#santiago gracia x reader smut
blue-sadie · 7 months
Friend Of A Friend
Santiago Garcia x Young Reader
Summary: being tess's best friend has its ups and downs but the best one being her dad's best friend
Warning: reader is 20, wall sex
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Yn/3rd person pov
I smiled widely as I climbed into the car greeting them as I got in "long time no see yn" Santiago grinned as he turned to me I bite my lip blushing slightly "yea it has" I murmured.
He glanced at tess to make sure she wasn't looking before winking at me making my cheeks redder before he turned back to the front.
"Tess, yn Santiago here is picking you up from shopping ok I have a meeting so I won't be home intill late" Tom said looking at us through the review mirror "he just needs to remember that and not forget us for a girl" tess teased making them laugh.
I just grinned slightly when tess turned to me but I was kinda jealous I've always had a crush on Santiago since I was 16 I mean who wouldn't and there's been many times when I was around and the guys were to making fun of him about his hot informants.
He's always been kind to me and since my 18th birthday we've gotten a little closer when we're alone but nothing more then light touches, little flirts and playful winks, he never seems to cease to make me blush.
"Haha very funny there is none of that anymore" he chuckled making tess lean forward looking at him with wide eyes "has thee santiago gracia the player finally found the one" she squealed my heart stopped and my eyes fluttered.
He shook his head still laughing "honestly I want to but I don't think she feels the same" he murmured my hands wavered as I grabbed his seat leaning forward to see him "how did you meet her" I asked thankfully the hurt I felt didn't show in my voice.
"Uh" he paused thinking glancing to the side of him out the window "she's a friend of a friend" he grinned tess started guessing names of his informants as I bit the inside of my cheek and sat back against my seat.
We turned into the mall parking lot tess's rambling calming down as we neared the entrance "have a fun time girls" santiago laughed as we said our goodbyes I just nodded acknowledging him as I got out joining tess on the pavement she waved her dad goodbye and watched as they drove away "what shop to first".
-Time skip
I was browsing the different merch sections in hot topic waiting for tess has she tried stuff on through the corner of my eye I noticed one of the male employees watching me and following me into each row a few minutes I move.
"Can I help you with something" I asked ironic its supposed to be the other way around, I crossed my arms over my chest as I turned to him, he looked like a deer in headlights "i-i" he rubbed the buck of his neck nervously.
"I came to ask for you number" I cringed as he snuffled through his nose the sound almost making me gag "I have a boyfriend" I lied turning back to the shelf of items but he stepped towards me making me taking a step back.
"He wouldn't have to know" he spoke seductively it made me sick "no thank you" I huffed trying to leave but he caught my wrist pulling me to him he sweat smell making nose crinkle "let me go" I muttered.
What the two didn't notice was that tess was done with trying things on and saw the whole thing "hey santiago we need your help" that was all she had to say to make him speed his way over.
"I said no" I growled trying to pull my way out his hold but his grip only tightened making me gasp in pain "hey dick head" the man holding me turned his head only to get punched in the cheek by a red faced Santiago.
I stumbled to the ground as the employee released me "hey you ok" tess whispered as she feel to her knees beside me but my eyes never left santiago as he beat the creep up "i-uh" I couldn't find the words my heart was beating in my ears and my breath was shallow.
Santiago was stopped by security but released as they went over the footage and took the employee instead "come on girls" he panted urging us out and walked behind us silently "total guard dog effect" tess whispered leaning over to me but I didn't answer my eyes trained to the ground.
"Let's get you guys home" he muttered unlocking the car I took a seat in the back and just went on my phone only answering when they spoke to me directly.
"I'll see you Monday yn" my head snapped to tess who was out the car I didn't even realize we were at her house or that she was getting dropped off first, "come up front yn" he smiled turning to me, I hesitated before nodding and climbed out to get into the passengers seat.
He pulled out the driveway and headed down the street "how are you feeling" he asked briefly turning to me as we slowly pulled to a stop "i-i'll be ok" I murmured looking down to my wrist that was reddening slightly, santiago gently grabbed it and pulled it to his face laying a gentle kiss on it.
"I'm sorry I couldn't get there sooner" he said slowly lacing his fingers into mine, my cheeks became red as a tomato as I looked at our intertwined hands "I should've gone with you guys" he said slowly bringing our intertwined hands the the middle console leaning onto it as he went back to driving as the light turned green.
"I should've killed him" he muttered but I squeezed his hands lightly making him release a breath "I'm sorry" he whispered "it wasn't your fault" I said looking ahead at the road infront of us "he needed to learn some manners" he laughed at my statement and immediately agreed "yeah he can't mess with my girl" santiagos laughed ceased as those words left his lips.
My eyes immediately snapped to his "w-what" I asked my heart beat slowly increasing "i-i didn't say anything" he stuttered a wide smile pasted on my lips something I knew about santiago is he would somewhat stutter when he's trying to cover his tracks or nervous "you called me your girl" I murmured my smiled still widening.
He sighed slowly laughing to himself "yea" he paused "I guess I did" I squealed internally and shifted excitedly but sadness took over as we turned into my street "so am I a friend of a friend" I murmured "yes you are" his words made a shiver run down my spine, he slowed the car down turning into my driveway "are your parents home" he asked leaning onto the steering wheel looking at my house.
"No their away for the weekend" I murmured making him smile "mind if I come inside" he grinned towards me making me clench my thighs as I felt myself dampen I nodded eagerly unbuckling myself quickly and he did the same, he followed me inside and as soon as he kicked the door close his lips were on mine and his hands were feeling up and down my sides.
"I've been wanting you for so long" I moaned against his lips as my fingers entangled themselves in his hair "I know you have" he murmured making me lightly tug at his hair, his hands tugged off our clothes before be pressed me up against the wall "I need you now" he groaned pulling away from my lips.
One of his hands felt up and down my slit making my eyes flutter and a pleasured gasp leave my lips "shit your already dripping" he smirked and slowly moved his dick up against me, he slid it up and down my slit collecting my wetness on him "fuck" he groaned and slowly pushed in his hands moving to cage me in by settling beside my head.
My hands tugged at his hair again and a struggled moan left my lips his cock was stretching me out so much "that's it, that's a good girl" he growled and slowly started to pull out and push back in, he watched my face intently only increasing the pace when he sees my eyes flutter in pleasure or hear my soft whines.
"So fucking good mi amor" he whispered leaning down to my neck pressing his lips to my skin sucking harshly "s-shit" I cursed my knees buckling he swiftly caught me and put his hands under my thighs and lifted me up his thrusts never ceasing.
My moans were fueling his desire more, he nibbled and nipped at my skin making my breath catch in my throat, my eyes rolled to the back of my head as I leaned it up against the wall, I felt a knot form in my stomach and santiagos cock start to pulse "cum with me mi amor" he groaned licking a long strip along the hickies he littered on my neck, I nodded eagerly.
His grunts and groans grow louder as his hard thrust slightly fultered, our sounds of pleasure mixed together as we cam "fuck" I cried and santiago just growled lowly into my ear as he filled me up his nails digging into my skin, my hands dropped from his hair and I leaned my head onto his shoulder panting.
"Don't think we're done yet baby girl, you still have to make up for the times you've made me so fucking hard"
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jake-g-lockley · 1 year
I feel like Santiago Garcia barely gets any fluff content. Prompt 24. “oh, god, i’m sorry about your shirt.” *shirt is drenched in tears* “it’s okay. i was planning on throwing it out anyway.” Would be so pleasant with him, please with a cherry on top!
Here With You (Santiago Garcia x reader)
Masterlist | Spotify Playlist | Want to be tagged?
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A/N: You’re so right for this, yes we need more Santi fluff <3 Thanks for the ask, sweet nonnie!
Word count: 714 words
Warnings: A little bit of parental angst (you know the usual)
You storm into your shared apartment, throwing the door open and letting it hit the wall with a bang. You were fuming, angry at the way the lunch with your mother went. You knew it was going to be like this, full of arguments, disagreements and just plain insulting. You have brought yourself up over the past few years, indirectly cutting yourself off from your parents and never relying on them ever since you entered university. 
You decided to give it a chance a few weeks ago, when your mother finally contacted you, asking to see you. You craved simple love, the love that your parents would most definitely provide you if they chose to try. You had made sure that the lunch would go perfectly, booking the best restaurants and making sure that her dietary needs were satisfied, but most importantly, you made sure you were on your best behaviour. 
But no matter how hard you tried, your mother always got on your nerves, lighting every single one of them on fire and you began to argue with her. You got up, paid the bill and left, your head hot with all of the thoughts you had meant to say to your mother. Now, you were home and you wanted to scream and kick everything that came across you. Before you tried to do anything, a blurry figure ran out of the kitchen, clutching a wooden spoon in one hand and a pot in the other, wearing your eggplant designed apron. 
“What the hell?! Is everything okay?” Santiago Garcia lowered his makeshift weapons and stared at you incredulously. 
“Shit, I’m so sorry Santi, didn’t mean to burst in like that.” you said, your anger quickly turning into guilt.
Ex military Santiago Garcia didn’t like loud noises and you felt like an idiot, not remembering your roommate and his very real PTSD. 
“You didn’t answer my question, are you okay?” he asked again, inching closer to you, his voice softer this time. 
In that moment, everything came crashing down on you and you ran into Santi’s arms. You hugged him tightly and started to sob, every cell in your body breaking down from the strain that is your parents. You felt Santi pull the both of you down with his body frame, setting the cooking utensils aside and pulling you into his lap properly, letting you sob into his chest as you mumbled garbage that you thought was coherent.
“It's okay, dulce niña, let it out, you’re okay, you’re here now and I’m here with you.” Santiago whispered through your sobs as you shook against his hard body. 
He caressed your hair and rocked you, lulling you into a soothed state, leaving you only with hiccups after he had dried your tears with the edge of the eggplant apron he was wearing. You emerged from his chest a few minutes later, once you had fully calmed down, rubbing your nose with your sweater sleeve. You came face to face with Santiago’s worried eyes and you gave him a small smile, indicating that you were feeling a lot better.
You looked down and your eyes caught the huge wet patch on Santi’s shirt that had formed from your crying session. 
“Oh, god, Santi, your shirt! I’m so sorry.” you said, trying to rub at the wet patch with your sleeves but to no avail. 
Santiago caught your arms with a chuckle.
“That’s alright, dulce niña, I was planning to throw this shirt out anyway.” he said with a grin.
You nodded before realising that he was messing with you. 
“You dick!” you punch him affectionately before throwing your arms around his neck again. 
“Thanks, Santi.” you mumble into his shoulder. 
“You do know that if you need to talk, I’m always here right?” he whispers back, making your heart swell with happiness.
“I know, and I love you for that.” you say, bringing your face slightly forward and kissing his cheek. 
“I know you’re judging my cooking, I made spaghetti and you’re not having any.” He said, before deploying a tickle attack, making you squeal and scream, desperate to get away from his claws. 
Reblogs are appreciated ~~~~
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