#seeing how many of yall love epic mickey but hate disney. we might have a sizable base to start the snowball effect. THE FANDOM ITSELF.
toonheartz · 2 months
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ok hi
so you MIGHT know disney is currently a pressure target due to their monetary contributions to the ongoing conflict! (idk what will get this post censored sorry) it's ok if you didnt. now you know!
let me just say, if you're the kind of armchair activist that only just goes around harassing fans of things instead of actual activism. ngl you're a prick. this isn't gonna help ANYONE and will either make the person A, think "wow this person is a jerk, i'm not gonna listen to them", or B, feel forced to apologize for being excited for one of their favorite, neglected series getting a remake and feel miserable.
this isn't how we get things done. this isn't how we make positive change. misery HALTS the motivation needed to drive change.
what we NEED to do is organize something to pressure disney to withdraw their funding. to let them know, yes! we are interested in your product. HOWEVER, due to what you're doing we unfortunately can't support you.
if we're loud enough, it may create a snowball effect of more people contributing. if anyone has any ideas of how we (individually or as a group) can pressure disney by telling them we won't support their product, please let me know!!
and if we win?
well, we'll have a game to look forward to :]
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