#sanji is scott obvi
undeadwaifu · 9 months
okay so hypothetically... scott pilgrim zosan au????
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i have long thought of One Piece as X-Men with Pirates, and because i am fighting game brained i sometimes imagine what a Capcom style One Piece Vs X-Men roster would look like. They always set them up at least somewhat in a counterpart style so i imagine it being something like:
Luffy - Cyclops (Leaders; Scott's dad's a pirate; BEEEAM!)
Zoro - Wolverine
Nami - Storm
Usopp - Forge (Forge has deserved to be in a fighting game forever comonnnn)
Sanji - Gambit
Chopper - Beast
Robin - Jean Grey
Franky - Colossus
Brook - Marrow (obvy)
Jimbei - Blob (nothing moves the Blob but what about all the water inside him? Get 100 Brick Fisted loser)
Kuma/Pacifista - Sentinel
Blackbeard - Juggernaut
Crocodile - Dust (Sooraya's cool she deserves to be in more stuff)
Bonney - Rogue
Kidd - Magnet
maybe i will come up with more later
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