#shitposting ft. emma
grosssguyarchive · 7 years
my taint? oh you mean my tussy???
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defendglobe · 7 years
got tagged by @downcastpoet
Rules: answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better
Nicknames: Emma
Star sign: Scorpio
Height: 5′4″ 
Song stuck in my head: The Forgotten Song by whoo ft. Hatsune Miku
Last movie I watched: Star Trek Beyond, I think.
Last tv show I watched: Star Trek DS9
What I’m wearing now: A Tshirt with the eeveelutions on it and leggings.
When I created this blog: 2011
Stuff I posted: whining about my life and things i like.
Do I have other blogs: my oc blog and my fucked up toy story RP blogs
Do I get asks regularly: Sometimes yeah
Why I chose my URL: special episode 2 makes me die
Gender: Female
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor 
Pokémon team: My moon team was decidueye, toucannon, ribombee, alolan ninetails, mimikyu, and alolan marowak.
Fave colors: blue and green
Dream job: shitposting buzzlightyearhugecock for money
Average hours of sleep: haha what
Lucky number: 13, 7
Number of blankets I sleep with: two at school, four at home. (my dad keeps the heat rlly low at home but my roommates crank it up.
Favorite characters: virizion, the future trio, pippin, kaworu, data, takumi, peridot, silver, sinnoh trio
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