#she’s got the biggest balls of the benthic zone
mossymandibles · 2 years
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Here she issss, new and improved Reya 🥰
She’s got a huge frill now, with which she uses light and color pulses like a cuttlefish to draw in prey.
She started as a small guppie type mermaid in the shallows, living among a shoal of others like her.
Long story short, she felt a draw to the depths, where she found herself feeding on a strange, massive corpse with the other feeders in reverence of the Whalefall.
She grew to be enormous, devouring the rest of her school, wanting for more gifts from The Endless Sky. Her brain was addled by the darkness.
She’s now one of many gods of the Depths. They worship her as The Deep Star, because of her colorful crest that pulses with colors the creatures of the dark had never seen before.
She lives alone in an abandoned sunken Ladder facility. Well, kind of alone. She has lots of eggs to take care of there. She’s a proud mum 😌
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