#shit i have to check if my math one interferes with an appointment
shamelessfngrl · 2 years
My Viktor Vektor Headcanons: Part 1
He visits his local dollhouses and books 15 minute appointments with every joytoy, not to enjoy their services, but to give them quick check ups, make sure they’re not being abused etc. Most of them can’t afford to take time off, let alone to book an appointment with a decent ripper, so this is his charity work.
His favorite soda is Spunky Monkey, they even sponsored him back in his boxing heyday.
He doesn’t know how to swim
His maternal grandfather is Sebastian Kalemba, don’t @ me, I suck at math
He didn’t lose his championship fight, he took a dive for a fuck ton of eddies, enough to get through medschool without having to enter indentured servitude to TT in exchange.
He is mildly dyslexic, which is why he has trouble consistently spelling his name. It does not affect the quality of his services.
After medschool, before working at the clinic where he met Ronny, he wanted to roam the desert for a gap year or 2 with a mobile clinic/rv, except ran into some trouble with a Raffen Shiff clan. Kidnapped and enslaved as the clan doctor for almost a year. Fell in love with one of their enslaved women, unknowingly helped her commit a coup as she helped him escape. The first nomad girl he loved, she is the woman tattooed on the back of his arm, 'Always got your 6', alludes to how she helped him escape.
He’s a widower, his tattoo of the ring girl is his late wife Veronica, Ronny, died on a merc job. She was a nomad too, which explains his weak spot for Nomad V. 
He met Jackie while on a date with Ronny, at the Coyote Cojo. Little Jackie came storming into the bar straight to his mom, crying, covered in bruises with a bleeding nose. Mamá Welles tried to cover it up but Vik recognized some signs of abuse. Taught Jackie how to raise his fists in defense, started training him since then. Mamá Welles didn’t want Vik to directly interfere, because he’s ‘ganic and Raul wasn’t, didn’t help that Raul was quite a bit bigger than Vik too. Vik couldn’t always be there if Raul decided to hit them, so arming Jackie was the next best thing.
He also doesn’t know how to drive small vehicles. Big wheelers, RVs, motorcycles sure, but fuck cars.
One of few people left who knows how to ride a bicycle
Vik has mild optic nerve damage from his fighting career, which is why he’s always wearing sunglasses, everything is always just a tad too bright.
Vik is a bit of a weeb, collects maneki-nekos, occasionally humming 'Pon Pon Shit' to himself when sorting his tools.
Vik played bass in a 7th wave punk band during high-school and the early days of medschool, but had to give it up because practice times and gigs were messing up his study schedule, and he wanted to become a doctor more than a rockstar.
He got the scar on his chin from his first fistfight ever, at 14, defending a younger kid in his neighborhood from wannabe gangers.
When he went to Trauma Team Medical University, he hated being on ambulance duty, having had to occasionally shoot people. It’s part of why he prefers fists over firearms.
Growing up, Jackie made the sugar skulls that are strewn across his clinic as gifts to him
His favorite food is sushi, then Chinese food, and he only drinks on special occasions
On his last day at TT he stole a hazmat suit (hangs in one of his lockers in the clinic), meds, and several tools, lit a fire on his way out. Never got caught. Burn corpo shit, amirite?
If you'd like to read any of my takes on these, please be patient, they will come!
If you'd like me to read any of your takes on these, @ me please!
Thank you for reading this long ass post~
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mmsapataoltda · 3 years
Heartbeat (PART 2)
check the tags for trigger warning. In case anyone is in doubt this happens in 146 so Lin is 26 and Tenzin 27
I don't know how to put a link here so part 1 is fixed in my page
fic under the cut
After Lin returned from her tour on the Island with Izumi close at her heels, Tenzin could notice her slightly swollen eyes and how she kept away from social interactions as much as possible. Kya was also watching her from across the room. The joy she felt when Lin and Tenzin announced the expected baby was slowly coming apart as she watched the earthbender interact with her baby brother. She didn't know if she felt worse because she was jealous of her brother or because she couldn't be overjoyed anymore by the little-announced news.
After all the guests had left, Lin and Tenzin said their good night to the family and retired to Tenzin's room. Lin's stillness was making Tenzin worried, he was used to her closing down when she didn't want to talk about something that made her uncomfortable, but this was different. She looked scared. But when she turned off the light on the lamp on her side of the bed said good night and then rolled over on her back to sleep, he figured it would be better for both of them if he just snuggled her body against his.
The next morning, right after breakfast, Lin was sitting on one of the beds at Katara's healing hut on Air Temple Island. Tenzin was sitting in a chair in front of the bed, watching Lin as serious as she could be. She was apprehensive, Tenzin knew, and made a point of staring at the wall behind him like it was the most interesting thing in the world in an effort not to look at him.
- Everything will be fine, Lin. - he said trying to calm her down, but she just directed her impenetrable gaze to him
- You don't know that. – she replied firmly – This child is growing inside of me, there is a high chance of her being born with three eyes.
The screen doors separating the room from the rest of the healing hut opened and Tenzin immediately rose to his feet to carry the basin of water Katara had brought with her and set it on the nightstand beside the bed Lin was occupying.
- Hi sweetheart – Katara greeted Lin affectionately as she approached the bed – Can you take off your shirt and turn to get started? - Lin nodded and did what Katara had asked, turning over in bed with only his bindings and sweatpants
Katara approached again with her hands covered with water and placed them on the metalbender’s chest, she opened her mouth to speak to Lin, but Tenzin interrupted her:
- Aren't you going to examine the baby first? - he asked anxiously
- I didn't know you were a healer, Tenzin. – the waterbender Master said ironically and resumed her consultation. Lin was pressing her lips together to keep from laughing at the face Tenzin had made at her mother's reply – I'll ask you some questions, okay? – the earthbender nodded – I need you to try to be as exact as possible with the dates. I assume you weren't trying to get pregnant. - was the first question
- No. - Lin and Tenzin replied together after exchanging looks
- When was your last cycle?
Lin pondered for a while, doing the math in her mind.
- 5 weeks.
- Did you have sex during this period? – Katara's question made Tenzin red
- Yes. - It was Lin who answered
- How long are you late? – she asked and moved the water to Lin's back
- About 15 days. My cycles are not regulated, I always end up missing one or two due to stress at the Police Station.
- When was the last time you had sex?
- Mom... - Tenzin objected, turning almost scarlet, receiving a reproachful look from his mother
- Two days ago. – Lin replied, ignoring Tenzin's objection and Katara nodded and moved her water-covered hands away from Lin's body
- You can lie down, I'll start examining the baby.
Lin did as the healer asked and soon Katara's hands were on her stomach.
- How did you find out you were pregnant?
- I can hear the heartbeat through the earth. – Katara smiled with this information
- I believe the baby was the person she was listening to last night. – it was Lin's turn to nod but Katara and Tenzin noticed her stiffen at the mention of Toph
Katara asked a few more questions about Lin's health as she moved her hands around her abdomen before stepping away and returning the water to the bowl beside the bed. Lin put on her shirt and sat down next to Tenzin on the other side of Katara's desk.
- Well... Lin, your weight is excellent for your height. The baby is approximately 5 weeks old and has a strong and regular heartbeat. – she paused in her notes – There is only one thing that worries me. – Lin shifted in her chair suddenly uncomfortable, she knew something wouldn't be right – Toph's pregnancies were very delicate, especially with Su. She had pre-eclampsia both times and with Su she went into premature labor because of it, thanks to the Spirits I managed to reverse the situation and Su was born close to the scheduled date. With that you have a genetic predisposition to have a risky pregnancy. As you said yourself, you are under a high level of stress at work and this is already causing changes in your blood pressure. This can cause complications for you and the baby's health. – Tenzin moved his hand to reach Lin's and squeezed it gently, but Lin didn't respond to the gesture – Under these circumstances I suggest you take maternity leave within the next few weeks. 
- No way! – Lin exclaimed, pulling her hand away from Tenzin's touch and crossing her arms, she should have seen it coming
- Lin, try to be reasonable. – Tenzin asked quietly
- Tenzin, no! I'll have to stay away for almost a year when the time comes, I won't be locked inside the house for another seven months doing nothing, this will end up leaving me more stressed than the Police Station. – she turned her attention to Katara – Katara with all due respect, but I will not stop working unless absolutely necessary.
- I knew you would react like that. – Katara made a few more lines of notes before addressing them once more – You can work until your fifth month of pregnancy… – Lin opened her mouth to thank her, but Katara raised her hand to interrupt – Dont thank me yet, i'm not done. But until then you will work in the office, no fieldwork.
- What? – Lin almost yelled and her eyes widened in protest, but Katara paid little attention
- No patrols, no field investigations, no stakeout for 36 hours and no operations. And I know this is important to you, but you're also going to have to start slowing down with your workouts.
- Katara… - Lin tried to argue, but Katara continued
- And that is absolutely necessary. I'll talk to Chief Song myself if needed to. - Lin snorted and tightening the knot she made with her arms - Due to the delicacy of the pregnancy I will also ask you to stop drinking coffee and take appointments every two weeks.
- Something else? – Lin asked completely grumpy
- That is all.
And in the blink of an eye, Lin was up and out of the room.
Tenzin found her in the living room crosslegged on the window sofa as she turned the pages of the book she was reading almost aggressively.
- Lin. - he called her gently passing through the small crack in the door, but she ignored his presence. Tenzin rubbed a hand across his forehead and sighed before approaching her with slow steps – Lin. – he repeated and knelt on the floor in front of her, gently lowered the book she was using to hide her face and rested his hands on the metalbender’s knees
- I'm scared, Tenzin. – she confessed almost in a whisper – I'm not sure of anything about my life right now and it scares the shit out of me. First I was scared to be like the Chief, now I have to be away from my job otherwise I might end up losing the baby. Tenzin… – he approached her, snuggling between her thighs and lifting a hand to caress Lin's waist – I'm so confused. I never wanted this, I didn't want to have a baby, but now I'm pregnant and I'm not hating it, but at the same time it has my job and Chief Song has nominated me for the Captain's exam...
Tenzin had to compose himself with the revelation of that information, she hadn't said anything about the nomination. Lin looked down to meet the airbender's eyes and he noticed that her eyes were filled with fear, that feeling looked so wrong in Lin's eyes, she was always brave, always gave herself to the things she wanted, he couldn't let her feel that way.
- You can be sure about one thing: I'm here for you and I will always be, no matter what. And I'm sure you're going to do what's possible and impossible for our baby because you're like that, you give yourself to the things you commit to. – Lin smiled gratefully at him and tilted her head to the side – Now about your work… – Lin tensed again – I'm sorry this isn't going the way you planned and that this will interfere with your work, I know how important it is to you. But I'm here for you and I know you're going to be Capitain and then AC and then Chief.  – he smiled  – We can make this work. You could move to the Island, you would be closer to my mother and I could take care of you. We can turn the room next to mine into a nursery, we'll let Kya decorate it with all those cute baby things… – Lin laughed at the same time a tear escaped her eye – We can get married.
- On that hill I like with view to the city. - she completed placing her hand over his on her waist and reaching for the other to intertwine their fingers
- On that hill you like.
- I could do that.
The weeks went by smoothly, and Lin's move to Air Temple Island was accomplished with two flying bison trips under the supervision of Sokka and Aang that wouldn't let her lift a pin, let alone a box. At each appointment with Katara, she would tell her that everything was running smoothly, that she just needed to pay attention to her stress level and her diet. A few days after completing the 12th week Tenzin was responsible for a big spike in her blood pressure.
- You´re showing! – he almost yelled when Lin appeared in the room among the steam from the bathroom only wearing her panties and her bindings while drying her hair with the towel, she almost left the floor at his sudden reaction
- No, I am not. - she said immediately pulling the towel from her hair and looking at her stomach
- Yes you are! – Tenzin jumped out of bed and grabbed Lin's wrist dragging her back into the bathroom
He doubled a gentle stream of air on the mirror to defog, positioned Lin in front of him, and turned her on her side. Lin fixed her eyes on the reflection of her belly on the mirror and found what Tenzin was referring to. It was a small bump, it was almost imperceptible, but it was there. The earthbender ran a hand over her stomach, feeling the lump and couldn't help the smile that formed on her face.
- It's our baby. – Tenzin said hugging her from behind placing his soft hands on the small bump and placing a series of kisses on Lin's exposed neck, who immediately started to feel hot and tilted her head to the side so that Tenzin had better access to her skin 
The kisses became wetter and firmer, then Lin moved Tenzin's hands to her breasts squeezing it lightly, which made her let ou a little moan. She turned and brought their lips together in a needy kiss wrapping one leg around his hip, Tenzin realized what she wanted and then lifted her other leg holding Lin firmly on his hip by the thighs and walked with her in his arms to the bed
Tenzin was definitely loving the pregnancy hormones.
Lin was lying comfortably on his chest stroking Tenzin’s sternum as he drew large circles on Lin's bare back.
- Do you think Kya can find out if it's a boy or a girl? – he asked after placing a kiss on Lin's black hair.
- We don't need Kya to find out. – she replied raising an elbow to look at him – I know it's a girl.
- Oh? – Tenzin raised an eyebrow as well
- Beifongs don't have male children.
Thinking of the Beifong family tree Tenzin realized that Lin was correct. Lao was the only male child among three sisters, Poppy had only one sister and had an only daughter, Toph, who also had only daughters.
- But we can talk to her after dinner, I'm sure she'll be more than happy to tell everyone that she found out. - Lin commented lying down again on the airebnder’s chest 
- I bet she will.
Unlike what they expected, Kya didn't show up for dinner. Katara said she was in her room packing her things to leave the next morning. Lin's heart clenched at the news, she didn't want her to leave, a selfish part of her wanted to keep Kya close so she could feel her heady presence that made her so confused. After Tenzin excused himself to take a phone call in his office, Lin did the same and went to Kya's room, something was wrong and she knew.
Lin knocked on the door, but loud music drowned out the sound, the metalbender opened the door a crack and she could see Kya stuffing clothes into her suitcase as she muttered to herself. Lin cleared her throat to announce her presence and Kya flew nearly three feet off the ground but didn't turn to her, the waterbender brought her hands to her face and took a few deep breaths before turning to face her. The waterbender didn't greet her with a bright smile as she always did, instead her eyes were sad and puffy and the tip of her nose was red. Lin raised her hand toward the radio and turned her fingers to turn off the device.
- Are you leaving. – it wasn't a question
- Yes. – Kya replied trying to sound firm and went back to stuffing clothes in her suitcase
- Why? – Lin asked entering the room, but Kya didn't answer her, just started to form a ball with the piece in her hand and threw it on the bed aggressively – Kya. What's happening? – Kya turned to her and once again Lin was surprised to see the piercing blue eyes filled with tears, Lin always knew that Kya cried at a drop of a hat but there was nothing that could explain it
- I can't be here right now. – Kya's answer only made Lin more confused – I'll come back when you enter the eighth month to help with the delivery, but I can't… – A sob escaped her lips and Kya covered her face to hide her tears
Instinctively Lin approached her, grabbed her wrists and gently pulled her hands away from her face. Still holding one of Kya's hands, Lin raised the other to the waterbender’s face and touched it with the greatest gentleness in the world, as if it would break with any careless touch. At first Kya was transfixed by the closeness she was from the metalbender, but she let herself feel comfortable as callused hands whiped her tears.
When Lin's hand lowered again, without noticing Kya mirrored Lin's gesture touching her face, she didn't seem bothered by the touch, so Kya ran her thumb over the twin scars on her cheek. They weren't smiling, they were afraid that any movement would break the spell surrounding them. The waterbender tried to absorb every detail of Lin's face, she wanted to kiss her. Lin's eyes were fixed on Kya's lips and she wondered if they were as soft as they looked. But suddenly Kya's touch faltered and she let out a soft breath.
- That's why I need to go. – Kya said fighting back tears and took her hand away from Lin's face.
The metalbender instantly missed the touch and watched silently as Kya closed her suitcase threw it over her shoulder and walked through the doorframe with just a "Good night Lin" and left leaving Lin standing and confused in the middle of her own bedroom.
When Lin returned to her’s and Tenzin’s room, Tenzin was lying on the bed while reading a book. She could feel that her cheeks were still hot and they sure were red. Tenzin lowered the book and sat up, noticing his girlfriend’s lost gaze.
- Lin, what's wrong? - he asked worried. 
Tenzin's voice brought her back to reality and she blinked a few times to clear her thoughts of what had happened, or nearly happened, in Kya's room.
- Nothing. – she replied with a brief smile – Everything is fine. – she watched Tenzin's shoulders relax immediately.
- What did Kya say? - he asked anxiously
- That's a girl.
The way Kya left the next day left Lin thoughtful and distant for the next few days. She didn't understand what they were or where those feelings related to the waterbender came from, but she knew one thing: she missed Kya. That didn't mean she didn't love Tenzin, of course she loved him, with every beat of her heart, so what Kya made her feel made her even more confused. So, as with all the feelings she wasn't going to talk to anyone about, she stuffed them inside a little box and pushed them into a corner of her mind where she could pretend they didn't exist.
Along with the 14th week of pregnancy came the exam to select the next Captain of the Republic City Police Department. The theoretical part for the Captain's exam was being applied and all the Lieutenants of the 15th Class were gathered in the brifing room with their faces buried in scrolls reading and writing, Lin Beifong was the only Lieutenant of the 16th Class present. After explaining the entire situation to Chief Song, he did not allow her not to take the test with the other Lieutenants of the 15th class.
- This test is a mere formality, I have already made my decision, you will be the next Captain. Yoy will take the exam and as soon as you come back from maternity leave you will assume the post. - he said
And that's how she ended up sitting in the back of the brifing room for a four-hour test. Occasionally her right hand would leave its resting place beside the paper to caress the belly completely imperceptible to outside eyes hidden under her armor, which was no longer being so comfortable. Her foot remained barefoot against the floor as the heartbeat of the small baby growing in her womb soothed her.
Later that day, Lin and Tenzin were sitting on their bed, their backs against the headboard, she had just told him about how the test had gone and about all her expectations in that matter, Tenzin assured her that there was nothing she should worry as Chief Song had already made his decision that she would take over after her maternity leave, his hands never leaving Lin's stomach as her cold hands covered his.
She reached over to her bedside table to pick up the book about pregnancy Katara had given her, which had been hers during her pregnancies. Lin was devouring the book. Each chapter talked about what to expect in each week of pregnancy and what was happening with the baby in that week, as she completed each week she read a new chapter and reread it several times until completing the next. That night Lin couldn't contain her anxiety and ended up reading the chapters about the next few weeks, while reading Tenzin lay with his face lying close to her bump, talking in whispers with the baby.
- Her eyesight will start to develop in a few weeks. Unless she's blind.
- She's not blind. He is not blind - Tenzin countered - But if he or she is blind, that’s not a problem.
- I already told you it's a girl. – Lin said looking at him – You can call it "she", because the baby will be born and she will think you were wrong all along. – Tenzin frowned at her confused and Lin shook her head – Suddenly she's not even listening, she might be deaf.
- Not a problem too. One of the monks who trained my father was deaf. - he commented trying to get around Lin's pessimism
- Okay, but what if it's not okay?! Two heads, three arms...?
- Stop. – Tenzin said horrified to her
- I'm just saying. If a woman has to have a child with two heads, three arms and 11 fingers, that woman is me.
- Lin... it doesn't even make sense, if she has three arms it will be 15 fingers and I don't know why I'm saying this. – he shot in sequence, getting ready on his pillow – Now go to sleep, please. – he got up to kiss her temple and Lin started to move to get out of bed.
- I just need to get something from the kitchen. - she said getting up from the bed and left the room
Tenzin knew she didn't need anything from the kitchen. The trip there was just an excuse to be able to put her bare feet on the floor so she could hear the baby's heart beating. He knew Lin was worrying too much and that listening to the baby's heart soothed her.
When she reached the kitchen, Lin placed her hands on her belly, closed her eyes and stomped firmly with her left against the floor. The waves of her seismic sense swept the entire first floor, but Lin was focused on the small square meter she was standing in, the waves crept up her body and she could see the outline of her baby in her womb. She stroked her tiny belly until the waves dissipated and the formed image faded from her mind.
One Wednesday night in the middle of the 16th week of pregnancy, Lin woke up with a terrible pain in her lower abdomen. She sat up in bed with her hand on her stomach and let out a silent scream of pain. Something wasn't right. She turned to Tenzin and shook him desperately, trying to wake him up.
- Tenzin. – she turned to him and shook him with all the strength that was left in her body, which wasn't much when he heard the tone of his girlfriend's voice he sat up immediately on the bed – Tenzin, there's something wrong... the baby. - she said through her tears, the only words that escaped her mouth and in the next second she was bending forward in a scream of pain
He immediately got out of bed to run to his mother's room, but as soon as he turned on the lamp to see his way to the door he froze in place as he noticed the pool of blood Lin was sitting in. In that moment she knew. Her baby was gone.
Tenzin entered his parents' room unannounced, they were sleeping peacefully facing each other, completely unaware of what was going on. The door hit the wall with the force it was opened, Katara was the first to get up and when she noticed the expression on her son's face she realized that something wasn't right.
- Lin is in pain. - he said breathlessly
In less than a second Katara was on her feet with Aang at her heels.
- Take her to my healing hut, your father and I will prepare the pool. – she said as she tied a robe around her waist and put on her slippers
Tenzin carried Lin to his mother's hut, her weight barely perceptible in his arms. She was terribly quiet and pale, the tears had stopped and now they were just damp, glistening memories on her cheeks. He walked quickly while trying not to pay attention to the bloodstains on her thighs. As soon as they entered the hut, Aang came to their assistance and helped Tenzin get Lin into the pool.
Aang moved to leave the room and let his wife work on Lin and put a hand on Tenzin’s chest to walk him out, but Tenzin didn't move a muscle, reluctant to leave Lin alone.
- Tenzin go with your father. - Katara asked in a professional tone
Then he left the room, his father closing the screen doors behind them. But the look on Lin's face was one he couldn't shake from his thoughts, and one he knew he would never forget. Her face was streaked with tears, but no new ones left her eyes, she stared at nothing with a blank expression. That was the word that would be used to write Lin at that moment. Empty. He had never seen her like that and wished he had never had that opportunity.
When the doors opened again, nearly an hour and a half later, Katara's devastated gaze confirmed what they already knew. Tenzin felt the air leave his lungs as he brought his hands to his head feeling his knees go weak, Aang held him in place helping him to control his breathing while Katara's hands rested on his chest whispering things he didn't register. Once he was merely steady on her knees, Katara said:
- Lin had a miscarriage. As it was in the second trimester of pregnancy I needed to clean the uterus so we need to move her very carefully and she will need healing sessions for a week. – he could see that she was on the verge of tears as she tried to pass on the information, he tried to move towards the closed door, but his mother stopped him, she opened her mouth to speak, but the words were not passing through her throat – She passed by a huge trauma, a  miscarriage after the 12th week is more aggressive and she is very fragile. Tenzin. – she looked deeply at her son – She needs you more than ever, you need to be strong for her, I'm not saying you shouldn't have your mourning period or block your emotions, but you need to take it slow with her.
The airbender nodded firmly and took a few breaths trying to get his emotions under control before entering the room. Lin looked smaller and more delicate than ever in the water, her clothes were soaking wet as were the ends of her hair that made contact with the water just below her shoulders. He didn't know what to say and before he had a chance to find out he heard Lin break into a sob:
- Tenzin. – at the sound of Lin's broken voice, he immediately strode to her stepping into the water without bothering with his pajamas getting wet and she hid in his chest while crying openly and clutching his shirt – I'm sorry. I am so sorry. – she kept repeating as he stroked her black hair and her back
- Shhh. – he said with his chin resting on top of her head – This is not your fault, you don't have to apologize for anything. – it was only at that moment as Lin clung to his clothes and cried desperately that he realized that his own tears were running down his face and falling into the black strands of his girlfriend's head
Five days had passed since that terrible Wednesday night, and Lin still declined to join the others at family dinners or eat a decent meal or receive anyone outside the family who lived on the Island. Including your mother.
- I don't care that she doesn't want to see me. She is my kid. – she argued with Katara, but the older woman refused to leave her position in front of the door – I swear Katara, if you don't get out of my way I'll bury you in a hole so deep that I myself won't be able to find you. She needs me! I am her mother!
After realizing that arguing with Toph in Lin's earshot would not benefit anyone at all, she relented and let Toph into the room. In a historic effort to talk about her feelings, she told Lin how she felt when she almost lost Su and what helped her overcome that trauma in an attempt to help her daughter. But it wasn't the same, Su was very much alive and walking around her new town living her private fairy tale while Lin went through hell. Toph left placing a kiss on Lin's hairline and he said goodbye with an empty "Thanks, Chief". Although Toph hasn't left town, appearing on the Island from time to time, she hasn't returned to visit Lin, content in just listening and feeling her footsteps across the bedroom floor.
Katara and Aang were being the pillars on which she and Tenzin could stand, they were also going through their respective griefs, but they didn't fail to lend their strength to the young couple. Strangely, the metalbender found great relief in meditating with the two airbenders in the first rays of sun and this was the only activity that made her leave the room apart from the healing sessions with Katara. At Lin's request, the waterbender had told her everything that had happened that night that no one would ever forget, assuring her that none of it was her fault, but Lin couldn't stop blaming herself. What if she had listened to Katara and stopped working? What if she had eaten better? What if she hadn't ventured into the training room? What if she had been more careful? The "what ifs" circled in Lin's head and refused to leave.
On the seventh day Kya arrived. Dropping her suitcase at the stairs and running into the house.
- I came as fast as I could. Where is she? – she asked exasperated to Katara who had her hands on her shoulders in an attempt to calm her down as Kya tried to cross the kitchen agitated
- She's in the bedroom, but first you need to calm down. – Kya stopped moving and took a few deep breaths, although Katara could still feel her daughter trembling against her palms – Better. – she said and released Kya who almost flew out of the kitchen and up the stairs
Lin heard a soft knock on the door. With her feet off the ground she was unable to tell who was knocking, so she simply replied:
- It's open. - in a weak voice
When Kya came into view she was overwhelmed with the urge to cry, but she pushed it deep into her chest.
- I'm sorry, Lin. – Kya said as soon as her eyes landed on Lin sitting on the bed, she crossed the room with long strides and open arms, enveloping Lin in a much-needed hug that wasn't refused. The metalbender could feel Kya's hot tears on her shoulder, but she didn't cry – It's okay to cry. – she said in a gentle voice when Lin wrapped her in her arms, burying her face in Kya's neck and smelling her scent
- I do not want to cry. – Kya knew that was a lie. Lin broke the embrace and got up from the bed, the younger woman turned to her, the tears she'd struggled so hard with finally leaving her eyes – But what I want to do now is scream. I want to scream until my throat hurts more than my head, stomach and chest. I just want to scream to relieve some of this pain and this anger I'm feeling at myself. – Lin said firmly through his tears, gesturing hugely as she walked in front of Kya
- Then scream. – Kya replied in the same tone – Scream. Let it out.
- I can’t do it. – Lin said, trying hard not to sob and shaking her head – I can't, I can't, I don't...
She slipped on the wall she was next to and as soon as her hands covered her face she let that sob escape. Kya sat beside her, silently humming a tune as she stroked her back in large circles and allowed Lin to cry all her tears. After a few minutes, Lin calmed down. Kya was the first to get up from the floor and reach out a hand to help Lin up, who accepted and stood up carefully and leaning against the wall. But Kya didn't let go of her hand, tucking it in Lin's so that their fingers intertwined and she started walking towards the door to leave the room. Lin hesitated.
- Where are we going?
- Do you trust me? – Kya asked with a gentle smile and Lin's heart squeezed and she nodded
The two walked through the living room and kitchen hand in hand, ignoring the eyes that accompanied them. When they reached the outside of the house Kya began to guide her to the covered pavilion where Tenzin and Aang trained when the weather was not favorable.
- Ok, Kya I'm not a child, I don't need a tour on the Island. – Lin said when they entered the pavilion and Kya's hand left hers to close the door
- Scream. – she said turning to Lin
- What? – Lin asked as if that was the most absurd idea she had ever heard
- Scream. – she repeated, encouraging the earthbender with a nod of her head
- I can’t. - she took a step back
- Do it.
- No, I can't do it...
But before Lin could continue her argument Kya leaned forward screaming.
- I can’t do it. – Lin repeated with a frown and turned to leave the pavilion
And then Kya screamed again.
In an unexpected move, Lin turned to her and finally screamed, with all the force in her being, a soul-shattering shout. When it was over she sobbed and the glass windows began to shudder as tears ran wildly down her face. She screamed again causing the glass of all the windows in the pavilion to break and crash to the floor, but this barely caught Kya's attention, who had her full attention turned to Lin and accompanied her scream this time.
Lin's third scream came hoarse but powerful from her throat, and the shards of glass lying on the floor near the broken windows flew towards the metalbender, forming a curtain of glass around her. The shards began to whirl like a hurricane around her without ever touching her. Kya watched the scene completely shocked at Lin's power, not knowing how to react. She is glassbending. When Lin's hoarse scream ceased she fell to her knees on the ground as the shards of glass froze in midair keeping Lin partially hidden within the tunnel. Kya stepped forward and reached out to touch them and the curtain fell away, falling around Lin, keeping her untouched in the center of a circle, and Kya quickly entered the circle.
She knelt beside her and Lin collapsed into her arms. Kya held Lin close as she cried and sobbed in her arms once more, while she herself silently cried trying to make the act go unnoticed by the earthbender.
Each of them deposited the feelings that choked them in their screams. For Lin the pain that had suffocated her from the moment she learned she had lost her baby, the overwhelming guilt she felt for thinking she hadn't been good enough, and the feeling that she had let everyone down. For Kya it was seeing Lin suffer like that and the inability to make her stop suffering, the guilt of leaving, the mourning for the more than premature departure of a niece she would never have the opportunity to meet and the pain that gripped her lungs from not being able to comfort Lin the way she desperately wanted, from not being able to be with her, from not being able to say the "I love you" that almost escaped her lips every time she looked at Lin.
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