Watersculpture: Sommer
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sirfrogsworth · 30 days
Peter McKinnon did a video with a photographer named Garrett King. And he just went on a very long rant about lazy photographers who use Photoshop and "fixing it in post."
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He continues... "You can't do that in film. You can't just make a bad decision and say "Oh, I'll fix it in post." (Not true. There was plenty of editing in dark rooms in the past. And now you can scan a film photo and literally manipulate it like a digital photo.) Fix it in post drives me nuts. That statement is so played out. It drives me nuts that people say that. Cuz dude, I don't work that way."
He also says that choosing film is the "hard path" and keeps talking about how lazy photographers who photoshop are.
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I love film photography. I have an old Minolta that my mom gave me that I hope to restore and use someday.
But film photographers drive *me* nuts sometimes.
This idea that their way of making art is more valid or authentic than my way of making art is just a continuation of an old school mentality that really needs to die. There are still some photographers who will bully people because they use autofocus or aperture priority mode.
I actually think learning to be really good at Photoshop is much more challenging than learning to be good at photography. Sure, there are fields like photographic microscopy and product photography that require years to master, but I've been learning Photoshop for 20 years and I feel like I have barely scratched the surface of what is possible.
I have seen people with near 0 experience take an amazing picture.
I have seen people who barely know how their camera works take consistently good photos. It's the "using only power chords" version of photography.
But I have never seen someone with 0 experience photoshop something artistically impressive.
When people say "that looks Photoshopped" as if that is an insult, it really breaks my heart. Photoshop was a huge reason for my success. My ability to lay in bed and make funny things was essential to building my blog.
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My post on Karl Taylor's Clinque photoshoot had so many comments saying his work "looked photoshopped" and it was a little frustrating.
Firstly because he actually sculpts with light and isn't actually very good at Photoshop. When he takes a picture, it pretty much looks like that from the start. The rest is just minor compositing work and blemish removal.
And secondly, because that kind of product photography predates Photoshop. Karl was doing this when Photoshop was just a baby.
In fact, still life photography was inspired by Dutch paintings of fruit and shit.
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They were all, "I cannot stand sitting with another yappy model for days on end. I'm sick of people. I'm just going to paint *stuff* but with really amazing lighting."
But it is also frustrating because there is this mentality that digital tools are lesser. As if digital artists just press a few buttons and cheat-code their way into good images.
It's the same mentality people have about CGI. CG artists are the modern day sculpturists. They do the same thing as Michaelangelo or Rodin, just with different tools and in a different medium. Oh, but they also animate their sculptures in thousands of frames in multiple dynamic lighting environments all while maintaining photorealism.
To me, Thanos is just as artistically impressive as the statue of David or The Thinker.
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Blair Bunting is a very talented photographer who mixes incredible photographic technique and lighting with his amazing photo manipulation skills.
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And while these photos may not be as "authentic" as that film photographer's picture of a dude sitting on a truck...
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I can assure you no laziness was involved in Blair's process.
Also, I really didn't want to bring up disability. But it is really difficult for me to do the physical process of photography. Sometimes I do not have the energy to get the perfect "in camera" exposure. Sometimes I won't even check my settings and I will snap a picture knowing that I can make it cool with editing. I just look at the histogram, make sure the data I need is there, and do the rest on my computer.
During my adventure to photograph a bridge in Alton, I was only able to take 6 photos. Usually I will take hundreds in a session. My fatigue got the better of me and I nearly had to go to the hospital after walking up a hill. (I was having a bad day. I'm better now.) I didn't get the photos I wanted to get. And on the way down that hill, as I was out of breath, I pulled out my phone and tried to snap a pic of something cool I saw in front of me. The phone had been set 2 stops underexposed from a previous shot and so the picture was pretty much all in shadow. And because I was walking super slow, I had just missed the sun over the horizon.
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But it's a RAW file. And I knew I could probably do something with it. I could "fix it in post." Not because I was being lazy. Mostly because I was trying not to hyperventilate. Apparently, my body can't handle slight inclines any longer.
And this is what I came up with.
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I'm not saying this is an amazing photo. And it would have been really cool if I hadn't missed the sun. But this is what my eyes saw as I came down the hill and I was able to recreate that with digital tools.
I think that is pretty cool.
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sattlersquarry · 9 months
carnations (steve harrington x fem!reader)
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part three of the bloom series. series masterlist
Summary: You and Steve become closer. (garden center!steve x wedding planner!reader)
Word Count: ~1.3k
Warnings: language, mentions of sex, mentions of infidelity, miscommunication, the reader's mother is Jacqueline.
red carnations: admiration, "my heart aches for you"
“You’re going where?!”
Your mother can’t seem to wrap her head around the fact that you have a date. You’re trying not to take it personally, but you wish she would sound a bit less incredulous.
“On a date,” you repeat, adding one last swipe of lip gloss before shoving the tube into your purse. “With Steve, from the Garden Center.”
“You barely know him,” your mother says, hovering behind you as you pull on your jacket. “He could be a serial killer. Or a serial dater.”
“That’s worse than a literal murderer?” you deadpan, raising an eyebrow.
Your heart explodes into butterflies when you hear a knock at the door. That’s Steve, right on time.
You shush your mother and her incessant worrying before swinging open the door.
Steve is there, dressed to the nines. He’s upgraded from his usual garden-themed graphic t-shirt, this time opting for a striped polo. He looks about as nervous as you as he hands over a beautiful bouquet of carnations.
“Hey,” he says, smiling. “You look great.”
“Thank you,” you say. “You do, too. And these are beautiful, thank—”
“Oh, stunning!” your mother interrupts, swooping over to take the flowers from you. “Did you arrange these yourself?”
“Mom,” you say, nodding in the direction of your apartment’s kitchenette. “Don’t you have to eat dinner and then meet with the ice sculpturist?”
“Oh, I have a few minutes,” she says. She beams at Steve. “Hi, I’m Jacqueline. Y/N’s mother. Charmed.”
“Steve,” Steve says, shaking her hand. “Steve Harrington. Nice to meet you. And, uh, yes! Well, I picked the flowers, and my friend Robin helped me put it all together.”
“You two should work for me,” your mother says. “You have an eye for design.”
“Okay!” you say, before your mother could launch into a spiel about bouquets that would most definitely make you and Steve late for your dinner reservation. “We have to go, but I’ll be back later.”
“Have fun,” your mother calls as you and Steve walk toward his BMW. “Be safe.”
You bid her goodbye and try not to swoon when Steve opens the passenger side door for you.
“What a gentleman,” you tease.
“Always,” Steve says—one part cheeky, two parts genuine.
As he drives you both away from the Byers-Hopper property, you ask, “So, is this place really all it’s cracked up to be? When I mentioned to Hopper that we were going to Enzo’s, I swear he started salivating.”
“The food is really good,” Steve says. “And so is the wine. It’s exported from Italy.”
He means to say “imported,” but you don’t correct his malapropism. It's cute. He's cute.
You spend the rest of the drive chatting. You learn more about Steve—he used to be a jock. Long before the Garden Center, he was a lifeguard, but switched to retail after graduating high school. Steve used to babysit Will Byers and his friends, and he and Robin are roommates, living in a small townhome near downtown Hawkins.
You talk a bit about yourself, too—about how you’re from Eagleton and will be back there when the wedding is done. How you also used to be a lifeguard. How you feel a bit lost, unsure of what you want out of life.
Steve understands. He feels the same way. It’s nice to be heard. To be understood.
By the third course, after a thoroughly enjoyable conversation, you’re resisting the urge to leap across the table and kiss Steve in front of the entire Enzo’s customer base.
He’s sweet. He’s funny. He’s a good listener. He has a nice face, and nice hands. He’s kind of the complete package.
You try to temper your excitement about him, seeing as you are only a temporary resident of Hawkins. But Eagleton is only an hour away, and you could definitely try to make it work if he wanted to. You really, really hope he wants to.
“What about gelato for dessert?” you ask, perusing your menu to avoid gawking at Steve’s handsome face.
Steve’s face screws up like he’s eaten something sour.
“Not big on ice cream,” he says. “I used to work at an ice cream shop and I think I ate too many free samples.”
He doesn’t tell you that working at the ice cream shop led to him getting tortured. That’s a story for another time, or never.
“Biscotti instead?” you ask, closing your menu. The two of you agree and order the cookies.
As you wait for them to arrive, Steve clears his throat and asks, “So, how’s the wedding planning coming along?”
You groan and put your head in your hands.
“That bad, huh?”
“My mom is so finicky about everything,” you say, lifting your gaze to meet his once more. “She wants it to be perfect for Joyce and Jim, which I get, but she needs to lighten up. Don’t tell her I said that.”
“Your secret is safe with me,” Steve teases with a chuckle.
“It’s not all bad though,” you say. You fidget with your rings and add, “I’m really glad working for my mom helped me meet you.”
Steve’s eyebrows lift. You cringe, worrying that you’ve come on too strong. Worried that you sound like an imbecile, fawning for him like this.
But Steve says, “I’m really glad I met you, too,” his voice and eyes soft.
Another menagerie of butterflies swoops around your heartstrings, tugging them in all the right directions.
At the end of the night, he kisses you outside your door and asks if you want to go out again. You vehemently agree.
It continues like that for the next two weeks. You spend your days working on the wedding and your evenings with Steve. And, well, after quite a few dates, you spend the later part of your night with him, too. It’s lovely, he’s lovely, and you’re really, really happy.
After your night together, you decide you want to get him something, like a box of chocolates or a bouquet. Steve is surrounded by flowers all the time, so you figure a “bouquet” of biscotti, courtesy of Enzo’s catering services, would be a nice change of pace. It’s a thank-you-for-being-so-lovely-(and-also-good-at-sex) gesture.
You walk into the Garden Center and beam when you see Steve. He’s speaking with a customer, smiling and nodding at something they’re saying.
As you get closer, you realize the customer he’s talking to is a girl. A pretty one, about your age. She’s got blue eyes and brown curls that are tamed by sparkly pink hair clips. Your heart aches when you notice the way Steve’s looking at her; this isn’t run-of-the-mill customer-service politeness. This is real, true fondness. The way he’s been looking at you lately.
You feel trampled on when the two of them hug, lingering in it longer than necessary. When Steve pulls away, the mystery girl leans up and presses a soft kiss to his cheek.
You stumble backward, accidentally knocking over a rake. It clatters to the cement floor of the Garden Center, the sound echoing down the aisles.
You turn and book it, charging toward the exit without looking back to see if Steve heard you. Tears burn behind your eyes and a sob threatens to claw its way up your throat.
You thought Steve liked you. You thought he wanted to be with you. You gave him absolutely everything, and he just, what? Moves on the next day like nothing even happened?!
“Hey, Y/N!” Robin calls from her perch at the customer service kiosk, much too loud for your liking. You continue your trek out of the store, ignoring her when she asks, “Hey, where are you going?”
You toss the biscotti bouquet in a trash can and fumble with your keys, thankful that you parked right outside the store. In the distance, you hear Steve calling for you. You don’t even look up. You don’t do anything except unlock your car door and start the engine, peeling away from the Hawkins Garden Center before your heart completely shatters.
a/n love a miscommunication trope. TAGGING THE LOVELY PEOPLE WHO HELPED BRING GARDEN CENTER STEVE TO LIFE, along with others who enjoyed the previous parts! :) there will be 1 or 2 more parts to wrap this up.
@quinnkeerys @spicysix @keerysquinn @sunshinesteviee @inkluvs @stevebabey @0vix0 @lame0o @ghostlyfleur @starry-eyed-steve @hollandweather @lurkingprincess
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valpoupdates · 5 months
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So much to see, so much to do, so little time ! Lucky for you, here at Santa Moneda we keep track of it just for you ! Unless stated otherwise by our management team, all of these activities are optional. Residents do not have to take part in these if they don't wish to ! These can be used for threads throughout the month but new threads can't be started for these activities once the month is up. Please track the smhqcalendar tag to stay updated month to month ( ©️ )
Valparaíso Activities:
January 6th: Valparaíso City Hall is hosting a New Year, New Me concert at Quintil Valparaíso Park from 6 PM - 2 AM, no admission fee. Expect to see food stalls, face paintings, mini shops and wares, lawn games, and merchandise from your favorite artists. (If you’d like your muse to be a vendor or a performer, please message the main!)
January 7th: La Universidad de Bellas Artes is holding an open house from 8 AM - 3 PM. Parents, prospective / incoming students, and alums are encouraged to attend. You can tour the university, meet the professors, see what courses and events are going to be hosted for the 2024 year, and see the student organizations.
January 13th: La Cocina de los Años 30 is hosting a Reggaeton Night from 8 PM - 12 AM. There will be live music, a curated menu just for the night, and a raffle, where one lucky person may win a cooking class for themselves and up to 10 friends. For those of you that know the password, the event continues underground in the secret speakeasy, where you can enjoy a separate, curated food and drink menu, and an exclusive performance by Bad Bunny.
January 20th-21st: Valparaíso City Hall is hosting a football (soccer) tournament at Quintil Valparaíso Park from 8 AM - 8 PM to raise money for charity. The top three winning teams will receive gift baskets and have their photos taken for an exclusive spread in La Revista de Valparaíso for the February edition; the first place team will also have their team photo featured in the 2025 calendar. Register your team at <municipalidaddevalpo.cl>!
Santa Moneda Activities:
January 1st: SM Management will be coordinating travel and stay in Arica, Chile, for residents who want to attend El Carnaval Andino con la Fuerza del Sol, Chile’s largest festival and one of the biggest in South America. It is a three-day festival (January 26-28) held in Arica in northern Chile. 10,000 dancers and musicians turn the city into their stage; you can expect to see colorful parades, shows, dances, and cuisines in food stalls from all over. You don’t want to miss this event! Speak to the front desk to sign up.
January 1st-31st: To help you reach those New Year New Me fitness goals, the Santa Moneda Indoor Gym will be adding 4 classes that residents can attend.
Hot Yoga Class - Saturdays, and Sundays at 9 AM and 6 PM. Barre Class - Mondays and Thursdays at 11 AM and 6 PM. Bootcamp - Sundays and Wednesdays at 8 AM and 6 PM. Kickboxing - Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 AM and 6 PM.
January 4th: La Galería Navarro reopens at 8 PM with an entirely new exhibit for the new year curated by our very own Sariyah Carter. There will be several local artists presenting their works; champagne and hor’dourves will be provided during the event.  Cocktail attire is required. Many of the art pieces are for sale; if you’re interested in purchasing, please talk to the curator for more information on pricing and pieces.
Mateo Valenzuela is a painter specializing in art nouveau; they will be discussing their most recent collection, titled, El diablo en los detalles. Emilia Fuentes is a versatile sculpturist who dabbles in various styles and materials; they will be discussing their sculpting methods, techniques, and inspirations. Ángel Altamirano is a painter specializing in hyperrealism; she will be discussing her most recent collection, titled, Transparente.
January 18th: Santa Moneda is hosting a Chilean Movie Marathon in the Movie Theatre on the 13th floor.  Feel free to bring your own snacks and pillows, but management will provide buttered popcorn (plain or dressed up with cotija, chili, and lime), soda, and SM-engraved blankets.
5 PM - El Chacotero Sentimental (1999) : El Chacotero Sentimental (The Sentimental Teaser) is a titillating film inspired by the stories of romance, love, and sexual encounters from the real-life radio program of Chilean DJ el Rumpy. A multitude of Chileans tuned in to el Rumpy’s legendary program, making it an ideal subject for this entertaining film about passion and storytelling. 7 PM - Tarde Para Morir Joven (2018) : Tarde Para Morir Joven (Too Late to Die Young) is a coming-of-age movie that follows a young girl that must navigate the difficulties of adolescence. It uses one’s family’s experiences as the foundation for a dreamily absorbing drama with a poignant, lingering warmth. 9:30 PM - El Cielo, la Tierra y la Lluvia (2008) : El Cielo, la Tierra y la Lluvia (The Sky, the Earth, and the Rain) is a film about lonely lives in the Chilean south. This movie is a beautiful rendition of loneliness and the vast Chilean south; The landscape submerges us in a hazy, thoughtful state, and inspires us to slow down and admire the charm and elegance of routine. 12 AM - La Casa Lobo (2018) : La Casa Lobo (The Wolf House) is an adult stop motion animated art film inspired by the actual case of Colonia Dignidad, an infamous and isolated colony established post-WWII. The movie uses elements of avant-garde cinema, dark fantasy, adult animation, psychological drama, surrealism, and supernatural horror.
January 23rd: We will be running an upgrade on the internet connection and speed, as well as doing virus scans on all SM equipment. To ensure this all runs smoothly, internet access will be out between the hours of 10 AM - 2 PM.  We apologize for the inconvenience it may pose, but were unable to schedule it at another time.  As an apology, residents may bring in one (1) laptop each for IT help with our onsite technicians.
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random-xpressions · 1 year
Why have the writers, the poets, the painters, the musicians, the dancers, the sculpturists, the architects - why have all of them been so obsessed with the idea of completing their art? What is it even about this innate tendency to give it the finishing touch, the final line to conclude, the ending note, the last missing piece to be added? Why, why this obstinate insistence to give something a beautiful ending and why can't it be left as an incomplete divine work by itself, lasting on itself, into a perpetual continuum? Why can't we stop midway? Why can't we just...
Random Xpressions
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inky-duchess · 2 years
If I were a princess, would there be hobbies I'd be forbidden to have?
Depending on the era, anything too vigorously sporty was generally looked down on or anything too bohemian. Queen Victoria's daughter Louise was an avid sculpturist and this hobby was frowned upon.
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listwjanka · 11 months
Medical Journal aut. Ida O. - Victor - Day 141
It's been a week since Agnes' death.
Pregnant. She ran because she was pregnant. When you give birth at the Campsite, the child is the Empire's, moreso than usual. There can be no wasted time rearing children. It's in the guidelines. It's adopted out, or sold, either way shipped off to the nearest shelter before the parents can so much as name it.
Was it worth that much to you, Agnes? Was he, who stayed behind, safely behind these walls?
I feel fractured.
Resentment was wasted effort. We shall grieve in old age, once our fingers get too numb to move. That's when the mind runs free, when there's no function to serve, no other space for one's energy to occupy.
I had space, functions, better yet, tasks. My hands move with the purpose my spirit lacks.
Manually re-aligning nerve endings of body parts sourced from different individuals is an arduous task and one of the many reasons why Alchemists tend to shy away from this fragmentary approach and prefer to grow flesh wholesale along a pre-built skeleton, as a clay sculpturist would.
The lattice method has become increasingly popular in recent times, wherein a sufficiently flexible structural material molds tissue growth into approximately desired shapes. While that allows for a fair amount of control, it was insufficient for my- Victor's needs. His presentation is as important as his functions. The people I needed to care would not put their faith in a husk of malformed meat, as other homunculi tended to be.
How my fingers trembled when attaching his face sculpt. The vendors brought a fine haul from the outer worksites. Some individuals are deemed so unfit to the Solan Empire that no amount of honest labour could possibly chasten their rotten core. That's where they end up.
I do not know if the visage I stitched upon this oeuvre of mine was that of a traitor of the Empire, a murderer, a man with an incurably diseased soul, someone of too few or too many morals - nor does it matter. Just as earth feasts on the bones of the fallen, so too will these parts be granted life anew.
Soon it would be time for Victor to wake. Dread coils between my lungs. He's all I have left.
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I get that what the chocolate sculpturist/guy does takes alot of work and talent but what a ridiculous waste of resources.
Did everyone get to come together to eat the Russian roulette board or the purse filled with like 4 different layers of compote,sponge and mousse that probably took at least 2 days to complete?
I lowkey feel the same way about GBBO.
After Paul and Prue pick at the cakes,buns. Etc,who is eating the leftovers of like 12 contestants?
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The ladies of the royal family working at the SimTown Demidova-Goth Museum and Art Gallery.
The Museum is completely non-profit, free to visit, and operates through donations from the royal family (just like the Goth Horticultural Institute).
Although they do employ a few members of staff (such as a curator, a few docens, a maintenance and culinary staff, an art instructor and a sculpturist), they gave the staff a paid-day off and decided to run the Museum themselves.
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livesanskrit · 3 months
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Send from Sansgreet Android App. Sanskrit greetings app from team @livesanskrit .
It's the first Android app for sending @sanskrit greetings. Download app from https://livesanskrit.com/sansgreet
Sudarshan Sahoo.
Sudarshan Sahoo (born 11 March 1939) is an Indian sculpture artist from Puri in Odisha. He was awarded India's second highest civilian award Padma Vibhushan in 2021 and India's fourth highest civilian award Padma Shri in 1988.
#sansgreet #sanskritgreetings #greetingsinsanskrit #sanskritquotes #sanskritthoughts #emergingsanskrit #sanskrittrends #trendsinsanskrit #livesanskrit #sanskritlanguage #sanskritlove #sanskritdailyquotes #sanskritdailythoughts #sanskrit #resanskrit #celebratingsanskrit #sudarshansahoo #sculpture #sculpturist #indiansculpture #padmavibhushan #puri #odisha #padmashri #bhubaneswar #shilpguru #orissa #oriya #sahoo #incredibleindia
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ambrosiafm · 4 months
come on, 𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒃 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒂, and let the nectar flow! take a load off! — accepted! please familiarize yourself with the guidelines, plot, and lore. join the discord link from the pinned post within 24 hours or your roles will be reopened. welcome to 𝘬𝘦𝘧𝘪, 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘢, antonia 'toni' navarro, milo park, lorraine kline, cas donovan. melissa barrera, charles melton, zendaya, tom holland is now taken.
⧼ melissa barrera, cis woman, she/her, thirty-two.⧽ the shell by lucy dacus + grease stained hands and wiping sweat off your brow, the sweet & bitter burn of one too many old fashioneds, a night spent staring at the ceiling fan, sleepless. ☼ antonia 'toni' navarro last survived the second titan war, but just barely! nowadays they’re a sculpturist and are known to be creative & mercurial, makes sense given they’re a child of hephaestus. word around town is that they’ve been here for three years and her husband left her widowed after the war, is it true? it’s probably just gossip. whenever you see them around town they have their magical toolbelt. [ meredith, twenty-three, est, she/they, triggers: self harm/eating disorder ]
⧼    charles melton,  cis man,  he/him,  32. ⧽    family tree (intro) by ethel cain  +  a hair trigger temper, and the voice in your head: it sounds like your mother saying you look just like your father, fractured reputations, laying in the bed you made ☼  milo park survived the second titan war, but just barely! nowadays they’re a lawyer and are known to be dynamic & scornful, makes sense given they’re a child of ares, legacy of aphrodite. word around town is that they’ve been here for 5 years and were on the losing side of the war, is it true? it’s probably just gossip. whenever you see them around town they have their rolex.    [    emily, 26, gmt, she/her, sexual assault.    ]
⧼ zendaya coleman , cis woman, she / her, 28. ⧽ nightmare by halsey + random battle scars along the spine and leg, eyes that have seen hell and heaven, harmonious smile that matches her father's, smells of sweet omber oak, rhythmic dancing that matches any kinda of music. ☼ lorraine kline survived the second titan war, but just barely! nowadays they’re a pharmacist and are known to be reasonable & obnoxious, makes sense given they’re a child of apollo / legacy of zeus. word around town is that they’ve been here for six months and they spend time trying to master their disability during their free time, is it true? it’s probably just gossip. whenever you see them around town they have their apollo blessed bow and arrow. [ kiea, 27, est, she/her, none ]
⧼ tom holland, cis male, he/him, 27. ⧽ neon brother by nothing but thieves + the pooling of breath in the air on a cold winter night, nose buried in a book until sunrise, rain-soaked summer roads in the middle of nowhere ☼ CAS DONOVAN survived the second titan war, but just barely! nowadays they’re an astrophysicist and are known to be curious & a skeptic, makes sense given they’re a CHILD OF NYX/LEGACY OF HECATE word around town is that they’ve been here for 7 months and HAD A HAND IN HIS TWIN BROTHER'S DEATH, is it true? it’s probably just gossip. whenever you see them around town they have their two silver rings on each pointer finger. [ vi, 28, est, she/her, none ]
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babyllsblog · 6 months
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Scottish born Sculpturist - Phillip Jackson
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ifeomaart · 2 years
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TruimphantScaleElAnatsui This is a drawing and colouring of Triumphant Scale patterned Textile image by El Anatsui (Ghananian Artist 🎨 and Sculpturist), from original photo, using coloured pastels. @ifyorjiekwe @benconnors @richardjphoenix @rosie_ridgway @heartnsoulart @heartnsouleye @heartnsoulpics https://www.instagram.com/p/CjOadvgrToi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brunoborocas · 2 years
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#CAS creativity (September)
Over the vacations I have gotten more into art and it is one of the reasons why i also started reading more books strictly connected to artists and painting. This month I have read a book about the magnificent painter and sculpturist Amadeo Modigliani. He has spent most of his life in France and is famously known for his portraits which resemble indigenous art forms and traditions. Although he was not famous at the time he was alive, his work are now considered genius and innovative. This book is a great read as it takes you on a trip with the author in the early 20's in Paris and helps you understand what motivated him to create such a plethora of artwork that sells for millions of dollars in the modern world.
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kevinkaverns · 2 years
Uncommon Friends
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Built by sculpturist D.J. Wilkins in the year of 1985, "Uncommon Friends", located near downtown Fort Myers, this structure depicts Inventor Thomas Edison, car maker Henry Ford, and tire manufacturer Harvey Firestone all actual friends. This artwork depicts them on one of their regularly taken camping trips to the Everglades. Around the sculpture there is a round pond, with various creatures, such as frogs, spewing water, much like a fountain. Noting that the structure is huge, considering the statues depicting the three friends are rather life-like and life-sized, it can be hard to see considering it is around a five-minute walk away from downtown. Also worth mentioning is that around the structure, there is mostly green grass, as well as various trees, very much incorporating that natural aesthetic of Fort Myers. The Caloosahatchee River is also near by. On the structure's plaque, it calls all three of them "Fathers of the American Industrial 20th Century.” The purpose of such sculpture is to commemorate the friendship between Thomas, Henry, and Firestone, however, the sculpture itself has no explicit purpose other than depict their friendship. One may be able to interpret how their friendship helped shape how Fort Myers as a city developed later on, due to their wide arrange of knowledge, or it could also help depict how various people from widely different backgrounds (or in this case specialties) can come together. It may also be depicted with the Caloosahatchee River, saying how a few friendship can expand into something great and beautiful, very much how the river itself leads into the Gulf of Mexico.
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wealthyspy · 2 years
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