#she’s like horrifically obscure so I don’t think it’d be worth it anyway but
turbonicflaws · 1 year
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Creepypasta in 2023 wtf
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slo-liveblog · 4 years
Post-Bonus Stage Bonus Thoughts Pt.1
So! I decided to compile some theories, comments, and observations that have been rattling around in my brain. Some are more notable than others, but since I don’t really want to break up the flow of sirius conclusion posts too much, I figured it’d be simplest to compile them into a few quick posts. First of all,
So, in all my speculation about the nature of curses and how they happen, I kind of neglected one of the biggest points of interest resulting from Leon being cursed at all. I was rewatching footage of the first game as one does and noticed this little exchange when they’re talking about Claire’s possession.
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And at first I thought huh, that was kind of a weird place to cut to Leon. Then it hit me, DUH, it’s cause they’re talking about curses! And he’s cursed! And so is Wilbert! And considering how absolutely vital and life altering that’s been for both their lives, this is ABSOLUTELY something they could eventually talk about having in common! Leon and Wilbert’s relationship remains arguably the least explored out of all of the main five pairs, with their only real interactions happening at the end of Leon’s scenario, so the fact that there’s this very obvious link between them that could definitely spark some suuuper interesting conversations is really exciting. It could serve as another way to get Wilbert on their side, too, to know that somebody else suffering under a horrific curse was still being selfless.
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Looking back, this scene is very... weird to me. It’s one thing for Leon to have made the decision to protect Dorothy’s witch’s heart, but another entirely for Dorothy to have called for help in that scene. My gut instinct when playing was that she intended for Rogue to hear her- after all, pact partners seem to be able to communicate telepathically- but the more I think about it the more that doesn’t add up. They seemed to have had a decent relationship but I can’t imagine Rogue would interfere that directly, or that Dorothy wouldn’t know that.
Now that we know that Dorothy must’ve known what happened to Patricia when he disappeared in her room, I’m starting to suspect an alternative. It really depends on exactly how much time passed between when Leon disappeared and when Dorothy saw the newspaper calling for her execution. It seemed to have been fairly soon after, considering Claire had still only recently ran away and fell off the cliff. It may have even been later the same day (although I think it was at least the next morning), which probably wouldn’t be a coincidence considering Nicholas’s relationship with Leon and everything. But even IF the newspaper thing was only hours later, if Dorothy knew what happened to Leon, I can’t imagine she wouldn’t at least try to help rescue him. I also do think she must’ve tried to find Claire prior to erasing her memories, but that’s a whole other topic. Say Dorothy found out the specifics of where Leon went, though. It could be that she was even able to communicate with him. Was this call for help addressed specifically to him, then? Did she and Patricia talk prior to this, and now knowing that he was a “demon”, Dorothy called out to him for help?
Of course, there’s always the possibility that this is just from Leon’s perspective, and that he only imagined that this was what she was trying to communicate here. Or maybe she really was just desperate and calling out to anyone who could possible help. Rogue could also have passed on the message to Leon, although I can’t imagine why she would. It’s incredibly likely somebody, Nicholas or somebody else, would’ve found and used the heart soon anyway. There would be little reason for her to want Leon to have it, unless it was just a whim. Whatever the case, though, I think it’s neat to consider that Dorothy may have found a way to communicate with and possibly try to help Leon prior to her death. Speaking of Dorothy, though...
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So... remember this?
We know Fiona became a demon after her death, right. It’s pretty odd, honestly, considering the few things we know about her personality suggest she would be about as far from becoming a hater as Claire is. But then, we know for a fact that there’s apparently more factors than just hatred for a human to become a demon after death, and that it’s entirely possible for someone without hatred to become a weaker hater.
What if Dorothy became a demon after death too, then? We don’t know anything about these other deciding factors, but we do know that her life situation would’ve been quite similar to Fiona’s, especially in regards to being killed for her witch’s heart. I feel like having her be a demon could potentially provide closure for the main characters- though I wouldn’t mind if she really was gone for good, either, since the lack of closure already does a lot for the character’s battle to grow into better people despite their painful pasts.
But I was thinking about the other demon in the house with Fiona. It’s name is blank- not that it doesn’t HAVE a name, there are plenty of nameless haters, but intentionally blank- and its face covered. I’ve been assuming this is probably meant to be Claire’s father, since they’re in the same house as Fiona, and takes on a sort of parental tone whenever you interact with them. However... I do think, considering that the game goes out of its way to obscure their identity, there’s also the possibility that this could be Dorothy. I’ve always kind of seen this area as mimicking Fiona’s house, as it looks very similar to the main room in her home. But the position of the _____ demon, right behind the table like Dorothy is often shown in her room, does make me question if the demon is meant to evoke an image of Dorothy. And of course, the fantasy space that leads into this room in the first place seems to have been based off of a real place near Dorothy’s mansion. Whatever the case, I’m interested to see if the possibility of Dorothy being a demon and the presence of this nameless demon end up meaning anything.
Speaking of Claire’s dad, though. Come to think of it, we don’t actually know that he’s dead. Like, at all. Dorothy didn’t even know Claire existed and didn’t seem to be part of Fiona’s life at all at that point, so it’s very possible she was just never aware of who Fiona’s parter even was. He could have died alongside Fiona or have been away for some reason, have split up with her, or something else. It seems he definitely wasn’t around the family even prior to Fiona’s death, though, considering Claire never mentioned missing him or asked for him like she did her mother. He could’ve even been the one that betrayed Fiona’s kindness and gotten her killed like Charlotte alluded to. I don’t know if he’ll be addressed or not, it could just be that he’s not really relevant enough to the plot to introduce, but considering that Claire not having any living blood relatives has been a pretty big deal for her it might be worth keeping in mind.
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