#ship: sylar/claire
judasisgayriot · 1 year
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I can’t do this without you, Nathan.
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keepscrollinghun · 1 year
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masitadibujante · 1 year
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Heroes drabbles!
I got motivated after seeing @incorrect-heroes paire drawings! I'm very happy to see more fanart of this series
And also @milothirst wanted to see it so there you go :)
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cadmuslabs777 · 1 year
Why the fuck does Tumblr normalize inc*st so much like wtf go get some help
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buildarocketboys · 1 year
i know lu already asked you robin hood, so heroes if no one else has asked you first!
Favourite character:
Nathan Petrelli my terrible DILF son who I love. Idk I have many complicated feelings about him but all of them are love somehow (kinda like Peter)
Funniest character:
All the characters have their moments actually. Sylar can be pretty funny when he's leaning into the whole villain thing instead of trying to be redeemed. Angela is such an unashamedly bad bitch it's pretty hilarious. Claire has her moments when she calls people out or acts recklessly. Peter is usually unintentionally funny. Mohinder's sarcasm is also pretty fun. Ohhh I nearly forgot Rene, who's hilarious because he just does not give a shit. He does what he wants, because what's the Company gonna do? Haitian him? Oh, wait...
Best-looking character:
Mohinder, duh. (But also Nathan)
3 favourite ships:
Nathan/Peter and, uhhh...Claire/Gretchen, part of me wants to say Elle/Sylar bc it was pretty fun while it lasted but Sylar doesn't deserve happiness so...Elle/people who actually care about her
Least favourite character:
Sylar for all the times they try and redeem him and make him a poor little meow meow and make him into something he's not (he can just be a villain! Please just let him be a villain! He's fun as a villain!). But also me and Anni have just been watching season 4 and ohhhh my god, Samuel is the most annoying whiny bitch ever, he's so pathetic and bedraggled but not even in a fun way. He doesn't deserve his cracked black nail polish. Put it back. Give it to Peter.
Least favourite ship:
Sylaire is probably the ship that squicks me out the most. LEAVE HER ALONE!
Reason why I watch it:
Because it makes me crazyyyyy. Also so I can see Nathan's sexy fluffy hair in season 2.
Why I started watching it:
@judasisgayriot made me. Jk, she made me watch s1, I was fairly meh on it, then one cold November night during the pandemic I said 'lol, let's watch season 2 of Heroes just 'cause.' And then I saw Nathan with fluffy hair and a beard crying into his whisky at a bar and I've never been the same since.
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saltygilmores · 2 years
Oh hey, it's really cool that I've met several Sylaire shippers here in the last week! I've been hiding in the shadows with this ship on Twitter and Instagram for two years. lol. Tumblr is a pretty neat place isn't it? You can come here and find your people! Well, feel free to Ask me, DM me, reply to me about my newly proud and public ship, lol. We can perv and talk fanfic! Just understand that although I watched all four seasons of the show I only have a minimal grasp of the actual plot (believe me, I tried, but I eventually I had to give up and just mindlessly watch it for the hot guys) so if you're looking for some deep discussion I will probably disappoint you. I'm just a perv. Sylar just meet my villain lust/ big bad wolf/ complex and he's hot as hell. Btw, this is the fic that began my Sylar & Claire brainrot nearly two years ago (please mind the tags on this story because it is certainly not going to be everyone's cup of tea).
Here are the rest of my favorite Sylaire stories too since ya'll keep asking for goodies. Hope you like mindless trashy porn with little to no plot!
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morethanweseem · 2 years
I’ve strictly stuck to their own universes here while laying out BASIC ships that I like. I’m open to other ships, just a general starter for things that I already like for my characters. THIS WILL BE UPDATED AS THE BLOG AGES
DCU/Arrowverse Kara Danvers - Ray, Winn, Mon-El, Lena, Lex Ray Palmer- Felicity, Nate, Nora, Clark, other Rays Tommy Merlyn- Laurel, E2 Laurel, Felicity, Kara, Oliver, Ray Damien Darhk - Malcolm, Eobard, Sara, Neron Killer Frost - Snake, Cisco, Savitar, Oliver, Mick Felicity Smoak - Oliver, Clark, Winn, Barry, Sara, Nyssa, Ray Harleen Quinzel - Bruce, Dick, Oliver, Pamela
Marvel Darcy Lewis- Loki, Bucky, Steve, Peter, Wanda Yelena Belova - Kate, Steve, Thor Kate Bishop - Loki, Yelena, Thor, Steve, Bucky Karen Page- Frank, Matt Steve Rogers - Bucky, Wanda, Darcy, Bruce
Supernatural/Winchesters Charlie Bradbury- Rowena, Mary Jo Harvelle - Sam, Dean, Castiel, Meg Mary Campbell - John, Crowley, Rowena Bella Swan - Sam, Dean, Jacob(twilight)
Stranger Things Nancy Wheeler- Jonathan, Billy, Steve, Robin Robin Buckley- Nancy, Chrissy Eddie Munson - Steve, Chrissy, Dustin
School Spirits Maddie Nears - Wally, Rhonda, Mr. Martin Wally Clark - Maddie, Dawn
Miscellaneous Lucy Chen - Tim, John Claire Bennet - Sylar, Adam Monroe Emma Swan - Neal, Killian, Lily, Jefferson, Graham Mal Bertha - Ben, Harry Violet Harmon - Tate, James March, Kit Walker, Missy Merlin Ambros - Arthur, Gwaine, Morgana Liv Moore - Major, Blaine, Peyton Sidney Prescott - Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Mark Kincaid Lizzie Saltzman - Hope, MG, Sebastian Penny Teller - Sheldon, Leonard, Zach
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sylcr · 3 years
i’m 7 years deep in the sylaire tag. send help.
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tobespecialgone · 3 years
me just laying in bed: day whomst the fuck knows of me being salty that the tattoo was claire and not peter.
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stanfordsweater · 2 years
get to know you tag meme
tagged by @prince-of-elsinore 🤗
Rules: tag nine three people you want to know better.
tagging (with no pressure!) @alienfuckeronmain @takingthel @watermelonlipstick
Three ships: since everyone already knows i’m on the samdean train, i’ll go for three others: anders/hawke from dragon age, dave/karkat from homestuck, and shiro/keith from the voltron reboot. i’d fallen out of shipping for a few years by the time i got back into spn so these are from things i was into years ago 😅
i wouldn’t touch the voltron fandom with a ten foot pole these days but shiro and keith are fucking crazy for each other and i got a canon “i love you” so??? if you like wincest for the insane devotion/ride or die dynamics, sheith is another good ship like that. i actually got into voltron originally because i love steven yeun and even though the plot of the show degenerated over the seasons (i quit pretty early on after the fandom was taken over by antis-- sounds familiar right 🙃) the voice actors are fantastic. (”KEITH IS COMPLETELY DEDICATED AND RESILIENT IN HIS-- IN A LOVE OF SHIRO.” THAT’S A REAL QUOTE FROM BEHIND THE SCENES??? HELLO?!?!)
First ever ship: ruby and her best friend from max and ruby 😳 but my first ship after i knew what shipping was was probably claire/sylar from heroes, or nico/percy from percy jackson. i called nico having a crush on him YEARS before it became canon and i’ll never stop talking about it because i was RIGHT!!!! 😤
Last song: numbers don’t lie by the mynabirds + superman by eminem (i know.) + necessary evil by the dresden dolls
Last movie: i watched warm bodies with my boyfriend for valentines day 😊 
Currently reading: dark when it gets dark by yves olade
Currently watching: ugh. too many things 😔 i have a ridiculously hard time getting through tv shows because i have to be focused on it, i don’t want to miss anything!! which means i’m halfway through ~6 different shows, but the two ones i want to get back to are legion and bates motel. i’m also making my way through the fast and furious franchise.
Currently consuming: coffee and extra strength daily allergy pills
Currently craving: a smoothie
Rules: tag nine people you want to know better.
Three ships: 
First ever ship: 
Last song: 
Last movie:
Currently reading:
Currently watching:
Currently consuming:
Currently craving:
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sinemoras09 · 2 years
fanfic recs (multifandom)
So there’s a post going around about people’s all-time favorite fics - fics that stay with you years later, sometimes a line that’s just so perfectly written it’ll stay rent-free in your mind. These are mine:
1) and if they are not dead by squeequeg. Summary: Nina receives the first postcard in late August. Monster fandom. Nina-centric. Post-series. Gen.
This is my favorite fic across all fandoms. Taking place in the years following Johan’s escape from the hospital, the fic is told from Nina’s point of view, and it’s just so sad and poignant. Johan sends Nina postcards as he travels the world, and as the fic progresses you can see how he tries to live on his own and how, in his own way, he tries to find redemption. It’s beautifully written and ends on a hopeful note.
A flurry of postcards comes one after the other: sketches of an empty marketplace, of a town wrapped around a single mountain peak, of a strange ungainly building that Nina finally identifies as an ancient observatory.  Once upon a time.  There was a crooked man.  Long long ago.  Even as the technical skill of the drawings increases, the handwriting on the other side becomes cruder, starker, the letters stabbed nearly through the cards, their lines an unsettling relief beneath the drawings.
On the back of a landscape of minarets: It doesn't matter.
On another, of a fountain crowned by a snarling lion: I lied it does matter.
On a third, a seascape of empty fishing boats: I am not you.  You are not me.
None of the pictures show any people, or even animals.  It's like he's walking through a world forgotten by life.
On the back of a bleak, windswept landscape, one that she finally identifies as some place called the Taklamakan, the card is so dark with scratched-out marks that she can barely read it, the letters straggling and expanding as if to deny the existence of any emptiness: Once upon a time there was a prince a king God a martyr a criminal a mirror unwanted wanted a boy a girl a monster with no name a monster with a name
But when she peels back the postal label at the bottom to see where this scream of ink ends, there's only one line.
Once upon a time there was me.
2) a lover in my bed by andbless_mybaby - Summary: Sylar loves Claire the only way he knows how. Heroes fandom. Sylar/Claire, non-con, angst, NC-17.
Heroes was my very first fandom writing fic, and andbless_mybaby was one of the first fic writers I read whose prose read like something that would be published in a real book. Dreamlike, dark, and elegiac, the author explored the dark sides of the pairing.
Entombed in the rusting hulk of the ancient Eldorado that was their newest touring vehicle, Sylar squinted at the microscopic coordinates on the map by the dim glow of the overhead light. The route seemed endless, and one panoramic vista of open farmland seemed very much like the next. It was slow going. He wished (not for the first time) for the company of the girl bound and sedated in the wide back seat. Imagining her humming along with the static-y radio, her sandals on the dashboard while she worked a crossword puzzle, he almost got carried away.  
He paid attention to everything.
3) The Final Voyage of the Morty Transport Ship X3LC by Eternal. Summary - It was said there was a ghost ship on board and only one Morty could lead them to it. Mini episode set between the Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind and the Rickatlantis Mixup. Rick and Morty fandom.
Wow. I can’t even begin to tell you how awesome this fic is. The fic follows the four Mortys we met on the Ricklantis Mixup, where they encounter a series of Morty murders as they’re transported on a Rick spaceship. The fic reads like something from a 1980s hard scifi horror novel, it’s hardboiled and evocative and just so good.
During night, barely any light fell on the transport vessel that was intended to shuttle Mortys to and forth to their new dimension and it navigated from stop to stop via infrared. Other Mortys claimed it navigated by something, something the law of thermodynamics. But one thing was certain, they didn’t understand how it worked, they weren’t likely to understand how the engines worked and they weren’t designed to understand or process the information.
4) here on the roof of the world by jibrailis - Summary: Figure skaters are such crybabies. Victor/Yuri. Yuri on Ice fandom.
YOI is such a juggernaut fandom with literally thousands of amazing fic to choose from, but this fic here is my favorite. Told as a series of vignettes, the author examines Yuri and Victor’s relationship and how they’re both crybabies in their own way. It’s a fantastic slice of life, the two radiate such warmth and are so comfortable with each other, the relationship feels refreshingly real.
In a different, less complicated life, maybe, there’s a version of Yuuri who never finds out what Viktor Nikiforov sounds like when he’s calling out Yuuri’s name from across a crowded room. Yuuri, Viktor says everywhere he goes, Yuuri Yuuri Yuuri, like some sort of public service announcement that consists of exactly one word and is determined to squawk it until the end of time. There’s a version of Yuuri who never knows what Viktor’s long legs look like when they’re hurrying over to Yuuri’s side; who never knows the weight of Viktor’s arm around his shoulders, the sloppy press of Viktor’s mouth to his cheek.
There’s a version of Yuuri who doesn’t know any of these things; a Yuuri who went home after his failures and lived a quiet life, a small life. Every day Yuuri is glad that this Yuuri is not him.
5) The Isle of New Memories by Elfen1012 - Summary:  JJ and Emily decide to take their Camping trip after all. Yet even on their own they can't avoid text from Mom and a few bad thoughts. Yet, not a thing could dream to be too much for the two of them together. The Missing videogame fandom. JJ/Emily.
This is such a sweet fic. For those of you who aren’t familiar, The Missing: JJ Macfield and the Island of Memories is a platformer/puzzle-solving game where the protagonist, JJ, has to search for her best friend/love interest, Emily, after she goes missing during a camping trip.  The fic takes place after the events of the game, JJ and Emily are together, and they spend the night camping and talking about their new relationship. It’s such a good fic, incredibly heartfelt and tender.
No one there to hear on the much smaller isle of memories, the sounds of playful pushes and shoves. There was no one to walk the beach of this wood and starlight beach to know how it devolved into kisses, audible from water. Not a soul could be bothered to notice, that for the first time in months JJ slept well even with F.K. left sitting alone by the dead fire, seemingly pleased.
Not a soul, but JJ and Emily, not one on this much quieter safer island, would hear JJ profess her new promise. Forever twice over.
6) The Living Wife by MlleBree - Summary: A scorpion and a grasshopper. A choice. One moment in time can change the course of life. Can Christine learn to love? Can Erik learn empathy? Can either of them ever forgive themselves or each other? POTO fandom, mature. Erik/Christine. Post-series.
This fic is the spiritual successor to Susan Kay’s incredible book, Phantom, which had fleshed out the titular phantom’s backstory in the original Leroux novel. I can’t even begin to sing its praises. The romance is believable and the emotional arc from horror and resignation to tenderness and love is written really well.
This was his last promise and he kept it. Perhaps it was not what he had imagined when he first promised it. Perhaps he had imagined sunlight and flowers that only bloomed in the early spring but still - it was another promise fulfilled all the same.
It was quiet and comfortable. A midnight walk through a snow filled park. Not even the birds chirped to intrude on their stroll.
They did not speak. There was nothing to say in the quiet, thoughtful moment. Instead she closed her eyes and leaned against his arm, her fingers tightening on his elbow as she allowed herself, for only a moment, to be completely, irrevocably happy.
7) Mass Havoc Ensues by SoSaysL - Summary: Gilgamesh buys a grand yacht, cleverly annoys people, takes over the world, and generally gets everything he wants...except Saber. Oneshot. Set after Fate/Zero.
I love crack fic. I love writing crack, I love reading crack, and most especially I love crack that is actually in-character. This fic is everything I want in a crack fic - the character interactions are spot-on, the situations grow hilariously more and more over-the-top, and yet at the heart of it you can see Gilgamesh’s isolation and loneliness. It’s a top-notch fic and everything I aspire to write. I can’t recommend it enough.
What's this?" Kirei says, opening the door to find a package that is, quite frankly, enormous. He didn't remember making any order for delivery lately, but the package is hardly a trifle; it comes up to his waist and he doubts his arm would reach across the breadth of it.
"Let me handle that," comes Gilgamesh's voice from behind him, and the golden king darts out from behind Kirei to examine the large package. Kirei stares at him suspiciously.
"What is that?"
"Provisions to put on my yacht until I get to a better supply," Gilgamesh shrugs, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "I did tell you I was planning to tour the world, after all, and that calls for a healthy supply of wine from the finest wineries in the world. I don't think Saber would be particularly happy if I didn't manage to secure a sizable territory for us to rule over and if we were left drinking boring drinks like water all day."
"I understand you think you can do anything," Kirei says slowly, ignoring the mention of Saber, "but you don't have a yacht, and I am almost certain there is no wine in that package."
Gilgamesh smiles, thoroughly delighted, as if he is a little child. "Wanna bet?"
As Kirei's face morphs from shock to furious understanding, he can only think of how stupid he had been to leave his credit card where Gilgamesh could find it.
8) To Shore, To Shore, by @pseudocitrus - Summary: The strongest god of war, and the ephemeral god of fishing. She had failed him, but the world and all its wishes would bring them together again, to meet, to exchange their names. It always had. It always would. Noragami fandom. Bishamon/Ebisu.
Oh my god. I can’t shut up about this fic. Every time I make a fic rec list, this fic has to be on it. Told from Bishamon’s POV, the fic masterfully follows the long arc of Bishamon’s life as she meets Ebisu, again and again, every time he reincarnates. It’s a series of first meetings that culminates into a deep love and friendship. And I gotta tell you, even though kazubisha is my Noragami fandom OTP, this fic pretty much made me a Bisha/Ebisu shipper XD
“I’m not leaving until you tell me what happened,” Bishamon said, and to her surprise all the shinki exchanged grimaces. It was clear they weren’t going to admit anything, and finally Ebisu shrugged.
“Well,” he sighed, “I tripped.”
“I — ah — tripped. In...in front of a phantom.”
“Where were you to defend him?” Bishamon demanded, looking around at his shinki, and they frowned even more deeply.
“They were there,” Ebisu said quickly. “Actually, they — might have been what I tripped on.”
“I’m a whip,” one of the shinki muttered, arms crossed.
“A net,” another admitted.
“A fishing pole.”
“Did he trip on all of you?” Bishamon said in shock.
“No!” Ebisu protested. “Well, not — not entirely…all...at once…”
(I could have included a more poignant excerpt, but this honestly is my favorite part of the whole damn fic. It goes without saying, but the writing is spectacular too XD)
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sylaar · 3 years
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v; ???
default for new threads, starters, or memes. primarily with new followers or non-mutuals.
v; i’m a hero ( post bnw 1 )
takes place after the series finale. sylar is trying to redeem his past as a serial killer.
v; evolutionary imperative ( post bnw 2 )
takes place after the series finale. sylar has reverted back to his old ways, terrorizing and killing others with abilities to gain theirs.  
v; five years gone ( au )
sylar has been pretending to be nathan petrelli, president of the united states, for the past several years. he has even begun rounding up others with abilities, though not known to those around him, it’s for the sole purpose of gaining their abilities. 
v; i am become death ( au )
angela petrelli has managed to convince sylar that he is her son whom she gave up for adoption. over the past few years, he has worked as a company agent, help to round up dangerous specials like him. they gave him a son to adopt ( like noah was given claire ). he currently lives in the bennet house in costa verde, ca.
*i am willing to change/make an au of this verse for a sylaire shipping claire rp’er.
v; watchmaker ( au )
takes place before sylar finds out about his ability. he’s an innocent cinnamon roll, time piece repairer who despises that he’s not special. 
v; to boldly go ( evolutionary imperative )
star trek au. the world had become overrun with specials / evolved humans. everything was burning and falling apart. resources were scarce. sylar was being hunted. claire had been killed, as far as he knew. after acquiring the ability to travel though universes, sylar decided to travel to a universe similar to his own where he wouldn’t be recognized, allowing him to again seek out others with powers. 
v; i wanted to be special ( s1 au )
takes place at any time between sylar learning of his ability, killing brian davis, and being stabbed in the chest by hiro. 
v; powerless ( s2 & beyond au )
sylar never found out about mohinder’s cure for the virus that the company injected him with. while he overcame the sickness, his abilities never returned. despite this, he never returned to being a watchmaker. most of his time is spent running from the company and keeping tabs on other evolved humans. 
v; company man ( s3 au )
arthur petrelli is dead and angela petrelli is still manipulating sylar into thinking he is her son. he now works for the company and occasionally partners with noah or some of the other non-powered agents to control the evolved humans. 
*more to be added later.
**most verses will be based off of these. some misc. or custom verses may be created. 
***i also have a rule!63 / genderswap sylar for any and all verses, if requested. using the faceclaim katie mcgrath. 
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primatechnosynthpop · 4 years
Spill the tea about the boi Peter Petrelli?
(Sorry I took a while to answer this, it was nighttime and I fell asleep after answering the one about Kirk haha)
How I feel about this character: He's a really great guy! Very kind, very heroic, absolute himbo. Love his emo bangs.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Simone, Sylar, and Emma (as in the Heroes character, not myself!)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: His family :) and, really, basically the rest of the characters because he's a sweet guy who loves his friends
An unpopular opinion about this character: Hmm idk... what even is an unpopular opinion about 🅱️eter? Do trans headcanons count as an unpopular opinion because I am rather fond of that
One thing I wish would happen/ had happened in canon with this character: I think I've offhandedly mentioned this once before, but one thing they could have done instead of always finding new ways to nerf his ability is stick to the concept of "think of how being around somebody makes you feel in order to use their power" thing. So Peter would have to be feeling some feels (tm) the whole time, which could get a bit emotionally taxing when he's trying to fight and save the world and all that. Also, he would have to have some kind of established connection with the person who's powers he's borrowing. Actually, one thing they could've done to make that last bit more interesting: the stronger the bond he has with the person whose powers he's borrowing, the stronger those powers will be when he uses them! I.E. he's really good at flying and healing because of his close bonds with Nathan and Claire, but less good at painting the future because he and Isaac don't always get along so well. Idk man I just think mechanics like that would have been pretty neat.
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decaese · 4 years
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01.   an independent and mutually exclusive roleplay blog for sʏʟᴀʀ of nbc’s heroes. written by sev, 23, they/she/he. will contain mature content such as descriptions of death, blood, murder, gore and mutilation ( the removing of skulls/heads ). i will do my best to tag everything but i may forget to do so if i’m mobile, if you need anything specific tagged, please let me know. 02.   sylar is an overpowered villain and i will portray him as such. i don’t acknowledge his redemption arc in the slightest, and the entirety of season 4 and reborn. i won’t tone him down either. 03.   i do support call out culture if it’s necessary, it will be tagged for those who wish to blacklist it. 04.   shipping is difficult with sylar, but not impossible if developed well. i would prefer not to autoship, and to develop dynamics ooc as well as ic. i do not ship sylar with claire, peter, elle or maya. i portray him as bisexual and demisexual. 05.   all graphics and icons are made by me unless credited otherwise. the psd credit goes to plutocommissions and graphicsrp. dash icon by stigmatik. 06.   don’t follow me if you’re racist, homophobic, sexist, transphobic, or rp h.omelander / the d.eep from the b.oys. you’ll be blocked on sight. 07.   i can also be found on my heroes multi, progeneis.
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keep in mind i have not seen the show since reborn aired, so this is based on fuzzy memory
Favorite character: elle bishop
Second favorite character: sylar gray
Least favorite character: fuck nathan petrelli and noah bennet specifically
The character I’m most like: elle bishop
Favorite pairing: claire bennet and elle bishop. is that not canon? i’ve convinced myself it was
Least favorite pairing: people ship claire and sylar and i’m not there for it
Favorite moment: god, were there moments in this show? i have almost entirely forgotten. i seem to remember claire and elle holding hands on the plane because elle was having a panic attack that was causing her powers to go all haywire
Rating out of 10: let’s give it a 5, idk, i’d need a rewatch to make a definitive judgment and YOU CAN’T MAKE ME
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allyvampirelass29 · 4 years
Chapter 4: We Are HEROES
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A HEROES Fanfiction   Angel Before the Fall Series By: Allyssa J. Watkins
Peter Petrelli held on as tight as he could to the inconsolable girl in his arms, but she was so crazed and  frightened, he was really struggling. "Whoah, HEY!!!" He yelled, trying not to fly sideways into a building, as she kicked and pulled away, frantic. Poor girl, very nearly Sylar's afternoon entrée from the looks of things, as he'd soared in and snatched her out of Sylar's claws just in time, Noah, so banged up and bloodied, he must have been the appetizer. Peter knew, first-hand, both the scarring physical and psychological trauma Sylar Gray hungered to inflict just for the hell of it. He got into your head........ had his sadistic fun, and then he....... got into your head, literally. When he was bored, the world was his own personal playground. No one was safe. MAN, did he do a number on this one. She looked young, maybe early twenties, her green eyes wild and panicked. Peter felt bad for her, trying not to imagine the horrors she'd just faced, prey to Sylar's ungodly whims. Actually, he, himself, still wasn't over that first encounter in Mohinder's apartment three years ago. That overwhelming nausea as Sylar drew his finger across his forehead, the searing pain, the blood dripping, a dark lock of his bangs, severed and fluttering to his feet. Nobody gets over that.......
He was still pissed at Parkman for outright lying to him, pissed at Noah for getting him all tangled up in Sylar's sticky, twisted web AGAIN, but the important thing here, was that this girl would get to live another day, and another set of powers would be safe from Sylar's greedy finger. He held onto her tighter, trying to keep her still, so relieved to finally see the familiar white van, with PRIMATECH spelled out in red lettering on the side. Yeah, maybe a high flying rescue wasn't the best thing for someone who's just come within an inch of her life. He landed extra gently, worried about her, grabbing both of her shoulders. "Hey, stop, it's okay! Shhh, you gotta calm down!" He'd expected her to collapse into tears, hug him, fall to the ground, hyperventilate, God knows he'd spent enough time with people who'd had their razor's edge brush with death both as a nurse and a paramedic. He always marveled at how people reacted in such different ways to being saved, but what happened next caught him entirely off guard. Her right hook landed hard against his shoulder, and he stepped backward, slack jawed.
"Who are you!? What are you doing!? Let go of me, where is he!?!? What did they do with him!?"
"Watch it!!! Geez!!! I'm only the person that just saved you from becoming a part of Sylar's collection of human PEZ dispensers!!!" Peter yelled, rubbing his shoulder, still taken aback.
"Where is he!?!? Where's Sylar!?!?" The girl was in a frenzy, her anger, wounded, and Peter stared at her puzzled, as he heard the sliding doors of the van flung open.
"Relax, he's gone. You're safe now. He can't hurt you anymore! I just saved you, and you can thank me by not hitting me again! My mother told me never to hit a girl, so it wouldn't be much of a fair fight anyway."
"Did they take him!?!? Did they hurt him!?!?"
"Who, Sylar? No, not yet, but they will, I promise you! He'll pay!"
Peter grabbed her just as she went to push him away, her face furious. "NOOO!!!! Oh my god, WHO are you!?"
"Watch it! I'm Peter. Peter Petrelli, again the guy that just saved your life!"
Her face turned white, and she looked more scared than ever, backing away as if he'd just said, "My name is Sylar, and I'm your killer, nice to see you again, how would you like to die today?"
"P-Petrelli? Like..... Nathan Petrelli? Like the corrupt senator hunting ALL of us!?" Ally stammered, eyes wide, wishing Sy had been fast enough to pull her out of the sky.
"Hey! He's my brother, and he's not corrupt, just...... confused."
"If your backstabbing brother or Noah, or ANY of your freaking Company lay one hand on Sy-"
"Wait..... WHAT!? Sy..... as in SYLAR? You're worried about SYLAR, as in the SERIAL KILLER that almost ripped your head open!?"
Peter looked at the girl, aghast, completely confounded and it was then he noticed the needle poised over her shoulder.
"Noah, what the HELL are you-?"
Ally screamed and swiftly evaded the sharp tip, slamming right into Peter, and again he fought to hold her still.
"Peter this is bigger than your rules and your morals, do NOT let her go!!!!"
"Noah, what are you talking about!? Put that AWAY, we just rescued her, and you seriously want to tranq her!?!?
Peter grunted, barely holding her back, grabbing both of her forearms, and then suddenly it hit him full force, and he was pissed all over again. Dang it, Parkman!!! You, LIAR!!!
"Your name is Ally, isn't it? Sylar's girl?" Peter watched her slightly relent in her struggle, and he glared furiously at Noah, his lip quivering with his rage.
"Peter, it's not what you think. This girl-"
"Damn it, Noah, I told you both before!!! I'm not interested in kidnapping an innocent girl, torturing, and using her as bait, even if it means we don't bag him today. We pull that, and we're just as bad as he is!!!"
Ally yanked herself away, running like hell, and Peter flinched as something came flying past the side of his head, hitting Ally in the shoulder blade, embedding itself in her skin, and Noah sprinted to catch her, as she fell hard, instantly unconscious.
Bewildered, Peter whirled around to see Parkman, tranq gun resting on his shoulder, still aimed.
"You're both INSANE!!!!! Look at you!!! I don't want ANY part in this!!! We should be working together to get my brother on our side before we all get shipped off to separate ghettos, not abducting young women because of their unfortunate taste in partners!!!! She didn't hurt anybody! She doesn't deserve this!!!"
"Aiding and abetting, Peter. Not to mention, probably actual..... bedding."
"Oh God, Bennet, thanks for that image. That's a crime in of itself," Parkman made a face, looking deeply disturbed.
"She's helping an extremely dangerous and unhinged killer escape capture, that makes her an accomplice in my book. She's a criminal, Peter. It's the law, and sometimes you have to do things you never talk about again, if you want to be a hero. It's not all damsels in distress. Sometimes the damsels cause the distress."
Peter sighed. This was certifiable. "No torture, I mean it."
"What?!? Who said anything about torture? What am I, KGB? I'm a father, Peter, not an executioner."
"You remember, she's somebody's Claire too." Peter stared down Noah accusingly, as he watched him hoist the unconscious brunette onto his shoulder.
"Alright. Fair enough. You in, or do you want me to call your big brother to come pick you up?"
"Do you ever get sick of playing both sides, Bennet? Fine. I'm in. On the condition that after we get Sylar, she goes free, and then we focus on Nathan. I'm too old to be doing this, playing hide and seek with my own brother."
"Deal. You want to get in the van, or are you enjoying your flight?"
Peter grumbled something under his breath as he climbed in the van.
Noah carried a rag doll Ally to the back, and Parkman followed.
"Is it too late to call shotgun? You know I can read your mind, right? You're not going to let her go, are you?"
Noah laid her in the back, and slammed the door. "No, I'm not. This girl is the miracle we've been waiting for, the key to preventing a genocide. No matter what happens, I'm not letting her out of my sight. By the way....... How DID you get Peter Pan to come? I mean, I know you used your powers, but what did you tell him?
"That a girl was pinned down, helpless, getting beaten up in the alley, and needed a hero........."
"Why does he get to drive? You both know that I'm a cop, right? I should be driving."
Peter smiled to himself, hands on the wheel.
"Smirking, see, he's smirking at me."
"I will turn this van around!" Peter called out, trying not to laugh."
"Hilarious. You're hilarious, Fly Boy!"
"I'm sorry, did I do anything wrong officer?"
"Will you two BOTH shut UP!!!" Noah yelled from the back seat, carefully guiding the needle through his skin without so much as a wince. "This is a serious takedown op, not a school field trip! Parkman, Peter is driving because we need to blend in, and you cop, or not, always show off using your powers, making people see things, or stopping all of the cars at once. I have to get to the outpost, I don't have time for you to act like a hot shot."
"How are we supposed to blend in when you know the first thing somebody's going to do, is pull him over and ask for his permit?"
"You wanna go, Professor X?"
Peter took the next left hard, and slammed the brakes, Parkman nearly hitting his head on the passenger side window.
"Assaulting an officer!"
"Not yet, I'm not!"
"I will USE that sedative on both of you, I mean it!!! Peter, less fast and furious please, I can stitch myself up in a moving vehicle, but not in a swerving one. Thanks to our slice-happy friend Sylar, I've got my work cut out for me."
"Noah, wait, you don't have to do that. We packed some of Claire's blood in the cooler, just in case," Peter said softly, for the first time taking notice of the bloody laceration down the length of Noah's arm. Thirteen stitches at least."
"Peter, I am NOT taking an injection of my own daughter's blood, and sponging off her powers. What do you think Sylar does with Ally? I won't use her like that, and who's damn fool idea was it to bring it along, I want names!!!!"
Peter and Parkman exchanged glances, and both spoke at the same time.
Noah's anger softened, and he arched his eyebrows before he went back to sewing, dabbing the fresh blood with a cloth.
"She's worried about you, Man. Frankly, we are too." Peter said gently, stopping extra careful at the next light.
"Tell her thanks, but no thanks. I won't do it. It's my job to worry about her, not the other way around. I don't want anyone taking her blood again. She's not some miracle drug."
"At least let me patch you up, I was a nurse and now I'm a paramedic, it'd be a cinch. I wouldn't even charge you," Peter smiled, trying to lighten the dark mood that Noah was battling with.
"I appreciate that Peter, but I've been fixing myself up since before you were born."
"Noah Bennet, Company Man, Suburban Dad, and Bad Ass Action Hero."
Noah cracked a bit of a smile. "Smart kids, you Petrelli Boys. Now, just drive."
Parkman had gotten really quiet, but he couldn't take it anymore. He had to know, and not from pulling the answer from Noah's mind. He had to hear it from his own mouth.
"What would you have done...... Noah. What the actual HELL would you have done, if he'd killed her, and taken her powers? You wouldn't have just put blood in the water, you'd have it on your hands, forever."
"I'm sorry, WHAT!? What's he talking about?" Peter looked over his shoulder confused and deeply disturbed. "Why would Sylar try to kill his own girlfriend?"
"Because I made him. I stirred up the desire, I gave him NO choice by telling him everything about her powers. And damn it, I'd do it again."
"What the HELL, Noah!? WHAT kind of messed up kamikaze play is that!?"
"It was the only one we had, Peter. I knew Parkman could get you there, and I needed a stall tactic. I was never going to let him do it, I just needed her to turn on him. I needed him to bare his teeth. Surprise, surprise. It didn't work.
"Wait....... you're saying....... that blood lusting MONSTER stopped himself, even after knowing what she could do? It's impossible. I took his power that one time, Noah, once he's got the scent, he's off his leash, he physically can't control it. I attacked my own mother for God's sake!!!!"
"He must have quite the puppy eyes for her then. He struggled hard, he wanted it, but fought it, I could tell, it took all of his strength but he eventually won. If he hadn't, I would have put a bullet in her leg to snap him out of it."
"I'm sorry, and what if he'd continued his killing joke with you?" Parkman asked, stunned, eyes wide.
"Again, bullet to the leg. Her immediate danger would have distracted him from his vindictive vendetta against me. Luckily we got a chance to take her quietly, and now we can finally draw him out, on our own turf, use his leading lady against him, and put that murdering psychopath down once and for all. He's distracted when he's with her, I've seen it. He won't be thinking clearly, and he won't want to scare her again. She's the Achille's heel, he didn't used to have, a vulnerability we can use. If there was ever a time to strike hard, it's now that he's on the ropes. He won't leave her, and THAT will be his inevitable downfall."
"Quietly? Noah, he's going to be PISSED, like serious kill all our families, drown the whole world in BLOOD, Apocalypse Now PISSED!!!! He's a wounded animal with nothing left to lose, backed into a corner!!!! Oh GOD, what about Claire!?"
"Claire's safe, Peter." That's the first thing I took care of before I came after them. No, I'm not going to tell you where, just in case this thing goes south. Plausible deniability. If you don't know, he can't force it out of you."
The whole van went silent all the joking and clever quips from before, evaporated in the heat of what they were about to face. Running right into the fire.
"I'm still mad that you lied to me. Both of you. I told you I was done with this life, and was going to stay as far the hell away from Sylar as I could get. But I'm in this now, as much as I've tried to avoid this road, I always find myself here, picked up by the two of you, or in the old days, Nathan. If we're going to do this, we have to trust each other. No more lying, no more manipulation, no more half baked suicide missions, no more hidden agendas. We are HEROES. It's time we start acting like it.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
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