aurora-light-blog · 2 years
Yi Ti alliance with Valyria
          by Shella Longclaw
 “As Emperor Chai Duq married a Valyrian noblewoman with a dragon, his granddaughter Princess Priti Chai married a Valyrian nobleman without a dragon.”
Valyria made two alliances forged in marriage. One was with the Kingdom of Sarnor, and the other was with Yi Ti. I should say more precisely that Valyria made several little marriage alliances with Sarnor. Since the Kingdom of Sarnor was composed of city-states, Valyria gave low-ranking daughters to the various kings. Yi Ti was a united kingdom under one emperor, so the yellow emperor Chai Zhu had the power to negotiate for a dragonlord’s daughter. Valyria needed the aid of Yi Tish navy for the third and fourth Ghiscari wars, so the bargain was stroke.
This marriage was the first of its kind. Never before had a dragonlord or dragonlady been wedded to someone who wasn’t Valyrian. It had been rumored that most Valyrian didn’t believe the union between Prince Chai Duq and Lady Valaena Belaerys would spire any dragonriders offspring. They were wrong. All three royal children were dragonriders. Nearly all of Dragon Emperor Chai Zi’s children were dragonriders as well. While he wanted a stronger alliance with Valyria, rich House Savyon desired to gain dragons. According to Princess Priti Chai’s letters, Valyrian houses without dragons commonly gave their daughters to dragonlords. Rarely, a dragonlord would give their daughters to such a low-ranking house.
House Savyon gained their dragons, but sadly, Yi Ti never gained a strong alliance with Valyria. The two kingdoms supposedly continued to be on good terms with each other after the alliance ended. It was similar with the Kingdom of Sarnor. Once the war ended, all ties except for trade were broken between the kingdoms. Regardless, of no more marriages into Valyria, Yi Ti maintained their dragons for about two thousand years.
A novice maester had inquired of an archmaester about the reason for Valyria never conquering Yi Ti. The archmaester gave the explanation of the far distance between the two kingdoms and the issue of extending the freehold too big, which I agree with. Though I like to believe that most Valyrians wanted to keep their word of being allies and not enemies of both Yi Ti and Sarnor. Many Yi Tish priests believe otherwise. They say the Valyrian feared the strong Blood of the Dragons in Yi Ti and wouldn’t risk losing all their dragons to the golden kingdom. We may not know the precise reason for Valyria not trying to conquer Yi TI. It is known that Yi Ti almost attacked Valyria.
The sixth yellow emperor was reportedly so livid with Valyria over their slavery practice and the death of his sister that he craved war. Only the entire royal court was able to prevent it and keep the peace. Though official reports stated that both sides were on good terms, actual records show that both kingdoms looked down on each other. It’s surprising during the indigo emperor dynasty that Valyria tolerated Yi Tish pirates attacking their ships and didn’t confront the indigo emperors about it. Yi Tish scholars think that the official decree of the pirates not being supported by the empire was the reason. Because of the Doom of Valyria, little is known about this once great kingdom.
Thankfully, Yi Ti does provide more information about this kingdom. I will soon be writing up my translations of old scrolls and books into the Common Tongue. It is my hope that the Citadel will allow my writing to be shared, so with more people involved that we might gain greater understanding.
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sebeth · 2 years
The World Of Ice And Fire: The Valyrian Empire (Revised 11/27/22)
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
    Old Ghis has fallen, conquered by Valyria. The Valyrians looked around and decided that colonization mass slavery were great ideas, ones worthy of emulation. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss?
The Valyrians forced their slaves to mine for ores in the Fourteen Flames: copper, tin, iron, gold, silver, etc.
Thousands upon thousands died mining the Flames. The Valyrian Empire expanded in all directions – to the very shores of Essos – as the need for slaves increased.
The Valyrians raised cities on the shores of Essos, now known as the Free Cities. Valyria dispatched archons (often on dragonback) to oversee the cities.
Religious schisms caused the founding of Qohor and Norvos.
Old Volantis and Lys were trading colonies. The merchants chose to be “clients” of the Valyrian Freehold rather than subjects. Since these cities “purchased” their freedom, they did not have archon overseers.
Pentos and Lorath existed pre-Valyria but submitted and were allowed to retain their native rule. Political marriages were used to bind these cities to Valyria.
Yandel disputes Pentos’s claim to pre-existence as the source of the information is Gessio Haratis’s Before The Dragons. Yandel states Haratis was a native of Pentos and made these claims as a “political convenience” as Volantis was “threatening to restore the Valyrian empire under its control”.
Shouldn’t the native-born Haratis’ writings on Pentos hold more weight than Yandel’s opinions? The Maesters overwhelming belief in their own knowledge (opinions) undercuts their credibility throughout the book. Can you imagine how the maesters would react if a scholar from YI Ti attempted to lecture them on the workings of Oldtown?
Yandel doesn’t dispute Lorath’s claim to pre-dating the Valyrian conquest.
Braavos was founded in the aftermath of a slave uprising while a slaver fleet was collecting “tributes” from the lands of the Summer and Jade Seas. Prisoners rebelled against their captors while at sea and, per moonsinger prophecy, sailed far north “to a forlorn corner of Essos – a place of mudflats and brackish water and frogs”. The slaves laid the foundation of the city and remained hidden from the world for centuries.
Braavos continued to be known as the Secret City even after its discovery by the outside world. The Braavosi consist of “scores of races, a hundred tongues, and hundreds of gods”. The common tongue is Valyrian, as it was the common trade language of Essos.
The moonsingers “were honored for leading them to the city” but the wisest of the freed slaves determined that all religions must be accepted.
No one knows the full extent of the Valyrian conquest as the records were destroyed by the Doom.
The Rhoynar resisted the Valyrians for centuries. They founded great cities along the Rhoyne and were the first to learn the art of iron-making.
The Kingdom of Sarnor, a confederation of cities, held out against the Valyrians only to fall to the Dothraki after the Doom. How do you resist dragons only to succumb to the horse-lords?
Yandel states it was due to the “great plain that separated one from the other…only for that plain and the people who occupied it – the Dothraki horselords -to be the source of Sarnor’s downfall after the Doom”.
Are we supposed to believe a “great plain” – essentially a ginormous field of grass – stopped dragons? And I don’t believe the Valyrians feared the Dothraki – one side has horses, the other has dragons, dragons win. Did the Dothraki not “Dothraki” until after the Doom of Valyria? How did Sarnor not fall sooner?
The most complete history of Valyria is Galendro’s The Fires of the Freehold but it is missing twenty-seven scrolls.
Up next, The Arrival of the Andals…
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reylatargaryen · 3 days
Nations of Essos and their real life prototypes (my vision):
Valyrians/Free cities population (particularly Volantis and Lys) (Minus dragons, magic and sorcery and unnatural, exotic, classic Valyrian looks) — Greece (Ancient Greece/Greco-Roman Empire), Rome (Roman Empire), Byzantine (Byzantine Empire), Cyprus and a little bit of Turk
Rhoynar/Dornish — Spain, Portugal, Turkey (Ottoman Empire), India, Palestine, Pakistan, Albania, United Arab Emirates (at least in my modern setting AU) (but mostly Turkey and India)
Yi-tish — China (Chinese Empire), Japan, Korea, Vietnam (but mostly China)
Dothraki — Mongolia and Hunns
Ghiskari/Slaver’s bay population (Meereneese/Astapori/Yunkish) — Egypt (Egyptian Empire)
Qartheens — Babylon and Assyria
Sarnori/Saathi — Iordan and Persia
Lengii — Taiwan, Thailand and Sri-Lanka (Indonesia)
Asshai’i (Minus magic and sorcery, oily blackstone/dark architecture, resembling “Tolkien’s” Mordor and sea/water expanse beside it) — Thebes
Summer Islanders — South and Latin America (mostly Peru and Aztec/Inca/Maya civilisation)
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lazuli-writes · 11 months
What if the Sarnori migrated?
summary: So how do we get the Sarnori people saved and to Westeros? Ten thousand ships give or take.
pairing: none
genre: rabbit hole rambles
estimated word count: 2250 words
a/n: Another oldie, please note that this is obviously just a lot of unrealistic fiction fun. Remember folks, copying other people’s works is plagiarism and that’s illegal. Don’t be that kind of person. Anyways, hope you all enjoy it :)
©little-lazuli. Do not copy, repost, or translate without permission
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Yayyyy another totally random asoiaf what if rabbit hole I have found myself in. For today’s topic I am talking about the possibility of the Sarnori pulling a Princess Nymeria. Without further ado let’s go.
For starters, I would start the Sarnori migration during the century of blood. The Dorthraki were on the rise and have conquered Sarnori cities one by one. And the great battle called the Field of Crows in canon became the largest battle between the Sarnori and Dothraki. This is where I would split off.
Mazor Alexi who was known in canon as the last High King of Sarnor had led a united Sarnori force of approximately 120,000-130,000 men to combat the four Khalasars who eventually corner Mazor’s force on all sides and crushed them. After that they would soon sack and burn Mazor’s city Sarnath to the ground, Sarnath was also basically the capital of the Kingdom of Sarnor.
The point of divergence begins in the mist of the Field of Crows battle. Mazor who is recognizing his forces are about to be surrounded makes a desperate retreat with only 10,000 forces left as his back, the rest were left to be butchered by the Dothraki.
Knowing he has little time left before the Khalasars would descend on his home and people, he decides to do the Nymeria and evacuate his city on boats. Thousands, upon thousands of people would join the exodus, following their king. Ships, rafts, boats and logs would sail up the river Sarne away from the city of Sarnath. Hundreds more people would also ride on their horses and chariots (just a fyi the Sarnori were famed for their scythed chariots) the scene of the thousands of people leaving Sarnath would be in a sad sense legendary and memorable as maybe called the “exodus of Sarnath” or something like that (basically similar to nymeria’s “ten thousand ships”).
The Khalasars would reach the empty city and plunder what they could before razing the city and taking what was left (maybe people who didn’t want to leave or even some resources). Mazor’s group would sail/ride non stop, reaching the Sarnori city of Rathylar and also gathering more resources and more people to their exodus as the threat of the coming Dothraki was imminent and inevitable. The men and women on horses (men and women were expected to go to war together in Sanori culture) would be the scouts for the greater group of refugees.
Mazor’s fleet of refugees would stop in the ruins of Hornath (another Sarnori city destroyed by Dothraki) as they travelled up the Sarne. They would rest and gather what little supply they could before continuing in their journey up the Sarne. Also as Mazor is sailing up the Sarne, I am sure other Sarnori refugees fleeing the Dothraki would join the large group of refugees.
I think there would be constant small skirmishing of some smaller Dothraki Khalasars meeting the refugee fleet but nothing too big as Mazor’s fleet would continue sailing up north. The next major rest stop would be the ruins of Kyth. More rest, more supplies gathering and maybe another skirmish or two. On north the fleet would continue, until the reach the next stop, Mardosh, the ruined Sarnori city of soldiers that prompted Mazor Alexi to unite the Sarnori in the first place.
After finally leaving Mardosh, the fleet would take a trip to the last two Sarnori cities based at the Sarne river delta. The sister cities of Sarys and Saath. Mostly out of the Dothraki’s radar for now, Mazor’s fleet would rest for some time here, but once news of the coming Dothraki from the east reaches Mazor, Sarys is all but abandoned as well, leaving the Dothraki little to no treasures or people to plunder. Soon after the razing of Sarys, Mazor makes the decision to set sail, cause he knows that the Dothraki will never accept the Sanori people back onto their lands and at the moment are too powerful to overcome. And Mazor knew that the city of Saath despite having the potential to grow larger and stronger, the land around it would never be enough to sustain all of the Sarnori, a large majority of which have become refugees.
So setting sail (and for the sake of dramatic-ness) Mazor Alexi and his ten thousand ships (more realistically maybe 1000 rafts and boats and small ships) set sail west to find a new home. It was barely a moon’s turn when the Sarnori first landed at the axe. The fabled birthplace of the Andals, Mazor Alexi settled a the Axe, calling the place the new home of the Sarnori.
[this is we’re it gets HELLA blank cause my main purpose is to just get the Sarnori to Westeros]
For some damn reason Mazor is like “whoops we can’t stay here no more” maybe it’s some lingering Khalasars that finally made it passed the great forest of Qohor. Or maybe some Qohorik or Norvosi slavers have been popping up a bit too much and the power of these two cities are threatening the safety of the remaining Sarnori. Or even into some deeper conspiracies, there was a reason the Andals left the axe and created Andalos; maybe there was a great plague or some magical or mystical threat similar to Yeen that was threatening and Mazor was like “enough is enough” and hits the ocean with his people again.
In good ole asoiaf suspenseful explanation fashion, I imagine Mazor’s exodus would be detailed down into a tale maybe called “the tales of the tall men” similar to the apparently canon book “the end of the tall men” or have Mazor’s tale be called smn like “Mazor’s Exodus” or “The Fleet of the Tall Men” but anyways, and excerpt of Mazor’s tale concerning why he led people out and away from the Axe goes:
“the Andals held reasons for why they decamped from the lands of the Axe. Reasons for which had defiled my slumber with harsh terrors. Reasons for which my children (Mazor’s reference towards his people) hold fear in their hearts. Reasons that now demanded I spare my children and I more suffering and Grace the cold sea once more”
Next stop, Lorathi Bay. It was here Mazor Alexi founded another new home for his people. The game and the land was good for his people to sustain themselves. The neighbors however, was not that cute. The Lorathi people despite their exceptionally weak military and naval strength, they became a nuisance to the Sarnori who were just trying to survive. The Ibbenese sailors who sailed far from Ib all the way to the Lorathi bay to fish some Leviathans were hard people who were clear that did not appreciate the competition for resources. And then now the third neighbor, the newly revealed Braavosi who had open their gates and revealed themselves to world, and now with many of the fishermen coming, more competition for food.
Competition would reach a boiling point in the Leviathan War: It started with a disagreement between some Ibbenese and Lorathi ships fighting over some gain and in the end, the Sarnori ships are collateral damage. And where there are Braavosi, there is Braavosi domination. So onward Mazor sails again. With the amount of wood, food and mined ore such as Amber and tin that are quite common in the Lorathi bay area, Mazor’s fleet are now somewhat more refined and redone. Now with actual ships, whether it be large galleys or some cogs, they got some new ships now and they aren’t on the brink of starvation.
So on they set sail, leaving the Lorathi bay. As they sail, they decide to remain rather close to the coast so that they can take breaks, catch some food and rest. But onward they go. Eventually they sail outside of Braavos and do end up trading with the new Free City and require some wealth from selling some of their gain or fur or cloths or whatevers. There they learn of the existence of Westeros cause this is just me but I would think that the common people of Central or more internal Essos wouldn’t know the most about the sunset kingdoms.
With that in mind, Mazor’s fleet crosses the narrow sea West and more west and more west and bam they land in the Vale, more specifically the Paps, the Andals there aren’t particularly fond of the non Andalosi folk so Mazor continues his sailing, avoiding the fingers and making another stop at the Sisters. Luckily Mazor found the islands during the day cause if it was at night, for sure the Sistermen would have tried smn. The sistermen traded their goat milk and goat cheese for some oil made out of the blubber from the whales and leviathans the Sarnori had encounter back at Lorathi bay. Mazor Alexi sat with the ruling lord Borell at Sisterton where the Borells informed the Sarnori king of the North and how they were evil people. Savages among men and relayed the story of the R*pe of the Three Sisters islands. And then they told the story of the Vale and their overzealous kings who despised all who did not follow their faith.
Mazor, with that information decided to not sail north nor south but rather to continue west, to reach the middle land between the two wretched kingdoms that the Sistermen informed them of. Landing in the very northeast corner of the Riverlands, Mazor’s Harbor was founded and a bright and hopeful town was established. But of course, happy endings don’t really exist in the world of ice and fire. Who decides to show up? The Freys. As overlord of the land, they aren’t too happy having a bunch of foreigners they deem savage like and inhumane occupying and “stealing” their land and profiting of it.
So what do the Freys do? They do what they do best. Being a bunch of bitches. Raiding, attacking, and just down right antagonizing the Sarnori. Mazor Alexi, who has had to see the near annihilation of his people and culture, hopeful to have finally found a home for his people and is now being bullied by a bunch of close minded, high maintenance little shits… in the words of Detox, “I’ve had it OFFICIALLY!”
Mazor Alexi, gathering his men and women to fight would ambush a small force of Frey men sent to meet and antagonize the Sarnori once more. With that battle, they would force the survivor(s) to tell them of the Twins. Knowing he could not just win a battle on the field, inspired by the stories of Harwyn Hoare who had just recently invaded the Riverlands in hopes of conquering it told by the captured Frey Men, Mazor had his people carry or pull some of the ships, maybe the cogs, from Mazor’s Harbor all the way to the headwaters of the Green Fork near the borders of the neck. Separating his forces, Mazor would lead his small fleet of maybe five cogs down the Green Fork en route to the Twins down south. The other force made of the majority of his men and women foot soldiers and charioteers, they waited away the east tower of the Twins out of their line of vision.
In the dark of night, Mazor’s ships rowed down the Green Fork and in a hectic mission, climb the piers of the large bride and take over the central tower. It’s a lucky success and here comes the hard part, infiltrating the east tower, Mazor himself leads his men in the assault on the east tower, not with the intention of securing the tower but just opening the gate. The rumbling of the charging chariots and following them the other spare riders and foot soldiers awake both castles. The Freys are quick to try an fight their way into taking back the castle. However, reinforcements are stalled by the Sarnori archers in the central tower protecting the bridge. Though the Freys eventually take back the central tower, it’s too late.
Reaching the east gate, Mazor and his immediate group of soldiers open the east portcullis, allowing the Sarnori armies to invade the East keep. Despite the west keep’s attempt to take the castle, men are butchered when the scythed chariots race across the bridge, butchering many men. The struggle on the bridge where the main fighting has taken place comes to a sudden halt after Mazor holds Lord Wendel Frey (sorry he’s a oc I just needed a name for this Frey) hostage. The west keep soon surrenders. Having some mercy, Mazor let’s most of the Frey family go, but they are all stripped of all weapons and finery. Left only in servant clothes, the Sarnori banished them all out of the castle and force them to leave. All except one. A daughter of Frey who who caught Mazor’s eye is kept for Mazor to wed. The Twins are soon taken and occupied by Mazor and his people.
Mazor and his Frey wife soon marry and are proclaimed king and queen of the Sarnori people. House Alexi of the crossing is established, and the lands and hills stretching from the Twins to Mazor’s Harbor, Sarnori people begin to settle (maybe integrate or displace the local andal smallfolk) and they soon call the place their new home, a new Sarnor.
Okie dokie that’s all for now. I know it’s a lot of luckiness and just downright wtf moments and some clear “that wouldn’t fkn happen” but hello that’s the point, it’s a fictional rabbit hole where nothing is realistic. But anyways, those are my thoughts on a possible established Sarnori population in Westeros. What are some thoughts or other what if’s y’all had in mind? For now though, thank you and seeya :))
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jonswann · 1 day
Sands of Power
a starter with @aliandramartell-1
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The musty scent of ancient tomes filled the air as Jon strode into one of the vast libraries of the Red Keep. Shafts of sunlight streamed through the narrow windows, casting long shadows among the towering bookshelves. Jon’s eyes flickered across the room, taking in the wealth of knowledge that surrounded him. 
He reached for a dusty volume, Runined Cities, Stolen Gods, a book Jon had seen referenced elsewhere. It told the story of the fall of the Kingdom of Sarnor.
When you are unable to assess the threats around you, you are bound to fall, Jon thought as he looked through the pages. Between his page-turning, his eyes bought sight of a figure at the far end of the library. Princess Aliandra Martell stood amidst the shelves, her regal bearing unmistakable. 
Jon watched her for a moment, noting the way she moved with a predatory grace. As he observed Aliadnra, he felt a flicker of admiration. She, too, was a leader who cared deeply for her people. His thoughts were interrupted as Aliandra turned, her dark eyes locking onto his. Jon felt a familiar mix of determination and caution. His spies had gathered many things about the princess, but he takes nothing for certain until he sees her in person. Ambitious, intelligent, and charismatic. Yet reports also noted her streak for vengeance. It was time for him to learn for himself. 
He took a deep breath, closed the book, and gathered his thoughts. His stubborn nature urged him to speak plainly, but his more diplomatic instincts told him to use care. With measured steps, Jon approached Aliandra. 
“Princess Martell,” he began, inclining his head in a show of respect. “Jon Swann of Stonehelm,” he said with a hand to his chest, indicating himself. “I did not expect to find you here, of all places. What brings you to the Red Keep’s library on such a fine day?” 
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a thread with @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood
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444names · 3 months
Names generated from Quenya names and Quenya names written backwards, plus Irish forenames
Abendorp Abhán Abmairotárd Abmendúnuon Adablis Adnamre Adnussiled Afinn Agnacron Aiginyart Aitiadlaräe Aitnoider Alagolyaly Allav Amari Amorom Amralic Amriondë Amíric Anindloit Anlauqal Anluct Annap Annilallurw Annór Antairiel Anyar Aratnil Armac Arnam Artoople Artún Arudno Aráthri Atanwë Ataynir Athghach Atimól Atsor Attatal Auqam Avalang Aylerif Aytar...
Barmorildón Beachán Begdenil Beleinë Belic Bendol Birmar Blámë Bodastain Brictows Béannéy Béaoir Calaolop Calava Calindë Callohc Camastira Camianivina Canala Caretsin Chorim Cilasus Cildil Coifiono Coláma Coren Corut Crincán Damanatsus Daream Deano Deavyh Deept Derght Deroc Dessal Dlein Dnatheatan Dnoiw Docileán Dredlo Drinrut Duruts Eagni Eatretlen Ecalameld Ecoiruows Eiliard Eiratarusta Eldautuoh Eldónë Elenol Eleyb Elmac Elocabmain Elwodh Emlugnar Eranaëf Erinauc Erlegelufer Eruoy Eróiróna Estin Evanalindo Eälómë Eälórel Eärnav Eärniv Eärrevic Faitro Falannatnul Falirodno Farthfhla Feibards Feiril Felped Fiamow Finayrissë Fingsli Fingwa Finihchinn Finya Fireanih Flaimachal Flandonemól Folma Forins Fornë Frame Frinyë Fëang Fíongast Gendë Gnand Gnieht Gnielo Gniumnarb Gnuadh Gobley Graytir Greav Hainnán Haltsi Hilín Hingin Hröani Hsafts Htang Htraclinírë Htronnait Idarayni Idhröa Idnifted Ilantirús Illodnack Ilvel Imarda Inatant Inquen Inquibhem Inulessar Irran Iryadnatar Irávandrow Islicalo Jeronde Khalaundur Knalnion Knorambë Lafiak Lamlac Lasac Lavalc Lehtneuq Leniondo Lerut Letil Liack Licklundil Lidna Lidnahs Lidno Lidnuaira Lilauren Limhísë Limór Linivnelen Lionám Lionón Lirit Lisín Liter Litsam Livin Llandubhán Lliefinë Llotreh Loarólick Lochlanail Lodlis Lognis Lohtnern Lufrisso Látsi Lómil Madnoi Madrap Magánar Maitnanólë Majohtel Maltál Manam Mandow Margeri Marniefion Maynacramak Mbastoldaeb Mento Methe Migín Milbar Minwol Mirbhlatsin Mirican Muinór Muirep Nachord Narnë Navagnid Naëvírë Negeb Nemeródnap Nemranwë Nemratiahán Nermë Nerudnewd Neulemion Nevae Niahtaw Ninnalómë Niryards Nisnraver Nithyar Nivic Nocamba Noiluma Noinaira Noiran Noiry Nolindë Nomeful Nosir Nácureldë Néimadha Númirwë Obhaniantë Odahk Odnew Oiplein Oliallion Omámacholám Ondeemindë Oreftark Orghs Orlal Orothnadh Oscam Ostoron Othín Ottolán Otárë Partsar Pilin Praghta Priednist Profyella Puramo Pádron Quendih Raciaght Rambeala Ramingae Ramrap Ramylkcon Rannáv Rannín Ratari Rathe Rathgirial Ratië Ratsed Rearair Reassendav Relat Relch Releánair Renat Rendecith Rendë Rentól Reren Rerutalë Restem Rewinail Reytserom Riatper Ricary Rokure Rualma Ruata Rudner Ruivirace Ruthnestoc Rátaírë Réaoi Salótë Samba Sandië Sarma Sarnor Sawloh Sdned Sdneniquet Sdnoidle Sdrathemórë Sdrindo Sealafinam Sellidniv Sgimos Sgnips Sidlidrampa Sifalapa Sighs Sillan Sinwë Sirian Slings Snegilín Sondilín Sorontól Soutarer Spalayh Sreldalav Srondiley Sseruleivás Ssusaht Stanólië Strom Stsew Swormaol Taitalanm Talquen Tandussor Tanirgire Tavae Tedna Terohtirp Teron Testaitna Teugnik Thghtayneim Thnait Tnungollac Touniba Tramlinna Trellog Tsaelgamar Tulion Tummeach Turealviéno Turesaptang Tyeluat Ualendië Uiratritë Ulkcandie Undil Unúmerta Vaeldonds Vaerut Vaglo Valachamo Valloh Vatarya Vatneards Vawgnuseár Vieniter Vindo Vinques Váynahy Wester Wiahs Wodna Yattaul Ytian Ytirmë Áriondo Éiléideaca Ëdlet Ëdnad Ëdnanah Ëdnel Ëdnifaoda Ëdnolo Ëdnorá Ëilande Ëildar Ëilileh Ëilíonácnul Ëinúlidna Ëirind Ëitso Ëlach Ëlatelcal Ëmleilk Ëmronórabm Ëmrornoindo Ëmúnaf Ënódlen Ërudnulets Ërunáhalië Ërólisrimen Ëssecnaxa Ësser Ëssourcar Ëssout Ëthanorow Ëtiar Ëtnairandë Ëwlav Ëwlië Ëwnaval Ëwniar Ëwnirs Ëwniródle Ëwniseál Ídetornallë Óseleivilín Úroniviadna Úvand Ānrial
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greenbloods · 9 months
girls go to myr to get more fur boys go to sarnor to get more lead ore
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hugovance · 5 months
| @benblackwood | | setting :: the riverwalk tower's reading room | | the coronation | | summary :: hugo comes to share something with ben from the library o9f jaehaerys targaryen |
"This is The End of the Tall Men, the fall of the Kingdom of Sarnor written by Maester Bello. It's in the library of the Red Keep. To be more exact it's in the section for the King. No one saw me, of course, you can disappear in crowds like this one. Anything is possible." Hugo spoke to Ben Blackwood as they sat in the reading room of the tower that would be their temporary home while they awaited the third Targaryen coronation of their lifetime post Dance. The Son, the daughter, and now the Green. Hugo believed this time in history would be perfect for his records.
The son of Wayfarer's Rest never missed an opportunity with grand invitations were sent out. A man who loved history appreciate living history just as much. And when there was something grand happening he went to see it. It didn't matter to him if it required a great deal of travel. Ruling lands that were settled meant the Lord had more freedom. Wayfarer was the sort of place that benefitted from his order, from his list, and from dates. As long as the petty lords and landed knights and village sheriffs did their duties then nothing would ever fall out of place.
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"Careful with the pages. I think I'll have enough time to copy it all down and bring it home with us. There are other books. Many. I might have to bring a sack with me though that could ruin the discretion required for one to borrow things without being seen."
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aurora-light-blog · 2 years
Yi Tish Dragon Legacy : Books
         By Shella Longclaw
 The first Yi Tish book that I read was “Dragons of Gold” by Priest Judge Coi and scribe Otu Wafi. It details the history of Yi Tish dragonriders from the first Emperor Chai Zi to the last Lady Ani Zard. Other resources are the “Princess in Valyria,” “Jade Sea Pirates,” and “Tales of Prince Choq Nen.” Though the “Jade Sea Pirates” and the “Tales of Prince Choq Nen” aren’t about Yi Tish dragonriders, the books are about Yi Tish sailors facing Valyrian dragons during the indigo emperors’ dynasty. The “Princess in Valyria” details the life of Princess Priti Chai in ancient Valyria. It gives a wealth of information on Valyrian society and life.
Despite these records, there are still many unknowns. For instance, it is unclear how many Valyrian children Princess Priti Chai bore. Some records state four, five or six offspring. As for her death, some scribes claimed that she died in an accident, while priests believed that she was murdered. “Tales of Prince Choq Nen” are known to be exaggerated. It is unknown if he truly killed a hundred dragons. Yet, there is proof unlike other Westerosi supposed dragonslayers that he did indeed slay dragons. The amount and the method are still unknown.
In my opinion, the greatest finding is Lady Valaena Belaerys’ dragon care scrolls. She left instructions to her children on the feeding and caring for their dragons. The instructions were written in High Valyrian and Yi Tish. Sadly, the Yi Tish copy was destroyed. We are fortunate that the Valyrian scroll is intact at Carcosa. Copyists and interpreters have used the scroll as practice over thousands of years. The information is still preserved. Here is a small sample of it.
Ancient Valyrian dragonlords were very strict with who could gain access to their dragon eggs. It was commonly said according to Sarnor’s resources that “A man could take a mountain of gold from Valyria before he could touch a dragon egg.” Lady Valaena Belaerys herself took some eggs for her children with the other lords’ permission. It was easy for her to do, but not her children. So, she devised a scheme to gain Yi Ti more dragons. Fossilized dragon eggs weren’t able to be hatched. The dragonlords had a habit of discarding the fossilized eggs in a cave on top of a mountain. Several lords didn’t wait for the dragon eggs to be completely fossilized. The Emperor Chai Zi flew his dragon to the mountain and retrieved dozens of such eggs.
Partial fossilized dragon eggs could be hatched by a process called softening. A dragonrider uses their dragon’s fire to heat up the egg and pours blood on top of it. The softening process only works for two days, though within that time the dragon egg can be hatched. With this process, Yi Ti gained their dragons without Valyrian knowing.
This had been some of my findings. I only wish the Targaryens had left records behind. We have just Septon Barth’s book for information. Though his book is good, it has some conjecture from an outsider. The biggest obstacle is bias in the written form, which both Westeros, Valyria and Yi Ti have in common. I will endeavor to present to you all a clear picture of Yi Tish dragonriders.
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izvozvi · 4 years
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a proud and quarrelsome people, the sarnori were seldom ever united under a single ruler, but their kingdoms dominated the western grasslands, from the forest of qohor to the eastern shores of the vanished silver sea, and fifty leagues beyond. their gleaming cities were strewn across the grasslands like jewels across a green velvet mantle, shining beneath the light of sun and stars. the greatest of these cities was sarnath of the tall towers, where the high king dwelt in his fabled palace with a thousand rooms.
— the world of ice and fire
asoiaf meme: cultures | the sarnori
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reylatargaryen · 4 days
What I hear when I imagine the main/noteworthy nations of Essos/Essosi descent:
Valyrians/Free cities population (particularly Volantis and Lys):
Ghiskari/Slaver’s bay population (Meereenese/Astapori/Yunkish):
Summer Islanders:
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warsofasoiaf · 5 years
If the Sarnori got their act together a bit earlier than OTL and met the Dothraki as a unified force under competent leadership, could they have survived the Dothraki onslaught, or were they doomed from the beginning?
That’s a big if. A united Sarnor might have the manpower to lure the Dothraki in and then pen them in a region that’s difficult to retreat from, or send assassins to murder key khals and let the Dothraki infighting hamper their strategic goals. But I would need numbers and maps and other stuff to write out a victory for them. The Dothraki seem to be of a higher caliber back then than they are in the current novel series given their victory at Mardoth, so there’s a lot of what if’s there.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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atena75 · 3 years
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What would wear a woman of the Old Kingdom of Sarnor.
Alin Le Kal | Spring Summer 2019
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blackfashion · 3 years
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Sweet Garmai performed by Mai Moxi ft Young Paris prod. by Misterchaa OUT NOW ❗️
Videographer: MaineFlixzz
Director of Production: Ahyiesha Sarnor
Stylist: St. Arrison Le’moyne
Designers: Toya of Touche’ by TuTu
| SavageXFenty
Makeup: Erica Lorene
Custom Nails: Sasha Fyffe
Stream Sweet Garmai everywhere
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kareenvorbarra · 3 years
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thanks @berrysphase!​
The Carpenter’s Son is actually one of my few ongoing fics! It’s more a collection of scenes featuring the same group of characters than a real multichapter fic with a plot. The WIP document contains bits of scenes that I never finished. 
Anyway, The Carpenter’s Son is maybe the only fic I’ve posted for any fandom that doesn’t contain a single canon character. It’s set in Easterling-occupied Dor-lomin, and the primary characters are Dineth, a Hadorian woman who was born several years after the Nirnaeth; Gregan, an Easterling carpenter who wins Dineth from a friend of his in a game of chance; and Ardan, their son. Dineth and Gregan have an ongoing sexual relationship that is not consensual on Dineth’s part, though she goes along with it because there’s really nothing else she can do. When Ardan is in his early 20s, he and Dineth run away and escape to Sirion. 
I came up with these characters in a very backwards way. Back in 2014 I decided I wanted to write about the Third Kinslaying as experienced by an Edain family living in Sirion, and started coming up with characters. I decided that one of the parents in the family was born in Sirion, and one was from somewhere else. Dor-lomin seemed like the interesting choice, and then I thought I’d like to write about a character with one Hadorian parent and one Easterling parent, who had escaped to Sirion with his Hadorian parent. That character became Ardan, and because I am the person that I am, I needed to know everything about HIS parents, and thus I got Dineth and Gregan. Of course, I immediately became fixated on those three characters, and the story about Ardan’s family during the Third Kinslaying was never written (though there is a chapter on AO3 about Ardan meeting his future wife). 
Anyone who’s ever talked to me about Greek mythology knows that i’m VERY invested in stories about the kind of relationship that Dineth and Gregan have: long term non-consensual relationships with fucked-up power dynamics that are also socially sanctioned, in which the disempowered person has to learn to cope with their circumstances in order to survive. Most of the scenes in the fic are related to that, or about Ardan grappling with the circumstances of his birth and his relationships to his parents. If any of this sounds interesting, the completed scenes can be found on AO3 here. 
An excerpt from one of the incomplete scenes is posted below (warning for implied non-con): 
Spring had finally begun to take hold in Dor-lómin. The sun felt warm on her skin for the first time in months, and none of winter’s bite remained in the breeze that tugged at her hair. Unable to stay indoors on such a day, Dineth took an old chair out of the kitchen and set it in a patch of sunlight near the house, bringing her basket of mending with her.  
Ardan sat on the ground near her feet, playing with a collection of pebbles he had gathered at the river yesterday; Maewen and Dineth had brought him along when they went to wash clothes. He seemed quite intent on arranging the stones exactly the way he wanted them, unfazed by the fact that a few of them were almost too large for his clumsy toddler hands. Dineth kept a close eye on her son as she darned one of Gregan’s socks, watching to make sure he did not suddenly decide to wander farther out into the yard where the men worked.
Gregan had left the workshop today and was now laboring beside Sarnor. The younger man looked up and, seeing Dineth watching them, grinned at her. She smiled back. Her friend quickly returned to his task when the carpenter glanced up as well, and Gregan’s eyes met hers. He did not smile, but some of the hardness seemed to leave his face, even as he looked away from her. She followed his gaze and realized, with a strange jolt, that he was watching her child.
In some ways they were almost a family. She mended the carpenter’s clothes and shared his bed and bore his son, and he provided for her and Ardan through his own labor. He was even faithful to her in his own odd way, Dineth thought bitterly - his desire for her had not waned over the years, and he seemed to have no interest in any other women. A mockery of a marriage.
But she was not his wife and Ardan was not his son, not by any admission of his own. Gregan regarded her as more tool than person, worth only her labor and the pleasure she could give him. She still had no idea what, if anything, he had planned for her son - she could rule out death, surely, after two whole years, but the possibility that the carpenter might want to sell Ardan once he was old enough to be worth something still hung over her, a blow that might fall at any time.
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sebeth · 3 years
The World Of Ice And Fire: The Valyrian Empire
Warning, Spoilers Ahead...
Old Ghis has fallen, conquered by Valyria. The Valyrians looked around and decided that mass slavery is a great idea, one worthy of emulation. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss?
The Valyrians forced their slaves to mine for ores in the Fourteen Flames: copper, tin, iron, gold, silver, etc.
Thousands upon thousands died mining the Flames. The Valyrian Empire expanded in all directions – to the very shores of Essos – as the need for slaves increased.
The Valyrians raised cities on the shores of Essos, now known as the Free Cities.
Religious schisms caused the founding of Qohor and Norvos.
Old Volantis and Lys were trading colonies. The merchants chose to be “clients” of the Valyrian Freehold rather than subjects.
Pentos and Lorath existed pre-Valyria but submitted and were allowed to retain their native rule. Political marriages were used to bind these cities to Valyria.
Yandel disputes Pentos’s claim to pre-existence as the source of the information is Gessio Haratis’s Before The Dragons. Yandel states Haratis was a native of Pentos and made these claims as a “political convenience” as Volantis was “threatening to restore the Valyrian empire under its control”. Yandel doesn’t dispute Lorath’s claim to pre-dating the Valyrian conquest.
Braavos was founded in the aftermath of a slave uprising. Prisoners rebelled against their captors while at sea and sailed far north “to a forlorn corner of Essos – a place of mudflats and brackish water and frogs”. The slaves laid the foundation of the city and remained hidden from the world for centuries.
Braavos continued to be known as the Secret City even after its discovery by the outside world. The Braavosi consist of “scores of races, a hundred tongues, and hundreds of gods”. The common tongue is Valyrian.
No one knows the full extent of the Valyrian conquest as the records were destroyed by the Doom.
The Rhoynar resisted the Valyrians for centuries. They founded great cities along the Rhoyne and were the first to learn the art of iron-making.
The Kingdom of Sarnor held out against the Valyrians only to fall to the Dothraki after the Doom.
The most complete history of Valyria is Galendro’s The Fires of the Freehold but it is missing twenty-seven scrolls.
Up next, The Arrival of the Andals…
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