lemonseeds-blog · 1 year
Vlad Journal | Prologue
"At the start of the night, he was as far as he could be without blatantly sitting elsewhere. But as we went on, it was as if we were pulled together, unconsciously. A force that we did little to fight against. The rest of the night…I’m not sure I could pen it here properly. (And perhaps should not?)"
This will be an in-character journal entry summarizing Vlad's thoughts from the latest episode of The Sanguine Society. You can find the public copy of this journal here, if you prefer google docs. This particular post is a bit longer than is usually to be expected, as it contains several entries; it is also mildly NSFW, though not all entries will be. If you like to listen to music while reading, I would recommend Elegie, Op. 24 for today's entry. I Hope you enjoy 🖤
Wednesday, April the 28th, 2023
I had kaffe und kuchen with Elenor today. She found me sitting in the greenhouse again, practicing for the show. She has been such a dear since I took residence here; accommodating my 'odd' hours and habits, with hardly a question. We chatted a bit, but my German is barely conversational these days. Shame I did not pick it up more, and leaving already. But it is nice to sit quietly as well. She says she enjoys my playing, and I enjoy her company. 3 decades has gone impossibly fast.
Friday, April the 30th, 2023
Louis Roederer Cristal Brut (2008) 1.5L
Colour: Amber, Sunlight 
Fragrance: wonderfully golden fruit
Savour: Opens bright and fruity; pear and apple. A bit bitter on the end; floral, but pollen
Paired with Crème Brûlée: slightly too much fruit for the dish, but lovely to sip afterwards
Transcribe to wine notes⤴️
Sunday, April the 1st, 2023
Performance with the company has been going well; we will have our final show tomorrow. And my final altogether. I will greatly miss living here. The town is quiet. This apartment is quaint, but has only gotten finer over my stay. The people have been kind and allow me to keep to myself. I think I could stay here for quite a while longer without being bothered. But it is time. Adăpost Manor cannot sit absent and idle, it is a waste. I will be meeting with Reya after the show tomorrow, and perhaps get some updates on the community while catching up. It really will be so good to see her, it has been too long. Too long since many things. When I left Adăpost, I thought I might put it up for sale before returning, but I have found myself longing more and more. To perform in the music room and to have the smell of good food in the kitchens. To sit and read in the library and to tend to the arboretum. The place has had many lifetimes already, and it will be good to get back and find footing in a new cycle. It is not a home only for I, after all. 30 years of selfishness is enough. 
Monday, April the 2nd, 2023
Aurelio was at the show tonight. Aurelio. 
It was no accident of course, Reya must have planned this. Though I am not sure why. I had no words, and am still in lack. After 60 years, suddenly, Aurelio walks through my place of work. I don’t know that I ever gave much thought on what I would say, if he were to return. I would not have allowed myself to dwell there. And yet, here he is. And here am I, at a loss. He was polite, as always; asking about my colleagues and the city. Feigning interest, at the least. But he was nervous too, if I am not mistaken. In some ways it was just like we used to speak; joking, laughing, touching.  And in other ways, he was more frightened than I have ever seen him. He has been traveling around Europe; backpacking and visiting family. He spoke often of loneliness, and longing for the familiar, so I offered to accompany him while he is in town. He surprised me with his enthusiasm, and then even more, with an invitation to the opera. A bold proposition, coming from him. But his excitement showed genuine, and after all this time, a night out could be refreshing. A date? 
My coworkers invited us to a drink and we spent most of the night at Schlenkerla, and before I knew it, it was nearly sunrise. The rest of the lot turned in after the bar stopped serving, but I was not yet ready to watch him go. So I invited him to join me, and he agreed, even without knowing where I would take him. I showed him to the greenhouse. 
His delight was apparent as soon as he saw the greenery and life growing over it.
"It's like a part of the old world reclaiming what has become modern" he says.
 I had forgotten what it's like to see the world through his eyes. I feel I have been missing much. We sat and talked and waited for the sun to rise. He told me more about his family; how he has been tracing his blood lines and finding the ends. How he's gotten close to some of the younger ones, despite his eccentricities. And now he is unsure of where to go next. It seems like he has grown; the travel must be good for him. As the sky grew lighter, his face glowed with joy in telling me about the different generations he's met. His love has always made him beautiful. The sun coming through the leaves and on his skin and filling the colour of his eyes…I could almost let him burn to see his beauty in direct light. But he lives in chiaroscuro, and my heart aches all the more in the limbo. I feel that the opera will be difficult, I am not entirely sure what he expects from me. But I cannot let nerves stop me. I cannot miss this.
Friday, April the 5th, 2023
Yesterday was beyond words, but I will do my best. The opera was lovely. The champagne was delicious. And Aurelio, a beacon of light in all of it. He sent me a letter, penned in his own hand, though I did not receive it until nearly too late. I hardly had time to put together something to wear.  He still dresses in his classic fine things, and wears them just as well as ever. I worried at first that I had overdressed, and that I would look quite the fool showing up at his place of stay in a tuxedo. But he knows me well, and suited for the occasion just as we used to. It was as if I had taken a step back through time, and this persisted for a good portion of the night. We shared looks, we laughed, we walked arm in arm and talked and talked. About the show and technology and travel and Vienna. I admitted to him that I will be returning. He seemed a bit excited at the concept, and said that he would like to visit. Apparently he has been searching for his sire, and thought he might be able to find more information at the Manor’s library. Perhaps he could have more casual visits, along with the research.  
He apologized as well, for leaving all that time ago. Though I wish he hadn't. To see the pain I had caused him etched on his face and then take the blame for it all. I can hardly stand it. But he would not hear of my reasoning, and seemed nearly desperate to explain himself. The least I can do for him is listen and accept an apology. He said he couldn't imagine being enough; that he had never stopped to ask how I had felt. It never felt like we needed to. The fact that he suited me in a fashion that no other could, always felt so obvious. Until it was too late, I suppose. It was a bit of a relief though, to finally know. He says he was afraid, and so certain he would lose me, that he somehow ended up making sure of it.  
“I had not felt the way that I felt with you for any one before, and that certainly frightened me”
My heart aches at the words, but I do not dare ask if he still feels this way. The reassurance of what once was, is enough. I brought him to the townhouse after the opera, to show him the stereo system and have some more conversation. Sat on the couch next to me, sipping wine and talking music, it was almost as if he had never left. At the start of the night, he was as far as he could be without blatantly sitting elsewhere. But as we went on, it was as if we were pulled together, unconsciously. A force that we did little to fight against. The rest of the night…I’m not sure I could pen it properly here. (And perhaps should not?)
“I don't want to waste anymore time”
My hand went to his cheek, without a thought. And our lips, meeting in a second. I am shocked for a moment, and look to his eyes to find a familiar fervor. He pulls at me, and the nostalgia washes over. The touch of cold marble, the smell of orange blossom. The look of his eyes, that of dark woods at dusk. My teeth at his neck, a taste of bitter iron; and a moan rising from his chest and vibrating in his throat under my lips. A groan that laments all the wasted time, and every second lost now between touches. 
Waste no time.
My hands move faster than my thoughts, strict, leading; his fingers are gentle, pleading as ever. As always. On neck, on shoulders, on chest. Our movements and his song flowing and sliding ever down and down.
I can still hear it. And this letter he wrote, I trace the characters over and over to see the movement of his hand in the starts and stops of the ink. This letter that he penned and touched and surely fretted over, I can almost smell the orange blossom on it still. Perhaps I shall write him back; it would be my move at this point, no? I would not want him to think this was a single affair to me. 
Saturday, April the 7th, 2023
He is not here. I had hoped to catch him for some coffee before I departed, but that may have been asking too much too soon. It was a fine evening, and we talked of many things, but perhaps that is all that he needed. A chat, a date, some closure. I was a fool for expecting more, really. One night with him again…It will have to be enough. I have so much to attended to at the Manor in any matter, it is long time tha
He’s here. 
He came to me at the train station. He is coming with me to Vienna. He will stay in the Manor with me. I can hardly believe the words as I scribble them with him getting settled into the train car. 
We're going back to Vienna.
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lamilanomagazine · 10 months
Dal caso Santanchè al caso Delmastro: il sottosegretario alla Giustizia indagato per rivelazione di segreto d'ufficio
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Dal caso Santanchè al caso Delmastro: il sottosegretario alla Giustizia indagato per rivelazione di segreto d'ufficio Nel giorno in cui viene reso noto il testamento di Silvio Berlusconi, si alza l’asticella della tensione tra Governo e magistratura. Dopo il caso Santanchè, infatti, scoppia anche il caso Delmastro, il sottosegretario alla Giustizia indagato per rivelazione di segreto d’ufficio in relazione al caso Cospito, l’anarchico detenuto al 41 bis. È quanto ha deciso il gip di Roma che non ha accolto la richiesta di archiviazione avanzata dalla Procura che ora è dovrà formulare una richiesta di rinvio a giudizio. Dopo giorni di silenzio attorno al caso Santanchè, quando arriva la notizia dell’imputazione coatta per Delmastro, Palazzo Chigi reagisce. E se nei giorni scorsi dagli ambienti della maggioranza era filtrata la voglia di accelerare il più possibile la riforma della giustizia, questa volta è Giorgia Meloni a vestire di ufficialità, seppure sotto forma di “fonti”, il messaggio che il governo invia ai magistrati: non pensino di fare politica, l’esecutivo non si farà intimidire e andrà avanti forte dei numeri. Per tutta la legislatura. L’attacco è indirizzato a quella parte di magistratura che sembra fare “opposizione” in vista delle elezioni “europee”. Una mossa che non piace affatto alle opposizioni. “Quella del sottosegretario Del Mastro e della ministra Santanchè stanno ormai diventando due pagine davvero inquietanti della cronaca politica italiana. Ed è assolutamente inaccettabile in un sistema democratico che, anziché rispondere alle gravi accuse nel merito, Palazzo Chigi alimenti un pericoloso scontro tra poteri dello Stato diffondendo una nota con toni intimidatori nei confronti della magistratura”. Così la segretaria dem Elly Schlein in una nota. “A questo punto è inevitabile – per la leader dem – che la presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni esca dal suo silenzio e si assuma le sue responsabilità. Hanno passato il segno e non si può andare avanti così. Soprattutto – conclude Schlen – se questo significa farlo ai danni del Paese che, nel frattempo, continua a non ricevere risposte”.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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444names · 1 year
russian forenames + german towns + dance styles
Abackh Aben Abisch Abmück Abrück Adeben Affen Akel Alba Alderg Allm Alteid Ameim Amme Ance Anich Ankir Antadt Arch Aria Avdim Aven Averg Avgum Avika Avin Aving Avipe Avks Avlang Avroch Avrose Avtorn Bach Bachen Back Badt Balz Baue Beld Berf Berg Berlen Betz Biedan Bisch Bledt Blen Boach Boch Bochen Bopart Bordel Borf Borfen Born Borty Bosnya Bovel Bregs Breim Brems Brow Bruch Brurg Brüm Busten Buth Büden Candy Caspe Chten Colach Cold Colory Conz Couich Crode Damerg Dammen Dance Dangen Datz Dena Deren Diesa Ditten Dmück Dorf Dorme Dornst Drance Drand Drim Düls Dürep Eberg Eburg Ehohna Ekamee Elydar Emda Emste Epen Erel Erlohn Erna Ersen Esen Esim Fafin Falin Fanda Felden Fing Fingen Finser Fiya Flya Frecke Free Fremar Fren Frey Frie Frig Fring Frio Fursen Fürt Gelen Gelzen Gena Genben Genna Genz Gerg Gerlub Gern Glau Gneuth Gnorf Gorf Greck Greild Groda Grück Grüde Gubau Günce Gütja Hach Haisen Hamben Harn Haron Hatadt Haum Hayda Heck Heille Heim Held Hena Henle Henst Herg Hild Hingen Hirch Hock Hofel Hofeld Houick Hüfin Ileonn Ingen Jivel Joseld Kald Karich Karrem Kasonn Katinz Keln King Kletz Kober Kold Konnen Kral Kran Kren Könich Künden Lach Lade Ladt Lamoe Lance Lara Launn Laurg Leburg Leck Lehne Lemp Lenbug Lerg Leue Ling Liya Loch Lohna Lukow Lutbur Lörten Lüberg Lüch Lündan Lünsch Mach Maikya Marg Marke Marn Marurg Meld Merg Milhen Mirau Mood Moode Moodt Moody Murg Münde Müne Müns Münsch Münst Nade Nadt Neben Nefeld Neffel Nerden Neuch Neus Nich Nide Niemp Nighl Nisast Nitz Nomm Noves Novils Nusten Nörf Obeln Oben Obenn Oburg Oeben Oeln Oerg Ofst Ohburg Olly Olmste Ordim Ossadt Oval Paichn Paig Papdan Parg Passen Perg Pfel Pfulz Pichof Ping Piong Pirch Plaviv Polde Poth Preim Prein Prüsta Pößen Quaken Quen Rackal Raden Radt Raisch Rand Rarg Rehr Reim Remgo Renth Reuba Rhee Rheich Rheim Rheit Rhen Rhorf Rhüns Ringen Rock Rocka Roden Rodt Rody Rons Rosen Rotten Runnow Ruten Rödien Sach Sachel Sade Sadelm Samp Schen Schhen Schin Schl Schlen Schmer Schom Schorm Schorn Schr Seck Seld Seln Sendoh Senra Setz Seßlen Shald Sheing Snide Solich Sonna Soya Stald Stap Stasin Sten Sthn Stra Städt Sumber Svim Swal Tach Tadand Taden Tadie Tadt Tadtin Taladt Tand Tannen Tedana Tehl Teim Thal Theim Then Tradt Tredt Treim Ueck Uling Umberg Ummerg Unde Vells Vena Verg Vily Vlau Vlow Vreim Vsen Wadan Walen Walk Walz Wanya Wassin Weig Weim Weing Weis Welenn Wemste Werf Werg Wern Wert Westy Wetten Wien Wigen Wing Wislig Witz Witzen Woogau Woogee Wosen Wundan Wupf Wurg Würg Würsh Xange Yelln Yerg Yern Yeshau Zach Zeuth Zied Zien Zing Zingen Zirn Zitals Zorf Zweim Zwöhr Zülln Öhrim
same thing but longer names
Aarna Abaar Aberg Abissen Aboich Aburg Agapauburg Agelfin Agenree Agolfsweim Ahrtadt Alberg Alklönburg Allmeim Alpin Amptolen Angen Arden Attenke Avdipege Avdisch Aveldance Avelim Averg Avguburg Avina Avinatzen Avisa Avisch Avroß Aßfulen Baboslona Backlen Badan Bechsten Beckling Beckup Beensen Beinge Benbatz Bermücken Bernen Bersee Bersha Biederg Bissance Blenheim Bling Bluderg Boldorf Bolfen Bolitzen Boogderiya Boorf Borchheim Bosee Brausaark Brocked Broderst Bruck Brucker Brungerg Bruppinker Brücka Brüelden Brühlen Brünce Burgary Burgen Büdimmy Bünnhen Bürticht Büthoya Büttis Cance Chittia Chterg Clitterg Clomingen Clusen Conwalzgen Crierwal Dahlsdorf Dance Danzbach Dechst Denbal Densen Diachweim Diedt Dierenburg Dipeth Disfeld Disteden Doriedt Dorteitz Dortren Driede Drophicht Dürsenteid Eggenid Eifen Einsen Eldorn Elsee Elsenka Elsriegka Elsulmetlo Erseckau Eshurg Estadt Eublolz Fakenburg Feldorf Felerneuck Filin Finau Flöhr Fradt France Frath Frating Frehe Freumar Friesel Frislow Friverg Frömily Fullinen Fürenstadt Fürspance Gathold Genbance Genheim Genstuhl Gentin Giebern Glang Gniklit Gortep Gremme Grinbe Groch Grömhohn Gröneudorf Grünneuck Görfen Hafal Hafody Hagusa Haleing Hareburg Hasyk Haung Hausen Hausenfeld Hauten Heida Heild Heimmirch Heindsach Heindy Heischim Heitzlau Helletten Henburg Hende Henderg Hilsteun Hinden Hingert Hoese Hofenstädt Hofferg Holbach Holleyen Hopdanau Hopper Iburg Iltmarien Irche Irilheln Irsburg Ischof Jahmen Jeven Jiven Kaich Kaing Katzinfen Kenberf Kineup Kipdance Klenauena Klickena Klitz Klounlang Kochst Konov Kornhaus Kranied Kroch Könau Könerst Könienburg Köthar Laden Lahda Laisina Lakoh Lance Lastaßladt Lausten Lavdinene Lavdisen Lavenburg Lavil Leneseßen Lenhaust Lenhein Lensch Lexeystadt Lichteng Lingenhen Litburg Loittehn Lomilsburg Loppau Lubershein Lukleim Lückamboa Lüglüder Lünce Magalbern Magen Mancin Marsta Marten Marth Mayrinig Meerg Melden Menstorg Merthoch Metze Minfen Mingen Mingenberg Minkobech Miratadt Mirivel Moderburg Molyda Monndeven Moorf Mölshoferg Mückeum Mügle Münce Müneben Müneueberg Münzen Naildanda Nascheißen Nebel Nebnin Nebnitz Neburg Neckan Nectreim Neudwip Neuhna Neusecht Neusee Neuternben Neuth Neuwin Nisch Obeck Oberg Obergsbe Oburg Oelin Ohnaunken Olbogenz Olfrenkel Olklind Olseyek Olsulmsda Orsterg Oselingen Osilin Ostadt Ostenzen Oterich Paingein Pashirch Pausenbut Penack Penburgda Pfheigheck Pfury Photsdorf Pitzen Pladt Plangen Pohenber Pohna Radburz Raffellim Rande Rannau Rarich Raung Renberg Rershula Rhelstorf Rhenstrow Rhofsburg Rhohe Rhoyth Riches Roden Rorches Rostann Roßal Roßenstadt Roßschwer Rungen Ruselsulms Rödel Rönburg Rönitz Sachwardan Saline Salledin Samark Sarzendorf Saschweid Sausen Schance Schau Schhen Schiln Schim Schkerg Schsen Schsestena Schste Schstennin Schtege Schöneuden Senneburt Sivainov Snieschof Solsen Sonsber Sophoppeis Spana Stach Steill Steim Stelshen Sterburg Sterknitz Stinberg Straerd Sulmshora Sunst Sunwarsia Sveneude Südin Tabach Tadang Tadit Tenberherg Terkinalk Theingeimm Thern Tordt Torsde Torsum Trasee Treuf Trode Tromiriedt Trontederg Trosben Tuteingen Twien Twolerg Uenhaffurg Ulzen Undan Velberf Velzben Velzen Velübburg Ventetzsch Verick Veskock Vetzsch Vikylance Vilst Vremer Walberg Walda Waleimitz Walinge Walsfen Wance Wedaingen Weilenbach Weingen Weingenhau Werow Wetlance Wieberg Wiewabrup Wigsburg Wilaug Wingolohn Witteim Woldorf Wolengen Wolpitz Wolslippe Wrichluch Würteim Xance Yernktburg Yungenferg Zenber Zenkerg Zevesheim Zigenlen Zinfehrede Zweim Zwerg Zwesina Zwipzir Öhronha Übber Übburg
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i just really like the fact that ken sleeps with schlond poofa every night...
Me too, anon
Me too
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coconutskins · 12 years
I seriously cannot wait for season two of Life in the Dreamhouse.
I just hope the Schlond Poofa makes a reappearance.  Schlen for life! Haters gonna hate. 
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cavalierprimetime · 12 years
Has it occurred to anyone else that our fandom is based mainly off of a plastic guy making out with an exhaust pipe?
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boyfrienby · 12 years
"Schlond," I say gently. I notice the inanimate object's attention waver from the beach sunset we watched from the comfort of our pink convertible. The distant yellow orb was slowly slipping over the edge of the water, and soon would be gone; the fading colors in the clouds with it. 
"Schlond Poofa," I try again, my cheeks heating up. Even I notice the rise in my own voice, which is totally not rad. "We've been together a while, you know..." 
Schlond is silent, waiting for me to continue. Its steady composure almost unnerving, I try, though a bead of sweat is forming on my plastic brow. "We could, um... You know... Like, do 'the deed'..." Schlond stayed still, almost considering. "o-only if you're comfortable with that kind of thing, of course." I look away, feeling deflated. 
The tension in the air is thick enough to cut with a Barbie Kitchen and Doll playset knife. A sigh is heard, and finally Schlond pipes up. 
"Wow I um," it says timidly. "I don't know, Ken. I'm not really ready for that kind of commitment yet..." 
"Yeah, of course! I-It's alright. I shouldn't have asked so soon." 
"No, no, it's okay. Maybe in a while, when we've had a chance to get to know each other and--" 
"yeah, definitely. Getting to know each other--" 
"--both know what the other person wants and how to go about this sort of thing, then we can..." 
There's a long silence where the two stare at each other, Ken red-faced and Schlond Poofa still as inanimate as ever. 
Ken huffs gently. "God, I'm sorry, I made everything awkward."
"No! Not at all, I mean, I just don't think I'm ready now..." 
"Yeah, I know. How about I drive you home," Ken said a bit too fast. 
"A-Are you trying to kick me out??" Schlond demands, tone of voice rising. 
"Of course not baby! I just--" 
"No, I know exactly how it is! You're just trying to get at me, isn't it?" 
"No, that's not it at--" 
"Shut up, Ken! That's exactly how it is! And if you don't want me for me, then maybe I will go!" Schlond Poofa screamed, throwing open the car door and slamming it in conviction. It rolled off, regretting not having legs but too prideful to make Ken take it home. 
"Baby! Baby wait up!" Ken yelled after Schlond, but it was already well on it's way. Ken set his head on the steering wheel and sighed, rubbing his temples with his stiff fingers. "Fuuuuuck...." 
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dr-killcure · 2 months
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I am happy to announce that around 99% of our sprites are now complete!
[CREDITS] CalicoMBK Missybumkinz (Instagram, Twitter) Schlen (Twitter)
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dr-killcure · 8 months
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Yahto getting the sprite upgrade he deserves!
[CREDITS] CalicoMBK Missybumkinz Schlen
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dr-killcure · 10 months
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[CREDITS] MissyBK23 Schlen
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dr-killcure · 1 year
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Fuego is a go!
[CREDITS] MissyBK23 (Instagram, Twitter) Schlen (Twitter)
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dr-killcure · 1 year
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A side of fuego.
[CREDITS] MissyBK23 (Instagram, Twitter) Pinecone.pal (Instagram) Schlen (Twitter)
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dr-killcure · 5 months
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Some sprite reworking on the way.
[CREDITS] CalicoMBK Missybumkinz Schlen
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dr-killcure · 1 year
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It's Nai's time to shine!
[CREDITS] MissyBK23 (Instagram, Twitter) Schlen (Twitter)
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dr-killcure · 1 year
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Wha happen?
[CREDITS] MaraschinoRikku Schlen
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