heroofpenamstan · 4 years
I assume all your graphic design know-how is self taught bc it's got that extra little flair that most self-taught stuff has 👀👀👀
Correct!! 💕 I just have a jolt of a vision and force Sony Vegas to produce me the content; I don't care if it has the functions to do it or not—I'll make it happen by thinking outside of the box ( and probably making the process way longer than it should be. I refuse to touch photoshop even at gunpoint. Yesterday was the first time and I nearly had an aneurysm doing the template. Gross. )
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florbelles · 4 years
Lyra takes over the Project to be the queen she is uwu
only if resistance queen nic is her worthy adversary and sometime unlikely ally xx
( spoilers for canon i guess but i've already thrown everything on main so )
yes. it's not a coup, but lyra is the de facto leader of new eden in joseph's absence, despite her insistence that the new eden was never meant for her and ethan's claim on the title. because of this, she is sometimes labeled ( incorrectly, as she is survived by joseph ) the last of the seeds by outsiders.
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ma-sulevin · 4 years
🌈 uwu
uwu your nail polish skills came out of nowhere and knocked me on my ass. I have one color on my fingernails and another on my toenails right this very second. Your OCs? Brilliant. Your fic ideas? Flawless. I’m glad we’re friends!
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jedi-mabari · 4 years
You have me curious now. What was the first game that got you into videogames for you?
Well, I started with Fable 2, and after I had played that a million times and my brother was sick of it, he told me to play Fallout 3 because "it's just like Fable but with guns" which was a lie, but it started my spiral into videogames.
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chyrstis · 4 years
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*psst* @sharky-broshaw​, hope you don’t mind me giving this a try for Grant. Discord was being a jerk when it came to uploading this, so here’s good ol’ option number two!
I also didn’t want to steal any of Nic's thunder since it's her big day, but I wanted to give him a mini-gift since it was his recently too.
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hunnybadgerv · 4 years
painterofhorizons replied to your post “urrone replied to your post “RIP Yondu Bettafish (first of his name)...”
Oh no yondu :(
twistedsinews replied to your post “RIP Yondu Bettafish (first of his name) 2019-2020”
*hugs* :<
thetwobosses replied to your post “chyrstis replied to your post “RIP Yondu Bettafish (first of his...”
It's natural to feel the loss of a living creature you had cared for (in more than one meaning of the word). They'd always been there and then one day... they're not. Allow yourself to mourn him.
sharky-broshaw replied to your post “RIP Yondu Bettafish (first of his name) 2019-2020”
Noooo, I'm sorry D:
Thank you all. I appreciate your sympathies I really do. I really miss my fish. And it sucks a whole lot having his tank on my desk right now. Just saying. That was a great idea, up until this point. Not so awesome right now though.
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denerims-archive · 4 years
5, 10, 14, 15 👀
How are they with people? Overall, definitely! It just usually depends on who she’s dealing with. When dealing with victims, family of victims, kids or otherwise people who need a softer touch or a kinder word she shockingly lets herself be vulnerable with them. When it comes particularly to people she detests, those who get in her way or new people she usually approaches most conversations with less...tact and suspicion to put it lightly. 
How well did they handle the reveal that the supernatural exists? It takes her...awhile to get used to it. Naomi is a creature of habit no matter how many exciting daydreams of leaving Wayhaven or moving onto to something different she indulges. Any kind of change sends her reeling not to mention she absolutely thinks she’s...dreaming or something. Even after she comes to terms with it, the supernatural still kinda set her on edge? Just because it takes awhile for her to get used to something.
Do they get along with Tina and Verda? Yes! Very much so! Tina when they first met grated on her nerves a bit when they were partnered up as beat cops just because their personalities are so different. Tina is so warm, however, and once the two of them got to know each other they became fast friends and really balance each other well! Verda intimidated Naomi a bit when he came to work for Wayhaven but they really respect each other and value each other’s opinion. They’re both super smart and have dispositions that mesh well together. I always have seen Verda as an older brother figure to Naomi and he’s the one who sometimes looks out for her in terms of things like getting enough sleep/eating properly when she’s camping too long at the station.
What do they think of Unit Bravo? How has that changed throughout the story? Naomi absolutely hated them when they first showed up. It feels like her first investigation as Detective isn’t being taken seriously not to mention that her independence is something that Naomi refuses to budge on. Obviously, her and Adam don’t get along swimmingly. Mason rubs her the wrong way. Felix is similar in terms to Tina where he grates her nerves. The only person who seems reasonable and apologetic for his teammate’s behavior is Nate so she actually likes him from the start - though she’s still just in general annoyed that he’s there. 
Obviously, things have changed since then. Naomi respects all of them very much now and is very attached to them though she will deny it. Adam and Naomi’s relationship is still...a little tense but I’d say it’s starting to evolve more into a brother-sister I hate you but I would die for you type situation.
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starsandskies · 4 years
Sarah! Every time I think about your name, my brain slips, and I call you Sarita, haha, which is the affectionate way to say it in Spanish (like little Sarah, haha).
I think you were probably one of the first people that I followed in the fandom on Tumblr without realizing that you were also the author of the first John Seed/Deputy fanfic I was reading then. And when I realized that we were already mutuals, I was like OOOH REALLY?!
So, my compliment! I admire your talent and perseverance to develop that plot and put all those pieces together to make everything fit so perfectly. Same rewrite it from John’s point of view. It was mind-blowing. 
Never stop writing! ♥
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teamhawkeye · 4 years
Multiples of ten!!!
10. What is the last thing you've read?
- Like, legit print book? I reread “Heir to the Empire” after seeing ROS to clean my palate, lmao
20. What's your favorite board game?
- probably Candyland or Trouble. i actually can’t remember like half the board games i’ve played in my life now that i’m on the spot, haha
30. What precautions have you taken to stay safe from COVID-19?
- Washing hands religiously, every time i step out or come back in. Keeping hand sanitizer in my bag now for when i have to do the grocery run. Staying in as much as possible
40. What is your favorite store? Is it closed?
- Probably like TJ Maxx or Marhalls, i don’t shop out too much. I assume they’re both closed since they sell nonessential stuff
50. Tell me an interesting fact.
- A pineapple is neither a pine nor an apple, but berries fused together into a super fruit of sorts
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foofygoldfish · 4 years
"Hey Alice, Sharky and I have a mighty need to prank John. You're invited. Any ideas? 👀 - Nic
oh fuck yeah.
okay so we’d have to get someone with a ladder, but - what if we like, hid cheap alarm clocks all over the ranch. ‘specially in the rafters in the hangar. 
might be a lot of work, but it’d annoy the fuck outta him.
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heroofpenamstan · 4 years
Reputation: “Hey, it’s the gal with the god tier edits 👀👀.”
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AN ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF YOURS TRULY AT THIS EXACT MOMENT GYUSIHhugi;; thank you so much??? I admire the living hECK out of you???? 
Rihanna just noticed me, ya’ll.
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florbelles · 4 years
🖊🖊🖊🖊 For whoever you're feeling
thank you!! 💖
🖊 lyra's a murderess who thinks she's very intimidating but her aesthetic is flower tattoos & muted rose and lilac colors & lace & satin & tulle no one is afraid of you lyra literally no one is quaking right now
🖊 always wears cross earrings, wears necklaces sometimes but not as often because they're more of a strangulation/accidental self decapitation concern
🖊 honestly happiest just drinking coffee in front of the fireplace at the ranch reading quality material like "your meat is neat" or good news like "nuclear war imminent" to john
🖊 not worried about ghosts, loves ghosts as a concept, not super hyped about the potential bigfoot situation but she's sure they could be friends
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words-and-seeds · 4 years
Top 5 favorite lines from your fics :P
Well, turnabout is fair play, I guess. As I was going through these, I realized that most of my favorite lines are in WIPs that haven’t been posted yet. I didn’t want to spoil them in case I ever get around to posting them.
1. From I Can’t Help You Unless You Talk To Me
“And she just left you?” He wanted to throttle her for waiting so long to radio. For depending on that harlot for help. For being too prideful to ask the enemy for help. To ask him.
2. From Falter
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
It hurt. A quick, pinching pain in his heart. His hands wanted to shake, so he bunched them into a fist instead. Uli shook his head and pushed past John. He walked to the door, then shut it firmly behind him. He hadn’t expected John to stop him or follow him, and he wasn’t surprised when he didn’t.
3. From Undone
“I will absolve you from sin,” he murmured, remembering the phrase that had been screamed at him by Old Mad Seed. He could still picture it so clearly, even after all these years. The crack of the belt as it hit his flesh, the terrible burn, and the way spittle flew from his father’s mouth as he screamed.
4. I don’t know if it counts, but this is from the as of yet unpublished Lazarus, a Jacob/April AU
He was dead. He knew he was dead, he saw himself. He may have been moving - a shuffling zombie prodded along by nothing but lingering electrical impulses - but he was dead nonetheless.
5. From a Kinktober prompt
Slowly, he decorated his lover with the wax. Sometimes bringing the candle close enough to his skin to make it glow, so the wax would be at his hottest. It dripped so beautifully along his flesh. John squirmed, breathing ragged, but he never flinched. Never moved his hands from the white knuckle grip he hand on the chair.
Uli reached out and ran his fingertips over John’s skin. The difference in textures was fascinating to him, the smooth skin, and the softness of the cold wax. 
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ma-sulevin · 4 years
(hourglass bc I can’t find it) Mattie
“Did you know the peggies showed up at my house once to invite me to one of their services? They dropped off a copy of the Book of Joseph, too, like I’d read it even though I turned them down.
“Even if they hadn’t been all dressed alike and unshaven, I’d’ve turned them down -- I grew up in a church like that, and I’d get dragged there every Sunday morning in a too-big dress and too-small hose and shoes that pinched, all hand-me-downs from the other families, and I’d have to sit in the middle of the wooden pew squeezed between my daddy and Bobby. Any fidgeting or yawning earned me a swat or a pinch, depending on which was easier, and sometimes no lunch if I put up more of a fuss.
“Do you know how hard it is to sit with your pantyhose sagging down your legs and not squirm in your seat? It’s impossible! Anyway. I haven’t been back to church since I got kicked out, and I don’t intend to start now, not with them.”
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jedi-mabari · 4 years
10, 14, 20 for Percy!!
10. If they were in a modern high school clique, what would it be and why?
Percy attended a small high school, like 200 students in the entire school small, so there weren't really well defined cliques, but she would have been labled a drifter because she was athletic and fit in well with the jocks but she mostly hung out with her best friend who was a nerd.
14. What do they do in their free time? What hobbies to they have.
Percy like to read when she isn't out hiking or stopping crazy cults that her boyfriend is a major leader of. She likes hiking because it was one of the things her and her father did on weekends, and when she doesn't want to go outside, she curls up in a comfy chair by a window to drink tea and read trashy romance novels.
20. What does their perfect vacation look like?
A cabin on a lake. She's a very simple woman, with very simple desires. She like spending time in the water where she can fish for dinner and go swimming when she wants. Someplace in Oregon where she grew up.
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chyrstis · 4 years
2 for... all your SR stuff, 6, 18 for your FC5 VERSE, Hana for 21
2: one of your favorite comments/reviews on this chapter/verse?
I’ve received a bunch of sweet comments on But I ain’t finished over the years, one in particular that’s stuck with me ever since mentioned how they couldn’t read any other SR fics without thinking, “Where’s V?” That they had been expecting her, and thinking of her still even then.
I don’t think I can really say just how much that means to hear at all, especially with an OC, and I’ll never, ever be able to forget it.
6: hardest/easiest character to write for?
Next in line is Joseph, but seeing as I’ve written him all of twice (and one of those times is in a hidden wip I’m slowly chipping away at) that shouldn’t be too much of a surprise. Having plenty of fic to read to help with this has totally been a blessing, though, because he’s one that I definitely want to understand better, and reading different interpretations of how he could think and operate has made him a little less mysterious to work with.
I’d probably say that John’s my number two for characters that are easy to write. He’s very fun to do long stretches of dialogue with, to the point that after writing him for a bit I usually end up with at least 3-5 additional wips with him involved in some capacity. …The jerk. And my two main wips have him present as well, so we’ll see if more manage to spring up in the process.
18: any fanmixes you’ve made for this fic/verse?
Absolutely. :D I think one of the first things I did soon after starting to play the game was sort through music I’ve heard before to cobble together a mini-playlist to write to.
But Hana’s is here! I plead the fifth on the others.
21: this character’s best/worst memory? 
Worst Memory - Easily the night Hana lost her mother as a teenager. She’d been out late, messing around with friends without really thinking twice about it only to find out hours after the fact (and after she’d returned home and was too out of it to check her messages) that her mother was in the hospital. Her mother had been on duty (after being called in on her day off due to a shortage of officers) only for things to take a turn, and she’d been shot in the process.
Hana barely had time to react to the news before she was hit with more after, and hearing that her mother hadn’t made it through surgery brought her whole world down completely.
Best Memory - There’s a couple here. Dragging herself through the Academy and seeing herself in uniform for the first time post-graduation made her feel like she wasn’t anywhere near the fuck up she feared she was (and had become).
But second, decades later outside of the bunker sitting with her family well within reach; flowers placed in her hair by her kids, and the two men she somehow fell in love with in spite of everything - she’s at peace.
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