#samuel & darren
behindthescreamz · 4 months
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excerpts from the “spiral” feature in fangoria magazine vol. 2 issue #7 - written by director darren lynn bousman (april 2020)
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d-criss-news · 9 months
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samuellarsen: These folks, will never understand how absolutely grateful I am to have been a small part of their world. #sagaftrastrong #glee picket
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jonathanbook12 · 1 year
In the amazing book Moby Dick by the author Herman Melville, the author recounts his story of being at sea. In the first part of his book, the author, calling himself Ishmael, is in a small sea-side town and he is sharing a bed with a man named Queequeg.
The author and Queequeg go to church and later set out on a ship captained by the pirate named Ahab, who is missing a leg, and very much wants to kill the whale which is named Moby Dick, and which is white.
In the course of the book, the pirate Ahab encounters many hardships. His entire life is set around trying to kill a certain whale.
I think this is sad because this whale doesn’t have any emotions, and doesn’t know how bad Ahab wants to kill him.
He’s just a poor big animal. And I feel bad for Ahab as well, because he thinks that his life will be better if he can kill this whale, but in reality it won’t help him at all.
I was very saddened by this book, and I felt many emotions for the characters.
And I felt saddest of all when I read the boring chapters that were only descriptions of whales, because I knew that the author was just trying to save us from his own sad story, just for a little while.
This book made me think about my own life, and then it made me feel glad for my---
'The Whale' (2022) dir. Darren Aronofsky.
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landyskog · 2 years
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comphyjost · 2 years
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dorothy16 · 9 months
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.🪧 🪧 🪧 🪧 🪧
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ogradyfilm · 1 year
Recently Viewed: The Whale
[The following review contains MAJOR SPOILERS; YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!]
Like we discussed yesterday, I really want you all to focus on topic sentences more. Too many of you are rushing into examples in your body paragraphs… I know these rules can feel constraining. But remember, the point of this course is to learn how to write clearly and persuasively. That’s how you can effectively communicate your ideas.
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This monologue—delivered by protagonist Charlie to a group of bored, indifferent students in his online English class—is an ironic introduction to The Whale’s central themes, considering the fundamental disconnect between the content of Samuel D. Hunter’s script (adapted from his own stage play) and the substance of the finished product delivered by Darren Aronofsky. In theory, it is a film about celebrating those tiny embers of beauty that faintly illuminate an otherwise arbitrarily cruel world; it wants the audience to rebuke the characters that mock and belittle Charlie for his weight, that reel in disgust at the very sight of him. In practice, however, it approaches its hero’s obesity as a grotesque spectacle, from its opening scene—which features Charlie suffering a near fatal heart attack while masturbating to gay porn—to its extended binge-eating montage, which is shot, edited, and scored like a particularly gory murder in a slasher flick.
The fact that Brendan Fraser manages to imbue such flawed, exploitative material with genuine humanity and emotional honesty is a testament to his immense talent as an actor; he embraces the contradictions that lend Charlie complexity and nuance. Despite his tenacious optimism—his stubborn insistence that people are inherently “wonderful” and “amazing,” even when he’s repeatedly confronted with evidence to the contrary—Charlie is plagued by self-loathing, internalizing the anger and resentment that his friends and loved ones subconsciously project onto him. Indeed, because he blames himself for his misfortunes and the “inconvenience” that they cause for others, his most frequent line of dialogue is, “I’m sorry”—and Fraser makes every apology resonate with devastating authenticity.
Fraser’s performance doesn’t quite salvage the entire movie, but it certainly elevates it to a significant degree. Ultimately, The Whale works best when analyzed from a less literalist perspective; beneath its antiquated, insensitive, and appallingly problematic surface-level depiction of physical disability lurks a thoroughly compelling meditation on compassion, redemption, and reconciliation.
If only its intentions and ambitions weren’t in such direct conflict with its execution.
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ushkowitzdaily · 9 months
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Jenna with the cast and crew of Glee at the SAG AFTRA and WGA Glee themed strike via Instagram
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via Max Adler
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via Iqbal Theba
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via Michael Hitchcock
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via Michael Macrae
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via sarah_thurman
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via darrencriss_fanss
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oldcountrybear1955 · 11 months
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Coitos Magazine #4 2012 - Samuel Murphy Tingman - Photographed by Darren Black
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guillotineman · 1 year
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criticandocriticas · 1 year
A Baleia (The Whale-2022)
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Diretor: Darren Aronofsky
Roteiro: Samuel D. Hunter
Toda vez que eu termino um filme que me impacta muito de alguma forma, eu fico desnorteada, atordoada e é quase automático o meu ato de pegar o celular e pesquisar críticas sobre esses filmes. Foi o que aconteceu com "A Baleia", do Darren Aronofsky, a mesma cabeça e olhos de "Requiém Para Um Sonho" e "Mãe!", duas obras viscerais e loucas que mexeram muito com meu psicológico. Quando terminei de ler a primeira crítica -e única que eu li- eu me senti tão nauseada como várias vezes que eu vi diversas críticas sem sentido e pouco inteligente sobre obras que, na minha opinião, foram maravilhosas e mal avaliadas. Eu senti que eu precisava fazer todo esse tumblr e principalmente esse texto, para não só criticar filmes, mas criticar essas críticas e seus autores.
"A Baleia" é um filme ganhador de dois Oscars em 2023, inclusive de melhor ator com o maravilhoso Brendan Fraser, que mesmo que tenha ficado famoso pelo seu papel em "A Múmia", tem em suas costas "Crash-No Limite", que não é qualquer coisa, é um filme ganhador de um Oscar também. Além de Fraser, esse filme tem um elenco de ouro, atores muito competentes que conseguiram me emocionar do início ao fim. Inclusive, em especial para a Sadie Sink, que é conhecida por papeis mais teens e eu nunca ia imaginar vê-la fazendo um papel tão denso e pesado como esse, me impressionou e eu quero mais dela por aí.
Enquanto eu lia essa crítica, me incomodou muito que o autor não fazia ideia do que estava escrevendo e eu nem sei de verdade se ele assistiu ao filme. Enquanto ele focava no que pode ou não ser politicamente correto, eu conseguia ver nas suas "entrelinhas" seus próprios preconceitos ao ponto de comparar a gordofobia com crime de ódio à pessoas pretas ou judias. Começando pelo título: Apesar de "baleia" ser uma palavra usada para diminuir e fazer piada com pessoas gordas, no filme, a baleia é uma metáfora (não tão metáfora) para fazer uma relação com o livro Moby Dick. O filme inteiro, o personagem Charlie se apega a um resumo do livro que ele guarda com amor na sua gaveta. Ele não é a baleia porque ele é gordo, ele é a baleia porque ele tenta se matar o filme inteiro como o Capitão Ahab tenta matar Moby Dick durante a história, sua filha é a baleia, o missionário Thomas também é, todos os personagens importantes na história são de alguma forma.
Esse filme me pegou de jeito, quando ele mostrou os últimos dias de um homem sofrido, depressivo que por causa de todos esses problemas desenvolveu obesidade mórbida, uma doença que é fatal e que nós sabíamos pelo seu estilo de vida (e já nas primeiras cenas) que ele morreria no final da semana. Enquanto o crítico se preocupava como o diretor devia abordar o tema ou se era gordofóbico, eu vi a realidade nua e crua jogada na minha cara de forma extremamente visceral e dolorosa. Não porque o personagem estava morrendo aos poucos, mas porque o que eu estava vendo era literalmente a realidade, não só de pessoas obesas moribundas, mas de pessoas gordas em geral. A sociedade costuma tratar essas pessoas com desprezo, com nojo, as vezes até como animais, dói mesmo ver que ninguém pediu pra ser assim quando o padrão de beleza é ser magro, choca mesmo ver o que acontece em casa quando você tá sofrendo e ninguém tá vendo.
Quando as pessoas pensam em distúrbios alimentares, o que vem em mente são pessoas extremamente magras e com aspecto esquelético. Tá tudo bem falar sobre essas pessoas desde que elas sejam magras e bonitas, não é mesmo? Afinal é muito menos ofensivo ver corpos magros que sofrem pra ser o que esperam deles do que o contrário. O que as pessoas normalmente não sabem, é que boa parte dos bulímicos, por exemplo, vomitam porque comem demais, chama-se compulsão alimentar. Mas e se essas pessoas não vomitam, o que acontece? Charlie acontece.
As reações dos estudantes quando ele se mostra na webcam pela primeira vez ao final do filme não foram exageradas, essa é a reação que a sociedade tem todas as vezes que veem algo que sentem nojo. É a reação que eu vejo todos os dias quando algumas pessoas falam (e zoam) da dançarina, influenciadora digital e ativista Thaís Carla ou de qualquer outra pessoa de gordinha a obesa que faz sucesso na internet (e até as que preferem anonimato). Apesar de todo esse body positive, nenhuma delas escolheu ser assim, seja por algum problema na saúde física ou psicológica (as vezes até pelos dois). Independente de qual motivo que trás a obesidade para a vida de uma pessoa, o fato é que é realmente duro lidar com a verdade e ela não é pra todas as pessoas.
A arte não precisa ser o tempo todo uma metáfora, não precisa falar nas "entrelinhas", como diz o autor da crítica que eu li. Ela pode vir como um tapa na cara e um grito enquanto você empatiza com o personagem. E é o que o Darren Aronofsky faz nas suas obras. Ele conta histórias reais, te coloca no lugar do personagem e te faz sentir absolutamente tudo. Ele te faz julgar o personagem e se julgar pelo que você está julgando. Mesmo em "Mãe!" que tem todas umas alegorias e metáforas no meio, ele mastiga tudo pra você e te faz engolir a seco e isso sufoca mesmo, eu passei 1 semana deprimida depois de assistir "Requiem Para um Sonho". Se você não está preparado pra a realidade, você não está preparado para a arte.
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coochiequeens · 1 year
A UK-based drag queen well known for his performances to children is fundraising for the funeral costs of a convicted child sex offender he calls his “friend.”
A UK-based drag queen well known for his performances to children is fundraising for the funeral costs of a convicted child sex offender he calls his “friend.”
On January 23, drag queen Aida H. Dee, the stage name of performer Sab Samuel, announced on Facebook that he was fundraising for the funeral costs of Darren Moore, a fellow drag queen.
“Taken unjustly!” Samuel wrote in his post. “I’d like to help give my friend the send off he deserves,” he wrote, providing the link to a GoFundMe campaign for Moore and affixing to the post a photo of Moore and his husband.
But what Samuel neglected to mention was that Moore is a convicted child sex offender. 
Moore, 39, was found dead in full drag costume on the streets of Cardiff City Centre on the morning of 22 January. Previously known as Darren Sewell, Moore was convicted of four counts of rape on a boy under the age of 14 while living in South Wales. As a result, he spent 3 years in a Young Offenders’ Institution.
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Following his offense, Moore was also banned from having contact with children. But in 2011, he was caught working with youth as a gymnastics and dance tutor and was convicted of breaching the lifetime order. He was sentenced to a three-year sex offender’s treatment program, a 24-month supervision order, 300 hours of community service, and a six-month curfew with an electronic tag.
Moore changed his name after he married his husband, who is also named Darren.
At the time of his death, Moore had worked as a jeweler and performed drag under the names Crystal Couture, CC Quinn and Dolly. Moore had exhibited his jewellery at RuPaul’s annual Dragcon event in London in 2020. 
As a drag queen, Moore once represented British Airways at a Pride Festival in Brighton in 2018. When his previous convictions came to light, British Airways released a statement saying he did not work for the airline but was brought in by a “third party entertainment agency who supplied a number of people for the event.” They also said they were unaware of his convictions under his previous name.
Also in 2018, audience members walked out of a “Pride Without Prejudice” performance of Moore’s after he made light-hearted comments about child abuser Jimmy Saville.
Investigations are still on-going into Moore’s cause of death, but police have cautioned the public against speculation. Despite this, some members and supporters of the drag queen community have already begun to claim Moore’s death was the result of a “hate crime.”
Upon announcements of his death, the drag queen community, particularly in Cardiff, began mourning the loss of Moore on social media.
Sab Samuel, known as “the story time drag queen” Aida H. Dee, posted on his Facebook page that Moore was “an exuberant human being, taken from the world too early,” adding: “Rest In Power!” 
He also shared that he wore jewelry that Moore made for him, and provided a link to a fundraiser to raise money for his funeral costs. Samuel has been seen wearing the ADHD necklace he references in the post at story time events with children and in official Drag Queen Story Hour UK photos.
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Just over two hours later, Samuel posted again in memory of the child sex offender, writing: “Taken unjustly! I’d like to help give my friend the send off he deserves. Please see the link below. This is to support the husband in this horrible horrible time.”
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The top comment on the post raised awareness of Moore’s previous convictions saying “Lots of media now reporting on this death but referring to him as a convicted pedophile.” Comments have since been disabled on the page.
Samuel shared the link to a Gofundme for Moore a third time today, which reads:
“Anyone who knew Darren would know how he was never understated in his appearance and costume. His larger than life character and charisma was something that you’ll never forget. We’d like to support Darren and the family and give Darren the biggest send off. If you’re able to and can afford a few quid, please donate what you can to ensure we do him proud.”
The fundraiser has already surpassed the £3,000 (approx. $3,700 USD) target and has raised £4,875 (approx. $6,000 USD) at the time of this writing. One donator left a message on the page reading, “Had the pleasure of meeting Darren last year in Gran Canaria, although very briefly, you could just tell what a beautiful soul he truly had.”
Another donor wrote: “Darren was and will always be a very special person to have known and been a friend with, his out there personality was contagious and he was someone who you couldn’t but love.” 
Samuel has raised concerns on social media in the past for his conduct around children, with some calling his drag costume inappropriate due to its sometimes prominent genital “bulge.”
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Despite tremendous backlash, he continues to be routinely booked for “story hour” gigs in libraries and public venues across the United Kingdom.
Just weeks prior to posting in support of Moore, Samuel, who is the founder of Drag Queen Story Hour UK, announced he was set to perform for children at The Tate Gallery in London.
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Concerned parents in the nation opposed to Drag Queen Story Hour have established a group called “Art Not Propaganda” and recently stated they have formally complained to The Tate regarding their decision to host the story hour event.
The parents have established a petition which currently has 3,400 signatures, and lists historical posts made by Samuel the group says raises safeguarding concerns.
“Sab Samuel has shared multiple images and comments on social media which raise serious safeguarding red flags. A teacher would be dismissed for the same,” they wrote in the petition. Amongst the infractions are a Twitter post from July of 2020 which Samuels captions “love has no age.” The parents point out that the phrase was popularized by a group which once campaigned to lower the age of sexual consent.
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Other groups, such as Safe Schools Alliance UK and the Family Education Trust, have similarly raised concerns about Samuel’s past conduct. On January 13, Samuel responded to the backlash in an interview with Pink News where he blamed the conservative government for enabling “queer hate.”
Just last year, Pink News named Samuel “Leader of the Year” at their annual awards show for his “work with children, helping them fall in love with literature.”
Samuel first rose to infamy after he began touring libraries across the UK to read in his drag persona. He founded the UK branch of Drag Queen Story Hour in 2019, and his enterprise proudly boasts it has been featured by the National Health Service, Greenpeace, Forbes, and more.
In November of 2022, Samuel uploaded a video to Facebook in which he was almost on the verge of tears while recounting his experience hiding his sexuality from a family member’s children.
“I did not want to tell my family member or their children about me being gay because I could have been a danger — I don’t know, it was weird … I think back to that moment, I felt like a disgusting human being. I’d grown up with the idea that being gay was disgusting,” Samuel says. “People wonder why I do drag queen story hours, it’s because of those reasons there. Because I grew up hating who I was. Now, any kids who are queer are not going to grow up with that in their life. I want kids to grow up to love themselves, but to be surrounded by those who love them too.”
As backlash continues to mount against “drag queen story hours” around the world, Samuel’s events have been met with protests.
During one demonstration at Reading Library last year, two protesters managed to interrupt the session while about 25 others continued outside the venue. They were escorted out by staff and the event continued.
There have been similar demonstrations against such events in North America. As a result, antifa militants wielding guns have been seen standing “guard” in front of some venues hosting drag shows for children.
By Shay Woulahan Shay is a writer and social media content creator for Reduxx. She is a proud lesbian activist and feminist who lives in Northern Ireland with her partner and their four-legged, fluffy friends.
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d-criss-news · 7 months
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jonyricker: Well babes, that’s a wrap on the Darren Criss Worldwide Concert Experience of 2023™️ (working title 😎)!! What a fuckin HONOR to tour so many places with this fun-as-hell crew! 🍻And to finish things off with 2 sold out shows at the iconic @thelondonpalladium?! Mind blowing. 🤯 Y’all gave us a PROPER British send off, loves😘 🇬🇧
Feeling nothing but gratitude for this whole experience of these shows over the last several months. And ill tell ya: not something, as the internet is wont to say, I had on bingo card! 🎰 So many incredible folks at both @michaelcasselgroup & @lambertjacksonproductions who made these international excursions easy, efficient, & as a result SUPER fun for everyone 🤩 would work with ALL of them again in a heartbeat!! They’re stars and deserve their laurels! 🎖️
Slides 3, 4, & 5 feature our Aussie boots on the ground 🥾: Jaqui, @alex_duffy, & @jendangdang! They became our beautiful lil touring family down unda!! Bringing a big show like this across the Pacific Ocean is a daunting task, but this team went above and beyond every step of the way and made it look EASY? Plus? All of ‘em the best people? I miss em 💗
📋Example? Slides 6 & 7: A beautiful afternoon cruise through Sydney Harbor with the Michael Cassel team 🛥️ and Sam (@biomassage_official), a marvelous masseuse and beautiful soul! 💫 We we’re treated to a luxury massage w/ Sam and dare I say… it was the beat/most restorative massage if my life? He’s magic 💆🏻‍♂️
After Australia, we had no idea we’d be heading to London a month later and @itsjamielambert & his team carried the torch of this tour to the finish line with magnificent panache! 🔥💥There was stunning pyro 🎇 multiple guests 💃🏻 meet & greets 📸 and we did it TWICE in one day! Tho we had so much less time with them (36 hours!) but I marveled at what they achieved and was honored to work with them 🙏🏼 slide 8 feat. Our fab producer @phoebenoble__ who rocked it all day with us and STILL slayed 👏
TL;DR - We got to work with the best people and they Fuckin’ rock 🤘 . . . #tourlife #darrencriss #concert #londonpalladium #australia #youreintheband #teamstarkid 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿📸: @danny_with_a_camera
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archived-lehkonen · 2 years
avs twt really gave us all the pretty best friends today
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jayfinch · 1 year
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The Whale
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rilowitz · 2 years
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