#shea elyse prior
xthewhiteravenx · 2 years
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Hell Week Celebration: Wendigo!Shea & Werewolf!Colby
“As Above, So Below As Within, So Without As the Universe, So the Soul.”
TW: blood, violent descriptions
Disclaimer: NOT ROMANTIC SHIPPING! I enjoy writing about the complexity of people’s relationships, and this doesn’t mean I’m trying to write the relationship as romantic. 
Her bones crushed and crinkled and snapped. Colby never got used to the sound, but at least it didn’t make him want to throw up anymore. He wished he could aid her when she transformed and take away her pain, but all he could do was will the Wolf to come out to play with the beautiful monster she would become at the end of her transformation. 
Shea cried out as her bones pushed through her skin, re-mending themselves into another form. Her flesh peeled away from her face, and Colby watched those beautiful blue eyes he knew so well transform into a predator’s. Black hair sprouted over her new skin, somehow a shade darker than Colby’s own pelt. 
Blood was heavy in the air and Colby licked his fangs, willing away the blood lust that rose to the surface. It wasn’t just the blood from Shea or the blood from his own transformation, but of the blood that soaked into the ground of the abandoned caves. These caves had seen their own share of violence that no one would see save for two supernatural's.
Colby closed his eyes-- the red of an Alpha Wolf disappearing. He couldn’t watch the ending of her transformation. She was pack and he couldn’t handle another being in pain.
Shea’s screams faded quickly to heavy panting, and Colby opened his eyes. The Wolf stared out through him to observe the ethereal creature that stood before him where Shea once stood. The Wolf gave a gentle rumble as it always did, a comforting sound-like hug.
A large wolf-like creature got up on steady paws. But, when it turned its head to say hello to the black Wolf, Colby saw that instead of a normal wolf face it had a skull. Deer antler’s protruded from the ebony structure in a natural delicacy. Red eyes stared out from the black sockets, and a delicate tongue licked away the blood on its fanged teeth. There was absolutely nothing that singled to Colby that the girl he knew was within, but Colby knew she was there. He could hear her echoing in his thoughts like a distant whisper.
“Let’s run, Colby,” it was her voice, but it came out like an ethereal whisper. 
He smiled a wolfy grin at her, nudging her rump with his nose, “You first, Shea.”
She yipped at him before taking off further into the cave. Their noises were wild and feral, echoing off the abandoned cave walls. This was their safe haven, a way to be themselves away from the world and only have each other. 
Shea and Colby had a unique relationship. They weren’t dating, but they were more than friends. They had an intimacy that only came from two supernatural creatures finding solace in each other. A comfort that they were not alone and that they understood each other. 
After their run in the caves, when the moon falls beneath the surface of the horizon, both of them return to their human skins. It was still dark out that night and so the pair sit at the mouth of the cave. Colby wrapped his arm around Shea and held her, humming a song only she would know. 
Her arms and joints ached, so she laid back into him, trying to forget the world they both will have to return too. 
“I want to run away,” she whispered, but Colby’s inhuman ears hear it. 
“Someday you will.”
“With you,” she responded, pulling away from his warm embrace. 
Colby’s eyes lowered, in sorrow, “I know.”
Shea sniffled and returned to his arms, “Just hold me, please. Hold us both.”
Colby nodded, “I can do that.”
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useraew · 3 years
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Colby x Shea
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annab-nana · 4 years
The One That Got Away - Colby Brock
Read Part 1 if you haven’t already. This is a second part to that story.
Y/n and Colby discuss what was heard the other night and decide to wait a little before trying a relationship. Later down the road, the two may have missed their shot.
Warnings: some curse words; mentions of alcohol and drinking, suggestive
Word Count: 4.2k+
“What are you doing here? You weren’t supposed to get here until next week!” Colby shouts after opening the door. He picks me up in an embrace and swings around with me in his arms.
“Surprise! I came early!” I awkwardly chuckle. He sets me down and shows his confusion all over his face when we pull away.
“What’s up? That was the fakest sounding excited voice I’ve ever heard come out of you.” He pulls me inside his apartment to the couch and we sit down. The awkwardness radiating off of me was filling the room. I don’t know how to go about this or how to start this? What do I say? ‘Hey Colby, I was coming to confess my love for you and tell you I’m ready to be with you, but instead I heard the God awful moans of the girl you were slamming yourself into.’ I can’t say that. He’s looking at you, y/n, waiting for something. Say something, damn it.
“So, I actually came in yesterday afternoon. Jake picked me up and said Tara really wanted to meet me, so I hung out with them last night and stayed over there,” I say. Way to go, y/n, you didn’t even touch on the problem at all. I mentally facepalm before Colby speaks.
“Where’d you sleep? There isn’t much room over there,” He chuckled lightly. I let a small smile show on my lips before answering him.
“I’ve slept with Jake before, but I felt weird about it since he has Tara, so I took the couch. Plus, Jake sleeps with Taco Bell packets and God knows what other food and random shit is in that bed with him. The couch was probably the safest option anyway.” I tell him as I giggle at Jake.
“Yeah, I found a chocolate chip cookie with a bite taken out in there one time.” We laugh together before it sets in that I have to bring up what I heard last night.
“Okay, but the real reason I came early was because I had to tell you something. I wanted to tell you that I was ready to be with you.” I watch as his face grows red and his smile seems off, like he’s happy to hear the news, but something’s stopping him.
“You said ‘wanted’ and ‘was’ as in past tense,” He mentions as his normally happy blue eyes appear sad.
“Yeah because when I came over here to tell you that last night, I heard that you were um… busy.” The words felt gross in my mouth and his expression faltered when I spoke them. He felt guilty from what I could see.
“Oh… Y/n, I’m sorry-” I cut him off before he can say anything else.
“You don’t have to be sorry. We weren’t together. We aren’t together. You didn’t do anything wrong. I just wish I would’ve come sooner and maybe that wouldn’t have happened. I took too long to get over Ryder. It’s my fault,” I finish, and he shakes his head.
“No, y/n, it’s not. I should’ve waited, but I wanted you so much and you weren’t here, so I felt like I had to do something else to get you off my mind, but it didn’t help. I still could only think about you.”
“Ew, gross.” We both chuckle before getting back to the serious topic of discussion. “I love you, Colby, but I don’t know if now is a good time for us,” I say as I look down, trying to force my tears to stay back.
“I hate to say it, but I agree with you, y/n. Maybe we should wait on us,” He says, and I nod, bringing my gaze back up to him. Hearing him say that broke my heart even more if that’s possible, but he’s right. I’m right. Now isn’t good for us. But there will be an us. Just not now.
“I’m going to stay at Jake’s for a few days, and then I’ll come over here like we always do, okay?” I say and he nods as I stand up to go back to Jake’s apartment.
“I can’t believe you are getting married tomorrow!” Katrina shouts as she finishes curling my hair and running her fingers through it. “Also, have I ever told you that I love your hair? It’s so soft.” I roll my eyes at her sarcasm.
“Yes, Kat. You have told me numerous times that you love my hair. And I can’t believe it either! Do you think Colby hates me for it?” I question, letting my true feelings on the topic show.
“He could never hate you, y/n. I know you guys went through a bit of a rough patch around Jake’s birthday two years ago, but he could never ever hate you. He loves you too much to do that,” She consoled my feelings a little.
“Yeah, but we said we’d make us work later on down the road and then I met Cameron and we hit it off and are getting married tomorrow and Kat, I don’t know. I feel like I lied to my best friend. I feel like shit for not trying harder to make an effort for us to work. What if I’m doing the wrong thing? What if Cam and I are moving too fast? What if I mess everything up by saying ‘I do’ tomorrow? Kat, what do I do?” She looks at me with wide eyes before handing me my glass of wine.
“You drink some of this and calm down. You are doing the right thing. You have let your heart decide everything and it hasn’t let you down yet, so keep going. And it’s not like Colby hasn’t been with other people in the past two years either. He was with Shea for a little bit, then Amber, and what was that other girl’s name?”
“Danielle? I hated her,” I say, rolling my eyes. My face shows nothing, but pure disgust.
“Yeah, we all did, but that is beside the point. You and Colby will be fine. You two will still be best friends for the rest of your lives. Marrying Cameron is not going to change that. All that is going to do is promise that your other best friend is going to be bound to you for life. Colby just won’t be legally bound to you like Cameron will be,” She chuckles before sipping on her own wine.
“Well there is a piece of paper buried at Colby’s house in Kansas that we both signed stating that we would be best friends forever, so if he decides to ditch me, I’ve got something on him,” I smile, remembering that day we made that pact to never leave each other and made sure to sign that paper. We made Colby’s dad look over it and sign it as well to make it official because to us if he signed it, then there was no backing out of it.
“Wait, really? You’ve never told me about that.” I nod at her and we share a small laugh before my phone begins to buzz on the bathroom counter.
“I’ll let you two love birds talk while I go get a refill,” Kat says as she holds up her glass towards me before exiting the room. I shake my head at her before answering the Facetime call from my soon-to-be husband.
“Hello, gorgeous!” Cameron shouts at me. A blush rises to my cheeks at the compliment and a smile spreads across my face.
“Hey handsome, are you having fun at Derek’s with the boys?” I ask him as I return him with a nickname as well. Based on the slight redness of his face and gleam of sweat on his forehead, I can tell he’s been drinking some.
“Yeah, we’re having a bit of fun, but I’d be having a whole lot more fun if you were here.” I roll my eyes at him.
“Well, we are going to have the most fun we’ve ever had together tomorrow,” I tell him.
“Yeah, I am looking forward to that,” He says as he winks at me. Before I can respond, I hear random yelling coming from somewhere on his end.
“What the fuck was that?” I ask, eyes wide in concern. Cam faces me after seeing what all the commotion was about.
“Steven was playing some video game and was close to winning but lost at the last second,” He informs me, and I nod understandingly.
“Oh okay, well I’ll let you get back to your fun babe. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
“I love you, y/n y/l/n,” He says with the biggest grin on his face.
“That’s y/n Gardner to you. Well, at least that’s what it’ll be tomorrow.” His smile grew bigger when I said that.
“Yes, it will be. I love you, Mrs. Gardner. Have fun with your friends,” he spoke sweetly before blowing me a kiss and ending the call. I smiled to myself before leaving the bathroom and heading downstairs.
“Surprise!” I hear several people yell as I turn on the light when I get to the bottom of the steps. I look around to see all of my friends, holding balloons and throwing confetti in the air as they go crazy screaming. There was a congratulations sign that was hung on the wall and everyone had ring pops on their fingers.
“Sam, I thought I asked you to keep everything simple. Just a normal pizza night and you could do a little something. Not all this,” I remind him as I look around at everything.
“It wasn’t me. This was all Colby,” Sam informs me, and Colby smiles proudly.
“Yep. It was all me and you deserve it, so we aren’t having a normal pizza night. We are celebrating your last night as a free woman,” He states as I go to give him a hug. My arms wrap tight around his neck as his do around my waist. He picks me up a little as he always does and swings around too.
“You didn’t have to do all this,” I say as he sets me down and I get another good look at everything he did. I couldn’t help the tears that began to form in my eyes from the pure happiness that was stirring inside of me right now.
“Hey, don’t cry. Of course, I had to do all this. What kind of man of honor would I be if I didn’t do this?” Colby’s thumb swipes across my cheek to get rid of the lone tear that escaped.
“I can’t help the tears. You know I’ve been crying all the time and I don’t think it’ll stop until the wedding is over. I always cry when I’m really happy.”
“You can cry all you want as long as they are happy tears,” He says and I look up at him, smiling. We lean against the wall and watch all our friends as they talk and celebrate. I take the opportunity to really look at all the decorating. There was no way Colby did all this. I love the guy, but he can’t decorate for shit.
“Who did the decorating?” I ask him and he giggles.
“Yeah, I had to get Kat and Tara to help with that. Speaking of…” He trailed off and I followed his gaze to the two that were running up to us.
“Do you love it, y/n?” Tara asks, her smile beaming at me. Kat’s right next to her, waiting for my response. I pull the two into a hug.
“Of course, I love it, but I love you guys more,” I whisper, on the verge of tears again. I pull away and fan my eyes dry.
“Come on, let’s go talk to everybody,” Tara suggests as she pulls me with her.
“I’ll talk to you in a little bit!” I shout at Colby to which he smiles and waves me off.
After several drinks, conversations, and slices of pizza later, the night had come to a close. I had to be up in six hours and haven’t even gone to sleep yet.
“You should head on to bed. I’ve got this and if I need help, I’ll wake up Sam,” Colby tells me, but I shake my head at him.
“No, it’s fine. We can both finish cleaning all this up and then we’ll go to bed,” I say as I pick up yet another red cup that was tossed on the ground. “How many damn cups are there? This reminds me of Devyn’s 21st birthday with how many cups there are,” I say as I take the cup and a few napkins I found to the big trash bag that Colby was holding. I lose my balance a little when I come up too fast from placing it in the bag and Colby’s hands grab hold onto my arms to steady me.
“Someone had a lot to drink tonight, right?” I nod to answer his question. He lets out a laugh before picking me up and heading to his room.
“You are going to lay down and get some sleep, okay? I’m going to go get you some water and I’ll be right back,” He tells me, and I nod again. When he leaves, I pull my shoes off and get comfortable under the covers. Once he’s back, he hands me a water bottle that was cold from the fridge and heads for the door.
“Where are you going?” I ask him as I unscrew the lid from the bottle. He turns around and smiles.
“I’m going to finish cleaning up and then, I’ll come right back, I promise.” He leaves to finish cleaning and I drink as much water as I can. It doesn’t take long before he comes back in here and climbs into bed with me. We lay facing each other, but we aren’t touching one another.
“This is the last time we will ever spend the night together,” Colby mentions and my face scrunches in confusion.
“What do you mean? I don’t care what Cam says. I can still sleep over here if I want to,” I protest, but Colby’s laughter fills the room as he shakes his head.
“I’ve done a lot, but I have never slept with a married woman and I intend on keeping that up.” I slap his chest and he fake winces as if the impact caused him actual pain.
“You are so fucking annoying. Do you know that? This is the last time I’m spending the night with you because I don’t know if I could handle another.” We both laugh, but a comfortable silence falls over the both of us and my eyes soon shut. As I get comfier, I slide myself next to Colby and snuggle into his chest like I always have. I feel his arm rest comfortably around me and I feel like I am where I’m supposed to be. Right before I fall asleep, I hear Colby say something.
“I really let you get away, didn’t I?”
“What do you mean when you say that, Colbs?” I ask as I lean up to look at him. He shakes his head.
“It’s nothing. Go back to sleep.” He instructs. I push myself off of him and sit next to him cross-legged.
“What’s up? Something’s bothering you. I can tell.” He sighs, knowing I won’t give up until he tells me what’s wrong, and sits up too.
“I know you probably don’t want to hear this the night before you get married, but y/n, I have always had feelings for you. I thought we would try us out before, but we never found the time to. You met Cameron and now, you’re about to get married to him. We never even got to try what being together would be like. It seems like every time one of us is ready, the other has found someone else.”
“You are really bringing this up now?” I ask him, kind of pissed that this was happening.
“You asked what was bothering me and this is it. You can’t tell me you haven’t thought about us since you got with Cam,” He waits for my response. I literally was talking to Kat earlier today about how I thought I might be doing the wrong thing by marrying Cameron and never trying to be with Colby.
“Of course, I have but-”
“All I’m saying is that we never got to try it out and now we never will. That’s what was bothering me and keeping me up. You asked. I answered. Good night,” He says as he lays back down and turns away from me. An idea flows out my mouth before I had the chance to think about what I was saying.
“What if you kiss me?” The words spill out of my mouth and my hands come up to my lips in an effort to stop them, but it’s no use. I already said it. Colby turns back around towards me, his facial expression mixed of confusion, hope, and shock.
“Why? It wouldn’t change anything. You’d still get married tomorrow, and nothing would happen between us. If anything, it would cause more problems. You would feel guilty. We’d both be confused. It’s not worth it, y/n. The alcohol’s talking, not you,” Colby says, laying down to face the ceiling.
“But at least we could say we tried us, couldn’t we?” Why do I keep talking? I’m going to mess up everything. But for some reason, a small part of me doesn’t care. Colby props himself up on his elbows as he looks at me. I can tell he’s at war in his mind over the offer.
“Are you sure?” He asks me and thoughtlessly, I nod. He sits all the way up and pulls my body closer to his. I giggle as I slide across the sheets and am placed between his legs. His hand comes up to the side of my face, pushing some stray hairs behind my ear and he rests his hand on my cheek. His blue eyes search mine to make sure that I want to do this.
Again, I nod my head without a thought, and he begins to pull my face closer to his. His eyes lower from mine to my lips and mine flutter closed as we inch closer to each other. It isn’t long before I feel the sensation of Colby’s lips against my own. Our lips move together so nicely, it’s as if they were made to go together.
His hand travels from the side of my face to the back of my head, pulling me in closer if that’s even possible. His other hand rests on my hip, holding me close. My hands find their way around his neck and one of them runs its fingers through his hair, slightly tugging at it. A slight grunt escapes his lips and I giggle into our kiss.
Things get even more heated when his tongue swipes against my bottom lip, and since I have decided to completely throw my brain out the window, I let my lips part and allow his tongue in. Our tongues dance together, flicking against one another. The more passionate the kiss gets, the faster my heart beats, but I don’t seem to mind it.
Colby’s arms wrap around my waist as he picks me up before laying me down beside where he originally was, but now, he was on top of me. Our lips never disconnected and like them, our bodies moved together perfectly. They fit together perfectly. His hands rubbed up and down my sides, my shirt lifting a little each time they went upwards.
That’s when I decided this was enough. As much as I wanted to continue, I couldn’t. I pulled away from Colby slightly and hated the look on his face when I did. I shouldn’t have allowed this to get this far or to even happen in the first place. He knew what I meant as he fell onto the bed beside me and laid down, back towards me. I felt like shit for what I did to him, playing with his feelings unintentionally.
“I wanted to keep going, but-”
“But you love Cameron, I know,” He grumbles.
“Holy fuck, Cameron! I forgot about him. I can’t marry him, knowing what I just did. Fuck, why am I such an idiot? No, I can’t marry Cameron. Not now. If I loved him, I wouldn’t have let this happen! Shit! Colby, what do I do?” I’m freaking out. I literally screwed up everything.
“First of all, you need to calm down and breathe,” Colby tells me. He’s right. I didn’t realize it, but my breathing definitely got messed up. I did as instructed and then looked to him for more advice.
“Everything’s fine. All we did was kiss. You can still marry Cameron. Nothing has changed.” Colby takes my hands in his as he speaks. It helps keep me focused on him and calm.
“No, everything has changed because that kiss wasn’t just any kiss. It felt different than any other kiss I’ve ever had in my life. It felt right. Being in your arms felt right. My hands running through your hair felt right. Your hands on my hips holding me close felt right. Being with you feels right, Colby. Don’t you get it? I wanted to keep going. I still want to keep going with you. I want you. I love you. So, no, I can’t marry Cameron because I’m in love with you.”
“What are you saying, y/n?”
“I’m saying that I want to be with you, not Cameron.” Right as the words fall from my lips, Colby swoops me up in his arms and swings me around. I giggle in pure joy as we spin around together.
“I want to be with you too y/n,” Colby tells me as he sets me down gently.
“The only problem is that I’m supposed to be getting married to another guy in less than twelve hours,” I remind him. We both try to think about how to go about this, but nothing really sounds good.
“I’m just going to go over to Derek’s house and talk to Cameron about it. He’s always been a really understanding guy, so maybe he won’t completely hate me,” I say as I find my shoes and slip them on.
“Let me take you,” Colby offers, and I nod.
“How’d it go?” Colby asks me as soon as I get into the car, but I break down into tears before I can speak. He wraps me up in his embrace. “I’m guessing not good.”
“N-no, Cam, he-he’s too sweet. He said that he kind of saw this coming. He said we always looked at each other differently than we looked at whoever we were with, but that he always assumed that it was some best friend thing. He was so understanding. I didn’t deserve him in the first place. I really hope he finds him someone just as good as he is,” I say as I wipe my tears away. I pull away from Colby so that he can drive back to the house, but he never lets go of my hand.
“You know what’s going to be even harder than telling him that there won’t be a wedding?” Colby starts. I look at him quizzically before he smiles. “You have to tell Tara and Kat.”
“Fuuuuuuck,” I drag out the word. “It’s going to be so annoying canceling everything in the morning.”
“This is totally off subject. But earlier when you said being with me felt right, what did you mean?” Colby questions.
“I don’t know how to explain it, but it felt like being there with you in your arms, our lips together, us together, it all felt right, like right there was where I was supposed to be. It felt perfect. We felt perfect.”
“And what if I told you I felt that same way?” Colby suggests. He is up to something.
“What are you getting at, Colbs?”
“Why waste a wedding? You’ve already put so much money and planning into it. If being with me felt right, then be with me. I felt the exact same way about the kiss as you did, only I tried to savor it the best I could because I thought it was my only chance.” I look at him in shock.
“You want to get married? To me? Tomorrow?” I question, still shocked. He nods his head.
“Yes, y/n. I’ve always thought that I would have to live with the fact that you were the one that got away, but now I have the chance to make sure that never happens.” I can’t help but smile at him.
“There was no getting away from you anyway. You don’t think I’d break our Best Friends Forever Pact?” He chuckles at the brought-up memory.
“Well, would you like to upgrade our BFF pact to a marriage license?” I lean over the center console to give him a quick peck on the cheek.
“Hell yeah, I would.”
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colbysmisdemeanour · 4 years
Some of my drawings so far..
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Please do not repost , reblog if you may 😌💖
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thatsthespirithq · 4 years
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𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐂𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐒𝐄 , 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐨 .
shea elyse prior
han seungwoo
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xthewhiteravenx · 2 years
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Shea Elyse (colbybrocksecret)
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xthewhiteravenx · 2 years
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I'm not trying to say anything here outside of asking--- are these at the same location or am I just tripping?
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xthewhiteravenx · 2 years
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Happy International Women's Day
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xthewhiteravenx · 3 years
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🖤 Colby and Shea 🖤
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xthewhiteravenx · 3 years
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I like to be alone but I would rather be alone with you
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xthewhiteravenx · 3 years
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So was I just now supposed to find out that Shea was in 'American Satan'? 🥵
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xthewhiteravenx · 3 years
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Colby Brock & Shea Elyse Prior
“dark souls are old souls”
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annab-nana · 4 years
Spooky Season - Colby Brock
Colby invites some of his friends to go to Suicide Bridge and stay there overnight for a scary video idea to get into the Halloween spirit. They all experience crazy paranormal things, but y/n gets the worst of it.
Warnings: some curse words; mentions of suicide (past ones that occurred at the bridge)
Word Count: 3.1k+
“What’s up, guys! It’s Sam and Colby and Corey and Jake and y/n and Shea because they are the only friends I have that aren’t scared to do crazy things with me!” Colby said excitedly as he introduced the group of people around him to the camera. We all met up earlier and parked our cars a little way down from where we currently are. Shea and I came together and the rest of the guys came with Colby.
“So, as you guys know, it’s October.” Colby begins to explain to the camera before getting interrupted.
“It’s spooky season!” Jake yells as he gets super close to the camera that is set up on the cement that lines the sides of the bridge. As a group, we collectively roll our eyes at the silly boy. Jake backs away from the camera as Colby continues to tell the camera where we are and what we’re doing.
“Yeah, it’s spooky season and we are at a scary place that a few of us have been at before. Anyone want to tell them where we are?” Colby asks as his eyes scan over the group. We all look at each other before I decide to speak.
“We are at Colorado Street Bridge, which is also known as Suicide Bridge,” I say as I stuff my hands into my hoodie pocket. It’s freezing out here as the wind passes by us and the cars breeze past us as well, adding to the cold temperature.
“Yes, we are at Suicide Bridge and we are staying overnight. We��ve got a lot of stuff planned for tonight and a lot of stories of this place to tell you guys about, so we’re going to get started by walking down the bridge and then, we will head down to the bottom.” Colby says before turning the camera off. Sam and Colby led the way along the narrow side of the bridge, followed by Corey and Jake, then Shea and I at the end.
“Wanna mess with the guys?” I lean over Shea’s shoulder and whisper. Her lips curve into a sly smile as she nods her head. As we approach the end of the walkway, the boys turn to the left around the cement wall. After Jake and Corey turn, I stuck my hand out in front of my best friend to stop her and pulled her down as we crouched behind the wall. She started to giggle lightly, and I placed a finger in front of my lips, signaling her to quiet down. No more than fifteen seconds later, we heard the guys.
“Hey, Colby! Sam! The girls aren’t behind us anymore.” I heard Corey yell to the guys at the front of the group.
“What do you mean they aren’t behind you anymore?” Colby questioned, concern laced in his voice.
“They aren’t here anymore. I don’t know what happened.” Jake stated with worry. We could hear their footsteps approaching as they got closer to us. Right before they came up to us, I grabbed Shea’s hand and pulled her up as we popped out from behind the wall.
“Boo!” I shouted, which scared Sam the most since he was the closest to us without seeing us. I watched as relief washed over all the guys’ faces. Colby had turned the camera back on and filmed it. I turned to Shea and we laughed at our accomplishment of scaring the guys.
“Why’d you do that?” Jake asked with a smile on his face.
“Just getting into the spirit of Halloween,” I say before giggling once more.
“Well, come on. No more scaring please.” Sam says before going back up to the front to lead the way with Colby. Shea and I smile at each other, happy with our little prank before following behind the duo. Jake and Corey come behind us to make sure we didn’t go anywhere else. We make it to the bottom and find a spot to set up the camera so we can tell some of the stories that haunt Suicide Bridge.
“Okay, guys so some of us have been here before with Elton, so you guys may have heard a few of these stories before but I don’t think Jake, y/n, or Shea have been here at all or heard the stories,” Colby says as he pulls up some the stories on his phone.
“The most well-known story is the one about a woman who threw her baby off the bridge back in May 1937. The woman, Myrtle, came here the morning after her husband left her and she threw her three-year-old daughter off the bridge. Her baby, Jeanette, fell into a tree and survived. Myrtle jumped after throwing her baby, in hopes to join her in the afterlife, and is said to be walking around the bottom of the bridge in search of her baby.” Colby said as he looked to us to gauge our reactions. The rest of the guys had probably heard this story, but it was news to me, Shea, and Jake. Colby passed his phone to Jake so he could read the next story.
“The bridge was built in the early 1900s and gained the nickname Suicide Bridge during the Great Depression when hundreds of suicides occurred in that time. In 2008, a guy killed himself after he murdered his son’s mom and her mom as well.” Jake read and gave me the phone. I focused my eyes on the screen as I read the next story aloud.
“When this place was being built, a construction worker fell and landed in wet cement. He died there and it is said that he lures many to jump and end their lives here.” I say as my eyes widen and I hand the phone to Shea.
“People often see a man with wire-rimmed glasses walking around and a woman in a white robe standing on the edge of the bridge, ready to jump,” Shea finishes before handing the phone to Sam.
“It is pretty common to hear the screams and cries of ghosts who took their lives and are trapped here,” Sam says as he gives Corey the phone for the last story.
“Sometimes, people hear someone whisper ‘her fault’ but have no idea what it means or who it’s coming from,” Corey says before giving Colby his phone back.
“So, some crazy shit has happened here as you can tell, and we are gonna stay the night here. We’re going to look for a place to set up and then, we will get into the scary stuff.” Colby said and clasped his hand over the lens before he stops recording. We walk around for a little while until we found a place to set down our bags filled with supplies. Colby got his camera back out and began recording as he opened his bag with his other hand.
“So, as we’ve said several times before, it’s spooky season,” Colby says as he rummages through his bag.
“And?” I ask. He kind of left us hanging with his last statement, wondering where he was going when he said that.
“Let’s summon something.” He says with an evil smirk as he pulls the Ouija board out. I look over to Shea with wide eyes. We both aren’t big fans of playing it, but as long as we are with each other and all our friends, we can do it.
“Okay, let’s do it,” I say as I let out a sigh. Colby sets the board up and places candles all around it. After lighting the candles and setting up the camera, we all gather around the board. Colby sits down in the center. I sit beside him with Shea on the other side of me. On the other side of Colby sits Sam, then Jake, and finally Corey.
“You guys ready?” Colby asks as he places his two fingers on the planchette. We all nod and reach out to touch the planchette as well. I don’t know how we all fit two fingers each on it, but we did. We pushed the planchette around the board in a circle three times before we say, “Ouija, we are here.”
“Demons of the underworld, we summon you here to talk to us and communicate with us and through us. Do anything you must to let us know you’re here.” Jake says in a demonic voice and rolls his eyes up to make his eyes look completely white. His face looks terrifying and he’s acting as if he’s possessed. It freaks all of us out. Shea grabbed onto my hand with the hand she wasn’t using to touch the planchette. We both looked at each other, wide-eyed in fear, and I gave her a small nod, letting her know that it’s okay.
“Jake, stop it,” I state, half whining and half warning. Corey nods in agreement.
“Yeah bro, chill. I don’t mess with all that.” Corey says as he gives Jake an evil glare. Jake laughs it off before becoming focused on the planchette.
“I’ll go first,” Colby whispers before he asks a question. “Is there anyone here who wants to talk to us?” He calls out and we all look down to see what happens. After sitting there for ten seconds, the planchette moves slowly towards yes. I’ve only played the Ouija board a few times before with Colby and Sam and the others, but I feel like I’ll never get used to the feeling of the planchette moving underneath my fingertips. I am barely applying any pressure at all with my left hand, but it still moves.
“Are there more than one of you with us?” Sam asks loudly. The planchette moved little by little, gliding along the board and stopping at certain letters. It spelled out “not”.
“What does that mean?” Shea whispered, but she spoke too soon as the planchette moved again to spell something else out, “now”.
“Not now?” Jake questioned. “So, it’s normally got other spirits around it, but it’s alone right now?” Sam nodded to his questions.
“Are you a male or a female?” Jake announced to the spirit we were talking to. The planchette moved to the letter F and stopped. “A woman,” he said with a smirk.
“Do you have to flirt with every girl you meet, human or not?” Colby asked him, to which Jake shrugged.
“How old are you?” I asked aloud. The planchette moved around the board, stopping at 3 and then spelling out “and a half”. I smiled at the little girl we were talking to. She may be a spirit, but she still has that childlike quality. It was cute that she felt it was important to add the last part to her age.
“What’s your name?” Shea asks timidly. She still has a good grip on my right hand with her left and together, our hands were resting on my right thigh. I could tell she was terrified because she gets quiet when she’s scared. We all watched as the planchette moved, spelling out “Jeanie”.
I looked over to Colby with a puzzled look. Earlier in the story he read, Jeanette landed in a tree and survived. “I thought Jeanette survived?” I whispered lowly to Colby, who was to the left of me.
“I thought so too.” He muttered back. The planchette started moving again, but no one asked another question. We all went silent and fixated our attention on the moving planchette, trying to figure out what Jeanie is spelling out for us.
“Have… you… seen… my… mommy?” I said softly as I read what she spelled. I felt a shiver go down my spine and Shea’s grip on my hand tightened. I felt another hand on top of my left knee and gazed down to see a familiar hand, adorned with rings. My gaze rose from his hand to his bright blue eyes and I gave Colby a small smile. He gave my knee a gentle squeeze in return and we both turned back towards the board.
As soon as I did, I heard a soft whisper in my right ear, but it wasn’t Shea. I looked over my shoulder and saw nothing. I shrugged it off and turned back.
“Anyone else have anything to ask?” Colby asked the group. I looked up to see what they had to say, but off in the distance between Jake and Corey’s heads, there was a white shadow of a young woman, looking around. My eyes widened as she locked her gaze with mine and gave me a small smile. I was too in shock to do anything back and when I squinted my eyes to get a better look at her, all I could see was a hand waving in my face.
“Yo, y/n, are you here?” I barely heard Corey say as his hand waved in front of my face. I blinked a few times before looking at him. He stopped waving finally, but when I glanced back to where the woman was, she was nowhere to be seen. I let out a sigh and looked back to Corey.
“Yeah, I’m here. What’s up?” I say. Everyone around me seems concerned for me.
“Are you okay, y/n? You look really pale.” Shea asked as her blue eyes searched deep into mine. I nodded, reassuring everything is okay with me.
“I’m a little hot, but that’s all.” I chuckled lightly, trying to prove to them that I truly am okay and that there isn’t anything to worry about.
“Okay, well let’s say goodbye and then we will explore around here for a little bit before we go to sleep,” Colby said. We all pushed the planchette to goodbye and said it as well before Colby gathered everything to put away. Once he did, we all split up to cover more ground quicker. Shea and Corey went together to explore the right side of the bridge. Sam and Jake headed to the left side and Colby and I went to explore the middle.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Colby asked as he shoved his free hand into the pocket of his jeans. His other held the camera to capture anything that might happen.
“You mean earlier? Yeah, I’m fine. I thought I saw something, but it was nothing.” I tell him. Maybe it wasn’t real. I hope it wasn’t real. I shake my head of the thought and continue to walk closer to the bridge.
“Her… fault…” I heard a distinct whisper in my ear, coming from the side Colby wasn’t on. The voice sounded tired and worn out and creepy as hell.
“Did you hear that?” I asked the brunette next to me.
“Hear what?” He questioned.
“Nothing. Must’ve been the wind in the trees or something.” I think I am actually going crazy. I’m going insane. How can no one else hear that? We continue on, almost under the bridge at this point. We get closer and I see the white shadow lady again. This time, she’s bent over crying beside a small tree.
“I’ll be right back,” I whisper to Colby before I walk away from him to the lady by the tree. I get closer and hear her crying.
“Ma’am, are you okay?” I ask and reach out to rest a comforting hand on her back, but when I do, it’s like she evaporates and my hand falls through her misty form. Colby comes up behind me and grabs my hand, pulling me back on track. I can tell he’s weirded out by my actions, but I know he can’t see or hear what I’m seeing and hearing. So, I keep it to myself. We walk along under the bridge and my head starts to pound. I hear cries and screams coming from all directions. An intense heavy feeling rests in my chest and I feel like I’ll pass out any minute.
“Colby, I have to get away from here,” I tell him as I stumble, falling into him. He catches me, thank God, and picks me up. I feel drowsy and I snuggle into his chest, almost falling asleep. When we get farther from the bridge, I begin to feel lighter.
“You can put me down now. I feel better.” I tell him softly. He gives me a look for reassurance and I nod. He sets me down gently but doesn’t let go of my hand.
“You’re scaring me, y/n. Are you sure you’re okay?” He asks me again. I nod my head.
“I think I’m just a little sick, but it’s nothing to worry about. I can stay the night here and then, I’ll go home tomorrow.” I tell him. We walk back to our spot and see that everyone else is already there.
“There you guys are! I was starting to get worried.” Sam said when he laid his eyes on us.
“Yeah, we’re good. I think y/n isn’t feeling too well, but she said she’ll stay the night with us.” Colby said as my head was leaned up against his shoulder. I found my sleeping bag quickly and went to sleep before the rest of the group did.
“y/n… y/n… Y/N!” I heard Shea and Colby yelling my name. Their voice sounded so distant but grew closer. Before I could open my eyes, I felt two arms wrap around my waist tightly and lift me up. I brought my hands up to my eyes to rub the tiredness out and opened them to look around. I look down to see who had me. The rings gave away who it was immediately.
“Colby, why the hell did you wake me up? And put me down.” I demand as I slap lightly at his hands around me. He sets me down and turns me around, so we are facing each other. I’ve never seen him so scared before. His eyes were huge, and his face had lost all color like he had seen a ghost or something.
“Y/n, do you even know what you were just doing?” He asks me. His voice sounded scratchy like he had been yelling for a while. I look back at Shea who was standing near. She had been crying. I turned back to Colby.
“What happened?” I questioned innocently. Something bad happened when I was asleep.
“You were sleepwalking, and you were headed for the bridge.” My jaw dropped as he told me what happened. What the fuck? I felt tears prick my eyes and a few spilled over, trickling down my cheeks. Colby pulled me in for a hug, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist and placed mine around his neck.
“Please, get me out of here before I hurt someone,” I whisper in his ear.
“I don’t care about everyone else. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
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colbysmisdemeanour · 4 years
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An actual goddess ✨
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colbysmisdemeanour · 4 years
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NO FUCKING WAY ! I’m crying- 😭😭😭
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xthewhiteravenx · 3 years
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*que music video montage*
Colby Brock and Shea Elyse-Prior in Exploring Haunted Caves
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