#she was just like 'close down this hotel's rooftop i dont care figure it out'
fratboykate · 1 year
listen i know we all love fratboy kate very much and she's our son and no one like him but there's something just so.......*CHEF'S KISS* to me too about RICH BITCH femme kate who is just good at being...rich and hot and dumb. i mean we know she doesnt have two brain cells to rub together no matter what but...hmmmm...i just have a soft spot for it
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scribble-blog · 4 years
Soulmate AU, part 27
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Perhaps, Adrien thought, Gotham just hated him.
He looked down at Chloé’s message and groaned. Because of course, of course things could never be simple.
Chloé• 6:13
   Dont get Mari yet but Lila’s not with the class or in her room
He groaned again. He was a simple man of simple pleasures like, I don’t know, seeing his friends happy and healthy and not shot, or having the biggest pain in his ass besides Hawkmoth and his father not going missing in Gotham.
He thought for a good minute about letting Lila be missing and possibly having to deal with the consequences of her own decisions for once, but he also knew that this was Gotham, where crime didn’t have a curfew the way foreign teenagers do.
Of course, the odds that Mme. Bustier would actually check on any of them were laughable. But with Sabine arriving and taking both her and Lila to town… he checked his phone again. 6:17. An hour and a half until students should be all in their rooms.
He texted Chloé back. 
   Suits? They’ve definitely figured us out by now, might as well make it easier on ourselves
   rooftop two minutes 
She was already there when he made it after opening his window and jumping up the side of the building. The familiar yellow suit was covered with a leather jacket, disguising the color and silhouette, but the stripes on her legs were still visible. He shrugged to himself. He didn’t even bother, but Gotham was dark enough to easily mistake him.
“What are the odds she’s just, like, a block away at a coffee shop or something?” He asked and Chloé shot him the most familiar look in her repertoire.
It was the one that said, ‘I’d respond if I thought it was worth the air I’d waste on you.’ It wasn’t one directed at him often in their childhood, but the last few years he’d seen it often enough to just smirk back now.
“If we get make it to 7:30 and haven’t found her-“ he spoke as if he hadn’t been an idiot.
“We’ll text Mari, who’ll probably mobilize the entire Gotham vigilante group, and then we can see if Batman can talk sense or decency into her,” Chloé sniffed. 
He didn’t grin, but it was a close thing. “You start left, I’ll go right?”
She jumped off the building, swooping away. He shook his head fondly and did the same.
Gotham was pretty enough, Adrien supposed, in the dying light and all the street lights blinking on, but as he leapt through another patch of shadows, he missed Paris dearly. It was difficult to imagine ever leaving Paris when the alternative was placed like Gotham. Good enough to visit, not tempting at all to stay.
Except, he thought, scanning the streets for flashes of Lila’s orange jacket, or her brown hair, Marinette seemed to like it. Even before she’d run into Damian Wayne, he could see the way her eyes were drawn everywhere, the way she’d been pulling out her sketchbook every time they had more than two minutes somewhere. 
Marinette really liked Gotham, somehow, despite being shot here. 
His eyes caught a flash of orange and he chased it, turning a corner to find a child with an orange backpack, clutching a parent’s hand. He shrugged to himself and went back to the street.
Of course, he was also trying not to think about Jon’s texts checking in on him. Jon’s texts had sat there, unanswered, and then just before Chloé had texted Jon had sent him a message that just said ‘? You okay?’ And it hadn’t upset him but he was already upset about everything else and-
He breathed out, refocusing his eyes on the street. And this is why he had been trying not to think about it. He’d have to, but not now, while Lila was missing.
And spotted her, striding down the street unvaryingly, getting further from the streets that were brightly lit and teeming, and further towards what Adrien could decidedly call the wrong side of town. He leapt silently, watching the way she checked behind her before making each turn, and then she stopped, seemingly alone for a brief second on the street.
Adrien was seconds from dropping down when Lila pressed herself into an alley, checking carefully to ensure that there weren’t any shady figures lurking. He stilled, looking down at her.
She opened her phone, and he watched her scroll to a contact with no name but the butterfly emoji. She clicked it, turning on speakerphone. Adrien felt his breath catch. 
And then, in a smooth crackle that Adrien would recognize far better than the sound of his father’s real voice, came his father’s voice from over the phone. “Miss de Rossi. To what do I owe the... pleasure.”
“Hawkmoth,” she said lowly, and Adrien almost lost his grip. Hawkmoth. Not only was Lila- working for him? She had him on speed dial. His Father. Who was Hawkmoth. “Remember that experiment we talked about?”
“Lila, I will not be sending an akuma over the ocean because of your petty squabbles with other teenagers,” His Father droned, monotonously on, but he was already trying not to hyperventilate.
He couldn’t stay. He slipped back up the building noiselessly, his hands shaking. He didn’t even try bounding to the next rooftop, just sent Chloé a short message before sitting down and curling up, not caring anymore if Lila made it back to the hotel.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
ML AU: In Another Life: NY Special
(So a few things to note, Since this takes place after the events of this version of the season 3 Finale, there are a few key differences. Fu still being guardian is one of them)
-Gabriel finds himself on the back foot, without a fixed peacock miraculous, he needs something to boost his advantage over the teens. And at the rate Nathalie has been going, he might lose her as well.
-While desperately searching the book, he caught notice of the eagle miraculous, it looked very familiar. (He comes up with his plan to go to New York to get that miraculous), well thats how he realizes his plan that is in canon. But this version is clearly more desperate. He needs to know what it can do and how to use it.
-Marinette’s class kicks but with their sock puppet show and pretty much the set up for how the class is going to America is the same. Including Miss Bustier’s reason for not going.
-Adrien is bummed because there is no way he would be able to go on the trip, not with how strict his father is. Lila tries to cheer him up, saying she couldnt go either (cause in canon reason is the same)
-Marinette states that she will try talking to Adrien’s father, she seems to have a slightly higher opinion of her, its worth a shot. “Afterall, your our sock washington.” She says with a flirty smile.
-Adrien has heart eyes over his cute girlfriend.
-Marinette and company go ready to convince Gabriel to let adrien go.
-Marinette gives a convoluted speech similar to canon, but minus the extra bits of friendship.
-Gabriel complies, saying that she convinced him.
-Marinette is over the moon and immediately texts her boyfriend who is at fencing practice the good news
-Adrien gets his butt kicked by kagami just like in canon.
-Kagami tries cheering him up by saying they could use this time to practice and she can help beat the sad out of him if he wants.
-He checks his phone and is excited. He can go on the trip!
-He tells Kagami the good news, she congratulates him. But comments she will be bored without him here to fence.
-Marinette Calls Fu  and tells him about her trip to New york, and that her whole class is going.
-”Your entire class?”
-”Yes, even Adrien. Can you believe it? His father never lets him go.” She is over the moon.
-Fu notes to remember that.
-”Well dont worry about Paris. If anything happens, I will be sure to alert you and Chat noir. You will have the horse miraculous on your person.”
-”I am sure Chat noir will be able to handle things here. I will let him know I am leaving. You could use a break.”
-Fu remembers that Ladybug doesnt know that Adrien, her boyfriend, is actually Chat noir.
-”I will tell Chat noir about the departure. You enjoy your trip.”
-”Alright, if you are sure.”
-Fu decides to meet with chat noir.
-Fu contacts Adrien to meet him at a rooftop.
-”Ladybug wont be in paris?” Chat noir was shocked. (He was so happy to be leaving for the US with his friends and Girlfriend, he actually forgot that Ladybug is marinette and that means she wont be in Paris. And that HE wont be in paris.”
-”Right, and I have a feeling you wont be in Paris either. Your class is having a trip.”
-Adrien doesnt bother asking how he knows that. He assumes Marinette told him.
-”Wait, If Ladybug or I are not in paris...”
-”Dont worry, i will alert you both should anything happen. Ladybug has the horse miraculous on her. If she is close by, she can give you a ride, if not. Your astro form should be able to fly you back to Paris fast enough to get there.”
-Chat noir nods. He cant say he knows she will be close by. But he does know.
-Ladybug doesnt contact Chat noir about the trip, because there is no need to burden him over it.
-Marinette isnt late, because Adrien had G come pick her up with him.
- So they have some cute handholding as Marinette excitedly talks about going to new york.
-Once they get on the Plane, Marinette and Adrien sit next to each other. So we get Startrain 2.0. With them sleeping on the other, and being cute. No musical plane tickets.
-Alya and Nino are happy for the two of them, commenting that they are still so innocent. But they have no plans on pushing them
-Marinette and Adrien both end up needing to get up and they catch the sunset together. Cue cute almost kiss. But then Techno pirate ruins it.
-The United heroes step in to handle things just like in canon. Marinette and Adrien both internally relieved that they can relax and let other heroes handle things.
-The two enjoy a nice flight to the states
-Fu may have called Marianne to help him keep an eye out in the city. She was happy to have an excuse to see fu. It was like a date for them.
-Meanwhile, Marinette and class arrive at the hotel. Aeon comments that Adrien and Marinette are perfect for eachother. Jess doesnt care.
-Chloé isnt depressed as she was in canon, so she isnt dismissive of Sabrina having fun with an american boy. In fact, she decides that she would be more positive. Trying to be the heroine ladybug said she could be. Though... being nice is hard. Alix comments that she looks constipated
-Sabrina is so happy that Chloé is supportive of her. It was a surprise change.
-Chloé was still not thrilled about rooming with Alya and Marinette. But says its fine. Alya is kind of creeped out by Chloé's more ‘Friendly’ attitude. Marinette says that they should still encourage it.
-The class sneaks out to go to the roof party. Marinette and Adrien end up in Aeon and Jess room.
-”Im marinette and this is Adrien.” “Im her boyfriend”
-Aeon is VERY happy to hear that. Jess is indifferent, but helps them both get to the roof.
-The class has fun and Hotdog dan arrives with his magical dogs of hotness.
-Marinette and Adrien have no trouble sharing the hot dog. Alya still a pro wing woman, totally gets Jess to play the song.
-Marinette is 100% down with dancing. Commenting that she remembers that dance.
-Adrien thanking Marinette for convincing his dad, and that she is so amazing. She is practically melting.
-”You’re the perfect girlfriend.”
-Marinette happy giggling and telling him he is such a cute dork.
-Yes there is a kiss under the moonlight. 
-Next day, the class is at the museum. Aeon knows Jess ships it too, cause she admits they are adorable. There is no need for an elaborate plan, so they dont have the class do the thing.
-Gabriel sets his plan into motion.
-Fu see’s robustus and texts Marinette. Allowing her to move. Adrien notices her sudden rush and figures there is trouble.
-Ladybug transforms in private and uses unify with the horse miraculous to make a portal to paris. Chat noir calls out to her. Which surprises her.
-”Wait, why are you in new york?”
-”Its cool, I cleared it with Fu before I left.”
-Ladybug sorta does the same thing she did in startrain and just rolls with it, just commenting how lucky he is that they were both near eachother, and that if he is leaving paris, he should tell her. Chat noir agrees.
-They get to Paris and start fighting Robustus, who they realize shouldnt be here, because Markov is in New york.
-Meanwhile, Technolizer, takes the sword and Sparrow and Uncanny Valley hear the commotion. They dont see Ladybug and Chat noir being independent, so they dont try to strike out on their own, they do the responsible thing and call for back up, Then try to fight him.
-Ladybug and Chat noir are in Paris fighting Robustus, and trying to find his weakness. But after a bit, Robustus just vanishes. Confusing the two. ladybug uses her Lucky charm to fix the damage, and then they get a portal to head back. Ladybug and Chat noir head back.  Ladybug is mad suspicious over the sudden monster that seemed like all for nothing.
-Ladybug and Chat noir arrive to see the damage to the museum. Hawkmoth had successfully snatched the Eagle necklace thanks to the distraction from Technolizer. He is able to help the villain escape from the heroes, who were having a tougher time with the beefed up villain (until Majestia got more serious)
-Ladybug telling chat noir that if there is trouble to contact her, and she would do the same. Something is up with Hawkmoth.
-Hawkmoth has the eagle miraculous. He finds out the power of the miraculous is to liberate people. Which doesnt sound as useful to hawkmoth as he would like, but he gets a plan. He reakumatizes Techno Pirate.
-The events left New york damaged, but the heroes were not angry at ladybug and Chat noir since they have NO idea why Techno pirate got an upgrade.
-Marinette and Adrien went to catch up with the class. Where a car arrives for Adrien. Commenting that he clearly made a mistake letting him come.
-Marinette didnt stand by and say nothing (since she wasnt depressed or downtroden) she told Gabriel that she should let him stay. That the heroes would protect him, and that she would be by his side.
-Adrien also sided with Marinette. Gabriel was shocked, and angry that his son would Dare disobey him (which stirs the seeds on why he would use Marinette as a tool for an akuma at a later time). Gabriel gives one more stern command but Adrien is determined to stay. (plus he wasnt bummed about everything either so that helped his confidence)
-Jess and Aeon wanted to go with the heroes to help find technolizer but Civillian Majestia and Knightowl said that they needed them to stay here to protect the tourists. Which made them want to prove themselves.
-Cue the Hawkmoth’s plan using The akuma techno pirate with the eagle miraculous.
-Jess and Aeon notice that things are going wrong. Marinette and Adrien both realize it as well and sneak out to go help.
-Aeon realizes that Chat noir and Ladybug are Adrien and Marinette (because she is tech and is immune to that glamor effect. And is of course is even MORE stoked on them. The four of them meet up and work on the plan thats the same as in canon, (using the door hero’s power)
-The fight pretty much goes the same way as in canon, and Hawkmoth is actually pissed off instead of happy that there are more miraculous. Nathalie is now worse off then before. He is now even More desperate since his plan failed.
-Majestia and Knightowl are proud of their side kicks and Jess/eagle gets to be a hero in her own right. Proving her worth. Uncanny valley is her partner.
-Uncanny valley tells them she knows who they are and that she will clear the memories so that no one will know. Jess gets the eagle miraculous. (Marinette tells Fu about this, Fu says its fine. It isnt from his miraculous box, not his jurisdiction.)
-Marinette and Adrien enjoy the rest of the trip with the class. Marinette commenting to adrien how amazing all these heroes are.
-”I think you are much more amazing Marinette.”
-Cue adrinette cuteness
-Gabriel goes back to america, angry and now so much more desperate then before
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