#sharing this because it’s a favourite of mine 😍🥰
aimeedaisies · 3 months
HRH Princess Anne talks about her new Rustler 44 yacht and love of sailing in Scotland
Article from Yachting World, published 4th December 2014
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Elaine Bunting asks Royal Princess Anne and her husband Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence which are their favourite Scottish cruising grounds when they sail their Rustler 44 Ballochbuie.
Scotland is no easy cruising ground. The weather can change quickly. Reaching the more distant islands requires a certain toughness as well as skill, especially if sailing double-handed, as The Princess Royal Princess Anne and her husband Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence usually do aboard their new Rustler 44 Ballochbuie. This is ‘black run’ cruising.
Their favourite places are the more remote islands and anchorages. “To be honest, if we get north of Ardnamurchan it suddenly feels different, and if you go north of Skye other boats almost disappear, and although there are some based up at Ullapool and Stornoway, they are rare,” says Princess Anne.
Asked about some of the places they like to visit, they first mention the island of Coll. “We’ve got some friends who live there,” says Sir Tim, adding: “though is not the most hospitable and the anchorages there are a little bit variable.”
“But it is pretty impressive at certain times of the year,” adds Princess Anne, “particularly up at the northern end, the Cairns of Coll. The northern end is rocky and the southern end is a bit more agricultural and there are lots of geese in the winter. Actually, winter is probably more entertaining – you get snipe and woodcock as well.”
At the mention of anchorages, Sir Tim gets up and goes below to Ballochbuie’s navigation table to retrieve a document that runs to several pages of A4 paper. This is a list of all the places he and Princess Anne have been to during their years of sailing the two Rustlers.
It is a very impressive and comprehensive list stretching from Rathlin Island off the north coast of Northern Ireland as far north as Cape Wrath at the north-western tip of Scotland. The scores of anchorages are carefully listed and account for some challenging pilotage and difficult nooks and crannies. But they seem to enjoy exploring new – and preferably out of the way – spots.
“We haven’t kept a record of how many miles we’ve sailed, but we have kept a record of the anchorages,” says Sir Tim, to which the Princess adds: “Every trip we added one anchorage we hadn’t been to before, at least, and usually two or three. Even if you are going over the same ground there are still places to be found, though fish farms are a bit of a menace. There are places we used to anchor in Bloodhound that you can’t get to now.”
The wildlife and sea life are something they both mention. “We see quite a lot of basking sharks, particularly between Coll and Tiree,” says Princess Anne. “Once I lost count at about 25. That was extraordinary.”
Princess Anne recalls: “We had a rough three days on the way from the Sound of Harris down to Lochboisdale [on South Uist] and saw a big pod of dolphins, which was just extraordinary. They were coming at you from the top of the waves. They didn’t quite jump over the top of the boat, but they looked like they were going to.”
Royal favourites
Lewis: the lochs on the east side are great. There are quite a few places to anchor in Loch Roag.
Shiant Islands: we’ve been there a couple of times in Blue Doublet and a couple of times on [the cruise ship] Hebridean Princess with The Queen.
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Loch Ewe: we had an interesting time in fog as thick as I’ve ever known it. There is a wonderful garden to see here as well.
Hermitray: there are some nice anchorages in the Sound of Harris, but lots of fish farms around.
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Rona: a favourite spot. One of the most sheltered anchorages on the west coast. A very nice man, Bill Cowie, is the warden.
Skye: we’ve been all round Skye. There are lots more places to visit. We’ve only been to 12 anchorages there!
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Eriskay: there’s a fantastic little anchorage here. We went there for the first time in Ballochbuie.
Barra: a marvellous place and a wonderful escape from the world.
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Vatersay: good shelter in the lee of a sandbar. We anchored near Vatersay in company with Britannia one year.
Canna, Rum, Eigg and Muck: we enjoy visiting all these islands.
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Loch Nevis and Loch Awe: both are lovely places.
Loch Moidart: beautiful, but we’ve only been there once. It has quite a scary entrance, not easy in a long-keel boat and you’re always battling the wind to get out.
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Mull: Loch Mingary, Bunessan, the Bull Hole and Ardlanish. A beautiful little spot with shelter on the south side of the Ross of Mull. Carsaig is a little notch you wouldn’t think you could get into or get any shelter at all, but there’s a little reef offshore you can tuck behind.
Lismore: the island in Loch Linnhe. Walking there you get the most beautiful views and you can see as far as Ben Nevis.
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Loch Feochan: there is a little place right at the entrance that is great.
Garvellach Islands: lovely, but weather- dependent so it has to be very calm.
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Loch Craignish: Goat Island is one of the safest anchorages on the west coast of Scotland, as long as you are able to wash off your anchor; it has the stickiest mud.
Jura: we have visited anchorages all round the coast.
Rathlin Island: fascinating, a bit shallow and we bounced off the bottom there.
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merry-andrews · 1 year
Dear Merry! Today is National JoyGerm Day, which means that people spread and share joy and positivity with others on this day. On this occasion, I would like to give you a little gift: a drawing of mine with a personal message of why you bring me joy. (I have to confess, I cheated a bit, because I'm not very good at drawing, so to help me I used a Tracing app. Hey, at least it's not AI, since I drew the lines on the paper myself 🤣)
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Hi Hi!!💕💕💕
Can't say enough how much your gift made me happy!! And also your handwritting, it's so cute! Like a thin black thread weaving together🥰💖 thank you for thinking of me. I'm going to save this lovely drawing forever in my 'favourites!' File. Love it so so much and doesn't matter you used an app or not, it look gorgeous and all that effort you put in it is😍😍 beautiful!!
Let me thank you by gifting you a picture of comic Corinthian! Hope you'll like it!😊💕💕
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wheredafandomat · 2 years
Sending this to my favorite mutuals. You have worked so hard and gave us wonderful stories and content. You are loved. You are appreciated. Have you drank your water today?
Show off a little! Because I would if I were your fantastic self! 😍😍😘
1. Which one of your fics/art piece is your favorite?
2. Which one of your works did you think was going to be a hit, but didn't do as well as you'd hoped?
3. Which one of your works did extremely well, beyond your expectations?
4. Which one was the first fic/art that you shared?
5. Which one is your latest?
🥰 thank you!! 💓💓
1. I think my most favourite fic of mine might actually have to be fiendish pleasures because somehow it ends up being a love story 😂 despite everything, Loki and y/n still end up in love.
2. I’m not too sure, maybe fear and desire. I’m pretty sure the most recent chaps have less than 10 notes 😂😂 that fic is on hiatus
3. FIENDISH PLEASURES!! I think I’ll share that one here too
4. Safeword 😁
5. You’re the boss
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lokisprettygirl · 1 year
Hello my dear friend 😍
I'm here to tell you the things I remember you for as a writer (according to your post)😁
I stumbled over your blog in late October/early November 2021 accidentally while looking for some hot Loki fanfiction...and since then I'm addicted to your stories and one-shots. For me, your writing style is unique and captivating and when it comes to your multi-chapter fics you are the Queen of excellent and extraordinary plots and nerve-wracking cliffhangers. 😲🧐🥹😅 I also love how you built up emotions and the tension between your characters 🥺🥹❤️‍🔥💚🩷 and the way you write smut is hot, spicy and emotional and leave always space for own imaginations.😎😏🌶
I love every Loki in all of your stories and the way you write him. He can be mean, harsh, hurt, broken, sweet, adorable, caring, possessive, romantic, dominant, submissive, etc...but he always has a good heart and always loves his y/n sincerely and wholeheartedly...and this is the Loki I love too. 💚💚💚. Also, every y/n is unique and lovable and always Loki's perfect match.😍🩷
One of my all-time favourite fic of yours is HMBOMT, wrestler Loki will always be mine and in my heart. But there are so many more and it's definitely not easy for me to pick only one or two or three of them...
One weird kink I never thought I'd be into is the 'god kink ' and this said god drenched in blood has me literally on my knees 🤣🥵😏... so BMUBMD was my self-discovery time and this fic is also one of my all-time favourites 😜
Last but not least, I appreciate you for always being kind to others (as long as they're kind to you 😁😉) and always responding to asks/comments and reblogs. Thank you for sharing your stories and for being the wonderful person you are ❤️
We may live in different countries, cultures and time zones but Loki and our love for him brought us together and I'm deeply grateful for it ☺️. ILYSM 👑😘
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First of all I love you and this made me cry 🥹🥹🥹💕💕💕💕🥰🥰🥰🥰, been feeling pretty crappy, my body is so tired I can just pass out 😭
I can't believe it's been more than a year here, I' guess we have been talking since June July and when I started writing BMUBMD.. but I'm so glad you messaged me, I'm so grateful for you and all the support you give me, means the whole fucking world 🌎
I don't think I'll ever write anything as good as HMBOMT ever again *cries in inadequacy* he's my most favourite Loki too though I'm feeling LMTLY Loki will snatch the second place now.
Ofcourse god kink *shudders thinking about it* Is it too much to ask for a god who'd love me for eternity? I don't think I'm being irrational here.
Thank you for this my dearest. I'm going to cry now because this made me so happy 💚💚💚💚
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chloeworships · 4 months
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I hesitated GREATLY before dropping this word. I didn’t re-record it. It took all my strength from me 😪 It was that intense for me. I need a few days of rest babes.
With that said I felt soooooooooo strongly the love and your pain 🩸
I want you to know that the most important part of this message is the COVENANT aka the PROMISE God made to you… to love and restore you and to give you peace. He’s not backing down from that promise.
I forgot to mention this message is also (once again) for someone who was “trapped” aka imprisoned. You yellow canaries. See the script below:
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This love and friendship and gift of restoration is not just double but triple. Seeing Drake 3x was confirmation.
The Lord also sent me this to say that I should bless everyone who he says this message is for. I received a few names. I will tag them at the end. If your name isn’t mentioned it doesn’t mean this isn’t for you. God will confirm this PLUS I hesitated cause I saw some people are SUPER BIG MAD about your incoming triple portion. Why? Guess you’re a triple threat haha. SN. I should become a rapper 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I told my son my new rap name was going to be Drake and he bussed out laughing telling me I was plagiarizing and everyone would be mad at me 😫🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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It’s interesting the LORD showed me the gloves 🧤 AND in this message the hand ✋🏾
The colour reminded me of the jeweller Tiffany’s which is confirmation of this blessing of abundance. I do have another message regarding this so stay tuned.
I wanted to mention these ties, these bonds of love are UNBREAKABLE 🪢 It’s interesting because when the man’s hand was underneath mine near my stomach I immediately thought of this scripture below:
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It also reminded me of Adam and Isaac who both were ready for a wife 💍🩵 I know this is something someone is longing for and this promise will be kept.
I also believe a reconciliation will be taking place for someone 🔜🪢 🔜
Some may not have seen your worth and some may have tried to break you but babyyyyyyyyyy, God is about to show them why he chose you and why you’re unbreakable. What didn’t kill your trained you to be a warrior.
You deserve what’s coming next and I am THRILLED for you.
A TRIPLE portion for your shame
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Someone reading this is going to be a champion 🏆
Congratulations 🥳 and praise God.
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Now imagine seeing this man 3x standing with his hands on his pocket. It was like this.
The Love is real babes 🩵😭
PS. I also heard “Build a Super Team” 😯
PPS. I have a confession to make, everytime I see PJ I am reminded of my favourite cousin who was killed. He looks exactly like him it’s frightening 🫣🤯😅 and it hurts like hell hence why later when speaking on this, it further messed me up.
Because my cousin is not here, I will pass on the blessing and love I had for him to PJ. I can’t bless my favourite male cousin so I will bless him instead whose life was STOLEN. Jacob took both Joseph’s sons as his own and he blessed them. I have been instructed by the LORD to do the same (I got a new cousin adopted into the family) 🤣
✨May the LORD bless him (and YOU) with everything you could ever want, including a long and healthy life to see your children and grandchildren grow up to inherit your LEGACY while building theirs. It’s going to be EPIC 😎
Congratulations PJ 🏀 God’s timing is perfect. I didn’t know until last night this message included PJ 🥰😍🥰😍
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Love your ppl while they are still here.
I also heard “there will be no peace for the wicked” NONE… more on this later when I feelz better.
Oh I forgot to share these
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Here is the article about HOW SERIOUS God takes his oaths, bonds and vows. Remember this before you decide to break one.
After I wrote this I had a vision of PJ with olive oil being poured all over him from head to toe and then I heard 🏺
“A new King”
I am screaminggggggggggggggg 🥰🥰🥰 THAT WAS QUICK GOD!!! But for PJ, it’s long overdue! It is evident the LORD has anointed him as he did David, a shepherd boy, to become King 🤴🏽 This is MAJOR
Somebody coming for LeBron’s throne? Hahaha 😂
They did y’all wrong babes but God gon do you RIGHT‼️
So ummmm hold up… do I get to be apart of this Super Team? 🤔😂😂😂 I will be waiting for my contract and my signing bonus 💰🤑🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
OH MY GOSH why did I have a vision of a Father Goat dancing uphill and all his baby goats were dancing and following right behind him. If this isn’t confirmation idk what is!!! haha 😂 God is HILARIOUS yall.
PPPS: Thank you babes for your love and support. I appreciate you especially to the athletes who have been with me from the JUMP (see what I did there 😅)
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taylorlive · 2 years
Hello all! The animal today is a black cat in accordance with Halloween and (more importantly) Midnight's release in less than a week! I think we have an exciting week ahead of us, eh? So I want to know, what is your favorite thing about release week? Mine personally is being surprised by all the little fun things Taylor does during the week! And of course getting new music (duh?) So what is yours?
Let's share what we're most excited for this week and remember to tag animalanon (if so desire) so we can all share our excitement for this new album and show Taylor (and each other) some love! And remember, each of you are wonderful and deserving human beings who are very much loved 🥰. Now let's have a party!l (squirrels are not invited) 🥳 🥳🥳.
-animal anon
AHHH I'M SO EXCITED ANIMAL ANON 😍 I can't believe that we tomorrow we are going to have a new album 🥹 my favourite thing is see swifties doing theories and making amazing edits with all the new photoshoots 🤗 Of course I always tag your message because you always send me really nice messages and I appreciate it a lot ❤️ I hope that animal anon does their ranking of songs when they listen midnights 😂
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@seegoldendaylight gifcredit 
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matt-erialgirl · 2 years
Oooooh, how about sleeping on opposite sides of the bed but waking up entangled with Matt Murdock 😍
Pheebs, this prompt pulled my heart out of my chest and threw it into an incinerator 🥲 i love you thank you for picking it🥰. Also, yes, I’m just making every one of these prompts into very painful blurbs because I have all the power 😭 I also changed the prompt a tiny bit for added pain 💀 @phoebe-danvers
Your hands shook as you pulled the needle through the skin on his chest, your inexperience at the forefront of your mind. Matt just sat there as you tended to his wounds, giving you instructions when you asked or when he sensed you were panicking.
“I’m sorry,” he breathed as you cleaned around the stitches, “I didn’t know where else to go and your place was the closest.”
“It’s fine, Matt,” you sighed, your heart aching in your chest, “I hope you haven’t forgotten that I used to tell you that I’ll always be here for you. That’s still true even if you don’t love me anymore.”
Matt pursed his lips, your words hurting him far worse than any knife cutting through him could. But he couldn’t say anything. He needed you to believe that he no longer loved you. He needed you to be as far away from him as possible. He needed to protect you from this world he was in, from the evil in it, from himself. He had to hurt you to keep you safe because he realised how much he loved you.
“I still shouldn’t have come here,” he huffed, pushing himself off your sofa and grabbing his tattered top with him.
“You’re not leaving,” you said incredulously, watching him pull his top - or whatever was left of it - back on, “I won’t let you.”
“If they come looking for me,” he said, his eyes searching for your face, “I can’t let them find me here.”
“They won’t,” you sighed, leaning over and grabbing his mask before he could, “you’re staying with me tonight. And don’t worry, this isn’t a ploy for me to get in your pants, Murdock. I just want to make sure you’re safe.”
“I-“ Matt started but you stopped him.
“Don’t say anything,” you breathed, exhausted, “I’ll get you something to wear.”
Matt sat back down and waited for you to “sort things out”, as you’d called it. He could hear you flitting around your tiny apartment, opening and closing cupboards.
“Here,” you said, placing a folded t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants in his lap, “I also found a bottle of your favourite body wash. There’s a fresh towel on the vanity.”
Matt’s hands brushed across the clothes you placed in his lap, a small smile tugging at his lips, “these are mine. You kept them?”
You shifted on your feet, slightly uncomfortable at his realisation, “yeah well,” you sighed, “I couldn’t bring myself to come over to drop them off and I couldn’t get rid of them either. Don’t overthink it, I just forgot about them eventually.”
Matt sighed, giving you a stiff nod before pushing himself off the sofa and silently making his way into your bathroom, clothes in hand.
“You’re not sleeping on the sofa,” you said, your tone letting Matt know that you weren’t going to take another word from him, “you’re covered in stitches and bruises. I’d have to be a special kind of asshole to let you sleep in my living room.”
“Then we’ll share the bed,” Matt shrugged, his eyebrows slightly raised, “we’re both sensible adults.”
Your throat went dry. You couldn’t have him that close to you, not with the way you were helplessly in love with him but trying to keep it in; especially since he had pushed you away. He broke your heart and you couldn’t move on. No, you couldn’t do it.
“No, Matt,” you argued, frustration evident in your voice, “I can’t-“
“Then I’ll sleep outside with you,” Matt snapped, his finger raising to point at the door, “I’ll sleep where you will. So, unless you want my bruised self sleeping out on the couch or the floor, you’re sleeping in here too.”
You rolled your eyes, exhausted and exasperated. Nodding, you dropped your pillow back onto the bed, willing your heart to settle down. You felt … odd. You wanted to cry because you loved Matt to pieces and couldn’t have him. On the other hand, you felt a longing to be in bed next to him again, even if you were going to cling to your edge to keep as much space between the two of you as possible.
Matt on the other hand, he was selfishly excited. He had missed you, missed your warmth, your scent, your heart, your love for him. He missed telling you how much he loved you. And God, it was still true; he loved you more than anything. But he couldn’t have you. Not if he wanted to keep you safe.
You climbed into bed, silently facing away from Matt, unable to look at him any longer without feeling your heart twisting in your chest. Eventually, you had fallen asleep. But Matt couldn’t get a wink. He laid in his back, wide awake, eyes open and staring at nothing. He didn’t want to sleep, he wanted to stay up and feel you next to him. Hear you, breathe you. He didn’t want to waste the time he had with you because he know he’d be on his way in the morning.
At some point in the night, he felt you shift and shuffle in your sleep, your body turning over to face him and slotting into his side like it used to off its own accord. He smiled, feeling your body wrap itself around him as though it was muscle memory. Your arm around his middle and your leg across both of his. Your warmth engulfing him.
His heart jumped at the contact.
“I love you,” he whispered, careful not to wake you, his arm moving to wrap around you, “I wish you knew just how much.”
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From the writer ask game! (pls answer only as many as you wish of those if thats too many!! <3)12 - If you write in more than one language, what’s the difference? 19 - Share a snippet from a wip without giving any context for it. 20 - Do you work on a single project or many at the same time? How does that work for you? 28 - Any writing advice that works for you and you feel like sharing? 36 - How do you come up with fic titles? What’s the one you’re most proud of?
Ciao honey I absolutely love hearing from you and this game is such a funny way to explore writers world 😍 Thank you so much for answering mine and for your questions 😉
12 - If you write in more than one language, what’s the difference?
Funny story I began to write in English for fun as a way to improve it slowly it became my main language for writing, especially because I somehow feel like it is more suited to express myself whereas with Italian I feel like caged by words with less power of meaning respect to their English counterpart I do not know why 😶
19 - Share a snippet from a wip without giving any context for it. 
Special snippet for you with my husband Jean 🥰😍
feeling his hot breath fan on her cheeks, she sighed trying to tame the impulse to kiss him letting him knew her feeling but too shy her was for such a bold move and so she kept herself busy to untie his mask
Little did she knew similar sort of thought were running in his mind kept at bay by the visceral fear of rejection and repulse he predict coming from her at being touched so intimately let alone kissed by a monster like him.
20 - Do you work on a single project or many at the same time? How does that work for you? 
I work on multiple project across genres and fandoms at the same time I am bit moody on what WIP work on sincerely It works like a mess 😳
I let inspiration lead possessing my hands like a mad genius trying to develope every single one of them at the same time 😸 it feel exausting but rewarding nonetheless especially when I go back to read them and feel satisfied at how they are written otherwise I try to sew it to my taste changing words 😃
28 - Any writing advice that works for you and you feel like sharing? 
Learn to ride the inspiration, when it comes just write whatever you feel like it will not be perfect but it is important to jolt down the basic plot of your work, later you will have a start to develop the ideas as much as you like an if you feel like you need a boost to write put you music on and let the emotions flow through you finger an into your words 😉
36 - How do you come up with fic titles? What’s the one you’re most proud of?
Most of my title revolve around the word Love connected to some things expressed in the fic itself The title I am a most proud of is The King of Love that is also by the way one of the fic I put most effort in since he was your favourite character a character and it had to be faultless have not yet written about him so I had to craft it in a realistic way, but I am overall happy with the other as well otherwise if the title did not satisfy me enough I brainstorm it until I found it and publish only thereafter everything is flawless. 😀
Thank you so much again for asking please feel free to spam my ask chat anytime 😍😘
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