#scurrilous straggler
indigocaste · 4 months
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vodkaing · 2 months
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i thought that height difference looked familiar
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youabandonedthem · 2 years
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slick was exiled in the queen’s pretty princess dress and the crew got so mad they sold him into slavery
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sburbian-sage · 1 month
I've got a bit of an odd situation. See, we picked up a Rage Player between sessions. Quiet guy, bit of an asshole at times, really his short swords. He keeps talking about his dream self doing paperwork on derse? And being surrounded by windows? And some overarching conspiracy to murder nobility or something? Our new Sage of Time, they were a Prince last game, said something about how the newbie had ecto-biological data from some "SS" entity in-game. I guess I'm supposed to fuck up our new player's ecto-biological cloning or something. I'm not happy about it, nobody's happy about it, this has not been a good time. All I know is, is that I don't think we're prepared to face off against a glitch dream-self that may or may not be a derse carpacian or something. ( How do you even god-tier that? I don't know, and our Thief of Rage is, well, raging about it. ) Do you have any advice? ... Also is it bad to be a Bard twice in a row? I don't mind being the Bard. But, if it consists of getting lost on the battlefield twice, and potentially missing the final boss battle (again), I'm going to be very annoyed.
Wear your codpiece with pride, soldier. And invest in a map.
Also I think I'm connecting the pieces. The "SS entity" is probably Spades Slick, the Scurrilous Straggler, the Sovereign Slayer. Jack Noir. Which would explain the player's dreamself 1) being confined to Derse, which is where Jack Noir lives 2) being confined to bureaucracy in an office, which is what Jack Noir does 3) doing weird murderous conspiracies, which is what Jack Noir does when he's not handling bureaucracy. Also wait hold on a fucking second, are you implying your Thief of Rage is like, The Son of Jack Noir. Did I read that correctly. Are you telling me your player shares DNA with Jack Fucking Noir. These asks are gonna drive me to drink one day.
I choose not to believe that your Thief of Rage is the secret lovechild of Jack Noir because briefly considering it caused me to curl up into a ball involuntarily for several hours. It was like an instinct.
In the event that your Thief of Rage is the secret lovechild of Jack Noir, I really wish that SBURB's coding didn't disable suicide, and also I legitimately don't know how his ectobiological code mixes with a player's in such a manner that their dreamself becomes him(???) but not the actual player. This is all bullshit, if this is true then good luck. You broke me, congratulations.
The much more likely possibility is Apocryphal Antithesis. Essentially, your Thief of Rage is missing a sleep ratio stat, and so their Dreamself is a distinct entity with its own agenda. I imagine that it's co-ordinating with Jack Noir to murder all of you, because that's typically what happens with Apocryphal Antithesis (the murder part, not the Jack collab itself). The good news is, if you're in a position to God Tier, just do it. Your Thief of Rage can't, y'know, by himself, but if one of you takes him behind the shack and onto his Quest Bed, his dreamself will automatically merge with him as he ascends. Indeed, even if it isn't Apocryphal Antithesis (I refuse to believe the other option), this might fix it anyway. If there's anything weird about your Dreamself, god-tiering is the "turn it on and off again" of solutions. Highly effective and simple and everyone should try resorting to that immediately.
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researchhpurposes · 1 year
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A SCURRILOUS STRAGGLER! Wait hm...doesn't that mean this is all taking place on the Earth then? Cause Vagabond is some years in the future from John and the rest and this is in the past so...hm.
Also I just noticed he had a Spades pin.
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Homestuck, page 1,274
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[I] Years in the past...
Which is to say the present, for the time being... A SCURRILOUS STRAGGLER eyes impromptu desert skirmish. He dismisses them as a bunch of ill-mannered rogues warranting no further investigation. Although he gives a small nod of approval to the plain and serviceable HAT worn by one of the combatants which strikes him as an absolutely smashing display of good fashion sense.
Author commentary: This is an awfully tantalizing moment that tells us a lot from a world-building perspective with just a single snapshot. If you're smart, you're just supposed to Get It, put the pieces together, and immediately know what's going on here. Oh, you're not smart, you say? FINE. I'll explain. SS whacks Sawbuck, which sends them all randomly back in time, which reveals they are on a weird alien planet with a pink moon and a green moon. In the distance is an exile, with the initials SS. That's Spades Slick in the distant past! He was in the troll session, got exiled here to postapocalyptic Alternia, wandered the weird desert for ages, then finally "built this town," as in literally took responsibility for the construction of a new civilization, formed a crime gang, started doing crimes in his new civilization, started dressing better, developed a rivalry with some stupid green mobsters, and here we are now.
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vocabwordoftheday · 2 years
Today’s Vocabulary List
Boxcars: enclosed and covered freight cars; slang for a pair of dice that turns up sixes both times; very large (ie “boxcar figure”)
Club: a stout, heavy stick or cudgel
Deuce: a playing card or die with two spots
Diamond: a specific kind of hard, typically colorless gemstone; a rhombus shape
Droog: a violent young gang member or hooligan
Heart: the organ responsible for pumping blood
Scurrilous: using or given to coarse language
Slick: having a smooth surface; deftly executed or adroit
Spade: a sturdy digging tool with a flat blade
Straggler: one who strays away, lags behind, or becomes separated from their companions; one who roams or wanders about at random
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evildykeserket · 2 years
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ok! well that is the end of the first intermission. i had. a lot of fun reading that actually, the time shenanigans are probably some of my favorite parts and i really do like the felt and midnight crew. plus it gave some very interesting lore in regards to Lord English and just the general laws of spacetime.
and as well the fact that None of it mattered in the end to the main timelines. in the end all of it was replaced and slick was placed in a timeline everyone died. VERY interesting.
there were no pesterlogs to write about here but!
there was a single [S] panel
17 characters got introduced: itchy [1] / doze [2] trace [3] / clover [4] / fin [5] / die [6] / crowbar [7] / stitch [9] / sawbuck [10] / matchsticks [11] / eggs [12] / biscuits [13] / quarters [14] / cans [15] / snowman [8] / lord english / scurrilous straggler
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When coming up with exile names, one of the things you have to consider is the fact that, even as an Exile, it still describes the rough Character of the person you’re naming.
It isn’t just that they’re exiled now-- its that this specific carapace is exiled.
For example, let’s look at Spades Slick.
As an Exile, he’s known as the Scurrilous Straggler.
As a Straggler-- He’s been separate from his own kin, either by being too slow or by being irregular (and to be fair, Slick can get caught up in his own business so much that he’s slow on taking up anything else, and irregular? The dude is known by his name while on Derse, not by a job title).
As Scurrilous-- Spreads unwarranted info meant to damage someone reputation and / or being humorously insulting.
Basically, it means he’s Bitchy.
Can’t take these descriptions lightly. This is Homestuck after all.
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cornmayor · 5 years
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Just decided to draw something with ink. Cause, ya know, inktober is soon
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artbyifer · 5 years
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I had originally intended to do another complex piece for my second picture, of the crew sitting around the fire as they told their tales. Unfortunately, I ran out of time. Luckily the polystuck mod considered my character designs more than enough as-is, so I instead cleaned them up and made charater cards out of them. (Text by excellent fic writer and co-collaborator Riso)
I still hope to do the piece intended at a later date. Feel free to poke me in a few months if no sign of it has popped up on my queue rotation.
Wardrobe details under the cut
SS already had a canon exile outfit, so he was a bit easier than the others (Other than the hat thing, that was pretty difficult to rotate frontwise) I ended up modding his canon outfit into a poncho, cause I couldn’t quite figure out where the arms would go otherwise. Plus it’s just good sense to have an outer layer in a hot desert. Dunno how he fastens the thing either way, nor what it’s made out of, but meh. In retrospect should have probably added some wear and tear to him like I did for the others.
HB was described as wearing bloody sheets, so he was obviously getting some kind of toga or similar greco-roman-ish garment made from a rectangle of fabric. I think what I ended up with suits him. It’s called a chiton, and the pun totally cinched it for me.
And there was absolutely no way CD was ending up with anything less but the most elaborate headwear post-apocalyptic Earth could provide him and as much cheap bling as he could carry. Toss in a rolled-in-dirt look, and the obvious end results of what fiddling with volatile explosive components is going to do to one’s amusingly oversized garments, and his outfit was decided.
DD was a bit trickier. What happens to one’s accoutrements when such a fastidious person meets the wasteland? Especially someone described as “depraved” and “dangerous” in his new position. I figured that there were two main ways I could go with it:
He may get a smudge of dirt on his clothes and declare the situation unsalveageable and descend into unfashionable madness.
Or he might realize to his horror that his usual deportment is untenable in a desert and decide his only option is to go against his own taste and adopt and adapt as best he can to post-apocalyptic syle, sobbing as he rips fashionable holes into his cape
In the end I leaned more heavily in the latter direction. He obviously cared enough to patch his chic military coat. And although the cloak is hiding it he carries a cloth with him to wipe surfaces before sitting.
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beetleneedle-blog · 6 years
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//So at this point I’m probably just gonna be following people with no real direction ‘cause I don’t know people, so if you’re cool with RPing with the Scurrilous Straggler, maybe give this a reblog?
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d0rit0janu · 7 years
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coloring practice
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zoiechance · 4 years
All Homestuck characters as of Nov 7,2020
This list includes characters from Homestuck,Homestuck^2,Hiveswap,& Friendsim! Please tell me if I missed anyone!
BETA HUMANS John Egbert(ghostyTrickster/ectoBiologist)/Heir of Breath/June Nanna Egbert Rose Lalonde(tentacleTherapist)/Seer of Light>Rosebot Dave Strider(turntechGodhead)/Knight of Time>Davebot Mom Lalonde Bro Strider Jade Harley(gardenGnostic)/Witch of Space/Grimbark Jade Grandpa Harley/Jake Harley/Pa Harley Future Dave>Davesprite fedoraFreak Dad Egbert/pipefan413
ALPHA HUMANS Poppop Crocker Jane Crocker(gustyGumshoe)/Maid of Life Mom Lalonde Bro Strider Roxy Lalonde(tipsyGnostalgic)/Ro-Lal/Rouge of Void Dirk Strider(timaeusTestified)/Di-Stri/Prince of Heart/Ultimate Dirk Nanna English Jake English(golgothasTerror)/Page of Hope Dad Crocker
OTHER HUMANS Colonel Sassacre Harry Anderson Egbert(thespiansGlamor) Tavros Crocker(glutinousGymnast) Yiffany "Yiffy" Longstocking Lalonde Harley Avril Thorpe Imode Kurita Silas P Beauregard III Joey Claire Jude Harley A. Claire
LUSUS B  Crabdad>Crabdadsprite B  Dragon Lusus>Dragonsprite B  Mother Grub>Mothersprite B  Tinkerbull>Tinkerbullsprite B  Goat Lusus/Goatdad>Goatdadsprite B  Bicyclops>Bicyclopsprite B  Pounce de Leon>Pouncesprite B  Ram lusus B  Spidermom>Spidersprite B  Aurthour>Aurthoursprite B  Seahorse Lusus>Seahorsesprite AN  Pyralspite ZOOSMELL/slugmeister CORNIBUSTER
ANCESTOR TROLLS Betty Crocker/Batterwitch/Baroness/Her Imperial Condescension/The Condesce The Signless/Sufferer Neophyte Redglare The Dolorosa The Summoner Grand Highblood/Unknown Subjugglater The Ψiioniic/Helmsman The Disciple The Handmaid Marquise Spinneret Mindfang E%ecutor Darkleer/Expatri8 Orphaner Dualscar
BETA TROLLS Feferi Peixes(cuttlefishCuller)/Witch of Life Karkat Vantis(carcinoGeneticist)/Knight of Blood Terezi Pyrope(gallowsCalibrator)/Seer of Mind Kanaya Maryam(grimAuxiliatrix)/Sylph of Space Tavros Nitram(adiosToreador)/Page of Breath>Tavrosprite Gamzee Makara(terminallyCapricious)/Bard of Rage Sollux Captor(twinArmageddons)/Mage of Doom Nepeta Leijon(arsenicCatnip)/Rogue of Heart>Nepetasprite Aradia Megido(apocalypseArisen)/Maid of Time>Aradiasprite>Aradiabot Vriska Serket(arachnidsGrip)/Thief of Light Equius Zahhak(centaursTesticle)/Heir of Void Eridan Ampora(caligulasAquarium)/Prince of Hope
ALPHA TROLLS Meenah Peixes/Thief of Light Kankri Vantas/Seer of Blood Latula Pyrope/Knight of Mind Porrim Maryam/Maid of Space Rufioh Nitram/Rogue of Breath Kurloz Makara/Prince of Rage Mituna Captor/Heir of Doom Meulin Leijon/Mage of Heart Damara Megido/Witch of Time Aranea Serket/Sylph of Light Horuss Zahhak/Page of Void Cronus Ampora/Bard of Hope
HIVESWAP FRIENDSIM TROLLS Ardata Carmia Diemen Xicali Amisia Erdehn Cirava Hermod Skylla Koriga Bronya Ursama Tagora Gorjek Vikare Ratite Polypa Goezee Zebruh Codakk Elwurd Kuprum & Folykl Remele Namaaq Konyyl Okimaw Tyzias Entykk Chixie Roixmr Azdaja Knelax Chahut Maenad Zebede Tongva Tegiri Kalbur Mallek Adalov Lynera Skalbi Galekh Xigisi Tirona Kasund Boldir Lamati Stelsa Sezyat Marsti Houtek Karako Pierot Charun Krojib Wanshi Adyata Fozzer Velyes Marvus Xoloto Daraya Jonjet Nihkee Moolah Lanque Bombyx Barzum & Baizli
OTHER TROLLS His Honorable Tyranny Mierfa Durgas~fantroll Nektan Whelan~fantroll Vriska "Vrissy" Maryam-Lalonde(adamantGriftress) Swifer Eggmop Cliper Borden Alfonz Motter Ataxia Xefros Tritoh Dammek Trizza Tethis Xultan Matzos Dromed Baktar Cridea Jeevik
SBURB/SGRUB B  Wayward Vagabond/Warweary Villein/The Mayor B  Peregrine Mendicant/Parcel Mistress Black Queen B  Authority Regulator/Aimless Renegade B  White Queen/Windswept Questant Black King B  White King/Writ Keeper Doc Scratch/Mr. Vanilla Milkshake Genesis Frog/Bilious SlickKernel
DENIZENS Typheus Cetus Hephaestus Echidna Hemera Nix Yaldaboth Abraxas
MIDNIGHT CREW B  Spades Slick/Archagent Jack Noir/Scurrilous Straggler/Sovereign Slayer>Bec Noir Clubs Deuce>Courtyard Droll Diamonds Droog>Draconian Dignitary Hearts Boxcars>Hegemonic Brute
THE FELT Itchy Doze Trace Clover Fin Die Crowbar B  Troll's Black Queen/Banished Quasiroyal/Snowman Stitch Sawbuck Matchsticks Eggs Biscuits Quarters Cans
SPRITES Kernelsprite B  Harlequinsprite>Nannasprite B  Crowsprite>Calsprite B  Frogsprite Tavrisprite ARquiusprite Erisolsprite Fefetasprite Jasprosesprite^2 Davepetasprite^2 Gcatavrosprite
ROBOTS Con-Air Bunny/Wizard Bunny>Knitted Bunny/Indiana Jones Bunny>Weapon Bunny/Liv Tyler/Mr. Terry Kiser A  Auto Responder/AR/Lil' Hal Huggy Bear/Lil Sebastian A  Brobot A  Squarewave/Zillywave A  Sawtooth/Sawhoo
ANIMALS Jaspers/Frigglish>Jaspersprite B  Bequerel>Beqsprite>Jadesprite Firefly/Serenity/Dr. Blinkbottom/Twinkly Herbert A  G Cat/God Cat B  Casey/Viceroy Bubbles Von Salamancer B  Maplehoof B  Vodka Mutini/Dr. Meowgon Spengler Halley Tesseract The Lone Gunbirds(Frohike,Langly,& Byers)
HORRORTERRORS Fluthlu Nrub'yiglith Oglogoth Gl'bgolyb
CHERUBS Caliborn(undyingUmbrage)>Lord English Calliope(uranianUmbra) Alternate Calliope/Possessed Jade
OTHER Lil' Cal MSPA Reader Ms. Paint Andrew Hussie/Hussiebot A  Jake’s Brain Dirk
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macklives · 5 years
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hey look its spades
hehe, scurrilous straggler fuckin loser
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