#shimmery 90s cartoon noise
summitclan-chronicles · 6 months
if one irl week is 3 days in rp, does in rp time move at irl speed? you said you weren't doing liquid time for the rp (though that's confusing, since usually if you aren't following real time at all you're under the "liquid time" umbrella), so i'm assuming 1 month irl = i month irp. where does all the time go, and how is it decided when in the month rps take place?
First, I want to say: this ask made me realize my definition of "liquid time" might be .... outdated !!! this ask is using it in an entirely different context!
That being said, let me clarify:
The time doesn't go anywhere! It just is what it is. That's how time works and there's nothing else really to say: the cats don't know anything different, and don't measure by specific numbers of days or weeks, only moons and halves thereof. "A half-moon" is what it is: half the month, both from an IRL standpoint and IRP.
Daily time is not to-scale with month/yearly time in Summitclan, and is mainly ornamental to add a sense of time passing without it being too fast. The time system isn't built to be accurate or to scale, it's to add flavor and pizazz while also allowing extensive time for slice of life styled threads! Months, seasons and years pass as they do IRL, while days and weeks do not.
The above being said -- essentially, on "day" days (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) things behave as normal in EST. Noon is when the sun is highest. On "night" days (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday) the opposite is true: at noon EST, it's the moon Summitclan sees in the sky, but applied to night the times are roughly accurate (at 9am on Thursday, a Summitclan cat would see the moon at the bottom of the sky & rising; at 10pmEST that same Thursday, the moon would be nearing the west horizon.)
The day a thread starts is when it takes place. All threads happen in succession, no skips forward nor back. Once a day has passed it has gone forever, just like life! (Things are totally allowed to happen offscreen though - once they're canonized no takesies backsies!)
I hope this answers any remaining confusion (but if not, keep asking!). Now I'll provide this for clarity:
LIQUID TIME (old) -- a single rp character being in multiple coexisting threads at once, so long as they do not overlap/create paradoxes. It's up to the players to remember what threads come before which, and what characters would and should be present or able.
LIQUID TIME (new) -- a roleplay that deviates from the real-world passage of time; this might be lengthening or shortening days, weeks, months, seasons, etc. in order to make a roleplay easier to manage or more convenient for players.
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