#sammy cosplays
seawardboundsammy · 16 days
after many months of work, I reveal my magnum opus. The Sidestep Battlejacket.
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pov: ortega seeing sidestep whole for the last time
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Holy shit! It's finished!!!
This was my final for my costume design class and it took. so long. Weighing in around 800 pounds in faux leather and spikes, this is by far the most polished and focused battle jacket I've ever made. also noting that typically i wear big glasses! i just had to show off sidestep's eyebags (my hair is always teal though! ult fave color). The prop gun is a nerf gun covered in so much paint.
This design is based off my sidestep Arbor's suit combined with the dog themes sidestep has (eg: bite the hand). More thoughts and wips under the cut!
So this jacket has actually existed in some form since 2020. I bought this leather jacket with the intention of covering it in studs and spikes and then i petered out half way through. Then, after sitting in my closet for 4 years, i finally started back up on it.
These images were my gospel through the project. The design on the left was made a while before and then you can see in real time how i developed my ideas. I had the idea of the front side being "sidestep" and then the back side with the teeth being "retribution/vsona". like a mullet of trauma. the gun was made to match the organic flowing designs of the jacket, to fit the arboreal theme.
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the painting of the teeth was a painstaking process filled with much masking tape and clean up. the arm stripes were free handed in a mad dash to the finish. I used Angelus Leather Paints (which i bought WAY too much of, a little goes miles also its so good not sponsored its just good paint) and every section got two coats of white and two coats of teal. The only exception was the orange which is much more transparent which took more coats and hand cramping with those letters. (which btw! no stencil! just moving my brush around all silly style).
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i really wanted a prop to make the jacket into something that actually feel like a cosplay, so i hunted down the most sci-blaster nerf gun i could find on amazon and threw gallons of paint at it. the experienced among you may note that nothing wants to stick to that smooth of plastic, but with a solid sanding and angelus acrylic hardener i made it work. originally there were more stripes but it looked busy. there were also going to be two charms for charge and anathema but i um. forgor.
unsanded vs sanded (and some acetone to remove paint) vs final
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the hood! good god that hood. that was ripped off an old hoodie and then i found a shirt at a thrift store that just happened to match the color perfectly. its. attached. if you know anything about sewing, please look away from this evil seam. the purple is just to keep it from fraying btw, the actual connection to the jacket it with a much thinner thread in big stitches as to not weaken the faux leather too much. also you can see where i was testing the paint lol.
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if you read to here, thank you!! im so proud of this thing and i cant wait to wear it everywhere (when the weather allows.) have a sleepy steppy as a treat for sticking around
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clovermousee · 5 months
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with the bendy movie being announced i wanted to finally draw out my au where henry says fuck it and becomes the studio’s version of betty grof
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cosplaying-memester · 22 days
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"Thanks Joey. Just what I needed. More distractions. These stupid cartoon songs don't write themselves, you know."
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roux36prod · 1 year
Left Twitter before it burns down, so now I’m here.
Have some Bendy.
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bird-knight · 1 month
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Guys I'm back in my Batim/Batdr phase. Send help.
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jadedazemations · 1 year
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Bendy Christmas!
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Haha puns.
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eclipse-studios · 1 year
Tutoriel Bendy Props (Part 1)
Hi ! Today there’s a lot to do, because we’re making props ! To appease the gods...
In this first part, I’ll show you how to make the following objects :
Bacon Soup
Film roll of “the End “
Don’t worry, this the same technique for every props, I’ll just guide you through the measuring and painting you’ll have to do for these particular props !
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The materials :
EVA Foam, Ultra High Density - 7 mm
Foam Clay
Contact Cement
Hot Glue
Ochre acrylic paint
Black acrylic paint
Rotary Tool
The stages of creation :
1. Make a pattern. So this time we don’t have “reel” measures in this game. To solve this problem I used the “Bendy Crack-up Comics Collection” for reference, because “The Illusion of Living” book ( that we’ll make too in one of the following tutorials ! ) is the same size as this cartoon book. For a perfect circle, I often use a bowl or a lid.
Oh, and about the vinyl… It’s a pretty small one you can find in-game, and given the comparaison with the book, it’s a small one so it’s a 45 rpm ( which makes sense since it’s a single ), and for that part it’s important to conserve the standard 17cm diameter. The gear is a 10 toothed one, and i know it’s annoying since it’s hardly symmetrical but hey, cosplay is an exact science !
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2. Cut the foam around your pattern : Don’t forget that the props is in 3D so you have to cut 3 layers of foam. For the End Reel, you have to create a box-type pattern because it’s thick. For the bacon soup I just took a can of mushrooms and painted over it for the texture and the metallic feel, but you can cut it in foam too following the same technique as the reel.
3. After everything is cut nicely, you have to glue it with hot glue or contact cement. For perfect seams, I recommend you sand it gently before filling the holes with Foam Clay. For a cleaner texture, you can warm your foam in order to seal it. Sadly, I can’t do that because my heat gun is too… hot and melts away the foam, but a hairdryer could work.
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4. Now, it’s time to paint ! So this part, is the longest of this creation. I don’t have real tips for you for this part, apart from looking closely at your reference pictures ( preferably from the game if you’re looking for replicas ).
You start with a coat or two of yellow ochre paint ( yes, like Bob Ross always says ), or the colour you feel is fitting, before adding in the black details ! About the tools you can use, Posca paint pens are the best, but they’re expensive. If you’re patient enough, you can use a thin paintbrush  and go back and forth between coats of black and yellow if you do mistakes ( BUT ALWAYS LET THE PAINT DRY BEFORE ANOTHER COAT, ELSE THEY’LL MERGE AND YOU’LL BE LEFT WITH SAD, DARK BROWN ). It important to have a good painting ocre whit lot of pigments.
Don’t forget, you must have fun so you can add your own references even if they are not canon.
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And that’s the look you can achieve in this part ! Congratulations ! Don’t forget to ask me if you need help for your own props, since I keep all my patterns and techniques.
I hope you enjoyed this post format, and I’ll tell you soon about Eclipse Studios !
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wally-franks-stan · 2 years
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gh0stgr1nder · 2 months
me and my friends are prob going to the pride parade tgis year💥
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monotone-inkwell · 1 year
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Cosplay Collages. Part 1.
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spacefunclubs · 8 months
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Had such a wonderful time at NYCC this year, and meeting this wonderful man was definitely the biggest highlight~ 💖 he ADORED the gifts I gave him, and him calling me by my name felt so surreal, it truly was an unforgettable experience ;w; ❤️
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nightmare3614 · 2 years
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spotlightstudios · 1 year
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Oh guys... I'm wounded
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I've lost myself to the Ink.
I gotta clean up the mask and finish the axe, but oml...
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cosplaying-memester · 2 years
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Finally did a BATIM cosplay after a few years yayyyy-
These are my versions of the studio's workers (minus Thomas and Norman)
In case you're wondering who's who: the first person is Wally Franks (though, I think that was rather obvious XD), second person is Sammy Lawrence, third is Grant Cohen, fourth is Joey Drew, fifth is young Henry Stein, sixth is current Henry, seventh is Jack Fain, eighth Bertrum Piedmont, and the final one is Shawn Flynn (who was also obvious).
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nevaehdavis5675 · 5 months
Heres is daddy's girl Samantha Lawrence
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crappy sammy cosplay i attempted earlier lol
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