#seriously why does tumblr have the legit stupidest ads
coridallasmultipass Β· 4 months
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Well... It's Been Awhile.
Oh Tumblr. Still here. It has been quite some time since I made a post here. Probably haven't posted up on here since sometime back in high school. Guess what? I am 20 fucking 3! So probly been about summer between like 4 to 7 years or some shit. I don't know the exact amount I am not really big on math and do not feel like doing that right now so therefore I am not going to. Anyway, I decided to go back and kind of try to start posting to my blog cuz I realize that I actually have a lot that I would like to say. And here, seems like a pretty good place to do it! But first, let me fill you in. I am currently in an all around amazing relationship. My new partner in crime is thirty fucking four. So yeah about 10 and a half or 11 years older. There you go. I did the math for you on that one. You're welcome. Anyway, some may call it a bit of a large gap, but I call it fucking awesome. Our maturity levels seem to somehow meet, almost perfectly, in the middle. Dude pays his bills but I'm pretty sure he likes Batman and Legos a little too much. But that's okay. Because I don't pay my bills and I like cussing a little too much. Anyway, enough about that guy.. Calm down everyone. I only plan on going about as far as marriage and maybe a kid or two, or maybe 3 if things work out different than we planned, and plus spending the whole rest of my life with him. Because I now know how it feels to have met someone so effing crazy yet so effing sensible and saying at the same time. And also, so damn close to perfect.. About as close as any of us humans can get, it seems. I honestly hope that you all eventually find your sensible crazy mix at some point in life too. And if you don't, then that's okay. At least I still have mine. Jk guys, go out there and find your other half. Sometimes maybe just try to look up and down and to the left and to the right (take it back now y'allπŸ˜‰πŸ˜) and then somewhere that you maybe didn't even consider existed before... like a magical land of awesome, with purple rivers and multicolored sunsets as well as multicolored sunrises, where they develop beautiful, genuine men with not only the sweet and gentle voice of a freakin angel, but like.. the whole package of awesome. Seriously, and I mean the WHOLE package. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ Makes sense right? He's also pretty. Js. Just another random fact about my new found gift. (Im always thankful and play with it almost everyday, of course). On to new topic. I have stuff to say and I'm going to say it. Opinions are welcome, of course, however don't respect me to definitely give flying fuck. Because ya pro. Would have about a 50/50 shot. But you know, feel free to express yourself anyway though, even though your opinion will probably be the wrong opinion most likely. Unless its the same opinion as mine. Haha. Just saying. And oh well man, that's life sometimes. So feel free to build a bridge and get over it, sir. Also thank you for reading and welcome back to my shit. Hope you enjoy. And with all that, here are a few random facts to close this post, exclusively made the up for all of you... to clarify, only some are made up. Some are real. And if you want, you can even try to guess which ones are real which or false. Kind of like a game like playing fucking Monopoly. Anyway yeah so...
1. I adore my 34 year old male creature thing person friend boyfriend.
2. I'm super protective over those I love and the most protective over creature thing. Like seriously though, I am not joking. Keep your hands to yourself cuz I will not hesitate to rip then off, along with your face. Please and thank you. 😁
3. In reference to number 2... That ass is mine. Stay away from that ass.
4. Hugh Hefner was not a criminal and did nothing wrong besides probably being a pervy old dude, just,with way more money than most of the other creepy old dudes. Also, who the hell calls themself bunnies. That's stupid. And your stupid. Stop trying to be cute, cuz your not. Your gross. And your a whore. Just like the other 22 million other basic bitches that look just like you. Please stop being repulsive.
5. The Kardashians are also annoying to though, tbh. Like, what is it exactly that they are famous for? Besides maybe Kim's big fat ass. Oh, and btw, nice job on that pornos with Ray J, Kimmy, that was some quality shit. Haha. NOT. My eyes will not be exposed to that level of purr crust. You're gross, and your voice is annoying. But not just you though, also your sisters. Even the little younger Bruce spawns or whatever they are supposed to be. My creature beautiful person doesn't like them either and neither do I. Because they're annoying and like 12 and they shouldn't be on TV. And stop doing what you're doing. I don't judge people, by the way. Not usually, anyway. Not without like, good reason. But hey, I'm only human just like you. Unless you're a robot, then your robot. I am dedicating this particular post, to my once again, very loved yet very old boyfriend. He's probably one of the smartest guys I know. Definitely also, knows how to identify and actively avoid the basic bitches. And has a pretty legit hatred for those Kardashians so yeah that was what this post was about. All for you, sir. (Those damn Kardashians!) Haha.
6. I am however, not one of those 98%. And damn proud. Also, one of my most adored friends, Shannon, is also not in that 2%. I pulled us both out of the shame puddle because we don't belong there. Don't drown, other bitches. Obviously, creature wouldn't be in the shame puddle either but I kind of figure there's a separate one for guys and separate one for girls. I don't make the rules about these things.
7. Is this boxer that is currently sitting next to me in the couch appears to have a ear infection of some sort and wants to sit right up next to me and keeps shaking his head and I'm a little nervous that liquid will come out because that's gross.
8. In all honesty though, we do take care of our dogs just to let everyone know. They are all very spoiled. Especially the one with the stupidest face. Just because you know. Nothing beats bitch Mountain face.
9. I have been living off work for over a year now with new guy that I may have mentioned once or twice above. And things are chill. Good actually. Great. I don't like to be cheesy sometimes. Makes me feel kind of shocked... Plus that one guy saying like right over there and can hear me talk to texting this whole thing right now. But I don't know if he hears things outside of his video game but there's also that chance.
10. He does.
11. Gucci is stupid and overpriced for no reason at all. And to clarify, it's the over pricing that makes it stupid for the most part. I am cool with my Kohl's or Walmart purses. They work and they don't cost me a month or II salary for a piece of fucking thick Fabric or whatever the hell they use to make purses nowadays I don't know but I know it's not damn gold so fuck that.
12. Haha. Thick fabric. Not sure why that's amusing but it is.
13. My boyfriend's name is Gary.
14. Gary said, in regards to number 15. That is amusing because it sounds like dick fabric. I neither agree nor disagree on this. But it kind of does sound like that. But like I mean kinda. With a kinda.
16. I am actually a pretty nice, laid-back person, believe it or not. I just enjoy my cuss words sometimes and stuff and you know Tumblr is going to be my new place to stay whatever basically, whenever. Yep. Opinions. Opinions. Opinions. Because everyone has them. Usually located next to your plumbus.
17. Oh and BTW... I really like music and photography and drawing and video editing and stuff. I also plan on eventually, earning my degree in psyche starting a career in clinical counseling.
18. Sometimes I feel like my boyfriend smokes too much weed. But that's okay.
19. I am so ready to finish and submit this post. But this is 19 so I wanted to bring it to an even 20 by adding one more number. Which may, very possibly, maybe, be the most important or meaningful piece of this whole post. Lr tbe very least. Time will tell. Stay tuned. Or don't. That's fine. Seriously, I wouldn't blame you if you left.
20. I love, writing, relaxing, sometimes napping, being productive when possible, the three annoying dogs, and my beautiful chiseled Angel person.
21. Ha. I lied there's 21 not 20.
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