#season 6 slays for leyton okay
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He goes through that revolving door and to his bedroom and suddenly there's Peyton and it's like all is right with the world. Yeah. I mean first of all, Hilarie, you're glowing in this episode. Your skin looks amazing, your hair looks amazing, makeup looks amazing. Your clothes look amazing. You just were, it was like you were in a whole, on a whole other level per probably personally too. -Bethany
Well that's it. Remember you guys, I was like finally single and I was like going to kiss new people and I just, we just came back from hiatus and like hiatus had been fun. You know like.. -Hilarie
Isn't it kind of wild though when people look at you and are like, God you just look so good. Like what's going on with you? And you're like I got out of the wrong relationship. I do look great. My skin looks amazing, doesn't it? -Sophia
That's what happens when you don't have stress hormones in your body at all times. -Hilarie
Less cortisol makes you gorgeous. You looked gorgeous. -Sophia
And it felt fun to just be like fun and flirty with someone. 'cause that's what I was getting to do in real life. Yeah. It was just like I don't even have to act like this is, I'm just having the best time ever. -Hilarie
Yeah. It so came through and it felt so good seeing those two together. -Bethany
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