#seseong!hyj au
yersina · 2 years
[based on this post]
In another universe, Yoojin finds out about his brother becoming a Hunter through the news. In this universe, his brother is the one who finds out.
Yoohyun isn’t sure what he should feel when he looks down at the bolded letters on his phone declaring that the brother of the Haeyeon guild leader has Awakened and joined Seseong. He knows what he does feel: anger, mostly. Anger at himself, for allowing this to pass by his notice, anger at his guild members for not bringing it to his attention, anger at Yoojin for putting himself in harm’s way like this. Betrayal. Fear.
Hatred for Sung Hyunje, for taking Yoojin when Yoohyun has been trying so hard not to.
Someone knocks on his office door and Yoohyun is already shaking his head before whoever it is can get out much more than, “Guild Leader—”
“Get out and leave me alone,” he interrupts and is fleetingly grateful when the person immediately does so.
It’s stupidly easy to thumb over to his contacts and find Sung Hyunje’s number, and yet somehow putting his phone up to his ear as the line rings through is one of the hardest things he’s ever done. There’s cotton in his ears and every limb in his body feels like lead.
“Young Master Yoohyun,” comes Sung Hyunje’s irritatingly cheerful voice. “I could’ve sworn you’d said you’ll never call me for as long as you live. Is this someone else calling to tell me that the young master has died?”
Yoohyun unsticks his tongue from the roof of his mouth. “Why?”
Sung Hyunje has the gall to sound confused. “‘Why?’”
“You know what I’m talking about, you bastard!” Yoohyun hardly registers the loud groan of his desk when he pounds a fist against its surface. “You know he’s my brother.”
“Oh, you’re talking about Yoojin-gun? My, my, news sure does travel fast these days, doesn’t it?”
Yoohyun is about to explode. “What are you talking about, you have a PR team that supervises your news releases—”
“Hold on for just a moment.”
“If you hang up on me, I swear—”
For the second time that morning, Yoohyun’s world grinds to a halt. “Hyung?”
“Yeah, it’s me. Guild Leader-nim handed me the phone. Did you need something?” Yoojin doesn’t sound like he’s under duress. In fact, he sounds… normal. Light. Much more normal than the last time they spoke, when Yoohyun was trying to get him off of Haeyeon building premises as quickly as possible. The difference makes something pull tight in Yoohyun’s chest.
“Hyung,” Yoohyun starts, but he has no idea what he wants to say. “You’re with him right now?”
“There’s a mandatory employee orientation that the guild leader is forcing me to attend.” Yoohyun can hear the eye roll in Yoojin’s voice, and the familiarity of it aches. “He insisted on supervising.” And all of a sudden, Yoohyun is reminded of where Yoojin is right now.
“Hyung, why? Being a Hunter is dangerous, there’s nothing in the law offering protection, you could die—”
“And you can’t say the same for yourself?”
“I just want you to stay safe!”
“And that’s what I want for you too, Yoohyun-ah.” Somehow, the measured way Yoojin is responding to him hits harder than if he’d started yelling.
“You shouldn’t have gone to Sung Hyunje, at least.”
“Yoohyun, I went to you first.” And here, the hurt starts to leak into Yoojin’s tone. “Of course I would go to you first. But you didn’t listen to even a word of what I was trying to say.”
“And Sung Hyunje did?” Yoohyun asks acidly.
“He was the one who approached me, actually.” The answer is stiff, and Yoohyun has a second to feel a pang of regret before Sung Hyunje’s voice comes across the line again. “Haeyeon Guild Leader, did you call for a reason other than to upset one of my Hunters?”
“He’s not yours,” Yoohyun hisses.
“The paperwork says otherwise.” The satisfaction in Sung Hyunje’s voice makes Yoohyun want to strangle something. Preferably the man himself. “Goodbye, Young Master Yoohyun. Try not to call too much.”
“Sung Hyunje—” He pulls his phone from his ear in frustration and sure enough, the bastard hung up.
He doesn’t know what Sung Hyunje’s game is here. He has no doubt that the man did it as a way of getting under Yoohyun’s skin somehow, but the idea of him pulling Yoojin into his distasteful machinations just to annoy Yoohyun makes a fire burn under his skin. He’s sorely tempted to storm all the way over to Seseong and back up his anger with the threat of violence, but as much as he hates to admit it, he doesn’t think he’d be able to beat Sung Hyunje in a one-on-one fight as they are currently, much less when he’s surrounded by his guild members.
And Yoojin.
The very thought of seeing Yoojin standing by Sung Hyunje’s side curdles sour in his stomach like expired milk. It sticks in the back of his throat like the lingering taste of blood, but—
Yoojin is a Hunter now. And there’s no law saying that Hunters can’t transfer guilds.
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yersina · 2 years
Just came across a half-written sctir snippet that I completely and utterly forgot existed in my notes app???
One of the basic principles of business is that if your competitors are too stupid to recognize their own assets, take them.
Sung Hyunjae trusts Choi Mingi to tell him the truth when he says that Han Yoojin works at the Starbucks that’s a half hour drive from their guild building, but he doesn’t quite believe him until he walks in and sees Han Yoohyun’s brother working behind the counter.
“Han Yoojin,” he greets, walking up to the counter. Yoojin immediately stiffens, eyeing Hyunjae suspiciously.
“If you want to talk to me because of Yoohyun, I’m not making any statements,” he says gruffly, stiff but rehearsed. Pity.
“Why, Yoojin-ssi, I just want to talk to you for your own sake,” he says, giving Yoojin a flawless smile. Yoojin sputters delightfully at that, but in the end, he doesn’t look any less suspicious than before.
Cannot stop thinking abt the possibility of pre-reg seseong hyj
shj is very bastard and would have absolutely no qualms w poaching yj if he wanted to
Which he does
Cause, like, awakening definitely isn’t genetic or anything, but the very glaringly obvious media black hole around hyj is, well, obvious, and shj has never met a sore spot that he hasn’t wanted to push
So he wanders over to wherever hyj is working at the time and shamelessly tries to poach the unawakened brother of his largest rival guild
Hyj doesn’t really understand what’s going on other than that shj is holding up the line, but this is the most anyone has ever spoken to him about dungeons and awakening since yh waltzed out of his life, so he’s reluctantly but understandably intrigued
One thing leads to another, and hyj agrees to let Seseong sponsor his awakening
(yes, hyj is aware that this means he’ll join seseong afterwards. no, he’s not thinking abt hyh during all of this. he’s NOT. really. definitely. yeah.)
i have a lot of thoughts and headcanons around what exactly hyj’s stats and skills would be outside of canon circumstances, but for the sake of this verse, i’m gonna put him at stat b, skill a rank—exceptional, but not too abnormally so
and like, the familiar raising skill is impressive, but at an a level it’s not earth-shatteringly amazing, you know? the only person that would really benefit from it is ksy, so shj puts that idea on the back burner
but you know what DOES catch his attention? the teacher skill
so he starts dragging yj on every single dungeon clearing opportunity to build up his familiarity with the skill and push his limits so he can use it to its fullest extent
also. yknow when ksh (i think?) was describing why he and the rest of haeyeon are loyal to yh? and how there’s a certain level of dedication and admiration born from following someone into danger and being able to follow them right back out?
yeah. y e a h.
like, hyh is his brother, and hyj is never ever ever going to forget that. ever. he raised that boy with his own two hands and hyj loves him to the ends of the earth even if they haven’t said a single word to each other in two years
but shj is his guild leader
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yersina · 1 year
im am so very interested in your seseong!hyj it such an interesting concept. if u dont mind, do you have any tidbits or wip you’d like to share? no pressure ofc!!
omg i would LOVE to share. i don't have anything currently written, but this au is a little gremlin child that constantly lives in my mind asdlkfj
i love the idea of hyj becoming like... shj's second in command. not in the way that ksh is hyh's second in command, but more like hyj is the actually approachable one between the two of them and he's good at what he does, so naturally everyone's drawn to him.
because! while there are certainly guild members who have been in seseong longer than him, it's literally yoojin's job (as an extension of his skills) to know everyone and their skills and their dynamics. he's sent into dungeons all the time as a way of training the newer members and improving cooperation between the senior members and he just. he knows. and so naturally everyone just. goes to him for advice.
(i imagine that there's more than one newbie w a bit of a crush on him. this is a source of endless amusement for shj.)
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yersina · 2 years
[part 1]
Yoojin gasps, the scent of sulfur flooding his nose. There’s jagged rock beneath his palms, red stone as far as he can see, except no, there’s a flash of dark fur, and a spout of fire, and a—
“Look alive, Yoojin-ssi.” He snaps his gaze over to the tall figure standing next to him, who’s peering curiously down at Yoojin’s prone form. “This is just your interview, you know.”
“Get out while you still can,” a Seseong Hunter had whispered to him conspiratorially when Sung Hyunje had dragged him down to the guild building to complete the last of the paperwork.
The warning had been paired with a wink and a grin, but Yoojin had swallowed down the lump of unease in his throat all the same. “What do you mean?”
The Hunter shrugged. “He’s a bit… y’know.” He gestured meaningfully to his head. “I mean, all of the guild leaders are a bit insane—have to be, in order to do what they do. But ours is maybe a bit more than most.”
Yoojin hadn’t quite grasped what the Hunter had meant beyond a lingering sense of trepidation, but now he thinks he understands.
“‘Interview’, my ass,” he mutters under his breath as he pushes himself back to his feet.
Sung Hyunje chuckles, as if he’d heard Yoojin’s quiet comment, but doesn’t respond other than to say, “Or perhaps we could consider this your signing bonus?”
Yoojin resists the urge to sigh long and hard. “As long as I can file for hazard pay.”
Sung Hyunje’s eyes glitter in the next bout of fire from a monster somewhere to Yoojin’s left. “Don’t forget, you’re not my employee yet.”
Yoojin grunts, roughly brushing himself off and setting himself in the direction of the fighting still going on, shouts and growls giving away the location of the other Seseong guild members. “How much longer until they’re done?”
“We’ll be done when you Awaken,” Sung Hyunje corrects. “Our timeline is determined by you, Yoojin-ssi.”
Yoojin grimaces. “Great.”
In the next moment, Yoojin barely has time to register the brush of fur against his side and the sharp crack of electricity before the husk of a hulking, bear-like monster is already falling at his feet, its mane of fire slowly smoldering out. “Do keep up, Yoojin-ssi,” Sung Hyunje says lightly, patting his jacket a few times to release a cloud of ash. “I’d hate for you to die before the fun starts.”
“You’re insane,” Yoojin informs him seriously, and dogs after the bastard’s unfairly long strides anyway.
He’d already known that the guild leader of Seseong is one of the few S-Ranked Hunters in Korea (along with his brother, his mind tacks on helpfully), but it’s one thing to know that fact and it’s another to see it, the ease with which Sung Hyunje breezes through a C-Rank dungeon, tearing a swathe through any blazing monsters that stand in his path with less effort than it takes Yoojin to sneeze. It’s terrifying and awe-inspiring in equal measure, sending Yoojin’s heart to his throat every time lightning sparks across his vision.
“Bak Sooyeong-ssi,” he hears Sung Hyunje greet. Apparently Yoojin had been so focused on not tripping over the uneven ground that he hadn’t noticed their approach to the other group. “I think we need a different approach. I’ll be leaving Han Yoojin-ssi in your care.”
“You gonna keep up, newbie?” she asks with an arched eyebrow after Sung Hyunje glides off into the depths of the dungeon.
“Not like I have another choice, do I?” he replies. He tugs his gloves more firmly over his hands. He thinks he spots a flash of approval in her expression, but it’s hidden by another spout of flame that comes way too close to where they’re standing. The longer he stays in the dungeon, the harder it begins to ignore the voice in the back of his head telling him that he’s going to die in this place.
She claps him on the back and shoves him forward in the same motion. “That’s the spirit! Let’s see if you you’ve got the guts, huh?”
These people are insane, he thinks, not for the first time since he stepped foot in the dungeon and definitely not the last by the time he steps out. Absolutely, batshit insane.
He follows after the proud line of her back anyway.
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