#shasta shizuka days
watasemasaru · 9 months
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Shasta Shizuka Days 🌼
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wakabahan · 3 months
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good days bond bingos (if the katakana is wrong don't be shocked, i may be stupid)
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watasemasaru · 2 months
oc music + style
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five songs shasta listens to ♫♩♬
••• too close / too late // spiritbox ••• orleans no shojo // exist†trace ••• when she told me // cassyette ••• sun bleached flies // ethel cain ••• saints and sinners // arch enemy
three outfits/things shasta would wear
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tagged by @rolangf :D [header art by me please do not use or repost]
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wakabahan · 2 months
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i killed shasta's husband for this ship. sorry julio. shasta's birthday was april 1st and i'm a week late. sorry shasta. happy 56th <3
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wakabahan · 7 months
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an "official" portrait of shasta. if you know her you know that smile is bad news.
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wakabahan · 8 months
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good Days
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wakabahan · 3 months
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wakabahan · 9 months
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Shasta Shizuka Days
Dahlia Eiko Days
Sunny Miyu Days
Ian Hibiki Days
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wakabahan · 11 months
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Days Sisters.
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watasemasaru · 5 months
Uuurhhhghghghhhffhrhghhh, Tell me about the Days Sisters!!! I want to know about themmm....
I have, a big chunk of stuff for you. And a couple photos to get their sense of style
Paternal Grandfather: Sean O. Days
Paternal Grandmother: Hanamaru Days (nee Yamato)
Maternal Grandfather: Yasuyuki Ono
Maternal Grandmother: Caroline Ono (nee James)
Father: Oisín M. Days
Mother: Chieko Ono
Aunts: Jyou Ono, Junko Ono(✝)
Cousins: Wakaba Majima, Kyrie Kashiwagi, Ryuko Makimura
1st cousins once removed (mother's cousins): Otoha Hojo, Aomame Hojo
Shasta Shizuka Days
April 1, 1968 • 4’9” • AB
Spouse: Julio Sanchez
Children: Mana Rose, Shiho Ramona, Mamoru O., Mark Jarvis (adopted)
Likes: Cooking, finding old and inane laws, Ingrid Berman movies
Dislikes: Going Home™, beaches, Rafael Barba
Personality: Shasta as an object is dry ice. You have to insulate yourself against her cold and unyielding demeanor. She is direct, matter of fact, and usually always right and she is graceless in that fact. At work the entire building has dubbed her the End of Days. Despite her frigid temps she is still passionate in what she thinks is right and her unwillingness to back down aids her well. Her best and probably only friend will tell you that Shasta is a very kind person, but is not a nice person…at all. But Shasta didn't always used to be so frigid and domineering. As a girl she was a serious tenderfoot about pretty much everything and sweet. As for why, well good luck getting me to finish anything ever.
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Dahlia Eiko Days
July 7, 1973 • 5’11” • B
Uh…we have a thing: Peter Stone
And a whole kid: Kou
Likes: long drives, cigarettes, fast food
Dislikes: formal clothing, cleaning, rock ballads
Personality: A loveable asshole. She's that butch jock chick that you befriend at the bar who doesn't start fights but she finishes them. Dahlia has always been a whatever blows your hair back type of person, rowdy, and bullheaded. She and Shasta will never admit but they're both the exact same kind of asshole when they think they're right about something. Dahlia co-parents her son and if you ask her the hardest part is not being able to smoke in the house anymore.
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Sunny Miyu Days
December 13, 1978 • 5’7” • AB
Partner: Rachel Brooks
Children: Yuck
Likes: Carpentry, being outside, eating
Dislikes: Winter, spiders, kids
Personality: Charming with plenty of sass. Sunny is as tomboy southern girl as they come. Unlike her sisters who went to the coasts after college, Sunny after graduating from Ole Miss came back home and hasn't left without any intention to. When she's not working she works on her house, a never ending I'm bored with these cabinets let's build something else renovation project. Rachel hates it. Sunny is of the sisters the most morally wobbly. Where her sisters there's usually a noble cord strung through their actions. Sunny thinks more in literals than concepts.
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Ian Hibiki Days
December 13, 1978 • 5’0” • AB
Husband: Antonio Dawson / Rafael Barba (depending on the timeline I'm playing in. I’ve got aus of aus out here. help.)
Children: Alvie Rhian, Ennis Miyabi, Eva (stepd.), Diego (steps.) / Yui Catalina Barba
Likes: Dumas’ works, older jrpgs, 90s movies
Dislikes: Cooking, jewelry like necklaces and bracelets, math
Personality: Like her twin Ian is willing to cross a line, but in pursuit of what she believes to be right or just. Ian is the more even tempered and ingratiating of the four. She's intuitive and observant and tends to make friends easily along with being loyal to the point of devotion. Ian is the wordy type and uses 40 words when 4 will do, most people think it charming. Ian is a homebody but does make a habit to go see a movie once a month and she never misses a local Shakespeare production.
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wakabahan · 10 months
who would show if Kimi hosted a "slime making party ; booze and mess guaranteed" ? (I have weird ideas ok? lmao)
Everyone will be there except Shasta. She has four kids at home who are always some kind of slimy being she doesn't want to go to a party with slime LOL
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watasemasaru · 11 months
Please tell us about the Days Sisters!
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The Days girls are the American Japanese-Welsh cousins of Osaka Trio (Wakaba, Ryuko, & Kyrie). They were born and raised in Harlan, KY to Oisín M. Days and Chieko Ono.
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They're parents are both doctors who work hard to help people in Harlan which is an major poverty stricken area. Oisín is very quiet, a bit spacy, and always looks to have a cloud of melancholy hanging over him. Chieko is bursting with good humor and energy. She has a big laugh and a big heart.
Shasta Shizuka Days (married name; Sanchez)
DOB: April 1, 1968
The eldest sister. In the typical trope way she's also the shortest. Shasta is a Harvard graduate district attorney that works in tandem with the major crimes unit her husband Julio works in LA. She's perceived to most, even to her sisters as cold, mean, crabby, etc. Julio and their children are pretty much the only people who get to see the real Shasta. Like Ian has mentioned; "she didn't used to be that way." Shasta is precise and logical, she needs everything to be just-so. She's very fashionable and has an austere, clean sense of style...which is a stark contrast to the shit box death wobble rust ridden pick up truck she won't get rid of. With Julio they have three biological kids; twins Mana & Shiho, and Mamoru, and an adopted son; Mark. Outside of work Shasta doesn't really have friends, she's a homebody and likes to read old french novels or watch black and white movies.
Dahlia Eiko Days
DOB July 7, 1973
The second sister and the tallest at 5'11. Dahlia is not in anyway like her parents and sisters in the academics department. She only just barely got out of high school and WOULD NOT go to college. Dahlia is a detective that made her way out to LA and worked in Farmington but bailed, seeing the writing on the wall with Vic Mackey and his strike team. She worked major crimes with Julio and Shasta but eventually felt the need for seasons so she's currently in Chicago working Intelligence. Dahlia is brash, sarcastic, a shameless flirt, and short tempered. Because of her temperament she makes risky impulse decisions, but is fueled by good intentions and almost naive sense of what justice should be. Dahlia is the antithesis of Shasta where you'll never see her in a dress or a skirt, you can't even get in a blazer unless work requires it. She's jeans, tshirts, and hoodies all the way. Dahlia currently has a restoration project of a classic muscle car. In her off time she's bent down under the hood working, grease and grime all over her face and a cigarette in her mouth. She's also a reader but it's modern mysteries.
Sunny Miyu Days
DOB December 13, 1978
Third in line and the "older" twin. Sunny has stayed close to home, when to a state school, trained at glynco and is a us marshall out of Lexington. Sunny is true to her name; lively, outgoing, friendly. She has big golden retriever energy. Sunny is also very nosy and that usually gets her into trouble because she can't leave well enough alone. Her dog with a bone nature is probably why she's so good at chasing fugitives. Her and Raylan Givens both kicking up dirt hasn't put either of them in the graces of the people in their hometown. Sunny dresses a little casual for work, jeans and a button down in a tacky print, but at home she's a cutoffs, tank top, and everyone be damned if you make her put on shoes lol. She watches a lot of tv, cooking shows especially since she's of the four the worst cook. Sunny is a bit of carpenter, she likes remodeling her house when the mood strikes her. And she's nursing a HUGE crush on her coworker, Rachel Brooks.
Ian Hibiki Days (married name; Barba)
DOB December 13, 1978
The youngest! She and Sunny are also mirror twins. If you look at the banner their freckles are the same but the opposite side. Sunny's dyed hair distinguishes them but also Ian is considerably shorter due to getting sick in her early teens that resulted in her stunted height. She's right as rain though, just now she's "the short twin." Ian is less outgoing than Sunny, but still friendly. Ian's described as empathetic, intuitive, kind, with a tendency to be analytical. She's also a Harvard graduate with linguistics and psychology. She's a detective in Manhattan with SVU. Her partner was Munch until he retired and then got partnered with Carisi. She did early in her story help out Chicago Intelligence where she was briefly close with Antonio Dawson.
Ian is loyal to an almost deadly fault. She will always put herself out to help someone else. And like her twin will keep at it till she sees the desired result. Ian is a good cook but absolutely hates cooking. You can usually find her somewhere "low-end" as opposed to the fancy places nyc has to offer. She's big on breakfast. Ian now and then likes to play videogames, but to Fin's disappointment, not fps. She's a swanky dresser like Shasta but has a much more masculine/tomboyish flair. Trousers, jeans, oxfords, boots, blazers and plaid that looks like it came off a couch from the 70s.
She has a saint bernard; Chevalier, whom she had before she met Barba and a cat; Caderousse that Barba tried really hard not to like but that's his cat now. She and Barba have two children; Yui Catalina and Inés Hanamaru (middles names are maternal and paternal grandmother's names respectively)
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wakabahan · 9 months
Since it came up (???) in covo I have to ask. What kind of channels would everyone have and what would their influencer handle be?
oh that's a fun question!
idk if they'd be specifically influencers, but Sunny would probably run a diy carpentry/handy work kind of channel. sunnySunny would be her handle.
Shasta would run an educational channel as well, explaining and teaching about more obscure or weird laws. Once a month is a video of her talking about a movie she likes. handle days_0401
Dahlia in general isn't online much, so she'd be a shit poster like dril. handle; DOUBLESEVENS
Ian also not much of a social media user I could see her just having a vlog, day in my life-look at my cute dog and cute husband-feel. handle: iDays (like iPod lol). She's be one of oh no i became popular when i just wanted to share something nice this kinda bites types lol.
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wakabahan · 9 months
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being cringe with oc faceclaims and their spouse/partner/boytoy
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wakabahan · 9 months
Dahlia names
Dahlia - Standard
DDays - Standard, used at work to tell her and Ian apart (in antonian final boy tl). Play on both her initials and her (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)
Baby - exclusively by Alvin Olinsky (meant platonically as they are work partners and friends only. Meredith jokes that Dahlia is his work wife. Dahlia jokes well if you finally throw him out of your garage he can stay in mine)
Dahl - typically called by Jay Halstead and Adam Ruzek, occasionally Hailey.
Dolly - A Kim Burgess exclusive. Not even her sisters can call her that
D - Kevin Atwater
Shasta names
Shasta - Standard
Counselor Days - Standard, work
Counselor Sanchez (once married) - Standard, work
Shas - Julio and Ian, most everybody at major crimes in LA.
Shizuchan/Shizuka - Sunny & parents
The Witch™ - Adam Ruzek
Sunny names
Sunny - Standard
Days - Standard, work
Pain the Ass Number Three - Art Mullen (Raylan and Tim are Pain the Ass Number One & Two, respectively)
Little Miss Sunshine - old nickname Bo Crowder gave her as a girl, Boyd & Johnny Crowder still call her that
Miyuchan - Ian & parents/grandparents
Miss Sunny - Ellstin Limehouse
$2 - Dewey Crowe (calling her "queer as a two dollar bill," but he's an idiot so she doesn't think anything of it and actually kinda likes it)
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wakabahan · 11 months
barba and ian meeting for the first time and he feels like he knows her only to realize his biggest hater and rival in college was fucking shasta.
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