#she's been flinging herself at five enemies at once and barely taking damage
claire-starsword · 1 year
went to the pirate ship to do the side quest where you gotta rescue a kid by blowing up a bunch of barrels. forgot to buy an angel wing to rescue them. very next floor drops an angel wing. i go back and realized i had multiple angel wings in storage. i am going to scream
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buckysrighthanddoll · 4 years
Always and Never
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader, Captain America x Superhero!Reader (Called the Black Tiger)
Warnings: angst lol, fluff, swearing, the reader is low key sarcastic
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They were stuck in this damaged building on the outskirts of some random city in Japan. He was sure that this was constructed when the second World War was in full swing, and she was positive that it was going to crumble in on them and the enemies inside.
(Y/N) shot three men in front of her, turning to see one coming up behind Steve, who was fighting with another man. The man goes down and Steve’s shield connects with his face. “Steve, duck!” She calls, pulling a knife and throwing it. He dodges it at the last possible second, and it lodges itself in between the agent’s eyes.
She retrieves the blade, wiping blood on the sleeve of her stealth suit before tucking it away. “We’re never going to make it out of here,” She groans. “There’s too many of them.”
“We’ve always been fine in the past--this is no different. Chin up, dollface.”
The relationship between these two had always been rather odd. Most times they were at each other’s throats, but there were moments of tender and genuine care that showed through. The facade of faked hatred fell, and it was known that they were always so irritated with each other because they cared and were scared to lose each other. They weren’t a couple, hadn’t so much as hugged each other, but they’d take a bullet for the other in a heartbeat.
(Y/N) had fallen for Steve. It was hard not to, especially based off of first impressions. He was America’s Golden Boy, the most selfless human being known to the country (which was still true, he was selfless to his very core); the sweet and innocent guy with a smile that outshined the sun. When she got to know him more, she realized that he was much more insufferable than his pretty boy exterior. He was snarky and had no regard for rules, and he’d do what he had to do to ensure that he got what he wanted as long as he didn’t hurt anybody else. He was far less innocent and naive than she had anticipated.
She wouldn’t tell him. There were no guarantees in this line of work. No promises of tomorrow. Hell, right now, there isn’t a promise of another hour. Happiness was a lucky accident in normal life, an actual miracle for Tony now that he has Pepper, and there was no way (Y/N) thought herself fortunate or worthy enough of that kind of happiness.
(Y/N) rolls her eyes but follows close behind Steve as they go to the next room, trying to take out as many people as possible before they called a lockdown on the building. The facility was smaller than average, but still had two stories and a third underground where they held scientists who were trying to make more serums. They had decided it best to start from the bottom and work up just so they couldn’t make any progress on serums and create more Winter Soldiers.
The bottom level was easy to clear up until the last room when one of the agents had called a lockdown on the entire building as well as a breach on the bottom level, so when they got to the second level, HYDRA agents were surrounding them.
“We’re never getting out alive.” She glances up at him momentarily before looking back at the hundred men and women around them.
“We’ll always have each other.” He responds, strapping his shield a little tighter.
“The bottom level is empty. Leverage?”
“Protection at the least,” he agrees. “You good on ammo?”
“I have about 30 rounds strapped to me, you?”
“Works for me.” She looks for the stairwell adjacent to them, and once she spots it, she grips her pistol. “Cover me,” She calls, opening fire as she expertly runs and dodges. She drops to the ground and slides behind the steel boxes that provide just a bit of cover as pulls out her Stark phone.
“Aren’t you su--is that gunfire?” Tony answers.
“Yes. We need backup. Stat. At least a hundred of them, we’re almost out of ammo and when we do there’s still at least thirty people left for us to take care of.”
“On it. Quinjet can get there in about an hour. Bucky is looking at blueprints for weapons.”
“Bottom level, room 3F. Looks full if they haven’t emptied it.”
“Got it.” She called. “Stay on the line with me.” She takes a grenade off of her suit and throws it as far into the building as she can, just to try and take out as many of them as possible.
Running down the stairs, she turns and finds room 3F, which is full of weapons and ammo. She grabs the ammo for her pistols and even more rounds to give to Steve and makes a run for his direction.
“Where the hell did you get that?” He asks as he empties his last magazine.
“You’re welcome,” She snarks, tossing him up a mag. They load back up and continue shooting. It felt like they just kept coming. “Called Stark. Back-up’s coming in an hour.”
“Okay. An hour. That’s not too bad.”
“Steve, we’ve barely made it five fucking minutes. We’re as good as dead.”
“Stop saying that,” He snaps angrily. “You got the files that Stark needed?”
“Then we’re set. We get out of here by any means necessary, we go back to the tower, and we go back to another day of life.”
She groans but doesn’t say anything, emptying magazine after magazine into the never-ending flow of enemies. She thinks to herself that this has to be some sort of world record for most kills, but the thought quickly leaves her mind and is filled by something else--ouch.
“Those motherfuckers!” She exclaims, collapsing to the ground to provide herself better cover. “Can you believe that they shot me?!” She holds her left thigh, gritting back a scream. “Grenade,” She adds, throwing out her second explosive. This one goes onto the top level and detonates, taking the stairwell with it.
“Are you okay?” Steve asked.
“I’ll be fine.” Another grenade, the last one on her stealth suit, goes out, directly into the center of the crowd of agents.
“Cover my back,” Steve says, picking her up and tossing her over his shoulder. She screams out in pain, but grabs a second pistol from his belt and shoots everybody she can aim at. They get to an empty room and he goes inside, locking the door behind him.
Steve sets (Y/N) down carefully before moving large objects in front of the already reinforced doors, blocking the outside world out.
“We’re never making it out, are we?” She scoffed, holding pressure to her leg.
He kneels next to her, also placing his hands on the wound to apply pressure. “I don’t believe in never.”
“I don’t believe in always,” she countered.
“Well, opposites attract,” he smirks.
She raises an eyebrow and smirks back. “Never.”
Steve pulls one hand up and places it on the back of her neck, pulling himself to her lips. It was a soft and gentle kiss, one that was short-lived, but she wanted it to last the rest of her life.
“I was a dumbass to wait so long to tell you that I’m into you,” Steve said. “When we get out of here, I’m taking you on an actual date. Just (Y/N) and Steve, not Black Tiger and Captain America.”
She nodded her head, smiling up at him. Pulling her phone from her back pocket, she puts it on speaker and sets it down. “How far out?”
“Five minutes. How are you and Steve doing?” Natasha responds.
“(Y/N) has been shot. Left thigh, non-central. Doesn’t look like it hit the bone or major artery, but she’s still losing quite a bit of blood.”
“Okay, we have Bruce on board to help with that. Where are you guys?”
“Bottom level, room 3B,” She informs them, looking at the wall for the room number. “They’re on lockdown right now, I don’t know where you need us to be.”
“Just stay put, we’ll come to you,” Bucky says. “Just stay alert, we’re coming up on it right now.”
The line goes dead, and she puts her phone back. Steve sits against the wall, pulling her between his legs and against his chest and then keeping the shield next to them for protection. She keeps a pistol out and gripped in her right hand while the left one holds her wound.
She reaches around into the small bag that’s attached to her hip and pulls out random things, bandaids and burn gel packets spilling out as well. She grabs the one thing that she’s looking for, though, and goes to work. It’s a small tube of skin glue. She wipes as much blood from the wound as possible and puts the glue down, pinching her skin together and holding it. Her breathing is labored, and Steve can hear her heart pounding through her suit, but he just focuses on the door and waits for the team. Her head falls back on his chest, and he instinctually runs his hand through her hair and looks down. A weak smile is waiting for him.
“It’s not the best, but it’ll stop most of the bleeding until Bruce can help me,” She says.
“Whatever you gotta do,” He answers with a smile. That was the (Y/N) he knew--solving problems and being logical even when she was bleeding.
“You gonna tell me about that date, Rogers?” She asks.
“When we get out of here,” He shrugs. They share a small laugh. He presses a kiss to her forehead, and she lets out a soft sigh of contentment. The moment is cut short, however, when guns fire from outside the door.
They both tense, Steve helping her find solid cover before standing and bracing with his shield and gun.
The firing seizes, and then there is a pounding at the door. Steve aims the pistol while (Y/N) decides that she doesn’t need cover and stands next to Steve. He subtly tucks her behind him and his shield, which she accepts as she picks up both pistols and aims them both at the door.
It flings off of its hinges, knocking boxes and cabinets over behind it. Tony walks in with his full iron suit. Bucky, Natasha, Clint, Wanda, Vision, and Peter follow behind. (Y/N) sighs in relief, tucking her pistol into its holster and Steve’s back into his.
“Good timing,” She shoots, moving to take a step forward. She winces heavily and nearly falls, but Steve is there to catch her. Buck takes the opposite side and they help her out to the quinjet where Bruce stabilizes her until her surgery back at the compound.
“You’re a dork, Rogers,” (Y/N) beams as she opens the door. It was summertime in New York, her leg had healed for the most part, and she was ready for Steve to take her on that date that he had spoken of.
A bouquet of sunflowers was passed through the threshold between the hallway and her room, making her smile in appreciation. “You look beautiful.”
“You bought the dress,” She responds meekly, looking down at the simple grey dress that flowed to her knees.
“Would you just take a compliment?”
“Have I ever taken a compliment?” She snarked, raising an eyebrow at him. He shrugs as if to say fair point, and then he holds his arm out for her to take. She loops it through and walks with him, trying to keep up since she’s still limping (walking would take getting used to--it took an hour of convincing to let Banner say she could do without the wheelchair for tonight). Steve slows himself to allow her to keep up, but even then she’s struggling. He thinks it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen.
They get outside and Steve opens the car door for her, like the gentleman he is. He slides into the driver’s seat and picks up speed, driving around 30 minutes to get from New York to Brooklyn.
There was a small park not too far from where he was born and raised, where he and Bucky would hang out during elementary school, and where he was beaten up many, many times. He looks at his girl, seeing her face glow as she looks around at the nature that surrounded the park. It was a beautiful little place, rarely visited. Steve liked to come here sometimes just to get away from the stresses of his life at the tower.
Steve parks the car and steps out, popping the trunk. The sun is just starting to set over the horizon, and the stars are going to peek out soon, and he couldn’t think of a more romantic date night than this. Nothing but him and his girl, some blankets and pillows, and some food and drinks underneath the setting sun.
(Y/N) sits on the bottom blanket, Steve plopping next to her shortly after. He readjusts some things--takes various bowls of fruit out of the basket, opens her favorite soda for her, drapes a couple of blankets over their laps, connects his phone to the Bluetooth speaker.
He sets a quiet and tranquil mood with the music before he wraps his arms around her, laying his head on top of hers. They let out a sigh. This is happiness. This is contentment. This is security. This is safety. This is home.
“Never woulda guessed my girl was into the softer things in life,” Steve said.
“I always knew you were an old sap,” She snorts, making him laugh, too. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say never.”
“You’re never gonna hear it again,” He nips, placing a kiss to her shoulder before resting his head there.
“As long as I’m hearing your voice, I don’t care what you say.”
“Okay, but I’m the sap?”
“Always,” She smirks.
The sun dips below the horizon, and the pretty purples and reds fade into the blue-ish black of the night sky. The stars peek from their hiding spots and take over the sky as if it was their stage the entire time, and the city goes quiet around them. There is no place they’d rather be, no person they’d rather be with, and no emotion they’d rather feel than this. The seemingly eternal peacefulness and contentment that engulfed them, that felt like it would never end, that seemed strong enough to feel like a dream.
(Y/N) can’t help but think about just how in love she is with him. Steve can’t help but think that they should plan a summer wedding.
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achtung-attitude · 5 years
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Around a minute later, Tarantula steps through the front door into the courtyard. He places his hands on his hips. From where he’s standing, he can see the small guard house he passed on his way in, slashed open, the guard inside dead. The blood trail led him here, but he doesn’t find anything.
“Ok, I’m not having fun anymore!” he cries out, “This cat and mouse shit ain’t my style! Come out here and LET ME MURDER YOU!!” No-one shows themselves. “I’m seriously my own worst enemy sometimes… I really gotta learn to let things go…”
Suddenly, the screech of tires emerges from the corner of the house. Tarantula snaps his head to the right just as blue Lamborghini swerves around from the side of the house, displacing the gravel and speeding towards Tarantula. He regards it with cold disinterest and swings FEEL GOOD INC.'s claw at the approaching car. The vehicle splits cleanly in half, the two halves careening past on either side of Tarantula, unharmed. Soon, he notices that there is no-one in the car.
“What?! Empty?! But how--?”
He has no time to think as another car, this one a bright red Ferrari, pulls around from the other side and barrels for Tarantula as well. The process is repeated, with FEEL GOOD INC. keeping its user from any harm, only for the car to be empty. Righter after this, an entire fleet of cars appears, five in total. They drive in sync with each other, driving donuts around him. Only then does Tarantula notice the tall antennae coming from the cars hoods.
“That inferior little shitbag… Remote control, huh?”
On the roof of the mansion, Jerome sits working with a device like a switchboard, with numerous joystick-like switches which he moves from deft control. Hooked up to the machine is a tablet which shows the hood-camera views of each of the RC cars. Tears form in C-King's eyes as he looks at the static screens of the first two cars.
“Look what he makin’ me do to my collection…!” he complains.
“Can… you really control them all at once?” Shizuka asks, crawling with difficulty next to him.
“Damn right, I can. It’s like making tunes. All you gotta do is find the right rhythm…”
He emphasizes his last word with flicks of the joysticks so that the cars stop moving and screech into a tight circle surrounding the tattooed man.
Tarantula stands almost prone in the center of the circle of cars. He waits for Jerome to make the first move. He does. One of the cars burns rubber straight at him. He leaps up onto it, running up its hood, jumping over the top. He flips onto the ground, and dives, just evading as two cars smash into each other.
The first car swerves to a halt, and now comes back around the crashed pair to intercept Tarantula backs up, leaping onto the hoods of the two crashed cars. He stabs one of the engines and crushes the other, neutralizing their threats. 
Then, as the first plows into the crashed pair, Tarantula flips over it, FEEL GOOD INC. slashing its motor in the same moment. He is quite pleased with himself, until he lands and too late sees a fourth driving straight towards him. He has no time to dodge, he can only block with his Stand.
FEEL GOOD INC. takes the brunt of the damage, and its durability allows Tarantula to survive with hardly a scratch. Nonetheless, he is thrown backward, crashing into the front doors of the mansion. FEEL GOOD INC. aims its claw at the car as it reverses. Its blades shoot and pierce three of its tires, causing it to swerve and roll backwards into a tree. But the fifth car takes its place almost immediately. Tarantula snarls with frustration. 
“How you like me now, motherfucker? Who’s inferior now?!”
Shizuka whispers. “C-King, please try to keep it down! We’re OK for now, but if he finds us up here, there won’t be anything we can do!”
“He ain’t gonna find us up here, Shizu, don’t worry. And they said it was ‘self-indulgent’ to install a secret elevator to the roof when they was building the place. Well who’s laughing now?!”
“I’m so over this,” Tarantula declares, dusting himself off. “It’s been super-fun playing around with you idiots, but you know what they say about fun, games and losing eyes…”
Jerome's final car moves to run Tarantula down, but FEEL GOOD INC pierces its hood just as it nears him. One-handed, the Stand lifts the car over its head and hurls it towards the roof. 
Jerome and Shizuka gawk at the vehicle falling towards them. The rapper leaps and carries himself and Shizuka out of the way just in time, but the car crushes the switchboard and tablet. Tarantula appears on the edge of the roof in the next moment, having been carried up by FEEL GOOD INC. crawling up the side of the building.
“You really thought I couldn’t smell you putas? I could sense your fear the moment I stepped outside. It was just a matter and finding where exactly you were. Now it’s over.” 
Jerome shrinks back, shielding Shizuka with his body. The tiles of the roof creak under their weight. For her part, Shizuka does her best to raise herself up. Her face contorts with pain, and ACHTUNG BABY emerges again, stepping forward to strike at him. 
“Ain’t we done this already?” Tarantula mutters, a small smile returning. FEEL GOOD INC. catches ACHTUNG BABY’s fist and deflects it to the side, then shoves it away with no effort, like a bully on a playground. 
But ACHTUNG BABY gets back up, and it steps forward, fist raised. FEEL GOOD INC. raises its hand to block. Tarantula smirks… and immediately feels the impact as a devastating blow drives into his Stand’s raised hand, as the fist  moves to plow itself into the bug Stand’s  face.
“Que?!” he shouts, staggering, “That’s impossible! How could she have gotten that strong out of nowhere?!”
“She didn’t,” replies a disembodied voice. Tarantula looks around, but sees nothing. He takes another hit which he only just manages to block, staggering him backwards further, to the edge of the roof. 
ACHTUNG BABY’s form begins to fade out, eventually disappearing. Like a mirage or a cloak of shadows from ancient myths, its form is replaced by WITCH MOUNTAIN’s underneath. And behind it appears Moya, seeming to materialize out of thin air. She is bleeding from her chest, but not nearly as bad as she should be.
“That’s impossible…!” Tarantula growls. “I cut you and Kilo to ribbons…!”
“You would’ve,” Moya declares, keeping her distance. She points at Shizuka, lying on her side, barely keeping her eyes open. “This one used her power to fool your senses, make it look like you cut us deeper than you did. On top of that, she kept her concentration to make me invisible to you.”
Moya shrugs. “If she was a little more awake, she’d probably tell you she messed with your depth perception, or refracted light in your eyes, or some other bullshit…”
Tarantula wipes his mouth and grimaces. “So you got one in while I didn’t figure it necessary to use my ability? Cute plan. But now your little party trick’s run out, since the little bitch can hardly see straight. So what you gonna do now?”
She answers with “WITCH MOUNTAIN!!” Her Stand throws its arms wide, splashing black oil at his face and body, as well as on FEEL GOOD INC.’s.
“Hahaha!! What the hell?! This is your idea?! You were the one that said WITCH MOUNTAIN would never work on me!! You think I’m gonna have a change of heart now?!” He steps forward, away from the edge of the roof. “Come on then, pour it on! Let’s see how well it works!”
Tarantula spreads his arms, challenging. WITCH MOUNTAIN does not break stride and continues flinging the oil. He laughs, but then he notices something strange happening. Some of the droplets don’t hit him at all but freeze in mid-air right in front of him. He turns around, and discovers it’s happening behind him as well. Looking up, the realization sets in. A dome is forming around Tarantula, the greasy black fluid is… solidifying into a sticky, semi-solid tar, collecting and forming a dome around him.
Shizuka finally falls unconscious, and at that moment, the illusion falls away and Tarantula sees who is responsible. Materializing into vision, Kilo stands a short distance away, just outside the circumference of the dome, scarred, but staring level-headed. Tarantula stares back, then reaches for him before SATURN BARZ completes the dome.
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