xxlovendreamsxx · 5 years
Sasuke and Sakura's sex would be like the most passionate thing ever. Like so passionate and reckless and possessive. All of that pent up emotions and feelings they've had for each other since they were little that they've been trying to suppress all gushing out when they are in bed. Their sex would be so overwhelming. I think they'd be screwing the daylights out of each other from dusk till dawn.
I agree that it would be the most passionate ever, but personally I’m of the mind that it’s definitely move lovemaking than any type of rough or mindless fucking lol. I think Sasuke really strives to keep them close and connected, so there’s always eye contact and proximity of the whole of their bodies, positions where they can hold each other. That’s why his absolute fave is when she’s when his lap with her legs crossed behind his back. It’s all the intimacy they could want. 
But lovemaking doesn’t mean it’s any less intense!! Like you said, all those pent up emotions and love like... that definitely still comes rushing out. But I don’t think it means they get reckless and rough and possessive. They just get very caught up in the flurry of it all and it makes the whole mood very heavy with all their feelings. Sex with them is the most intimate and intense ever despite being most times slow. 
That’s just imo, tho!!!!
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xxlovendreamsxx · 6 years
Who do you think initiates more? Sasuke or Sakura? I reckon it's Sakura but i think she wants Sasuke to more, but gets impatient of waiting and jumps him.
honestly i think sasuke because of a number of reasons. a) it’s the only way he knows how to really convey all that affection and love he holds for her. b) he’s more impulsive. c) relating to the last, i think sakura knows how to wait for a later time when it’s more convenient, but sasuke is so ruled by his emotions and feelings that he’s like, here and now. like everyone (in the naruto world that is) always thinks sakura initiates so much more, or is more impulsive because sasuke looks so composed and cool. but nah. he does. heh.
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xxlovendreamsxx · 6 years
consider: in particularly emotional lovemaking, if ever sakura closes her eyes because it’s too much... sasuke simply cups her face, strokes her cheekbone, and whispers, “sakura... look at me.”
if she can’t comply he pauses everything until she does. he needs her eyes on him when they’re both so overwhelmed with the intensity of their feelings. needs her to see everything.
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xxlovendreamsxx · 6 years
What position do you think Sasuke prefers and what does Sakura prefer? And why? (I just love all of your ss headcanons!)
Sasuke favors the positions where they are closest and looking into each other’s eyes. So when she has her legs over his shoulders or around his waist. Or when she’s sitting on his lap with her legs crossed behind his back. Very intimate.
Sakura likes doggy style best because it feels the most amazing. For both him and her. He can make it really hot rutting her out, or really intimate if he goes slow and puts his face in her neck, puffing out all his sounds against her ear. Heh. 
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xxlovendreamsxx · 6 years
so you think Sakura enjoys se//x I don’t know why I think she would be rly shy and I read fics with her as this minx lmfao
I think probably for the first few times she was quite shy but always made herself get over it because she trusted and loved Sasuke, and he loved her for who she was... so there wasn’t any reason to be. Ofc it still remained in some manner but it was gone enough that she wasn’t trying to hide herself. That she could lose herself in the act. I think her most embarrassing moments were probably when she was on top. But the way he looked at her and touched her was very encouraging. 
With time she got comfortable and confident in their sex life. Became more audacious and free. Willing to try things/new positions she thought too embarrassing before. Confident enough to seduce him very well. And give him a good ride. Not quite sure she was ever kinky enough to be called a minx though? If ever she would, it would probably be quite far into their adult life. But imo sasusaku have always had a very vanilla sex life and they’re perfectly content with that.... so idk. Hmmm. 
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xxlovendreamsxx · 6 years
Even though he’s considered one of the strongest Shinobi in the Naruto universe, do you think Sasuke secretly feels the strongest when he’s going at it with Sakura? Like he’s able to pleasure her with only his fingers/mouth and he’s like “yes, this is all my doing”?
there’s definitely a kind of high he can’t get in battle which he gets when he’s making love to her, so i think yes ;)
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xxlovendreamsxx · 7 years
a concept: sakura riding sasuke n sasuke's abt to bust but at the same time he wants it to last, so he stills her hips but she is having /none of that/ so she starts doing kegels and sauce is like "holy fuck she's gonna kill me"
He isn’t sure if it’s because it’s been months since they’ve been able to be with each other like this, but his wife seems particularly relentless in the way she moves tonight; hips twisting in that way that he desperately loves, every grind she delivers seems to rob him of breath, leaving him panting and trembling underneath her form, lone hand clutching hopelessly at her ass.
“Sakura,” he rasps, as he feels her nails pinch into his heaving chest. She only responds with a smile, and he grits his teeth, fingers digging deeper into her flesh. He nearly doesn’t have the restraint to hold back the moan that threatens to escape at her next set of grinds, ones that are particularly hard. His eyes clench shut tight, head throwing back against his pillow. “Fuck.”
He thinks he hears her giggle afterwards, but his half pleasure-blown mind isn’t too sure, too preoccupied with trying to keep his fast-approaching limit at bay. But she doesn’t give him much of a chance to as she leans down to bring her mouth to his in a slow, feverish kiss and starts to move again, setting up a most unforgiving pace. Sasuke’s mind spins uncontrollably, bliss overtaking him, sending his hips jerking up impulsively against her own, gasps of pleasure tumbling from his mouth.
It’s only when he feels himself careening too closely to the edge that he violently curses and swiftly snatches at her hips with one shaking sweat-slicked hand and one steely susano summoned grip, halting all movements. 
(this can’t end, yet.)
It’s against his cheek that she giggles this time, slim hands running up his chest to affectionately thread through his damp hair. “Too much, Sasuke-kun?” she teases, and he nearly growls in reply, trying to catch his breath. This woman is too much for him, sometimes.
“We have all night,” he eventually manages to reply, the hoarseness of his voice revealing exactly how close she had gotten to making him lose control. There’s no need to rush this, he wants to add---but the words are quickly swallowed down with a hitched breath as his lover’s warmth squeezes around him with unbelievably blissful strength. “S---Shit!”
His wife presses her lips to his again, those of which are clearly twisted with a smile, and he snaps an eye open to glare at her, hips jutting shakily into her hot, tight depths.
“You’re not being fair,” he hisses, jaw clenching against the god-awful pleasure, barely managing to keep himself together.
Sakura merely smiles wider and looks down at him with her pretty crinkling green eyes, squeezing firmly around him again. The pulsing tightness of her walls tear a near-angry groan from his throat, sending him reaching for her ass again, trying to push himself in deeper. “Fuck, you’re killing me.”
He doesn’t manage to hold back when she squeezes around him again, sending him finally tumbling into the intense, intense waves of delightful gratification.
(”you’re gonna regret that,” he growls as he struggles to catch his breath, eyes burning with the promise of a most heated revenge. he wouldn’t take it easy on her either.)
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xxlovendreamsxx · 7 years
How do u think it went when Sakura is on top the first time? Do u think she took initiative? Or Sasuke told her to ride it? Sorry if this is too pervy 😊😊😊
Oh, it was definitely Sakura who just took initiative. On a day where she was feeling particularly confident, and just on this spur of a moment wanted him so much. She just kind of pushed him down/back onto the couch/floor/mattress and straddled him, kissing him deeply. Pleasantly surprised, Sasuke just went with it and didn’t question her, kissing her back. But when things got particularly hot and heavy, he tried to go and move her under him but Sakura locked him down with those strong ass thighs. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 It was a slow thing, when she finally lowered herself down onto him and started moving, setting up a nice beat… but also something that Sasuke was completely not used to, something that he unexpectedly found entirely and utterly sexy. And for that reason alone, he didn’t last as long as he usually did/wanted to. He was so embarrassed about it but Sakura was honestly just flattered that she gave him such a good show that he couldn’t even control himself lmao. 
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xxlovendreamsxx · 7 years
Do u think SS is into morning sex? Who initiates more? Rough and fast? Slow and gentle?
Definitely into morning sex for sure. Honestly they probably initiate sex in the morning way more than at night, if solely for their long/unpredictable hours at work. Sakura’s probably way too exhausted after a shift at the hospital and they can both be called at any time for missions. So when they both wake up in bed with each other, it’s pretty ideal. They both initiate a lot but I believe Sasuke probably instigates more than her. Sakura’s a bit of a sleeper and pretty lazy in the mornings, the kind that would just doze off again if she woke up too early for her tastes. But Sasuke is an early riser and once he’s awake, he’s up. Slow, lazy morning sex is a very lovely way to wake up his wife properly hehe. :)))
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xxlovendreamsxx · 7 years
Do u think Sasuke has seen Sakura naked with her seal activated? I can only imagine her looking so sexy with those black line running down her body
@thelittlechook and i once headcanoned that when sakura gets a little too winded during sex but is so not nearly done with him, she releases her seal for a little extra stamina............ so yes :D
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xxlovendreamsxx · 7 years
Their first time post gaiden? So when he returned for good. First time in many years....was it like breathing after being suffocated or underwater for too long, didin't realise how much need they had. They had waited all day with Sarada spending time, and him meeting with Hokage, it's not until that they're alone and the first touch turns into a thunderstorm, they suddenly cant get enough - they go 3-4 times in a row before taking a breather and continue on all night and into the week
I think the first time they made love after he came back was really slow and passionate. They got lost in the feeling of being together this way again and the need/love/desperation just really made itself known in the act; in every touch, every kiss, every thrust. Sakura got teary eyed because she missed him and their lovemaking too much and he was nearly too choked up. But after their initial first time when he was back, it was definitely like floodgates had opened. Their sex was needier, faster. Rougher, even. They had a lot of quickies in the ensuing days and lots of sex marathons into the nights lol. 
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xxlovendreamsxx · 7 years
When they make love sometimes Sakura feels too overwhelmed with the pleasure that she has to close her eyes or turn her face away... but Sasuke needs it, wants it, to connect to her, to make her feel more that he always tells her to open her eyes and look at him...
Oh yeah. He loves the eye contact even more than her, tbh. The intimacy of it is just... incredible. So 1000% agree!!!
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xxlovendreamsxx · 7 years
HC spar - how does Sasuke counter/react mid spar with Sakura uses sexy harem technique with multiple clones of herself? And this is deep mid spar, he's already shed his top, they're both sweaty and panting and the last time he pinned her he nearly rippled her clothes off there.
sakura hates that jutsu though doesn’t she? idk i can’t see her using it. she’d do perfectly well being sexy and using dirty tricks on him without resorting to that kind of thing tbh hahah. he has very low self-control though, so often imo they end up fucking or having some kind of foreplay half the time when they spar lmao
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xxlovendreamsxx · 7 years
Do you think SasuSaku had sex in Sakura's office? Hot idea but do you think it's possible?
Most likely! Not as often as us fans would likely want them to, but I’m sure it happened! I imagine that first time probably would have been a few years down their marriage, when Sarada is making it a bit impossible to find time for themselves at home, and Sakura is also particularly busy at work so they don’t have much time while their daughter is in school. I’d like to think they didn’t actually plan on having sex and Sasuke was literally just being a good husband, showing up at her work to bring her either a well-balanced lunch (because Sakura never eats enough when she works no matter how much he asks for her to try to and he hates it) or maybe just to bring a scroll/book she’s forgotten at home.
But then, he sees her and it’s just---she looks so good. She’s overworked and tired and her hair is a bit of a mess in that half-assed ponytail but damn like... she looks good.  And it’s been so long. And he just is really overwhelmed with the need to kiss her and run his hands all over her. And he has absolutely no desire to control himself anymore, to put it off for a next time---so his eyes just darken, and he pushes her back against her desk, gives her this look....
Sakura’s breath hitches, but she eagerly obliges and pulls him down for a kiss anyway, wrapping her legs around him when he tugs her onto the desk full of papers. She nearly doesn’t even have the mind to remember to tell him that they should close and lock the door first because she’s been needing this just as much as him. Sasuke’s too into kissing her to do it himself, so he just summons a clone for the job while he’s already got her pants half off.
They manage to be quick and quiet that first time.
They don’t manage to be as quick or quiet the round after that.
FORTUNATELY, though, they somehow manage not to arouse any suspicion. Hehe.
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xxlovendreamsxx · 7 years
How do you think horny Sasuke behaves? He is very reserved person so I can't see him as someone who is straightforward about sex. What do you think? How does he "show" that he wants to have some sexy time with Saku? You are my HC Queen! 😈😈😋
It’s all in the eyes. No questions. He can let her know in public when he’s feeling it because his eyes just shift with subtle heat and Sakura sees it immediately. He’s also never touchy in public, so if ever his hand somehow finds its way to the small of her back in a seemingly innocent touch... yeah it’s really, really not. That’s Sasuke-talk for, “let’s go home right now, because I need to take your clothes off and put my mouth all over you.” :))))
Otherwise if they’re at home and alone, he has no issue with being much more forward. Just one nice, hot kiss with a little bite to her lip usually does the trick, huehue. ;)
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xxlovendreamsxx · 7 years
How do you think Sauce went about initiating sex when they first introduced intimacy into their relationship? Bc I feel like Sakura initiated more in the beginning just bc she's so open w her feelings and sauce is so repressed and flustered-like
It would make sense for Sakura to initiate more in the beginning because Sasuke is quite the flustered, embarrassed boy at first who... just never really knows how to go about it. I’d like to think that he would unknowingly give her a lot of signs that he wanted to have this type of intimacy with her (like giving her longing/hungry eyes, touching her a lot, etc), but was too clueless or reserved as to make a move to initiate so she just ended up taking the reigns most of the time. But I think that most of the times he did manage to initiate, it was always in moments like when they were in bed together, or when they were sitting so close they were touching, and it felt only natural to lean over and kiss her... and things only progressed from there. But I’d also like to think that there were really days that he wanted her too much to think about how he’d make a move. Like she’d just be taking a shower and suddenly---oh, he’s there; pushing his face into her neck, wrapping his arm around her wet body. And always... always... when he’d initiate, it would be really slow, passionately hot sex. Filled to the brim with affection amidst the heat. 
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