#sara finally deciding that her friendship with felice is more important than her feelings for august
A Re-Evaluation of Laurel Lance: Season 4
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There is not really much to say about Laurel in season 4. She barely does anything. The only significant thing she does is die. But I will try to say some things anyway.
Fully a Part of Team Arrow (Finally!)
On the positive side, Laurel is fully part of Team Arrow now! She fit seamlessly into the group dynamic, and it really feel like she belongs there. Although her friendships with a lot of the members of Team Arrow still don’t feel as specific and developed as I would like, it does feel like she’s friends with them. She is often seem helping out and emotionally supporting the other members of Team Arrow. And as a side-note, Laurel is still shown as not the greatest fighter, and definitely struggles more than the other characters, so I really do think that complaint that she become a good fighter too fast is off-base, and probably sexist.
Lack of Focus on her Character
Laurel is even more of a supporting character this season than last season. Each season her character’s importance and screentime has decreased. This season, she only has two episodes where she has an arc: “Haunted,” and “Eleven-Fifty Nine.” Apart from these, episodes she doesn’t really do much of importance, besides resurrecting Sara, which is not really about her.
Although she does have some good scenes, it is always when she is acting as the supportive friend to another member of team Arrow. And it really feels like Laurel relates to these character. When Diggle confides in her that he has been investigating Hive and his brother’s death secretly for two years, she advises him to tell others, saying that carrying the burden of a secret like that only ends up badly, talking from her own personal experience of keeping Sara’s death a secret from Lance. In a later episode, Laurel provides Diggle emotional support about his brother, as Laurel of all people she can relate to his dilemma and feelings. Her only role in episode six is to act as emotional support for Sara (and to take part in the fight scenes). Laurel supports Thea in her dealing with the affects of the Lazarus pit.
Throughout the season, she emotionally supports Oliver. She also calls him out and challenges his bullshit, sometimes even effectively.  All of these scenes with Oliver are nice scenes because he is finally treating her like an equal, and the conversations between them, for the first time, feel like they are between two equals. However, these scenes, however nice they are and however great Laurel comes off in them (coming off as wise and emotionally mature), are still all about Oliver. She even acts as support for Nyssa’s character and story arc. But she works really well as a supporting character now that she is fully integrated into Team Arrow. As the AV Club states, “ Her character can work in the right situations, and the last several episodes have established that Katie Cassidy is at her best when trading one-liners and being part of the vigilante team—when she’s a supporting character, in other words. Maybe there was a way for Laurel to be something more, but neither the creative team nor Cassidy ever hit upon a compelling way to deepen her character.”
Laurel also has emotional stuff that is underdeveloped or left hanging. For example: Laurel finding out that Lance worked for Darhk. Nothing really comes from this. I was expecting this to be a big confrontation or storyline between Laurel and Lance, especially since they made a point of Lance and Oliver keeping this info from Laurel. Laurel just tells him that she is the one who decides what protection she needs and that’s the end of it. The Laurel of previous seasons would have been really angry that Lance did bad things in the name of protecting her.
Oliver and Laurel relationship
One of the only episodes in which Laurel has an arc is “Haunted.” The show finally acknowledges the distance between Laurel and Oliver and does something about it. Oliver considers distancing himself from Laurel after Alex suggests that its a good idea for his campaign. Thus, the episode sets up how far they have drifted away from each other. And the rest of the episodes remedies that, or tries to anyway.
When Oliver finds out that Laurel resurrected Sara, and that a soulless Sara is wreaking havoc on the city, Oliver is furious at Laurel, especially that she didn’t ask for his help after Sara escaped. Laurel tells Oliver that the reason she didn’t tell him or ask for his help is because he’s always judgmental of her. Laurel is right--not about not telling him, but about how judgmental Oliver is of her, because he holds her to a higher standard than anyone else. And it is nice that the show is finally acknowledging how Oliver has treated her, if not why.  
After Sara puts Thea in the hospital, a furious Oliver calls Laurel out for keeping secrets, but Laurel says that he has kept secrets from her too. Laurel rightfully calls out Oliver’s hypocrisy: think how many times in the series Oliver has been angry at Laurel from keeping secrets from him, while he has always kept secrets from her. Laurel also says that Oliver doesn’t see her as an equal and that he never has. THIS IS TRUE!!  She brings up the past: saying he never told her that he was the Arrow, he never wanted her to be the Black Canary, and he never told her that there was a way to save her sister. I am glad that the show has finally kind of acknowledged this, but it is only for a very brief moment, and isn’t really tackled or addressed. Oliver treating Laurel as lesser is a major issue in their relationship, and not something that should easily be fixed or forgiven. But after accusing him of all this, Laurel’s last word in the fight is that she has always loved his family, and just wishes he gave a damn about hers.This is a terrible button to leave the scene on, as it frames the problem as Oliver not caring about her family enough rather than that he doesn’t view or treat her as an equal, and doesn’t view or treat her as her own person. It undermines the excellent points made in this scene by Laurel. Also, this point is blatantly not true! Oliver does care about Laurel’s family. A LOT. He may be willing to go further when it comes to his own family, but he still cares about her’s.
In their next significant interaction, Constatine says he can only take two on the mission to bring back Sara’s soul. Oliver asks Laurel if she trusts him, and she  nods. And Oliver decides the two of them should go. This moment is completely unearned. There has been nothing in the episode to build up the trust that was broken. They work together to lift Sara out of the pit. But it’s a really simple task and doesn’t really involve much communication or trust.
At the end of the episode, Oliver tells Alex that he is not going to distance himself from Laurel, and decides to be a better friend to her. So really, this episode is more of Oliver’s arc than Laurel’s. It’s the arc of them coming together yes, but only Oliver changes from the beginning of the episode; Laurel stays the same.
Their reconciliation is likewise completely unearned and hand-waves away all the valid complaints (about him not treating her as an equal) Laurel made against him this episode. Laurel is even apologetic and thankful. The narrative is that everything is okay between them now because Oliver saved Sara’s soul; Laurel even explicitly says this. However, there isn’t really a correlation between this action and the problems of their relationship. How does him helping Sara (he’s not even doing it FOR Laurel) fix the problem of him never treating her as an equal? Laurel even goes to apologize for the things she said in the hospital. At least Oliver admits that she was right. He says he hasn’t always been the best friend to her, which is kinda infuriating. The way he has treated her throughout the entire series so far is more than just being a bad friend. There is no mention from him that he has never treated her an equal, and the show doesn’t acknowledge it again. It’s frustrating. Laurel shouldn’t forgive him. But she does, easily and happily. It’s sloppy and frustrating.
However, from this point on, Oliver does treat her as an equal, and they have some nice scenes together. If only, it could have been like that since Season 1.
Laurel’s Death
I actually don’t have a problem with Laurel being killed off: the problem, for me, is how they do it. It made sense for Laurel to die; it’s even good storytelling. The show has never really known what to do with her. While she excelled as a supporting character this season, she did not have any arcs or focus - it’s clear they had no idea what direction to take her character. There was no point in keeping her around if that’s the case. Her death raises the stakes and emotional investment in the characters in taking down Darhk. And I think the show did a good job of Laurel’s death not only being for man pain. Yes, Lance, Oliver, and Diggle are the ones most effected and anguished over Laurel’s death. But the show clearly explores Thea and Felicity’s reaction to Laurel’s death and the impact it has on them.
But thy way in which she is killed off and how her character is treated after... it’s just terrible, and her character deserved better.
In Laurel’s death episode, her plot and arc is not even the one that gets the most screen time; that honor goes to the Diggle-Oliver-Andy plot. Laurel’s arc is fine enough, her debating whether or not to give up being the Black Canary to be DA, and ultimately deciding to stay the Black Canary because she loves being out there with them. But up until her death, the Diggle-Oliver-Andy plot carries the most emotional weight, and is the most interesting.
One of the most frustrating ways that Laurel’s death plays out is that she is not killed because of her own actions. She is instead killed because of Lance’s actions. She can’t even die for her own reasons, for her own mistakes, or her own triumphs or acts of heroism. Yes, she died WHILE being a hero, but she did BECAUSE she was a hero. She died for Lance’s sins and subsequent heroism. She died to punish Lance. She died because she was someone a man cared about. Laurel deserved better than to die as solely a result of another character’s actions. She lacks agency in her death, as she did throughout the series. The other major character deaths in the series for far, Tommy and Moira, (with the exception of Sara who was later resurrected) died making heroic sacrifices. They died because of choices they made. Although Tommy died because of his father, he died because he choose to save Laurel, thus he died because he was doing something heroic. Oliver’s actions are the reason for Moira’s death, and she was killed to punish him...but she got the sacrificial moment by choosing her death in order to save Thea, and to save Oliver from having to make a choice. So even if Moira’s death is a lot about Oliver, she is still given agency in it… unlike Laurel in her death.
Her death episode also does her a HUGE disservice in re-framing her relationship with Oliver. In the hospital, she takes out the photo that she gave Oliver before he boarded the gambit. She confesses her love for him, telling him that she knows that she is not the love of his life, but he will always be the love of her life. This is terrible on so many levels. One, it doesn’t make sense and doesn’t track with her character. The Laurel we’ve seen for the past 2 seasons  hasn’t shown any signs of being in love with Oliver. Oftentimes, she doesn’t even seem to like him. In Season 3, she tells Oliver that it’s difficult for her to remember a time when she actually loved him. It just makes very little sense. So, this love confession is a massive retcon of her character. So in her death, she lacks character continuity. Also, in her death, it again reduces her to a love interest, just  someone who loves Oliver unrequitedly. It just straight up sucks and Laurel deserves better. To have one of her last scenes of the series to be her confessing her long-held and unrequited love to a man who has treated her so terribly throughout the entire time they’ve known each other, and that the audience has seen them together. Someone who has rarely viewed her or treated her as her own person. Someone who has consistently denied her her agency. Someone who has not respected her. Someone who has not treated her as an equal. Laurel deserved better than this sexist death.
And then there is the way Laurel is treated after her death from this point until the end of the series. She stops being a person. She is again held up as a symbol of goodness and mortality. And they way the talk about Laurel doesn’t feel at all like the Laurel we’ve come to now. They only talk about her as a symbol and not like a person. For example. we don’t really get any scenes like the one in Season 3 of Laurel talking to Oliver about Sara’s stuffed animal while she’s grieving her death. This season 3 scene showed that Sara was a person, and that Laurel had memories that showed her personality and showed who she was as more than just a hero.
People talk about Laurel as if she was a saint, as if she always did the right thing. When that is not true at all. Laurel throughout the series has done multiple dubious things. In the episode “Schism,”  Oliver talks to Laurel’s grave about killing Darhk, and how its not what she would have wanted. Which might be true? But might not. Laurel spent all of season 3 wanting to kill Sara’s killer out of revenge. It just feels like the show is retroactively rewriting Laurel’s character. If anyone could understand wanting to kill someone to avenge the death of a loved one, it’s Laurel. Laurel wanted to kill. She would have killed someone she thought killed Sara if Oliver had not emptied the gun before hand. Worse, it feels like the show is retconning Laurel’s character from Seasons 2-4, so that she can once again be a symbol of all that is good. Oliver tells Laurel’s grave that what he loved most about her was that she was always better than him (again, this was not true in season 3!), confirming everything I said about season 1. It’s sad to see Laurel’s character backslide this way in her legacy. I have no problem with her legacy being a hero and her desire to save the world, but the show takes it too far, and again, doesn’t treat her like a real person, but like a symbol for goodness, a terrible role in which the show seemed to get away from after season 1. But alas, it’s back.
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jbuffyangel · 6 years
The Wedding: [Olicity] Arrowverse 6x08 Review (Crisis on Earth-X)
This will be the first of two reviews. This review covers only Olicity. I will discuss pretty much everything else in the second review. I thought this would be easier for readers to pick and choose what content they are interested in. Stay tuned for Review #2.
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I've been talking about Olicity getting married since the Berlanti interview where he said, "... but there aren’t alot of superheroes who are married." I think the opening question was where Olicity goes to dinner. That was his answer. Work on that poker face, Greg.
We have discussed and theorized this day for YEARS. So much emotion and expecation has been poured into it. So, what did I think of the final result? Well...
Let's dig in... 
Olicity (and a little bit of other people)
It may be B*rry and Ir*s’ wedding, but Olicity is the dramatic focus. 
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Source: @songbin
Things kick off with a cute start as Ir*s and Felicity talk to their men over the comms. 
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None of our superheroes have RSVP’d for the wedding. There is no truer struggle than this when it comes to wedding planning. 
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Source:  westallenolicitygifs
Oliver is one of the guilty parties, but Felicity gets his act together. Although, if both Oliver and Felicity are in the wedding party there’s really no need to RSVP. Felicity bought a bridesmaid dress. You can never wear those again. She’s coming, Ir*s.
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One of the things I appreciate most about this crossover is their commitment to checking off Olicity Wish List. Oliver and Felicity ride the Ducati into Central City together. 
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Source: @thatonekimgirl​
OLICITY ON THE MOTORCCYLE. IT’S THE DREAM. Yeah, it’s a far away shot. I don’t care. I’ll take it.
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While the ladies are getting their nails done, Ir*s pops the question to Felicity. Hehehe. Not that question, but a vitally important one nonetheless: Are Oliver and Felicity next for a walk down the aisle?
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Felicity essentially uses the “it’s not the right time” excuse because of all the crisis:
City is always under attack
Oliver is being indicted
Oliver is focused on spending time with his son who is still mourning the loss of his mother
I love how sensitive Felicity is to William. She doesn’t want to appear like she’s trying to take the place of his mother in any way. Granted, it's a solid list. I will give Felicity that. But there's always a list. They are superheroes in Star City. There's always going to be a thing.
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Source: smoak-and-mirrors
However, as Felicity sips her champagne, and the ladies toast Ir*s’ impending nuptials, there is a look on her face. It’s not just about timing. Something else is going on here.
Oliver is getting a tux with B*rry, who is worried about jamming ten years of love into one vow.  He's already at 38 pages single spaced. This pretty much sums up B*rry All*n.
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Oliver looks so fine in a tux even B*rry is overcome by the hotness. This pretty much sums up Oliver Queen.
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B*rry being forced to acknowledge Oliver's undisputed hotness pretty much sums up their friendship.
Oliver tells B*rry not to worry because Mr. Queen is a cool cucumber. Yeah right, give it ten minutes. Oliver tells B*rry that when he looks into Ir*s’ eyes the words will just come.
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Of course, we know Oliver is remembering his failed wedding with Felicity. His impromptu, but profoundly honest and heartfelt vows encapsulated everything Felicity means to Oliver. The wedding may have been a rouse, but the vows were the deepest truth Oliver holds in his heart. A truth that remains to this day. Felicity is Oliver’s always and what he wants, more than anything, is a chance to be hers.
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As far as B*rry and Oliver scenes go this one is my favorite. What bonds Oliver and B*rry is a mutual respect and understanding. They each carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. It creates a safe zone for each man to share their thoughts and feelings because they know the other will understand.  
Over the years the primary focus of these talks has become about love. There is a connective thread between these men and their great loves through all the crossovers. 
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Source:  westallengifs
It began in the coffee shop with Oliver telling B*rry to let Ir*s go because he had to do the same with Felicity. Now these men are talking marriage. It’s a wonderful bookend to the evolution of both their love stories.
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Oliver, of course, is thinking about marrying Felicity. It’s all he’s thought about since he fell in love with her. For so long, Oliver didn’t believe that life was possible. However, if he could attain the impossible then it would be with Felicity. She has always been, and will always be, Oliver’s dream. Felicity is the girl you marry. It’s never been about dating for Oliver.
“Looking at her, he saw marriage, a house, lazy Sundays, date nights, babies, sleepless nights and first steps, little league, dance recitals, spelling tests, family vacations, driver’s licenses, college tuition…grandchildren. Oliver saw A LIFE.
He doesn’t want to die. He wants that life. He just doesn’t know how to have it. He doesn’t know how to live it.” (Arrow 3x02 Review)
Now the dream is a reality. Oliver has the life he never thought possible. It’s not just about survival for him anymore. Oliver knows how to live because Felicity taught him how.  Felicity is the reason... she is all his reasons.
“…I get to be like everybody else. I get to make my own decisions, have my own life, do whatever the damned hell I choose. Now here's the good part, so you listen close. What I choose is you. You're who I want to wake up with and go to bed with and do everything in between with. I get a choice now. I get to choose. I choose you… “ Denny Duquette, Grey’s Anatomy
Oliver chooses Felicity. He will always choose Felicity. She is the only person he wants to live this big, beautiful, complicated, dangerous and exciting life with.
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When the time is right. Umm…. WHAT? 
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Listen boy, you are on my last nerve. I reject the “right time” excuse completely. THERE IS NO RIGHT TIME. You run around in leather pants, a mask and shoot criminals with arrows, Oliver. Your extracurricular is very... extra. There will always be some crisis these two will face. What matters is today and the future you will build tomorrow. PUT A RING ON IT.
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Source: feilcityqueen
B*rry All*n is apparently standing in for me. Thanks for the assist B*rry. This almost makes up for being one of the main causes of the Olicity breakup in Season 4.  It does not in any way make up for erasing Baby Sara. You are still on my shit list for that one Allen. I don't care how much Ir*s likes you.
B*rry asks Oliver a very simple question:
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Of course, Oliver cannot contain his smile or the exuberant joy loving Felicity Smoak gives him. This man was once a closed off, brooding, angry and deeply wounded human being. Now he's a rainbow of love, hope and happiness. Oliver Queen is a friggin Care Bear. He wants to shout it from the roof tops.
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Source: eka-darville
Love. It’s all that matters. It’s the reason we get out of bed in the morning. It gives us something to fight for. It gives us SOMETHING TO LIVE FOR.  That was a hell of a speech B&rry. John Diggle would be proud.
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Source:  valeriemperez
Joe gives a beautiful toast to B&rry and Ir&s at the rehearsal dinner. 
“So, B*rry, Ir*s, thank you for showing me how to love again. For showing me that love is the most important thing we have.”
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Source: westallenolicitygifs
As much as the speech was about B*rry and Ir*s, it is also about Oliver and Felicity as the camera not so subtle pans over to them. Oliver is inspired by Joe’s speech and B*rry’s advice, so he decides to propose. Thatta boy Oliver. Go get her.
It does not go well.
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Let’s start with the positive? We’re going to look on the bright side friends because that's how I roll. First, there is a beautiful parallel to Oliver asking Felicity out on their first date. 
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She told him then to speak from the heart and it gave Oliver the courage to ask her out. Felicity says those words again (in reference to Joe’s speech) and it gives Oliver another shot of courage.
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Source:  westallenolicitygifs
Second, Oliver is the cutest cute to ever cute with his nervously rambling and hedging around the big question. Gone is his cool and confident, "the words will just come."
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Source:  fellicityqueen
He mans up though. Now we're rolling.  You can do it Oliver!!!!  He doesn’t pull Felicity up on stage, with Christmas trees and bended knee, but the second proposal packs emotional punch because this boy loves her so much. 
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I understand about the ninjas Oliver and you are forgiven for not kneeling. Mostly because you break out Felicity’s middle name during the proposal and it is romantic as hell. 
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The whole tone of the scene is exactly like the first time Oliver asked Felicity out. This is the perfect full circle moment.
Until Oliver gets shot down.  
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This is painful to watch, adorable babble notwithstanding.
“I’m not understanding what’s going on here.”
“Are you framing this for a “but?”
“This might come as some surprise, but I’m physically incapable of talking about anything else right now.”
They have switched bodies. Oliver is now the Felicity in the relationship.
Felicity doesn’t feel they need a piece of paper to declare their love and commitment to one another. Oliver agrees, but he wants crab cake and toasts too. He’d also like to declare their commitment to one another in front of all the people they love- legal style.
Felicity’s reversal on the subject of marriage is as surprising to me as it is to Oliver. I wasn’t expecting Oliver to propose this early on in the crossover, but I definitely wasn’t expecting Felicity to say no. Oliver is insistent they talk about it now and it eventually leads to Felicity shouting, “Oliver I don’t want to marry you!” and EVERYONE HEARS. 
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Oh God, this is cringe inducing second hand embarrassment. Oliver sort of laugh/cries and it sounds like a strangled puppy. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MAKE IT STOP.
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Felicity makes it absolutely clear she loves Oliver, their life AND WILLIAM. This has nothing to do with not wanting to be part of this family. She absolutely does. Felicity wants to be committed to Oliver, but she rejects the concept of legal documentation.
So, first we get “it’s not the right time” and now it’s “we don’t need a piece of paper.” 
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It’s certainly a woman’s prerogative to change her mind and it’s fine if Felicity rejects the institution of marriage – it’s not for everyone.  However, Felicity’s reasons are wildly divergent in nature. “Not the right time” connotes “maybe someday” while “we don’t need a piece of paper” has a forever sound to it. Someday and never is a pretty wide gap. Felicity probably didn't want to discuss with Iri*s the reason she rejects marriage the day before Ir*s' wedding. However, neither of these reasons sound like the truth to me.
“Love is Emotional” by Neil Finn
A face in the crowd is watching me
Don't you forget that love cannot be
Taken for granted you'll have to believe it that's alright
But I never seem to work out how it ends
And I think it's almost never making sense
And it's hard to control
'Cause love is emotional
Supergirl knows how to pick song lyrics. Damn.
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Source: oliverfelicitygifs
Angst city. The writers managed to make B*rry and Ir*s’ “happily ever after” equally about Oliver and Felicity. That's just... neat. Treats for everyone!
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Oliver and Felicity cannot hide how they feel about each other despite the angst. The minister’s words apply to Oliver and Felicity as much as they apply to B*rry and Ir*s. Once again, the camera pans over to them as the minister says, “These two people deserve to be together.” The minister wins Walter White.
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Oliver “I Have No Chill Please Make All the Babies with Me” Queen stares lovingly at Felicity. 
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Source: @songbin
He longs for the moment he can stand up in front of all his friends & family and declare how much he loves this woman. It’s a familiar look. He’s been longing for this for awhile.
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Unfortunately, the minister gets zapped incineration style before B*rry and Ir*s can get to the declaration part of the ceremony. Ugh. Nazis ruin everything. I hate them. Ir*s is 100% done. Preach it sister.
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All the heroes jump into the fight immediately, except for Oliver. He gets Felicity to safety first. 
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Source: teamolicity13
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As the team regroups and tries to formulate a plan, Oliver wants to take a moment to talk to Felicity.  Despite the madness and impending doom of Earth-X Nazis, Oliver wants to face their problems head on. He doesn’t want to wait. THY NAME IS CHARACTER GROWTH. 
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Oliver Queen, my son, is so grown it makes me weep.
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This is not the Olicity of Season 4 who pretends there isn't any problems between them. This is not the Olicity of Season 5 who pretends they aren’t madly in love with one another. This Olicity faces their issues head on without breaking up. Ya know, like an adult relationship.
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What I have always loved about this couple is they talk about what marriage means to them. They discussed it back in Season 4, when Oliver was hesitant to propose. He didn’t know how to be a vigilante and have a functioning relationship. It was Felicity who convinced him otherwise. 
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It was Felicity who believed with her whole heart they could have it all. 
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Source: oliverfelicitygifs
Oliver reminds Felicity of this fact and desperately wants to know what has changed. Dude, same.
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It's not Oliver specific. Felicity doesn’t want marry anyone.
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Source: captainheroism
Uhhh... it kind of feels Oliver specific, honey. He agrees with me and immediately reminds Felicity she didn’t feel that way two years ago. Felicity immediately reminds Oliver that after accepting his proposal she was shot. Everything is great now.  Why change it?
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Now this feels like the truth. THIS I understand. Felicity Smoak is scared. She is absolutely terrified. She uses a poker analogy with Oliver, “Let’s just stand pat with the cards that we’re holding.” Felicity doesn’t want to risk their relationship. When Felicity looks back on their engagement she views it as an ending, not a beginning. A sentiment she will repeat to Ir*s later.
She is right. When Oliver proposed they were already over. 
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They were over the minute he chose to lie about William. 
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I know Felicity is saying it’s because she was shot, but actually they handled that pretty well together. What tore them apart was all the lying. Felicity doesn’t want Oliver to feel like this is about William, because it’s not. She loves William. So, she points to the gunshot wound and paralyzation for the "sky is falling" comparison. It doesn't change the fact that the lies, being shot and paralyzed are all one big ball of pain.
To be frank, as much as I love the proposal in 4x09, it has always been tainted because Oliver was lying to Felicity when he proposed. 
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Her beautiful and heartfelt speech about what marriage means pretty much fell on Oliver’s deaf ears. (Yeah I know there was an ultimatum. Don’t @ me. We’ve gone over this. It was still wrong.) So, I can’t help but feel that some of the rejection and embarrassment he felt after Felicity said no is warranted? 
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If Felicity knew Oliver lied to her about something so monumental as William, she would have never said yes in the first place. As exhibited by Felicity giving back the ring and calling off their engagement when she did find out. No, wait. She did give Oliver some wiggle room to redeem himself, but then he sent his son away without discussing it with her. That sealed his fate. I feel very Obi-Wan about it.
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Have Oliver and Felicity worked past all these issues? YES. 5x20 dealt with all of these issues. Oliver faced the darkest parts of his soul to understand why he has significant trust issues. 
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Felicity understands why Oliver lied. 
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Oliver knows it was wrong to lie. (That vow he has kept.)
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They’ve learned from their mistakes and built a stronger, more trusting, foundation. As exhibited by facing their issues head on. However, that doesn’t eliminate the element of fear.
If Felicity was really against the whole concept of marriage she wouldn’t hear a peep from me. However, Felicity is making that decision from fear. She doesn’t want to draw another card because it might ruin everything. She’s playing it safe. Anytime Felicity has something wonderful something awful comes along to ruin it. Well, yeah pumpkin. You are on a TV show. That’s how this works.
So, Felicity has decided not to rock the boat. She’s almost being superstitious. Not marrying Oliver Queen is tantamount to knocking on wood or throwing salt over her left shoulder. If they just keep things the same then she can keep all the wonderful. It’s like Felicity is standing on the edge of a cliff with Oliver. He’s ready to jump, but she is content to stay frozen in that spot forever.
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Oliver doesn’t want to remain frozen. He wants to move forward. Marriage is important to him. It does mean something. He knows the future is uncertain and bad things always seem to happen, but that’s even more of a reason to marry Felicity. Oliver is ready to live his life and that means getting married. He wants to stand up in front of all their friends and family and promise always.
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Felicity promises always. She promises it then and there on the steps.
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Oliver has been hoping for a second chance,  but it’s not coming in the form he expected it to. This is all she can give though. Oliver has her heart, but there’s no legal document declaring it. Felicity asks Oliver to respect her decision and he agrees,
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but is it enough for him?
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Source:  oliverfelicitygifs
No, because he emotionally unloads on B*rry and Ir*s five minutes later. 
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Source:  westallenolicitygifs
Oliver knows there’s something else behind Felicity’s decision. To be fair, she doesn’t put it her reasoning as eloquently as she does with Ir*s a few moments later. 
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs
However, because Oliver is the dumbest oak tree to ever live he decides Felicity doesn't love him as much as he loves her.
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Source:  oliverfelicitygifs
Lord boy. You try me.
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B*rry and Ir*s, who are standing in for our usual anchor couple Dyla (and doing a solidly awesome job), tell Oliver he’s a bunch of nonsense. 
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Unfortunately, Felicity walks in at the exact wrong moment. 
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Source:  oliverfelicitygifs
Oh god. Another cringe inducing moment of second hand embarrassment. My babies. This is so awful. Make it go away.
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Felicity wants to do the talking thing again, because apparently the first time didn’t take. 
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Source: westallenolicitygifs 
Sadly, Oliver reverts to form. He needs to get his head in the game. No time for discussing their relationship now. Sigh. Season 6 evolved Oliver was nice while he lasted.
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So, Oliver leaves for battle thinking Felicity doesn’t love him as much as he loves her (re: oak tree). But Oliver is right about something. There is more to this.
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Source: valeriemperez
In one of her greatest speeches ever, Ir*s tells Felicity she also fears the unknown. So much that it gives her nightmares. What helps her get through it is B*rry being next to her.  Ir*s, you are nominated for the #1 Olicity shipper. Diggle is tough competition, but you have a shot. My girl won’t quit until these two are married.
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Ir*s is also right. This time it’s different. Oliver and Felicity’s past has built them as much as it has broken them. Felicity’s fear is absolutely understandable as was Oliver’s two years ago. But loss, pain and crisis aren’t without purpose. It teaches us how to lean on one another, trust, compassion, humility, and what is most valuable in life. It makes us hold on to the happy moments and reach for more every chance we get. Crisis shows us what we are living for. It makes us cherish peace. The unknown will always exist. Bad things will continue to happen to Felicity and Oliver, but that’s true for any of us. That’s just life. If they face it together with grace, honesty and trust – they can get through anything.
This is a monumentally large impasse or at least it feels like it. Felicity doesn’t believe in marriage and Oliver does. It’s not unlike Maggie and Alex’s differing opinions on children. So, are we headed for another break up?
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No. The writers are just jerking our chain one last time. That said, this storyline isn’t without purpose. It’s simply the last hurdle before Oliver and Felicity say “I do.”
But first, we need to survive some really disturbing imagery. Oliver poses as his evil Earth-X doppelganger to infiltrate the Nazis and find a way home. Earth-X Lance is a Sturmbannführer, a major in the SS, and he decides to test if this is the real Earth-X Oliver. So, he brings in the Earth-X version of Felicity. Oh... it gets worse.
Sturmbannführer Lance tells Oliver to execute Felicity for giving her rations to the work camp children. It’s as horrible as it sounds. I don't love this imagery. I understand why it's triggering for some. I also understand why it may anger others. I will discuss my opinions on the Nazis plot in the second review. For now, I'll just say this. As disturbing as this scene was, it can also serve as a reminder we are one breath away from our greatest loves being our greatest enemy. We enjoy so much freedom in the United States, but it’s fragile. It only takes a moment for hate to separate us from those we love. Thus, we must remain ever vigilante.
It also delivers a pretty emotional scene that propels Oliver to some signficant realizations.There is no universe where Oliver Queen would kill Felicity Smoak. Even though Oliver knows it’s a test, he lets Felicity go and reveals his identity to Sturmbannführer. Luckily, Oliver doesn’t need a weapon. 
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Oliver starts kicking some Nazis ass (YES! MY MAN) and finds Felicity hiding once the fight is over. This is a familiar scene. It’s very reminiscent of 2x07 and 3x01,
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except Oliver’s face is one Earth-X Felicity has learned to fear. 
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Oliver reassures her the same way he would reassure HIS Felicity. 
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He finds that quiet, gentle, loving and soft tone. The special voice he uses only for her. Oliver repeats the word that always quells the fear inside Felicity, “hey," and repeats it in a mantra like a lullaby. 
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Oliver gives Felicity a gun and tells her to run. Before she goes Felicity asks Oliver why he’s doing this. He tells her, in a very Earth-X Oliver way -
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Source: oliverfelicitygifs
However, Oliver is not talking about himself. He’s talking about Felicity. She is the strong and Oliver knows Earth-X needs her.
This is the point in the story I think the lesson starts to dawn on Oliver. He loves Felicity more than life itself. He believes in her fundamental goodness. Yet, here on Earth-X, Oliver is presented with a doppelganger version of Felicity. This version of Felicity is no different than his. She is brave, selfless, kind and strong. The same cannot be said for his doppelganger - or even Laurel's or Tommy's.
That's not to say there isn't an evil Felicity out there somewhere in the 53 earths (Although the writers are going to have to show me actual evidence. I refuse to believe it otherwise.) 
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But that doesn't really matter now. Oliver is on Earth-X and on this earth he is a HORRENDOUS person. Yet, Earth-X Oliver is a person who loves deeply. Who is willing to sacrifice anything for the woman he loves. Oliver sees parts of himself in the fuehrer and that is disturbing on many levels.
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Oliver Queen recognizes his darkness more than anyone else. Yes, there is innate goodness in this man, but he very easily could have gone another way. If Oliver never met Felicity Smoak (or Diggle) he would have become a monster much like Prometheus. Oliver's entire Season 5 journey was built around this realization and deeply rooted fear.
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It becomes blindingly clear to Oliver as he stands in a world consumed by hate. We all have good and evil inside. What separates us are the choices we make and what we do with the gifts we’ve been given. Dark Arrow is corrupted by Overgirl as much as she is corrupted by Dark Arrow. Their mutual darkness feeds one another. It is a grotesque display of “love.” But if Dark Arrow had fallen in love with Earth-X Felicity? Then maybe his soul could have been saved. But he didn't. Dark Arrow chose anger and hatred instead. And a love fueled by it. However, our Oliver did meet Felicity. 
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He chose to love her and that has made all the difference in his life.
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Felicity and Ir*s are facing off with their own set of Nazis in an attempt to save Supergirl. I would absolutely watch a show just with these two. This is fantastic television.
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Source:  felicitysmoakgifs
Reverse Flash (yeah, he's back. AGAIN) 
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is about to cut out Supergirl's heart, but the entire lab goes dark. Felicity has locked them out of Star Labs with an encrypted code.
Reverse is going to kill Felicity if she doesn't give up the code. Felicity is a hero down to the marrow and is prepared to die if it means saving Supergirl's life. 
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Source: https://twitter.com/caitybettlotz
Iri*s fights and screams against the Nazis guard, desperate to free herself. She's trying to save Felicity before Reverse Flash kills her. It makes me emotionally thinking about it even now.
Supergirl refuses to let anyone die for her. She insists Felicity give up the code. When she does we see that Oliver is in her every thought.
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When Felicity comes face to face with Dark Arrow she refuses to hand over Supergirl. This time Felicity doesn't back down and tells Evil Earth-X Oliver, in no uncertain terms, to fuck off.  
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Source :sssssssim
It is a GLORIOUS speech given by the hero who inspires us all. Be gone haters. My girl is a QUEEN.
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OUR Oliver arrives with an arrow to Overgirl’s throat just before Dark Arrow is about to shoot Felicity. When Overgirl begins to influence Dark Arrow there is a flicker of fear in Oliver's face. He is prepared to kill Overgirl if necessary to save Felicity’s life. Oliver also knows Dark Arrow is prepared to kill Felicity to save his wife. So, Oliver offers him a peaceful solution instead of threats. The team will help save Overgirl's life if Dark Arrow let's Felicity go. In the face of immense hate, Oliver offers compassion. It’s enough to make Dark Arrow hesitate, which gives Reverse Flash the chance to zip in and whisk them away. I hate that guy, but this works in our favor for the time being.
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What happens next is straight out of fan fiction. I do mean this literally. I’ve read scenes like this verbatim. The only thing missing was a field for Oliver and Felicity to run through. 
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This is the hug to end all hugs.
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Felicity immediately apologizes. She’s been afraid from the moment Oliver left that he would die thinking she doesn’t love him. As for Oliver, well our big dumb oak tree, finally removed head from ass and realized Felicity’s issues with marriage have nothing to do with not loving him enough.
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Felicity is safe. 
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That’s all that matters to him. 
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She is all that has ever mattered.
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Oliver wants to be with Felicity. He wanted it then
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and he wants it now.
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Some things never change. But some things do. Oliver was an immovable object in the past. 
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He refused to compromise with Felicity and held to his rigid beliefs. It cost him happiness.
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It cost Oliver HER. 
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Now, Oliver has learned he can have a life with Felicity. More importantly, he’s willing to compromise to get it. Oliver Queen bends.
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He’s grateful to do it. It is even more clear to him now what a gift it is that Felicity is in his life. She has made all the difference. Felicity makes him a better man and that's what is important. Oliver doesn’t care about getting married anymore. Being with Felicity is more than enough. It’s everything.
See? Nothing like a little crisis to clarify what’s really important. Also, we get an official “in the hood” kiss. Check that off the list too! IT. IS. EPIC. Thank you Stephen and Emily for not holding back. It’s everything I dreamed and more.
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The hood is up and the mask is on. Yet, the man shines through. Oliver is every bit the Green Arrow in this scene. A complete and fully formed hero. It's been a long road, but he's finally found the balance between his two selves. What's more, Oliver knows Felicity was the path to that balance. She helped Oliver find the light in the dark. He has become every bit the man and hero Felicity deserves. And that's why Oliver Queen finally deserves her.
The beauty of the Arrowverse is every show is built on love stories. Whether it’s Oliver and Felicity, B*rry and Ir*s, Kara and Alex, Snart and Mick – the central motivation for each character is love. Not all love stories are romantic in nature, but that doesn’t make their power to influence any less. “Crisis on Earth-X” exemplifies this absolutely perfectly in the relationship between Professor Stein and Jackson.
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Stein eventually succumbs to his injuries (to save Jackson’s life). In his final moments, Stein recognizes the fragility of life. Death comes for us all eventually. Life is but a fleeting moment, a blink, in the scope of the universe. Stein uses his last breath to thank Jefferson for their great adventure.
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Source:  fatedxdestiny
This is a father saying goodbye to his son. Martin wishes Jefferson a long life filled with love. In the end love is all that matters. Stein is able to go because he knows he lived a good life. He used his time on Earth to create, to help and to love. Professor Stein left the world a better place than he found it. His final gift is to give Jefferson the same opportunity.
There is such beauty in this spontaneous wedding and fulfills so much of what Professor Stein wished. His wish isn't just for Jackson. It is for B*rry & Ir*s and Oliver & Felicity too. It is for all of us.
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Source:  valeriemperez
Life is but a blink and all that truly matters is love. Find something to live for and LIVE FOR IT. Grab hold of life with both hands because it’s gone sooner than we can imagine. Don’t wait for the right time because now is all we have. Live a life full of joy, adventure, friendship, selflessness, compassion and love. Don’t let fear control you. You will be a better person for loving and for being loved in return.
The fragility of life is true for all of us, but especially for heroes like W*stallen and Olicity. Each couple tried to plan the perfect day and find the right time. Those things don’t really exist in their world because their lives don’t belong fully to themselves. There is always a crisis. There will always be a reason to wait, which is exactly why they shouldn’t. When the opportunity presents itself they need to seize it.
The way this wedding unfolds is almost symbolic for the journey Olicity went on the last two years. Everything looked perfect on the surface in Season 4, but in reality Oliver and Felicity were not dealing with their issues. Their “fake wedding” was manifestation of what went wrong.  The vows were absolutely real, but they didn’t quite know how to live them yet.
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The beauty of this wedding is that it’s spontaneous, even a little messy, and real. Oliver and Felicity's relationship has never been wrapped in a neat little bow. Their road was rocky and even a little messy. It was also real. They’ve dealt with all their issues and know how to live those vows. The image of the wedding may be imperfect, but the reality behind it is not.
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Felicity realizes this and it’s why she proposes to Oliver. More importantly, Felicity confesses the fear she’s held in her heart for as long as she's known Oliver Queen. 
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This is the fear that controls Felicity. It’s what drives her away from Oliver. It’s the reason she didn’t want to get married. But Felicity isn’t going to let fear control her anymore. It's like she's been holding her breath and finally exhaled.
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The ace up Felicity's sleeve is Oliver Queen. She believes in him. Felicity saw something special inside of Oliver from the moment she met him. 
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She saw a light. Underneath all the lies, charm and bravado was a beautiful human being too wounded, angry and scared to be seen. 
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But Oliver couldn’t hide from Felicity. Her goodness brought out his. Felicity harnessed Oliver’s light 
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and what reflected back to her was more wondrous than she could have ever imagined.
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Felicity may not know the future, but her belief in Oliver and their love, is what holds her course steady through life. It is a leap of faith, but with Oliver by her side it is one Felicity is ready to make.
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Whether you elope or spend a year planning your wedding, there comes a point where every couple just has to… jump. All the planning and promises can’t account for the unknown. There are no guarantees in marriage. It's always a leap of faith in the end. There does come a moment though when you realize this is it. This is the moment you are going to jump. You are going to marry this person come hell or high water.
There was a blizzard on my wedding day. I was in the dress and I remember feeling such relief when I heard my husband arrived at the church. I honestly didn’t know if anyone else was going to make it. My mother said to me, “Does it matter?” And… it didn’t. As much as I love my family and friends, I couldn’t account for the unknown. You have this voice inside your soul telling you,  “No. This is it. I am marrying this person TODAY. “ And you jump.
Keep in mind their life together began with Oliver hesitating. 
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Oliver was waiting for life to be perfect and THEN he could be with Felicity. And he lost her. Truth be told, Oliver’s hesitation has cost him Felicity more than once.
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It’s different now though. He’s a man who wants to seize life and hold on tight. Oliver doesn’t hesitate. (Well, except for Felicity to clarify her feelings on marriage because he is legitimately confused.) 
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There is no question in his mind. The time is now. This is the dream Oliver always wanted 
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and he’s not going to let the moment pass him by.
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Source: oliverfelicitygifs
Personally, I am very happy the writers didn’t try to top the vows in 4x16. Oliver and Felicity even reference their perfection. We really only needed to make this official – legal style. After Felicity’s heartfelt proposal and “I’m afraid of losing you” speech, Oliver does feel compelled to offer something in return.
Oliver told B*rry once he’s looking into Ir*s’ eyes the words will come. He was speaking from experience. The words came to Oliver in 4x16 and they come to him now. 
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He recalls the most important part of his vows and repeats them to Felicity. 
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Their latest crisis proved to Oliver, once again, how true they are. Why are these words so important? Because they encompass the entire show.
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Oliver is a better human being, man and mask, for loving Felicity Smoak. That’s the ballgame folks. This is why Oliver Queen becomes a superhero.
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He is almost so overcome with emotion that he can barely get the words out and Felicity smiles happily back at him, with tears in her eyes. They know what a miracle their love is and they are going to live that miracle every day.
And the man who saw them through everything; the man who told Oliver the kind of love that lasts forever
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and to be on the lookout for;
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the man who watched, smiled and waited;
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Source:  littlegirlinvisible
the man who encouraged Oliver to grab hold of happiness
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and wouldn’t put up with any of his bullshit;
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the man who said what we were all thinking;
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Source:  littlegirlinvisible
the man who fought Oliver’s stubborness and fear when Felicity was too tired and hurt to;
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the man who played referee; 
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the man who was always there to listen
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or tell Oliver he’s a big, dumb oak tree;
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and the man who taught Oliver life is about more than survival;
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is the man who marries them.
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Source: oliverfelicitygifs
It is gorgeously simple, honest and earned moment for these two characters. 
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Source:  oliverfelicitygifs 
This is the wonder of a hero's journey. 
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After all the trials, loss, pain, angst and frustration we arrive at a beautiful destination. And then a new story begins. Oliver and Felicity's journey isn't ending. It's only just begun.
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Source:  felicitys
“Lives Entwined” by Matthew Mayfield 
Make me a man Show me how to fight Take that woman Make her my bride Show us the new meaning of lives entwined I am in love I am in love I am in love with you But we've got bigger things to do Chase a new life on the heels of a newfound train Take on the world with a girl and a new last name Fight for you This I can do When we've both grown tired and covered in scars I won't give up on your heart Please don't give up on my heart
It took almost 30 years for one of my beloved couples to not only get married, but for me to be able to watch the marriage. It feels longer.
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Oliver and Felicity are married and I am filled with a peaceful satisfaction. Stories can truly go anywhere. A smile turns into an EPIC love. A guest star becomes the female lead. The unthinkable evolves into canon. And lightning in the bottle guides the way out of the dark.
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We are all Diggle.
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Stray Thoughts On the Double Wedding
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Source: valeriemperez
Consider this an addendum to the review. It wouldn't be an Arrowverse wedding without a little controversy. This controversy has been brewing for awhile. Some are very angry about the double wedding. Unsurprisingly, I am not. Primarily because of the message the writers are trying to send.
It’s not about a day, or a dress or the cake or the venue. Don't get me wrong, those things are all wonderful and meaningful. I squealed with delight when I saw Ir*s walk down the aisle. There will be extensively more squealing when Olicity eats cake and drinks champagne dressed to the nines.
But what really matters is the MARRIAGE. This is about wanting to spend the rest of their lives together. These couples can always find a reason to delay because there is another crisis. That's what it means to be a hero.
This is why B*rry and Ir*s have absolutely no problem with Oliver and Felicity jumping in on the love fest.
If you want to be upset about the double wedding that's fine. Who am I to tell you otherwise? However, a couple getting married in the FOURTH SEASON is a rare gem. I'm too busying dancing on sunshine for W*stallen to be crabby about how any of this went down.
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Primarily because I'm not crabby about how any of this went down, but that's neither here nor there. Let's look at this logistically.
Yes, absolutely the Arrowverse could have married both of these couples in separate ceremonies on their own shows. It makes complete sense. Except, it leads to guest star appearances. Otherwise we'll be wondering why Oliver isn't at B*rry's wedding? Or how come Ir*s isn't a bridesmaid? Stein went to W*stallen's wedding, but he can't make time for Olicity? And so on. 
Inevitably, this means most major cast members in the Arrowverse have to cross over to Arrow and The Fl*sh. I think this crossover requires herculean effort logistically and they aren't going to do it more than once. The actors and crew would strike.
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We’re already screaming about Thea, William, Donna, Joe, Cisco, etc. So, they just said the hell with it. Nobody was there except the couples and Diggle. But that’s what elopment/justice of the peace is (B*rry and Ir*s’ plan) and Olicity always wanted a small wedding. 
Could they have split both weddings out over two years? Sure! Except, that's the same crossover storyline two years running. Keeping the storylines fresh and new is all part of the crossover gimmick. 
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Even if they did decided to split it out then which couple goes first? Whoever is first immediately casts a light of prioritization and "more importance."
What if only one couple is married in the crossover and the other is married in a regular episode? If they marry Olicity in crossover (the biggest episode for every single show in the Arrowverse FOUR YEARS running) then the W*stallen fans feel slighted. It's like saying Olicity is more important than W*stallen. And vice versus.
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So, both it is. One crossover. One time. To me, the focus of this event was about balance.  Everything went down on a (reasonably) even keel.
Both W*stallen and Olicity had their perfect and traditional weddings ruined by outside forces.
Neither couple was married on their own show. Legends of Tomorrow was like Camp David in this scenario or Switzerland if you prefer.  
Each couple had their moment in the sun to say their vows. Olicity already did theirs in 4x16 with a little extra added in for good measure during the ceremony. W*stallen slayed their vows in the park.
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Source: westallengifs
Each couple had a spontaneous, Diggle officiated, ceremony.
W*stallen was the solid anchor couple, while Olicity provided the dramatic angst.
BALANCED. No couple was more important than the other. This was like my mother dividing out the chocolate bar with expert precision between me and my two sisters. WHO DO YA LOVE MORE MAMA? NOBODY. I LOVE YOU ALL THE SAME.
Speaking as an Oliciter, since they are my OTP, I especially love the message this ceremony sends. Oliver and Felicity are not the comic book couple. Arrow diverged from "comic canon" and went a different direction because that's what worked best for the show. Lord almighty have they received flak for it.  
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Marrying Oliver and Felicity next to the king and queen of comic book canon, B&rry All&n and Ir&s W&st, says both love stories are valid. Both love stories are important. Both love stories are EQUAL.
B*rry and Ir*s chose to get married on the spot because they recognized the fragility of life. They just came from a funeral of a man who used his last words to say, "Life is fragile. LIVE FOR LOVE." You know Jefferson passed that on to his friends. It's a little ridiculous for them to say to Oliver and Felicity, "Hold up! Only our life is fragile! We need to live in the moment, but not you two. You two have to wait. Diggle can marry you tomorrow. Fingers crossed nothing happens until then! Best of luck!" 
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Especially when Ir*s and B*rry spent the better part of the crossover focused on convincing Oliver and Felicity to get married. THEY SHIP IT HARDCORE.
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Let's talk about the fragility of life. All four characters thought at one time or another they were going to die. Or, even worse, they were going to watch their loved one die. Felicity almost had a hand put through her chest! Oliver and B*rry were almost shot by a Nazis firing squad! Ir*s had bullets flying all around her in a COUTURE WEDDING DRESS. That is Monique Lhuillier for godsake!!!!! Have some respect! They all nearly lost their lives and that's just a regular Tuesday for them.
This is probably my favorite reason why the wedding took place at the same time.  From the moment B*rry All*n became a superhero he has looked to Oliver Queen for guidance. That guidance was never just about tactics. It was about love too. And Oliver... had some pretty spectacularly awful advice in that department.
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He needed to learn from B&rry as much as B&rry needed to learn from him. Not just how to be a better superhero, but how to be a better man. 
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Each crossover has shown the emotional progression (and missteps) of these two men. They both found a way to let go of their painful past. 
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They both found a way to their great loves. 
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Source:  dailydcheroes 
In some respects, they did it together. 
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At the very least Oliver and B*rry understand each other's lives like no one else. Ir*s and Felicity understand each other's lives like no one else. 
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These couples are bonded through heroism. Marrying them together, each couple being equally happy for the other, is a beautiful display of friendship. And friendship is where both of these love stories began.
Thank You
On a personal note, I want to say thank you to everyone who joined in the fun the last few years. You all very patiently read and entertained all my theories on when, where and how this wedding was going to happen. I was pretty much always wrong, but the train kept on chugging. You all made the wait a lot more bearable. Looking forward to enjoying the rest of Olicity's story with you. I will stop screaming, "BUT THE BOUQUET!!!" now.
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Disclaimer: Any gifs on the blog are not mine. If you would like a gif removed from my reviews, please message me. Crisis on Earth-X episode gifs credited.
417 notes · View notes
cogentranting · 6 years
“My greatest fear in life is losing you” 
This isn’t a recent development, because, as many have pointed out, Felicity expresses a very similar idea back in season 2-- when she hesitates to tell Oliver that Moira has lied about Thea’s parentage because “even the thought of losing someone that important to me”-- even if at that point it hadn’t quite reached the point of her greatest fear. But it was there. And it was big right from the start. 
And Felicity has had to face this fear, in little ways and big ways over and over. 
She faces it then, risks damaging her relationship with Oliver in order to give him the truth. 
From here Felicity and Oliver only get closer, with the romance between them blossoming and the friendship expanding, so it can only be assumed that the fear grows. And Oliver’s somewhat suicidal moment after his mother dies when he thinks to offer himself up to Slade must terrify her and break her heart. Still, she stays by his side and watches as night after night he goes out and risks his life, even after the painful reminder of the dangers in their line of work that comes with Sara’s death. Still, she supports him when he decides he has to fight Ra’s Al Ghul. 
The unthinkable happens: Oliver dies. Her greatest fear comes true and she loses Oliver. She’s confronted by a life without him. She’s devastated. And yet she continues on, finding purpose in herself. That informs everything to come. Because now she knows the taste of that fear and knows how terrible it would be to really lose him. It’s no longer an abstract concept, it’s the fear of a memory. But now she also knows that as terrible and as devastating as that possibility is, she can make it through. After Oliver returns, it’s that realization that gives her the strength to face the fear over and over again. And she does. 
She nearly loses him when their relationship fractures as he comes back and decides to work with Merlyn. She watches him head back to Nanda Parbat and she’s certain that it’s a suicide mission. She loses him to the League and watches him become twisted into something unrecognizable, only to get him back at the last moment (and that’s why she’s so angry when she learns about his plan to crash the plane, because how could he choose to make her fear real in that way?). She loses him again when he lies to her and their engagement ends; this is the worst one in a way because he’s there but everything that had been between them now feels corrupted. But that corruption of what they had doesn’t make the loss any less real. 
They rebuild their relationship slowly. In turn, that brings her right back to where she was, facing her fear over and over. She watches over Oliver being out in the field alone, so she pushes for him to get a team. But the fear persists and the risk is as real as ever. For six days Oliver goes missing, she doesn’t know whether he’s alive or dead, realizes he’s probably being horrifically tortured, and it’s made worse because she’s the one who’s supposed to find him and she’s failing. Getting him back doesn’t even truly help because he’s so utterly broken that it still feels like he might fall apart and be gone forever at any minute. Then the two of them face death together in the bunker and it seems like he might bleed out in front of her. It’s here that he jokes that he thought she’d be used to seeing him close to death. Never, she tells him. 
After they get back together, he’s arrested, in danger of going to jail for the rest of his life (maybe even receiving the death penalty). That’s a new version of the fear. One she hasn’t faced before. It’s in the immediate aftermath of this that he proposes again. She wants to hold on to him so badly, but she’s faced losing him so many times, her grip feels insecure, like if shes shifts her hold at all, if there’s any movement whatsoever, he might slip from her fingers. so she panics. She tells him no, begs him to just hold still so she can keep holding on. Until he’s whisked away to another universe, a world straight out of her worst nightmares, and there’s nothing she can do about it. 
So when he returns, Felicity makes a decision. She can’t give in to the fear. She has to fight it in the only way possible: by holding nothing back and holding on to Oliver with everything she has. Marriage is about two people joining together and creating a singular life. How better to never lose someone than to completely unite your lives? What has been joined together, let no one separate. Even though the fear of losing him remains, there’s an ultimate triumph here, because they are in some sense unbreakable.
Felicity comes through it all-- all the years of pain and fear and loss-- and she’s stronger than ever, braver than ever, wiser than ever. And finally, she has the opportunity to channel all that into helping and protecting someone else. Felicity ascends to her role as the show’s matriarch, more and more equipped to lead alongside her husband. In this she is able to bond with William as they share their greatest fear and guide him in living with that fear just as she has for so many years. She delivers her speech to William in the bunker. And it’s beautiful. It encapsulates so much of what the show is. And it also depicts her heart very specifically. 
The speech is her unique voice. It’s a message of the love and insight that comes so powerfully from her behind the scenes heroics. Her greatest fear and the love that informs it are defining part of her identity as a hero. Overwatch, demonstrating a tremendous bravery all her own, and being that beacon of safety and hope that guides heroes home.
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funnefatale · 7 years
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I'm gonna have to do this in two parts because I have spent WAY too much time and effort rewriting Arrow. Also, get some popcorn and a glass of wine or something, because this is gonna be A Post. The Queen family stays the same. Thea came before Emiko so she would probably still be Thea. Unless we don't care about the timeline of reality, in which case Oliver would grow up thinking he was an only child only to find out Emiko exists during the five years he's gone. Maybe he meets her in the season three flashbacks and she stays with him for a few years, but doesn't want to go back to SC with him because that's not her world. Maybe she eventually joins him in SC in like season four. Tommy is still around. Colin can stay for the first season. I don't care enough to change his story. Malcolm has an age appropriate actor who is not Barrowman. And Malcolm would fucking stay dead at the end of season one. Diggle stays the same. Diggle/Felicity is probably a thing. Felicity is played by a Jewish actress and has more arcs that directly tie into her being Jewish (maybe she practices more, maybe she doesn't. But she would speak Hebrew more often and at least acknowledge holidays other than Channukah and maybe have an episode where she deals with antisemitism). Or, if getting the characters I want isn't a problem, instead of Felicity we have Babs but she's Jewish and maybe played by a disabled Jewish woman of color. Roy would be played by a Native American, if possible. The entire lance family are probably PoC. Not sure what race though. Maybe some form of Asian (not Japanese) since Gail Simone was so obsessed with Dinah having Dragon Lady characters in Birds of Prey. Maybe black so the name Black Canary looks less dumb. Maybe DLL is biracial so Oliver and Dinah could eventually have Connor without taking his heritage away. Idk. I would base it off of whoever is casted for Dinah, and the actress having a martial arts background would be super important. Dinah Drake would not be a shitty parent. She can be some famous florist or something, and that's how the Lance Family knows the Queens so well and how they can afford to send their kids to the same school as the Queens and Merylns. She would go by Drake or Dee or something else to distinguish her from her DLL. I would not have Sara (I know, I know. Hear me out) and Laurel. There would be Dinah, who would not resemble Laurel or KC in the slightest, and her adopted sister, Shado. Shado was the child of a Yakuza crime lord who faked his death and left his daughter behind so she could have a better life. Since Kurt Lance (because I hate the name Larry) worked the case, he and DD got close and just decided to take Shado in. I'm not sure how old she would be, but I'm thinking it would be a Barry-Iris type of situation with Dinah and Shado. Shado has always known she's adopted and that her parents were criminals. Still, I think she would have wanted to be a cop like Kurt. Dinah and Oliver weren't together before the Gambit (it just makes it so hard to ship them if they were together when he ran away). They kissed once and that freaked Oliver out so he ran away with Shado who always had a crush on him. Maybe he was getting close to Shado when he kissed Dinah. Dinah almost tells Shado she kissed Oliver, but sees how happy Shado is with him and so Dinah doesn't tell her. (Later blames herself because if she had then Shado may not have gone off with Oliver and she would still be alive.) The Gambit sinks. Dinah drops out of law school or the police academy and works with her mom in her store, much to the disappointment of Kurt. Dinah and Shado always had self-defense and martial arts lessons growing up, but Dinah starts using it to channel her grief after she loses Shado and Oliver. Oliver gets saved by Shado's father (who is not Chinese and Yao Fei because Shado is Japanese). Her father sticks around until part way through season two. He and Shado get their reunion and he dies to protect her. This would be paralleled with Shado coming back to SC in an episode called Yakuza or a play on it. After the Amazo sinks, Shado gets picked up by the Yakuza. So she has to make the choice to to die, or survive by turning her back on Kurt and joining the organization he hates. She chooses to live. I have no idea how the Slade storyline would play out. But I'm sure there's a comic book story that could be adapted that wouldn't require fridging. When Oliver comes back to the League, Dinah is icy to him (because the Lance Family saved Shado and gave her life and she feels like Oliver effectively killed her). Dinah and Tommy can still be a thing. But I probably wouldn't have that breakup at the end of season one. They would still be together when he dies at the end of season one. (Kind of like DD having to deal with Kurt Lance dying in New 52.) Dinah's hesitancy to be with Tommy would actually have less to do with Oliver and more to do with her being a vigilante. No one knows and the show doesn't immediately reveal it. There would be little hints about it (a newspaper article in the background, some kids talking about being saved, etc. It would get progressively more noticeable as the season went on). Dinah would say she's always busy because of business, but, really, she has people to do that stuff for her. Oliver doesn't notice this vigilante because he's so caught up with the top 1% on his dad's list that he doesn't notice a woman in black running around and saving people in the Glades. She would be called the Canary, because that was the pet Dinah and Shado raised together. (Maybe as a nod to the legacy mantle, DD would be the one who got them the canary.) Maybe one of the later Helena episodes, where she comes back, would have Oliver noticing the Canary for the first time. That episode would end with Dinah going back to her hide out and taking off her mask and wig, and revealing who she is to the audience. The project Dinah is working on all season is opening a shop in the Glades. Not like how Oliver opened Verdant and it's limited to rich people getting in. Dinah wants to open a flower shop that's affordable for the people there and provide more jobs for them. In the last episode of season one, it gets caught in the earthquakes and gets destroyed. Tommy goes there to save Dinah, not realizing that she's out in the streets saving people as the Canary. He gets caught in something and gets trapped, and that's how Oliver finds him. And that's how Dinah finds Oliver and Tommy, and their identities are revealed to each other. This would be paralleled with Oliver finding out that Shado is alive on the Amazo. After Oliver leaves at the end of season one, Dinah pseudo-works with Diggle and Felicity/Babs. But it's hard because Dinah closes herself off from grieving Tommy's death because Oliver left and she has to clean up the mess and if she stops and grieves the city will fall apart. When Oliver comes back, things are tense and awkward between him and Dinah, because, well, everything that happened with Tommy and with Oliver leaving. And she still doesn't know the story about what happened to Shado on the island, so she never quite forgives him for killing the sister her family saved. The tension would only get worse when Shado comes back and tells Oliver that he can't tell Dinah about her because Shado doesn't want her family to know that she went back to the Yakuza. Not only would Shado have the same grief Sara would about her family knowing about the League, but it would be even worse because their family has a history with the Yakuza. But Dinah knows something is wrong and she has all this pent up anger and pain and she is channeling that into figuring out what is going on. When they realize Dinah is going to figure it out soon, Shado goes to her the way Sara went to Quentin. Shado leaves SC after Dinah helps her fight off some members of the Yakuza. Dinah, finally getting closure on Shado, lets herself grieve Tommy. And only then does she realize that Oliver hid the truth about Shado because it's what Shado wanted. And that all this time, he did everything he could to protect Shado. And then, finally, Dinah would let go of her resentment and really, truly re-develop her friendship with Oliver. A few episodes later, Dinah meets some girl at her gym who starts training with her. It's Shiva. It seems like it's a nod to the comics, but she's actually a member of the Yakuza who is spying on Dinah because of Shado. Shiva and Shado were together when Shado was with the Yakuza. Shado finds out and comes back to Starling. Shiva is more threats and less action than Nyssa, and the Lance family would probably act first, not Shiva, because of their history with the Yakuza. (Basically, I'm trying to keep the essence of Nys*ra without the physical abuse and the trying to killing her family thing, both of which prevented me from ever really shipping them.) After Shiva leaves, Shado comes home and joins the Team. She and Oliver get together. It would be made explicitly clear that they are really in love and it's more than "emotional support" or whatever fandom tries to say about canarrow. The tension would be more between Dinah and Shado than with Felicity/Babs. It would be a different tension too, because they're sisters and happy to be back together, but also kind of stepping on each other's toes. Shado is the superior fighter, but Dinah knows the city and the team better. Maybe there's an undercover mission and Oliver takes Shado with her instead of Dinah, and Dinah has to crash it because she figures out something based on the layout of the Glades. I would do an episode in season two with the League instead of Birds of Prey (since Dinah and Helena would have had a BoP type of episode in season one) where the League tries to recruit Shado. She turns them down because she doesn't want to be an assassin and she's happy to be home. But she would go to them towards the end of the season in exchange for help with SC, but she would go in as a mole for either Kurt or Oliver/TA. But that wouldn't be revealed until maybe mid-way through season three. Season three would be about the League of Assassins still. Shado would eventual dismantle the League of Assassins and form the Red League. This would lead to a spinoff about a league of trained women who travel the world and save people who need saving. It would probably incorporate metas too. But Shado would be the leader. Oliver and Dinah would probably be endgame (maybe start becoming more explicit towards the end of season three?), but it wouldn't diminish the importance of Oliver and Shado. Oliver and Shado would just be one of those "we love each other but we know this just will never work out because our lives don't cross in that way." And that would never take away from Oliver and Dinah falling in love and having a real, genuine relationship/partnership.
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raywritesthings · 7 years
Arrow and Harry Potter
my all-time ultimate fave character: Laurel Lance
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: I hated Quentin at first, and I lot of stuff he did/does I still don’t like but I’ve grown to appreciate his complexity and his dynamics with Laurel and Oliver. Of course now that Laurel’s dead he has like nothing to do so it’s just stupid.
a character I used to like but now don’t: Felicity was cute s1...she got on my nerves pretty quickly after that, though. I hate what Diggle has become. Like just look at him s1 compared to now and it’s just sad. I miss when Diggle was his own character.
a character I’m indifferent about: Can I just say any of the new recruits? Like, I just don’t care about any of them. At all. I didn’t start the show for them, I started for GA and BC, why is this so hard for the showrunners to grasp? I’m also pretty indifferent towards Sara, no lie. She’s just kind of there and then not and then there again. She drifts into the story and out and doesn’t really seem to have all that lasting of an impact. I mean she can literally be plucked from the timeline because she’s apparently of little enough importance history won’t miss her. And it totally undermined the whole “journey” aspect of characters when we met her and she was just insta-badass straight out of her new s2 packaging, now with 100% more blonde, some reshooting required. Maybe if they’d bothered to show her training--but that would have required them to actually show a wlw relationship and not just the angsty post-breakup stage so that wasn’t gonna happen. Like I don’t necessarily hate her but I don’t like her much either. She’s just kind of meh to me.
a character who deserved better: DINAH. LAUREL. LANCE.
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: O/F, Oliver/Sara, and lowkey Nyssa/Sara - Nyssa was always so much more invested than Sara from her first appearance to her last. Like you got her going on and on about her “beloved” and then Sara’s flirting it up and kissing people throughout time and space, the heck am I supposed to do with that? Also I haven’t liked Thea/Roy ever since Roy ditched her after sleeping together and left no forwarding address. Dick move, dude.
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: Lauriver, dear god, the beauty and the tragedy will haunt me forever
a cute, low-key ship: I liked Oliver and McKenna, I won’t lie. Moira and Walter were tragic but precious. Also if Tommy had lived I could’ve seen him and Helena having an interesting thing don’t judge me.
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: Non-canon but I’m gonna go Lauryssa. Also Constantine/Oliver.
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: O/F, when will these writers learn that ship destroyed both those characters
my favourite storyline/moment: I’m in that rare minority that loved s1 so much more than s2. S2′s where it started going wrong, the fridging women left and right, Slade’s shitty motivation for being bad--he’s a mercenary, for fuck’s sake, it does not need to be about a woman he loved and lost, it’s not complicated--retconning the flashbacks left and right, but s1 was so good. Also loved Laurel becoming BC though I never got why the writers needed to start her off at square one when they showed she could fight the previous two seasons.
a storyline that never should have been written: Basically the entire s4 plot. Magic and nukes are not GA’s thing. Also killing BC on a GA show is such bs. Real GA would have rather seen himself killed first.
my first thoughts on the show: Ok, this is interesting! The fight scenes are good, I want to see how these characters become more like their comic book counterparts.
my thoughts now: Well that sucked.
my all-time ultimate fave character: Oh man, how can you do this to me? TOO MANY, OKAY? I HAVE TOO MANY.
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: Dudley is so much more interesting after book 7. I like the idea that he finally started to realize that his parents and their abuse towards Harry was shit. I know JKR decided to not give Dudley a magic child in the epilogue, but I wish she had. It would have been so nice to see Dudley break the cycle of abuse in the Dursley family once and for all by loving and supporting his kid no matter what.
a character I used to like but now don’t: I don’t know if I dislike him necessarily but I definitely don’t like him the way I used to as a kid - okay, yeah, it’s Dumbledore. I mean he is soooo complex, and that’s a good thing. But a lot of the stuff he did? Not cool.
a character I’m indifferent about: Basically a lot of the OCs that masquerade in fics as barely-mentioned students. It’s fine if you wanna use them, but it’s weird to me when people start purporting their characterizations of them as fact if that makes sense? To that end, I’m also mostly indifferent about all the next gen kids with the exception of Teddy (there’s just a lot there to his character that would be so interesting to unpack - why was Cursed Child not about Teddy Lupin with a better plot gdi).
a character who deserved better: So many characters tbh. Ginny Weasley deserved better from both JKR and all y’all. JKR promised an awesome moment having to do with her being the seventh child of a seventh child (Arthur) and then never delivered. Fandom is shitty to her because she gets in the way of their ships (like especially H/HR and H/D shippers seem to love to demonize a teenage girl in their fics, just saying) and because they seem to think Hermione is enough female rep which is such bs. Ron also deserves soooooo much better from fandom. So, so much better. Hagrid deserved to have one of Harry’s kids named after him. Sirius Black just deserved a better life. Snape deserved not to be abused as a child. Harry deserved like basically everything better. The Weasleys deserved not to be poor - do you see where I’m coming from here???
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: A lot of the non-canon ones (H/HR - she’s like a SISTER to him, he LITERALLY SAYS; H/D - It’s implied in that bathroom fight scene Draco was about to use the CRUCIATUS CURSE like WTF also he’s just kinda shitty to Harry and his friends almost the entire series just saying). Obviously if you wanna write AUs where things are completely different, that’s up to you, but they’re just not for me.
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: Jily, Hinny, Romione
a cute, low-key ship: Deanmus is the gay/bi rep we deserved, not unhealthy and possibly one-sided Dumbledore/Grindelwald. I feel like in book 5 at least Luna might’ve had a thing for Ron which is kind of adorable. Although I also like Ginny/Luna. Also I lowkey think Harry might’ve had a crush on both Cho and Cedric at the same time. Teenage years suck.
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: I mean Romione seems to be unpopular with a lot of fandom but I love it so sucks to suck
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: I’m pretty much ok on all the canon ships. I mean I wish JKR hadn’t tried to push this whole “Snape loved Lily” thing. More like “Snape was obsessed with Lily and never got over her”.
my favourite storyline/moment: ahhhhh I don’t know, maybe Ron coming back to save Harry and destroy the Horcrux.his insecurities? Such a great moment for his character, and his and Harry’s friendship. I also just love how Harry’s whole outlook on life completely brightened up in HBP during the time he was dating Ginny. It was so lovely to see him happy for once. And I love all of book three, it is my favorite. Also the Moody-is-really-Barty Jr. twist remains one of the greatest of All Time and the movies ruined it but I digress.
a storyline that never should have been written: Like I’m not saying it shouldn’t have been written, I just don’t like how Snape’s backstory has given rise to this idea that he did Nothing Wrong, Ever and it was Lily’s fault for ending the friendship that he turned to the Dark Side. Like fuck off, he was already there and it was not her job to be his “savior” when he sure as hell didn’t want saved. Also all the movies. Damn you, Kloves.
my first thoughts on the show books: This is such a great story and world! I love the characters and I can’t wait to see what happens next! (or something along those lines - I was young, okay?)
my thoughts now: While there’s certainly plenty of issues (lack of rep for many marginalized groups, for example) it still holds up as a really strong series. Must resist temptation to begin yet another reread.
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I hate that Q died in the middle of surgery, in that hospital, with all the similar trappings to Laurel’s death. I especially hate the convolution of the scene where Oliver’s getting arrested and Sara and Siren are walking up and that’s when we find out Quentin is dead. And then it all being about Oliver’s arrest. If I’d had it my way:
If they felt it necessary to have a Quentin/ Rene scene (which actually did fit thematically and was a nice throwback to their friendship from last season), it could have been just as effective for Quentin to appeal directly to Rene, or to talk about their love for their daughters some moment at the police station, rather than the deathbed conversation- seriously, it would have been the perfect moment for Quentin to explain why he cares so much about Siren (it’s pretty obvious but since some fans think it’s so crazy, why not just spoon-feed it to them), and to leave a lasting impression on Rene for next season that doesn’t amount to ‘don’t call me Hoss at my funeral’
Oliver and Quentin already had a one-on-one earlier in the episode; I’m sorry, but I think their interactions would have altogether been more impactful if it was all more dynamically packed into that one scene- Quentin biting out the part about “would you have done it for our Laurel, or maybe you wouldn’t and that’s why my daughter’s dead” and Oliver addressing his feelings of guilt with Quentin, but telling him that Quentin was like a father to him too, and he couldn’t lose him after they’d already lost Laurel; and then Quentin saying it would be worth it to him, that he still blamed himself for Darhk, and Oliver knows what that’s like; so, since Oliver is obviously going to prison for everyone else (Quentin’s no doofus- let him pick up on Oliver’s apology tour), please help Quentin save Siren- they prearrange and Quentin tells Oliver to track him through the pacemaker explicitly, so Oliver and the team can get there sooner without confusion
as unfair as it is to Sara, they weren’t going to let her have a goodbye scene face to face with Quentin; but they had Caity on set, so they should have done a phone call, with Quentin and Sara making dinner plans before it all went to shit so he can meet her new girlfriend (and he can tell her about Siren too); they’ll both be late, probably, but they’ll see each other “soon”; some final tidbit of private interaction between them, which directly parallels Rene and Zoe
show us the damn Siren & Quentin hug that was in the promo, and as much as I loved Siren not backing down when Dragon had a gun on her, instead let us just have a private convo between Siren and Quentin, like was probably filmed, where Siren tells him that she’s made her peace with her situation- don’t sacrifice the city for her
then, before Dragon can shoot anyone (he’s a monologue-er), Team Arrow busts in; Dragon decides to shoot at Siren while she’s distracted- Quentin sees and jumps in front for her; it’s a shot to the head
this hideout is rigged to explode like the other, and Dinah has to fight herself not to just let Siren stay, but she convinces Siren it’s more important to get out alive than it is to bring Quentin’s body with them; she breaks Siren’s collar and they rage past guards together, leaving Quentin behind
Siren is acting off of pure rage and adrenaline when she catches up to Diaz and tries to kill him- it’s not just that Quentin might die, he already is dead and lost to her
Siren ends up going to Ava’s apartment after figuring out what time Quentin was supposed to have dinner; she has to tell Sara that Quentin’s dead; I don’t know if they pay the money to get Jes on screen for a few-seconds hug, or if instead we get a very awkward hug between the sisters; if need be we get the “are you like my Laurel” dialogue, or we get something like “are you worth it” instead (yes I know that’s really harsh- I’m not saying Siren’s not worth it, but Sara would get a free rage-pass after finding out her dad died)
we see the TA members picking up the kids from the safehouse, Dig clutching Jr. a bit tighter and Rene hugging Zoe as tightly as he can, while Dinah and Curtis watch and grieve Quentin’s loss their own way; we get an actual Curtis scene (the only one Oliver didn’t apologize too ffs) and he tells Dinah he’s proud of her for today or something like that- it takes us back to when he promised her they would get justice for Vince
Oliver takes Felicity and William home; he tells William how much he loves him, how he needs him to be strong; but also, he doesn’t completely play out of his father’s book- he doesn’t place the burden of thousands on his son; Felicity realizes what he’s been doing, and she’s angry and she tells him as much- tries to think of any other way out, which he assures her there’s not; not if they want to keep everyone else safe; and she’s angry and hurt, especially because he didn’t consult her, but she realizes the sacrifice he’s making and puts on her game face
FBI lady comes to the door, they arrest Oliver, cue ending montage as everyone finds out (Sara’s too busy crying to pay attention to the news on the TV, until she does and says “Ollie” because her night just keeps getting worse- idk if Siren is still inside the apartment or leaning against a wall outside trying to catch her breath, trying not to wail and scream in grief)- Team Arrow is completely taken by surprise, Dragon’s recuperating, and then the whole jail part
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