#santo padre
caramara3 · 2 years
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Expect my therapy bill you heartless SOB's
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Queens Of The Mayans, Brooke, Chapter 7
Word Count:  2.1k
Warnings:  violence/aggression, fingering, unprotected sex, smut. 
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Brooke’s POV
"Bishop stop," I pled, trying to hold onto his arm as Tranq ripped Angel's kutte from him and they started prepping him for the cage, "What are you doing?"
"You want to act like a god damn whore," he growled, ripping his arm from my hands, "fine. But you don't fucking pull down my guys while you're doing it. He's a fucking prospect. He's not allowed to touch you!"
"Bishop wa-"
But he turned to me, and my pleas were obviously falling on deaf ears. His normally dark brown eyes were almost black, full of rage and contempt for the young biker.
"You don't fucking get to tell me what to do, do you understand?"
When I didn't respond immediately his hand snatched my jaw and held me so that I was firmly looking at him in the eye. He was waiting for a response.
"I-I understand."
"Good," he growled, dropping my jaw and turning around. He pulled off his own kutte and started unbuttoning his shirt, "PROSPECT. Do you know why you're in the cage?"
Angel swallowed, looking to me, "I-"
"Don't fucking look at her," he yelled over the music that was blasting from inside, "don't fucking look at her for permission on anything. I asked you a question. Now fucking answer, it!"
As Tranq handed him tape to wrap his hands, he looked at him then shook his head. He shrugged and handed the tape to Bishop. Bishop stared at him, waiting for an answer, "I'm fucking Brooke."
"No," he growled, barely bothering to look at him as he finished wrapping the tape around his fingers, "I don't care if you fuck a whore...but when you fuck my property...and as a prospect...we have a problem."
Brooke swallowed as she looked at the two older men. Tranq led Angel over to the cage, and pushed him in, then Bishop walked in behind. As Tranq put the padlock over the door, Taza held me back as I went to rush it.
"You can't let him do this," I begged Taza, "please. He'll kill him."
"He won't kill the prospect," he murmured. Then he looked down at me, "but is that what you're really worried about? The prospect?"
"He didn't want me," I snipped, my jaw clenching as I tried to avoid grinding my teeth, "Bishop doesn't want me."
"Yes he does," he said, looking to the two men in the cage. My gaze snapped to it, and while I had to admit Angel put up a valiant effort, Bishop was a seasoned fighter, his time in the military only making him more lethal, "he'll teach the kid a lesson. One that he should have accepted from the beginning that day at the mall. You don't touch Bishop's things."
"I'm not a thing," I growled, pushing myself away from him, "Angel cared about me...he helped me. He let me in when all any of you ever did was push me away...and for what? BECAUSE BISHOP WON'T MAKE A MOVE? BECAUSE HE DOESN'T HAVE THE BALLS TO JUST TAKE ME FOR HIMSELF?"
Bishop's eyes snapped to mine.
It was nothing less than an animalistic rage as he yelled for Tranq to unlock the cage. My eyes went to Angel, beaten and bloody on the dirt. Bishop smirked at me. With a huff, the door was unlocked, and he stormed towards me.
No one stopped him.
No one bothered putting a hand up or looked at him funny when he picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder.
No one batted an eye as the shirtless, bloodied up man carried me through the clubhouse and to his room as though I were nothing more than a sack of flour.
When we passed the threshold to his room, he kicked the door shut and threw me on the bed, not bothering to hold back or hide his contempt for me. He was breathing heavily as he paced the floor of his room.
"The fuck was that?" he growled out, after a second. I didn't say anything as I watched him try to pace his anger out of himself. His hands were still drawn into tight fists, "I ASKED A QUESTION!"
"Calling you out on your shit," I replied, feeling confident enough to look him dead in the eye, "if you're gonna call me out on my shit, I'm going to call you out on yours, Obispo."
He gave me a nasty smirk, "you think that's what this is? Some childish bullshit where we go back and forth calling each other out?"
"I think that's what you made it."
"I care about you," he seethed, finally unfurling his fists. He rushed the bed and slammed both hands down on the edge of it, "I fucking care about you. I knew that you were so god damned innocent, and I wanted you to have time to experience it all. I didn't want to rush anything, but all you want is to whine and bitch and complain about how hard it is. How difficult your life is here? How much I ignore you."
"You do."
"I am working all the time to make sure the club is at it's best," he hissed, "I'm doing this so I can create a future for us. And you're fucking anyone who will look at you. Riz. Angel. Who next, Gilly?"
"We've already established he's not my type," I smirked snarkily, "but thanks for the faith."
His jaw clenched as he stared at me, and he raised his chin up, an act of trying to stare me down and intimidate me at the same time, "is everything a fucking joke to you?"
"It is when I laugh."
"You want serious?" I asked, "how about this for serious? I don't know how. I don't know why, but for some god forsaken reason I ended up here. With you. And all I've wanted since day one was to feel your arms around me. Feel your lips against mine. Have you wrapped around me like a god damn cocoon, protecting me from the world. I've never wanted that from anyone, and that is scary as fuck to me. So, when I try, actually fucking try to get your attention and you blow me off. When you ignore my advances. When you straight out reject me...and then hit me...I guess I just decided it best to try and drown my sorrows on another cock."
Bishop looked down at his hands and he nervously began to fiddle with his fingers, "I didn't mean for it to be like this you know."
I barely heard his admission as I stared at him, "I don't think anyone can plan for this."
"I care about you too..." he said softly, "you know that right?"
"I think it was kind of obvious that there's something there," I sighed, trying to remain light about the situation, "don't know of too many guys that would beat Angel up over nothing."
"Clearly you two haven't talked much outside of the sex," he said with a chuckle, "there are plenty of guys that would beat the shit out of the pretty boy who can't keep it in his pants." 
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"So you really want me?"
I stared up at him as if he were the biggest dumbass in the world, "are you fucking kidding right now, Obispo?"
He shook his head, "I'm being serious."
"Of course I want you," I admitted, "more than anything in the world."
"You're done fucking Angel," he growled down at me. He took three large steps, and he stood in front of me, "and Riz. And whoever else you fucked too."
"I was only sleeping with Angel."
"That's fucking over!"
"Why?" I asked. My eyes flickered to his, and I saw the briefest bit of anger as I'd asked that question, "I'm not yours, am I?"
He didn't answer me.
He only stared holes through me.
"I said you're done."
"Then make me yours, Obispo..." I said breathlessly as I stared at him. His jaw clenched, but he didn't make any moves, "you want me...make me yours. Ruin me for other men."
"You don't know what you're asking sweetheart," he replied in a hushed tone. The rough pads of his fingers brushed my cheek and ran along my jaw, "if I do this, there's no going back, princessa."
"You think I don't know that?"
"I'm not looking to fuck around, Brooke," he answered, "you're 18. If we do this, you're stuck with me until we're done."
"Here you go," I muttered softly. I leaned forward until I was resting on my knees, my legs tucked under me. I sat up and put my arms around his neck, "if I have to tell you one more time that I car-"
"You'll what?" he laughed, "what'll saying it one more time do?"
There was an edge to his voice. Something more than the banter we'd acquired before our argument. A lustful air to the teasing. I smiled, and he copied my actions.
"I guess I'll have to keep saying it a million more times," I sighed. He chuckled as I pulled him closer, "just...kiss me already, would you?"
I smiled to myself as I laid in bed with him, my fingers dancing along the skin on his chest
"You should be asleep, princessa."
"So should you, Obispo."
"I'm enjoying the moments with my queen."
"And I'm enjoying the moments with my king."
I looked up, and his calm chocolate eyes were staring down at me. He gave me a small smile and leaned down. I leaned up to meet his lips. Slowly, he pulled me up to him as our lips worked in tandem. When he was happy with where I was so that neither one of us were craning our necks, he flipped us over so that he was hovering over me.
As he began to kiss down my jaw and neck I couldn't help but giggle as his mustache and the scruff from his cheek and neck tickled me.
"That's right mami," he purred, his lips continuing to work down my naked form, "you moan my name..."
I was about to speak when his mouth found it's way to my breasts. I gasped as he latched on, his tongue working over one of my nipples. His hand reached up and grasped for my other breast, slowly kneading it under his fingers, manipulating the other nipple the same way he had been with his tongue.
My back arched against him, and he chuckled, pulling away from my breast with a 'pop'. He repeated his actions on the other side, until he was satisfied, and then he began moving his way down my body once more.
"Obispo," I begged breathlessly as he delicately kissed each of my inner thighs, "please. I-I need to feel you again."
"Princessa," he purred, "we have all the time in the world. I want to taste that beautiful pussy of yours again. Feel you cumming on my tongue as you scream my name. Let the whole damn clubhouse know who you belong to, once and for all."
And as his face disappeared between my legs, I gasped once more. His tongue had expertly found my folds in the dark, and he was already sliding two fingers in.
"Bishop," I whimpered, as he began scissoring his fingers into me.  I grabbed onto his hair, gently pulling it.  He growled against my core, sending shivers down my spine, "fuck.  Bishop." 
"Oh sweetheart," he purred, "so responsive to me." 
He pulled out his fingers and put them in his mouth to clean them off.  I felt a wave run through me as I watched him with hooded eyes.  
"Need you." 
"So needy for me, princessa," he smirked.  He came up to me again, kissing his way up my body.  I could see the wetness on his mustache from my own juices, "you know how sweet you taste?" 
I shook my head.  He slotted his lips against mine, and our tongues met as they fought for dominance.  I could taste something slightly tangy, but very sweet on his tongue as our lips stayed melded together.  I moaned as I felt the tip of his cock bump against my entrance.  
"Bishop," I pled when he pulled away momentarily as he lined himself up, "please." 
"Please, what, princessa?" 
"Make love to me," I begged, looking deep into his eyes, "please...make love to me Obispo.  Please." 
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"About time."
I turned to Yana, who had a knowing smirk on her face as she poured herself some coffee.
"What are you talking about?" I asked, trying to hide the smile on my face.
"Sweetie, everyone heard you and Bishop," she giggled, pouring in her creamer, "and believe it or not you two woke me and Che up this morning."
My cheeks heated up as Bishop came around the corner. His hand went to the small of my back and he gave my ass a quick squeeze as he pulled me into a kiss.
"So much for subtlety," Yana laughed, nudging me, "congratulations on finally getting your girl, Obispo." 
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roddyjo · 2 years
MAYANS MC prediction:
EZ is going to use the killswitch clause to overrule Alvarez on the heroin pipeline.
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tenebraetuae · 1 year
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8 dicembre 1854
Il Sommo Pontefice Pio IX proclamò nell’enciclica Ineffabilis Deus la costituzione apostolica e definizione dogmatica dell’Immacolata Concezione della Beata Vergine Maria.
“Dio ineffabile, le cui vie sono la misericordia e la verità, la cui volontà è onnipotente, e la cui sapienza si estende con potenza da un’estremità all’altra del mondo e tutto governa con bontà, avendo previsto da tutta l’eternità la luttuosissima rovina dell’intero genere umano, che sarebbe derivata dal peccato di Adamo, decretò, con disegno nascosto dai secoli, di compiere l’opera prima della sua bontà con un mistero ancor più profondo, mediante l’incarnazione del Verbo. Perché l’uomo, spinto — contro il proposito della Divina Misericordia — al peccato dall’astuzia e dalla malizia del demonio, non doveva più perire; anzi la caduta della natura nel primo Adamo doveva essere riparata con migliore fortuna nel secondo. Dio quindi, fin da principio e prima dei secoli, scelse e preordinò al suo Figlio una madre, nella quale si sarebbe incarnato e dalla quale poi, nella felice pienezza dei tempi, sarebbe nato; e, a preferenza di ogni altra creatura, la fece segno a tanto amore da compiacersi in lei sola con una singolarissima benevolenza. Per questo mirabilmente la ricolmò, più di tutti gli Angeli e di tutti i Santi, dell’abbondanza di tutti i doni celesti, presi dal tesoro della sua divinità. Così Ella, sempre assolutamente libera da ogni macchia di peccato, tutta bella e perfetta, possiede una tale pienezza di innocenza e di santità, di cui, dopo Dio, non se ne può concepire una maggiore, e di cui, all’infuori di Dio, nessuna mente può riuscire a comprendere la profondità. E certo era del tutto conveniente che una Madre così venerabile risplendesse sempre adorna dei fulgori della santità più perfetta, e, immune interamente dalla macchia del peccato originale, riportasse il più completo trionfo sull’antico serpente; poiché a Essa Dio Padre aveva disposto di dare l’unigenito suo Figlio — generato dal suo seno, uguale a se stesso e amato come se stesso — in modo tale che egli fosse, per natura, Figlio unico e comune di Dio Padre e della Vergine; poiché lo stesso Figlio aveva stabilito di renderla sua madre in modo sostanziale; poiché lo Spirito Santo aveva voluto e fatto sì che da Lei fosse concepito e nascesse Colui, dal quale egli stesso procede.”
Maria concepita senza macchia di peccato, fonte di bontà e santità, prega per noi che ricorriamo a Voi.
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fathersonholygore · 10 months
Mayans M.C. S05E06 "My Eyes Filled & Then Closed on the Last of Childhood Tears"
Mayans M.C. 5×06: “My Eyes Filled & Then Closed on the Last of Childhood Tears” Directed by Allison Anders Written by Miriam Hernandez * For a recap & review of 5×05, click here. * For a recap & review of 5×07, click here. Angel’s been doing the dad thing and it continues to push him away from some of what the club’s been doing. At the same time, EZ’s only burrowing deeper into the club. Again,…
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sublimejesus · 3 months
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Pe. Pio de Pietrelcina
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espiritudedios · 4 months
Dios es bueno y sabe lo que hace.
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nam-ore · 10 months
Um namoro muito perto, muito grudado, deixa eu dizer bem claro: um namoro muito cheio de amassos e beijos quentes, é um namoro onde você não enxerga a pessoa, você só enxerga as suas paixões. Você está incitando o irracional dentro de você e quando o irracional toma conta, como é que você vai fazer boas escolhas? Então, é necessário no namoro ter uma distância respeitosa, claro que você precisa de convívio, de contato pra conhecer a pessoa, mas manter uma certa distância física é a melhor estratégia para fazer do namoro uma verdadeira preparação para um casamento saudável.
Padre Paulo Ricardo
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notasfilosoficas · 9 months
“Siempre tenlo presente… entre más dura la prueba, mayor será la bendición”
Pío de Pietrelcina
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Pío de Pretelcina, también conocido como Padre Pío, fue un fraile capuchino y sacerdote católico italiano nacido en Pietrelcina, Campania en mayo de 1887. Famoso por sus dones milagrosos y por los estigmas que presentaba en el costado, manos y pies.
Su familia era de clase humilde, trabajadora y muy devota, su infancia se caracterizó por ser de una salud frágil y enfermiza. Desde su niñez sufrió lo que el llamaba “encuentros demoniacos”, y sus vecinos y amigos constantemente lo veían peleando con lo que ellos afirmaban era su propia sombra.
Desde muy temprana edad, manifestó un deseo especial por el sacerdocio. Su padre tuvo que migrar hacia los Estados Unidos y posteriormente a Argentina para poder costear la educación de su hijo.
En 1903 a la edad de 15 años, fue aceptado como novicio en el convento de Morcone. La vida del noviciado era una vida difícil, llena de ayunos y mortificaciones que influyeron decisivamente en el carácter de Pío.
En enero de 1904, termina su noviciado y se traslada al convento de SantÉlia  para continuar con sus estudios. Es por esta época y en este convento en donde ocurre su primera bilocación (fenómeno paranormal en donde una misma persona aparece en dos lugares diferentes al mismo tiempo).
En enero de 1907, hace su profesión de votos solemnes y se traslada al convento de Serracapriola, perjudicando su salud, por lo que sus superiores lo regresan a Pietrelcina, en donde la gente de su pueblo confiaba en él y le pedia consejo.
En agosto de 1910, fue consagrado sacerdote en la catedral de Benevento, pero permanece con su familia derivado de sus problemas de salud.
Sin duda alguna lo que hace más famoso al Padre Pío, es la aparición de estigmas muy dolorosas en manos pies y costados, las cuales ocurrieron desde septiembre de 1918 hasta septiembre de 1968. La noticia de que el padre Pío tenia los estigmas, hizo que miles de personas acudieran a la iglesia de Giovanni Rotondo para verle y besarle las manos, confesarse y presenciar sus misas.
La Santa sede, envió un comunicado argumentando que sus estigmas tenían un origen neurótico, haciendo constar que no se constataba sobrenaturalidad en los hechos, por parte del Santo Oficio.
En los años siguientes, hubo otros 3 decretos en donde el último, prohibía las visitas al Padre Pío o mantener alguna relación con él. Es por esta causa que el Padre Pío pasa 10 años de 1923 a 1933 aislado completamente del mundo exterior.
El padre Pío fue objeto de numerosas investigaciones, hasta que en 1933 las cosas comenzaron a cambiar, ordenando el papa Pio XII se revirtiera la prohibición de la celebración de misas del padre, argumentando que no tenía una mala disposición hacia él, sino que había sido mal informado y animó a los devotos a visitarlo.
Fue hasta después de 30 años, que el entonces papa Juan XXIII prohibe nuevamente su participación como sacerdote, y en julio de 1960, bajo una investigación del arzobispo de Ancona, Carlo Maccari, lo acusa equivocadamente de tener relaciones sexuales.
Tras la muerte del papa Juan XXIII el papa Pablo VI rechazó las acusaciones y devolvió oficialmente la libertad en su ministerio, concediéndole el indulto para celebrar misas.
Al padre Pío además de sus estigmas se le atribuyen facultades extraordinarias como la capacidad de leer conciencias y almas, curas milagrosas mediante la oración, la facultad de estar en dos lugares al mismo tiempo, el don de apariciones y de profecía.
En junio de 2002, el papa Juan Pablo II proclama santo en el Vaticano al padre Pío, haciendo público el hecho de que alguna vez había sido confesado por él, y algunas fuentes inclusive dicen que le había vaticinado el papado.
Fuentes: Wikipedia y abc.es
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jardindecristo · 4 months
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‭‭Efesios‬ ‭4:29‬ ‭NTV‬‬
No empleen un lenguaje grosero ni ofensivo. Que todo lo que digan sea bueno y útil, a fin de que sus palabras resulten de estímulo para quienes las oigan.
¿Cuántas palabras útiles puedes decir este nuevo año?, ¿Cuántas veces les has dado lugar a las groserías y a los insultos? Es hora de cambiar ⏰
Si decimos que somos de Cristo debemos hablar como Cristo. Y Él no decía groserías, ni insultos, ni críticas; lee los Evangelios y te darás cuenta 👀
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Queens Of The Mayans, Brooke, Chapter 6
Word Count:  2.3k
Warnings:  over-intoxication, mentions of aggression/abuse, smut, unprotected sex
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Brooke’s POV
My head was swimming. But I wasn't on the same high that I'd been ten minutes ago. Now I was in Riz' room. He was equally drunk and didn't ask questions.
He didn't ask about the red imprint of Bishop's hand on my cheek.
He didn't ask about the small bruises that were beginning to form from the rings he wore.
He didn't ask about how my lip was slightly cut open.
He didn't care that it stung when his lips met mine.
The sweat from our bodies as they moved in rhythm. The heat of his breath on my neck as he sucked on my collarbone. The pressure that built in my core as he continued to thrust into me.
I don't remember exactly how we got here.
But here I was.
Giving my virginity to Riz.
"Eva," he whispered, "baby."
I looked up at his hooded eyes. They were closed as he climaxed.
And here we were.
He was moaning another woman's name.
The mother of his child.
While inside me.
It wasn't until he stopped cumming that his eyes opened.
He either didn't remember just moaning his exes name or didn't care.
He rolled off me, grabbed a cigarette, and put it to his lips.
I looked around the room for a second, before reassociating with myself.
I'd just had sex.
But it felt wrong. I felt numb.
Gathering my clothes, he didn't stop me as I put them on. He grabbed the beer from his bedside table and took a swig, before returning back to his cigarette.
The walk back to Bishop's room felt like it was gonna take forever...but when I finally made it back, the room was empty. I closed the door behind me and made my way to the bathroom.
Dropping my clothes off and starting the water I took a second to look at myself in the mirror.
A clear imprint of his hand was on my cheek. Where his thumb ring had caught me, the slightest cut on my lip had formed, and puffed. Above my cheekbones two small bruises from his other rings had formed. My hair was a mess, and my eyeliner had run down my cheeks. My tinted gloss was gone, leaving a few sparkles from the glitter in it as a reminder that I'd kissed it all away.
The door creaked open, and I looked behind me. I knew that I couldn't see who the person was from this angle.
"Fuck," he hissed as he saw me. He rushed up to me, "Are you okay?"
"What are you doing here?"
"Yana asked me to check up on you when she saw Bishop," he said quickly, "she said he looked pissed and went straight to the bar."
His hands went immediately to my face, and I let him inspect me, "I'm okay Angel."
"You don't look okay."
"I'm fine," I muttered, brushing his hands away from me, “go back to the party.”
"He shouldn't have hit you."
"I belong to the club," I muttered, removing my top, "he can do whatever he would like with me."
"You're still a human being," he replied quickly. I shrugged, removing my shorts and turned the shower on. When I turned around, he was staring at me, "you deserve to be fucking treated right. You deserve for someone to love and respect you."
"And who do you think will do that, Angel?" I asked, stepping up to him, "I just fucked Riz to spite Bishop, and do you know what I felt? Nothing. He came and he moaned Eva's name. I'm just a fucking piece of meat around here."
"You're not just a piece of meat," he whispered. I shook my head, not wanting to believe him, "you're not."
But I could feel the way he looked at my body.
The way he admired my small, but effective curves. I took off my bra, and dropped my panties, never removing my eyes from his own.
His eyes wavered.
They scanned my body with a hunger I knew.
The same hunger I'd seen in plenty of the son's eyes before.
"I am just fresh pussy to you guys," I repeated, "I'm not a fucking human."
"I'm not gonna deny wanting to have sex with you," he admitted, "Fuck, since that day at the mall, I've thought about you a few times...but you aren't just a piece of pussy, Brooke."
"Yeah, okay," I scoffed. I went to turn, but Angel grabbed my wrist. I hissed in pain, and he instantly let go. He retracted his hand so fast it seemed like he'd touched fire.
That's when we'd both noticed another bruise that Bishop had left on me when he'd tried to stop me from leaving the room.
I could see the pained expression in Angel's eyes.
Without a word he dropped to his knees and took my hand. He began to place soft, delicate kisses along my fingers, moving up until he reached the bruise. Being extremely gentle he kissed my wrist, right where the bruise was the thinnest.
I felt myself melting against his touch.
Why did he have to be so sweet?
Why did he have to be the one that had so much compassion?
He let my hands go and stood up again. Pulling me to him, he wrapped his arms around me and for the first time in the past few hours I felt okay. I sighed against his chest, breathing in his scent.
"Let's get you in the shower," he sighed, "get you cleaned up."
"Stay with me?"
He nodded and he leaned up against the counter. Letting me go, I made my way to the shower and hopped in.
The hot water was a welcome distraction.
I needed to sort out my thoughts and how I felt.
I needed to process.
My body tensed at his voice. The water felt like needles against my skin. My breathing became shallow as I heard him walking towards me.
"She's in the shower."
"What are you doing in my room prospect?" Bishop growled.
"Che's old lady sent me in to check on Brooklyn," Angel said slowly. I could hear the hesitation in his voice, "So I came to check up on her."
"Doesn't explain why you were in the bathroom," he replied, "why were you in there with her?"
"I had to convince her to get into the shower," he lied, "When I found her she was staring at herself in the mirror. Had a giant handprint across her cheek. A split lip. Some bruises on her face and wrist. Her makeup and hair were a mess."
The two men stood in silence, and I turned off the shower. That's when I heard two sets of rushed footsteps, "you probably shouldn't go in there pre-"
"Shut the hell up, Angel."
The door whipped open, and I was staring face to face with Bishop. His eyes held a lot of emotions. Regret. Sadness. Confusion.
Then one that was growing as he looked at me, wrapped in a towel.
"You fuck the prospect?"
"No," I growled, "Angel came in to check on me."
"Good!" he said shortly. He turned on his heel and I smirked.
"I fucked Riz." 
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He hadn't talked to me in days.
"You fucked RIZ!"
I smirked, nodding at him as I held the towel closer to my body, "you said I could choose anyone that I wanted to...remember, Obispo?"
His jaw clenched as he glared me down.
"Get the fuck out of my room prospect," he growled. When Angel didn't move, he glared at him, "GET THE FUCK OUT!"
As Angel left, the two shared an icy glare.
"What, Bishop," I hissed, "what is it that you want?"
"You want to be a whore," he growled, "fine. Be a fucking whore."
I pushed past him and into the room, opening the drawers so I could find something to wear, "fuck you, Bishop."
And he walked out...
Without a second glance, a second thought.
I'd seen him around the clubhouse, but he outright ignored me at every step. The only time he would acknowledge my existence was when he was grabbing clothes and ceremoniously leaving the room again.
Every time he was sure to make a scene though. Slamming doors. Knocking things over. By the time any of the other guys got the courage, and had went to ask him about it, he'd shut down completely.
"You need to talk," Yana said simply as she watched him stomping around the scrap yard, "and I mean seriously talk."
"He beat me, Yana," I growled, "and he rejected me...so I moved on. There's nothing to talk about."
"Bullshit. Everyone knows that you and Bishop have feelings for each other. You're both just terrible at talking about it...but you need to show him what he means to you, before either one of you fuck it up," she spat, throwing one of the bids beside me. I looked at her and she nodded her head in the direction of the guys, "You take it to them. New bid."
I felt my jaw clench as I glared at her. She smiled before walking off.
As I grabbed the bid, I made my way out to the scrap yard. There were four guys working today. Bishop, Taza, Creeper, and Angel. Seeing Taza as I rounded a corner, I held the bid up, and he stopped running the machine.
"What you got, kiddo?"
"New bid from Yana."
"Good stuff," he smiled, hopping down from the heavy machinery, "I'll go find Creeper and take him out to run it."
"Great," I sighed unenthusiastically. Turning on my heel I didn't wait for a response. I didn't need one. As I made my way back to the office, I saw Angel ripping apart a car, "hey you."
He froze as he stared at me. My bruises had faded, but there was a small scar that had formed at the corner of my lip, a reminder of the sting of one of his ring from when he backhanded me.
"Hey," he swallowed, taking a step forward, "you okay, princessa?"
"I'm breathing."
He nodded, seeming to be unsure on how to navigate the conversation, "so you and Bishop?"
"I'm sure you know we aren't together," I said slowly, hollowing out my cheeks at the admission, "he won't even look at me..."
"Probably because he was a jackass in letting you go."
"And what would you have done?"
"Woulda made love to you when you asked me to."
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"That's not what I meant!"
I smiled at Yana, biting my bottom lip, "I don't know what you are talking about!"
"You and Angel," she hissed lowly as we prepped the bar for tonight's party, "I saw him coming out of the storeroom after you..."
"He was putting stuff away."
"Oh, I bet he was putting something away," she replied, her accent coming out slightly. I raised my brow at her, and she shook her head, "you are going about this the wrong way, Brooke."
"And you are acting like my mom," I growled, "let me remind you, Yana. You aren't her. So, stop with the lectures. Stop with the anger."
"If I was your mother, I would have beaten your ass for being stupid," she replied, shoving some of the beers into the reach in, "are you at least using protection?"
"Angel," I begged, my nails digging into his back as he gave a particularly hard thrust. I tried to stifle my moans so that no one would hear us, "oh fuck, Angel."
"You like that, princessa?" he asked, voice all vibrato. He sounded like a man who wanted praise, a peacock waiting to strut his glorious feathers, "you like that?"
"Yes," I moaned against his neck, my thighs locking tight around his waist. His pace picked up as he held me tight between himself and the wall, "oh fuck, right their Angel. You're filling me so good. Don't stop. Please don't stop."
"Oh I'm not stopping, baby," he purred, hips snapping into me. I bit down on his shoulder to stifle the new wave of my oncoming orgasm and his hips stuttered inside of me, the heat from my core making me feel a different kind of high as the warmth from his spend completely filled me, "FUCK! MI CORAZON!"
As he pulled away, and we stared into one another's eyes he gave me the softest of smiles, his hand delicately brushing the matted hair from my face, as he placed another kiss to my lips, "Angel."
"Shh," he cooed, the pads of his fingers tracing my jaw, "enjoy the moment with me, mi amor."
But I froze. Unsure of what to say. I didn't know what to tell her.
Angel and I hadn't ever used protection, but I didn't think much of it.
"You dumb bitch," she growled, "what if you get pregnant, huh?"
"I can't get pregnant," I muttered, shaking my head, "Angel said if we have sex after my period then I can't get pregnant...because a new egg hasn't formed yet."
"Stupid whore," she grumbled, grabbing me by the arm, "and you fucking believe that?"
"Where are we going?" I asked as she pulled me to the templo where Bishop, Tranq, and Taza were all going over business, "Yana stop!"
Instead, Yana pushed me forward, almost making me fall down the two steps. But I caught myself on the edge of the table. Bishop looked at her, pissed, "what the fuck is going on?"
"I'm tired of waiting on you two," she hissed, pointing between us, "you need to put some common sense into her, or at least get her on birth control, because her dumbass isn't over your dumbass, and she's fucking Angel without any protection."
"Yana," Taza warned, "this isn't your-"
"You're fucking Angel?" Bishop growled, slamming his hand on the table. I looked up at him, fear present in my emotions and I swallowed hard. My heart felt like it was racing and about to burst through my chest as I tried to force the words from my lips. He slammed his hand against the table again, this time much harder, his gaze stone cold, "ANSWER ME! I ASKED YOU SOMETHING! ARE YOU, FUCKING ANGEL?"
Chapter 7, The End
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omarfor-orchestra · 3 months
Ma perché nessuno capisce quanto è divertente fare lo studio di funzioni
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iris-sistibly · 1 year
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Isang salita, isang tanong ang gumugulo sa aking isipan. 
Bakit humantong sa ganito ang buhay ko? Bakit ako nag-iisa at nagdurusa? 
Ako ay isinilang na walang alam tungkol sa totoo kong pagkatao, pinuno ng pagmamahal, pinag-aral, tinuruan kung paano maging isang huwarang babae na dapat tularan ng ibang dalaga, at upang maging karapat-dapat na asawa para sa aking nag-iisang mahal. Ang aking irog na si Crisostomo, wala akong hinangad kundi ang makasal sa kanya, maging katuwang niya habang unti-unti niyang tinutupad ang mga pangarap niya para sa bayan, bumuo ng pamilya, at tumandang magkasama. 
Ngunit sa isang iglap, nawala ang lahat…
Tila ang lahat ng iyon ay isang magandang panaginip na naglaho nang ako’y magising sa masakit na katotohanan. Na ako’y hindi bunga ng pagmamahalan ng aking mga magulang, kundi ng pagnanasa ng isang taong itinuring kong pangalawang ama, na ako’y matagal nang bilanggo at pinatatahimik ng mga taong akala ko’y naghahangad lamang ng mabuti para sa akin, na ang mga taong akala ng lahat ay banal na sugo ng Panginoon, ay siya palang mga tunay na mga makasalanan, na siya ring nagwasak at pumaslang kay Crisostomo. 
At ang pinakamasakit ay wala akong nagawa upang sagipin siya. 
Hanggang sa kanyang kamatayan ay pinili kong ingatan ang pagmamahal na inalay ni Ibarra sa akin, ito na lamang ang magagawa ko upang ipaglaban siya at ang aming pag-iibigan. Kung hindi rin siya ang aking magiging kabiyak ay mabuti pang magpakasal na lamang ako sa Panginoon, at igugol ang buhay ko sa paglilingkod sa Kanya kahit na tutol ang tunay kong ama. Hindi ako nagpatinag sa kabila ng kanyang pagmamakaawa, kahit ang kinilala kong ama, at ang tiya Isabel ay wala ring nagawa. Pinili kong manirahan sa tahanan ng Diyos, sa paniniwalang makakamtan ko ang paghilom at katahimikan na aking inaasam sa Kanyang piling. 
Ngunit mali ako, nagkamali ako…
Sapagkat ang lugar na inaasahan kong magiging kaligtasan ko ay siya palang maghahatid sa akin sa impyernong ito! Dahil dito ko nasilayan ang tunay na anyo ng isang demonyo! Wala siyang pangil o sungay, isa siyang taong nagbabanal-banalan, nagmimisa, at nagtuturo ng mga aral ng Diyos. Ngunit ang kanyang ugali at gawi ay taliwas sa sinasabi ng Bibliya, tunay siyang kasuklam-suklam! At habang niyuyurakan niya ang aking dangal, ay sumagi sa isip ko ang aking masaya at tila perkpektong buhay noon, ang aking papá at tiya na nagmahal at nag-aruga sa akin, ang aking mga amiga na lagi kong kasa-kasama mula pagkabata. Si Crisostomo na nag-alay ng dalisay na pagmamahal at paggalang sa akin. At si Klay, ang estrangherang nagturo sa akin na tumayo sa sarili kong mga paa, ang babaeng nagpakita sa akin ng tunay na halaga at kakayahan ng isang babae. Higit sa lahat, ang aking sarili na parang kandilang unti-unting nauupos habang isa-isang binabawi sa akin ang aking kaligayahan, lakas, at natitirang pag-asa.
Akala ko, ang pagkamatay ni Crisostomo ang pinakamasakit na nangyari sa buhay ko. Na akala ko'y naubos na ang natitira kong luha sa pagkawala ng aking pinakamamahal. May mas isasakit pa pala...
At habangbuhay ko itong tatangisan...
Maraming katanungan ang naglalaro sa isip ko, ito ba ay parusa ng langit dahil sa kalapastanganang ginawa ng aking tunay na ama sa aking ina? Ako ba ang naging kabayaran sa lahat ng hinagpis na dinanas ni mamá noong siya ay nabubuhay pa? Ako ba ay kanyang isinumpa dahil sa kanyang matinding galit?
Aking Ina, bakit pinabayaan mo ako't isinadlak sa matinding pagdurusa? Ano’t tila ako ay iyong tinalikuran at kinalimutan? Bakit hinayaan mong danasin ko ang kaparusahang higit pa sa kamatayan? 
Bakit ako Ina? Bakit?
-Ang Hinagpis ni Maria Clara (sa panulat ni: Iris)
Mula sa epilogo ng Noli Me Tangere ni Dr. Jose Rizal na pinagbasehan ng palabas na Maria Clara at Ibarra. Ang dalawang ito naman ang siyang aking naging inspirasyon at basehan upang maisulat ang kathang ito. 
A/N: It's my first time writing a 99.99% tagalog fanfic. Mej nag nosebleed lang ako ng very slight but I’m so proud that I was able to write this. Obviously this is more of an expounded version of Maria Clara’s anguish after Padre Salvi violated her (and just before her breakdown), I wish she slit that asshole of a priest’s throat though, like seriously he doesn’t deserve to live. I have watched a video somewhere saying that the epilogue of Noli was based on the ill fate of a nun who was raped by a priest and was seen screaming and crying at the kampanaryo...or something like that. Oh and the "Ina" Maria was referring to on the last part was the Blessed Virgin Mary in case you're wondering.
Anyhoo, I feel sad that this show is going to end in 4 weeks, and idk how they are going to pull-off the story of El Filibusterismo in such a short amount of time, but I’m wishing the whole MCI team the best. 
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tenebraetuae · 1 year
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Piviale usato il giorno di Ognissanti.
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fathersonholygore · 11 months
Mayans M.C. 5x05: "I Want Nothing But Death"
Mayans M.C. 5×05: “I Want Nothing But Death” Directed by Elgin James Written by Sean Varela * For a recap & review of 5×04, click here. * For a recap & review of 5×06, click here. Angel’s not looking too keen about rolling out with his boys carrying guns and ammo. They’re headed for Isaac’s Sons crew. Angel fires from the window of the car, hitting one of the Sons and killing him. This is…
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espiritudedios · 5 months
Nunca se pondrá de moda la santidad de Dios. Por el contrario, el mundo abundará en pecados y en delitos diversos. Tengamos presente este asunto para saber cómo conducirnos. Seamos sabios.
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