thegreatyin · 18 days
fucked up that i can't just manifest fully-formed already-drawn OC references with my mind. homophobic, even
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xx-hail2theking-xx · 1 year
your majesty, you love more deeply and genuinely than almost anyone I can name. you were a child of Destruction, but Love's first genuine friend, and these were your two great influences in the great darkness. and it shows. Phenex...
Phenex is fir first love. the first love of the god of love. and-
and Love's chosen. from the moment he was summoned. by fir own words.
oh, sabael's jaws.
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harmonyd · 2 years
SAPOA Bursary Fund 2023 | How to Apply
SAPOA Bursary Fund 2023 | How to Apply
Bursary Details The South African Property Owners Association (SAPOA) seeks to redress the past by offering black people property-related education and entrance to the commercial property industry. The bursaries available are offered to students studying full-time at university in the following fields: BSc Property Studies BSc Urban and Regional Planning BSc Construction Studies BCom Finance…
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somosderechanic · 2 years
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Siete claves para entender la situación actual de la Iglesia en Nicaragua:
La llegada del sandinismo al poder en 1979. En 1979, el Frente sandinista de liberación nacional (FSLN), fundado en 1961, logró derrocar a la dinastía de los Somoza,. Los sandinistas gobernaron desde ese año hasta 1990. Buenas parte de su llegada al poder fue gracias a la labor mediadora de la Iglesia Católica, liderada entonces por el que fuera cardenal de Managua, Miguel Obando y Bravo. En principio, los sandinistas - con Daniel Ortega y Sergio Ramirez a la cabeza- estuvieron cercanos a la Iglesia católica, pero pronto vino la ruptura al integrar a diversos miembros de la misma ( por ejemplo Ernesto Cardenal) como ministros y miembros del gobierno.
El Apercibimiento público de San Juan Pablo II. Los sacerdotes
fueron inhabilitados por el Vaticano. Cuando el papa Juan Pablo II visitó Nicaragua por primera vez (4 de marzo de 1983), dos acontecimientos impulsaron aún más el distanciamientos del sandinismo con la Iglesia Católica. El Apercibimiento público del papa Juan Pablo II a Ernesto Cardenal para que regularizara su situación y los gritos de quienes participaron en la misa multitudinaria con el gabinete sandinista en pleno. La gente gritaba consignas a favor del "poder popular" y de la paz interrumpiendo la Misa. En un momento, el papa respondió: "La primera que quiere la paz es la Iglesia". Hubo en ese tiempo de expulsiones de sacerdotes acusados de "terrorismo" y un ambiente de hostilidad no declarada en contra de la Iglesia. San Juan Pablo II recordaría aquél viaje como una "gran noche oscura"
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3. La primera expulsión de un Obispo .
Con el poder, los sandinistas quisieron tomar revancha de las posiciones de la Iglesia y de la repulsa del papado de Juan Pablo II a los teólogos de la liberación.
Considerando que se trataba de una oposición a la revolución del pueblo. La persecución y el posible destierro del obispo Rolando Álvarez, trae recuerdo de la persecución y el exilio al que el régimen sometió en 1986 al obispo de Juigalpa, Pablo Vega. Mediante artilugios (entonces no usaban el método del cerco policiaco) invitaron al obispo Vega a una reunión. Ahí lo aprendieron, lo montaron a un helicóptero y lo dejaron del otro lado de la frontera con Honduras. La acusación, eso sí, fue similar a las de ahora: "traición a la patria".
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4. Los años sin el poder del sandinismos.
Desde 1990 (las primeras elecciones democráticas después de los Tratados de Esquipulas II, en los que mucho tuvo que ver la Iglesia Católica de Nicaragua) hasta 2006, Daniel Ortega y su partido sandinista se mantuvieron en las filas de oposición con tres intentos fallidos de volver al poder. Durante ese tiempo, advertidos del prestigio de la Iglesia católica en la población nicaragüense, Ortega intentó congraciarse con ella. Tanto así que fue el propio cardenal Obando y Bravo el que ofició la misa de matrimonio católico de Ortega y Rosario Murillo quienes llevaban 25 años de convivencia conyugal . Incluso Ortega pidió perdón por "los errores y atropellos en contra de figuras de la Iglesia en el pasado "
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-Humberto Ortega firma el acuerdo de alto fuego con la Resistencia de Nicaragua el 23 de marzo en Sapoa. De izquierda a derecha Daniel Ortega (con anteojos), Joao Baena Soares, secretario general de la OEA, el cardenal Miguel Obando y Bravo y Alfredo César director de la Resistencia nicaragüense-
5."El viborazo" del Cardenal.
Corría el año de 1996 y Ortega buscaba volver al poder cuando ocurrió un hecho que marcaría la memoria de Ortega y de su esposa. Fue durante una homilía en la víspera de las elecciones, conocida como "la parábola de la víbora" o "el viborazo". Pronunciada por el cardenal Obando y Bravo, advertía a los votantes que no deberían acoger a una "víbora moribunda", pues, si se recuperaba, iba a matar a su salvador. Los analistas fueron unánimes en declarar que la víbora era Daniel Ortega.
A la postre, en esas elecciones, el triunfador fue Arnoldo Alemán, del Partido Liberal Constitucionalista. Y no sería hasta diez años más tarde, en 2006, cuando Ortega regresaría al poder, mismo que, desde entonces, no suelta, convirtiéndose en el dictador más longevo de América Latina, lo cual es mucho decir.
6.Primeras Advertencias.
Los años que van de 2006 a 2018 fueron años de crecimiento de las tensiones entre el régimen sandinista de Ortega Murillo y la Iglesia Católica. Otros de los grandes críticos, el obispo auxiliar de Managua, Silvio José Báez, quien ahora se encuentra en el exilio, en Miami (Florida, Estados Unidos) por requerimiento del papa Francisco (había recibido amenazas de muerte) dijo en 2011 que Nicaragua se enfilaba hacia un totalitarismo "visible o encubierto"
Varios obispos fueron hostigados entre ellos el obispo de Matagalpa, quien siempre se ha caracterizado por su oposición al régimen sandinista. De hecho , en su juventud se negó a realizar el servicio militar "patriótico" al que estaba "obligado" por la primera dictadura sandinista de los 80s.
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7.La Gran Debacle.
Las más graves tensiones entre Ortega-Murillo y la Iglesia católica se han dado a partir del mes de abril de 2018. Entonces el régimen intentó una reforma a las leyes de seguridad social que desataron las protestas en todo el país, teniendo como foco ciudades como Managua , Masaya, Carazo, Matagalpa. Las protestas fueron reprimidas de manera violenta por la dictadura sandinista y por su fuerzas de seguridad, lo mismo que por grupos paramilitares. La iglesia católica fue la primera en proteger a quienes se manifestaban libremente y trató de ser la mediadora de un diálogo nacional por la paz. pero no lo logró. La respuesta de Ortega fue llamar a los obispos y a los sacerdotes terroristas y golpistas y la de Rosario Murillo llamarlos "diablos con sotana"
Extractos tomados de Aleteia.org
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I want to thank all of @BexarCounty and #MilitaryCityUSA for their support! My gratitude to the ladies at Run Sister Run, DSABC, SAPOA & Texas Association of Retired Americans - San Antonio Chapter, the San Antonio AFL-CIO as well as our hard working Democratic Precinct Chair and Coordinators! #BexarCountyUnited everyone, I am here to serve everyone & continue the preservation of our city’s heritage!
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sounmashnews · 2 years
 SAPOA expects Cape Town to see the most important improve in future tasks and investments out of the 15 municipalities coated in its state of infrastructure report.
 The South African Property Owners' Association says municipalities are breaching their constitutional mandate.Because of their failure to offer bulk infrastructure timeously, many new property developments had been positioned on maintain or cancelled.It expects many municipalities, save for Cape Town, to see a major decline in future tasks and investments.Get the most important enterprise tales emailed to you each weekday, or go to the News24 Business front page.Most municipalities are in breach of their constitutional mandates to offer companies to communities and companies they acquire charges and different taxes from. As a end result, property builders and personal householders should bear increasingly prices of upkeep and upgrading of varied infrastructures of their cities, says the property trade consultant physique, the South African Property Owners' Association (SAPOA).SAPOA has revealed a report detailing failures in numerous municipalities throughout SA. The affiliation undertook analysis on the state of infrastructure in 15 of the nation's largest municipalities. It selected these 15 – which embrace all of the metros, Mbombela, Polokwane, uMsunduzi, Emalahleni, Emfuleni, Rustenburg and Sol Plaatje Municipalities – since that is the place most developments happen and are additionally the municipalities the place buyers are focusing their funding choices. SAPOA checked out their infrastructure growth plans and annual experiences.SAPOA discovered that ageing infrastructure like water pipes, water remedy vegetation, roads, and electrical energy substations have grow to be more and more evident all through numerous municipalities.Using information from the municipalities' infrastructure plans and annual experiences, SAPOA gave the City of Cape Town an 8% mark when grading it towards the benchmark of what a world-class water infrastructure appears to be like like. It gave all the opposite 14 municipalities zero. On stormwater infrastructure, it gave all 15 a zero. The City of Cape Town additionally received the very best grading for highway infrastructure, adopted by Emfuleni.When requested whether or not the infrastructure situations improved, remained unchanged or worsened over the previous 5 years, Cape Town scored the very best on enchancment, with 27% of respondents saying issues are higher now. More than half (54%) mentioned they remained unchanged, whereas 19% felt they've grow to be worse.In different municipalities, the votes overwhelmingly pointed to issues getting worse. For occasion, in uMsunduzi, 93% of respondents felt that infrastructure has deteriorated. This was adopted by Buffalo City, the place 90% mentioned it's got worse, eThekwini (85%) and Ekurhuleni (85%).One of the principle complaints from property homeowners, consultants, architects, builders, property managers, and asset administration professionals SAPOA talked to was that many developments are allegedly lagging, positioned on maintain, and even cancelled resulting from poor or unavailable infrastructure.This was regardless of builders and the personal sector's willingness to pay for the majority infrastructure they want, respondents mentioned. An overwhelming 92% of SAPOA members felt that municipalities weren't utilising their bulk infrastructure growth contributions to adequately improve and keep the infrastructure they've paid for - and that now, new property developments are struggling."It is evident that the development pipeline is decreasing in the municipalities that form part of the study due to the state of infrastructure in the country," wrote SAPOA within the report. Based on responses from its members throughout this analysis,
the report flagged municipalities the place it expects to see a lower in future challenge developments and investments. And this might doubtlessly compromise income era for these municipalities. Municipalities within the Eastern Cape lead in that regard, with SAPO calculating that they may see a 59% decline in funding in direction of property growth. It was adopted by KwaZulu-Natal (46%) and the Free State (40%).On the opposite hand, the Western Cape might see an 87% improve in future tasks and investments, adopted by Gauteng with a possible 39% improve.READ | Property owners launch legal bid to stop City of Joburg's 'unlawful' fee [ad_2] Source link
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networkexplosion · 5 years
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#tbt to when we got to spend over a week with a client on a roadtrip.🚗 We absolutely love working with our clients! 😁 . . #roadtrip #throwbackthursday #sapoaroadtrip #SAPOA #news #digitalmarketing #socialmediamarketing https://www.instagram.com/p/B0nhdGQp6YK/?igshid=1750qq3i7yowu
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aforeigna · 7 years
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H U S T L E _________ #sapoa #boogertman_partners #architecture #development #conference #ns #doubleexposire (at Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC))
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mtgdays · 3 years
9月19日、マジックオンライン上で行われたスタンダードチャレンジ。優勝はラクドスミッドレンジを使用したSAPOA選手となっています。 トップ8選手&使用デッキ 優勝 ラクドスミッドレンジ プレイヤー:SAPOA […] Source: イゼ速。:Izzet MTG News Flash
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rocksvitamins · 3 years
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The Rocks family would like to thank God and the San Antonio community for the continued support. • Thank you SAPOA (San Antonio Police Officers Association) for always giving back to our community and allowing Rock’s to be apart of your back to school drive. • It was a pleasure meeting the new President & Executive Director. The Rock’s Family looks forward to do more outreach with y’all in the future! • Blessings always (at San Antonio, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSuqucQlbZP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thegreatyin · 10 months
i have realized, to my absolute horror, that nowhere king fits santanak better than any other song ever could and that's extremely concerning
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xx-hail2theking-xx · 1 year
I don't know what just happened, or how it happened. For all I know something changed.
well, he isn't home yet, i'll tell you that much.
he shouldn't be home for a long while.
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abujaihs-blog · 5 years
SA Property Investors need to be Patient
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A panel of experts at the South African Property Owners' Association (Sapoa)'s annual conference which took place last week in Cape Town, told attendees that there were numerous long-term investment opportunities in the country many of which were in real estate. "Property is a long-term investment in any country. The economy may be weak now, but things will improve, and growth will return," Evan Robins, listed property manager for Old Mutual Investment Group’s MacroSolutions boutique said. Barnaby Fletcher, a senior analyst at Control Risks for southern Africa said the major risk to investing in South African property was policy uncertainty. “We are hopeful that Cyril Ramaphosa and his new government can quickly publicize and then implement clear policies,” he said.
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The panel also included David Cohen, the managing director of Signatura Property Developments and Preston Mendenhall, executive vice president at Rendeavour UK. Rendeavour currently focusses its capital on developing African markets such as Nairobi, Kenya and Lusaka, Zambia.
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Mendenhall said the potential returns were higher in these countries than in SA, partly because the major cities here were grow from low bases. There was strong employment growth and infrastructure was being created at a healthy pace. This created investment opportunities. SA just didn’t offer projects of similar size. Also, these investment companies would struggle to compete with established players in SA such as Growthpoint Properties and Redefine Properties. While some investors want to benefit from capital growth in Africa, some want to enjoy income growth. When asked why only SA and Kenya have real estate investment trusts which are property funds that are forced to pay out much of their income as dividends, Robins said there was not yet enough investment grade stock which could be pooled into these trusts. It would take years but high-grade property would be developed and eventually many African countries would have real estate investment trusts listed on their exchanges. Right now, South Africans could invest in Grit Real Estate, a JSE listed company which owned assets in some seven African countries. Grit paid dividends in US dollars. Meanwhile, Cohen said his company was continuing to invest in niche markets in SA. Signatura was launched by John Rabie, the founder of the Rabie housing group, in July 2012. Signatura develops very high-end apartments. “We go wherever the returns are and we are finding that in SA in residential. If you understand who you are developing for you can succeed. We understand who our customer is and are managing to maintain growth through an economic recession,” Cohen said.
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Cohen said Cape Town’s luxury apartment market still offered opportunities if developers were clever and adapted their projects according to space constraints. An example of a successful project was The Onyx. This development on Cape Town’s Foreshore includes studio apartments sized from 35m2 to 200m2. Sales at the development have been very healthy with some 219 units already sold. The property is owned by Nedbank and was designed by architecture firm, Robert Silke. It was built from a conversion which Cohen said made it easier to make the development sustainable. It includes a hotel component which is administered by Newmark Hotels. Cohen says African and European billionaires have acquired units in the development. Source: sacommercialpropnews Read the full article
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Thank you for your support in this Primary Election Win....
I thank everyone that has helped support me and my staff during the course of this primary election, which was an arduous undertaking, but we were able to overcome the obstacles to march onward to the general election. Your moral and voter support was instrumental in helping our campaign reach its aims, and your constituents deserve a lot of credit for participating in their civic responsibilities by going to the ballot box to cast their votes. We are only as united in our communities by the amount of engagement that we perform within them. Elections aren’t about an individual, it’s about the heart and confidence of our constituents’ neighborhood. I understand that it the most integral part of being not just a voter, but the amount of outreach that you extend to those voters. As a JROTC instructor and having worked with the DoD I know the meaning of selfless service and the values of leadership. This is the type of example that I impart to my office and campaign staff, the measure of resolve to always put the needs of others above their own. This is what sets us apart from others, and we will keep this tradition at the Bexar County Clerk’s office. You humble me with your continued support, and I truly am grateful to be blessed with a supportive family at home as well as at work. I believe in the work I have done here as your County Clerk, and if you have need of anything at my office, my staff and I will be more than willing to accommodate our constituencies within the best of our ability to do so.
Que vamos a seguir adelante y luchamos hasta el fin de la elección, ¡Que viva la democracia!
Respectfully yours,
Lucy Adame-Clark
Bexar County Clerk, Democratic Incumbent
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nairasong-blog · 5 years
South African Property Owners Association (SAPOA) Bursary 2019 – 2020
South African Property Owners Association (SAPOA) Bursary 2019 – 2020
Download South African Property Owners Association (SAPOA) Bursary 2019 – 2020 application form here. See how to apply, eligibility condition, how to contact South African Property Owners Association (SAPOA) Bursary South Africa.
ABOUT THE COMPANY – SAPOA The South African Property Owners Association (SAPOA), founded in the year 1966, aims to protect the interests of the industrial and commercial…
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pabbynewsliveme · 6 years
Man kills mom & daughter over charcoal
Man kills mom & daughter over charcoal
blood knife
A man, believed to be in his 30s, has committed a cruel crime by butchering a mother and daughter to death, following a misunderstanding over charcoal.
The suspect, identified as Nurudeen Musah, reportedly, committed the crime at Sapoa near Abenoa in the Sekyere Afram Plains District last Tuesday.
After ending the lives of the mother and daughter in that bloody manner,…
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