#shaya fury
shayafury · 8 months
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Rose Tyler from Doctor Who - fan art
I made this fan art of Rose Tyler from Doctor Who only using three colour. Made a personal challege using only 3 colours from Neva Palette - Neon Pink, Mocha and Marengo Made this one in my Colour Journal to test the colours and to draw her and this is the end result. I hope you like it!
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lunaokami30 · 2 months
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Prénom : Vagha Age : 18 ans Sexe : Femelle Taille : 6,29 de long Poids : 757 kg Envergure : 15 mètres Espèce : Furie Nocturne Rang : Héritière de la Reine des Dragons. Habitat d'origine : Le Monde Cachée Aprivoisable : Oui. Partenaire : personne Catégories : Foudroyeur Capacités spécial : Camouflage, peut dormir comme une chauve souris à l'envers, dents retractable. Type de Feu : tire plasma de couleur bleu foncée.
Statistiques : Attaque (16), Vitesse (21), Armure (15), Puissance de Feu (16), Limite de Tire (7), Venin (0), Force de Mâchoires (8) Et Discrétion (19). Alimentation : Bœuf, Poissons , le pain.
Caractère : Elle est gentille , douce, patiente, intelligente, parfois elle peut etre jalouse, lunatique, curieuse, peut ce mettre en colère, maline.
Physique : Elle est de couleur bleue foncée avec du blanc, le bout de la queue et les ailes en noire, les griffe en bleu, les pique sur son dos en bleu clair, la langue rose bonbon et les yeux de couleur Vert et marron.
Histoire : Elle est née dans le monde cacher, elle est la première a arriver, ses parents avais eu un seul œuf, car les autre on était détruit, puis peut de temps après son frère né et plus tard leur petite sœur, elle a rencontrer Vagny toute petite et ne ce son jamais éloigner l'un de l'autre et depuis adulte il sont devenu inséparable et Forme un couple de dragon soudée.
Famille -
Compagnon : Vagny Mère : Lyïneïa Père : Asku Frère : elle a un frère différent d'elle qui est née en second après Vagha. Sœur : elle est née en dernière et elle est la plus jeune. Grand père : Sharock Grand mère : Liutha Cousine : Runa Tante : Shaya, Eclipse
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whalden · 2 years
Whalden School of Magical Propriety/ The Origins of Alva/ Prologue
According to Shaya Abernathy, she lived a quiet peaceful life on Maple Street inside of Abernathy Manor along with her books, tea cups, and an extensive collection of oil paintings decorating the Abernathy family history. No one ever seemed to come or go from the dark blue, Victorian modern styled home with the exception of crows circling the tall tower in the west wing. A lot of local lore began around the tragic history of the home, but no one ever dared get close for fear of the long line of witches that lived inside its walls.
Shaya Abernathy had no children, nor did she ever plan on having any. The little menaces that would run up on her porch was enough for her. Little did she know that was about to change. The sun had yet to rise that still dark Tuesday morning in the small Appalachian town of Mt. Crest. In the shadows, a cloaked figure floated through the gates of Abernathy Manor, a small bundle of blankets held close to their chest. Without hesitating, the cloaked figure gently sat the swaddled child on the door mat as another figure in a top hat and long tailed black coat appeared to stand at the open gates.
"I'm not going to tell on you, Maman Brigitte" called out a casually nasally masculine voice that was walking up the cobbled path towards the dimly lit porch. His face was painted in elaborate patterns that resembled a skeleton with sunken eyes. Long heavy locks framed his face under his feather decorated top hat. He held a cigar between his long boney fingers, his other hand tucked into the front pocket of his pinstripe long tailed coat. The buttons had been carved out of bones and into different shapes of bird skulls. He had taken Maman Brigitte by surprise as he came to rest at the bottom of the stairs, leaning against the iron wrought stair railing of the dark blue home. He gave a deep chuckle from the look on Maman Brigitte's face. The fury behind the thought of betrayal screaming through the look in her eyes, but he liked to act aloof until the situation presented itself. His straight face turned into a smile full of crooked teeth. "I could never tell on you, Maman."
"Baron, tonight has turned into a night for Lady Brigit," the cloaked woman said with a hint of bitterness in her Celtic accent. Her green eyes looked swallowed by the thick black line of ash that ran across her upper face, but the ash seemed to make her green eyes more piercing, almost as if she could see through you and everything in you simultaneously. Her dark red curls were falling out of the hood of her cloak, surrounding her freckled face in a golden hue reflected in the upcoming sun. "I couldn't let this child die. It is too soon for them. I know of where they come and of where they will go."
"You will always be Maman to me," he chuckled as he took a drag from his cigar. The laugh disappeared quickly from his face and turned into a playful sense of curiosity. The Baron was used to seeing many things between the mortal realm and the magical realm. He and Maman Brigitte existed most often between the two realms, creating crossroads at places of collision and guiding souls through the veil.
"And from where did the child come and where will they go?" The Baron continued, moving the cigar back to his lips as he studied the woman for a moment, his eyes setting on the child. A rooster cawed in the distance causing his eyes to narrow as they flicked back toward the woman. This only caused him to raise an eyebrow in suspicion as Lady Brigit closed her eyes for only a moment.
"They have Áine's mark, the mark of my Celtic sister, goddess of the fae. Each holds a prophecy of a fairy or fae's future and the effects they will have as a champion of both worlds, the prophecy of the druids." Lady Brigit held up what appeared to be a small pearl like stone hanging from a silver chain, but instead of the milky reflective coating of a pearl, a pale blue glow was emitting at a small radius. Beneath the light blue skin of the stone was a swirl of dark teal and gold moving beneath the surface in slow motion, almost appearing like shooting stars on a clear night held back by a single glass orb.
Lady Brigit looked past the stone hanging from her fist and stared into the Baron's face, looking over all of the artful details in his skeletal paint, waiting for a response. Surely he would understand that this child had immediately become a family incident amongst the Celtic gods. The child's safety was important to the long awaited prophecy of the druids. The Baron's top hat sat atop his dark locks, hiding his eyes beneath its shadow as the curiosity in his face fell. His eyes locked to the stone as all emotion seemed to drain from his face behind the paint. Even his dark amber eyes that were usually lively with expression seemed to dim as he glanced back up at Lady Brigit. His eyes became unfocused before settling to look at the still sleeping child.
"I found them near the bayou outside of Bastrop, Louisiana at nightfall. I followed a trail of smoke to the closest home. I could only watch as their mortal caretaker died in the fire. They come from the Abernathy line. There is no doubt that with the mark of Áine at hand. Shaya was the last of this line until this moment. Only Shaya had never fully grown into her powers. Perhaps this child will, should they be given the chance. I only took the child, knowing that I could get them to a place of safety and with a family that knew of our dark world so as to prepare them. We can only hope Shaya can teach the child our ways before they must return to our world."
Lady Brigid set the translucent stone on the child's chest, gently sliding the stone into the folds of the blanket. She couldn't look away from the child as she pulled out a small letter she had scribbled to Shaya Abernathy about the situation, expressing that she would be back to explain in further detail at a later date.
"I trust you," the Baron whispered. "They will return to our world when it is time. Until then we have to trust Shaya Abernathy to provide for and protect them." The woman only gave silence as a response. She didn't look up at the man as she stood quietly from her place hovering over the child. The sun was beginning to rise to meet the tree line as the sky grew lighter by the moment.
"Maman," the man whispered in return, causing the woman to look at him. Her eyes held the sight of a warpath her body had not yet seen. "Have faith. We have to be patient and trust that the divine will guide them back to us. We mustn't halt their path by adjusting the timeline any further. They must stay here. When the time comes, they will be ready, and you will be ready to receive them. Until then, I can watch over them from the shadows. They have my blessing. I will not take my hat off for them yet."
Silence sat between them at that moment, as thick and heavy as the weight of the stone tucked in the swaddling with the soundly sleeping child. Something rustled in the woods beside the house, causing both figures to snap their heads in that direction. They needed to avoid human contact, and both knew so. For a mortal to face the Baron meant near or immediate death. It was best to keep death from happening around an innocent child's name.
"We need to leave," the Baron said, holding his hand out for Lady Brigid. She took it, and the moment she touched his hand, they disappeared into nothing, leaving the door frame of the house on Maple Street empty with the exception of the sleeping child, a letter, and a stone of prophecy.
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adam-jensen-fanart · 7 years
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NEON Lights: Adam Jensen: Deus Ex by Shaya-Fury
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fourmis5 · 4 years
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Mass Effect InkTober Day 23- Quarian by Shaya-Fury
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He will obtain her - at all costs
Own to Obtain, the final installment in the dark and sexy Myth of Omega: Own Trilogy from Zoey Ellis is available now!
Download your copy today!
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2LojXki
AppleBooks: https://apple.co/2XT6H8W
Amazon Worldwide: http://mybook.to/OwnObtain
Nook: http://bit.ly/30AJvhz
Kobo: http://bit.ly/32qmvDG
Google Play: http://bit.ly/32rUrjo
Start Kardos and Shaya’s story with Own to Obey!
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2U83H7t
AppleBooks: https://apple.co/2T405mG
Amazon Worldwide: http://mybook.to/OwntoObey
Nook: http://bit.ly/2FKwmLC
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2sAdHdG
Google Play: http://bit.ly/2MkvBKC
Burning with disbelief, Kardos’ fury sets the entire known Lands alight.
He swears to reclaim what belongs to him, but discovers the true cost of trying to cage the beauty he loves to see fly.
Shaya seeks the life she had, but she is no longer the Omega she once was.
Battling her heartache, she soon learns that to find her strength, she must stake a claim of her own.
Own To Obtain includes romance and situations of a dark nature. Some aspects of this story may be sensitive for some readers. For ages 18 and over.
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andmyvape · 7 years
All was not at ease in the palace at Sanctum. The flames burning eternally in the great brazier atop the tower burned extra hot this night, as below rang echoing, frenzied footsteps throughout the halls. The Saint was not at peace, not composed nor subtle about her fury burning so hot it echoed in the great fire above. 
Tywan Igneous was a great general, had seen his share of war and carnage and none more than in the past decade. His bravery was legend amongst the Saoritin both Lightfyre and exiled, yet he still hesitated at the door of the Saint's study. The stone had swung shut with an almighty thud a quarter of an hour ago and he could still hear angry muttering intermixed with thuds and shouts. Shaya had been in a temper the entire afternoon and on after word of yet another "rebellious" group-- some took their leaders' choice to enter an alliance with the entire map to be a sign of foolishness, feebleness, weakness, and so on. Here and there they sprung up and it seemed to him rightly so, everyone was rebelling against something or another nowadays, and Shaya had known her path of lasting peace wouldn't be an easy one. Or so he believed. Yet still she raged inside her study while he stood there at the door, brave for a general but not so as to walk into the room without girding himself first.
A clay goblet sailed overhead as he entered but it went long and he assumed it was not aimed at him. Shaya was across the room facing away from him, hunch-backed and shaking like she fought some apoplectic fit. He heard whispering too low to make out a second before she roared and slammed her hand against the wall.
"That's enough!" 
His outburst startled, making her spin still-hunched and shaking. Her face was red and contorted, worst at her brow and eyes to where she nearly looked posessed. But it was a momentary magnification of the emotion already roiling beneath the surface because at the sight of him she composed herself, enough that the hate he saw before was contained to cutting daggers.
"I didn't summon you," she spat, and the insult-- he was no dog bade to heel-- made his lip curl.
"Your wailing did." 
That stunned her again, the cheek, and she had time to blink comically before heat and anger rushed back into her face. "Get out." The worlds were hurled like javelins.
Tywan did not flinch. He stepped forward, drawing himself to his full height. Even so her rage made her tower. "This has gone long enough," he chastened, grasping for what authority he once had over her, those many years ago when he was the one to teach her to swing the blade that killed him once. He knew she would not again. "Remember yourself, Saoritin."
It seemed for a second that he might get through to her, then her eyes shut tight and he thinks she hears something he cannot. "I'm no Saoritin," she gritted out poisonously. "Ask any of them. The rebels, the treacherous snakes here."
"What are you talking about?"
Her eyes pop open, jet with darker pinpricks in the center. "Nothing. Get out." She turned away from him, and in the corner of his eye he saw her muttering feverishly under her breath.
"Shaya--" he grasped her shoulder. She stiffened and went still. He tried again for steel. "Remember your training."
Even before she was a tiria this coal-eyed girl was lit by a fire that would burn her out if she wasn't careful. He saw her breathe deeply as she'd been taught-- all of them-- but it seemed to fan the flames in her chest. She let out a noise, a gravelled scream that broke only for keening. He worried she was possessed. She might well have been, the way she threw her weight in a shambling jerk only to pace again. Her eyes went cloudy and inward again, and then she shut them.
This was something Tywan hadn't expected when he came back. It hadn't shown until after that first night, setting alight the village and the entire country of Penrith, and then her chambers. Some sliver-moon lit night when he woke to find her gone and the space where she was cold. He found her in the military quarter, hacking away at a mannequin until it was nothing but pieces. When he approached she was limp and leaning hard on her sword, breathing heavily, sweat-drenched from hours of drilling. He assumed it was hours. 
"What are you doing?" Eloquence had no meaning at this hour.
She'd smiled at him, fond but diminished. "Shouldn't you be asleep, soldier?"
Her tease held no distraction for him. "Shouldn't you?"
Shaya realized he had no intention of dropping it, and shrugged, looking down and away. The darkness cast shadows on her face. "Sometimes finding rest is harder than it should be." And the matter was considered closed as she took his hand, hers damp and cold, and led him back to bed, asleep before her head hit the pillow.
But tonight she cornered herself in her study instead of seek a mannequin to annihilate. Whatever this was, whatever it had been, now was worse on her. He felt helpless and it infuriated him, not knowing how to help and her not giving him an answer. But still she paced, and still he feared for her. 
"Shaya." She did not respond. "Shaya!" This time her held her shoulders in his hands and shook her gently. Again when it wasn't enough. He tried for steel.
The bark every good imperator knew cold brought her to him again, and her anger. She yelled wordlessly and shoved against him. He did not let her go. She shoved harder. He held tight. Push turned to blows that rained against his chest furiously, but still he held her tight. Something gave way and she fell against him, clinging instead of shoving, and tears rained against his shirt instead of her fists. He couldn't help her fight these enemies, whatever plagued her. But he would be here and shoulder what pain of it he could. 
Slowly her shudders ceased and went limp in his arms that went to the small of her back, a hand stroking between her shoulder blades. She murmured something, the only word he could get from her as he led her out of the study and to the chambers they shared every night-- hers, it had a bigger bed. He got a bottle of sharp-smelling medicine and dabbed the cuts and scrapes she'd given herself, pulled her down onto the massive mattress, and pulled her close until her breathing settled into the even rhythms of sleep. It was only when he reached the edge of oblivion himself that he realized what her murmur had been, and pulled her closer still.
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itunesbooks · 5 years
Own To Obsess - Zoey Ellis
Own To Obsess Zoey Ellis Genre: Paranormal Price: $4.99 Expected Publish Date: April 25, 2019 Publisher: Zoey Ellis Seller: Quill Ink Books Limited She owns his obsession - but can she control it? Kardos Wild and uncontrolled, Kardos faces his new circumstance with an unbound fury, but discovers that some things are not within his control. His undiluted obsession consumes him until he is forced to see that the only thing he truly needs, he may no longer own. Shaya Struggling to find her strength, Shaya makes little headway in her new life in the Southern Lands. Her Alpha cannot be reasoned with and is even more of a beast than he ever was. She experiences just how deeply his passion runs, but realizes she may never survive if she cannot find a way to escape him. Own To Obsess is the second book in this couple’s story, but the eighth installment of the Myth of Omega series. This is a dark, steamy, Omegaverse romance. Cliff-hanger included. For fans of barbarian Alpha anti-heroes, sweet but savvy Omega heroines, epic fantasy worlds, and captive romances. Discover a magical kind of dark... Own To Obsess includes romance and situations of a dark nature. Some aspects of this story may be sensitive for some readers. For ages 18 and over. http://dlvr.it/R3Snhx
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rafawriter · 7 years
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Tali ... by Shaya-Fury
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shayafury · 6 months
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Neon Commander Shepard female - Paragon / Happy N7 Day 2023
I am so happy to share my new fan art of Commander Jane Shepard from Mass Effect!
Started that one on as a sketch no so long ago and I am so happy that I managed to finish it for this year`s (2023) N7 Day! I had so much fun drawing here and I hope you like the end result!
You can also find this art as a print in my Etsy shop :https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1605393029/neon-commander-shepard-female-paragon?click_key=43c037f704a80a1b94f0e8388c7b37482d06728a%3A1605393029&click_sum=cf38e06f&ref=shop_home_active_1
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bluesies · 7 years
LGBTQIA+ books coming out in 2017
there are a ton of lgbtqia+ books coming out this year so i decided to compile a list of all of them! if i made a mistake or if you know of a book that should be on this list but isn’t, please don’t hesitate to let me know!
JANUARY •flying lessons and other stories by ellen oh | jan 3 | diverse middle grade anthology •the cursed queen (the imposter queen #2) by sarah fine | jan 3 | wlw ya fantasy •wing jones by katherine webber | jan 5 | ya sports contemporary, wlw secondary character •history is all you left me by adam silvera | jan 17 | mlm ya contemporary •whiteout (seasons of love #1) by elyse springer | jan 24 | mlm contemporary romance •dreadnought by april daniels | jan 24 | ya superhero ft. trans mc •nor the battle to the strong (intertwined souls series: eva and zoe book 6) by mary d. brooks  | jan 24 | wlw historical fiction •the you i’ve never known by ellen hopkins | jan 24 | wlw ya contemporary •making love by aidan wayne | jan 30 | wlw fantasy romance •rogue magic by kit brisby | jan 30 | mlm urban fantasy   •our own private universe by robin talley | jan 31 | bi mc, ya contemporary •ida by alison evans | jan ? | bi mc+trans and non binary characters, sci fi/fantasy •flowers of luna by jennifer linsky | jan ? | wlw sci fi •warrior: a collection of short stories by antonica jones | jan ? | multiple lgbtqia+ protagonists, sci fi/fantasy ya anthology
FEBRUARY •the impasse (miles #3) by franci mcmahon | feb 1 | wlw western  •be safe by doug weaver | feb 2 | mlm literary fiction •my ladybird story by magus tor | feb 3 | trans mc, contemporary •claiming mister kemp (baleful godmother #3) by emily larkin  | feb 6 | mlm historical romance   •embers (common law #2) by kate sherwood | feb 6 | mlm, contemporary romance  •hacked up by ethan stone | feb 6 | mlm, mystery/thriller •working it (ringside romance #1) by christine d’abo | feb 6 | mlm, contemporary romance   •at the edge of the universe by shaun david hutchinson | feb 7 | mlm ya contemporary •island of exiles by erica cameron | feb 7 | bi mc, ya fantasy •the stars are legion by kameron hurley | feb 7 | wlw sci fi •once bitten by kate owen | feb 8 | wlw fantasy •the wolf and the moon by kayla bain-vrba | feb 8 | mlm fantasy •fighter (the brick yard #1) by carol lynne | feb 9 | mlm, sports contemporary •stolen ink (ink  born #1) by holly evans | feb 10 | mlm, fantasy/paranormal •as i am (all saints #3) by a.m. arthur | feb 13 | mlm, contemporary romance •half by eli lang | feb 13 | mlm, fantasy/paranormal  •hard wired (cyberlove #3) by megan erickson | feb 13 | mlm mc, m/m romance •amounting to nothing (tacoma mounted patrol #3) by karis walsh | feb 14 | wlw mystery •birthright by missouri vaun | feb 14 | wlw fantasy •crescent city confidential by aurora rey | feb 14 | wlw contemporary romance  •guarding mr. fine by helenkay dimon (tough love #3) | feb 14 | mlm, m/m romance •love down under by m.j. williamz | feb 14 | wlw contemporary romance  •love is love by mette bach | feb 14 | trans love interest, ya contemporary •same love by tony correria | feb 14 | mlm ya contemporary •the fury by camilla quinn | feb 14 | wlw fantasy   •the right kind of wrong by p.j. trebelhorn | feb 14 | wlw contemporary •we are okay by nina lacour | feb 14 | wlw ya contemporary  •wishing on a dream by julie cannon | feb 14 | wlw erotica  •worms of sin ( m’coul and ghoul series #2) by lyle blake smythers  | feb 14 | mlm, thriller   •a welded wave by z.a. tanis | feb 15 | trans+mlm mc, contemporary romance •behind bars (pandemonium #2) by meredith katz  | feb 15 | mlm, fantasy •cornwall is for lovers by h.p. medina | feb 15 | mlm mc, historical romance •finding fire (finding home #2) by shelia powell, liz mcmullen | feb 15 | wlw paranormal romance •humanity for beginners by faith mudge | feb 15 | wlw, fantasy/paranormal •peter darling by austin chant | feb 15 | trans+mlm mc, fantasy retelling •skyborn by helen maeve | feb 15 | wlw, fantasy •something there by jayne coleridge | feb 15 | wlw, contemporary romance •soundproof by c.a. blocke | feb 15 | mlm mcs, m/m romance •sparkwood by daria defore  | feb 15 | mlm, fantasy, romance •the death of israel leventhal by boom baumgartner | feb 15 | asexual, bi+homoroamntic+mlm characters, paranormal urban fantasy       •the last american hero by nicole field | feb 15 | trans+mlm mc, superhero/fantasy   •tread lightly by catherine lane | feb 15 | wlw, urban fantasy •when did thirty become such a big deal by alessandra ebulu | feb 15 | mlm, m/m romance  •you’re fired by shaya crabtree | feb 15 | wlw erotica •beneath the stars by lynn charles | feb 16 | mlm contemporary romance •dating ryan alback by j.e. birk | feb 20 | mlm, m/m romance  •a conjuring of light by ve schwab | feb 21 | bi+genderfluid mcs, ya fantasy •an unseen attraction by kj charles | feb 21 | mlm, m/m historical romance  •single malt (agents irish and whiskey #1) by layla reyne | feb 21 | mlm thriller •as la vista turns (queers of la vista #5) by kris ripper | feb 27 | wlw contemporary romance •10 things i can see from here by carrie mac | feb 28 | wlw ya contemporary  •a good idea by cristina moracho | feb 28 | bi mc, wlw, ya mystery/thriller
MARCH •a careful heart by ralph josiah bardsley | mar 1 | mlm contemporary •america #1 by gabby rivera & joe quinones | mar 1 | wlw mc, comic •fury's bridge (afterlife, inc. #1) by brey willows | mar 1 | wlw fantasy •darkness (common law #3) by kate sherwood | mar 6 | mlm mystery •the other f word by natasha friend | mar 7 | wlw parents, ya contemporary •the inexplicable logic of my life by by benjamin alire sáenzs | mar 7 | mlm parent, ya contemporary •the pants project by cat clarke | mar 7 | trans mc, middle grade contemporary •you’re welcome, universe by whitney gardner | mar 7 | wlw parents, ya contemporary •the northern heart (kingdom curses #2) by sasha l. miller | mar 7 | mlm fantasy •ghosts & ashes (broken moon #2) by f.t. lukens | march 10 | mlm ya sci-fi •attention to death by alisha abraham | march 10 | mlm, mystery/thriller •fair chance (all fair’s #3) by josh lanyon | march 13 | mlm, mystery •insight (the community #1) by santino hassell | march 13 | mlm fantasy   •sons of devils by alex beecroft | march 14 | mlm historical fantasy  •danced close (portland heat #6) by annabeth albert  | march 14 | mlm, m/m romance •divided nation, united hearts by yolanda wallace | march 14 | wlw historical •lightning strikes (lightning #1) by cass sellars | march 14  | wlw thriller •love in disaster by charlotte greene | march 14  | wlw erotica  •queens of geek by jen wilde | march 14 | wlw ya contemporary •secret hearts (romance #14) by radclyffe | march 14 | wlw contemporary •sins of our fathers by a. rose mathieu | mar 14 | wlw mystery •star-crossed by barbara dee | mar 14 | questioning mc, middle grade contemporary •the new old me: my late-life reinvention by meredith maran | mar 14 | wlw memoir •the sniper’s kiss by justine saracen | mar 14 | wlw historical  •troop 18 (a dr. kate morrison mystery #3) by jessica l. webb | mar 14 | wlw mystery •worthy of trust and confidence (agent o’connor #2) by kara mcleod | mar 14 | wlw mystery •future leaders of nowhere by emily o’beirne | mar 15 | wlw ya contemporary •in the direction of the sun by lucy j. madison | mar 15 | wlw contemporary •winterbourne's daughter by stephanie rabig | mar 15 | asexual, biromantic+bisexual, trans characters, and poly relationship, fantasy •growing pains (toronto connections #3) by cass lennox | mar 21 | mlm contemporary •shadow run by adrianne strickland | mar 21 | genderfluid+gay secondary characters, ya sci fi/fantasy •strays (urban soul #2) by garrett leigh | mar 27 | mlm contemporary romance •the lotterys plus one by emma donoghue  | mar 28 | wlw+mlm+transgender characters, childrens/middle grade contemporary •honestly ben (openly straight #2) by bill konigsberg | mar 28 | mlm ya contemporary •watch as my world ends by kayla bain-vrba | mar 29 | mlm fantasy   
APRIL •at attention (out of uniform #2) by annabeth albert | apr 1 | mlm, m/m romance   •death goes overboard (a detective heath barrington mystery #2) by david s. pederson | apr 1 | mlm historical mystery •relationship status (ethan & wyatt #3) by k.a. mitchell | apr 1 | mlm new adult contemporary •strawberry summer by melissa brayden | apr 1 | wlw contemporary romance •don't feed the trolls by erica kudisch | apr 3 | gender questioning mc, new adult contemporary •home fires (common law #4) by kate sherwood | apr 3 | mlm contemporary •loose cannon (the woodbury boys #1) by sidney bell | apr 3 | mlm contemporary •ashes to asheville by sarah dooley | apr 4 | wlw parents, ya contemporary  •get it together, delilah! by erin gough  | apr 4 | wlw ya conetmporary •the truth about goodbye by russel ricard | apr 4 | mlm contemporary •the paths we choose (lillac town #2) by m hollis | apr 6 | wlw mc, na contemporary •hopeless romantic by francis gideon | apr 10 | mlm+trans characters, contemporary •the upside of unrequited by becky albertalli | apr 11 | secondary wlw, ya contemporary  •razor's edge (american yakuza #3) by isabella | apr 11 | wlw thriller •placement by abby elise | apr 17 | bi mc+asexual+agender characters, dystopian  •wake up call by j.l. merrow | apr 17 | mlm contemporary romance •escape in time by robyn nox | apr 18 | wlw historical time travel •forget me not by kris bryant | apr 18 | wlw contemporary •highland fling by anna larner | apr 18 | wlw contemporary •meg & linus by hanna nowinski | apr 18 | wlw+mlm ya contemporary romance •phoenix rising (storm’s quarry #2) by rebecca harwell | apr 18 | wlw sci fi/fantasy •soul survivor by i. beacham | apr 18 | wlw contemporary romance •the edge of the abyss (the abyss surrounds us #2) by emily skrutskie | apr 18 | wlw ya sci fi/fantasy  •the girl on the edge of summer (micky knight #9) by j.m. redmann | apr 18 | wlw mystery •unknown horizons by c.j. birch | apr 18 | wlw sci fi  •city of dreams by sydney blackburn | apr 19 | mlm, fantasy/romance •puss in prada by marie jacquelyn | apr 19 | mlm, fantasy/paranormal •lumberjanes vol 6: sink or swim by shannon watters | apr 20 | wlw+trans characters, ya fantasy comic •necessary medicine by m.k. york | apr 24 | mlm contemporary romance •thaw (seasons of love #2) by elyse springer | apr 24 | wlw adult contemporary romance •back piece (skin deep inc. #1) by la witt | apr 25 | mlm, contemporary romance •looking for group by rory harrison | apr 25 | mlm+trans characters, ya contemporary
MAY •cask strength (agents irish and whiskey #2) by layla reyne | may 1 | mlm thriller •concourse (five boroughs #5) by santino hassell | may 1 | mlm, contemporary romance •risky behavior by l.a. witt | may 1 | mlm mystery/suspense, romance •georgia rules by nanci turner stevenson | may 2 | wlw parents, middle grade contemporary •how to make a wish by ashley herring blake | may 2 | wlw ya contemporary •my fairy godmother is a drag queen by david clawson | may 2 | mlm ya contemporary •noteworthy by riley redgate | may 2 | bi mc, ya contemporary •the dark prophecy (trials of apollo #2) by rick riordan | may 2 | bi mc+mlm, ya fantasy/mythology •bad beginnings by nicole field | may 3 | mlm, contemporary romance •the silksmith’s girl by reece pine | may 3 | intersex mc, historical fiction •release by patrick ness | may 4 | mlm, ya contemporary •the seafarer’s kiss by julia ember | may 4 | wlw fantasy retelling •bend by nancy j. hedin | may 8 | wlw contemporary •faking it (ringside romance #2) by christine d’abo | may 8 | mlm, contemporary romance •girlhood by cat clarke | may 9 | bi mc, ya contemporary mystery •it’s not like it’s a secret by misa sugiura | may 9 | wlw ya contemporary •ramona blue by julie murphy | may 9 | self-identified lesbian questioning (bi)sexuality, ya contemporary •undercover girl: the lesbian informant who helped the fbi bring down the communist party by lisa e. davis | may 9 | nonfiction •the penalty for holding (the games men play #2) by georgette gouveia | may 10 | mlm, contemporary •wish on the water (the sole experiement #3) by eve francis | may 10 | genderqueer love interest, contemporary •primal need by parker foye, holley trent, k.l. white | may 15 | mlm paranormal romance anthology •summer stock by vanessa north | may 15 | mlm contemporary romance •the alpha's claim by holley trent | may 15 | mlm paranormal romance •forsaken trust (luce hansen thriller #2) by meredith doench | may 16 | wlw, mystery •gatecrasher (the maverick heart cycle #2) by stephen graham king | may 16 | mlm, fantasy/speculative fiction •her best friend’s sister by meghan o’brien | may 16 | wlw, contemporary romance •letter of the law (lone star law series #3) by carsen taite | may 16 | wlw, mystery/thriller, romance •new life by jan gayle | may 16 | wlw, contemporary romance •rough patch by nicole markotic | may 16 | bi mc, ya contemporary •royal rebel (a royal romance story #2) by jenny frame | may 16 | wlw, contemporary romance •serendipity by max c. payne | may 16 | mlm, contemporary romance   •the love interest by cale dietrich | may 16 | mlm ya contemporary •this would make a good story someday by dana alison levy | may 16 | wlw parents, children’s contemporary •unbroken by donna k. ford  | may 16 | wlw, contemporary romance  •where the light glows by dena blake | may 16 | wlw, contemporary romance •wicked frat boy ways by todd gregory | may 16 | mlm, erotica  •straight expectations by peggy cryden | may 18 | nonfiction  •queer, there, and everywhere: 23 people who changed the world by sarah prager | may 23 | nonfiction  •eternity in an hour (eternity #1) by matthew merendo | may 24 | mlm, fantasy  •fraud twice felt (the oddities #2) by j.t. hall | may 29 | mlm, paranormal romance  •heels over head by elyse springer | may 29 | mlm, contemporary romance 
JUNE •troublemakers by catherine barter | june 1 | mlm side characters, ya contemporary •action (murmur inc. #2) by quinn anderson | june 5 | mlm, contemporary romance •on point (out of uniform #3) by annabeth albert | june 5 | mlm, contemporary romance •perfect ten by l. philips | june 6 | mlm ya contemporary romance •tash hearts tolstoy by kathryn ormsbee | june 6 | asexual mc, ya contemporary •from prejudice to pride: a history of the lgbtq+ movement by amy lamé | june 8 | nonfiction •american family by catherine marahsall-smith | june 13 | mlm, adult general fiction •an unnatural vice (sins of the cities #2) by kj charles | june 13 | mlm, historical romance •how to survive a summer by nick white | june 13 | mlm, adult general fiction     •marriage of a thousand lies by s.j. sindu | june 13 | mlm+wlw mcs, literary fiction •the gentlemen’s guide to vice and virtue by mackenzi lee | june 20 | bi/pan mc, mlm ya historical fiction •seduced by the tide (dragon soul #2) by sean michael | june 26 | mlm, paranormal romance/erotica •a destiny of dragons (the tales of verani #2) by tj klune | june ? | mlm+asexual characters, fantasy
JULY •love and other hot beverages by laurie loft | jul 3 | mlm, contemporary romance •spun! (the shamwell tales #4) by jl merrow | jul 3 | mlm, contemporary romance •the other five percent by quinn anderson  | jul 10 | mlm, contemporary romance •the art of starving by sam j. miller | july 11 | mlm ya contemporary •sovereign (nemesis #2) by april daniels | july 25 | ya superhero ft. trans mc •the backstagers vol. 1 by james tynion iv | july 25 | mlm fantasy comic •the gallery of unfinished girls by lauren karcz | july 25 | wlw ya contemporary
AUGUST •we now return to regular life by martin wilson | aug 1 | mlm ya contemporary •barrel proof (agents irish and whiskey #3) by layla reyne | aug 7 | mlm, suspense/romance •little & lion by brandy colbert | aug 8 | wlw ya contemporary •what is gender? how does it define us? and other big questions by juno dawson | aug 10 | nonfiction •the gang’s all queer: the lives of gay gang members by vanessa r panfil | aug 15 | nonfiction •dress codes for small towns by courtney c. stevens | aug 29 | ya contemporary questioning mc •illegal contact by santino hussel | aug ? | m/m romance •the tiger’s watch by julia ember | aug ? | genderfluid mc, ya fantasy
SEPTEMBER •girl made of snow and glass by melissa bashardoust | sep 5 | wlw ya fantasy retelling •lgbtq politics:a critical reader by marla brettschneider, susan burgess, christine keating | sep 5 | nonfiction •mask of shadows by linsey miller | sep 5 | genderfluid mc, ya fantasy •they both die at the end by adam silvera | sep 5 | mlm ya sci fi contemporary •autoboyography by christina lauren | sep 12 | mlm ya/na contemporary romance    •caterpillars can’t swim by liane shaw | sep 12 | mlm mc, ya contemporary •echo after echo by amy rose capetta | sep 15 | wlw ya •kaleidoscope song by fox benwell | sept 19 | wlw ya •the queer history project: no way, they were gay? by lee wind | sep ? | middle grade nonfiction
OCTOBER •27 hours by tristina wright | oct 3 | mlm+wlw ya sci fi •that inevitable victorian thing by e.k. johnston | oct 3 | wlw ya sci-fi/fantasy •the ship of the dead (magnus chase and the gods of asgard #3) by rick riordan | oct 3 | genderfluid mc+non-labelled lgbtqia+ character, ya fantasy/mythology •the tiger’s daughter by k. arsenault rivera | oct 3 | wlw, ya fantasy •top ten by katie cotugno | oct 3 | bi mc, ya contemporary romance •like water by rebecca podos | oct 17 | wlw ya contemporary •the 57 bus by dashka slater | oct 17 | agender mc, ya •mick & michelle by nina rossing | oct ? | trans mc, ya contemporary •the consumption of magic (the tales of verani #2) by tj klune | oct ? | mlm+asexual characters, fantasy
NOVEMBER •boomerang by helene dunbar | nov 7 | mlm ya contemporary mystery •chainbreaker (timekeeper #2) by tara sim | nov 7 | mlm ya sci fi/steampunk
UNKNOWN RELEASE DATE •alan cole is not a coward by eric bell | ? | mlm middle grade contemporary •amelia westlake by erin gough | ? | wlw ya contemporary •here so far away by hadley dyer | ? | mlm ya contemporary •hold my hand by michael barakiva | ? | mlm ya contemporary •if found return to astropop by lucas hargis | ? | genderfluid mcs, ya contemporary •these books belong to ken z by r. zamora linmark | ? | mlm, ya contemporary
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vorchagirl · 5 years
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FemShep custom I did for Shaya Fury on Facebook & etsy - an amazing artist!
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trixiestroubles · 7 years
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Illustrations by Shaya-fury *top* (http://shaya-fury.deviantart.com/art/Garrus-and-Shep-671189839)  and NemoNova (http://nemonova.deviantart.com/art/Jane-and-Garrus-V-2-Coloured-679175849) for various Teandraverse (http://archiveofourown.org/series/627569) chapters. 
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adam-jensen-fanart · 7 years
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NEON: Adam Jensen from Deus Ex by Shaya-Fury
The artist is selling prints of this piece here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/526472730/print-neon-adam-jensen-from-deus-ex?ref=shop_home_active_2
31 notes · View notes
shayafury · 9 months
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Rose Tyler from Doctor Who? This is a fan art of Rose Tyler in my art style. I really do like the character a lot and the actress as well and wanted to draw her for so long (digitally I mean), and now I finally did it! I used my wacom tablet to make this artwork. I hope you like it!
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shayafury · 2 months
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Commander Shepard / Traditional neon Here is a new Fan art of Commander Shepard in my traditional neon art style! I had so much fun making this one and it has been some time since I have done something like this =]  For this one I used a high quality paper from Arches size A4 - 300 grams 100 % cotton, high quality watercolours from Neva palate and high quality pastels /both dry and oil ones/ and for some accents gold metallic acrylic paint. I hope you like it!
Also you can find the original on my Etsy shop https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1680678350/original-shepard-neon-traditional-fan?click_key=71ee7df822a75e52b65529b412d71a49230dbc01%3A1680678350&click_sum=fca6389d&ref=shop_home_active_1
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