#seblaine 1x1 rp
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gleekingdom · 3 months
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Ya all I have literally had years to think up this plot. Because I've had but no one wants to rp it or they say they do but then they don't for whatever reason.
I'm not to into many superheros but sometimes I am little bit with the right plot.
So I was thinking for an au of glee. With the ship seblaine
But like some people are born with powers and some aren't. So Blaine like thought he'd never get powers but he was like a late bloomer. And he decides to be a hero called nightbird ( named after the superhero name he made up for himself in the superhero episode)
And Sebastian like he comes like from a family of villains I was thinking. But he's like against his family being supervillains. And he could be a hero if you want but I think it would be interesting if he was antihero.
So like where shipping comes into this. Is in there civilian lives they know eachother but maybe one character has a one sided crush. And then when there undercover like the exact opposite person has a crush on the other. But they don't know there the same people at first. And maybe over time they end up catching feelings for side of the person they weren't crushing on before. Which I think would make really interesting dynamics since they don't realize the civilian version and there masked version are same person ( kinda like a miraculous ladybug situation)
Except we'd make our own version and story.
If interested dm me here to get my code to discord. And please don't say your interested only to ghost me. Because that's happened a lot lately outta no where..
I understand everyone gets busy, me included. With my personal life, and my chats are dry right now but there was a time there were the exact opposite and it was overwhelming. But I wouldn't be looking for rps if I didn't think I could handle them right now. ^^
Also I'm most comfortable playing Blaine as I don't really know how to approach being Sebastian. Though I really like him as a character.
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xonceinadream · 11 months
Alright, y'all, I've been in a mood lately so I'd love to start some more RPs. I play primarily Blaine (I'm willing to do Sebastian but I write him very very soft so be prepared if you want that). I'd like to RP mainly Seblaine but I will also go for a Klaine with a fun plot.
I'd like to rp on discord. For Seblaine, I don't care about the plot or timeline I just like RPing them. For Klaine, I'd like to do some kind of AU or canon divergence but we can talk about it.
I am perpetually busy so I'm not a 5 message a day responder the way I'd like to be. Generally at least once a day if not a little bit more but there are definitely days that I can't be on. So please don't be frustrated. I'm looking for something long-term. Also I'm 31 so please be 23+. I could give a little leeway but it makes me feel better to have somebody closer to my age.
Send me an ask/message and I'll send you my discord or message me on discord if we're already friends on there. I'm also interested in trying again if we've RPed before because I know several have been abandoned by either me or my RP partner as happens. ♥
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sassbassmythe · 1 year
(continues from here:)
Sebastian looked down, turning his attention to the small gap which now was between them the moment Elliott moved closer to him, their legs almost brushing, and the almost phantom touch moment sensation that overcame him felt like electric sparks up his spine. After all these years, the mere brush of their bodies still had that effect on him. But he needed to keep a cool head if he wanted to come out of that encounter as unscathed as possible.
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So he looked up at him and smiled broadly, which soon turned into a warm, honest fit of laughter, and he pressed his hand on his forehead and shook his head. “Oh my god... This is just like us. Going back and forth at the same discussion.” His smiling face changed into a softer, warmer one, his green eyes still looking directly into hazel ones. “Your fault- My fault... Does that really make any difference right now? It happened, Elliott. Things happen. And maybe-” He reached out and gently held his chin between his fingertips. “- it happened because some things simply run their course at the time. It wasn’t our time, Elliott. Plain and simple. Not then.” He could feel his heart ramming inside his ribcage over the closeness between them at that moment, but he was determined to make his point across.
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bumblebeeanderson · 2 years
Everything Old Is New Again || Seblaine
Sebastian drummed his fingertips over the steering wheel of his dark green Aston Martin, black leather gloves dressing his hands, while he sat there, the engine of the car already off, and parked at the lot that was used for that same purpose, inside the grounds of the Dalton Academy. It must have been a good ten minutes of him sitting there, his piercing green eyes hidden behind a pair of dark sunglasses, until he finally got out of the car, put the alarm on and put the keys inside the pockets of his dark gray coat. Equally colored pants, along with a white shirt completed his look, as he walked towards the main building’s main entrance, his hands working to take his gloves off, and then also his sunglasses, as he looked around and sighed, especially when he walked through the door.
The exact same thing he had been avoiding for so long was already coming back with a vengeance, and that was the flood of memories that place held for him. But he figured that, just like you did with a band aid, the quicker you were done with it, the less it would hurt. He was there for the Warblers ten year reunion, that was, ten years after they had graduated, so he might as well make the most of it.
For Blaine, being at Dalton had become about coming home to find himself. His first time walking these halls had been so intimidating, he’d been so hurt, but he’d been healed here and he’d risen to his full potential. At Dalton, he was Blaine Warbler, the lead rockstar in a group of rockstars. Everyone adored him and he felt comfortable and welcome. He’d moved on from there when he felt he needed to and he had convinced himself that he was ready, but the world outside of Dalton was not as kind to him as his home. He felt it was to be expected though, so he pushed through all of the little things that made him sad and he’d even found happiness. Dalton was his home and a place that held many people and things that he thought about late at night, but he felt like he had matured; like he was strong enough not to need his security blanket. But that confidence had been taken from him when he’d found himself lost again, without an anchor. So he came home.
Teaching came easy for Blaine, passing on the things he had learned from his peers throughout the years felt incredibly satisfying and watching a new generation blossom under his tutelage was enough to draw him out of his funk. Dalton was his home. When he’d heard Sebastian would be coming back to campus, the rest of the details of the situation surrounding it went right out the window and all Blaine could think about was the fellow Warbler. He was as nervous as could be up until the very second that he saw that lanky frame walk into view and in an instant it evaporated, leaving him smiling like he’d just seen the sun for the first time. “Sebastian– I know that hair,” he teased, calling back to a conversation they had had years ago because the verbiage was just so Sebastian. “You’re here.”
His footsteps echoed in the hallway, his boots stepping hard and then harder with each step he took. He could still remember the first time he walked through those hallways, the infinite amount of annoyance that had meant for him to start at a new school, after being expelled from that boarding school in Paris. And even if Dalton was as close as you can get to be at a boarding school, it hadn’t gone a full day before he realized it was by far two completely different things. Instead of being surrounded by ass kissers who were only interested in his name, and money, and everything he could get away with  because of that, at Dalton he found true, honest peers. At Dalton he found friends, starting with Jeff, that boy with the blonde mop of hair, who didn’t stop talking, and ultimately showed him to his room. At the moment, it was a welcome change.
Then he met Blaine. Blaine freaking Anderson. The boy who Sebastian at first wanted to make scream while he pinned him against a wall, yes, but as time went by, the boy he found himself thinking more often than not. Thinking of things he didn’t think with all the others he happened to have sex. None of them matters. And even if the temptation was grand, Sebastian knew that Blaine deserved more than just a quickie, and the fact was, the taller wasn’t sure he could offer him more than that. Then Blaine left, and that was it. Sebastian knew he had to move on, and he was an expert at that.
A lot of water had gone under both their bridges since then, and with Sebastian moving back to Paris after graduation, and then to New York, that didn’t leave enough time for them to catch up. Until now. What better moment to do that than a school reunion, at the same place where they had met a long time ago.
Sebastian snapped himself out of it when he heard his name being called, by that voice he once loved to hear, and one he had forced himself to forget, unsuccessfully, obviously. “Blaine Anderson. Looking good there, Killer” he said with a bright smile, also remembering their nicknames from back then. “Yes, I am. On the flesh. Would you like to poke my stomach to see if I’m real?” he said with a soft chuckle, then he took a step forward and pulled him for a warm hug. “It’s been a while” he said softly, while they were still holding one another.
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snixxtanas · 3 months
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Hey hey hey! I’m Scott, He/Him, 21+, and I’m dying to get some 1x1 plots going on Discord. I’ve been roleplaying in this fandom for the past 14 years and I never found the exit door! I mostly like RPs that consist of para writing and casual text based mixes. For now, my only stipulation is that you’re also 21+, we can talk about other stuff later! Some of my favourite ships to play are:
I’m dying to get some good roleplays going and have a ton of ideas for plots! If you’re interested in writing together, tap the like button and I’ll reach out to you!
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andersoncharm · 3 years
Salt Air And The Rust On Your Door- Saturday, March 20, 2021
Para: Salt Air And The Rust On Your Door
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Seblaine.
Blaine: @andersoncharm
Sebastian: @smythesm
When: Saturday, March 20, 2021
Location: Marblehead, Massachusetts- Blaine’s gifted beach cottage.
Notes: Blaine and Sebastian spend the weekend putting together Blaine’s new sacred space.
Warnings:  This RP includes; Mentions of death. Parental Death (Blaine’s Mom), Mentions of toxic past relationships. Mentions of brief past Klaine. Depression. Anxiety.
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Under cut for length and some sexy talk. Work is mostly unedited as usual.
Para Title taken from- August by Taylor Swift
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine bit into his bottom lip in concentration and ran his finger down his checklist one last time. Everything seemed to be in order, then again he couldn’t be sure with all of these things scattered the way they had been after his life had been uprooted. It was so hard for him to believe that he’d been exiled and forced to pack up every single thing he owned only four months ago. It both felt like a lifetime and no time at all. He’d done his best to keep each vial and each book and each seed or herb safe, even the magic ones that he’d managed to sneak off of LeFay grounds with the help of his dearly missed friends David and Nick. Everything had either been dumped at his new sacred space or was hidden away in his side of the closet in his and Seb’s bedroom. The thought of everything so messed up and moved around without a home made Blaine’s skin feel itchy. 
His father had gotten him the Marblehead beach cottage as a parting gift, a way for Blaine to stay connected to his old world, a reminder that he still belonged… He’d even picked a place that was less than four miles away from Salem, where part of his legacy had begun. But Blaine had yet to spend any time over there, had only really looked at the place once through bleary eyes as his dad helped him drop off various things from his old home, his dorm that was more than a dorm. And this new place was, well, new. It was a painful reminder that Blaine wasn’t supposed to see his dad anymore. Wasn’t supposed to talk to David or Nick or any of his other Witch friends. It hurt to think about spending time at the little grey cottage all alone without anyone there to talk to. Sure, he liked to practice alone, but sometimes it was nice to look up and see his dad trying to look proud, or to laugh at something David or Nick said to break him of his concentration. It was all too much and Blaine had been putting it off for a month now. He’d been feeling so good for weeks and yet the cottage still stood mostly empty with only boxy and dusty books to keep it company. 
Plus there had been talk- thanks to Hunter and Tony that this was a place Blaine could see them, his dad and friends, again. It was risky, and maybe he shouldn’t try, but gods he missed them. Maybe he’d only get to see them once or twice a year, but that was still more than what he was seeing them now. The knowledge that he could sit and have a cup of tea with his dad and maybe give him a hug was what kicked Blaine into gear. He’d spent the last eight years miserable, thinking his dad resented him and now that he knew the truth, how he’d helped Blaine and Seb and how much he really loved him, it was too late and Blaine had been forced to leave him behind. If this cottage could get him a few minutes of Will’s time without trouble he’d take it. What better day to set up his new space than the Vernal Equinox? 
Almost all of his instruments were already there, all of his books and ingredients. Seeds to start a new garden, and all of his offering jars and trinkets. He’d brought over the things for his mother’s altar, hoping he could make his new one bigger than the one he had at his dorm. He kept only his guitar and an assortment of everyday things he used in practice at Seb’s- no, it was their apartment now, had been for years if he were honest, he just needed to remember that he actually only lived there now. The two of them had also decided that their Aphrodite altar would stay in their bedroom, it seemed like it belonged there and it was for both of them after all. He’d been sick for months after his trial, his wrist still burned when he thought about it too much, his scars still seemed so ugly and harsh when he ran his thumbs over them, and his body still felt bone deep weariness when he used too much magic but he was better. He needed to do this, needed to build himself a sacred space, a space that he got to practice and live like a Witch even if it was only for a few hours a day. 
Ras was already at the cottage, glamoured away and running amongst the rocky shore as a grumpy Freya dutiful and lovingly looked on. All that was left was for Blaine to take Sebastian and himself. The place was shrouded in magic and therefore travel by a car wasn’t really ideal. They could drive to the quaint, picturesque town, but Blaine would have to magically travel them all there from a parking space and he figured it was safer to just leave from their apartment. He was getting stronger each day and the task of getting Ras there left him only a tiny bit winded and tired. He smiled up at his boyfriend and tipped the usual anti nausea potion into his mouth and gave Seb a moment to adjust to the taste and then he pulled him close, pressing Seb’s face into his neck so he wouldn’t get dizzy from the movement. He thought of where he needed to go and then they were moving. The scent of springtime rain, and the strike of lighting against damp earth filled his nose and then their feet were touching the rocky ground before he knew it, the sounds of gulls and gentle waves filled his ears and he held onto Seb to not only keep him steady but to get his own groundings, something he’d never had to do before but the trial had really done him in. He hoped it wasn’t permanent, another secret punishment they’d forgotten to mention.
The sea worn grey wood flaps of the small, plain but pretty house almost blended in with the grey of the New England sky, the Atlantic only a few shades darker. Only the white trip of the windows and small porch helped the tiny cottage stand out. The sun was trying its hardest to peak out behind the stormy clouds of the ocean but Helios apparently wasn’t welcome today. The place smelled of magic and mischief with a side of whimsy and a calm that only came to Blaine when he was near comforting, magical things. It was so private. So calm. He could see people off the peninsula, but they seemed far away in a Spring pink glow of another world. The wards his father had put up around the place were stronger than anything Blaine could come up with. It was so hidden that he was honestly surprised Seb could see the place at all. He was sure no human should be able to, then again Seb wasn’t just a human. He was Blaine’s Fate.  Blaine reckoned that maybe Seb could only see it because he was Blaine’s. The only humans that should be able to see through the magic were hunter’s but here Seb was, looking out over the ocean with a small smile as Ras crashed through the gentle waves while Freya watched like a worried mother. Blaine reached for Seb’s hand, slipping their fingers together. 
“It really is beautiful and peaceful here, isn’t it?” He smiled, his heart thumping as if it knew he’d like it here as he watched the pup and his guardian. No, it wasn’t his home, his home was with Seb, but this could be something special. A place for the both of them to enjoy. He could see himself inside the cottage, windows open and curtains gently blowing in the sea breeze as he practiced, his fingers crushing and mixing while Seb and Ras played in the waves and Freya watched over all of them in the glow of the sun. 
He smiled bigger. “Something tells me you’re going to want to be here a lot…” He grinned, knowing how much Seb loved the beach. Come summer the sun would be beating down most days and even if it were Blaine would make it so for Seb. “You know we could even vacation here… Less people, more time with just us.” He was teasing, he would never expect Seb to give up his annual trips to the island, but they could come here for alone time. No one would ever find them. The thought made Blaine smile even more. 
“We’ve got to get it presentable first. Should we mess around with Ras first or do you want to start on the inside first? Or we could have the lunch I packed. It’s up to you, you’re the guest here.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian had grown a little more used to the magic travel. Blaine still made him an anti nausea potion every time and he was thankful for that. Magical traveling wasn’t meant for any old human, the swiftness felt like whiplash and the fast arrival at a whole new location was disorienting. It was extremely convenient, though and Enjolras had even started to grow accustomed to it (maybe even enjoyed it a little.) It was very handy now that Blaine’s father had secretly gifted him a cottage on the coast. Blaine could pop in there to work on his craft and be home again on the same day. 
Sebastian had promised his boyfriend that he would help him set up the new place and make it comfortable for him. He was thankful that Blaine would have a little space where he could still feel connected to the world he was pushed out of. Seb knew that Blaine loved the apartment  but he couldn’t deny that something was missing. As much as the other man had felt trapped at LeFey, he missed the sprawling gardens and dusty rooms and most importantly, his community. He encouraged Blaine to spend as much time at the cottage as he felt he needed and assured him he was okay with him leaving the Aphrodite altar and his random bottles and bundles of herbs around. 
He didn’t have much time to think as they held onto each other and arrived in a rocky patch of marram grass. The first thing Sebastian noticed was how big the beach they were on was, and then Ras frolicking in the foamy wash of the ocean. He turned on his heels to see the grey cottage.
“Yeah, B. It’s beautiful out here. I’d definitely spend more time out here, if you’ll have me that is.” Sebastian reached over and took Blaine’s hand, “We could do that. You had me at ‘less people’.” The island was great but Seb felt like he had maybe outgrown it. He craved privacy and the quiet but still missed the ocean so this was a perfect fit. 
“Let’s eat real quick. That way we can concentrate and I’m sure Ras will head over when he sees the food. I’m excited to see the inside of this place, though.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine smiled as he watched his boyfriend take in his surroundings. He knew how much Sebastian loved the beach and the ocean and he could see him lying out on the sand with a towel and a book while the waves crashed around him and Ras snored in the sun next to him. That was Blaine’s favorite part about their trips to the island, getting to play and lay exhausted and a little burnt in the sun with Sebastian next to him smelling of sunscreen and the salty breeze of the ocean air. For a moment, being exiled and forced to do his craft in a place like this didn’t seem so bad at all. He could set up a garden on the porch and get them chairs for their private beach and he could even make it so Seb could enjoy the place in the dead of winter.
“You know, I had a feeling you would like it here. I promise the sun won't always be hiding like it is today, Spring is trying its hardest.” He turned and looked up at him for a second before tip-toeing up so that he could press a kiss to his lips, he savored the feeling of Seb’s lips against his, their arms around each other while Ras yipped at Freya and the gulls cawed around the happy pup. The breeze lifted their hair and their clothing and Blaine felt a moment of complete satisfaction. “I have ways of coaxing the sun out, since we’re all alone and no one can see us. I could even make it so that it was warm here in the winter just for you. You could catch the rays of the winter sun instead of summer for once. It’s a big bit of magic but you’re worth it. We’ve never really had a place like this where I could do things like that for you. Not even the apartment. Maybe this is all a good thing… ” He paused, pondering if this was part of the reason his dad had picked a beach house out of him, because Will had been watching him and Seb for years now and he had to know that Seb loved the beach and Blaine loved working the sea winds and sand and salt water. It was almost so perfect. If only you didn’t have to give up the rest of it for this small bit of sanctuary…
“I didn’t do too much, I figured I’d cook a big dinner when we got home tonight, but there’s a selection of cheese, French bread, olives, tomatoes, some cured meats and sparkling water. I made strawberry cake for dessert. You have to have dessert, right. Oh, and some chardonnay. So we could drink at our new home away from home.” He had said it wasn’t much, but he had made the whole cake from scratch, he was pretty proud of it. He grinned as they made their way into the house. The air was a little too chilly for them to eat outside, and Blaine wasn’t in the mindset to warm the space up just yet. He’d have to practice that a bit.
The small cottage was filled with happy, magical clutter. It featured one giant room with a kitchen nook that was filled with open shelving, almost as if it were built for a witch, and who knew, maybe it was. There was a two seater worn light blue wood table placed in front of a huge curtainless window so that they could look out at the beach where they could see Ras and Freya frolicking about. Off the living space was a doorless opening that led into a small bedroom, he could just the the end of the queen sized bed his dad had put there- and an even smaller bathroom off of that. It was pretty and simple and small and Blaine didn’t know if it was sad that all of his magical items plus a few other things to make it livable would fit in here, or if it was perfect and he couldn’t wait to set it all up to his liking. 
“Sit, baby, I’ll set everything up for lunch.” He pulled out the wooden chair for Seb and started to set out everything. It looked like a picture from a beachy catalogue by the time he was finished with it complete with the prettiest model they could find. Seb looked like he belonged here and Blaine, without comment, pulled his phone out and snapped a few pictures of his boyfriend as he sat there with wind blown hair and cheeks sipping from his chardonnay glass and cutting and sneaking little pieces of smooth Camembert He grinned and a little laugh of awe left his lips.
“Gods, you are just the most beautiful person no matter where we go…” Seb heard the compliment from him all the time and he didn’t expect him to say much, but Blaine never tired of telling him. Especially when it made him feel so good to know that he was his. Besides, this was a new and beautiful place and Sebastian’s beauty only made it that much better.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian sat at the small kitchen table and immediately dug into the cheese. Blaine always knew what he was craving or in the mood for. He wasn’t sure if it was because he was a witch or because he was extremely attentive. It was probably both. The moment felt pretty great, the smell of salt in the air and food spread out on the table, Ras barking playfully on the beach, B smiling and snapping pictures. 
Seb smiled and tilted his head. “Well, I think you’re the most beautiful so it looks like we’re at an impasse here.” He lifted his wine glass for a toast, “here’s to your new space. I can’t wait to spend more time here.” 
After they had eaten too much and cleaned up the table, it was time to start unpacking boxes and filling the shelves. Sebastian wasn’t sure where to start when it came to unpacking magical things so he settled on a box of books. He loved to organize, it was so satisfying when things were in alphabetical order or arranged by color. Seb didn’t admit it out loud but he was sure B knew that he had been looking forward to this. He found satisfaction and calm when it came to sorting and cleaning. Sebastian headed to the bookshelf and laid out the books before swapping them around in order from A-Z. 
He let Blaine handle the herbs and his instruments while he focused on sorting papers and arranging empty jars and bottles by size. Sebastian refused to touch a specific box that rattled and  picked up a wooden crate that started to emit dark blue  smoke, which made him jump drop it on the floor. Blaine laughed at his reactions and assured him that he wouldn’t let him touch any of the dangerous materials.
“Dangerous?!” Seb jumped as the smoke’s tendrils swirled around his ankles. B shook his head with a cute smirk on his face and kissed him on the cheek. 
Time passed by quickly as he hummed to himself as he dusted and wiped ancient books down and meticulously kept everything he worked on in order. Sebastian felt exhausted but satisfied when the cottage looked pretty much complete. He dusted himself off and looked over the small space. 
“How do you feel, B?”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s cheeks still heated up every time Seb paid him a compliment and being called beautiful made him blush even harder. It made him feel giddy inside and he surprised him still even though they had been together almost three years now. They’d been through so much, including almost being torn apart by death but Seb smiling at him with that damn smile and calling him beautiful was enough to make him feel like they were brand new. He playfully rolled his eyes and joined Seb with lunch. He enjoyed himself- the two of them watching through the windows as Ras, who usually came running in at the faintest whiff of food, rolled around in the sand and water while Freya tried in vain to lick the saltiness out of her favorite pain in the asses golden fur. They’d come in soon enough when their bellies were growling or Freya finally mothered the poor pup into it. They had too much work to do to worry about when they’d eat and besides, Freya knew where the food was and had her ways with how to give it to Ras when they came back.
Blaine lost himself in the flow of sorting through bundles of herbs and flowers tied with twine, glass jars covered in parchment paper held in place by various wax colors. Scrolls and notebook pages filled with notes form the time he was three all the way up now. Writings filled the pages and not just his own, but his family and his friends and even some from Freya and his parents' families. He took so many trips down memory lane today that he forgot for a second that he’d been exiled and just enjoyed the moments he’d made with his father and mother and friends. He found himself tearing up over a few little notes and fixes in his work from his mother, but it was soon replaced by a fond smile. Now that he had this little place he’d always have a place he could go to visit her, not just her altar or her empty gravesite. 
There was teasing and laughing and Blaine played a little with candle magic, causing the ones he’d sat out all over to flicker and sputter out only to seemingly turn back on by themselves. There was a mishap with a mysterious, very charmed and protected box that Blaine would have to check into later, as he had forgotten what was even in there. Did his dad leave him with a magical creature to take care of? He wasn’t supposed to have those outside of school, would Will really break that rule? He shouldn’t, not even for Blaine. He made a note to himself to come back alone and check. Did Will give him a tiny sea serpent to watch over their new second home? The problem with them was that they didn’t stay tiny long. Gods. He wouldn’t… would he? He’d been joking about danger because the blue smoke spilling from the wooden crate was a side effect from a sleeping potion gone off and it was always fun to tease Seb, but the shaking box could very well be something dangerous. He pushed the box out onto the porch, noting the scent of salt and wondering if it were just the ocean and knowing it was directly from the box. He hoped Freya would help him out. He stole a small kiss from Seb to reassure him and the two of them went back to work in companionable silence. Blaine forgot about the box for a moment.
Once he finished with his portion he moved on to his instruments and set them up in the corner of the little living room nook. Most of the small home was dedicated to his craft, but this was to be a place he came to visit, a place he and Seb could come to when they wanted to get away and not have to worry about what they spent or how they looked. A place for him, but also the two of them. He spent a fair bit of time making the couch and the little wooden coffee table as cozy as possible. Tweaking the colors and fluffiness with his magic, impressing himself a little as he hadn’t gotten winded or overwhelmed with his magic once today, that had to be a first in four months. When he was finished, the couch was a deep shade of navy and was draped with dark maroon blankets and two giant pillows to match. It was lumpy and comfortable and he knew he could spend weeks in this new little palace and not miss the television once. 
His boyfriend was methodically putting every single book magical and normal on the shelves lining the walls around the living space and he seemed to be in a world of his own, the little crease between his eyebrows on full display. Blaine could feel how content he was there and watching him so lost in thought made him smile and he wanted to walk over and pull Seb into his arms so he could release the bottom lip Seb had sucked into his mouth and had trapped between his teeth. Blaine could see it there between his teeth, cherry red and swollen from Seb’s worrying and Blaine could just imagine how good it would feel against his own lips. He just shook his head though,  knowing that would just mess up Seb’s concentration, Blaine took the image of lips and teeth and furrowed brow and tucked it in his pocket for later- he’d kiss Sebastian properly when it was all finished. It would be his reward. He excused himself quietly and made his way into the tight and cozy bedroom that only had enough room for a queen sized bed squeezed against the wall and a small bedside table and a narrow door leading into the smallest bathroom. He did the same bit of magic and used the same colors. Making the small room just as fluffy, comforting and inviting as the living space. 
There wasn’t much that could be done to the bathroom, it only had a sink, stand up shower and toilet. He turned the rug the same blue and left it at that. He entered back into the living space to find Seb standing in the middle of a fully completed living room and library hybrid looking extremely proud of himself. Blaine couldn’t help but smile. A real, face splitting smile that left him feeling light and airy like he might actually fly away if he wasn’t pulled back down. They’d done it. They’d made Blaine his very own LeFay. One that he got to share with his person. He made his way over to Seb and wrapped his arms around him partly to be close to him and partly to tether him to the ground. He was scared to feel so happy after feeling so damn hopeless.
“I feel…” He paused, looking around the room, taking in the tinkling of the low  lights hung around the room, the sun setting behind the sea leaving the room in a whimsical darkness and candles reflecting prettily off of glass jars and the musty, pleasant smell of books. The spicy scent of the magic still residing on the blankets he’d fabricated for them. Ras and Freya were curled up by the little kitchen table now, but of them snoozing with full bellies. He swallowed hard and took a deep breath. 
“I get to share my sacred space with you, Seb. I’m so happy right now, it’s fucking perfect and I couldn’t ask for much more.” He laughed a little as he looked into Seb’s eyes, their green sea and flecks of blue flickering in the candlelight. “I know I can't go back again, I know I’ll never see LeFay or anything like it again, but in a way this is better. It’s almost what I wanted, you know? I wanted my magic and I wanted you. Well, I needed both and now I get to have it.” He took a deep breath and lifted up so he could kiss Seb, not the proper one he promised himself, but a sweet, slow thing that made his toes curl with delight. 
“How do you feel? Oh!” He freed one hand from Seb to point to the couch, “Look, I picked blue for you and red for me. And you can add things here too, you could bring your work here when the city gets too loud. I’ll bring you whenever you want.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Seb watched Blaine as he took in the space. Sure, there was more work to do but, it really was something. As soon as you walked in, you’d know it was Blaine’s space. The glittering lights, the candles everywhere, the jars filled with herbs and colorful liquids. “It really is perfect.” 
He reached out and squeezed his boyfriend’s shoulders, a small smile resting comfortably on his face. “I think this was meant for you. I know that you’ve been through a lot. But, you deserve this. You can be yourself here, no stuffy shit. And you’re right, we get to be here together. No hiding or jumping through hoops.”
Sebastian leaned in to the soft kiss. A thrill ran up and down his spine as he settled his hands on the other man’s hips. He smiled into the kiss towards the end as the thought of kissing unabashedly in a room full of magical supplies was actually happening. It seemed like Seb would never fully be a part of that world, that Blaine would always have to step in between his and LeFey. But, here they were. Finally they had it all. No more dashing behind two different curtains with very different stages. 
“I feel good. I like the blue and red. I could bring some law books for the shelf, there are a few gaps that I’m itching to fill in. It’ll be nice to escape here sometimes.”
Sebastian’s hands were still on Blaine’s waist. Their bodies were close, he could smell Blaine’s signature spicy scent and salt in the air. He could feel his boyfriend’s warm skin and the happiness radiating off of him. Sebastian bit his lip, “So….when can we christen the place?”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine tried to fight his smile as he listened to Sebastian talk, but he quickly lost the battle and just let it happen. Sebastian was completely right, he didn’t have to hide when he was here. Sure, he was able to do things inside of the apartment,  but it was always separated from his time at LeFay. Now Blaine had gotten to bring his little piece of LeFay and his world to a new place, plus he got to share it with his person. He could just be himself here. The protection spells were up, one could only get here with Blaine’s permission and only by magic travel and Blaine would have to let them in. Well, his father could come and go he supposed, he’s the one that had gifted it to him, and maybe that was a good thing. He liked the thought of his dad coming here to hang out when he wasn’t around. Maybe he’d feel closer to him since he wasn’t supposed to see him. 
“You’re right, baby. I think maybe it was meant for me and maybe it was supposed to be like this all along. I just had to go through the motions before I could get here, to this place, with you.” He paused, giving himself a moment to collect his thoughts. “I mean, I know I’m always going to miss that life a little. It was all I knew and my mom and my dad helped put me through it and helped me become who I am and the kind of Witch I am but… she’s not here anymore and he wants to be where she is. I fear it’s a matter of time before he joins her. Oh, that sounds upsetting, I’m not trying to dampen this mood-  I don’t think it's going to be tomorrow or anything. But, I know he misses her like his own heart is gone, because it kind of is, and I don’t blame him. I don’t think I’d have survived half the time he did if something happened to you. Once again, I’m seeing now that he stayed for me and I how blind to it I was…” He sighed, still upset with himself that he hadn’t been able to see what he dad was doing for him. “Anyway, once my cousin is trained, I think he’ll go and then this is all I’ll have for that part of my life.” He swallowed and pulled Seb a little closer, trying his best not to dwell on his father. He wanted to enjoy this incredible and magical night with Sebastian. 
“Getting to share all of this with you is the most important thing to me. It means the world and now this is part of ours.” He smiled, a real one, one that reached his eyes and he shined with happiness. “Of course you can’t wait to fill in the gaps, I wondered when you’d say something about them. Yeah, I think you adding your books here is the perfect addition. Your craft mixed with mine,” he laughed. “And neither one of us understands each other’s work. That’s alright, maybe you can teach me something one of our getaway nights. And I mean, I’ve already done my magic on you so I think you understand it as much as you’re gonna.”
He felt the subtle shift in the room, noted the way Seb’s eyes grew a little bit heavier and his voice dipped down, the raspiness and slowness that came with his affection and want intensified and he knew that they weren’t going to make it home in time for Blaine to make any kind of proper meal. That was okay though. He loved the way Seb was looking at him right now, like he was the only one that mattered mixed with a touch of I can’t want to feel you inside of me and Blaine wasn’t one to deny Sebastian when he got  like this. Blaine watched as Seb bit his bottom lip, an echo of his concentration earlier, and this time he tiptoed up and sucked Seb’s bottom lip between his lips before licking into his mouth, finally giving Seb the proper kiss he’d been wanting all night. He smiled into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Seb’s hips and walked backward towards the little bedroom, he turned them as the entered and positioned them so that Seb’s legs were against the foot of the bed and Blaine only had to press Seb back- one hand on his hip, one on his chest- and his boyfriend was lying out in front of him. He smiled as he crawled over him, his lips and teeth tugging on his shirt playfully as he kissed up and answered his question.
“Tonight’s the perfect night...”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian wanted to melt into the floor every time Blaine walked him to bed, their bodies pressed together as their legs worked in tandem. He let him gently press him into the new bed, it was plush and had lots of pillows. The small window was open, a soft breeze swept over them and made the shivers running down his tummy and the trail of his boyfriend’s kisses more evident. The smell of the ocean mixed with incense and herbs swirled around the room, the sound of seagulls and lazy waves crashed outside. Sebastian thought that he could definitely get used to this. He tugged at Blaine’s shirt with greedy hands. Clothes were pushed to the side, some on the floor and some still on their tangled bodies.
Sebastian let his legs fall open and pulled Blaine down into a deep kiss. The evening passed with lips and fingers everywhere. The two of them  moving together, breathing, getting lost in this small secret place. They christened the bedroom, the floor, the small shower. Seb couldn’t wait until their bodies got to bless every single inch of the grey cottage. He always felt close with Blaine but this felt just a little different. There wasn’t a doubt or worry in his mind for the first time in a long time. They were finally where they were always meant to be.
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orderofhunter · 3 years
Part 3- And it’s My Whole Heart Deemed and Delivered a Crime-Saturday, November 15, 2020
Para: And it’s My Whole Heart Deemed and Delivered a Crime-Part 3
Rating: PG.
Pairing: Seblaine.
Hunter: @orderofhunter
Blaine: @andersoncharm
Sebastian: @smythesm
When: Saturday, November 15, 2020- Early Morning.
Location: Sebastian’s Apartment- Boston, MA
Notes: Hunter and Tony bring Blaine home to Sebastian. -Features appearances by Antoinette ‘Tony’ Thompson (Hunter’s girlfriend and one of Blaine’s best friends) and Will Anderson (Blaine’s father and the headmaster of LeFay).
Warnings:  This rp includes; Mentions of death. Mentions of Parental Death (Blaine’s Mom), Mentions of injury, Mentions of toxic past relationships. Mentions of brief past Klaine.
Extra Warnings: (This hasn’t been brought up for a bit but, this RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Hunter’s POV:
Hunter did his best to keep himself focused on the weight of his friend situated between him and Tony. He had been instructed by Will Anderson to bring Blaine straight to Sebastian’s house. Seb was to keep Blaine until Will showed up with further instructions. Hunter wasn’t sure when that would be, but when Will Anderson gave you orders it was best just to follow them, especially after the events of the last few days. He had no doubt the man was teetering on the edge of relief and rage right now. Hunter had put a very drained Blaine into his car and made the drive. Blaine could hardly sit up on his own and Hunter himself was so exhausted after forty eight hours awake and it had taken everything in him  not to pull over and let his heavy eyelids slip close just for a few minutes. 
The only thing that kept him going was the thought of how much Sebastian needed to see that Blaine had made it, Tony had reported that he’d hardly left the couch and that Freya was working overtime trying to keep him sane and comfortable while he waited. And it helped keep him going knowing that as soon as Blaine was safely home, Hunter would get to pull his girl into his arms and maybe let his guard down for a few seconds. He hadn’t gotten the chance yet, but it would be worth it once he could. She’d been there waiting with wide alert eyes when he’d pulled up and had rushed to help him with Blaine. The dark haired Witch was practically her brother and he couldn’t blame her for the worry that cut through her pretty face.
The two of them gently but firmly pulled Blaine up the flights of stairs to Seb’s house, the shorter man's head lulled from side to side and Hunter wished he could have brought a Witch to help them use magic for this part. It would have been so much more comfortable for Blaine who had been put through hell the last two days. His eyes slipped down to the rings of raw red skin around Blaine’s wrists, the ones from the magical cuffs they’d used to keep him still and controlled and he winced knowing that while the blisters would fade the scars never would fully and Blaine would have to live with them, as well as the mental ones for the rest of his life. At least he got to come home. At least he got to keep his person. It had come at a cost, but at least he was home now.
He thought back to how hard Blaine had fought for Sebastian. How cut open and freely Blaine had pleaded for his life with him. How hard he tried to convince the Council and Order that they were really Fated and that he truly never set out to break rules. He remembered Will’s face as his son begged, the man must’ve thought he looked passive but anyone paying attention would  have clearly been able to see the heartbreak written across his face over having to put the only piece left of his own Fate though this bullshit. In the end, right when all hope was lost and Hunter truly thought he was going to have to watch his friend, his girlfriend’s chosen brother, and his best friend’s soulmate burn or be sent someplace dark and locked away forever- it had come down to a few little missing pieces in the puzzle that was Blaine and Bas that had saved them. One that Blaine had figured out- A pretty little High Priestess and one that Will, who apparently had been helping Blaine and Bas secretly all along at great risk to himself, had cleverly thought of- a very very young Oracle. They’d both given a bit of information about Sebastian being chosen by Aphrodite for Blaine and that was extremely confusing and Hunter still wasn’t sure he understood it and he’d have to wait until Blaine was steady and alert to ask more about it. 
Hunter let Tony take the brunt of Blaine’s weight for a moment and dug out his key that Bas had given him and slipped it into the lock. He hadn’t messaged his friend, didn’t want him to panic or jump up and pace until they got home, so Sebastian looked slow and sleepy with puffy red eyes and his own little menagerie of animals piled on top of him. It took his friend a few moments to realize that Blaine was positioned between the two of them but once he did he was up and rushing over to them, worry and relief and a different type of exhaustion in his eyes. 
“Questions later, we need to get him into bed quickly.” With Tony’s help and Sebastian by their side and a suddenly overly excited Ras tangling his body up in their legs (Blaine wasn’t able to use his magic to calm him right now and it showed.) they finally managed to get the shorter man into the bed. Tony pulled his shoes off and tucked the covers around him like a mother would to a child. She looked like she wanted to sit next to him, but she looked up at Bas and took hold of his hand so that she could help guide him to Blaine, she nudged him to sit with him and then stood back against the wall, looking like the badass rogue hiding out in the shadows of a video game. Hunter scratched the back of his neck a bit sheepishly, not knowing where to start.
“Well, he’s uh, home. And good news, he gets to stay.” He forced a big grin and patted Sebastian on  the back and hoped he wouldn’t soak up too much guilt over everything he’d find out. “He can’t really communicate right now, we’re not sure how long he'll be like this, but he knows he got to come home and I think he can hear what’s happening. They’ve sort of been draining him slowly, those cuffs do it and, well, they made him wear them for over forty eight hours so he’s very weak and his magic is a little off right now. But, you can touch him, it might make him feel better.” He nodded in encouragement, glad to give some good news. “And you get to meet the parent soon, exciting, right?” He gave an uncomfortable laugh.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s mind felt like sludge. Events of the last two days were buried deep under the mud of his brain and no matter how much he dug he couldn’t get to the bottom, it just kept filling up with more wet mud. All he could think about was that he was going home. He could hear what he thought was  Hunter and Tony talking, could feel the comfort of having their arms around him. Could feel the press of Tony’s kiss to his cheek and could feel her positive energy wrapping around him like a hug. But it seemed no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t focus on the details of his trial… he’d gone to trial, right? They went dark and choppy. He could see flashes of his dad's face, and the glares of High Council and High Order members surrounding him. Could recall the pain of Witch Steel cutting into his wrist and when he moved his hands what little he could he could swear the cuffs were still there cutting into him. No, his wrists were red, the cuffs weren’t red… His back hurt from standing up so straight for so long and his throat felt raw from yelling. Why had he been yelling? He hated that.
All at once too much feeling cascaded around his body as they started up a set of stairs, and though each step felt like hot coals against his flesh he tried his hardest to help Hunter and Tony get him up the steps. He knew before seeing him that Seb was there, he could just feel him, and he wanted nothing more than to wrap his boy up in his arms and never let him go. He had this funny feeling that he’d get to again, but this little nagging in the back of his mind told him there was a cost and for the life of him he couldn’t remember what it was. 
He tried to yell at them to stop, to let Seb hold him and help him to the bedroom  but they kept him away from him and wouldn’t even let him stop to pet Ras or say hello to Frey. It felt like heaven when he got to lie down, the bed familiar and comforting and very much Seb’s, but his frustrations grew as his arms were so heavy he couldn’t even move enough to reach out for Seb’s hand. He opened his mouth to try to talk to him, to tell him that he loved him. To tell him that he knew he’d get to come home, he’d give anything to just be able to say his name- but the movement of his lips was too exhausting and all he could do was look at Sebastian- and then Seb reached out and took hold of his hand then Blaine wasn’t able to look anymore. In his relief his eyes had closed and he was trying to smile, maybe he was smiling and all he could was listen, content in the weight of Sebastian’s hand.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian had spent the past two days in a...well, a daze. He had scraped himself off the floor only to make it to the couch. He turned on the tv so that the place wasn’t so cold and quiet but he didn’t pay much attention to what was on. His mind was filled with scary scenarios and all he wanted to do was stare at the clock on his phone. Freya and Ras piled onto the couch with him and he felt the weight of Blaine’s crystal under his shirt and it made him feel a little better for a short moment. There were a few small moments over the 48 hours where he tried to take care of himself because he knew the other man would want him to. He managed to eat a little and take a quick shower but mostly all he wanted to do was take all of the potions Blaine had left and spend his time in a sleepy haze.
So, that’s what he did. Spent his time cooped up in the living room under the weight of his pup and B’s familiar, soundly sleeping as well as an anxious human could with the help of a draught. Seb had just woken up from his last potion induced slumber when the door opened. It was a welcome, if not worrisome sight, Hunter and Tony tried their best to keep Blaine upright in between them. Sebastian and Enjolras  jumped up off the couch and rushed to the familiar faces. He wanted to say so many things, ask so many questions but Hunter had shot all of that down immediately. Sebastian stayed out of the way as much as he could as he followed them into the bedroom. He was thankful for Tony’s help and her soft touch that encouraged him to sit on the edge of the bed with his boyfriend. 
Sebastian nodded as Hunter spoke and even smiled a little bit. He had Blaine back, how could he not breathe a small sigh of relief? 
Sebastian held on to Blaine’s hand and looked over his face as Hunter continued to speak. The other man really did look exhausted and pale. “I’m glad he’s back. Thank you.” He reached forward and laid the back of his fingers against his clammy forehead. Sebastian wondered if this was going to be as bad as the last time his magic was drained.  “Meet the parent?” Sebastian’s hand fell from Blaine’s face.
Hunter’s POV:
Hunter watched the two of them for a moment before speaking. He watched how Blaine seemed to be smiling even though he wasn’t with it whatsoever, he watched how delicately Sebastian touched the dark haired man's face and the little smile Bas gave made Hunter smile too. He looked back at Tony and gave her a smile too, knowing she was feeling just as relieved and happy. He wasn’t sure if happy was the word, but there was a definite returned feeling of lightness that had been missing for some time now. He cleared his throat at Sebastian’s question and nodded, his voice a sigh when he spoke. It seemed the calmness would be short lived for the time being.
“Yes. his father will be here soon. He uh, well, he’s got to take Blaine back to LeFay for a few final things... See, Blaine may have gotten to come home but it wasn’t without a price.” He shifted his weight, unsure if he should just tell Sebastian everything or hold off until he was more prepared, a reassuring hand on his shoulder from Tony told him that he really just needed to get it all out. Bas could ask questions a bit later. 
“Blaine well, gets to stay with you. And that’s like, great news, right?” He licked his lips and shifted his eyes to where Blaine was lying. The other man's smile had faded and his brow was creased like his head hurt and Hunter wondered what magical draining felt like. Of course they couldn’t take all of Blaine’s magic away, it was a part of him just as much as his bones were, but they could drain a fair bit of it and hold it from him. He’d been told through his training that the taking and the giving back was incredibly painful. He knew Blaine had been drained a bit once, but he’d never been forced to wear the cuffs. He didn’t envy him at all right now. “It turns out, and don’t ask me to explain this all the way because I really can't- it’s never happened to my knowledge, but you were apparently chosen for Blaine by a love goddess. You must have done something to impress her and to think you deserved a Witch so she went back and made sure your names were written together. That’s why you’re Fated, well, there’s talk that you might have been anyway, she just sort of made sure it happened and as we know when Gods meddle in human and not so human affairs shit tends to hit the fan..” He pushed his hands into his pockets and leaned against the wall to take some weight off of his tired feet.
“Blaine sort of figured it out. His magic started draining the moment I put the cuffs on,” His eyes shifted to the blisters on Blaine’s wrists and he cringed a little,  “And of course that keeps him from thinking his clearest, but eventually he had the clarity to call upon those Priestess, the ones from Friday’s that were fawning over you, something about your story and how they treated you felt a little off to him and he thought maybe they’d know something, he didn’t know why he never asked them before but I think it as because he wanted to pretend everything was okay, you know, to keep you safe. Anyway, they confirmed it, and this Will, his dad, called on an Oracle, which was kind of an act of defiance on his part because he’s supposed to stay out of it and well, the Oracle confirmed it. Basically they cant touch either one of you now, you’re Goddess protected and Aphrodite doesn’t fuck around. They can’t do a damn thing to you and you both get to live out the rest of your lives together. Isn’t that great?” 
He grinned, knowing he hadn’t shared the price yet, but how did you tell your best friend that his boyfriend was exiled from his own race? That he has to give up everything. All Blaine would get to keep from his world was his magic, and that's only because they can’t take it away without killing him. They even forbade him from seeing his dad anymore. Hunter wondered if Blaine would follow that rule or if it’d get broken, it wasn’t like Blaine was good at following them anyway.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian stayed close to Blaine on the bed but looked from Hunter to Tony and back again. They both looked exhausted. He wasn’t sure if his apartment was in the best shape for Blaine’s dad to come over, and he still had a thousand questions he didn’t know how to voice. Should he offer them something to eat? Start cleaning? Stay on the bed with B? All Sebastian hoped for when Blaine came back was for safety and peace and it seemed that the latter was not going to happen anytime soon. 
“Price? What price?” 
He squeezed Blaine’s hand and hoped he was fast asleep. Before Hunter answered his question he launched into the details of the past two days. Seb tried his hardest to follow along but there was so much to take in. 
The flower shop? Aphrodite? Sebastian’s mouth dropped open and he was sure he looked like a fucking idiot. Goddess protected? What the hell did that mean?
 “Excuse me? What do you mean? How are you just going to say all of that and follow it up with ,’oh, don’t ask me to explain!’ Haven’t you been training in this shit like, your entire life?” 
He shook his head in frustration but did feel a little relieved that it was confirmed again that he and Blaine got to continue being together. 
“Again, what’s the catch? How long will his wrists be blistered? Will he recover from all of this? Do I have to work part time at Friday’s? What?”
Hunter’s POV:
Hunter opened his mouth to protest, Sebastian’s onslaught of questions and semi accusations were warranted but it still took him a little off guard. Okay, fair, he should know, Bas was right. But in his defense this was brand new fucking territory. He held up his hands out in front of him as if to ward his best friend off and calm him down.
“Christ Bas, relax.” He shook his head and ran his hand over his face to clear away his exhaustion and frustrations. Truth be told he was annoyed that this whole Goddess thing had blindsided him. Not only him, but Blaine and Will and the whole Council and Order as well. “I wish he weren’t so out of it, he could calm your ass down for a bit.” He joked, but truly he was only half joking. “What I’m trying to say is that this shit has never happened before. The Council and Order have never seen it, and if they have they’re keeping it hushed so that that word doesn’t get out and Witches all over don’t start claiming they have human Fates just to say so. Not everyone is lucky enough to get an Oracle to speak for them. It’s new and fucked up, but it is what it is and maybe Blaine can explain it better to you in a few weeks when he can function properly again, yeah?” He crossed his arms, trying to figure out how best to proceed.
“His wrists are like that from the Witch Steele, the cuffs I put on him? Yeah, they’re not meant to be comfortable and only Witches that are brought in for serious trials ever have the displeasure of wearing them. Usually the Witch in question is guilty and dealt with, but Blaine, well, he wasn’t guilty. I know they look bad and I know Blaine doesn’t deserve them, but you should have seen him up there talking about you. He loves you so damn much, some of them were even a little swayed by his words, but words are words to Witches and Hunters at the end of the day and it took way more than that. But yeah, he’s always going to have the scars. The blisters will heal, but he’ll be able to see and feel them forever. Don’t worry though, he’ll glamour them so no one will notice but him.” He nodded and moved a little closer to Sebastian.
“He’ll recover, you just have to give him time. Maybe when Will gets here he can help him snap out of it a little. I don’t even know if he remembers everything right now. But, he’s home and he’ll get to sleep in your bed next to you tonight and you can breathe, okay?” He took a deep breath and decided to jump into the freezing lake that was the catch. “He’s home with you forever now, but he can never go back to the world he knew.” He paused, looking closely at Bas hoping he understood when he meant. “They believe him, and they accept that you’re his Fate and they’ll never come after you, I mean if the word gets out that he came out of a trial that has had Witches put to death in the past some rogue Witches might try and punish him, but you leave that chaos to the Order. What I’m saying is that you two are free to live your lives together, Blaine just has to do it without his people. He can't keep them and keep you at the same time.” He bit his lip, worried he was laying way too much on his best friend, but he wasn’t sure how else to do it. “He uh, he’s also not allowed to raise children with you either because that would mean a human outside of the Order would be raised knowing about Witches and unless you want to keep Blaine’s magic a secret from your kids you’d have to tell them. But hey, you never wanted children anyway so that part shouldn’t be a big deal.” He shrugged like it wasn’t but Sebastian’s face kind of said differently.
“Look, it’s going to be okay. Blaine has accepted it, so fucking gracefully might I add, and sure, he’s not supposed to see his friends or his dad anymore, but I know we can find a way around it. He just wants to be with you and you shouldn’t worry too much about this. He’s going to be okay. Maybe a little sad for a bit, but he’s always a little sad, right?” God damn he was bad at this when it was personal.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian pointed at Hunter, “Do not tell me to relax. I appreciate everything you’ve done but don't do that. This is obviously new for all of us.” He stood up and adjusted the covers around his boyfriend and listened as Hunter spoke. Weren’t oracles in old Greek myths? The world that Blaine was being ripped out of was still a mystery to him. He’d never learn all of it and the decision the trial had settled on confirmed that fact. Sebastian sat on the bed again and set his hand on Blaine’s thigh, he wanted it to comfort him but was unsure if he could even feel it at the moment. 
He felt really sad from the onslaught of information. Sad for B, sad for himself, sad for David and Nick, even his father. This wasn’t going to be an easy transition and he hoped he was worth all of this. Now they might not ever be able to have a kid? Sure, he’d always said he didn’t want to but what if he changed his mind? Sebastian knew for a fact that Blaine loved kids and would be a great father. All of this was a mess.
“This really sucks. How is any of this fair? They proved that we’re soulmates. That should be enough. No good deed goes unpunished, I guess.” 
Sebastian rolled his eyes at Hunter and pinched the bridge of his nose. Tony muttered something about how he wasn’t very good at this part and gave him a weak punch in the bicep. 
“Of course he was graceful. I hope this was all worth it in the end for him.”  He thought for a moment. “Is it even safe to find a way around this shit?”
Hunter’s POV:
Hunter held his hands up in surrender trying to show his friend that he hadn't meant it. He understood Sebastian’s frustrations and he couldn’t blame him for being snappy. He tossed Tony a glare that held no true annoyance and shook his head again, trying to clear the blurry edges of sleepiness that was creeping into his vision. He needed to stay  awake and alert just a little bit longer. He wondered if Blaine had any potions for alertness lying around.
“Sorry, we’re all really fucking tired, I know. I shouldn’t have said that. It’s really not fair, but he did break rules, I know he couldn’t help it, that's how the Fates work, but he still broke them. They fed us some bullshit about how he should have come to them with the information and maybe they could have helped him, but even Will thought that was a bit bogus, all it would have done was expedite everything and it may not have gone in your favor. No, they’re really just trying to cover their asses. They have to punish him somehow or else rogue Witches and Hunters will never take them seriously again. That’s all I can offer right now, I don’t like it any more than you. It feels like a fluke thing, but again, when the Gods get involved it never goes well, history and “myth” show us that. I mean, you’ve heard about what Apollo did to Patroclus and in turn what it did to Achilles- don’t look at me like that, we get tested on this stuff.” He shrugged again and rolled his eyes. 
He was about to tell Sebastian that yes, it was worth it when the air in the room shifted and suddenly Will Anderson was taking up the empty space off to his right, closest to Blaine. His rat familiar close on his heels. The apartment had been guarded and protected so heavily that Hunter was surprised he’d managed to break through, but it was Will and he was powerful and Blaine was weak right now so maybe he shouldn’t have been so surprised. Will was not a tall man, only a few inches taller than Blaine, but he was so imposing and powerful looking whenever he entered a room. Something about him screamed not to fuck with him, he’d been told by older members of the Order that the salt and pepper man was once kind and jovial but after his wife had died saving Tony his whole demeanor had changed and he’d turned into this quiet and severe man.
“It’s probably not worth it, but I’m sure we can figure out a way for me to see my son once in a while.” Will’s eyes shone bright and blue and Hunter could feel Tony stiffen and stand up straight at his presence. He knew that Will respected her and didn’t resent her for what his wife had chosen to do, but she always held herself so tightly when he was around, so different than when she was laughing and snuggling in with Blaine. “Hunter, Antoinette.” Will nodded his head towards them before moving his gaze into the direction of Sebastian. “You must be Sebastian. I’m Will, Blaine’s father.” He reached out his hand and grasped Sebastian’s in his, his friend looked a bit awestruck. “I’m here to give you all the rundown. I’ll be back in two days time to get Blaine. He’ll be gone all of Monday, and I’ll see that he’s taken care of while he’s gone. I promise to bring him  safely back to you Monday night. You should know that he’s going to be very weak for a long time and he’s going to need you to help him around for a bit. He’s not going to feel like himself for at least a month,  but he’ll be able to talk to you and he’ll be able to walk and do most normal things, but there is a chance he’ll lose track of himself every so often so I wouldn’t advise discussing the more heavy things of this ordeal for a little while. If you’ve made Holiday plans, I’d leave Blaine out of them for the time being, he’s not going to be up to it.” The elder Witch cleared his throat and before Sebastian, Tony or Hunter could speak he carried on. 
“I’m sure you’ve got many questions but we don’t have much time for them tonight. I’ve prepared a few answers for the immediate future, the rest can be discussed at a later date. Blaine’s degree is real and can be used for any career it fits, LeFay is a real University after all. Though he had money and won’t really need to work, something tells me he’ll be insistent on making himself useful. His things from home- ingredients and notes and paperwork and his garden and so on that he had at LeFay had been transferred to a small cottage on the shores of Marblehead, just outside of Salem. I plan to take him there after our goodbyes on Monday. It’ll be a place for him to practice so he doesn’t have to clutter up your home. I’m sure you don’t want his old world colliding with this one. He’s kept it separate so he doesn't overexpose you and I think that’s an excellent idea to uphold.” The man paused as if collecting himself, his eyes never leaving Sebastian’s.
“I know this is all very harsh and we probably look like monster’s to you, but this is very much for the best. The two of you can live as you’ve always wanted and no one will harm you for it. You’ll both be kept safe and I’ve seen over the last two years of keeping you both out of trouble that you truly are soulmates. I’m only sorry I wasn’t allowed to be part of your journey. It wouldn’t have looked good if Blaine knew I was on his side, and yes, I’m always on his side. He is my son. And you, well, you’re his Soulmate. I’d welcome you to the family but there isn’t much time and there’s not much of a family anymore I’m afraid. All I ask of you is that you keep him safe, and love him just as much as he loves you. If you can do that then you’re golden in my book. You know, Blaine’s never taken that crystal off for anyone and if I hadn’t seen you two together and only knew your relationship off of that knowledge I wouldn’t need anymore information. That’s a big deal for him. Cherish it.” He paused. “I know I’m not supposed to be around, but I will be. My contact information is already in your phone and if you have any questions while Blaine is out of sorts, please, reach out to me. We’re supposed to sever ties by Monday night, but I assure you, I’ll find a way to help.” With that, Will reached out and gave Sebastian’s shoulder a firm squeeze, like a father welcoming a new son in law to the family. It was all very personal and so unlike Will Anderson that Hunter felt like he shouldn’t be here right now. Before he could excuse himself and Tony he turned to them.
“Now, I’m going to give Blaine this potion to help his mind catch up, he still needs to stay in bed, but he’ll be able to think a bit better. With that being said I expect that when I leave all of you will go to bed. I can take you and Tony home if you’d like, but you might feel better if you’re all close to each other for the night.” Hunter nodded his consent, the thought of magic travel or even driving his car made him want to throw himself off the balcony. Bas’ couch would do just fine. He watched as Will made his way over to Blaine and he hadn’t noticed before but Freya- Blaine’s own familiar, was curled up next to him, glaring daggers at everyone. Will kneeled down next to Blaine and pulled out a glass vial so tiny he could hardly see it in the man's hands. He watched as he gently cupped Blaine’s face and titled the contents into his son’s throat. Nothing big happened, Blaine didn’t stir or open his eyes, he didn’t change at all. Will pressed the palm of his hand to Blaine’s cheek and whispered a few words he didn’t catch before getting to his feet. 
“He’ll wake in about fifteen minutes, his mind is rooted very deep down right now, it’ll take a bit for it to catch up. In the meantime, I meant what I said. You all three need to get some sleep, if I have to I’ll spell the apartment and we don’t want that.” He turned to Sebastian one last time and reached out to press the tiny vial into his hand. “If he doesn’t wake up in fifteen minutes give him a drop of this. And if he still doesn’t wake up then I suggest you use that contact info in your phone.” He patted Sebastian’s shoulder once more and then stepped away. His voice fading as well as his body and his familiar. “Monday.”
Hunter cleared his throat after the silence settled over the room.
“And that, my guy, was the nicest I’ve ever seen Will Anderson. Wow, lucky you.” He laughed to take the tension out of the room and glanced at Blaine to see if he’d changed, he hadn't. He wondered what would happen if he didn’t. “I guess we should do what he said. Tony and I will take the couch, Ras can stay with us if that’s alright? Keep him out of your hair while you manage Blaine, okay?”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian wasn’t sure why he expected Will to arrive at the front door after witnessing Blaine pop all over the place with his magic but he was shocked when he was suddenly in his bedroom. He jumped off of the bed immediately and Enjolras did too, he only gave one little sharp bark before standing guard in between the two men. Will looked like Blaine but didn’t all at once. He had all of the softness of Blaine’s features but with an edge, his voice was deeper and his body was a little more broad. His energy felt powerful, a lot like the high profile, authoritative attorneys he worked around. Seb thought that if Will met his own father, they’d probably respect each other or maybe even golf together. He cleared his throat and grasped the other man’s hand firmly, “sir.” 
Seb kept his eyes trained on Will’s and was thankful for his years around his cutthroat father and uncles, for his experience in law because he was nervous as hell but wouldn’t let any of it show. He stood tall and held his chin high, nodded when expected and took mental notes as if he were at the office getting the by and by on a possible case. 
He touched the crystal underneath his hoodie. “I know, sir. I know how important it is. I love him and I’m going to do my best to take care of him. I know that sounds like a cookie cutter thing to say to your “in law” but it’s true. I’ll do whatever it takes.”  
Sebastian was surprised by how many times Will touched him and softened his words. This man was not the man that Blaine had been cooped up with for class and training. The trial had obviously changed him how could it not? He knew that no words would fix anything for Will and that he wasn’t the type of man that needed small talk or little exchanges. Seb just gave a curt nod and stepped aside so that he could administer the potion. He was a little nervous about the thought of possibly giving Blaine more of the mysterious liquid but maybe Tony or Hunter could help? It didn’t matter, Will was gone and protesting wouldn’t work on somebody like him anyway. 
He turned towards his friends and gave a sigh of relief. “Yeah, that was crazy.” Sebastian set the little vial on the night sand and whistled for Ras to follow him. He gave the dog’s head a ruffle and a kiss and a whispered thanks for protecting him in the bedroom. Sebastian encouraged the dog to cuddle up on the couch with Tony and Hunter and pulled down some extra blankets and pillows for them. He tossed the blankets on top of their laps. “I’m not tucking you in.”
Sebastian was glad to finally lay his head on the pillows and wrap his arm around Blaine’s waist in his bed. He had missed sleeping next to his boyfriend, missed being pressed against him, missed the comfort of the weight on the other side of the bed. Seb pressed his nose into the side of the other man’s neck and sighed, “I love you.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine had been fighting for consciousness for what felt like forever. He kept swimming up to the muddy surface, could hear the muffled voices of his loved ones, could feel Freya next to him, Ras at his feet and Seb’s gentle hands worrying over him, but no matter how hard he tried to speak or move or just open his eyes he couldn’t. Little bits of conversation floated down to him, fighting through the mud and muck of his mind- Scars… blisters… not allowed to raise children… of course he was graceful… I hope this was all worth it… I’m always on his side, he’s my son… Sir… I love him… when suddenly there was a bitter taste and whispered words that commanded he wake up and he wanted nothing more than to follow through. A little blue light reached out for him and seemed to pull, pull, pull him up and through the darkness and it seemed like years before he was able to finally open his eyes.
They opened to darkness, his friends and father gone and he wanted to yell until his voice, still raw from his trail, gave out. Slowly, his other senses started to move back into place and he was made fully aware that his Sebastian was holding him close, so tightly that Blaine wanted to drift back off to sleep. But, he knew he needed to let him know he was there, let him know he was awake and that he was with him. Little flitters of light charged throughout his neck where Seb’s nose trailed and pressed and the feeling of his words against Blaine’s skin sent tingles of happiness down his spine. Sebastian’s I love you hung in the air between them and Blaine wanted to tell him so much in that moment. Wanted to tell him about the trial and how his dad had been helping and how angry he was that they kicked him out, but how happy he was that he got to stay with Sebastian. 
He wanted to rant about not being able to freely see his friends or father or live in his mother’s world anymore, and he wanted to yell about how ridiculous it all was to be punished when they’d proved they were Fated. He wanted to cry to him about how unfair it was for them to take away their choice to have kids, maybe Seb had once, long ago, said he didn’t want that and Blaine was content to not be a father, but taking away the choice was unfair and made Blaine feel trapped. He wanted to sob to him about the disconnect he felt with his magic, and how they were going to monitor him like a criminal for the rest of his life. And he wanted to tell Sebastian that even with the pain of his losses, and his sadness over everything that had happened in the past forty eight hours that it was all still worth it for him. 
It took him too many minutes but finally he managed to move his body so that he was turned towards his boyfriend just enough to make out his features in the dim moonlight. He’d been forced to wait so long to move that Seb had already drifted off. Blaine sighed, and though he knew he had so much more he needed to say he also knew they now had the time. Maybe it would take days for him to be able to talk freely, maybe weeks, but soon he’d talk to him. He’d show him that even though it hurt he was happy he’d won. His lips finally managed to move, and his rusted vocal cords stirred and he settled on the only  words that mattered.
“Love you back.” 
The words were soft and so raspy that Blaine was almost sure Seb had missed them. But his boyfriend's body jerked softly awake and Seb lifted his head up to look down at Blaine and Blaine tried his hardest to smile. Seb smiled back, and gently turned Blaine so that his back was pressed against Seb’s chest, a reverse of their usual and Blaine let himself fall into a real sleep to the slow steady breathing of Seb’s breath on the back of his neck, Freya’s soft fur tickling the top of his head and Ras snoring away with the sleepy energy of Tony and Hunter in the living room.
Happy Holidays everyone. We’ll continue after the new year! -S and H
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stilinskirps · 2 years
Someone please write Blaine Anderson against my Sebastian Smythe for a college verse based off Heartstopper 🥺
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gleekingdom · 8 months
Seblaine au roleplay ideas
I would prefer to be Blaine just cause I have a hard time reading seb as a character, though I really do like his character.
Hard working father Sebastian x Comes to babysit is Blaine Anderson ( and Sebastian was gonna go on a blind date but once he sees Blaine he'd rather stay with him XD)
Blaine and Sebastian meet in detention and ever since Blaines all Sebastian wants
Royal x Servant ( the royal is in a arranged marriage but he has feelings for the new servant)
Coffee shop au but Blaines the one who works at the coffee shop.
One of them is set up on a blind date but instead of falling for there date they catch feelings for there waiter
Sebastian is the superhero the flash. What Happens when he falls for the son of one of his enemies but doesn't realize Blaine is there son. 
Blaine is a hero and Sebastian is a villain yet in there civilian life's there dating, what happens when they both find out?
Based on Disneys Enchanted Blaine is a prince from a fairytale world but ends up in the real world meeting a conartist named Sebastian in New York city. ( or he doesn't have to be but just giving Sebastian a role in case you don't have an idea for one)
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I only rp on discord so dm me here if your interested to rp a plot here or seblaine with a different plot, I'll give you my username in dm. I'm 22 so atleast be up to 18+ in age.
I have delexia and Austuim but I can write sem- lit below and above, though it does hurt my brain to be full on literatate all the time. And pls more then one liners.
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berrywarbler · 3 years
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Just Give Me a Reason (Chapter Ten) 
Word Count: 36,743 Rating: PG Summary: To say Blaine was excited about spending the summer in California with Cooper would be an overstatement. He When Blaine visits his brother in California for the summer he runs into the neighbor who lives across the hall, an older man named Sebastian who's charming to say the least. After a few happenstance meetings wherein Sebastian unabashedly flirts with him, the two start going out on dates and playing with the idea of a relationship despite Cooper's disapproval. Blaine is only there for a few weeks and with such a magnetic pull between him and Sebastian, will their feelings be enough when summer comes to an end? Notes: Written with my partner in life and rp @blainterbanana.
Blaine’s last week was spent at a cheap hotel, hoping and praying that Sebastian would reach out to him after finally coming to his senses. Blaine tried texting and calling but every effort went unanswered and only made him feel worse about their break-up. 
He did, however, receive numerous phone calls and texts from Cooper who was vehemently apologizing for putting Blaine in this situation. Even though Cooper had grossly crossed the line by inserting himself in a relationship he had no business voicing his opinion, he had apologized over and over again until it became difficult for Blaine to ignore.
Despite accepting Cooper's apology, Blaine continued to stay at the hotel for the rest of his stay in California and sent a text to Cooper letting him know he’d be leaving soon. He sent a text to Sebastian as well, but he didn’t expect a reply and he didn’t get one.
Cooper drove over the morning of Blaine’s last day to say a final goodbye, apologizing once more for not only the mess that he’d created but for not being a more attentive brother.
“I promise the next time you visit, I’m clearing my whole schedule just for you. We’ll go to the beach and to Disneyland and wherever the heck you wanna go, okay, squirt?” Cooper suggested with a hopeful smile.
| Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five |
| Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten |
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sassbassmythe · 1 year
PARA 001
Elliott didn't have a lot of downtime lately, he was supposed to be training but honestly he needed the rest. He needed to read. And the latest series he's been reading had a new book come out, so he was dying to read it but no place would do. So he headed to Central Park where the large expanse of grass called for him, but a special spot.
Once he made it under a tree and got comfortable, Elliott grabbed out his glasses and deep dived into the world of Greek gods in the modern world.
It had been more than a month since Sebastian had moved to New York, and between classes and being an intern, or more like a slave, at a Law firm, his life was hectic enough to allow himself a breather. That day though, with the excuse of doing some errands, he decided to take some time to himself, and what better  place to do that that Central Park.
After buying a nice cup of coffee from one of the vendors there, he made his way between the big trees, his feet almost floating over the fresh spring grass, while the warm rays of the sun fell on his face after sneaking through the leaves. Only for a second he managed to look back down on his own step, and that's when he saw him.
He stood frozen for a good second or two, deciding what he should do next. It had been almost five years since they had last seen each other, so maybe he wouldn't remember him? He scoffed at himself. Who wouldn't remember Sebastian Smythe? Taking a deep breath, he kept on walking until he stood within a proper, non-invasive distance. "Elliott Anderson. As I live and breathe" he said, with a warm smile on his face.
Elliott was pretty concentrated on his book, this was the long awaited third book after all and he was ready to dive in. Though his mind did wander back to training as his coach kept reminding him of his impending try outs for the national team, one step closer to being on the Olympic team but he digressed. All this practice just made him want to own a bookstore, be done with swimming and only swim for fitness and fun.
But he shook that thought away when he heard a very familiar voice he hadn't heard in a while, looking up from the edges of his glasses, he felt like he stopped breathing when he saw Sebastian.
His Sebastian
He needed to say something but all he could do was try to close his book, which he didn't pay attention to because he fumbled a little before dropping it "S-Sebastian, oh my gosh. Hi" he got out as he grabbed the book and got up from where he sat before speaking again "You look good.."
Sebastian couldn't help but chuckle softly at how caught off guard Elliott looked, which wasn't that much surprising to be fair,  and he took the chance to get one step closer while the other stood up, or managed to do so. "Not so much like yourself. Like good wine, you got better with age. Adulthood suits you. So, how about this, huh? We both are in New York after all. Small world."
He tried to make out of the book he had in his hand by tilting his head. "Is that required reading? You're in college, yes?" He chuckled and shook his head. "Sorry. Too many questions" he said, then looked around, catching on yet another detail. "You're here all by yourself? You're not with... whats-his-name, anymore?"
Once he stood up, he did notice the other moved closer but he didn't mind, it would be weird for them to be stood far away from one another otherwise. Shaking his head like the bashful schoolboy, he smirked "Oh stop it, you're the epitome of fine wine, and you know it" he nodded with a bite to his lip "Honestly didn't think new York was your thing, but to be fair...that was 5 years ago" he said quietly by the end.
Tilting his head before blushing "Oh gosh no, to both actually..this is just a new book of mine I've been dying to read...and no, no college" ge shrugged "I got straight into swim training...trying out for the national team to hopefully get onto the olympic" though he didn't say that with much enthusiasm before noticed sebastian and his outfit, smirking "What about you, dressed all smart. College? Job?" He said.
"Uh yeah I'm by myself" he admitted sheepishly before tucking the book under his arm "We broke up a while ago"
Sebastian laughed earnestly at that. "I don't think my hotness was ever under discussion here, but I will take the compliment, thank you" he said, his face literally shining now that he was seeing Elliott again. In all fairness, and even while still looking like a cute school boy, the man looked much more mature, and if possibly even more gorgeous than he once did.  "Um... yeah- heh... A lot happens in five years" he simply said, looking down at a leaf at his feet and kicking it slightly.
"Oh, so you kept on doing that? Swimming? I'm surprised I haven't seen you on the U.S. Olympic Team already. I always half expect to see your name on the probable list of people for it." He looked down at himself and chuckled. "Ah, yes. Both, actually. I'm at the Columbus University, Law School. I know, shocking, huh? And I also work for the Tettler and Brown law firm, doing my internship already."
He raised a brow and shrugged. "Oh. Sorry about that" he said, although deep in his heart he was glad about it, since he had always felt that relationship had been nothing but toxic for Elliott.
"I never said you were hot, just a fine wine" he joked before he really looked at the other, he had definitely grown and for the better. He was handsome before but even more so now, he had this swagger about him that Elliott hadn't seen before. Noticing the awkwardness of that comment, he left it be, no need to focus on the past.
"Yeah still competing in swimming...I would have been on the Olympic team for the 2026 Olympics but that's when a lot of shit happened and I missed out" he said without meeting Sebastian's eyes as he felt ashamed for not making it then, now he had to wait in hopes he would even have a chance. But hearing sebastians life really made him smile, "Wow look at you, you're really doing it all huh? That's amazing sebastian, I'm happy for you"
Shrugging "It is what it is..." he scuffed his shoe on the grass "Guess I'm meant to be on my own" Elliott mumbled before looking to meet Sebastian's eyes "Did you want to sit or walk? Unless I'm keeping you from work or study?"
Sebastian chuckled and shook his head. "No way you back paddle from that one now, Elliott. Too late" he said with a playful tone, thankful that the other didn't carry on with his comment about 5 five years being a lot of time. Because it was, and so many things had gone so differently than what they had once thought they would, so there was no need to bring all that up now. For now.
"Oh... I'm sorry hear that. I hope everything that happened is okay by now?" he asked with genuine concern in his voice. To know that he had been going through things that hadn't allowed him to train and compete the way Sebastian remembered he had always loved made him extra bad for not being present in his life to support him in a way. "Yes, well... To the shock of absolutely no one, I became my father, so hooray for me" he said with a chuckle, although there was a big chunk of sarcasm in his tone.
Not really wanting to pull Elliott's ex in the conversation, he simply shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe your great love is out there somewhere, and you just haven't met him, or her yet." In response to the other's question, he stepped up and sat on the grass. "I rather to spend my free time with you, catching up" he said, patting the spot next to him.
Elliott rolled his eyes playfully as he looked to the other, he hadn't changed either since the last time they saw each other. It did bring up memories for Elliott, having the other stand before him at this moment, but he shook it off.
"I've got tryouts for the national team...in hopes to make the Olympic team but..." he let out a long breath "It's not the same anymore for me" he admitted. Elliott loved swimming, every bit of it but it was different for him now, he had other passions. Elliott tilted his head a little "No, you may think you are but you're not. I can tell" he admitted.
Noticing the her comment, he chuckled "I haven't been with a woman since...y'know" he lead off before he sat down as well "I didn't want to keep you from anything important"
It was difficult, more like impossible for him to stand in front of Elliott freaking Anderson and not being playful and flirty, like all those years ago. But from the look in the other's face, it was obvious it wasn't something he was into any more, so let that part go.
"I'm sorry, but I don't understand. To be the best in swimming was all you talked about back at school. It's... weird hearing you talk like that." He shrugged. "So, what would you like to do,  if it's not swimming?"
He chuckled, while Elliott sat beside him. "Always thinking the best of me, huh? Maybe not now, but one day I'll most likely be like him... But enough of that- Did you end up getting into NYU?"
Did Elliott have feelings for Sebastian? Of course he did, they were everything to each other 5 years ago but it didn't work out the way they wanted. And after everything, Elliott was scared to get hurt, not just by sebastian but by anyone.
"I love swimming but I'm honestly getting tired of competing, after missing that opportunity...it took a part of me I think that I can't find" he shrugged "Own a bookstore maybe?" Looking to Sebastian and seeing that look, he felt like he let him down.
"I disagree, you may be his son but you have your own views, opinions..nope you'll be different, you always have been" he smiled before nodding "Yes I did, I completed my degree for publishing actually..."
Sebastian took a sip of his coffee, remembering all the sudden the cup was still in his hand. "Well.. You know what they say. Sometimes, it simply isn't the right time..." he said, with a soft sigh lingering in his words. They both knew about time not being right for some things, no matter how bad it was wanted.
He looked at him curiously and smiled. "A bookstore, huh? Hm, that sounds like a fine idea. Of course, in this e-book age and era, it needs to be a very good concept for it to attract people to actually buy the books; but it sure sounds like a good challenge for you."
It wasn't the first time they had that same debate, and he found it funny that even after all those years, they were able to go full circle and right back to the same topic. It was because of that, that Sebastian knew that no amount of argument would make Elliott to change his mind about that, so he simply shifted the topic. "Ah. Now the bookstore makes much more sense."
"Well I want to embrace the e-book era as well, I wanted to get an app for the store so people can rent a book for $5 or something, it's a once off so once you read that last page it's not available anymore. But if you choose to purchase the book, then you get that $5 off, the total price...I don't know it's a brainstorm" he shrugged as he had a feeling he was reaching a bit far but he wanted to give it a go.
They always seemed to have this about them, talking about those similar topics but also having a fresh perspective too. He smirked a little about the bookstore comment "It all comes full circle" he joked before running his hand through his hair "So tell me about you, what you've been doing"
Sebastian couldn't help but smiling brightly while he listened to Elliott going on about his initial idea for this e-book business idea. One of the many things he loved about him back when they were together, it was how his whole face lit up when he came up with an idea, or a plan for them to have fun, or maybe even simply to study. It was like he could actually see the cogs turning inside his head.
"Now, that's actually a very good approach of things. And, where to start, if not brainstorming, hm? I seem to remember that was when you would get your best ideas, back in the day." He leaned back on his seat and took one final sip of his coffee before he put the empty cup down. "It does indeed. You would need a good publisher lawyer to see all the copywriting things to be done right."
He looked at him and smiled when he asked him that. "Well, as I've already said, I'm a lawyer, already doing my masters degree. And also, I have a small, private practice, other than working at Tettler & Brown, which takes care mostly of pro-bono cases within the LGBTQI+ community... That's been really something else. Quite the eye opener."
No matter how much time has passed, they seemed to have settled back into old habits. Like Brainstorming and talking about ideas, it truly made Elliott feel like he was back in school again...when he was happy. Taking a deep breath as he had to reset his brain in that moment, he couldn't think like that, sebastian wasn't interested and he probably wasn't the right guy anyways for him.
Chuckling gently, he nodded "It hasn't changed,  honestly I'm still the same guy, just older and not that much wiser" he joker before he twirled his fingers as he noticed the other putting his cup down "Yeah I'd imagine it'll be a hard thing to get permission for...but that's the big goal, First is to have the bookstore, get the books and get the hard work in first" he explained "Good thing I know a lawyer" Elliott nudged his arm gently.
Eyes going wide a little, he was impressed, the other was doing it all. Like he said he would. "Wow...how do you even have time to sit with me right now? You must be busy Ba- Sebastian, that's amazing though what you're doing for our community.."
Sebastian shifted on his seat once he put the cup down, crossing his legs and faced Elliott properly to give him his full attention; that, and also, he wasn't going to miss the chance to look properly at him, after all that time since the last time they've seen each other. "Oh shush. You were always wiser, or at least, the wiser one" he said with a soft chuckle, referring mainly to those days where he had been the brain of their relationship, whereas Sebastian had always been the more hot headed one.
"Well, I don't know much about copywrite laws, but I can surely give you some directions towards a good one" he said, actually glad he could be of any help to Elliott at all. "Oh! Because I have a clone of me running around the city, that's how" he said, then laughed and shook his head. "You know me. I'm just a perfect planner of things. Did you really think I would go through the day without my dose of caffeine? And look what it brought me today- To get to see you again." He smiled at him, then looked the other away. "I think that's what's made it all much better."
Tilting his head curiously at the other before smiling gently, they were always like ying and yang all those years ago. Opposites but they worked so well together, they helped each other in areas they lacked. But it wasn't enough it seemed. "I don't see myself as wise, but thank you...you're too kind" he replied gently.
"That's okay, I was only joking with you anyways" he elbowed him gently before laughing "I wasn't talking about him anyways, I'm surprised he's even in the City, thought he would be in Europe" he commented. Blushing a little, he tried to hide it but knew that the other would notice the sudden change of his skin. He knew how to get Elliott to react afterall "Are you saying it was fate we saw each other today Mr Smythe?" he all but whispered, toying with the pages of his book, needing to feel something other than his own hands "I never thought I would see you again"
Sebastian smiled. "Thank you for that too. And yes, I am. But I'm also right" he said, giving him a pointed look, as if he was challenging him to debate his logic, which was something they did often to one another back in the day. And as easy as it was, or felt to simply went back to those moments, or how they would have acted on them, it took him half a second to force himself to remember those days were gone. So, he nodded and looked away quickly, going back to be attentive and serious.
He shrugged. "In the end, I liked it here better. It was a chance for me to do what I actually like, and if I had returned to Paris, I would have certainly ended up doing something my father would had wanted me to. So, I said 'fuck it', and took my chances here." When Elliott said that he looked at him again, then smiled. "As a matter of fact, I do." He grabbed the empty cup again. "Someone told me just yesterday that the guy at this specific coffee cart did delicious coffee, so I figured today it would be a good day to try it out. And it's because of that, I took this specific route on the Park. Do you realize how difficult is just to randomly run into someone, at a place this big? I never come this way, and today I did. Is that good enough of a reason to you?"
He swallowed hard and nodded. "To be honest, me neither. And that, apparently, leaves us with the awkwardness of tiptoeing around a conversation that's maybe preventing us from asking the real important questions."
"You always want to be right, even now" he shook his head, meeting his eyes with a look of you're still going to play this game? before he smiled gently. They always seemed to be in a constant banter of who will win. Not a bad thing but it was so easy for them to slip into. Elliott did wish they still could do it more often, but he had to remind himself that they weren't for each other anymore.
Listening to Sebastian, he was saddened about the fact that their father still tried to have his hooks deep into the two boys but knew he wouldn't quit until the day he died really. "I'm glad you took that chance, not allowing him to control you anymore y'know?" he commented "Your father hated me I think because I enabled you to be more independent than before...and I didn't fit his criteria I guess" Elliott always got the cold shoulder from Sebastian's father, but Elliott just brushed off the chill. Raising his brow curiously, he grinned "It is yes, think someone was guiding you today, without your full knowledge"
Biting his lip, he let out a long breath "I've never seen you tiptoe around a conversation Sebastian, no matter how awkward it is" he mumbled before looking at his hands, toying with the finger that once held a ring he wore for Sebastian "I fucked everything up is what you mean"
He shrugged. "No one ever met his criteria, not even me, or my brother. I can only think that if he cloned himself, then he would be satisfied, although come to think of it, maybe he wouldn't be happy, even then. Bu thank you- It has felt nice so far, not to have heard from him about how much of a disappointment I was anymore. Being here meant being free, and I wasn't about to let that pass." Another shrug. "Call it what you want, but I don't believe in coincidences. What's meant to be, is. And what's not, isn't. As simple as that."
He looked ahead and sighed. "Maybe I just prefer to be quiet, or I'd be rather hurtful otherwise" he said, then looked at him again. "It's exactly what I mean, and it's exactly what you did" he said, then looked away again. "But you had your reasons. I always had the feeling I wasn't worth the risk anyway. You wanted a quiet, boring life with Kurt. And you got it, however short it was."
"Honestly I think if he did have a clone, he would find the faults that we all see and he would still say he himself is perfect" he agreed before smiling "I am proud you made that step Sebastian, I know it mustn't have been easy for you but doing so probably showed him that he doesn't control you like he thought he could when we were in school" he explained. Biting his lip, he simply nodded.
Wincing just a little at that comment, he wasn't sure if he could hear what might come but he knew he deserved it also "I was stupid and naive to think that going back to Kurt would be a forever thing...I should have seen the signs but I made a huge mistake that day" he admitted "I told Kurt that when we actually broke up, he threw a vase at my head" he smiled but it wasn't out of humour, more ridiculousness "I'm sorry for how I treated you"
Sebastian frowned a little. "The signs? What signs? I mean, other than me making a complete fool of myself and saying I had feelings for you- Was that what scared you so much, that you chose at that moment you wanted to spend the rest of your life being bored to death?" He rolled his eyes. "Not surprising. He was always a fucking drama queen" he said, wincing his nose, then shrugged. "I suppose it all worked out for the best in the end, right?"
Elliott shook his head "No no" he rushed out "Not with you, I should have seen the signs with Kurt..." he replied quickly "He would never want to meet my parents, never saw me during practice or meets...just a lot of things but just those little things" he mumbled before biting his lip, to stop from laughing "You said it not me". Nodding gently "I guess, but now I'm a failure, and here's you succeeding in life and your career is only just beginning"
Sebastian huffed under his breath, somehow not feeling better with what Elliott explained either, because in the end, even with all of those 'little things' he was speaking of, he still chose Kurt, and decided what they had wasn't worth the risk. "You're not a failure, Elliott... You're just- not where you're suppose to be, doing what you're suppose to love anymore, and that takes a toll. Once you figure that out, good things will come for you." He looked at him and sighed. "I know- I mean, I understand I'm also somewhat to blame for what happened. Maybe, I don't know... if I had gotten serious about my intentions, and not leading you into thinking we were just a fling, things would had been different- I don't know..."
Elliott sighed a little before shrugging "I guess so..." he said before he looked to sebastian with a curious look "I don't blame you Sebastian for anything that happened, I was young and foolish...I made a mistake that day..I chose wrong and it's my biggest regret"
Sebastian leaned back on the bench and shrugged. "You don't have to. I blame myself. Always have. I realized that I could've done it better-" He looked at him. "I could've fought for you, and perhaps- who knows, you would've... chosen me. Who knows where we could be now, if that had happened, right?" He sighed. "That's my biggest regret, Elliott. Not having fought harder, to keep you, and to make you understand that we would've been good together."
Shaking his head before he shuffled closer to Sebastian, putting his stuff to his side "Sebastian don't do that, don't think what if about me as it's my fault...I never blamed you for not coming after me, I fucked it all up myself by not even talking to you about it all...we could have...we could be together, but I screwed it all up for us"
0 notes
seblaineaddict · 4 years
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Hey Seblainers! Hellooooo, everyone else... 😉
Posting this makes me so excited. This graphic was created exclusively for my friend who I love very much, and her Seblaine partner, to accompany the Wedding day para of their absolutely phenomenal Seblaine 1x1 RP (@blaine-formerwarbler-anderson and @sexysebastiansmythe)
If you've never followed it, now's your chance! It started way back in 2011, so if you want to start their story from the very beginning, then here are the links to the start of both blog archives:
Their journey is ongoing, canon-divergent and full of drama, incredible and jaw-dropping intrigue, patented Sebastian snark, and oblivious!Blaine. Fair warning though, that it features a lot of fantastic and organically-written (and very explicit) Seblaine smut, as well as plenty of truly wonderful romance between our beautiful boys!
If you want to just read their awesome Wedding Day para, which can be read as a standalone, and as if it was an amazing Seblaine One-Shot; then here is a direct link:
Here is a link to their "Instagram" Wedding Day Post (our boys are YouTubers in this RP) featuring my graphic:
These two ladies are crazily talented writers, with a natural aptitude for using vivid imagery, and they both deserve to have sooo many more followers. They can literally stir your emotions with just a few well thought-out words and phrases, and take you on an emotional Rollercoaster.
RPs definiteiy aren't for everyone; sometimes people don't enjoy the format, or the way stories can jump around with no apparent rhyme or reason, but this Seblaine 1x1 RP is not one of those at all, and is solid right from the very beginning. It's honestly like reading one of the very best Seblaine fics; albeit a very, very long ongoing Seblaine fic, that you may well find absolutely addictive. 😊
Enjoy! 💜
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andersoncharm · 3 years
Love Is Powerful. It Can Bring Even The Gods to Their Knees- Saturday, February 13, 2021
Para: Love Is Powerful. I Can Bring Even The Gods to Their Knees
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Seblaine.
Blaine: @andersoncharm​
Sebastian: @smythesm​
When: Saturday, February 13, 2021
Location: The Apartment- Boston, MA/ Friday’s Flower Shop/The Felix Hotel
Notes: Blaine takes Seb out for Valentine’s Day. They make a few new friends.
Warnings:  This rp includes; Mentions of death. Parental Death (Blaine’s Mom), Mentions of toxic past relationships. Mentions of brief past Klaine. Depression. Anxiety.
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Under cut for length and some sexy talk. Work is mostly unedited as usual.
Para Title taken from Rick Riordan- The Lost Hero
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine had spent the last month after his conversation with Sebastian letting himself heal mentally and physically. He did his best not to worry or stress over the things he couldn’t control and he tried his hardest not to get upset with himself when he couldn’t perform the harder bits of his magic. He pushed himself and just a week ago he was able to transport himself from one side of the apartment to the other side without too much of a hassle. He only felt mildly dizzy and a quick sip of a potion he’d been working on for just that reason and he felt almost as good as he had before his taxing trial. He’d been working out while Seb studied and worked and everyday when Seb came home over the last week Blaine had managed to have dinner set out on the table. Maybe it wasn’t as grand as it could have been, but he was improving and he was a little proud of himself.
He’d even gotten to speak to his dad once, a secret call where Will had tried to set Blaine’s mind at ease but Blaine still felt so guilty over thinking he wasn’t on his side. Still, he’d told him he missed him and even told him he loved him and it had been so long since he’d told his father that. It felt good and Blaine wondered if it was part of the reason he was healing so well. David and Nick had popped by, able to sneak away to him for five whole minutes, they’d wrapped him in hugs so tight that Blaine couldn’t breathe for a moment, but he’d take a hundred of them if it meant he’d get to see them more. All things considered Blaine felt good this weekend. His body had the pleasant ache that only a boxing session could leave him with. And his bones seemed to vibrate with a more positive energy. He knew it was the magic waking up after lying almost dormant in him for so many weeks and the feeling was bittersweet to him. Magic had almost gotten him killed and Seb taken away from himself. Still, he’d missed it after three months. And maybe it could have woken up sooner, but Blaine hadn’t been ready. He was now.
It was Valentine’s Day weekend and Blaine wanted nothing more than to feel like himself again, so he’d sat down and thought up a little getaway for him and Sebastian. Maybe they only had a day to be away but he’d make the most of it. He finally felt good and he wanted to show Seb just how much he appreciated all the ways he’d taken care of his mind and body over the last three months. He called Friday’s, the extravagant flower shop where the priestess and actual Witch that helped save his life worked,  to make sure they knew to expect them this evening but the tinkling, flowy voice on the other line practically swooned at him and told him she’d already been expecting them. He hung up the phone feeling a little bit flushed and sort of wanted to pop himself into Seb’s office and show him how much he loved him right there at the desk. But really what did he expect from Aphrodite's highest priestess?
He’d gotten them a room at one of those luxury hotels, the kind meant to be intimate and made just for two, he made sure they were LGBTQ friendly and had it booked, he may or may not have used a little magic to charm his way into it. He knew he shouldn’t but he was a little upset with his old community so he couldn’t be too bothered to care. Besides, he made sure he didn’t steal a room from some other deserving couple, no he charmed his way into the one those kinds of places always kept empty for sudden and unplanned arrivals of celebrities or the likes. No one would want it tonight anyway.
Finally he made reservations for dinner for them tomorrow night at a place in the city using much of the same tactic. Sure, he should have been planning this weeks ago, but he’d been a little ill. He hoped Seb didn’t mind him taking over the weekend. But he had a feeling his boyfriend would welcome the break of having to think of everything. Blaine had been so needy lately and he wanted to take care of his guy. He cleaned the apartment, made a batch of homemade heart shaped sugar cookies, some with lots of red and pink icing for Seb and some with only the outline of icing for himself. After not eating much for such a long time the sweets tasted heavenly. He’d taken Ras to the groomer and their boy looked so handsome standing at attention as he waited by the door for his papa to come home. The groomer had given him a big loopy red bow with little pink and white hearts on it and Blaine loved it. Even grumpy Freya approved of it. Blaine caught her pawing at the long ends and made a note to tease her about catching her in cat mode later.
He showered and then dressed himself in black pants and fitted red sweater with barely visible dark pink and light pink dots throughout the fabric and he knew he looked a little on the nose for the holiday, but the High Priestess and her Witch and human followers at Friday’s would appreciate the colors. He let his curls go free with very little product, he’d shaved his beard yesterday and the stubble was coming in nicely, he only had to do a little bit of a touch up and as he looked at himself in the mirror he knew he looked better than he had in months. He ran a hand over his jawline and smiled at the sound of Ras’ excited bark. Seb was home. He knew it before the pup even made a sound, the whole energy shifted and Blaine’s body buzzed with want and love and gods he wanted to kiss Seb breathless right now. Wanted to show him how much stronger he felt today. Maybe they could go to the shop tomorrow... No, it had to be today. They needed the gifts for a rather meddling love goddess for tomorrow.
“Hey you.” He grinned as he came down the little hall from the bathroom and took in the sight of Ras accosting his papa. “I hope that you’re not too tired, I’ve got a whole Valentine’s day weekend planned for us.” He felt a little guilty for not asking Seb if his plans were okay first, but that was the point of a surprise he supposed. He also felt a little weird, like he was doing something he wasn’t supposed to, like he was going to get into trouble for doing so much work in one day. Lately when Seb came home he was sleeping or could hardly get up to greet him. This last week Blaine had taken him by surprise though and Seb’s smile every time he came home made him feel beyond better. Today his smile was even bigger and Blaine felt almost like he could do anything.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian had been relieved when Blaine started to do little things like cook small dinners and work on potions again. Things were still hard for him, he knew that, but it seemed like his boyfriend was feeling lighter. He was moving around the apartment and smiling and playing with Enjolras. Seb felt like the both of them had had a heavy weight lifted off of them.
It had been a long day at the law firm. Sebastian had felt like his desk was covered in paperwork and there wasn’t much he hated more than a messy desk. The vibe in the place felt off because the firm had lost a pretty big case and they were all swimming in work that had to be done. He was happy when 4 arrived and he was out of the door before anybody could stop him.
He walked into his apartment, the smell of sugar lingered in the air and Ras greeted him with shiny clean fur and happy paws. Sebastian gave his fur a ruffle and held onto his paws and felt instantly stress free. The golden pup had a loose red ribbon on his neck which matched Blaine’s red heather sweater. Sebastian stood up with wide eyes when he saw his boyfriend who looked fucking amazing.
“Wow.” His face spread into a smile and he wanted to run his fingers over the stubble on the other man’s jaw. “You look great, B. I mean, you always do but damn.”
Seb pulled Blaine in for a kiss, his hand rested on his lower back. He looked down at Blaine and just took in his face for a moment before he nodded. Sebastian hadn’t much cared for Valentine’s Day but he knew B loved it and it had a special connection to Aphrodite (Blaine had explained this to him a few times.) and they sort of owed her. Celebrating with B made him sort of fond of the day.
“Sounds great. Can I have a clue? What should I wear?”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine let himself bask in the glow of Sebastian’s acknowledgement over how he looked. He could feel Seb’s appreciation coming off of his boyfriend in waves and it felt good to be looked at like that. His boyfriend's face was open and wanting and Blaine wanted to cancel his plans once more. It wasn’t that Seb didn’t look at him like that always, just now he was able to enjoy it more. The last few months Sebastian had been all about taking care of Blaine, it was just what he knew he had to do, even in the bedroom Blaine's energy was just zapped and Seb picked up his slack and loved him so hard, carrying it all for the both of them.
Seb had done everything he could to make Blaine feel better and showed him how much he loved him in the best ways he knew how. But, Blaine knew that Seb had been missing their normal dynamic, the equal give and the take they offered each other. It had been missing lately because Blaine felt like less of himself which caused Seb to need to give more of himself. He hoped to fix that. Besides, he liked that Seb wanted to look at him, couldn't wait to show him just how much he liked it later.
“Thank you, baby.” Despite his new confidence his voice was a little too soft and his smile was sheepish as he let himself be kissed. The heat from Seb’s hand on the small of his back sent a little thrill throughout his lower body and he pressed himself a little closer, his face tilted back and he fought the urge to hide his face as Seb looked down at him with this adoring glint in his green eyes. He bit his lip and tip-toed up to steal another kiss and wrap his arms around Seb’s waist before pulling back a bit to talk.
“Well, I’ll give you more than a clue.” He smiled, his whole body relaxing into Seb’s arms. “Well, we won't be staying here tonight for starters,  I got us a room at the Felix, you know the one that takes about a year to get into? Yeah, I thought we deserved a night away. I got us the full deal so we won’t have to worry about anything.” He paused, hoping Seb liked the idea. “We check in at six tonight and we get the whole pace to ourselves until four tomorrow, I kind of splurged on a day and a half package in case we wanted to sleep in. And then I got reservations at that sushi place we’ve been trying to get into for the last year, we have to be there at six tomorrow.” He knew he was talking fast, but he’d spent the last three months hardly able to, maybe he was making up for it. “We have some time to kill before we can check in tonight though so I thought that we could go out and get a light dinner tonight, nothing too fancy, maybe that sub shop you like downtown?”
He smiled up at Seb, wondering if he was doing too much and if Seb was going to like this next part. He knew Seb was a little weird about being too included in Blaine’s magic, but he figured his boyfriend might want to get to know the goddess that had taken such a liking to him that she blessed him.
“And then after our small dinner tonight and before checking in I thought that maybe we could visit Friday’s, you know that flower shop you went to where the girls and boys just went crazy over you? They want to meet us, I mean as a couple. They’ve met us both alone but they think our story is so uh, tragically romantic and that’s a big deal to them.  Besides, their High Priestess is the one that sort of saved my life. I thought we could pick up a few things for Aphrodite considering we owe her and her people a great deal and what better way to show appreciation than buying from her followers. They make their own flowers and chocolates and bath scrubs and it’s just a self care dream there. We could leave them as an offering tomorrow night.”
“I understand if you’re not comfortable, it’s a lot, but this is the perfect way to honor her. It is her day after all. If you agree I can kind of explain how that place works and maybe you won't be so freaked out.” He nuzzled his nose into Seb’s neck to offer some encouragement and comfort. Seb had already let him build a little altar to the love goddess in their bedroom, he wondered if this was pushing it.
“I don’t suppose you’d be willing to wear some gold tonight, would you?” He laughed and shook his head, “I’m kidding of course, red or white works just fine. Even pink if you want. Either way I plan on leaving whatever it is on the floor of the Felix before the night is over.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian whistled low and raised his eyebrows. “Fancy. Sounds wonderful, B. I feel a little guilty because I was just having some chocolates delivered for you tomorrow.” They were handmade truffles with different exotic flavors, dusted in gold leaf but still. The evening sounded luxurious even if the Aphrodite stuff was a little intimidating.
“Sure, the shop sounds….well, I guess I shouldn’t be shocked that they know all about us. And you know I’m always down for a good sub. Everything sounds perfect.” Sebastian wondered how the dynamics at the shop worked since a high priestess was there and he wasn’t supposed to be in the know but since the trial everything had been flipped upside down.
Seb leaned in and gave Blaine another kiss. “I’m okay, B. I see you offer things to other gods all the time. I get it.” He had come so far since the two of them got together. Sebastian used to be really leery about his boyfriend’s practices and crystals everywhere and little offerings on the balcony. But, even if he was a bit agnostic at best and didn’t always understand, he knew that it was important to B. Sebastian had also learned that things existed in the world that just couldn't be explained and it all made his brain feel screwy but his boyfriend always explained and eased his mind a little. If this love goddess had touched them and saved his soul mate, well, he could leave out some chocolates and roses and sink into a hot bubble bath.
His eyebrows rose and his mouth twisted into a little sneer at the mention of wearing gold. “B, you know that I don't own anything that gaudy.” Sebastian poked Blaine playfully in the side. “I don’t own any pink either. What about a white polo? But I must admit I’m way more into the idea of my clothes on the floor.”  
Sebastian pulled away after a kiss that lingered too long and threatened to derail their plans. “I need to change, B.” He took a quick shower, styled his hair, and put on Blaine’s favorite cologne. The other man sat on the bed and watched him get ready like he was the most perfect specimen on earth and it made a tingle run through his body. “Like what you see?” They kissed and Seb lost his towel but somehow managed to get dressed.
They packed a small overnight bag and packed a basket with the sugar cookies and snacks for the morning. There seemed to be only one detail that lingered on Sebastian’s mind, “Who is going to watch Ras? I don’t know if he can get into the kennel on such short notice.”
Blaine’s POV:
“Why would you feel guilty over that? I love chocolate and knowing you they’re probably super expensive and fancy and I’m going to eat them too fast when I’m probably supposed to savor them. You have done so much for me over the last three months, baby, it’s my turn to take care of you.” He grinned, giving Seb a pointed look. “And I plan on taking very good care of you.” He laughed and his heart did a little flip as Seb talked about his offerings, Seb had come so far over the last two and a half years and it made Blaine feel good that he wasn’t as scared of it. He didn’t want Seb to be scared of him and what he could do, he hoped he showed him that magic could be beautiful and good. He kissed him back, letting his hands linger a bit on his body as a little promise of what was to come.
“I absolutely don’t expect you to wear gold and you know it.” He laughed and sat on the bed so Seb could get ready. As his boyfriend came out of the shower, a towel slung low over his hips, clinging in all the right places around his damp body Blaine fought the urge to forego the whole night in favor of thanking him here. He knew going to Friday's was important and that he’d spent a lot of money trying to make tonight and tomorrow perfect and romantic but Seb looked beautiful and he knew it and it made waiting very difficult. Blaine couldn’t be blamed if he preferred Seb without it and they ended up kissing and touching and laughing for longer than they meant. Blaine finally let him get ready, but didn’t stop with his looks. Seb looked incredible in his fitted white polo and it pleased him to see the cord of his mother’s crystal still peeking up around the back of Seb’s neck and tucked into his shirt. He wasn’t quite ready to take it back, still felt that Seb needed the extra protection more than him.
“Oh, I forgot! Freya has already graciously volunteered to watch him tonight and tomorrow. You know she’s the best babysitter out there anyway and Ras loves it when it’s just the two of them. Sometimes I wonder what she shows him when we’re not around.”
Dinner went fast and was filled with conversations about their days, giggles and Blaine giving Sebastian little lingering touches to which Seb leaned into. Afterwards, Blaine opened the passenger door to Seb’s car for him and prompted him to get in.
“You don’t know where we’re going, I think I should drive.” He grinned and tucked himself into the driver's seat. He didn’t get to drive much, preferring to control the radio while Seb drove them around, but he felt it was necessary now.
“So, I suppose I should tell you a little bit about Friday’s and the people that frequent there. See, the High Priestess- the one you met? She goes by the name Dove. She’s a real Witch, but she’s dedicated her whole life to catering to one god as opposed to all gods or just a few like me. Her whole life is about Aphrodite and following the path of love and passion and beauty. And I think maybe her goddess told her about you and me, I don’t know but judging by the things you mentioned she said to you I think it’s pretty apparent, plus she showed up at my trial and spoke for us. If it were for her and the Oracle my dad went to I’m not sure I’d be here with you today. Aphrodite followers love tragedy, but they love love more so I guess she must have believed in us. She must have thought we were extra special too. Maybe they really will write poems about us. Put our names up there with the likes of Achilles and Patroclus… Maybe they didn’t want to see their tragedy bestowed on us so she spoke up.  Did you know it was almost a year ago exactly when you met her? Gods. Things really do happen for a reason, don’t they..” He paused, reflecting.
“The other people that work at the shop are followers of Aphrodite as well, they’re just not witches, they’re regular humans and they don’t know that she’s a real Witch either, they just think she’s extra connected to their goddess- which she is, but they think it's in the fashion of like a pagan religion. Like I originally told you I was.  And she doesn’t call herself a witch and doesn’t allow her flock to either. This is why she calls herself a Priestess, it’s safe that way and people don’t get the wrong idea and put her in danger. Dove is allowed to have followers because she brings more light to Aphrodite, but she walks a fine line and if she pushes it she’ll be in the same boat you and I were. I hope I’m making sense. Of course she probably does have some other Witch followers as well, and Witches of course will shop there for special magical ingredients- she probably has a special hidden room for them. But, for the most part, the part you got to see anyway, it’s for everyone.”
Talking about the magic that lived outside of schools and his community was odd for him, he’d never done it before and he hoped he was doing it justice.
“There are other little magical spots like this around the whole world. Dedicated to gods and goddesses of all different countries and so on. Cat cafes for Bast, occult shops for Hecate… so much more. You get the idea. The followers are more of the same, headed by a High Priestess or High Priest and human followers that live their lives for that one god. It’s a lot, I know...:”
He turned into the free parking lot across the street from the shop, his nerves a little on high as he looked over at the building. The place flowed with magic that only a Witch or a hunter would be able to truly feel, but a part of him wondered if that extended to Seb because the two of them were Fated and Seb was blessed by the goddess herself. The air around the beautiful pink, white and gold building smelled of roses and sweet chocolate and one could easily get lost in the feelings of love and bliss. Blaine felt a small pang of sadness as he remembered how parts of LeFay would feel and smell certain ways because of the magic or the god the rooms were dedicated to. As happy as he was right now, there was still a big part of him that would miss how he felt in his world forever. It was nice to know there were places around the world he could still go to where he could feel that feeling.
“I thought we could pick up a few things for my altar though. I know I can make flowers and bake and so on on my own, but going to her own people might be extra special to her, and if it keeps you safe I’m all about giving her everything I can think of.” He reached for Seb’s hand, silently asking if he was ready to go in.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian watched the city go by from the passenger seat. It was rare that he didn’t drive and it felt nice when B took the wheel. He listened to Blaine explain the flower shop, the priestess,  and how other places for Witches were hidden in plain sight throughout the world. It made him wonder what else was hidden just under the nose of his fellow humans. “So….she’s sort of like the boss and she has a specific concentration. Got it. And at least you still have places to go. That’s sort of cool, right?”
Sebastian took Blaine’s hand as they approached the pretty building. The large display windows were filled with heart shaped balloons in different hues of red and pink and the biggest, most luxurious bouquets of roses and bright blue hyacinths. Sebastian had purchased flowers from the shop a few times in the past, before he knew what the shop really was, and he was intrigued to see Blaine inside of the place.
He opened the door and let his boyfriend step inside. A tiny golden bell gave the most delicate tinkling as the door opened and the smell of roses and chocolate and perfume hit Sebastian in the face all at once. The shop was crammed full of flowers and ivory statues and glass and gold cases that held homemade oils and about every body care item you could think of. Seb suddenly realized that he had never paid much attention to how interesting the shop truly was in the past. The very back wall of the store was glass windows that opened into a lush garden and there was even a little café bar where you could purchase candies and creamy hot chocolate. Sebastian suddenly felt like he wanted to smell and taste everything that he could.
A pair of pretty girls with long brown hair in intricate braids greeted them, blush frosted their cheeks and one giggled into the other's hair. Sebastian just smiled and let Blaine do the talking until Dove seemed to appear from nowhere behind them.
Like the last time Sebastian had seen her, her wrists were cluttered in gold bangles and she smelled like sun and sand. Her eyes didn’t seem as sad as their last encounter but they were definitely heavy lidded in a way that said, ‘follow me to my bedroom’. She laid a silky hand on both of their shoulders and pulled them into a hug. Sebastian felt stiff in comparison to her soft, curvy body pillowed in draped silks.
“Boyss! How lovely to see you. Oh, I’m just so happy that you two stood strong in the face of adversity. Love will always prevail. How Romantic….the two of you here.”
Dove’s voice was sleepy, like she was up late writing love letters or like she just rolled out of a lover’s bed. She felt warm and intoxicating and Sebastian wondered if she came across this way to everybody she met or if she was just buzzing with the promise of Valentine's day in the air. No doubt she got a lot of business and affection at this time of year.
“How can I assist you? Please, make yourself comfortable, don’t linger in the doorway.”
She giggled and Seb thought it sounded exactly like the bell on the door.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine had only been inside this shop a few times to pick up a few specific ingredients. Normally he grew his own stuff in his little corner of LeFay’s magical garden, but on occasion he’d needed a few other things. That little dull throb of pain was back as he thought about his old garden, he’d have to start it all over. The little cottage his father had gotten him was nothing short of adorable, so he’d have no problem putting up a few barriers and growing what he needed, but the ghost of what he used to have still hung over him like a dark cloud. Watching everyone fawn over Sebastian made him feel a bit better though, and he wondered what Dove had told her people about them. She couldn’t tell them that he was a Witch by any means, he wondered if she told them that her goddess had taken a special liking in both of them. 
As he thought it, two boys smiled at him and then looked between him and Sebastian, and their linked fingers from the back of the shop where they were picking a bushel of vibrant pink roses from a huge bush, the boy ducked his head and smiled into the other boys shoulder and whispered something and Blaine knew instantly that she probably did tell them that Aphrodite had blessed them both. In reality it was just Seb that was blessed, and Blaine was his gift from her. And it wasn’t just words spoken by one person, it was the actual truth, though these followers believed it without the benefit of knowing that magic and gods were actually real. It was a commentary on blind faith and it was scary and beautiful all at once.
He smiled at her, her words hitting so close to home. He wondered if she remembered how broken he was the night of his trial, how beaten down and sick he’d been. If so she didn’t let on, she smiled at them as if they were the very definition of love itself and Blaine knew it to be true. He squeezed Seb’s hand as his boyfriend let the woman hug him and hoped that Seb wasn’t too uncomfortable. And when it was Blaine’s turn he hugged her back, it was hard not to want to when she spoke the way she did. He knew it was part of her charm, most everyone would want to be near her once they’d met her. He slid his arm through Seb’s and guided him inside the building, taking the lead so Seb wouldn’t have to stress over where to step.
“Thank you, Dove. We thought that we’d pay a bit of a tribute to Aphrodite tomorrow. She has done quite a bit for us and we want to pay our respect and give our thanks.” He gave his best smile and stayed as close to Seb as he could. “Sebastian’s never really done this part before, but she’s done a great deal for us as have you, so who better to purchase our gifts from? We need your brightest flowers, your best chocolate, and of course she needs some fruit, I was thinking an apple?” He said that last part pointedly at her, hoping she’d get his meaning. 
“Oh yes, wonderful!” The woman clapped her hands together positively beside herself with excitement. She reached for Seb’s hand and guided him towards the two boys that were gathering roses, then stopped their giggling long enough to listen. “I’d be delighted if the two of you would take Sebastian here out to the garden to gather our finest reds for him while I steal his darling love away for a moment into the back to check on special stock that he ordered in advance. Be sure to take extra care of him. Get him some of those new chocolates Aimee made this morning while he waits.” She looked at Sebastian longingly like she hated separating the two of them and Blaine kind of hated it too because the two boys were giggling again and flocking around Sebastian and Blaine was nervous that Seb might never forgive him. He excused himself from Dove’s gentle grasp and stepped up to Seb, his eyes wide and asking forgiveness. 
“It’ll be okay, really. I’ll be back before you know it. I have to go someplace you can’t enter, but I wish you could. You’ll see when we get back to the car why. Don’t get too carried away with the pretty boys.” He grinned and tip toed up to press a soft, sweet kiss to Seb’s lips before pulling away to join Dove to the sounds of giggles and sighs all around them. Seb looked a little nervous but nodded Blaine away, his arms already full of products and a flock of beautiful people showing him differing shades of flowers.
Blaine let Dove lead him into the back of the store to a seemingly plain wall. With a soft song of words and a delicate wave of her hand the two of them were inside a new room. The room was vast and filled wall to wall with glowing and magical items. Lose Pomegranates and figs and other fruits and vegetables in hand woven baskets lined the walls and floors, doorless golden dove cages hung from the ceiling and it was overwhelming to be in the presence of so many magical items for the first time in three months. Blaine wanted to touch each thing and let the magic wash over him so he could take it home and remember later. He knew right then that he’d be back again one day. He turned and there Dove was, holding the biggest apple he’d ever seen. The skin was deep purple red with a very faint golden glow that humans couldn’t see.
“My personal garden is back this way- even further hidden, I can take you there if you’d like to pick your own out.” She looked hopeful, like maybe Blaine would say yes, but the thought of going into a magical garden that wasn’t his own was a little too much right now. 
“This one’s perfect, Dove. Thank you. I have a feeling Aphrodite will love it, especially since you grew it for her.” He reached out and took the apple in his hands, holding it gently. Dove looked a little disappointed. 
“Oh, I thought the apple might be for the two of you. It has so many magical qualities… Wisdom, Immortality, marriage, fertility…” She trailed off, her brows furrowing like she’d said something she hadn’t meant. Blaine knew that she knew what had happened at the trial, all the things they’d taken from him. She’d witnessed his punishment.
“Of course, I know, but this one is for her. Sebastian and I don’t need it to achieve all the things we want, we’re strong enough without it. Besides, we had a date with magical pomegranate seeds and a part of me thinks he might still need a break from magical fruit for a few years.” He laughed, playing off his discomfort. He wasn’t ready to talk about any of this with anyone but Seb, no matter how kind Dove was.
“Goddess wept. The two of you are just so beautiful. Not just in appearance together, but in your relationship. I can feel how strong it is… I know it’s bittersweet, and that you made incredibly difficult sacrifices to get to him, to keep him- but look at you and how hard you fought for your love.” She looked at him with big eyes that seemed to be full of tears or maybe he imagined that.
“I’m not sure how big my sacrifices were, but he's very much worth it, I’d do it all again if I had to. I’d give up everything the same.” He gave her a smile, his fingers gripping the apple tightly, feeling its power in his fingertips and the things it could do for them. She furrowed her brow at him again and reached out with gentle hands, her fingers wrapping around each of his wrists where his permanent scars rested, a reminder of what he went though to keep Seb.
“I think that your sacrifices were huge, Blaine. Don’t sell yourself short. You’re feeling better now, but I saw what they did to you.” She rubbed her thumbs over the scars and looked at him longer, like she was feeling all the rest of the things he’d had to give up. A real relationship with his father, a natural family, his people, his world, his extended life… He cleared his throat and gently pulled his wrists away. 
“You’re very kind, Dove. Thank you. And thank you for what you did for us, I’ll never forget it. I should probably go rescue my boyfriend, gods know what they’ve done with him.” The woman’s face relaxed and she gave him a genuine smile, like she knew she wouldn’t convince him to use the apple for personal gain and then she hugged him tightly and pressed a kiss to his cheek as if to tell him she’d do it again too and then she placed the apple inside a simple white handled paper bag and guided him out of the room. 
“Ah, I see you found a few things, yeah?” Blaine grinned at Seb who was carrying an assortment of bags filled with flowers and chocolates and little vials of dried petals and bath salts. He slipped his arm around Seb’s waist, feeling instantly better as he touched him.
Sebastian’s POV:
The two men smiled up at Sebastian as he watched Blaine walk into the back with Dove. He turned back to them and offered his own small smirk. “So, uh...I’m Sebastian.” He rocked back on his heels and shoved his hands in his pockets. 
“Oh, we know.” The boy with dark brown skin and bright eyes offered. He bit his lip and blinked a few times before the other, blonde and shaggy haired and golden all over, offered his hand. “Come.” 
Once upon a time, Seb would have taken both of these guys home. He could feel their eyes all over him and knew they were flirting. Maybe it was just natural for followers of a love goddess? Sebastian didn’t take the hand or think too much about the tone of the word come and the possible double meanings there. He simply waved a hand and bowed a little, “After you two. Lead the way.”
They went into the garden first, the two boys pointed out the different variations of roses (God, there were so many.) and kept touching his arms. He went with the flow and followed them around but at a particular touch to the small of his back he silently begged Blaine to magically appear in a random rose bush, thorns be damned. 
“Well boys, I think we have enough roses.” Sebastian awkwardly lifted the woven basket they had insisted he take. 
“You’re right. We haven’t offered you any of our chocolates yet!” The dark haired boy opened the big glass door and held it open for the other two to walk inside. He stepped behind the counter of an elaborate white marble cafe countertop. There was an old fashioned  espresso bar and a chalkboard that featured all of the house specialties written in marigold colored chalk. The star of the show though, was the giant glass pastry case with golden gilded edges. It was full of crystal cake stands piled with little pink cakes, the biggest chocolate covered strawberries Sebastian had ever seen, and so many chocolates. The golden hair boy sat leisurely on a stool as the other one piled a floral china plate with different treats. He wrapped the plate in cellophane and red ribbon and put it in a simple white paper shopping bag. The  boy plucked one dark chocolate covered strawberry and held it to Seb’s mouth as he leaned over the counter in what Seb had to admit was a pretty appealing way. 
Sebastian swallowed and opened his mouth to say he could hold the piece of fruit when the boy popped it into his mouth. He was sure he looked like an idiot with his wide eyes and strawberry leaves sticking out of his mouth. The two men laughed and Seb’s worries melted away because, oh god this was the best strawberry he had ever tasted. 
“Very good.” Sebastian smiled and took the paper bag. “Uh, thanks guys. B should-”
He was interrupted as they each took a hand and whisked him around the shop. They began filling the bag for him. And then another bag. They each held up various things and said things like, “Rose scented lotion, wonderful for a romantic night.” “Massage your lover with this apple infused body oil for vigorous love making. It’s edible!” “Strawberry...great for luck!”
Sebastian had lost track of all of the different flowers and scents and their properties that his brain felt like it might combust into a thousand white and pink rose petals by the end of all of this. Thankfully, Blaine was back and had his own little shopping bag. Sebastian instantly felt relieved when he felt his boyfriend’s arm around him. 
“Just a few things with the help of these gentlemen. I don’t know your names.” 
Dove laughed and covered her mouth. “Too distracted by his beauty, are we? This is Heathcliff and Orlando. Thanks for your help.” 
Seb wasn’t surprised at such dramatic names and he honestly wasn’t one to talk. He nodded and the men excused themselves after kissing his hands and touching Blaine’s cheek. Dove led them to another counter where she rang up their purchases. Well, purchase. She only charged Blaine for the small shopper that he had retrieved from his small private trip. “Complimentary. Please visit us again some day. We could have tea together.” 
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine tried to hide his smile as he watched the two men still falling all over Sebastian. He should have felt a little jealous, but really, what was he to expect when it came to Aphrodite’s followers, plus, Sebastian was beautiful and practically a celebrity here. He couldn’t blame them for wanting to be near him. He watched as two of them kissed Seb’s hands and was a little surprised when they turned and touched his face like he too was something to fawn over. He turned away when he felt his face heat up a little in a blush, because of course he’d blush. He reached out and took a couple of the bags from Seb. He’d been fully prepared to pay for every single thing Seb had been given, knowing it wasn’t cheap, that each thing was hand crafted and made by the followers and some of it came from Dove’s own garden, but she wouldn’t hear of it. He paid only for the apple and he was sure she’d even given him a discount on that. She sent him out the door with hugs and a wink and little kisses were blown from all directions from an array of different people.
“That was… an experience. I hope they didn’t flirt too terribly much with you.” He said after they’d loaded up the car and set out for their next destination in downtown Boston. He thought about sending the flowers and some of the other altar stuff home so that it wouldn't have to sit in the car overnight, but he was worried Ras might think it was for him and he didn’t trust Freya to keep him out of it, she could be spiteful sometimes. Especially since he’d tricked her into babysitting. She didn’t fool him though, Ras was her very favorite thing in the world, she’d do anything for him. Including letting him eat a bunch of roses meant for Aphrodite. Before they went into the hotel he did a little preservation spell for the flowers and the prized apple, proud of himself for being able to pull it off after three months of mostly inactivity. He made a mental note to explain the apple to Seb once they got home tomorrow night. He took a few of the items out for the two of them as well, because well, sexual acts were offerings for Aphrodite as well, and Blaine had plans for the bubble bath and chocolate covered strawberries.
“It wasn’t so bad though, was it? I think we’ve actually made a real friend, and you were right what you said earlier about there being a place I could go and feel magic. I think Friday’s might be that place. Especially until I get the place my dad got me set up, which is my next goal after showing you how much better I feel.”
The hotel room was huge yet intimate and cozy at the same time. It wasn’t one of those cheesy, over the top lovey dovey rooms that you saw on television. It was classy, with a California king bed covered in deep grey and the biggest garden tub he’d ever seen. Champagne and chocolates that would no doubt not be nearly as good as Dove’s and two oversized and fluffy black robes were hung up on the closet door for both of them. Blaine turned so that he was in front of Sebastian and smiled almost shyly as he held up his hand between them. He concentrated and there bloomed a single deep red rose, perfectly shaped.
“They’re not as pretty as Friday’s, but this one is specifically for you, Valentine.” He offered the rose to Seb, and then reached out and pulled his boyfriend close, his face tilted up and open for Seb, his fingers slipping under his fitted polo to trace the faint bit of hair behind the button of his pants. He let his fingers slip in just so, toying with said button before undoing it all together, his other hand sliding under the back of his shirt to press his music calloused fingers that Seb loved so much against the light ripple of muscle in Seb’s lower back. He wanted everything all at once, but knew he had all night long to take it slow, to make his boyfriend really feel it. To show Seb how much he appreciated how he’d taken care of Blaine’s mind and body while he was weak, and to show him how much he missed fucking into him and feeling him move underneath him. He tiptoed up and pressed a kiss to Seb’s lips, soft at first and then more insistent, and possessive like he couldn’t get enough.
“We should try the bed first...” His voice was a little rough, raspy and heavy with desire as he led Seb to the bed and pressed him down as he crawled in between his legs. Later Blaine couldn't be sure he could have sworn that Seb clutched onto that rose as he kissed the gasps from his mouth.
Sebastian’s POV:
“Nothing I couldn’t handle. And I thought I laid it on thick. Damn.” Sebastian laughed and laid a hand on Blaine’s thigh. “I’m glad. And I can help with the new magic place if you want me to. Could be fun.” He turned and watched Blaine’s profile as street lights splashed across his handsome features in red, white, and green.
The hotel room was huge and luxurious and reminded him of the rooms he sometimes would stay in in Paris. He was excited about champagne and more strawberries and those lovely, plush robes. But he was even more excited for Blaine. The other man had been promising him a great night all day and he was unsatisfied from their make out session earlier. Sebastian wanted everything all at once and everywhere, all over this fancy room.
He watched as magic swirled through Blaine’s fingers and a beautiful rose appeared. Sebastian had seen him produce items out of thin air plenty of times but it was always impressive and made his stomach feel like he was speeding down a steep hill.
“It’s beautiful, B. Thank you.”
Sebastian didn’t have much time to swoon over the perfect rose or the magic before Blaine’s hands were on him and his knees felt weak and he was naked and pressed into the lavish bed. And then they were in the garden tub and the floor and the California king once again. Hands, lips, and tongues all over.
The bed was covered in rose petals by the end of the night. He was certain Aphrodite would be pleased.
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