ever so subtly.
"Then allow me my first command.”
"Name it," Haruka said. The moment before he spoke seemed to take an eternity for her.
"This time, I want you to kiss me."
Her world spun, vertigo overtook her senses yet she remained still. Her heart rattled her ribs, much like the thrill of the battlefield.
She looked into his eyes, where she saw hope; she saw freedom and change.
Leaning towards him, she pressed her lips to his, cupping his face as she all but took residence in his lap.
She took great care in giving him everything she'd felt since they'd danced together. Since they'd fought together, and come to know each other.
Everything she was supposed to feel for Seung came bursting out as she fulfilled her command, and Iroh reciprocated.
A piece of Ba Sing Se was right there in his arms, and he was her conqueror.
The only sounds in the cabin were a mixture of their fervent breaths and the sounds of their lips. This time, instead of catching hints of Ginseng from his lips, she took in the taste of his mouth, as though she was desperate to erase every kiss she’d ever had with Seung. They held fast to one another as though they were breathing life into each other.
The moment finally came to pass, and their lips parted. Her hands remained on his face, which was aglow as he seemed to approve of the kiss.
"Lady Haruka. Shall I see you to your door?" He asked.
Haruka slowly shook her head. "N-no... you don't need to expose yourself more than necessary."
"Alright," he said quietly. "Remember; return at your discretion. We don't need anyone suspecting anything with you returning to the field the moment Seung does."
"Right. I'll... I'll wait for a couple of weeks. Or at least as long as I can manage," she said, taking a prolonged look into his eyes.
"That's my girl," Iroh grinned.
Haruka exited the carriage, looking to the driver, who nodded to her, and Iroh peeked out to speak to him.
"Let's go find Kusa."
"On it," the soldier answered before looking at Haruka. "Take care," he nodded, and Haruka recognized this man as a soldier from the field. She bowed to him before looking back to Iroh, who continued to smile at her.
"Until we meet again," he said. Haruka smiled and waved at him, and she watched with a heavy heart as he closed the carriage door.
The carriage clattered away, and Haruka stood absently at her front gate, wishing she was still with him.
Gasping, Haruka turned to see Fen at the door.
"What are you doing back so early? Where's Seung?"
Oh yeah.
Haruka used her heavy heart to her advantage.
"He... he had to go back," she said, turning to watch the carriage leave. "He had to return to the wall."
"Oh no; I'm so sorry," Fen said, taking Haruka's shoulders. "Come on, let's get you inside."
She hesitated, but finally conceded to Fen's pull, she wrapped her arms around herself as they walked inside.
"Fen; could you make some tea?"
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bleachbleachbleach · 2 years
Urahara and Yoruichi for the character bingo 🧡
@itz-darktrax also asked for Yoruichi, so we've got a 2-for-1!
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Not as deep as they seem: This is Day 2 of my taking these bingo squares way too literally and being frustrated by the fact that the words in the square aren’t *exactly how I personally would have expressed this* (because that’s what memes are aiming to be, lol). Clearly there’s a lot of layers to these two. But I think the characters around them, in seeing that and interacting with them on that basis, probably overestimate how many.
I think Soi Fon is the one with more complex feelings when it comes to Yoruichi than vice versa, for instance. Soi Fon was probably told from a young age "no attachments!" and then proceeded to fail in this. But I think Yoruichi tends to hold herself more apart from others because she doesn’t need to be socially fulfilled in that way. She’s highly independent. While, you know, exile from Soul Society and disappearance from the fam probably wasn’t ideal, I think she was more ready to accept that than most people would be, and I honestly don’t think it occurred to her that others might not feel the same way until Soi Fon brought it up mid-death match.
I think the air of mystery that Urahara cultivates is tactical. Not in the sense that he’s pretending to be a humble shopkeep and is actually something else. Obviously. But I think by pretending to be a humble shopkeep, he’s well aware that any shinigami who come by will understand that that’s a ruse and look for the man behind the green curtain, but will also do so much work in filling in those blanks themselves that they all come away with slightly different impressions of what the turn is. He comes across as just weird enough that all the shinigami overproduce reasons to be wary, and essentially do all the work for him.
They work better as part of a dynamic: Honestly, who isn’t this true of? you silly little bingo square. But I’m most interested in Urahara and Yoruichi as they relate to each other. I love the scene in one of the New Years eps where they spend the night alone together because everyone forgot (or never knew) their almost-twin birthdays. I’m also just halfway into my Soi Fon era at all times, so I’m interested in Yoruichi as she is related to Soi Fon (see above). I don’t know why I have a Soi Fon era, but I keep having it, so it must be real! The "I don’t really have much to say about them" is just because I keep talking about Soi Fon instead.
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They’re Deeper than They Seem/Why Do They Look Like That: I’m answering this mostly from the perspective of my first impression of Urahara. I think being “deeper” than he seems is a given just based off his character design. I mean, he wears a hat that shadows his eyes, has a concealed sword, and runs a shady shop. Even as more about his character is revealed, there’s definitely still a bunch about him that we don’t know. I haven’t really spent much time thinking trying to fill in blanks about him, but I love that lots of other people in fandom have. At the same time… what’s with the bucket hat? Like, where did he acquire it and why is he so attached to it?
Didn’t Get Enough Screen Time: I recognize that Bleach is Ichigo’s story, and Urahara and Yoruichi are only a minor part of it. But I really love Urahara’s fighting tactics. Even though he spends quite a bit of time monologuing, I think it’s fun to watch him mess with his opponents. And you have to admit that his zanpakutou power is really cool and has a lot of potential for being badass. I am looking forward to his big Benihime fight in TYBW! Same goes for Yoruichi. I love that while most people fight with swords in the series, she brings the hand-to-hand combat.
I Really Don’t Have Much to Say About Them: For Yoruichi, I think it’s precisely because she doesn’t have a whole lot of screen time that I don’t have much to say about her… Most of her screen time is spent mostly positioning her in contrast to another person. Whether she’s acting as Ichigo’s mentor or fighting against Soi Fon, I feel like the story in that moment is usually much more about the other person than her. So uh… I think she’s cool and strong and there’s not much more I can say.
Free Space: Despite everything I said about wanting to see more of Urahara, he kind of falls into this grey area where I actually am pretty happy with how much is revealed about him. Part of the point of his character is to be the silly and arcane Guy Who Knows Things. There’s gonna be a lot that we don’t know about him, and I’m happy to keep it that way.
Work Better as Part of a Dynamic: Just like my co-blogger talked about, I think Yoruichi works much better in a dynamic than she does an individual agent. Which is interesting, since she’s presented as such a maverick. But whether it’s with Urahara or Soi Fon, I think Yoruichi is vastly more interesting when she has someone else to play off.
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agakikama · 1 month
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Dziś daję kolejną postać OC z mojego universum Welcome Hope, jak widzicie mój odpowiednik Howdy'ego posiada jaśniejszą barwę skóry i włosów, posiada dwukolorową koszulę, tęczowy krawat i czapkę sklepikarza z tęczową, poziomą naszywką, fioletowe spodnie, ciemne buty w kolorze dębu i błękitny fartuch sklepowy z motywem nieba i lecącymi w chmurach ptakami, posiada on 7 stóp wzrostu i... choć tego nie widać na pierwszy rzut oka, to pomimo swojej budowy ciała, mój odpowiednik Howdy'ego jest dość szczupłą gąsienicą, jego siła jest porównywalna do siły Barnaby'ego, dzięki swoim 4 rękom jest niezwykle zwinny i zręczny a nie kiedy dość szybki, jeśli ktoś wlicza jego 4 nogi, moja postać OC również jest sklepikarzem, ale on w moim uniwersum, posiada 2 piętrowy budynek, parter oczywiście jest przeznaczony na sklep gdzie przyjmuje różnych, stałych klientów a piętro wyżej jest piętro mieszkalne, gdzie Howdy może odpocząć po ciężkim dniu pracy (Nie napisałam o tym w poprzednim poście, ale u Eddie'go na poczcie jest podobnie, 2 piętrowy budynek gdzie Eddie pracuje i mieszka piętro wyżej). Howdy jest nie tylko z natury bystrą, sumienną i wesołą gąsienicą, ale jest też niezwykle czuły i charyzmatyczny, bardzo lubi towarzystwo swoich przyjaciół sąsiadów, jego serdecznymi przyjaciółmi są Barnaby, Wally i Poppy, a z Frank'iem natomiast bardzo lubi rozmawiać na różne tematy, choć Howdy nie przepada słuchać wykładów na temat gąsienic od Frank'a to mimo wszystko jest on pełen podziwu, że jego oczytany przyjaciel posiada tak ogromną wiedzę na temat owadów, za co nigdy go nie beształ czy karcił że się wymądrza, zawsze starał się wykazywać wyrozumiałością wobec przyjaciela. W sklepie Howdy'ego zawsze można było coś kupić, ale nigdy nie brał za nic pieniędzy, sprzedawał swoje produkty czy inne towary za dobrze powiedziany żart, dowcip czy też za wykonanie jakiegoś drobnego zadania, chciwość nigdy nie była i nie będzie jego domeną, Howdy zawsze starał się być uczciwy wobec siebie, przyjaciół i rodziny. A kiedy w The Neigborhood zadomowiła się Rose, starał się być wobec niej miły i serdeczny, a kiedy pojawiła się jej przyjaciółka Annet i też zamieszkała The Neigborhood, Howdy zatrudnił ją jako dodatkowa pomoc w sklepie i odnajdując wspólny język, bardzo się polubili... Howdy choć bardzo mocno ceni Annet i traktuje ją jak serdecznego przyjaciela to zaczyna żywić do niej głębsze uczucia. Czy kiedyś przyjdzie taki dzień, że Howdy otworzy swoje serce i wyzna Annet co do niej czuje? Nikt nie wie, co przyniosą wiatry przyszłości...
Co sądzicie o mojej postaci OC, jakim jest mój odpowiednik Howdy'ego? Chętnie poznam wasze opinie w komentarzach, gwiazdki również są mile widziane.
UWAGA: Wszelki Hejt czy Trolling na temat mojej osoby czy też moich prac, będzie zgłaszany i usuwany!
Welcome Hope jest stworzone przez: Agakikama
"Welcome Home jest stworzone przez Clown @_PartyCoffin_"
Today I am presenting another OC character from my Welcome Hope universe, as you can see, my Howdy counterpart has lighter skin and hair, a two-color shirt, a rainbow tie and a shopkeeper's hat with a rainbow horizontal patch, purple pants, dark oak-colored shoes and blue a shop apron with a sky motif and birds flying in the clouds, he is 7 feet tall and... although it is not visible at first glance, despite his body structure, my Howdy counterpart is quite a slim caterpillar, his strength is comparable to Barnaby's strength, thanks to his 4 arms he is extremely agile and skillful and sometimes quite fast, if someone takes into account his 4 legs, my OC character is also a shopkeeper, but in my universe, he has a 2-story building, the ground floor is of course intended for a shop where accepts various, regular clients and on the floor above there is a residential floor, where Howdy can rest after a hard day's work (I didn't write about it in the previous post, but Eddie's at the post office is similar, a 2-story building where Eddie works and lives on the floor above). Howdy is not only a bright, conscientious and cheerful caterpillar by nature, but he is also extremely sensitive and charismatic, he really enjoys the company of his friends and neighbors, his dear friends are Barnaby, Wally and Poppy, and he likes to talk to Frank about various topics, although Howdy does not like listening to lectures about caterpillars from Frank, he is still full of admiration that his that his well-read friend had so much knowledge about insects, for which he never scolded him or scolded him for being smart, he always tried to be understanding towards friend. There was always something to buy in Howdy's store, but he never took money for anything, he sold his products or other goods for a well-told joke, joke or for completing some small task, greed was never and will never be his domain, Howdy he always tried to be honest with himself, his friends and his family. And when Rose settled in The Neigborhood, he tried to be nice and cordial to her, and when her friend Annet appeared and also settled in The Neigborhood, Howdy hired her as an extra help in the store and finding a common language, they became very fond of each other... Although Howdy values ​​Annet very much and treats her as a dear friend, he begins to feel deeper feelings for her. Will there ever come a day when Howdy opens his heart and tells Annet how he feels about her? No one knows what the winds of the future will bring...
What do you think about my OC character, my Howdy counterpart? I'd love to hear your opinions in the comments, stars are also welcome.
ATTENTION: Any hate or trolling about me or my works will be reported and deleted!
Welcome Hope is created by: Agakikama
"Welcome Home is created by Clown @_PartyCoffin_"
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toppossystem01 · 2 months
Open Efficiency and Growth with Shop Keep POS
Explore the power of ShopKeep POS for your business. Our comprehensive point of sale system empowers merchants with intuitive features designed to streamline operations and drive growth. From inventory management to insightful reporting, Shop Keep POS delivers the tools you need to thrive in today's competitive retail landscape. Experience seamless transactions and superior customer service with Shop Keep POS.
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kadavermehl · 3 months
I wanna personally thank you for making me feel something. Thank you from the bottom of my cold cold heart. Thank you. /pos
You are more than welcome friend! (read this in Like a cool dwarven shopkeeper voice idk)
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mobileapps24 · 5 months
Navigating Success: Unveiling the Top POS Systems Shaping Modern Business
In the fast-paced world of commerce, the right Point of Sale (POS) system can make all the difference, transforming transactions into opportunities for efficiency, customer satisfaction, and business growth. Let's explore the top POS systems that are reshaping the landscape of modern business, offering unparalleled features and benefits.
1. Square: The Versatile Powerhouse
Square has earned its place as a versatile POS system, catering to businesses of all sizes. Its user-friendly interface and integrated payment processing simplify transactions, while features like inventory management and analytics provide valuable insights. Square's adaptability and affordability make it a go-to choice for startups and established enterprises alike.
2. Shopify POS: Unifying Online and In-Store Operations
Shopify POS seamlessly bridges the gap between online and brick-and-mortar operations, offering a unified platform for businesses with both facets. This integration ensures consistency in inventory management, customer data, and sales tracking. With a focus on user experience and comprehensive features, Shopify POS empowers businesses to thrive in an omnichannel retail environment.
3. Lightspeed: Tailored for Retail Excellence
Lightspeed is a comprehensive POS system designed to optimize retail operations. Its cloud-based architecture ensures accessibility from anywhere, and features such as inventory management, CRM, and detailed reporting make it a powerhouse for retailers. Lightspeed's scalability caters to the evolving needs of businesses, from small boutiques to larger enterprises.
4. Clover: Customization and Scalability
Clover stands out for its customization options and scalability. The sleek hardware and intuitive software provide businesses with the flexibility to tailor their POS experience. The Clover app marketplace further expands functionality, allowing businesses to integrate additional features and third-party applications as needed.
5. Vend: Cloud-Based Retail Management
Vend takes retail management to the cloud, offering a streamlined and accessible solution for businesses. Its user-friendly interface simplifies transactions, while real-time inventory tracking ensures accurate stock management. With detailed reporting tools, Vend empowers retailers to make data-driven decisions, driving business growth in a competitive market.
6. Toast: Revolutionizing Dining Experiences
Toast is a POS system tailored for the restaurant and hospitality industry. Its features go beyond basic transaction processing, encompassing order management, kitchen operations, and customer interactions. Toast's intuitive design ensures seamless operations in the fast-paced world of dining, making it a preferred choice for restaurateurs seeking efficiency and control.
7. Revel Systems: Enterprise-Grade Efficiency
Revel Systems caters to the needs of larger enterprises with its enterprise-grade POS solution. In addition to standard transaction processing, Revel offers advanced features like employee management, loyalty programs, and extensive integrations. This makes Revel a robust choice for businesses with complex operational requirements and a focus on scalability.
8. Square for Restaurants: Enhancing the Dining Experience
Square extends its prowess to the restaurant industry with Square for Restaurants. This POS system is tailored to meet the unique needs of dining establishments, offering features such as table management, menu customization, and order modifiers. Seamless integration with Square's ecosystem provides a holistic solution for efficient restaurant operations.
9. ShopKeep: Intuitive and Rapid Deployment
ShopKeep prides itself on its intuitive design, making it an ideal solution for businesses looking for a quick and hassle-free setup. This iPad-based POS system is particularly well-suited for small and medium-sized enterprises. With features like inventory tracking, employee management, and detailed sales reporting, ShopKeep empowers businesses to efficiently manage their daily operations.
10. Erply: Global Cloud-Based Operations
Erply is a cloud-based POS system with a global reach, making it suitable for businesses with international operations. Its centralized management system provides real-time oversight of multiple locations, ensuring consistency in operations. Erply also offers comprehensive reporting tools, inventory management, and e-commerce integration, making it a unified solution for global businesses.
Choosing the Right POS System: A Strategic Decision
Selecting the top POS system for your business is not just about transaction processing; it's a strategic decision that impacts overall efficiency, customer satisfaction, and growth potential. The right POS system streamlines operations, provides actionable insights, and adapts to the evolving needs of your business.
As technology continues to advance, the top POS systems will likely evolve to incorporate even more innovative features, further transforming the way businesses conduct transactions. Embrace the power of these systems, and embark on a journey of enhanced efficiency, improved customer experiences, and sustained success in the competitive landscape of modern business.
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modi02 · 1 year
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kritikapatil · 1 year
Restaurant POS Systems Market Will Hit Big Revenues In Future | Biggest Opportunity Of 2022
Global Restaurant POS Systems Market Report from AMA Research highlights deep analysis on market characteristics, sizing, estimates and growth by segmentation, regional breakdowns & country along with competitive landscape, player’s market shares, and strategies that are key in the market. The exploration provides a 360° view and insights, highlighting major outcomes of the industry. These insights help the business decision-makers to formulate better business plans and make informed decisions to improved profitability. In addition, the study helps venture or private players in understanding the companies in more detail to make better informed decisions. Major Players in This Report Include
NCR Corporation (United States)
Shift4 Payments (United States)
Heartland Payment Systems (United States)
Oracle Hospitality (United States)
PAR (Brink POS and PixelPoint) (United States)
Toast POS (United States)
ShopKeep (United States)
Clover Network, Inc. (United States)
Focus POS (United States)
TouchBistro (Canada)
Restaurants' POS system is a complete restaurant management system. Restaurant POS systems are having software that provides a point of sale solutions specifically for the restaurant and bar industries. This system not only takes care of front-end operation but also benefits in maintaining the back-end operation including inventory, employee management, reservation, and queue management.
Market Drivers The Emergence of Quick Service Restaurants
Increasing Number of Full-Service Restaurants in Developed Regions
Market Trend Continuous Development in Technology Such as Integration With CRM
Rise in Investment in Research & Development
Development in Cloud-Based Software
Opportunities Increase in Trend of Eating Outside on Weekends
Rise in Number of Self-Service Restaurants
Challenges Lack of Consumer Awareness
The Restaurant POS Systems market study is being classified by Type (Fixed, Mobile), Application (Front-End, Back-End), Components (Hardware, Software), End Users (FSR, QSR, Institutional, Others) Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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