shuoshuzhe-aa · 4 years
' be careful , their words are poison . do not consume them . '
[  unprompted asks  /  @scacchics  ]
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            inasa tilts his head, “  you cannot consume words though,  ” he replies, brows furrowing, does the other mean LISTEN  ?? or was inasa not understanding the idea  ?? despite having been at this school for a year or so, was his comprehension skill just no good  ?? inasa blinks, he doesn’t understand but the other seems to be WARNING him of something.            “  okay, i won’t,  ” inasa concludes softly, maybe he should ask one of the other savanaclaw members what scacchics meant by consuming words…would they know  ?? maybe asking kenyu would be a better idea…
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starrybankgv · 4 years
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@scacchics​,  this is your magnificent mayor here welcoming you to starrybank ! we’re so DELIGHTED to have you here . so , so utterly delighted that we’ve left a little gift box on your front porch . inside your gift box you can find: fairy lights ,  cherries ( x10 ) , shark head hat (might actually bite!) , a rechargeable magic wand though not sure where the charger went . . . ! we hope you enjoy your time here with us . make sure you go outside and smell some NICE CLEAN starrybank air ! sincerely , your mayor !
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ivorycast · 4 years
starry banks gv app ! @nebyuula​ & @starrybankgv​
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muse name: scacchic [ tba ] age: 18 occupation: ,,,,,,,,student?  . .. .. .artist .. . .. ? zodiac sign: virgo favorite color: white favorite fruit: candied ones what they do in town: has a small home to the side, a bit isolated ? from people ? he just kind of chills there and does his own thing. mainly magic. what are they KNOWN for in town: his nonsensical conversations and magic ! also how he’s carved himself a little slice of wonderland around his own home ! also his shit memory. places people can usually find them in town: at his home or just wandering around sometimes  ! its really up to chance. dreams: nothing really, he lives in the moment.
name: v ! age: 20 preferred pronouns: dont care favorite color: black are you a dog or cat person: cat one fun event you’d like to see happen in starrybank (optional): DISNEY one thing you’re looking forward to in this gv (optional): magical slice of life u v u
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ao3feed-ignoct · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OXVoNR
by sutera
Ignis would always have Noctis' back. Even if he fell into darkness.
Words: 630, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Gladiolus Amicitia, Prompto Argentum
Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia
Additional Tags: mafia, basically my own interpretation of ffversusxiii with ignoct, because i love dark ignoct fml, Dark, Execution, Royalty, Alternate Universe, One Shot Collection, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OXVoNR
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tribujuegos · 3 years
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Nuevo juego en tribujuegos.com : Scacchic House Escape https://www.tribujuegos.com/game/scacchic-house-escape Scacchic House Escape es un juego de apuntar y hacer clic. Imagina que has estado en una casa; ahí t...
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thanat0ps1s · 6 years
Pertaining to chess or chess pieces
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nebyuula-a · 4 years
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     “ hey hey hey ! don’t look at me like that . i’m a RESPONSIBLE adult . i’ve never had a dissatisfied customer leave my salon ! ”
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shuoshuzhe-aa · 4 years
[  @scacchics​  /  tw sc. ft. VINCENT LAURENT  ]
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            “  you’re very pale...  ” vincent comments, eyes wide, “  aren’t you afraid the sun is going to hurt your skin  ??  ” he asks out of concern.
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purple-petrichor · 11 years
Whoa okay guys I need your opinion.
I'm going to enter a high school writing contest with a short story and can't decide which one to use. So, which one would you pick-
A murder mystery centered around art (specifically the color wheel)
A heartwarming zombie story (not like Warm Bodies, but like...the nicer side to an epidemic of undead. They don't eat people, but are drawn back to finding their loved ones and reuniting with their country's soil, etc.)
The Wizard's Cat- (A girl fails while trying to steal a potion from the wizard for her and her little brother and to appease a gang looking after them. She ends up having to chug the potion and turns into a cat. Story proceeds from there.)
Just say which one you think has the most potential, along with any advice you may have. :) (Whoops reposted because forgot the question mark---> ?)
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ivorycast · 5 years
♡ + madness
* /  headcanons  /  @heirts\
like your headcanons, and we’ve discussed, scacchic’s madness is. deliberate.
groomed to be the white queen since the twins were found and separated, he has learned to associate being stationary, sanity, with boredom. mind crushing, crawl up the walls, want to cry boredom. it’s boredom so extreme, so painful, that just thinking about it makes him want to run, to escape, to do anything to ward it off. it is what he is most scared of, more than anything.
and it’s because he was trained to be. 
rather than corporeal punishments, as preferred with riddle’s retainers, he was regularly fed drugs and was very highly stimulated, to brainwash him and mold his mind and attitudes at the very. well. from the very base. they allowed him to be disobedient, they allowed him free reign of his emotions and behaviors, and actively encouraged creativity and imagination, but. what they could not stand was to pause, to take a step back and ask why, to question wonderland itself or to make sense of it all. 
if he wanted respite, he would get it. in a small room, brightly lit on all sides to be white, white, white, where the walls absorbed sound and there was nothing to see, nothing to do, not even hear himself speak, and he would be left alone, more often than not with some sort of magic or drug to keep his body unmoving and immobile, like a doll’s- and he would just. sit there. for hours on end. it would be enough to drive anyone mad; and he was no exception, especially for how young he was.
there is no difference, to scacchic, between the dead, the living, and the inanimate. there is no method to his madness, no rhyme or reason to explain his logic; or perhaps there is, in his mind, but to others it is only more madness. there is no sense of reality or fantasy or time, no true empathy for others- his attention flits like a hummingbird between attractions, and his emotions are as turbulent as the winds in a hurricane. he is out of touch with reality, sees and hears and feels things that aren’t there, or ignores things in plain view as if they were invisible over all and he has no understanding of how the world works; not only on a social / societal level, but in a physical sense as well.
but what differentiates him, is that his madness only amplifies his powers, and he is limited in only his thoughts. rather than an individual power itself, scacchic harnesses wonderland’s madness itself to turn impossibilities into reality. giving life and sentience to inanimate objects, to reduce the distance of a thousand steps into one, to ignore the laws of physics and– 
and its weaker, yes, when he is not in wonderland, but. his power is no less present, and neither is his madness. and where ever he goes, the madness spreads, like a drop of blood that blossoms in clear water. 
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truenightwings · 12 years
★ multiplied by a thousand
: O!!!!!!!!!
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purple-petrichor · 11 years
Woah my house got broken into today.
Not kidding.
My parents' room was the worst ransacked, and that is where most of dad's computers were. :( The thieves probably thought we were really rich but no, my dad had just finished fixing those laptops to make us a little more money on the side...sigh.
So quick version: They took about four of my dad's electronics- an Ipad, Nook, ebook, and laptop(s), and any cash lying around in really obvious sight. They also snagged another Ipad and part of my mom's music system. Even worse, they took the Xbox which my little brother had bought with his Bat Mitzvah money. So Tavi's pretty much mourning that tragic loss right now.
Miraculously my room is pretty much untouched. I don't even know if they went in it. Might have thought it was a storage room or something 'cause it's got something draped over the door. My closet door was opened, but maybe I left it that way this morning when grabbing a jacket. Anyway, I was REALLY fortunate--my laptop, Nintendo DSi, and cash are all in the same (relatively obvious) places. Nothing really valuable was taken from me. Man am I grateful.
Uhhh stay tuned while we still go around to find out what else is missing, but we're all taking it pretty well I think. We're just grateful that we're all okay and no one was home, and our pet cats are safe. Plus all of our most important electronics are still here.
Still though wow. Jerks.
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ivorycast · 5 years
♡ + rose :')
* /  headcanons  /  @heirts
their relationship is. complicated.
originally two halves of the same soul, to separate is akin to torture; and it’s a torture so ingrained into their lives, the very idea of anything else is. foreign.
 they are connected, in ways even they aren’t fully aware of- and their caretakers have done everything in their power to turn it against them. 
mm. riddle though. for scacchic, he doesn’t see riddle as an enemy, or a thorn on his side, or. well. anything, really. he is far too superficial and he cannot keep a thought in his head long enough to care to, but. of the emotions he feels, the strongest is by far for rose, whether it be anger, curiosity, or even happiness. he himself does not know why, but much of the time he will seek out riddle, or be reminded of him; he is a constant presence, in his mind, and if he were able to think more deeply upon it, he would find that he is not alone. there is a part of him that does not truly belong to any part of him. 
it is a string of fate, a vein through which their life flows, hearts beating in rhythm. it is a steady warmth, a constant that has been for far longer than their divide, the last remaining vestiges of their bond. 
perhaps, in another world, they would have been allowed to keep their innocence. in another time, another place, they would have been the closest of soulmates. they would have been connected; where you would find one, you would find the other, and vice versa. no one would understand the other more than they do themselves, and nothing would have been able to get between them. in another world, they wouldn’t even have need for speech, and they would be so in sync that it would seem as if they were of the same mind; and perhaps it would be so, for without one the other would not exist, and in this land of wonder, who is to say that it isn’t possible ? 
perhaps, then, they would be happy. 
but they are not. and though he knows not what he’s missing, it is a void he still seeks to fill; but not knowing how to, with how they are estranged and forced against each other and his own madness atop of it, not to mention riddle’s own views on him, he just. goes about it all the wrong way, and perhaps it is cruel, perhaps it is contradictory but. any conenction, no matter how twisted, is something to hold onto.
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ivorycast · 4 years
♡ + bonds
* /   headcanon meme   /   @shuoshuzhe
scacchic has few genuine bonds; or rather, the only one he currently has is riddle.     his memory, his lack of empathy and constant superficiality doesn’t, ,, make personal bonds with anyone easy ? or rather. possible. at all. even if he is kind one moment, it means nothing the next or last. the only reason he has any relationship to riddle at all is their connection of blood. blood is, ,, a powerful thing, much more than you realize. blood and birth. one and none. 
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ivorycast · 4 years
and to add onto that last hc !
                 scacchic was purposefully raised in an unstable environment. his surroundings were constantly changing, from where he lived to his caretakers to what was expected of him. they sought to keep him from forming attachments, to keep him off balance and unstable. they drugged his food. they encouraged flights of fancy and nonsense ;    everything he touched, everyone he spoke to was wildly different and spoke as if their words were true, and that others were false ;   one would say the sky is pink, and the other would say it cries honey. he didn’t know what was up and what was down, and to question it rather than passive acceptance led to punishment. inactivity was led to punishment. logic was led to punishment. 
                                  his magic has always been with him. even with his lacking memory, he knows this, as one of the few things that he can remember. he may not remember what it is, or why he has it, but he knows it is there. it is a constant presence; and a constant sight to those around him. 
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ivorycast · 4 years
alright, as a guide mostly to myself, here is a summary of my notes on scacchic.
his magic is nonsense ;   there is no rule to his magic, no guidelines, no limit, except that of his thoughts and imagination-     and that there is no control.    he cannot control his powers. the powers do not control him. rather than a power, they are an extension of wonderland itself, of which he embodies. 
he is cruel, but not,, , deliberately so, unlike riddle. he just. there is no empathy. no sense of connection or sympathy? he is cruel in his apathy, in how he can help you, shower you in gifts and attention and affection, and then push you into the guillotine himself without any ? warning ? there is no remorse and no accountability for his actions.
and speaking of, scacchic was raised to be ? “mad”.   a hc will be posted seperately due to triggering content.
because of this, he has,,,, very short term / disjointed memories, extreme mood swings, hallucinations and delusions, lapses in judgement and logic, just. gestures. 
his favorite color is white, not for its purity but how easily it stains.
he never calls riddle by his proper name or title. its always a shade of red, or something implying a stain or blemish or flaw- this is bcs he genuinely can’t remember his name, but also bcs its fun.
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