guardiancypress · 2 years
It’s funny - they had discussed Kazuha, or someone who had deeply resembled Kazuha, he and his double.
Although they had only met briefly, the red-streak rebel, vigilante-type had been something that stuck in the CEO’s head, which, at the very least, meant that Kaedehara Kazuha as the Yashiro Commissioner knew him must also be here. Now that the seeming end of days had been averted, it was a simple matter of following a rumor trail.
Although he hardly ever followed that trail to the end in person - usually having his men inform him of the man’s presence and relative health, if they could even follow him across the ocean, he would appear in person now.
After all, he must needs follow the information himself. For the moment, at least.
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“Well now, while we have broken free of the domain of eternity, it seems some things don’t necessarily change.” Looking up, he spies the remaining Kaedehara in a tree. Napping? Perhaps, but it was time to wake up.
“As ever, tracking you down is truly a challenge of information gathering for the ‘anonymous red samurai’ who helped an old woman move snails back into her garden. Or warned someone against sleeping in factory plagued by bats.”
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ragnvindrdawn · 2 years
It’s somewhat of a routine to visit the forest, mainly for the purpose of exploring but also to feed the wildlife on occasion, and today is one such time. The atmosphere is always calming, it’s a place he’ll go whenever he needs to clear his mind. Another present grabs his attention for a brief moment, one Diluc can recall seeing in the tavern before having to leave in a hurry, someone he recognises the Traveler has mentioned on occasion during stories of their adventure. The description fits the man admiring the scenery. Perhaps now would be a good time for proper introductions.
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“Are you also out for a walk?” Brushing leftovers of food from his glove, Diluc carefully steps away from the small gathering at his feet, heading over to the other to give the animals some space. “We haven’t officially met but I’ve heard small details here and there. I believe, if my information is correct, you’re Kazuha? Unless I’m mistaken. Forgive my interruption if so.”
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isolaradiale · 2 years
Hello! I would like to please extend Kaedehara Kazuha's (from Genshin Impact) semi-hiatus? Thank you!
It will be extended for you!
-- mod altair.
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astroloblissed · 2 years
✧ “Our reunion was ordained by fate” is what Mona would have liked to have said in the case of this meeting. It hadn’t felt like all that long ago since she had explored those islands and mirages with him and the others, after all. But tragically her ability to scry anything of significance had been muffled. At best she could determine something trifling.
Instead, the astologist was left to give a more standard greeting. “Oh, Kazuha. It’s good to see you. I’m surprised to find a familiar face. Were you watching the fireworks?”
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She had been drawn in by the show on the boardwalks herself. But now it was late and the lights that lit up the sky had cleared. “If you were to tell me after our little adventure that I would end up washed up on an island like this one, I certainly would have called you cuckoo.” Mona gave a defeated shrug. 
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blueboxbeagle · 3 months
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By Scarletwind on the warriors wiki
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warriorswill · 3 years
Well, whatever he had been planning had to be adjusted slightly - for the better, mind you. If, for the slightly more chaotic. Unlike himself and Kazuha, who already been here long enough to be used to certain aspects of this technologically different society, Tomo had just arrived and was both very amazed and maybe a bit overwhelmed by the options.
But they had both decided simple is better for Kazuha - or, less simple, more generally...Relaxed. The mist was still in permeating most of the island, but that was more than fine. Gorou wasn’t sure if Tomo and Tama could be here if not for the mist, and that question wouldn’t be answered unless it went away. So, the sooner the celebration could occur, the better.
By the time Kazuha came back, food had been set out - carefully prepared, a few fish dishes, one of them definitely deep fried to golden perfection - along with a small cake decorated with maple leaves.
When Kazuha would turn on the light, the food and cake would be on full display.
“Happy birthday, Kazuha!” They both loudly said, with Tama chiming in with a few chirps. Gorou couldn’t quite stop his tail from wagging as he looked for Kazuha’s reaction.
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“Even with everything else going on, we had figured now would be the best time to celebrate. But, ah...” His ears flatten a bit. “Maybe don’t go into the kitchen, we’ll deal with the leftovers. And by leftovers, I most certainly mean the failed attempts at frying food.” After all, Kazuha’s food was always so carefully put together.
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A familiar scent upon the wind reached her, and in an instant she turned around to locate its source. Since her arrival here a few days ago, she had yet to meet anyone else from Tevyat, let alone Inazuma. While she did her best to not let such a matter bother her, Sara could not deny that being here without the Shogun and her people was unnerving.
Fortunately for her, she would soon meet one of many from her world.
Unfortunately, the person she soon spotted was one that she wished to meet the least.
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“...hello, Kaedehara,” she said, her tone polite despite the stern, unapproachable air that surrounded her.
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eiternal · 3 years
🗲 “You. I know you. You’re from Inazuma.” No, the Raiden Shogun had a clearer memory of him than that. He’d witnessed something. That clash between that man and the Kujou girl shortly after the Vision Hunt Decree’s conception. It brought the  woman no shortage of agitation to see him considering all that had transpired later on as well.
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“You look like you have something you’d like to say to me? Or perhaps you’d like to strike me down?”
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crimsonoyoroi · 3 years
FINDING ALLIES IN FOREIGN LANDS was nothing but a blessing, he knows more than any. not that he was ill prepared to begin his climb to the top, once more tirelessly building up a network of relations, all for the benefit of himself and those he knew who may one day arrive just as he once did. yet to have a familiar face so soon, there was a happiness which settles within him that only serves to enhance sunny disposition. like those first rays of a sun peering over a shimmering horizon...
                           one which breathes life into the hope of a better tomorrow一
❝ I heard about this fluffy little fellow in passing. Apparently, it likes to play hide and seek, with catching it giving some kind of reward, ❞ he explains, briefly poking his head out around a tree to make certain the path they were heading was correct. ❝ And I figured you might wanna come along to give it a go. It’s quite rare we get to do much together back home. Without the risk of things, that is. So, I thought this would be an excellent time to take advantage of making up for those times we couldn’t, with a bonus of a fluffy friend or two. ❞ while there may be more important things to be done, there was always a need for time to recover, indulging in the little things to keep that spirit alight in even the most violent storms.
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❝ Or we could lay odds with a wager of sorts if that alone doesn’t foot the bill. Sweeten the pot, so to speak? ❞ surely if the other wasn’t fully interested prior, this might resonate better with his warrior spirit.
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merakiui · 3 years
So, I saw that anon wanted more of the surrogate au, so I raise you this: +kazuha.
You want to get back to dating, but it's kinda hard, because most of your dates can't believe you would willingly give your baby away for money. It's saddening, really, until you match up with @scarletwinds on one of your dating accounts.
You find out his real name is Kazuha, and that he's a songwriter for one of your favorite singers, Barbatos. He's one of your only dates that actually wants to support whatever you want to do with that kid. You find yourself envisioning a future with him quite often.
When you tell him how uncomfortable you feel at your surrogate client's house, he even offers to go with you in the future to avoid any pressuring remarks from Diluc/Childe(personally, I prefer childe in this au), and that does wonders for the situation.
Diluc/Childe is understandably frustrated, because this little songwriter is with their baby with their darling, and despite the various murder attempts, he Will Not Die.
Kazuha isn't worried about the various murder plots he's foiled, because he'll always see right through them.
After all, it takes one to know one.
I read your latest chapter of Bittersweet, and I loved it.
OMG I LOVE THIS!!! I can imagine you bring Kazuha with you the next time you go to Diluc/Childe’s house because you feel a lot better with him at your side. And since he offered so valiantly to stay with you, you decided to take him up on his offer. You assume it’ll be a quick visit because Kazuha’s accompanying you, but instead it turns into this huge ordeal because Diluc/Childe persuades the two of you to stay for dinner. And as much as you want to say no, Kazuha ends up agreeing with a kind smile. You honestly feel like throttling him after he agrees to stay for dinner. Why couldn’t he have helped you in telling Diluc/Childe that the two of you had somewhere to be?
But now you’re all sat around at the dinner table and Diluc/Childe is making polite conversation with Kazuha. You’re just sitting there, bored and wanting this dinner to be over as soon as possible. It isn’t until the food is set down on the table that things take a turn. Kazuha watches the way each plate is carefully set before everyone and then he looks down at his plate, curious. Diluc/Childe is staring at him the entire time, an odd look in his eyes.
“I think (Name) would like this plate,” Kazuha announces suddenly, glancing at you. “It has bigger portions. Why don’t we switch? That way you and the baby can eat enough.”
You smile at him, thanking him for always looking out for you and being so kind, but you never get the chance to switch because Diluc/Childe is already getting up from his seat and grabbing Kazuha’s plate from off of the table, holding it out of reach. The both of you look up at him, with you being obviously confused and Kazuha still smiling that calm, little smile.
“Is something wrong?” he asks, but the question sounds more like a challenge than a simple inquiry.
Diluc/Childe just shakes his head. “It’s too much food. Overeating isn’t healthy, especially for a pregnant woman.”
“I’ll be fine—“ you start to say, slightly offended that he’s making such a big deal out of food.
“If that’s the case, why don’t you have it? Surely you need as much energy as possible to continue moving furniture into the nursery. (Name) told me it’s been quite the exercise for you. I’m sure you’ll benefit from the extra energy.”
Diluc/Childe looks at him for a few tense moments and it feels like he’s looking through him rather than at him. As if Kazuha is just an apparition. Finally he relents and swaps his plate for the one Kazuha originally had. Kazuha thanks him once and then apologizes to you. You think it’s weird that he’d say sorry when he was only looking out for your health, but you shrug and resume eating your fill. Diluc/Childe sits back down in his seat just as you start making conversation about your last doctor’s appointment. It relieves the tension in the air and everyone’s able to eat in peace now.
Diluc/Childe watches Kazuha the entire time. He never lifts his fork.
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moonclansstartover · 4 years
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absurdjustice · 3 years
Soirée Event Thread Clean-Up
Since there’s a new event coming in a couple days, I’m going to drop most of the event threads I have from the previous event (A Latesummer Night’s Soirée). However, I’m keeping all non-event threads, so long as they haven’t already been dropped by my partners. Also, if there are any event threads I plan to drop but you want to keep, or any event threads I plan to keep but you want to drop, let me know and I’ll keep or drop those event threads accordingly !
As a side note, I might have replies to some event threads waiting in this blog’s queue right now, so if you see me posting a reply to an event thread I plan to drop and you want to drop it too, just consider it dropped.
Check below the read-more for which event threads I plan to keep and which I plan to drop:
Event threads I plan to drop:
@errantkatana - Thread
@gleamknight - Thread
@infiernogarde - Thread
@pashieon - Thread
@scarletwinds - Thread
@thelostvessel - Thread
Event threads I plan to keep:
@ultimorals - Thread
@whisperedshadow - Thread 1, Thread 2
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jimi-marshall-kim · 4 years
Scarlet Wind - JMK 💨💥♨️ . 기타 접었는데... 아놔 ..😅 두달만에 손풀기 . #insaneshred #scarletwind . #guitar #guitars #guitarist #guitarplayer #speed #ibanez #shredguitar #guitarshred #guitarsolo #metalhead #rock #music #muse #s540 #nopainnogain #instagram . #속주광 #즉흥연주 #음악 #기타리스트 #기타연주 #연주곡 #락 #아이바네즈 . #melbookermusic #universityofrock #riffwars @melbookermusic @riffwars @shred.addict @mastersofshred @universityofrock @melbookermusic @guitarists_unite @guitar.show @soundofguitars @shreddeadofficial @everythingguitar2017 . #jmkscarlet(J.D and Nami's Home Sweet Home에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9LPnXRlilP/?igshid=4zi1ksfk1bc1
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isolaradiale · 2 years
Hello, if I may I'd like to please place Kaedehara Kazuha from Genshin Impact on semi-hiatus. The date is 8/23
Noted for you!
– ⋆ solaris
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warriorswill · 3 years
It felt like a poor time for him to be pulled away. While things were slowly returning to some semblance of peace, an entire army - a resistance - did not dissipate overnight. And even were it to do such a thing, the general of that army could not simply return to...Something ‘normal’ when there had been years of fighting.
So, needless to say, he was quite lost being dumped in a place such as this. Weaponless (although it hardly mattered in the grand scheme of things, as he would still fight to his last even without his bow) but not Visionless (that one mattered far more), he had tried to acclimate to his new surroundings. Not one for spending much time in a city anyway, the tall buildings and newfound technology had been quite a bit.
So he stuck to the outskirts during the day, and in a moment of both surprise and excitement, his ears perked up. Luckily it hadn’t taken very long to find someone he knew, and luckily for him that person he knew was-
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His ears shook a bit in excitement, and he couldn’t help it when his tail wagged. Looking up, face bright, he spoke more, “ I wonder if Her Excellency could be here, too. Although it would be bad for both of us to be away, since this is still an unstable time...” He trails off, concern knotting his brow. With a shake of his head, he looks up. “In any case, it’s good to see you here, Kazuha.”
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