#shady rambles dislyte
xxmothangelxx · 6 months
Shady Rambles Dislyte Part 5: The Movie
okay so before I post this I wanna add some context:
I wasn't able to make a typed post that really put my thoughts to words for some reason (autism moment) and I could only really make my point via words. I sped up the audio to save time because I talk slowly + anonymity lol. So, enjoy the video, and lemme know your thoughts!
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xxmothangelxx · 6 months
Shady Rambles Dislyte Part 6: A Written Movie Sequal
So, I made this post yesterday, and after I was able to make a reddit post that I feel better summarized my point! It may be a tad pretentious in its writing and I do apologize for that, but still, I hope you enjoy!
As a lover of writing and Dislyte, I've always been unnecessarily invested in the story. Funnily enough, unlike most people the story and characters are really my main reason for not giving up on the game – in spite of all the less than favorable updates – so although many argue the story is sub-par, I quite enjoy it. This love of characters and story has made it so I try to keep up with most events. I'll be honest, I stopped playing the game after Valeria's event (and I have yet to read through the ones that I've missed) but I have since completed Cellblock Chaos so I'm making my way back into the game!
Needless context aside, I wanted to discuss the concept of grey morality and why it always bothered me when it was mentioned in reference to the Shadow Decree, it took me a while to figure out why but I feel that I can now put it into words. It is because the Shadow Decree are objectively an irredeemable terrorist organization that have committed human rights violations so extreme, that in a more realistic world Hyde would have been sentenced to death by firing squad upon arrest.
The issue with grey morality and the concept of an anti-hero is a lot of consumers and fans have the false mindset that if a villain has a 'point' then the villain is any less evil. Now, the issue with that therein lies with the fact that morality is less based on thought and more based on action, it doesn't matter if you have a "moral" way of thinking if your actions don't reflect that. This issue can be seen within the Shadow Decree in abundance, many of the characters have seemingly understandable reasons for being members, but their actions within the group contradict their so-called moral standpoint.
For example, many argue that the reason Hyde isn't a villain is because his research is all for the "greater good", he is an ends justify the means sort of person. However, you then have to take into account that Hyde actively partakes in and encourages human trafficking and non-consensual human experimentation. Does it really matter if it is "for the greater good" if you are actively allowing hundreds of innocents to die for experiments that lead to nothing at all?
I am brought back to two events in particular: Brewster and Yun Chuan's. In both events, it is revealed that the Shadow Decree's crimes run deeper than just bothering the Union and stealing their members.
With Brewster, we find out that Shadow Decree actively buys trafficking victims off what can only be described as a black market and experiments on them in an attempt to turn them into espers. These people do not consent, and are nothing more than cattle to them. Few are "successful" like Brewster, with a majority of them dying from the strain placed upon their bodies. Brewster himself was sold by his abusive father and still suffers immense trauma from his time under Kara.
Yun Chuan's hits closer to home however; as someone with many criticisms of the prison industrial complex – more specifically how inmates are treated – to hear that the Shadow Decree makes deals with prisons to experiment on inmates was incredibly chilling. It was one of the most true to life, realistic portrayals of how deep systemic corruption truly is, especially in how it mirrors the real life abuse of incarcerated people globally.
I simply do not see these as the actions of a "morally grey" group of people that only "want the best". I feel that the reason many are quick to slap the morally grey label onto the Shadow Decree is character bounties, most bounties are slice of life stories that show the characters going about their daily business, of course Ophelia and Catherine seem nicer and more likable. Though you then remember that they bombed an orphanage for virtually no reason and suddenly they seem less like good people.
Now, this isn't me saying that you cannot like them or that liking them reflect poorly on you as a person! I for one am definitely a Shadow Decree apologist haha, my top favorite espers are majority Shadow Decree, and I find them to be an interesting group of people with the potential for great storytelling. With that being said, I feel we as media consumers have a habit of becoming so attached to certain characters that we forget that their actions do indeed play a role in who they are.
To be a part of the Shadow Decree is to say that you are okay with human trafficking, human experimentation, terrorism, weapons smuggling, political corruption, prison industrial system corruption, child murder (remember the orphanage bombing that killed Stewart's lover and also a bunch of children?). The Union is certainly not free of skeletons, their rampant negligence shows this, however I cannot feel comfortable saying that they are in any way just as bad or worse than the Shadow Decree based on everything the Dislyte lore has told us.
TLDR: I believe the reason many argue that the Shadow Decree are morally grey, or that they're even a well-meaning group, is because many of the characters have sad backstories, attractive designs, and cute personalities. Though I cannot agree, because I feel that it disregards all the genuinely horrific (and mostly unnecessary) actions of the group; I don't see how people that bomb orphanages and experiment on trafficking victims can be any less than evil.
With all of that being said I would give my left kidney and run over a baby kitten if it meant that Catherine would blink in my direction.
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xxmothangelxx · 2 years
Shady Rambles Dislyte Part 2
So about Tang Mei, if you don't know who she is let me give you a quick rundown before I continue:
Tang Mei was who Tang Xuan currently is, she was Tang Yun's twin and patroned by Sun Wukong — she was changed into Tang Xuan after Dislyte received complaints about having a female character represent Sun Wukong. I won't speak too much on it, mostly bc I'm not Chinese, but what I will say is it's kind of a moot point imo in a game where Nezha patrons a grown man and Nut patrons a teenage high school girl but I digress.
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Omg congrats on the transition Xuan
But all jokes aside, I feel she could somehow still work in Dislyte, and I have a few ideas as to how!
The first is obvious, they could canonize Xuan being trans, not only would that do good for them PR wise, but who doesn't love some good representation here and there. Though that does mean that Mei would be who Xuan once was instead of her own distinct character, and ngl I kinda want her to be a thing, but that doesn't mean Xuan can't still be trans... 👀👀👀👀👀
My second idea is have her be a 3rd sibling, she doesn't have to be a triplet or anything, but a Tang regardless. Actually, let me use this as an excuse to share my little idea:
Tang Mei, patroned by Erlang Shen (二郎神), is the older sister to both twins, maybe late 20s-early 30s. Guided by a deity that embodies justice, I don't think she would work for any of the currently established factions or organizations (esper union, shadow decree etc.) instead, I believe she would work as a very, very high-end lawyer.
Here me out; all her life Tang Mei had always been the sort who cared a lot about right and wrong. If her parents set a rule in the home she would never break it, she never got in trouble at school, always got good grades and never skipped a day. She was the type who would report people for breaking rules, and was an all around perfect child. When she became an older sibling she promised herself she would guide them to be the best people they could be. This however meant that she wasn't – and still isn't – typically 'fun'. She follows rules to a T and is completely unbaised in situations, not caring for how people feel or nuance, only caring if something was right or wrong and allowed them to improve as people.
This attitude, which only got stronger as she got older and received her new godly abilities, is what allowed her to excell both as an esper and a lawyer. I imagine she's worked quite closely with Abigail, who has absolutely had to fight quite a few legal battles in her day. The calm and collected lawyer who only ever wears a coy smile is feared by her fellow attorneys, and has only ever lost a single case in her whole tenure. Due to this, she only really defends or prosecutes high-end cases and people – she's basically a celebrity attorney.
As for her relationship with her siblings, it's... complicated. She likes Xuan, and he likes her, but her rigid and incredibly mature attitude makes it so he feels like he has to be a certain way when she's around. Xuan feels like he can't be fully himself around her or she'll chastise him for still acting like a little boy, or question his whole 'super hero' behavior. They're still close, but she intimidates him a whole lot.
Mei's relationship with Yun is gone. As kids it was obvious she preferred him over Xuan ever so slightly, they were both introverts so I imagine the two would have to reel in Xuan when they were younger. Mei's strong sense of right and wrong meant it broke her heart when Yun became a member of the Shadow Decree, who she viewed as a glorified terrorist organization, and her view of the quiet, well behaved boy became that of a good-for-nothing delinquent, one that needed to be taken off the streets. Although he was her little brother, and she loved him, Mei was very adamant of bringing him to justice and making him experience the full extent of the law. This of course causes some rift between her and Xuan: whilst Xuan believes Yun is just being led astray and can be brought back to the good side, Mei believes he's just a criminal now, and thus must be treated as such.
When it comes to Mei's relationship with other characters (aside from the aforementioned Abigail) I think Mei would be friendly with Celine and Melanie, frequenting for some drinks and talking with them. She's had a few run ins with Triki, who she cannot stand, and of course has met Xuan's friends Li Ling and Lewis. Due to her strict and not very fun-loving personality, she would get along quite well with Ashley, who she sometimes talks to and visits when she has some free time. Though, Mei doesn't really keep friends, she keeps acquaintances and allies, with her brother being her only true friend.
As an Esper, since we have a legendary Tang and a rare Tang, Mei would be an epic, specifically wind-attuned. I imagine her as a controller, and though I don't have a whole moveset planned, for some reason I feel she would be able to petrify – not sure why though lol.
Im sorry this was just my excuse to show off my Tang Mei OC SMDMDKDKKD
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xxmothangelxx · 1 year
Shady Rambles Dislyte Part 4: Lynn
Lynn is imo one of the more fascinating shadow decree members simply because of how out of place she is, and by that I don't necessarily mean her lack of overt 'edgyness' as I more mean that unlike pretty much every member in the orginization, she seems to be the one without a blatant reason to be there
let's start by looking at her careers:
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I know you're thinking, "but Shady, the third one states she wanted to exact revenge, that's why she joined!" which is a valid point! Until you take into account that the third career also implies she already exacted revenge, so it would make no sense for her to exact revenge again for something that has already been done. You could also argue she joined for Anesidora BUT the third career also implies that Anesidora being part of the SD was completely coincidental.
So, she already got her revenge so she isn't like a Tang Yun who wants to harm the union for revenge purposes, in the fourth career it states that she doesn't care for the EU vs SD conflict so she isnt some anti-union rager like Ophelia, and like the bounties she appears in suggest, she isn't some irredeemable psychopath like Kara who just joined so she could be evil in peace. So why did she join?
At first I thought I felt this way simply because Lynn was nice and that was odd, however, there are many SD members who are portrayed as nice outside of their SD dealings. Ophelia's bounties make her out to be a sweet, shy, motherly romantic despite literally burning the union, betraying everyone who ever cared for her and leaving so many injured and or dead. Even Catherine – who literally burned down an orphanage which injured and or killed multiple CHILDREN – is sweetened and softened in her bounties to be more likeable.
TLDR; dislyte portrays all their SD members as likeable in their mundane interacations so that can't be why I felt so odd about Lynn.
Lynn just seems so... directionless, as if she joined the SD just because she could. She hardly fits in and doesn't even have a solid reason to be there, she isnt crazy and uses the SD as an excuse to exact her insanity, she isn't seeking revenge (she already got it), she isn't explicitly anti-union... I'm not against it, but idk if it was intentional for her to be written like this lol.
If it was, I think the idea of a passive character who does things just because and doesn't care too much for allegiances is incredibly interesting! It also leads to an interesting moral dilemma, Lynn willingly joining the Shadow Decree, despite not alligning with their views or caring much for the organization, in spite of all their evil, does that make her a bad person? She says she wants peace, and yet she joins a group that is the antithesis of peace and tranquility.
She's so odd, and I kinda want dislyte writers to do more with her lol
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xxmothangelxx · 2 years
Shady Rambles Dislyte Part 1
So about Tang Yun's flowing jade skin, aside from the fact that apparently thinking the skin is cute is an unpopular opinion (mfs keep calling it ugly sobs) I just wanted to mention something abt it I rlly like
Me thinking the skin is just more aesthetically pleasing than the og aside, I like that the model for the skin actually gets his ears RIGHT
See, in both his regular art and his skin art Tang Yun has these dark, animal like ears that are v clearly supposed to resemble an actual monkey's
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Yet his usual model has these oddly fleshy ears, they have this dark blue tint instead of the black outlining, which causes his ears to look really creepy and uncanny imo
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But in his skin!!!! They actually give him the right ears!!! They dont look fleshy and funky and I love it
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They look like actual monkey ears instead of elongated human ears and that is v appreciated
TLDR; Flowing Jade is better than regular Tang Yun and if u dont agree ur wrong <3 /hj
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xxmothangelxx · 2 years
Shady Rambles Dislyte Part 3
So I recently became aware of this bootleg dislyte by the name of 'Infinite Force'
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I mean look at it... @lilithgames I suggest y'all sue bc clearly y'all need the money based on ur offer prices
All jokes aside though I didnt actually think this was real until I saw it in the app store
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It was real! This mythical dislyte wannabe was actually a real thing I could download! So, I naturally downloaded it with quickness
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When I hit play, I was expecting the most uninteresting, low-budget, effortless dislyte rip with a few genshin elements, but instead I was greeted with:
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Idle Legion???? I thought the game was Infinite Force???? Why release the game if it isnt complete? Why so brazenly used genshin and dislyte characters knowing how it might go???? I immediately deleted the app because I was scared of getting some sort of virus or scammed in any way lmao
But this got me thinking, it's only a matter of time before we get some real dislyte rips, I mean genshin pretty much invented the genre of 'free roam anime inspired app store games', some good some eeeeh, and I think the fact that this fake app used dislyte aesthetics goes to show just how popular the game actually is on a worldwide scale.
In fact, I believe they could branch out, maybe later on down the line, into other mediums and genres....
But back to the bootlegs, I wonder how many dislyte rips we're gonna get? The game is getting more and more popular as the days go by, with each update drawing in more players. I genuinely think the only thing holding it back from multimillion downloads like a genshin is its abysmal pull rates and borderline scummy offer prices (the matrix offers are fucking criminal). With that being said I think it'll be fun to see what comes of the dislyte wave lol
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xxmothangelxx · 6 months
I was gonna make this a Shady Rambles Dislyte but I'm too tired to say anything of note lol
I really miss when Dislyte stories were like... peak, say what you want about the original story mode, but at least the event stories were really good! Stories like Truth Unveiled, Dusk and Dawn, Dream of Redemption, Sea of Sorrow... even the simpler ones like Desperado were really good! Emotional and well written stories that actually seemed like they had some effort and care put into them.
I guess I can't talk because I missed most of them, but I've been rereading the events I missed (specifically everything after Valeria's) and tbh aside from Hilda's story none of it is clicking for me rn :/ it all feels like it's lost some sort of spark that made me love the previous event stories so much
And based on the bs they just pulled with the retconned story mode, AND the steaming pile of mid that was Cellblock Chaos, they better come in hot with the next event story because rn I'm regretting my decision to return to this game
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